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Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
the tears won't stop flowing, maybe this is how i'll
the tears won't stop flowing, more especially when
i try to
the tears won't stop flowing and neither will my life.

but, for a second the tears do stop flowing when i think "excessive crying will be the reason that i die".

- g.w
we will all be okay.
1.1k · Oct 2016
your hands.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
only when you
touch me
do i

- g.w
you feel sooo good.
1.1k · Oct 2016
today's anxiety.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
why did i do that, what if it goes wrong?
i can do it. no, how do i opt out?
the insides of my cheeks become thin.
my legs vibrate,rippling like ocean tides.
today's anxiety, i think i may have had a dose too high.

- g.w
25/10/16 @ 11.28am
english class.
1.1k · Oct 2016
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
i see that they are watching me
and an experiment i be
but i cannot be bound
and i will not be oblivious
for there is only truth in conspiracy

- g.w
951 · Aug 2013
Don't love me
Greta Wocheski Aug 2013
Dont ******* love me because i will destroy you.
I willl push you away
I will curse you
I will slay you
I will slit your throat

Dont you dare ******* love me, you will regret it.
You will wish you didnt try play fire with me.

But then again you could love me, i am not your master.
Love me, try me.
You will wish you were the one who died in some brutal ******.
You will want to set yourself on fire and then **** it with paraffin.
[ find the sense in that. e x a c t l y ]

Now im telling you that i warned you.
You have every right in your nature not to obey.
But i dont want you to suffer.

So monsterous.
And you'd be surprised that im about to mention how much i actually want you to **LOVE ME
915 · Oct 2016
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
you looked.
i looked.
we looked.
we're hooked.
i can't do this
but i want to
because you
it got me

- g.w
25/10/16 @ 11.33am
911 · Sep 2014
breathing ¿¿¿¿
Greta Wocheski Sep 2014
it's 2am and across the street a dog is barking. i'm staring so hard into my keyboard that it begins to blur. i am thinking. the room is empty. and near pitch black but there is light peeking through the blinds. i am almost as still as the objects here except my cigarette stained lungs keep moving. sometimes i forget to breathe. sometimes is usually. don't forget to breathe, my daddy once told me.

*i wish i would stop forever.
909 · Oct 2016
the ones that hurt you.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
the people you love ****.
when you need them and they're not there.

the people you love ****.
cause you're bored and lonely but they don't seem to care.

the people you love ****.
because they didn't notice your sad and now you're writing this.

the people you love ****.
they think you're sad over nothing and will get over it.

the people you love ****.
they don't want to see the open wounds in your heart.

the people you love love you too
they don't even know who you are.

                                                                                        - g.w
sometimes we forget to check up on those that love us which makes them feel unwanted and insignificant.
we don't mean to make people feel that way, but we are all going through things and it happens.
a lot of us don't even open up to people about how we are feeling either. what a mess.
i try my best to check up on everyone with an open heart but, i am human too...
886 · Oct 2016
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
the birds tweet,
i do not tingle.
the wind blows through my hair,
i do not tingle.
you touch me,
i feel sparks
as if
an electric current is passing through me
and that's when
i tingle.
                                                                ­ - g.w
747 · Mar 2017
i already miss You!!
Greta Wocheski Mar 2017
i sigh at my frustration,
thinking of how we could've tried harder.
we both know we were the best thing ever
but when does a person ever really want what's best for them?

- g.w
703 · Oct 2016
and i.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
and i, i ask why
my life goes on and on
and i, i ask why
i'm alive
                                                                                          - g.w
dichotomy. i was doing an acapella freestyle.
the moon asked the crow, why.
687 · Oct 2016
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
i want you to touch me.
"ahh, you're so chilly".

i want you to breathe on me,
be all the heat i need when you come
to me.

our movement is geometrical,
your skin sticks on me
make me wet
so you can cool me.

the coarse hairs of your chin scratch my neck
and flustered i am.

won't you
touch me
          ­                                                                 ­             - g.w
685 · Aug 2013
Sweet Tragic
Greta Wocheski Aug 2013
She was a beautiful dreamer
She had so much hope in her
Someone who was loved by everyone,
even me.

