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David Bojay Jun 2014
it's what you do to me that makes me see that the summer isn't so bad when it comes to weather if you're around and act like the winter breeze
it's what you do that fragments and throws away my left over sadness in a hole that's feelings of the are forgotten
it's what you do that puts me to sleep at night because I know I'll wake up and know you'll be mine for the next 16 hours I'm awake
it's what you do that makes me write like I'm writing about a high power that I believe in
it's what you do that makes it seem like the sun and the moon aren't the only things that can light up my world with eternal hope when the sky resembles how I used to feel; blue, or when the sky resembles my biggest fear as an innocent minded 4 year old; the darkness
it's what you do that makes it seem like water isn't the only thing that can keep me alive, because your kisses hydrate my soul more than hydrogen and oxygen hydrate my body
it's what you do that makes me want to copy and paste my words on all that I feel about you inside a door in your heart and lock them with a key that I'll throw in the deepest area of the Atlantic ocean, not even the most powerful magnet in the universe could find it, because the sureness in my sentences I compose for you are meant to stay in your heart like well thought of tattoos without hesitations on inking your skin permanently for the rest of eternity
it's what you do that makes me run the mile in 4 minutes and 53 seconds hoping you'd be at the end of the 5,280 feet I ran
it's what you do that makes think overcoming what I think is impossible at the moment is possible
it's what you do that makes me proud to stand by your side when we're walking hallways full of shame and disappointment
it's what you do that made me realize a believer of God can love a doubter of his word, an opposition to my morals
it's what you do that made me believe some blessings are everlasting, like you
it's what you do that makes me wish I could tattoo my kisses on your face to remind you that I love every inch of what you don't like when you look in the mirror to make your insecurities irrelevant to what I admire
it's what you do that makes me see that comparing galaxies to your eyes don't do them justice
it's what you do, that makes me love you as much as I do, as much as I always have, as much as I always will.
David Bojay Feb 2015
Saw God and haven't even died
I saw myself and began to cry
I looked at my mom and fell to my knees
I thought of death and never went through
I got the noose but never tied it around my neck, old news
I was on the edge when I sensed wonders
Studied the universe with my eyes
I felt the wind pat me on my back
I felt the sun hugging me with it's rays
I heard the birds composing for me
I saw God and I was looking in the mirror
I saw us and we were walking together
I saw everything and thought of us as citizens of the universe
I saw you and felt the love
A new kind of love
I felt my skin and walked back
I looked at my palms and saw atoms
I saw God and it was us
I saw God and we are true
I saw God and we are conscious
I saw God and we make it possible
I saw God and I felt love
David Bojay Jun 2018
after all we've seen
the things experiences we've lived
the poems i've written
to soften your existence
to make everything a little more romantic
with words to describe what i can't describe
after all my kisses
the hugs
the meals we've shared
the moments we'll look back on, the moments we've looked back on
the cringey moments
the broken smiles
after all the music we've listened to, it'd be hard for me to listen to again
the lingering vibe in my car
every fight feels like a break up
every argument makes me want to sew my mouth together
shut up david
but we are both wrong
and sometimes your words hurt me
(they're not supposed to, yet i'm crying while typing and my throat feels choppy)
the things you've done for me don't reflect what you said to me in absolutely certainty
"******* idiot"
i feel dumb
because of you, for this moment, i do.... feel like a ******* idiot
i look around with watery eyes
i look down with hope i've built for us, and it disintegrates
i look in the mirror and my reflection is blurry
i read "******* idiot" when i look myself in the eyes
for the moment
my ego is hurt, and something bad happens when it is

