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jas Mar 2020
I know my demons by name. Guess you could say we’re friends. Well more like frenemies. Do you know that popular girl in school? And if you do then you must know the outcast that she diminishes for her lack of self-esteem or whatever.
Well, I’m the outcast. Walking the halls with my headphones to drown out the constant bickering running around my mind. Hiding behind my cozy black hoodie. Comfort never felt like home. At least that keeps me safe.
Until I reach the chills of the cafeteria. I enjoy being alone so I’m grateful to be ignored by the general population. Stuffing my face in a book while I eat my cold sandwich is such an easy way to avoid eye contact. Why would I ever want to make contact with mindless humanity?
And yet I am somehow noticed by the “clique” run by little ms. popular. Judged by the clothes I wear. Is black even a color? Am I too broke to afford the name brand? Nails aren’t done, must be broke. Who even does make-up like that?
Don’t get offended, I just want to help you, sweetie. She says as the others giggle away. They’ve tortured me all my life, that I unwillingly learned their names. Yet, I am known as a “weird girl”.
You see there’s ‘Ann - xiety’, and yes she is as fidgety as her name sounds. She may seem like she has it all together but on the inside is a wreck of a world. Fear of living day to day surrounded by her social peers, judging. You see I’m not the only one who gets judged. And there is always a massive panic right before the big test. She had nausea constantly that it was rumored around that she might be pregnant.
Of course, I knew better, because, well, I knew better. Then, there is a tall langley dude, I think his name is ‘D... - Pression’,? Although I never figured out his full name. He’s new but my mind boggled me when he was accepted into the “clique” because he seemed as dark as me. Maybe more. I guess it was that chiseled jawline and soft black hair. Or I’m guessing it’s soft like I would know. His pale skin reminds me of a vampire, and who didn’t ever want to be bitten by one?
There is ‘Al - Cohol’. He/ Him is transgender. The only reason he fits in is that he is the little brother to Ms. Popular. How convenient. She defends him to the fullest. He either has two personalities. One is loud and ambitious daring the inevitable and the other shedding tears reciting his lost love from before. Or a changing world. Always a puzzle with that guy.
Out of all the bunch, the loudest is ‘Coco’ aka ‘White girl’. Her name is the definition of controversy. No matter how much she goes she stays in the sun I swear she never tans. She is the person to describe a party all night and sleeps when you’re dead. Although I swear she has the worst of allergies.
Oh, and don’t let me forget the queen bee herself ‘Mirror’. Strange name I know, but her parents are like self-righteous hippies or some ****. I bet if I dressed like her we could seem relatable. I mean, she was my best friend growing up. And I know, everyone has heard that story before, but it’s true. Ride or die up until high school, or perhaps it started before that. I could never pinpoint.
Life happens suddenly and if you don’t happen with it then you’re left behind. What can I say? I looked at life with depth and somehow had a deeper understanding than your average. So, yeah they left my *** behind and I developed into society as being the “weird kid”.
Somehow, these people never fail to haunt me every waking day. Just like shadows following my every move, I could never exist in silence entirely. Could I? I just want life to end sometimes. I don’t really know if it’s just this life or in general. It could be both, don’t question me.
So yeah, demons exist. I mean if you’re a non-believer then good for you. Matter fact, I applaud. I do, really. I think, well I wonder, what would it be to live a privileged life? A life with no demons, nobody to haunt you. No chills down your spine when you walk the halls. And for sure no ‘clique’ to torment you every day. But, in my book, you are living life. And tell me please, what could be better than that?
jas Sep 2018
i knew she had been crying
her face red, and her eyes were glazed
small chuckles followed by a crack in her voice
straight looks out the window,
unsure what to ask her
i kept the radio for noise
took her some drinks
a shot from the bottle drowned the silent cries
alcohol was the disguise
and yet she kept quiet about her tears
and i acted like i didn't hear
driving her home
i wished her goodnight
to wake up the next morning in fright

she was gone...

