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Jul 2017 · 372
confessions pt.2
Haych Jul 2017

you're doing your sisters hair.

i'm laying here, miles away, on a bed sprawled next to my notebook and pen.

i feel completely, wholly, utterly numb.


you of all people should know what it's like to slowly loose faith just before the light changes to green. but until it changes, the wait, is what it is. antagonising.


i don't know if i'll make it, i'm numb scared and worried that i won't. i don't even know if you'll be pleased to see me even if i do.


i will always, try my best, to stand by you through everything, please never doubt that. please always remember ~
thinking of you.
Jul 2017 · 365
confessions pt.1
Haych Jul 2017

i wanted to message,
ask if you're okay
but it feels silly and pointless
with everything going on.


i don't want to be a
'me' without 'you'


i feel numb. to the facts and events about to come. all i can think of is finding a way back to you right now. that's my mission. that's what i have to, need to, focus on.


i'm trying so hard to keep things together. for you, for me, for us. but it's so hard when all i feel like is im failing at  being an ounce bit of comfort.


the reason i'm rather reluctant to share happier stuff is because i'm selfish too. sometimes i only want to share with a selected few. you're always one of the few though, just incase you had a moment of doubt.

there are happy moments amidst the struggles and they make living life, all the much more bearable (praise be to God).


I miss you to smithereens.
To bits and pieces.
my best friend is getting married and i miss her to the moon and back and beyond
Jan 2017 · 953
Haych Jan 2017
the problem
with heroes
is that everyone thinks
they're perfect
until they're not.

its almost as if
people can't stand to deal
with the dark sides of people that exist*

nobody likes discovering
the skeletons that we keep
they'll tell you they care
that they'll always be there
that there's nothing
that could ever
change their mind
until something does

then suddenly
curtains are closed
all good that has once been done
disappears into smoke

people love to say
tell me the truth over a lie any day
but when truth comes knocking
*suddenly they're the ones running away
Dec 2016 · 489
Haych Dec 2016
giving up

isn't an option

when you want to go home.

you've got to fight,

you're going to cry,

you're going to hurt,

time after time after time,

you're going to have to sacrifice,

and give and give and forgive,

and forgive and give and give,

you're going to bleed,

drop by drip by drip,

you're going to have your heart,

ripped to shreds,

over and over and over,

and even when

you think

you're finally numb

the feelings will come back

in waves upon waves

you will never be left to rest

in this world.

test upon test,

will occur,

until it's your time to leave,

and may you leave in the best

and the most beautiful

and painless of ways.

may you find peace,

comfort and happiness,

may you find your way home,

may it be everything you wished,

wanted, and more ~
Aug 2016 · 452
Haych Aug 2016
its forty-eight minutes past seven pm

time ticks on*

fingers tap on

hearts beat on

eyes search forward

minds yearn more

souls grow tired

so another day sets

another day is gone

was today an accomplishment?

was today a waste?

did you take a second to contemplate?

fingers grow numb

hearts grow warm

*bodies begin to ache, at the thought of time slowly but surely slipping away, marking the certainty of life, that it will end one day, and we will all return back to the One who gave us life in the first place
May we return in a way that is in the best of forms, Ameen ~