i have to let myself go

David Bojay Nov 2017
there's a lot of women here

with lives of their own

with nothing to share

and less shame to show

attention doesn't bring me satisfaction anymore

I want to think until my thoughts pour down from my ears

(everything has a price, so save your money)
David Bojay Nov 2018
this is the end
A poem to finish this off
For the memory
12:52 am
November 6
My day didn’t start so well
False dreams it seems
Sleeping in the closet
Feeling like a loser
A new beginning
Another end
No more time to spend
This time
All I can do is accept
The circumstances call for a few cries of denial
but the reason has been clear
David Bojay Dec 2018
i question why
the lonesome cries rely on lies embedded in the "SELF" to survive
moments where I'm barely getting by
gazing at a sky
waiting for a reply to give my life some stimuli
it all seems fine

reflecting on memories when I rewind

nevermind, I'll never mind either times I felt like dying

in my mind so I unbind all connections that don't meet eye to eye

where do I find a place that doesn't remind me of **** that I denied
i was blind

concluded that I was combined

the body/mind

I cannot deny the experiences that were opposite of divine


tell me why I'm FREE

yet so confined

do I awake the second I die?

or must I prepare a permanent goodbye?
David Bojay Aug 2017
My heart can be broken
Sew it up like if it was woven
Another girl for the ***** work
Another one I'm losing faith in
Another one to forget
Another one to hope for the best
Another lesson to learn to accept
I feel as if we we're not going to last
It all ends in a laugh
David Bojay Nov 2018
when it all goes to ****
and the chemicals don’t hit
you’ve always been the one to control your will to quit
And you’re still here
even when your life is smeared
and there’s nowhere else to steer
there’s still a move to be played
early or late
those who face themselves
aren’t ones to be betrayed

it makes sense
A tad tense from a day that don’t require two cents
Seeing from a different lense
David Bojay Aug 2019
Laid up beneath my eyes
Knots that can’t be untied
**** ups that make us wise
I lose and I win, it’s implied in the balance I used to deny
It’s written in ink
A past to revise
A moment to edit
So that intention is justified

My essence in disguise
Some efforts to stabilize
Nothing to really symbolize
Abiding the opposite of a lie

A simple truth I cannot tell
An idea I cannot sell

To simply be
Awareness can swell
who is my bestfriend
David Bojay Feb 2017
OD on L O V E... and try to see
We're meant to love
Meant to feel pain
To feel happiness
Love is just a word that makes every emotion into a list
Follow me through the distance between us two
Let's slither down our trust
Until it doesn't exist
Until the rules melt between our finger tips
A bed in the middle of the nothing
I don't try to not fit in with the ocean

Keep me

My emotions go crazy
Preaching the peace within me
But you know how make my craziness punch a hole on the wall when you upset me

Let's sail away from the factors
Suffocate me with your presence
Make me think I'm your only one
I know it's just for the next few experiences
We are only 19

How can she talk about a tomorrow that hasn't been written

But I'd live what I've created in my mind with you... only you

Tag me in the pictures you smile in

So that I have something meaningful (only perspectively) to smile at

I know this me drives me away from you

Just acccept this swing of words before they erode inside my head and into my memories