if only i could discover what demons she was facing
if only i could be the one who ended up saving her
but alas, i wasn't

she's gone now and i keep thinking about our night in the truck
jas Aug 2018
the taste of liquor on your lips drives me
goosebumps thrive on the back of my neck
irresistible touch
traces of your sultry skin
eating me up inside

i'm drunk

jas May 2019
butterflies in my stomach
or is it just nerves
I feel all too much
to feel such a bug
with wings that could soar
I could never

a few moments being in your presence
cause me to overthink every situation
hundreds down the road of my brain
catch a breathe just to keep from going insane

these emotions are dangerous
never would I recommended
it's unraveling thinking about you

do you feel the same?
is this all a misconstrue?
a dream? or living humility

a symbol of butterflies creeps into my soul
don't understand if this is good or bad
time will tell
half glass or full

or maybe the glass is crushed..
having a crush. idk.
jas Feb 2018
caught by a glance
hoping to have a first chance
stuck on a high
my heart is floating in the sky
above the clouds
smoke in my mind

darkness has arrived
holds breath
upon a shooting star
wishing to make you all mine
for the rest of my life

every day and every night.
jas Mar 2018
my hearts been damaged
down to the core
and i don’t understand
all the pain i’ve endured
i don’t understand
why you’d do this to me
i’m left broken and beaten

can’t stand this feeling
this feeling of  not living
my heart can’t take this damage
i’m famished
forever lost my passion

baby , i’ve changed and i can’t stand it
i’m damaged
inspired by changes - xxxtentacion
jas Oct 2018
darkness awaits
creeping into your skin
chilling secrets
washed away with a bottle of gin
goosebumps on your neck
from kisses of death
once midnight reaches
beware what may breach
into your soul
darkness no longer awaits

          for us all
jas Jun 2019
how can i be asked to celebrate?
a day for you , i can’t relate
to much of anything anymore
it’s unreal to be branded such a holiday
which you took no part of

imagine a kid calling you dad
because you took part in a role
i still don’t understand

imagine we share that same person
it had to be you, why you?
why me?

i feel sorry for not getting to know me
twenty some years later,
it’s hard to believe
i’ve lived this life so long that it is my reality

i can’t have daddy issues if i never had a dad

i am still out in the world ,  not waiting to be found

a stranger in the rear view mirror
a face in the crowd

this day was not meant for you
you’d be a fool ...
jas Sep 2020
you got me daydreaming
about your eyes
I almost forget to breathe
when you stand right next to me
you get me so high
you're out of the universe
the way you got me locked
it's like a curse
i'd never wish this upon anyone else
am i selfish?
only want it for myself
jas Feb 2018
day dreaming
transformed into another world
my heads in the clouds
while I've landed in space
drifting away
thoughts form the images in my mind
vividly living in this wonder land

within a blink of an eye
im snapped back to reality
deep breaths
back into hiding
sitting in a corner
locking myself in a room
hoping no one finds me

if I could close my eyes once more..
jas Jan 2018
i know i push my luck
will i ever be enough?
it’s so hard to trust
i’m just tryna gain your love

baby it’s hard for me to expose myself
maybe it’s all the **** i’ve been dealt
i’m so afraid
this feeling just don’t go away

around my heart like a barricade
i know you see tham caution tape
it’s written all over my face
wanna be a hero?
let me see your cape
i’m so tired of hiding
but what are you providing?

i throw myself just to get hurt
i put in all my heart
but sometimes it’s never enough
and i get torn apart

i just want someone that i can love
but what if that’s too much to ask for?

it’s apparent that i ask too much
read up on newton’s 3rd law
but you don’t believe in such
much to my reaction
you show little to no action
& that’s a distraction
i won’t have
but i’ve had it up to here
some **** i will no longer bare
will no longer be your puppeteer

i put in all this work
twenty four / seven
just to get buried in the dirt
but if you do not appreciate my art
than you do not get my heart

i guess it was all the lies
so insert into my eyes
into my mind
what i have now visualized

to drop dead weight
that’s very outdated
to look back on how i was baited
now you’ve had a chance to see how i’ve been created

so i’ll push my luck
on to the next bet
i’m still on the search for love
but this time i won’t sweat

            love yours truly ,
                       no longer in debt
day 27
jas Feb 2018
as im typing this out im overwhelmed with emotions,
spilling them into text is how I release them.
I wonder if one day my words make it out there will you read them?
about all my scars and imperfections, my life and the journey I've gone thru to get here. to get there, wherever you are.