Late evening summer reflections.
Apr 2016 · 494
Haych Apr 2016
Notes to self*:
You don't have to have it all figured out, it's okay
You may not be able to make sense of things always, and that's okay
You're not alone in this world, you'll find a way through this, okay?
You may not understand why things happen, and that's okay
You may be confused and scared right now of so many things, and it's okay to be
Things will fall into place, with time and patience, so stay strong, okay?
I believe in you, even though you lose hope in yourself at times
Turn back to He, who brought you this far in the first place
Be kinder to yourself too, okay?
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Haych Apr 2016
She looked left, she saw pain
She looked right, she saw struggling
She looked ahead, she saw tests
She looked behind her, she saw heartbreak
She looked up, she saw illusions and deception
She looked down, she saw cracks in the pavement
she felt very much like the pavement
Walked on. Ignored. Deadly Silent.
People called her 'pretty',
But she was so much more than just a 'face'.
She was skin deep, filled. With intricate delicate details.
Feb 2016 · 334
Haych Feb 2016
ask me
listen to what I don't say*
answers are too often hidden
in the depths
*not served on pretty silver plates
Feb 2016 · 313
somewhere in the pm
Haych Feb 2016
find me in the shadows
shivering in the warm
Nov 2015 · 343
Haych Nov 2015
I've been thinking about you for hours and hours and hours...
Don't know why, but today I've been feeling slightly nostalgic
The kind where I just want to somehow make it to your room
Tiptoe in and hide.
Crawl up into a ball, covered by a blanket and sleep.
Sleep till you come back home if you're out,
& find me.
The kind where I just want to sit and watch
Or listen to you talk
Focus on the sound of your voice
But not talk myself
I'd really like that.
I've been thinking about you for hours and hours and hours now...
I don't know why nostalgia has been setting in
Like the air in my lungs
I can't quite stop it from finding its way into my chest
I've been thinking about that email I keep wanting to write to you and send
But haven't had the chance to
Not now, not yet.
"I'm sorry..")
But I wanted
Wanted you to know,
That I've been thinking about you for hours and hours
And hours on end.
Been feeling slightly nostalgic too.
For a home that hasn't felt like home in years, in a place that feels more foreign than familiar,
In a city that's seems like thousands and thousands and thousands of miles away
Like you.
But you're not
And that's the difference I can't quite make sense of.
Sep 2015 · 745
Haych Sep 2015
When you loose someone you love
It changes you.
You're never the same person you were before.
You adapt. You adjust. But it still hurts.
It hurts because that person mattered to you.
Because you'd hoped that person wouldn't leave.
It hurts, because deep down you hoped with everything you had,
that that person would be the one person to stay.

You don't ever really recover from pain like that.
You grow. You learn. But you don't forget.
You never forget.
Sep 2015 · 795
Haych Sep 2015
Feelings are fleeting though
They never last long
So what's wrong with me?
Why can I still feel things?
Does this mean I haven't really let go?
I'm trying to move on,
Trying to move forward with my life,
So why do I feel like you've still got so much of a hold on me?
Why can't I seem to shake off thoughts of you?
Why do things that shouldn't bother me, still do?  
What's wrong with me?
Late night thoughts
Jul 2015 · 392
Haych Jul 2015
I could write and write, but it wouldn't change a thing
What's gone is gone + words are just words at the end of the day
Aren't they?
Mar 2015 · 346
Haych Mar 2015
I still write, a lot.
I just don't share it as much anymore.
Jan 2015 · 458
Haych Jan 2015
And she became one with the dust specks swirling in the Janaury mornings chilly breeze
Drifting along as if she had no other care in the world, smiling to and fro
Always in the front row trying to help others find warmth in her soft kind words of glow
When in fact she carried the weight of the complicated on her two shoulders alone
But she'd always be too shy to ask others for help
for fear of them thinking she was unthinkablely selfish indeed, although,

Although she was, far more complex to be understood at first glimpse truth be told
and when she fell
it sometimes took most time to see
It was most probably because they all believed
She had become nothing more than just a swirling dust speck
Swirling in the early mornings of January chilly breeze

Falling invisibly only visibly seen
when was she back on her feet
because what good was she if she couldn't be of use to those in need?
And who could ever be sure she was anything more?
Than just pretty tricks of the light
A play on your eyes only alive to mesmerise and not really existing for a purpose
Other than to please the people
But she was the realest thing you ever knew
And one day....

She'll be the one you'll wish you spent more time noticing too.
Scattered thoughts
Jan 2015 · 2.4k
Memory Lane
Haych Jan 2015
After laying awake way past her bedtime
There where nights she cried herself to sleep,

Thinking how could she have possibly been so naive?

But as she closed her eyes and wanders down the streets of once-used-to-be's
She realises, she'd lost herself to a past of full of mistreatment
But now she refuses to be a victim of it and stands tall rising above it
There used to be a time she'd been used, and so to be used was all she knew
And to crave love, a sense of belongingness, was unthinkably selfish
So instead of finding love from within,
She'd give her all to all those who'd treat her like she didn't mean a thing
And apologised and forgave repeatedly though she was never to blame
She became a dreamer of dreams to cope with the painful reality of things