Just love this part of me
David Bojay Feb 2015
It takes time
It takes time to just be as things are
It takes time to be who you are
It takes times time for me to be me with you
I think it's just you
I'll be indecisive
I'll be weird
It's just you, in the most loving way because I don't want to lose you
We'll have time to move forward with our rhythms
Be real with ourselves
With our emotions
With our everything, together
We won't have to force it
Our comfort will take time, it'll be worth it
You'll be there
And I'll be here
For you, always for you
If it comes true, then count on me
Tell me about the wars inside your head
And I'll tell you about mine
They're just words, so I'll hold you tight
Because they don't mean a thing
Promising acts
Promising kisses for the future
Feeling love for the present
Living in the moment for the thrill of love
love love love love love love love
David Bojay Jan 2015
The real devil is social media
I am one with peace
Peace should be a chant
Everyone needs it
I shouldn't be drinking much
I shouldn't be stealing
But here I am, drunk as **** and talking to my ex girlfriend
My mom is really crazy
What kind of higher power makes her suffer
I'm ashamed
You deserved everything but the best and hopefully an extra large cup full of of hope will fill you up
Hopefully I'm not selfish
I'll believe in God if you cameback honestly
You were my one and only The real devil is social media
I am one with peace
Peace should be a chant
Everyone needs it
I shouldn't be drinking much
I shouldn't be stealing
But here I am, drunk as **** and talking to my ex girlfriend
My mom is really crazy
What kind of higher power makes her suffer
I'm ashamed
You deserved everything but the best and hopefully an extra large cup full of of hope will fill you up
Hopefully I'm not selfish
I'll believe in God if you cameback honestly
You were my one and only
The real devil is social media
I am one with peace
Peace should be a chant
Everyone needs it
I shouldn't be drinking much
I shouldn't be stealing
But here I am, drunk as **** and talking to my ex girlfriend
My mom is really crazy
What kind of higher power makes her suffer
I'm ashamed
You deserved everything but the best and hopefully an extra large cup full of of hope will fill you up
Hopefully I'm not selfish
I'll believe in God if you cameback honestly
You were my one and only
I might have said that twice
Nvm I'm fulfilled what am I even bringing up
So what if I have the world in my hands
I don't have you
Oh wait
I'm supposed to be forgetting
And I'll pray to the God my mom prays to unt the day you're mine again
David Bojay Jan 2019
walking down the bars
the lights seem brighter
my laugh echoes in my head
the voices of arrogance seem to vanish
the dust tickles the insides of my nose
my ears are warm
***** is having a lovely time
He’s loose
arms are flowing
Legs are everywhere

And then we go to jail for 12 hours

I’m glad I’m here in my bed right now

Whatever goes on, goes like a wheel going 120 miles per hour
I’m just a dip in the road
It keeps going even if I’m the factor

The only one...

Also just watched Black Mirror for a bit....the memories aren’t worth a reaction in the present moment

But it makes sense....

It’s been a long day

**** jail

But everything is worth experiencing
David Bojay Jan 2014
I was wondering if I could make your heart my home
What is a home? A cozy kind of feeling where you feel loved?
Maybe I won't make it to see my mothers will
Maybe I won't see tomorrow
I'm wondering if you can be my tomorrow
Something to look forward to
I like to go into the woods and look for hope
I never find it, but I search to keep myself distracted from finding a rope
My phone's on airplane mode
I'm listening to liquid summer by diamond messages
This song brings me back to the summer
Same pain, different weather
If I were to be a dealer of some sort, I'd overdose on my own hope
An ounce of hope would do me good right now
I'm smiling right now, and I think it's because I'm thinking too much
I'm on my bike, just standing looking at cars pass by
Down on my mind, above the ground
I'm wondering what I should call the book I'm writing
The Art of Contradictions or The Art of Progression
My aunts cousins husband got me the bike I'm on, what the ****
I dont know what I'm doing I'm sorry
I'm an artist, not a lover
I try to be, once again... I'm just an artist
Sorry if I hurt you, I don't know what I'm doing
I'll do my best to love you, even if I dont know how to.... its 4:50 and I'm just an artist... sorry
It is now 5:34 and I'm sweaty, and cold
I never really got that combination
I quit smoking two days ago, so much for being sober
Im wondering how love can be young
Love doesn't age, a person does
Not too long ago I was eating pizza, now I'm here
Where is here? I dont know, it's not a home thats for sure
I'm surrounded by bricks
They protect me from the rain, but not from the tiny soldiers fighting war in my head
I'm on airplane mode and I'm wondering... I think I'm a phone on airplane mode
There's no use to a phone without internet or service
I wish I had my fathers bags, I also want to get you flowers
Black roses represent my soul
A rainbow represents the inside of it
My name is David Bojay, and you can call me whatever you want
I call myself a passionate suicidal artist
I hate to love, and I love you
David Bojay Feb 2015
Patterned multi colored visuals to make you look ugly
Them pills didn't help me concentrate
It was always about the passion behind it
I've been realer lately
What if happiness isn't for everyone?
What if depression is supposed to be the way someone feels because that's the way they're meant to be
Apache heart, feel everything around me
I love without the mystics
I love passed the speed of light
I'll love until my grave becomes dirt
I knew I could be everything when I surpassed my Elliot Rodgers phase
I'm under the sun, under a ray that distinguishes us
A ray of light that makes us discriminate
David Bojay Feb 2015
Let it breathe