I hope your reading this.

scars on my heart, the pages of the book where you took a piece of me out.
blissful peace, my past romances, heartfelt goodbyes,  and a earning of a life.

I hope your reading this.

twenty three years on this earth and counting.
you'd never recognize me in the streets if you knew it was coming.
maybe I sit back and I think you don't get to know me
twenty three years I have been brave.
I have been striving and blossoming into the person you never knew I could become
and I couldn't have done it without my mom.

sorry , but I hope your reading this.
so you can know I don't need you in my life
no need to search anymore that option went out when you went out the door
on the day I was born
I was no longer yours

I hope you never learned how to read
jas Sep 2019
death is my neighborhood friend
she has followed me all my life
no matter the outcome of situations
death always prevailed
speaking lightly on such a subject would inflict a mere slit on the tip of the tongue
she is genuine at all times
though some may find it hard to believe I have never caught her in a lie
to be frightened is to be frail
for tears shed, hearts break, last words are spoken
actions are derailed into a different outcome
yet through all the demise, she remains vigorous
death has no boundaries
I have learned that the strenuous way
there is no difference in those related to my own blood and water
death stops at no personal obligations nor obstacles
adolescent days dare to compare to my maturity of today
death broke apart relationships of all kind
sometimes spiritually she drained me of love I could no longer bear witness to the outside world
she drained me of my close ones,
'family,' if you will
left me to anguish and mourn like a deserted soul
isolated from society, the world, love, or any such interactions were just extreme to divulge in
building up a tolerance to agony was just a challenge to her for the near future
other times she lacked me of mental termination
friendships of such were burned and buried beneath the ground
someplace called hell
for they would never return and if they sought out to intervene in my life once again death would appear and rip the soulless creatures right out of their existence with me.
I could barely bear witness on either or, nor did I want to comply but I, myself, had no say in the fate of life.
my mind, body, and soul were alternated
never will I be a carbon copy of my old self
death is my friend
she remains synonymously unpredictable
if I, myself, were to die, I would, in turn, welcome my friend.


                             , eulogy

   "Hello my dear, for I have not missed you for an abundance of time it seems you have missed me. whereas I contemplate over no comprehension other than the certainty of you needing my very presence. all of the atrocious things I have done is diseased along with the misery of atoning to every thought and situation dealt with my life on this earth. let alone the well being that I also obtained in a timely matter has now released me into a never-ending dimension"
still more i need to add, please accept this rough draft.
jas Jun 2018
drowning in my demons
the world on my shoulders
keep my head up
tell me when its over

deep into the abyss
my mind lays with it
to search for ways to escape
is suicide

dancing around the edge
of the devils corner

[ e s c a p e ]

vision into the future
i seek the words so faintly read

the surface seems surreal
jas May 2018
my demons come alive in the day time
not just at night ,
so if you ask me why
i never close my eyes ,
it just might be my mind filled with fright

with no chance of escape
i chase death to be my fate
should i hold my breath
i need not be saved
i must jump at the chance before it’s too late

hopeful to rise to heaven
as the demons cannot be risen
hopeful to leave this earth
with my body as their prison

if i should ever return
( that is believing in reincarnation)
amongst the streets a familiar face you’ve been missing

please , i beg of you

don’t tell my demons.
jas Feb 2020
idk how to live when all I do is die
every day I'm always someone new
just gives it time
time to realize all the demons in my mind
is anyone even by my side?