But now instead of living with wishful thinking
She wakes up and struggles hard to make her dreams into a reality
No longer a slave to her fictional fantasies
Nov 2014 · 415
Haych Nov 2014
I feel it not fit to call myself a writer,
because I feel the title belongs to those who write something worth reading.
But I write nevertheless.
In hope maybe I'll be one.
When I look at empty spaces and a bio I must fill,
I think of all the things I am
And think am I really those things?
Or merely an idea made up of other people's words?
Nov 2014 · 357
Haych Nov 2014
I could write you essays
But nothing would do my thoughts justice
As do my shaking fingers and the way I twist them in nervousness
My unsteady beating heart
The screaming tears
The thumping bangs of arguments
The constant waves of negativity that wash up uninvited
And are welcomed by arms that are mine
But that I wish not to hold.
Just an assorted bracelet of beaded thoughts strung together
Nov 2014 · 484
Haych Nov 2014
The screams now shout louder than ever in the silence of my unspoken words, but just like me, they go unnoticed.
Oct 2014 · 495
Haych Oct 2014
They asked me to speak
So I tried
But wouldn't sit around waiting to listen
All they wanted was words
And I was made up of so much more.
Sometimes it's in the silence that we find the answers we wish not to find.
Sometimes it's better not to ask, but to observe and wait though the wait may be eternal.
Patience is of most upmost importance when dealing with others, for how can we demand and expect so much of others, when we ourselves find fault in our ownselves?
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
Haych Aug 2014
and I know it's silly
and I've told myself over and over that I shouldn't
silly me
now look at me
getting all clingy
close to tears even
it's not even that much of a bigge
it's not like you where moving to mars
or going on an expedition to venus
wait who cares about the planets?
oh wait
they're interesting
and beautiful
and an unexplored unknown like you are
and i care...

wait what was I saying?
oh yeah back to me
you told me to sleep
I said I wasn't tired
you said you'd go
and I was literally struggling
to stop the flickering eyelids
to the croak-choke-like crack
in my voice
to the noise pounding (yes I had a headache)
in my

wait i don't want to cry, why do i feel like crying, gosh i hate crying, why do i sound so...broken?
I'm not broken
but you sound broken
I know
but you're not
I know that too

"please don't leave me"
I wanted to scream
like a little baby
over and over
quite pathetic really
wow look at me typing
haha would you call this writing?

i don't know why i acted like that...
i just
really didn't want you to stop talking
your voice sounded carefree and warm
like a blanket of fuzzy melting hotcholote on a cold winters night even tho it's summer
not chocolate-ey taste wise
but the drizzly
feeling you get when you really like something
it felt like
like you where right next to me
i closed my eyes
and i pictured your smile
as the words came one after the other
i was drifting slowly
the rhythm of your voice
i wanted never to end
i felt safe

i don't want to feel like that again
don't want
i tell myself
but i don't
and i hate it

the curves as you made funny faces
yes i see them so clearly now
you scream and ask if your sisters finished
i whisper "can yew heawr me"
then giggle to myself
you're such a sweetie

i could almost picture you when you laughed too
it was better than a picture actually
because i could actually feel the warmth
the happiness
in your voice
but am i that cold?

....and the distance drifted like it was never there to begin
and you repeated
"look youre tired"
and some other words

---you're still speaking----
but I'm not listening to them really am i?
i knew what that'd mean...

-more words, me replying-

my brain still busy arguing
oh what joy

It'd mean you'd go and....
i didn't....
don't* want you to....(1)
and my body ****** sideways
on the edge
wanting to grab onto your sleeve

"I'm awake I'm not tired"
Okay so i was
but not that
that i wanted to stop talking to you
because you made me feel less of
and more of

and a stab in my chest reminded me you weren't actually sitting next to me
but the words tumbled out almost like i wasn't even me
i knew i meant them more than you'd ever possibly fathom
"please don't go".
(1) go...
you speak

i tell myself it's not like last time
you're not like last time
it's not the last time

my hands grip the air
wanting something solid to grip onto
i feel like I'm slipping
there's nothing to hold on to
you're not there
"please don't" i whisper to myself...
i feel like I'm about to spill
onto the covers of my bed
like a drink patch
I'm not a spilt drink patch
you can't wash me away

* why'd i have to say that?*
its not that big of a deal i scream at myself

You: It's not that big a deal

wait didn't i just say that?
okay this is creepy.