Let it ease

Let it free

I have the key

Let me cease the moments with nothing but love

Keep me away from jealousy because insecurity comes and goes

Its human nature

Let us feel everything bad and good, balanced

Its human nature

We’re supposed to for the best at the end

Let me feel, let me feel

Feel everything there is to love

Feel everything there is to pain

Feel everything there is to life

Because that's when I know I really lived
David Bojay Nov 2017
you have to let things happen

so when it's good or bad you can say

"things just happen"
(it helps you accept reality)
(you can't live denying it)

they happen no matter what
they happen in your sleep
they happen when you reach for the steering wheel when you're about to leave your house
they happen when you decide to run a red light
they happen when your life is taken why by your decisions

your death

like all other things that happen...
David Bojay Jul 2017
tell me if loving you isn't a crime

so I can stop comparing it to the beaten faces I dream about

the craving of ending someone's life

before someone really loses their right to live

so we can love beyond what we live for

imagination is water that breaks a plastic container

(dream about the impossible)
David Bojay May 2017
little hell
without you, i tremble
trying to piece myself back together like a castle with it's own mind
except i'm not worth much

and i've accepted my nothingness in this world
David Bojay Apr 2019
maybe used and abused//
in tune with my groove//
you came about and got me *******//
I realize the feeling so blue//
to partake in it I don’t have a clue//
something senseless, without pleasant hues//
tell my why did you come through//
and slow me down like chopped and *******//
what’s there to do//
continue the love we pretend we don’t want to pursue//
I’m just a fool, a tool//
One that you can just use//
if I hurt you, you hurt me too//
tear me from the roots//
at least know I’ll know there’s nothing to do// but overload on brews and dismiss what there is to assume//
I’m just a lonely dude//
Paying dues//
with something in mind but nothing to really do//
David Bojay Jan 2019
long days are becoming more comfortable

things to do

away.... selfish me
let her be
no one to please
enlightenment to seek
dissolution of thought

seeing through the fissures

visiting the empty creeks

totsiens boo
David Bojay Nov 2018
when the dues are paid
and there’s nothing left to be said
get up and make your bed
heat up the water
you look at your phone only to say “why bother”
my mind is playing games
Eyes of people so tame
I let out my false anger on people I love
Can I envy empty space?
Give me some peace, a slice to taste
I can’t deny my hate when it doesn’t exist
it doesn’t begin
Nor does it end
Why do I deny?
your influences tickle your thoughts
it reflects in your actions
dangling keys
running from the bees
the pain is far from being at ease
expanding consciousness but I slip when the thoughts come storming
Flooding my train of thought
Demons to be fought
in an empty lot
A reason to be caught
Alone, this stream I must jot
listening to romantic music
by the girl with a voice better sounding than the acoustics
They think I’m playing but really I’m not boosting
The mood changes like a hit before I’m zooted
But when the heat comes know that it’s brewing
The doings of today
Forgotten in the days I couldn’t walk straight
The moments are delayed
Down as of late
Early when I bake
It just happens no heaven sake
It just happens
Like I don’t think of the girl I betrayed
Never should I have stayed
If the love was delayed
Why did I choose to stay
In a crowd
For a band
Color and sound
The waves take the pain away so late
The mind in disbelief
happy endings to seize
the one in the mirror the only one to please
David Bojay Nov 2017
I was too lazy to spit my gum out

but I walked 15 feet to make myself a coffee

I didn't notice the trash can, sadly....