time to fall apart
to drown in the dark
can't seem to find the light
that everyone talks about

if only I could find the missing link
what would it take to be free?
standing at death's door
I don't wanna cry anymore

these demons
chasing me
no escape
from reality

I don't wanna cry anymore
my heart never felt so sore
if you listen closely
you can hear it in my voice
the demons they live here
deep inside my head

it would be so easy being dead
based off of falling in reverse - the drug in me is you reimagined
jas May 2018
this cant be
real to me
not just yet
can't live with regret
see the past, and forget..
jas Feb 2018
leave me to rot in this grave that              reeks of depression
            grasping for a fresh breath
                  dirt filled nails on my worn out fingers
                                        left with a weary spirit
                                                          ­ I've lost the will to exist

perhaps this is the end of the end.
jas Dec 2017
‪it all felt like a dream‬
i woke up still feeling the same
look out to the window pane
the weather seems to match my mood
a little dark & clouds with gloom
raindrops pitter patter on the glass
i can't continue to wear this mask
although i wear it well
everyday conversations couldn't tell
my heart weighs heavy ,
my souls drifting away
this pain feels deadly
much like decay
maybe one day i'll be like you
i'll look out the window all sunny & blue
smiles & laughs , grinning cheek to cheek
at least that's what i view, so to speak
if only others could see me clearly
right thru this melancholy i continue to wear
but nobody sees bc nobody cares.
i can't seem to speak up , nor wouldn't dare.
& maybe that's life , never fair.
but i continue to wish waking up from this dream
at least that's what it feels like running thru my bloodstream
only emotion i ever posses
only one i never forget.
jas Jan 2018
you can give your whole heart out to people.
and they destroy you.
walk all over it.
it's useless to them.
and walk away from the disaster that you are now. hurt. betrayed. alone.
hiding behind a mask but only for so long.
the tears come down bc you can't hold them in anymore.
you can't be strong.
can no longer hold on.
to anything but reality. & that's not really living
so many disgusting people in this world
so few i keep in my circle
well really just two
that's less than a few
karma comes around
& seeks the truth
so i'll worry about me
& i'll let things be
here's another poem
bc of a tradgedy.
jas Apr 2018
I've been
like a disappointment

what can i do?

..if im not enough for you

i try so hard,
to be happy and gracefully
but it never seems to work out

im failing fast

any moment and im drowning

sometimes i just wanna die
sometimes i ask myself why do i try?
if im not enough
than it must be pointless
to find reasons to go on..

what a disappointment
jas Apr 2018
if i should wither away for just a moment
to jump on the chance to disappear
floating in the distance like a familiar memory
contemplating life and its journey
jas Dec 2017
you were just a distraction
I needed you so I could look away
so I could be at peace
if just for awhile
because once your gone
you go with my smile

the world falls apart around me
im suffocating yet im still breathing
how is that possible
to feel broken and nothing at all

so yes, ill take my distraction
ill take it so gracefully
put you in my pocket and pick you out only when I need you the most

in the midst of it all, I turned my face away for just a second
and your gone
disappeared into thin air
I try to see but its vision is cloudy

and when I take a step back
I open my eyes
even my mind
and the distractions that once took over my life
have also disappeared
such like you
jas Mar 2018
bottles on my dresser,
note at the door
sorry if you cant reach me
im not gunna pick up the phone
i just wanna be left alone

pulled up my laptop
saw you on the screen
couldn't stop thinking
about you and me

lasted a minute
with you on my side
but i guess i could never tell time
love had me wired,
love had me blind
love had me losing my mind

now you've moved on
i guess that's great
while im hanging onto your photo
crying tears of pain
guess you already forgot about me..

so don't knock on my door
don't call on my phone
don't wanna hear your voice
just leave me alone

                                                   - a loving heart turned to stone
jas Jul 2019
don't make me
go down that road again
i've lost all directions
can you imagine?

the pain...