and suddenly i don't hate myself
for feeling everything
the words
the pain
the warmth
you make it
so much better

but you say you'll stay
you stayed
you stay <3

and it scares me...

i know I'm sleepy
but my smiles aren't forced
my words aren't fake
they're real
you can't see them
you can't touch them
but they are what they are

and my smile you created
on my sleepy dazed face
even after your voice
people say you say stuff you don't always realize when you're drunk
but i think sleepy people are more dangerous
because they're so low on energy
so low
on everything
and the words flow
like water
leaving the person speaking
feeling vulnerable and weak
and when you're drunk you're unaware
but when you're sleepy you still have some consciousness
and it's scary
how you say things
and you're afraid
and you crumble
and you don't mean to
and you start of saying you won't
but in the end
you do
Aug 2014 · 476
She was...
Haych Aug 2014
"She was a flickering candle,
and it was only a matter of time before her light went out."
Once upon a time, there was a girl.
To her the words meant more to her than the world
Not because they where just words but because she met people
who gave the words life.
She would give out her light like she was the shining sun, but she wasn't.
And pretty soon she became the flickering candle in suffocating darkness...
And the story hasn't an end, because it's still pending
so please wait while it loads
thank you for your attention.
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Haych Aug 2014
Feeling so conflicted as to what I'm missing
knowing what I'm feeling isn't what I'm really missing
know that times are harder now
Time is constantly ticking
Life keeps on pushing me further, how?
Feels like I'm always on the edge and close to tipping
and I keep tripping
And the urge is always there, picking away at me
Haunting me with its cold glares and stares
making me feel so conflicted as to what I'm missing
and I know what I feel isn't what I'm missing
I'm missing but nobody seems to see
I'm missing but nobody seems to be...listening
I'm missing but nobody seems to be...looking
I'm missing but right in plain view
but nobody's noticed I've gone...missing
So why would they search for me when they think I'm as whole as the full moon glistening
what they fail to realize
was she was the moon
but a part of her was hidden away
a piece of her...*missing
I know it's been a while since I posted a poem
But I'm currently struggling to paste together the words that I want to say
They're there...I just don't seem to want to say them since well, I know it's not just speaking the words that make the difference, it's the power of writing them, that give them life.
But I'm taking one step at a time,
and tho this isn't a new piece
and i wrote it a while back,
it's still a start right?
Jun 2014 · 463
Dear Watch...
Haych Jun 2014
I'm sorry you lost an important piece of you
and you fell apart.

and time stopped inside you
because you where broken

yet time around you continued on without you
and you
barely existed

that you where left in a corner
and nobody checked to see if they could
find that special piece that went...missing

I'm sorry that
instead of being the 'best' of all 'times'
you lost yourself

in time.
May 2014 · 2.0k
Haych May 2014
To hurt you back would make me just as worse,
Pretending it didn't hurt when it did, would be a lie.
So i choose to repay you back in sets of 3

I'm not mad

I was mad

now I'm not

i forgive you

*it's okay, okay?
Sometimes you've got to try and let the pain go otherwise you'll burn yourself holding onto it for too long.
May 2014 · 582
Haych May 2014
so many feelings flooded back all at once,
like a tsunami rolled high and crashed down low
sweeping out everything and anything...
just at the sound of her voice...
anger, happiness, frustration, relief...
most importantly even tho i wanted to cry and scream,
or maybe both actually...
we laughed instead.
I may get so angry to the point i wish i could hate my best friend,
but in the end i never seem to find a real 'reason' to really 'hate' her
Only myself.
Because my worry stems into a raging fury sometimes.
I get angry because she means so much and i worry about her
But i could never really 'hate' her
how can you hate a person with a laugh that fills the earth and heavens with...bursting sprinkles of sprays of fountains of joy and happiness..
Because i certaintly cannot, and i pray the day never comes when i ever do
My exam is finally over....and..and...and i spoke to my best friend
Don't come any closer or i might burst due to the insane medical condition i am currently in haha....I've been away from my bestfriend way too's not even funny -_-
So Thankyou math exam, i hope you're happy.
May 2014 · 807
Haych May 2014
...even if I tried putting words together to describe her, I'd fail, because she's so much more...
I wanted to write about my baby sister
but some things are just so beautiful and fragile that words aren't enough to describe them.
She's a little bundle of sunshine tho <3
I love her to bits!
May 2014 · 378
Haych May 2014
I do feel like a flow..
Spilt Ink..