I walked back to my seat... (eager!) to drink my little coffee with 2 creamers... I usually drink it straight black

I was thinking about my pride and I envisioned it to be the gum in my mouth

So I swallowed it


I noticed the trash can afterwards

The coffee is good
David Bojay Jun 2018
in the dark i sit
thinking about when i'll just quit
pleasing for the wrong reasons
will make the train of thought to my vision split
(sitting on this chair, alone...aware... of how bad it's been this week)
(weeping for a bit, watching videos.... trying to uplift myself without use of energy)
i feel weird tonight
out of site
everything influences, what do i cite?
laying down my weapon
i don't want to fight
i don't crave acceptance, i don't want to oppose with opinion
(whatever you stand for is nobody's business but yours)
why would you care?
to my self i must declare
to walk and talk in full aware-
feel somewhat a mess
but tomorrow is a new day, i don't think i should stress
clean up my mess
maybe resist the person i pressed
unwanted thought, how does that convert to feeling less?
and everything okay when you get undressed?
i bet you ask yourself when i'll finally be my best?
in the end, it's the love or lead
David Bojay Aug 2019
the distance we've made
when the cards were played

with nothing to be said
and time to be paid
I can only love an option of higher grade for  the sake of me
for the sake of my ***** ******* mind
who knows of it's treacheries

how many people still waiting for me to decide whether or not I really love her or not

it only amounts to nothing
delicate to the stumbles we take
down the sewer with the rest when I fail a couple "are we still "there"? tests

in my arms
out my arms

the only person you can truly be isn't what you see in me

but what you see in everyone

I just think ******* be *****

really *****

I just be sidetracked from a temporary truth
David Bojay Dec 2019
Out of place
Out of lane
Life in vain
Observe the pain
Regain my “self” to seek a “self”
Loss of love, lots of doubt
Gain some love, bend some time
Act so cool, create visual ***
Generate from the nothingness
Feel some type of way
There’s no way I can regret
Why should I think about something that’s dead?
I didn’t plan on walking the stage
I do it for my mom, I do it for my dad
And the people that’ll meet
I’m grateful for the insights, I’m lonesome without the help
Some of the most random situations pull me out of hell
This character will lose his mind one day, if there was actually a mind to actualize
It doesn’t hurt to leave
Leaving behind what’s not meant to be
But how do we know without any effort?
It’s the morning
I hope to see you soon
3 weeks ago, I couldn’t look at myself for more than 10 seconds
But I live in a world full of reflection
I don’t sense myself looking at the mirror
Formless forms
I’m ******* myself with unreasonable neglect
My goatee is thick this morning
I’m about to use one of my moms new razors
There’s all and not much to talk about
It sounds crazier when we speak it though
The simplicity of the complex
The complexity of the simplicity
I’ve been sitting on this toilet for too long
Goodmorning world
It’s about the approach
David Bojay Jun 2018
get what you can take,
but think before you do
for consequence follows behind every choice
get what you can take
from walking
to talking
the most from all, from the seconds that don't matter
(when i'm deep in some ****, i think about this)