always knowing I'm no longer the same

you can't make me
you can't break me

the suffering you did in disguise
hidden by lies
i struggled to even put up a fight

to be continued
jas Jun 2018
do you remember,
all the old times
good memories
when everything was fine

do you remember
when it was just me and you
deep in love
nothing ever was so true

do you remember
or reminisce
back on the playground
our first kiss

do you remember
when you loved me so
if i could go back
id never leave home

oh, i stay broken
all of what used to be
between you and me

oh, so fragile
losing something so magical
no more breaths
cant feel a heartbeat
its all gone

death is a strange thing

i remember
back one day
you were by my side and we would pray
for better dreams
jas Feb 2019
I've been dreaming
since the day I woke
don't you realize
when love will strike you blind
strike you in the eyes
in the mind
jas Jan 2018
dreaming of a place
where the world doesn't hate
dreaming of a place
of no mistakes
where we all get together and just create
jas Jan 2018
drink the pain away
whiskey puts me in a daze
perhaps this is my escape
escape from reality
lonely and afraid
one day i hope i wake
and this will all just be a dream

but i’m scared to fall asleep
scared of being weak
for me to want to wake up
my faith would have to leap

i cry when i’m around you
but you may never notice
that’s because i hide
you’d never tell i’m broken
or that i’m lonely

searching for ways to get out
running away from the dark clouds
running away from all my doubts
how can i be good enough for you
when i’m not good enough for myself

drink the pain away
it gives me a funny taste
but i drink it anyway
now i’m numb again
& with a snap my problems are gone
i’m back on top
forgot who i was

so hey
let’s grab a date
tell me all the things that we can relate
i’m out of my box , out of my cage
only for a moment
before i turn the page
and awake the next day
it was nothing but a dream

can’t tell the difference between a dream and reality
drink pain dream scarred
jas Feb 2018
if I can have another drink
before I sleep
than maybe life might be okay
ill live another day
a smile on my face
maybe another drink
jas Aug 2018
***** and whiskey
mind gets slippery
uneven slopes down your body of..
one day, to understand
pessimistic feelings
fading away in the distance of ones thoughts
for moments of time
moments of life
within the reach of my fingers
i can feel the exit on the tip of my grasp
subzero liquor bottles numb my soul inside
as i take a sip that drips down my spine
over an uneasy stomach
words ***** as i open my mouth to
certain sentiments boiled deep into a gut wrenching void
of living with distant reflections
intoxicated thoughts tangled in the brain.
jas Mar 2018
i’m feeling your vibe
vibing with all the signs
not paying attention to the clock on the wall
time is...  the last thing on my mind

easily feeling
life seems so breezy
i’m so high
i could touch the ceiling

is this real
is this a dream
i’ve heard stories
but figured it was make believe
i cannot believe
this is happening to me
the rush of love comes so suddenly

easily feeling
going with the breeze
this feeling is what you give to me
r&b vibes
jas Mar 2019
this is the end
of eternity
it's been so long
i forgot to breathe

but here i am
whole again

i lick my lips
and remember
who this is
who i want to kiss

it's not you

so if this is the end
and farewell
oh, i do wish you well

but this is the end

and this is the beginning
jas Sep 2020
it's late at night
i've been crying
can't seem to get you out of my mind
got me up all night
wondering why
I was never enough for you

I gave you my all
and then I gave you more
I gave you my heart
but you threw that out the door

I tried to be the girl that you wanted
but I couldn't force you to want me
even after all the tears I shed
I was too blind to see
you weren't the one for me
jas May 2020
will i ever be enough?
crying myself to sleep
tears fill the void just deep enough to drown in it
forced to swallow emotions
sometimes they get stuck like a big lump in your throat
anxiously waiting to be spit back out
whose perfect in this world?
dying to fit in so much that there's little to live for
I guess they were right when they said, "born alone, die alone"
but they forgot to add the part where you go through life alone
I wish there was an option for 'do not disturb', in real life
unless if you count ignoring someone
jas Jan 2018
ok. my mind is implemented with scars. how I've been done wrong. I was kicked, beaten, torn apart. stuck myself in a black hole. to be undiscovered because love hurts, it hurts.

thoughts on my brain
viruses making me go insane
help. its seeping out my veins
oozing from the beneath the surface
its not worth it
let me go, with my mouth filled with foam
life's on the line
running out of time
getting left behind
nothing you can do I promise im fine
I'll be alright
don't you come back tonight

I'm on fire
body's burning
hearts scorched and burned
from the point of no return
of all the things I've learned