Projected onto the lives of the people around me..
Like a dark'blackish'blue'blot'of'a'mess'.
A permanent stain that everyone just has to 'deal with'
The one that couldn't be erased
But the one who,

*....was never meant to be there all the same.
May 2014 · 561
Haych May 2014
...Should've let go and here I am, still holding on...
May 2014 · 385
Haych May 2014
When I'm with you, reality is better than my dreams.
Without you, dreaming is better than living in reality
Because when I'm awake it's an ocean of waves crashing down constantly
Trying to break me
They say 'stay close to the things that make you glad to be alive'
But how is that even possible anymore?
May 2014 · 357
Haych May 2014 even hurts to breathe...
May 2014 · 351
Haych May 2014
I've overdosed on ashes
Yet I still remain

I've slipped in neck deep
It's choking me in these trenches


My head is buzzing,
My stomach dropping
Up and D     w
                  o         n.

My head is blowing up
bigger and bigger
like an enormous balloon
I'm ready to burst.
I want to scream
I want to cry
Yet here I am
dead quiet
May 2014 · 1.0k
Haych May 2014

There may be times when you contemplate & debate...
&fee;; as insignificant as a grain of sand in the middle of the desert
Know that to me, you have always been the speck of dust out of the million other that stood out and glisnted gold in the swirling sunlight
While the others merely hovered amidst the air as if they where lost.

When people expect and expect...and expect of you
Until you feel like a piece of blue-tac that has been used over and over and over again
Until your sweet stickiness is lost
Know that I would still love you even if to the world you seemed useless.And I would remind you that even tho sometimes I'm not always there to freshen up your day I shall never stop trying to be there 4 you even if I lose my mintyness too...
because a tic never abadndons a tac

Because you are the girl who I will never be able to truly serve justice by describing you by words.

You are the one who I tried to describe by using the word
& even after I broke it down...
Even then...
Just like a beautiful forever unknown
There's always an end part that I can never fully know..about you
But I guess that's what makes you a beautiful mystery.

The fact you're like a precious golden 'speck'
And a 'tac' that never stops breaking off pieces of yourself to help others even if it means you have less

'Ular' you are something 'ular' too...
I don't know what or what the 'ular' of you is...
But I'm sure whatever 'it' adds up to make you...
I couldn't sleep last night, and I was thinking of my best friend <3
I was thinking about blue tac
And delicious orange and mint tic-tac's
And how beautiful dust looks is when it floats in the sunlight
And I had to write it all down...
and it all blended together like puzzle pieces...
As ridiculous and nonsensical as my thoughts sound
It's all true...and this is dedicated to her...
My golden speck-orangey blue tacky-ular(=something wonderful<3)
May 2014 · 297
Haych May 2014
I never knew what poetry was until I met you
May 2014 · 668
Haych May 2014
When I overthink the air around me becomes heavy and makes it harder to breathe.
Sometimes I like overthinking because I think of things I never thought of before but most of the worries me.
I feel trapped in this sticky web like I can't move no matter how hard I try...
And when I try to stop thinking the thoughts keep on flooding in from all directions!
I become incapable of speech
I feel a cold shiver wash over my insides
Yet my skin feels more than just prickly goosebumps
My brain-mind-center blinking
With a thousand flashing red dangerous lights.
I feel
Apr 2014 · 531
Haych Apr 2014
I think I'm starting to lose it
Whatever 'it' is
      Whatever I 'thought' I had...

Is it all really just a hallucination?
       Because I really don't want it to be just another illusion
And if it's an illusion
       Then this is the scariest best thing to have happened in a long time
Illusions of you in times...
          When I want time to just stop 'being' time
Because time passes, and sometimes it can be so very unkind,
       And I wish sometimes that I could rewind,
So that I can freeze frames of time.
But I can't, can I?
       And it's not because I haven't tried,
    It's because I've tried and I couldn't capture the warmth that you ignited like a fire when I was in your presence.

But by bottling all my emotions away,
     Until it seems like the skies could not get any more grey
          Because they look like they would overflow because it's filled      with so much tears and pain and strife and starving due to loss of hope and finally given up on life
   And everything inside of me just wants to stop functioning
          Just wither away like crumbled walls and grains of dust
            not in existence.