Beautiful soul, well now it's been broken.

No one saw her drown.
6 years ago that is.

It was quiet but fatal and so sly and slow that not even she knew it was coming for her
Sadness slowly soaked into her, it became permanent in her fragile bones.
It wasn't something she couldn't handle at first, but with time it possessed the good that was left of her.
How beautiful her smile was and her eyes so angelic, something tells me it's the tears she cries at bedtime that anglicised them so.

I never told you that after a while the pain, the sadness it got the best of her except that didn't stop her from making sure other people were happy.
But, slowly they diluted her hope.
Her own moster is what she has, what she had become.
An angel is how they somehow still saw, even what they still see her as.
That's the thing about her she managed to stay such a dear.
Quite sad rather, how no one really saw the pain in disguise but she was such a great pretender you can't exactly call them ignorant.

Well this was her, Sweet Tragic.
Oh Sweet Tragic.
To be continued maybe?
639 · Nov 2013
18 November '13 // 18:22
Greta Wocheski Nov 2013
Today I was free. I didn't feel the need to want you or see your face. I didn't need you to give me that reassuring smile.

I let go. Completely.
I got a chance to breathe and I was no longer enclosed from anything like I was when you mattered.
I realised that forcing something wasn't going to work out and that you weren't much worthy of any of my energy wasted.

I guess not everything revolves around you, and it shouldn't have to either.
Your existence though, a beautiful something so similar to how the trees look against the sky and how the roots of the tree in my yard have grown.
How most of you is broken.

How I'm o.k.a.y

You were a part of me.

I let you go.

*And I'm still alive and breathing.
600 · Mar 2017
Greta Wocheski Mar 2017
i think you got lost in the realm of our kiss,
a sweet narcotic that swept you off your feet.

- g.w
575 · Oct 2016
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
i didn't ask for it but now i'm here
still learning how to breathe.
o, such dense vibrations
gotta learn how to be.
this new world
is something
new to
                                                       - g.w
i'm from the 5th dimension.
550 · Dec 2016
Greta Wocheski Dec 2016
like candyfloss, i indulge in you.
i stuff my face and i want more.
more of you.
you dissolve into me.
every little one of your particles melt into me and leave me with only your taste.
sweet like sugar.
i want more.
like a carbohydrate, you make me crave you.
i tell myself that just one taste won't do any harm.
i stuff my face... i crave you.
so i have more.
more of you.
every little one of your particles melt into me and leave me with only your taste.
carbs turn into sugar.
i want more.

- g.w
536 · Oct 2016
it waters.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
eat to fill the void,
cigarettes to take away the hunger,
i lay under skies of lightning and thunder
because death is the choice i've made.

- g.w
535 · Jul 2016
i'm back.
Greta Wocheski Jul 2016
i'm back again, i'm sad again
but i'll still do anything i want [again].

i heard wasabi takes away the pain
i'm still drowning, please don't say my name with such delight

these walls are so hollow
i need some privacy for me and my sorrow
we like to stay up til the AMs and suffocate each other.
idk this is okay, haven't written in ages.
518 · Aug 2013
pretend, be alone.
Greta Wocheski Aug 2013
Constant fighting over nothing
It's like everything's alright but we're just covering it all up 'cos we know there's conflict 
You can smell the pain in thee atmosphere around them

I don't like the faking, the lies.
The cruelty.

No one to trust, I could tell her something dark and she wouldn't mind sharing it with the rest.
Next she's turned her back on you.
For what?
There we go smiles on our faces, lots of love but surprisingly no one realises that it's fake.

Make the pretending stop. It is killer.
And the people closest to us are the ones we hate the most.
Secret battles is what we hold but on thee outside it just looks like some kind of mutual happiness and beautiful tides.