& I pray to God
I know you're listening
so hear me
from the clouds
fighting all my demons
begging to be free of them
of him
seeping back into my skin

scars, make me who I am
till the very end
maybe one day, no more hurting
I'll crawl out of this black hole
escaping this darkness.
day three of 365
jas Apr 2018
* hiding

my true feelings

an urge to escape
what feels like a dream
i open my eyes and i simply can't believe
out of nowhere you appeared to me
from thin air
traveling at the light of speed

yet not quick enough
before i let love in i cut my heart to bleed
amongst the ground into tiny pieces
of me

im hiding
my true feelings

idk how much i can take of this anymore
looking for any reason to walk out the door
with love in the air i hold my breath
while fear pushes me to the brink of death

so many different places to hide
if i let you in
where goes my pride
how long till this love thing dies

and honestly
i stop to think
am i strong enough
strong enough for love
inspired by
murderer-dark agony piano rap beat hip hop instrumental @ YouTube.
jas Sep 2020
been in this world for decades
watching as everything fades
one glance and it's gone
not long enough to form a memory
forgotten into existence
until the next 'almost', rolls around
jas Jul 2019
just pick up the lighter and smoke this blunt
all of my problems fade away
pick up the bottle and drink jack straight
wait a minute, I don't ever remember your name

I'm faded
faded away

do you even remember me?
the last taste of alcohol on my breath
drunk off of a kiss
the taste of my lips
had you feeling some intensity

to be faded
jas Jan 2018
heart pounds in my chest
this feeling has me wrecked
my mind going reckless
but thinkin bout you makes me stress less
ideally i never let anyone in
why start something i'm scared to begin
all they really do is leave in the end
lately about you i've been questionin
you really find ways to get under my skin
you shine on my world & light up my heart
looking at you like my fav piece of art
talking to you from sunrise to dark
you touch my skin , leaving your mark
what if i take a chance and leap
well **** than i'm falling to deep
i see you in my dreams , at night when i sleep
the memories we share , forever i will keep
day four of 365.
jas Aug 2018
love is not what love is or what love used to be
love grows. and love grew inside of me for the very first time.
true love that is, love that i thought would never exist except in movies or my favorite romance novels.
imagine falling in love with your best friend, unknowingly.
days pass you by and the sun shines on a sun-kissed face,
embracing all of life beauties. without knowing you fell for love of everything.
love of life, the trees, the universe, people and those who inhabit your life.
every small thing became big, within reach was possibility.
for new chances, changes, and that's when it hit you.
like a brick, like bricks, like the titanic came and sunk on your heart , on your whole body even
in the most angelic way, your heart was full of life, of peace, unity of the most purest form of love.
seeing their face for the first time after that was mesmerizing.
tiny butterflies filled your stomach, any chance to talk to , to be in their presence, fighting the urge to jump into a full of *** rage.
blood running warm between your veins , melting away deep inside your body.
if only they could notice you...
until the end, is where this story gets better.
perhaps , a fairy tale ending is in store for you, or perhaps the best is saved for last.
perhaps, a few exchanged glances, a small grin at your jokes, a simple brush against the arm, leaves an open discussion of flirtation.
fluttering of the hearts , engaging in more than a friendship, but an assurance.
completely lost from the start, we somehow found ourselves tangled deep into the web of mystery.
when we reach the end, remember it is also the beginning of a love so true,
reciprocating feelings deep inside, where both parties can know longer hide it.
to fight the urge to not love, is torture in the deepest form.
love is what love was, and love grows into something more.
love grew into my soulmate.