but some thoughts just overcome the "smarter" ones

and regret follows behind the action
David Bojay Dec 2014
Amused by your moves you're using in bed to ******
Starting new to improve cause I didn't have a clue
My mind was blue, I was blind without the truth
Eyes on attractive body parts makes it seem like we're living in a zoo
We're all animals it's nothing new
Defeating these feelings with mind crush
Unlimited P and I'm laughing at how easy things are with some words
I am Cinderella
I am bigger than I thought I was last year
My true love has me on silent
I feel like I'm in an island and this talent is nothing if I can't right about those violent eyes that make me go a little crazy
I'm bringing my passion wherever
Inspiration from rides in ledbetter
I hope you're better
These visuals are getting out of control, I'm feeling myself without the L
4 seconds into my life and they're questioning who I am
Fear is real and confidence isn't
Fear not and you'll do fine
Letting go to build
We'll be alright, we'll be alright
Watch the world the way you want
It's a movie and you're destiny
The night still consumes me
I am me and that's probably all there will be to everything I do
My reasons are me
My motives are me
We're moving so fast
Define God
David Bojay Jan 2015
Kinda crazy
Mondays are lazy
These ladies they they mire me and I'm tired of the regular
I had to change it up
My incense is burning
My heart is burning
My mind is growing
My dad is more loving
My mom is hard working
My brother and I are bonding more
My sister is more open
I'm more at peace with everyone
I should've been more forgiving
The time is now and I'll say sorry if I have to whenever I should be
David Bojay Aug 2019
Temporary truth
Something to hold on to
No offense to you
It’s just the unpaid dues
That leave me without a clue
What’s new?
A view oh so blue
What’s new?
Feeling old way too soon
What’s new?
Feelings I already knew about when it seems so new

Still into you
Still stuck in two

Feelings I never outgrew
David Bojay Dec 2014
Troubled kisses and these hickeys are covered, I thought we were just going to cuddle.
Subtle moves and you were pretty boozed.
I don't need to book you, you're already there.
We stare and dare, I cant bare.
We went to Target and time wasn't really a factor.
Time dies, we're alive and I'm letting go of my pride.
I was just talking about time and I loved how you listened to my theories.
We shared a Gatorade, I gave you the first sip because I think it'd be gentlemen of me.
We wore robes around the store.
Parked somewhere dark and talked about everything.
"I want to be the one you dream of"
I don't understand the simplest things.
The normal always confuses me.
one day this will be real these are stories
David Bojay Nov 2017
to come...
David Bojay Aug 2017
looked into your eyes//
and saw the lie that disguised your lows with the highs//
tried to work it out, but just didn't feel it like soggy fries//

(the boy that tries, buys his way out the prize)

none of my beliefs give rise to an unknown man in your sky//

there's more out there that defies all that we cease to know according to the wise that asked "why?" when his hope had dried//

(between her thighs I gormandize)

indulge until my tongue needs to be sanitized//
no ***** talk, I don't mean to patronize//

looks into hand
(how do I begin to identify?)
David Bojay Jun 2017
wake up, alone

nothing to lose like everything ever owned before truth

(when you first loved, it turned me into stone)

                           (be carelessly in love)
let your "self" fall into the pits of the unknown

(can't title what I feel, but what's worth trying to understand the limitless)
David Bojay Jun 2018
races to be won, races to be lost
emotions to be felt
emotions to learn and observe
moments take over
the storm will never be over
as long as i remain aware, of the pain inflicted
by myself, decisions with cause and effect
feelings that were acted on out of neglect
we argue and we both become suspect
to our eyes, we cannot lie
for i know, the layers inside your mind
and you know mine
this morning was fine, far from good
last night made my thought process shook
asking how i define
this love that don't resemble confine
i wrote a good *** poem earlier
and it got deleted
it was time to practice
let go of the moments that threaten your being
that threaten the ties you've created to be this way
we fight until we ask ourselves what's the subject?
blurry memories, sit and reflect
to live a blurr, no mind to retrospect
moments that were delivered to my reality
moments that caused pain
derive from the unconscious
i'm aware of this, letting it happen is a burden sometimes
how do i not let it, when sometimes it only "feels" right?
how does it "feel" right to feel anger?
i'm still walking on a rope
but can't balance my"Self"

awareness applied
to live, to die and feel love for what's outside
live for this
for questions
for explorations

i have work at 11

the coffee has been brewed, but i'll let it sit and write this poem

i wonder what the people have to say today
they walk in, give us business, give us *******
who do i believe, who do i trust?
i guess i have to see beyond it, beyond that...
beyond what they think and say
how are they when they're away?
they look empty, what kind of soul? what kind of formulae
to your disarray???

i'm kind of excited....