That's when I'm close to the breaking point
  Of no return.
That's when I lose myself.
   Because it all becomes a mashed up blur of visions...
And suddenly everything seems so calming'n'clear.
    And somehow....that's the only time that 'time'
Seems to be kind enough to me...and slows down.
Trapping me in a place where I'm connected to you
      Not through imaginations or tricks of the mind....
But in some other wonderful state of matter...
Because in that place, i feel at home...and for once 'I' actually
m   a  t  t   e  r

&I; don't know if I'm supposed to,
        be able to...feel things so much more than I should.
They say missing the ones you love is natural,
       But what is natural,
about something that...terrifies you and mesmerizes you at the same time?
Makes you glad to be alive and yet i still feel like dying? because i'm stuck here without You.

You.Human by flesh
You. So ridiculously annoying
You. So full of contagious laughter and positive vibes
You. The divergent. The one that words have not yet been able define.
You....the person who stumbled across Me
&Mad;; me feel
b e a u t i f u l.

You...the one who put the northern star to shame,
Because nothing burns brighter than the light
that refuses to stop flickering
In your eyes.
You...the one who says the words i can't seem to find.

But when missing you flips without a notice
      Zooming me down lanes of emotion extreme
            And I'm no longer me
I take on the form of frozen ice stiffness
       Numb in my limbs
           Struggling to hold back the waves in my eyes
iKeep seeing you there but you don't seem to see me at all.
You'reLike a ghost from the past
        ButYou look more real to me than I've ever known
.a l i v e.

And I keep hearing your voice in strange places...
            Calling my name.
And i'm screaming out loud and the tears are streaming and pouring down!
But you still don't see me....
                and I'm standing right here, so why can't you see me?

Then i realise,
Peace no longer seems to resonate
Where it once did.
It has been drowned in the echoes that surround my very existence.

I see you. still.
I hear you. still.
                &I;'m trying so hard to reach out to you. still.
But you're not really here, anymore.
& that's when time stands.still.
The realization doesn't fit, right.still.
In my mind you'
I tell myself.
If you where there, you wouldn't let me feel so deathly chilled
So deathly cold.
So empty'n'shallow
So hollow that I can hear my own echoes.
Bounce of the walls suffocating me..still.

You wouldn't leave me lost. in this still-ness.
You wouldn't be looking for me as I am you.
You'd find me.

And I'm pulled out of my daze
& the haze lifts
Yet it...still...hurts
I'm so misreble without the blurry'hazey'dazey'maze
Because without you I'm so conflicted'n'confused
Without the nightmares...
Forcing me to stay alive, to survive, to find a way....
I'm forced to awaked to a cold flush of realities.

1)You're just not here anymore.
2) I can only see you in figments of my imaginations.
3) You're a fragment of a past I can't seem to let go of.
4) You're Simply....
          ­       .
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Haych Apr 2014
The lights of the day fades from blue back to black
and darker shades of silver grey*

Lately all my thoughts are all over the place
All just a mess
I want to pretend it never happened
Like you never left
But I wake up everyday and you're not here anymore
You're in another place
in another town
with other people
while I'm stuck her on my own
all alone
without you

how was I supposed to do?
all you've done?
be brave?
How would you think I'd be okay?
All I feel,
Is it's not real
And I'm ashamed.

Ashamed that I can't be what I thought I'd be.
I never thought it'd hurt like this

Time seems to have repeated itself again
I shouldn't have made the same mistake twice
Shouldn't have been selfish and held on so tight
Shouldn't have told you that you where my shining light
Shouldn't have thought that things could get better
Because they did

That's the thing,
It DID get better
and now...
it's all like it never did

Because I'm stuck in the middle
or worse still...left behind
confused and unable
to stand on my own two feet
this isn't who I was supposed to be
I was supposed to be stronger than this
I was supposed to better at this
Why can't I be like you?
I wasn't supposed to be this weak
But I am

And there are days
when I feel like I don't...
Don't  want to be better anymore
I can't be fixed
I'm not a car
There are no spare parts you can find
because I'll never run right.

then I hear your voice
and you say
'Who are you to say you're not okay?'
'You're only what you let think of yourself'
and if I let go,
How would I ever know?
All the endless possibilities?
Because you help me find the person I want to be!