                                             with love,
                                                        a soul.
Grammer is not important , unless it is. don't bother.
this is why i need an editor, oops...
(take a shot how many times i said love, LOL)
perhaps, this isn't a poem.
jas May 2018
you know,
I do
I miss you

first, well..

you were everything to me
tell me why it went wrong
I stuck out till the end but it didn't last very long

sad, I know were over now
yet I cant stop thinking
about my first ...

feelings in general

ok, so I admit
you were everything
where are you now??
jas Aug 2018
its hard to not wanna fit in with the cool kids
your mom gets mad at you for hanging with them
'if they say c'mon lets go and jump off a bridge"
your going to follow
anything to fit in.
jas Jan 2018
scenery so beautiful it draws attention to your mind
rose petals are soothing to the skin
the touch, the feel.
thorns down at the end
guarding itself
along the stem
down to the roots
where the seeds were planted deep into the soil
that's the real beauty

                                           -don't chase after those who touch the flower without knowing the soil.
day five of 365
jas Jan 2020
an end to a struggling road of death and despair
who would of thought we would get this far?
certainly not I
if anything this is the beginning of the end

these are the scars that I cannot leave behind simply because they are deeply engraved in my soul
life could not place my final breathe
my final sacrifice
the end of an era is a start of an another
marks left on my body resembling
fingerprints of yours
wrapped around my arm like coil
blazing enormously into my flesh

I withered out like a snake shedding it's skin
to be rid of you is to let go of my demons
that haunted me not only during the night
daylight kept me inside
thoughts darkened daily
my life was nothing but a black hole

to be rid is to be free
to be free i had to die
i had to face the darkest demons buried underneath
no one should ever have access to such a thing yet somehow i managed
escaping when your'e dead is just a dream
that turns into a nightmare

if you want answers i don't have them
i drank away my memories with whiskey
the taste still lingers on my lips

to explain is to reopen a part of my past that i no longer associate with
those demons are vanished from my existence
to no longer haunt me as they please
to no longer have access to me
no longer have permission
can no longer destroy me
is this what it feels like?

i question,to be free,not entirely
although the thought does relish in my mind
perhaps just a small portion of liberty enhances my perception of reality
in the end, there is still plenty of darkness around me anticipating its arrival
but your fingerprints have now vanished into thin air just like the rest
i no longer fear you
i can't escape them all
jas May 2019
to get into a car
is such a valuable suggestion
to go places
you've never suggested
to predict the future
of the path less taken
or rather known
in signs of an injunction

to reach a car
a moving vehicle, that is
to not experience the case of lethal injection
although not taken my body
nor forced
this type is called anxiety

this type is called
I wish you could see
personally struggling
what you caused in me.
to be never encountered, by you.

I'm ashamed that there is a power you hold over me
and within a few hundred miles
within a distance of no reciprocation

you have that power
the power I should not digest

stringing along with my mind
slowly waiting for it to die
not a horrible death but you along with it

you see, I'm terrified
of reaching the road
any of which are paved out
nor drunk or sober me
can handle this disease

unspoken for now...
although one day

I'll be free.
free from you
free from the road
anxiety in a diff level
jas Dec 2017
free smoke
white coke
selling dope
stay in your lane it's a slippery *****
looking into a kaleidoscope
look for me i'm around the globe
shine so bright i bring a glow
headshots on my frontal lobe
she's always calling "pick up the phone"
**** girl like leave me alone
can't u see i'm tryna get blown
all she do is roll her eyes & moan
i'm just tryna stay in my zone
i swear she's too young like post malone
keep my drama light like keystone
you can work that *** but what you do with that nose
if i'm being honest i'm just tryna bone
play me like a saxophone
acts take play that i will condone
already forgot ya , ya shoulda known
didn't i tell ya my time was on loan
back in the studio , put on my headphones
tell a story but first i gotta break it down
jas Mar 2019
this is my life
this is how i learn to get by
if don't have a chance
than i can't survive

I can't seem to recover
one day to another
I don't want to bother
but if it seems like a cover
I swear it's not...

I've been working my way to the top
the adrenaline rush is the way that I got
all the way here
from Texas to the bel- air

tryna get famous
if there is a way
there's a Willis
jas Feb 2018
all leading to one goal

over a wingspan
finding a foundation over different situations

this is the future.
day ??
jas May 2019
the heart has me wretched
drinking every day
is not the best method

but out of nowhere,
I found a piece I was missing
how could I detect
he was never distant

fulfilling my gap
between my soul and heart
has been a surprise
a work of art

the end is the beginning
so cliche
I know

yet, my heart leads my soul to believe
you could be the one for me
if I just let it happen

or vice versa...
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