You are one here.
It won't stop, not ever.
Forever will it be pretend forever will you and I be alone.
a bunch of words gathered together to create a beautiful pointless
499 · Oct 2016
a promise :)
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
i'm going to die one day, just give me a sec.
to procrastinate my death's due day while i practice being laid to rest.  
                                                         ­                                 - g.w
492 · Oct 2016
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
i stopped writing, i thought it was good for me.
turns out it was you who wasn't good for me.

- g.w
491 · May 2017
Greta Wocheski May 2017
i want to get to know you
inside and out.
i want to be able to tell your
cigarette butts from all the rest.
i want to trace your footsteps with

so, let me in with
a pen and notebook;
i've got to take notes.
to re-read
i know you off by heart.

- g.w
where will this lead?
466 · Oct 2016
the anchor.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
i am an anchor, i struggle to carry my own weight
my world is an ocean and here time moves slow.
i cannot breathe and no one can hear the
words i speak.

i am an anchor,
i've sunk to the deepest point of the darkest ocean
and here
i lay dormant.
                                                                ­                       - g.w
i am an anchor.
461 · Oct 2016
goodnight 1.0
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
forget me not
goodnight not goodbye.

- g.w
452 · Aug 2013
449 · Oct 2016
the city can only hope.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
we don't sleep here, we just hope
hope for some happiness to arrive in the post.
we don't eat here, we just smoke
smoke cigarettes even if we choke.

- g.w
the city can only hope.
444 · Mar 2017
growing cold.
Greta Wocheski Mar 2017
there's an unfamiliar blue in your aura
and a dim in your smile.
i see right through your blank eyes;
the woe in your hand is but a pastime.

- g.w
this is not the end :)
416 · Nov 2013
Greta Wocheski Nov 2013
16 Nov '13 // 20:45 I'm wondering why fate chose you for me to fall in love with.

It's a full moon and I'm struggling to grasp onto the concept that you might not love me back or that you possibly wouldnt do anything about loving me. But you not loving me today won't be okay, it will never be, it sh ou ld   n eve r  be.

I can't say I like it, it's not quite that normal. Unquestionable.

You are the one who reminds me to breathe though, that may be one little something that makes me feel this way about you.
Truth is, I don't know anymore. I guess I just *love you.
374 · Oct 2016
355 · Oct 2016
i die...
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
lonely in this hypnotic silence
my mind knows not how to think,
i escape this body and
i am one
with the
that surrounds me.

- g.w
293 · Oct 2016
tell me. why?
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
my hands are all i have
but i still don't feel like my own.
the thoughts control me
[i am], they are the government of this body.
so i'm just my thoughts?
my thoughts ask why.
they want to know
so they trouble my soul
naughty my thoughts be
piercing through every part of me.
so why?
do i think.
do i be just this body.
just a thought.
tell me.
                                                             ­              - g.w
288 · Oct 2016
Feet Be
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
days are the
the clouds the stars my feet be
when light is loud sand sees.
       days are the ones i long to be with you.

under long pages full now
today is when trees.
       days are the ones i long to be with you.

spell not knows how to forgotton it seems
the clouds still star
for ones are the days
that i long
to be
                                                                     - g.w
258 · Oct 2016
this poem (10 words)
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
counting words,
not my weight
as i write
this poem.
- g.w
i've lost 0.7kg incase you were wondering.
255 · Oct 2016
when YOu gO away.
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
the world will still move but my head will ache.
this thought of you gnawing at my brains
in my days, in my sleep, your memory remains.
                                                                                            - g.w
i don't want you, i want you, i don't want you, i miss you.
232 · Oct 2016
Greta Wocheski Oct 2016
plans wait
no man.
- g.w
163 · Nov 2023
Greta Wocheski Nov 2023
Come after me with full force
with a passion strong enough to conquer war.
Pacify me, together we will taste glory.

Make all treacherous paths
a steady ***** that carries me
to the edge of my glory.

— The End —