to live today

we still on bad terms but like i have to continue to live breh...

this writing was interesting...
David Bojay Feb 2021
i got off at 3:30 today
organized my music again, i always plan a drop and make some more
always trying to create something better.. for the fun
it was always me to take things further
it'll always be me to take things farther
but the purpose will be evident
pour everything within
every moment, for me
a chance to try and live it out
but there's no one
do i even need anyone
to feel... like before, the feeling of unification even when all is scattered
knowing someone is there with you, more than enough
but that goes, like everything
and then want
research research
preserve my nerves
i sit and learn
i sit and burn
i sit and learn
i stand and yearn
i sleep, it ends
i wake,.... here i am
i like this website because there's no character limit
maybe there is at 69,000
i miss having ***
it's okay though, i'm busy
keeping my mind entertained with emotions i can pick up with my hands
not really though
trying to juggle them
i cant mess my life up though.. but i still have to risk
it all
every rep... risk it all
give it, my all
create stories with yourself, by yourself
let the people come... keep doing
David Bojay Feb 2019
How did I get this far?
Distorted vision
Collision for some sense
Love that I didn’t remember when I slept
Could’ve forgotten the tears that been wept
Regret to be swept
Socially inept when I ponder about my end

man in the mirror
who else can I depend on?

wipe the thoughts from my mind to "be" a little clearer

once upon
a time
no lexicon

to describe

my love beyond the stars up above

                         para ti

out and about with no doubt in my steps
out to test the handles to manifest

excuse the ego, it's probably best

(sometimes I feel like I'm living like I'm holding on to the weakest set of limbs)

when the chances are thin, nothing to limn

reach within your inner vim

sitting here before work

10:31 am

I go in at 11

haven't gotten dressed yet

drinking coffee

listening to music

about to get my **** in

tonight I might get some ***** in

but recently the tears make me feel like I'm


but that's just.... overthinking

what am I thinking?

I need to get ready for dat werk werk

racetrac clerk clerk

putting in that fookin werk werk

crazy **** ****

dunk my nuts on your face like I'm dirk dirk

okay I'm going to get ready



David Bojay Jul 2017
it's for me

for you to read

must reflect from my words

because I desire to leave all of what I have.... to this dying world
David Bojay Dec 2014
The green coming but I don't make a scene
Legs are spreading but I dont care to see
My way and these distractions aren't phasing me
I'm loving and these limits aren't stopping me
Why does the after feeling of the lucy got me acting so depressing?
It's 3:26 am and the come up seems too far to see vividly
I still want to release some stress on you... ****** energy
I see God but it's so chemically
I want to choke you while I ******* roughly
I want to make everything so LSD
I don't make sense, and it's not as deep as it should be
Yelling love is so unnecessary
Feeling it is so delusory
I still wouldn't give it up for luxury
Walking memories going through misery hoping for the light at the end of your imagery
We were so close to the truth like Mercury
We're books and I'm reading everyone like they read my poetry
Don't measure love by the Avery
I swear I'm eating good, no celery
David Bojay May 2014
I've seen people die and come alive
I've seen people drain in misery
I've seen people look like meadows and rainbows
I've seen people sink in blues
I've seen people come and go for the better
I've felt the wrath of the power people hold with my heart in their hands
I've felt the holes they fill in become empty overtime
I've felt a lot, but time is filled with feelings and I'm barely 16
I have a lot to feel and a lot to see

My dear friends, we've all been a little blue
My dear friends, we all wish for the best
My dear friends, the best comes within tornadoes