I'm learning that
feelings are there
because they demand to be felt
So I wont shut them out
Like people shut me out
I'll be in little details
That people don't notice
But whoever notices me for me will know..
I wont pretend that things don't effect me when they do,
When I can feel every tiny thing.

I will learn to be brave..
I will find a middle ground
I will find a way...
Back to where I feel happy,
Back to the place that seems like a distant dream..
a place like home.
Inspired by NewMoon & Frozen & TFIOS

Sometimes it's not the place that makes a place 'home'..
Sometimes it's an object, a pet, a smell...
Sometimes it's a person..
My best friend always felt like home,
It wasn't a place,
It was a feeling I felt whenever she was close.
And now I feel like I'm wandering but that doesn't mean I'm lost...
That doesn't mean it's the end...
because every end is a just a new beginning :)

and no matter where she is..
she'll always be home to me.
Mar 2014 · 6.4k
Droplets of Sunshine :)
Haych Mar 2014
Hey there sunshine ray,
Time to wake up and come out & play
Break thru the tiny cracks of a shattered old window
& illuminate where all darkness resides
Brush away all the gray, and the pain of yesterday
Warm the rosy cheeks of the cold sleepy faces
Drop like raindrops,
not leaving a single place

Hey there sparkle glow
Shine wide and bright & remind those,
eyes filled with tears of loneliness
of hope.
Transform the plain morning into golden kissed flames
Fill the bubblegum blue sky with tiny bended rays of sunlight

Sunshine, sunlight, pierce the veil
Drown away the worries of the  night
Fill the day with your crystal clear lemonish’cream’vanilla’icing.
Skip thru the puddles and tickle the sides of those who forget they could laugh over the small little things.

Hey there sunshine ray,
let your droplets of orange orange crimson sparks……
Spark and radiate and **** throughout the air of tiny million atoms filling the world with sunkissed stars,
Rain and flood all corners of the earth
Paint the flying dust specs swirling in the wind and grains of sand
Dazzle the view of the silent watching patient ones
Turn the leaves from green to emerald
and flowers to rainbow dancing peakcocks swaying in the breeze

Hush the world under a spell
with your droplets of sunshine.
I'm in a good mood so I thought I'd post a happy type of poem for a change :)
This isn't some of my best work, but who cares!
I wanted to do something, so I did!
Hope you all have a lovely day and don't forget to smile and let the droplets of sunshine into your life
Mar 2014 · 623
Haych Mar 2014
Thefloorisvibrating, mythoughtsarefading,
I see greyfogmisty,
like clouds of softpillows glistening,
But it'sshifting.

I want to reachout & touchyourhand
Keephoping that you'llmagicallyappear*
a curve starts forming across myfaceoftiredness...

Ifeel warmthinkingofher.
Thefog seemstobelifting and now there's arayof lightpiercing thegrey'grey'ness...

Maybe...if I block out the vibrations&thenoises;
I can picture a newvisionofher...insteadof envisioningamemory
Not of someangel who seems to glowfromheaven, but thewarmth
of hereyes as shesilentlygazed beyondthesilenceoftheunkown,
Thewayshe'dsay myname and makemefeelwhole.

Thefloorisvibrating, mythoughtsarefading
Isee greyfogmisty, like flufflywhitecloudsofsoftpillows..
but it's shifting.
and I'mthinking...
of you..

Having a fairylikeyou as mybestfriend...
is such a giantgianthippo of a blessing
Wrote this in the backseat of a bus on a cold foggy morning...
Inspired by the weather and my angelfairy bestfriend<3
Feb 2014 · 756
It Kills Me....
Haych Feb 2014
“I don’t want to think of you like this,
but the nights are when my thoughts attack me the most.

I know you’re not okay
& it ⁢kills me that I can’t help you because you won’t let me.

It kills me that I have to watch you get worse
even though we’re miles apart.

When all I want to do is save you, but I can't.

It kills me that with every attempt I try,
&mak;; to help get through to you is blocked out,
Because I just can't be there physically...anymore,
To squeeze your hand and remind you I care,
To wipe your tears and silently speak through our comfortable stares.
To hug you tight, and ease your fears.

It kills me.*

It kills me because I know you try,
to barricade and hide,
the pain.

Through shutting me out and focusing on other things to lessen the blow at first ...only to make it worse later.

It kills me that no one we know would believe me if I tried to tell them what you don’t want them to know, because if you did, at least one person would check on you constantly for me.

It kills me that I can’t name one person I could count on to do that for me.

It kills me that I have to spill my heart out in these poems just to get my point across.

It kills me that I can feel all of your pain on top of mine since you’re my other half and we’ll always be inter-connected, entwined, like a braided rope...whether we like it or not.

It kills me to think of what you’d do the day you finally decide you can’t take it anymore and take drastic measures over something that had a solution.

It kills me that everybody would blame me, screaming
“why didn’t you try harder?!”  
While I collapse and crumble,
down to my knees,

Then some even dare to shoot their accusations in a different way,
their sickly sweet smiles curve at their lips as they mouth the words
'it wasn't really your fault'

My cries of apologizes become a silent distant mumble.
My mind numb.

They don't hear me anymore, I'm as lost as she is now gone.
They have failed to hear the cry of the shattered ones,
echo from within me....
“You don’t understand how much I tried. How much she *tried.”
This was inspired from somewhere I stumbled across, and I thought I'd make it into a poem'type'story. :)

It's a mixture of waves of emotions, of sadness and helpless-ness of a girl struggling to handle the pain through her frail fragile mothers hands and the beauty and raging storm brewing in her best-friends eyes. While comments are flung like lashes of a whip, only adding salt and sting to her open wounds and injuries.

The girl is learning to be brave,
But some days she crumbles and breaks.
She is....human.

Everything is not as it seems.
And I wanted to share that,
Open up your eyes to the pain of others and realize that not every person is living like their enjoying life...sharing a smile can mean so much.
It can be the reason, someone decides not to give up hope.

(This is dedicated to my inspirations, my mum and best-friend who are both strong and two very beautiful women,  and who never fail to amaze me with their bravery, and love for life...and eagerness to keep on trying even when all hope seems to fade...they find hope again.)

Feb 2014 · 768
Panic Attack
Haych Feb 2014
Numb blue fingertips
Bulging red'n'blue viens threatning to burst'n'break.

Aching heavy constricted chest
Lungs refusing to operate,
Brain refusing to communicate.

Her voice buried
Her screams are silent ones trapped from within
Never leaving past...
Her pale..pale lips.

Suffocating and claustrophobic beneath her skin
Cold prickly beads of sweat roll down her neck,
She continues to shake uncontrollably,
The walls of her room are closing in,
Crushing her every limb.

Her thoughts race wild,
Raging like a possessed fire.

Weak with exhaustion at battling all emotions
She cannot break free.

She remains a prisoner of time
**A victim of her own mind.
Have you ever felt like you just can't breathe anymore?
And it just hurts so much, you feel like you're paralyzed beyond cure?
Screaming so loud but no words come out?
Feb 2014 · 10.4k
It's okay not to be okay
Haych Feb 2014
When you feel like you're being stabbed
And the knife twists deeper and
and deeper
tightening its grip
and the tears are flowing
flowing faster and faster and they don't seem to end
and you're drowning in the darkness of the dark, dark night

When your screams become voiceless...
When your fingers become numb because you're frozen in fear...
And you lose hope...
Lose sleep...
Lose reason to fight the pain...
Lose reason...

Lose sight...
Of why you ever survived this far...
And most importantly...
Why you didn't switch it all off...

It's because you care,
It's because you're stronger than you think,
You're beautiful,
You're not all those horrible things that people call you,
You're not a failure because you keep falling,
You're not a ***** up because you *****-things-up
You are perfectly imperfect!

and now let me tell you the truth that you've been denied of...

It's okay to not always be okay
It's okay to care too much and be the reason that you get hurt
It's okay to lose people, and things you love
until you have nobody but yourself left...
We where created weak,
To find our strengths,

And because when you feel like you're drowning
and gasping for air
all on your own
when you finally take the choice
to let yourself be the victim of your pain
or rise above the waves of your dark dark days
And learn how to swim
even if you keep drowning
if you keep fighting to stay afloat
you'll forget the pain
And you'll concentrate on the one thing that matters

you'll find out that it IS okay to not ALWAYS be OKAY
You've just got to be brave.

       

— The End —