My dear friends, you're the breeze in my summer vibes
I swear, my dear friends, you are my destiny and have made my fat suicide letters anorexic
ba ba ba ba
David Bojay Nov 2017
my father tells the stories

talks in the car, I'll never forget

I was taught to listen

So I did

it's a good trait....
just listen

and write


David Bojay Jan 2014
I really dont know how much time you have
Your bags are getting lower and I'm loving you a little too late
You're getting skinnier
You've lossed 30 lbs in 1 one month and I think this is your last year standing on earth
I think these are the months to pray
It's a little too late
Don't deny your sickness, when even you know you're ill
You once told my mom you dont pay the consequences here on earth, you pay them in the afterlife
You're paying them now
It must be horrible to live what you were planning to live in the afterlife
You're 25 x2 and I'm the mistake you love the most
Everytime I listen to Guilt Trip by Kanye West I shiver when Kid Cudi comes in
The line "If you loved me so much then why'd you let me go" hurts me so much
I remember you calling me a good for nothing
I think those words have become permanent to my thoughts
I think that's why I saw my self standing in a place for the hopeless a month and a half ago
I dont think I'll ever tell you that I love you face to face with pride in those words
Your figure is starting to become weak, and I'm beginning to worry
It's too late for that, I've come so far with a rope pulling me back
I think I've been walking backwards these passed 5 years
I didn't realize it before then
I don't think I know you well enough
I wish I knew who you truly are, soon to be were
What I do know is that you always pointed at my mother and yelled negativity
Now you're pointing at what grave you want to get buried in
You're paying death in my world you caused hell in
Consequences come in unexpected ways
I guess thats why death is catching you offguard
8 straight years hearing yells I hated
I was tired of it, but used to it as well
I'll always be your son.... dad
I wish things turned out differently
I wish you knew that deep down, I love you
The love you didn't show is slowly tying a rope around your neck
You'll always be my dad, you'll always be the monster I was scared of when I was little
You'll always be the screams of negativity in my ears that keep me awake some nights
You'll always be the July 29th I remember, always
You'll always be what made me who I am now
A suicidal passionate artist
And my friends will always try to defeat my inner war with their consoling words
What they don't know is that you'll always be with me
Even when I'm experiencing success
You'll always be there, to bring me down
And I love you for that..... dad
You'll always be my dad
And I'll always be your son you never showed love to
I love you
David Bojay Jul 2017
hearing Vietnamese women gossip

old men trying to become what they wished they would've done earlier

fat men on the treadmill walking really slow, there's no difference

the old don't actualize the truth
(face yourself)
but don't turn you back to the mirror

there should be spoken poetry instead of radio music playing behind every set to encourage rhythm


I've created a relationship between my muscles and my desires
David Bojay Oct 2014
Symbolize no lies and the flip side of white like Anubis
From noobin' to getting a new *****
No birth on earth, not lucid
Off my knees with no assist
**** a trip never lit and still lifted
Used to quit for a bit, but the G too loud I listened
**** boys out my vision
Questioned exsistence, doubts had no limit
2 to run a business
1 of those disposed the closed
Honor roll for being on the role, never missed like a ***
Wished to be what I seemed to be on the screen; so vivid
Regretting lies in this life all the time now I'm fine being just David
Universe seems different
BS all around got me bent
Dead bird, you no fly
Old *****, no reply
Childish, you still whine
You full of it, like a cyst
Cat killa, ask yo sis
Smooth talk, **** that swiss
Made my way without an *** kiss
Money off my wishlist
Summer coming like my ****
Trill kicks, gold wrists, yeah all thrift
Never trust those slick lips
Better off a pugilist
Swollen fist, not a pacifist
No front, my diction real ****
Get you ****** with no diss
Limp **** still leave her lispin'......I'm not even playing
David Bojay Nov 2014
My days seem to be longing someone.
My mornings feel like
I can't go back to anything anymore that I wanted before.
I've been writing about how I feel about a lot of things lately, I dont really know how to organize them.
I feel like meditation has really kept me from punching holes in the wall lately.
I feel like tripping has kept me from overthinking real situations, it's been a while though.
I've been keeping it natural.
There's so much more to everything, I feel like meaning is so expensive these days.
I've lost the concept of options.
These numbers are useless.
I've noticed the moment something catches a persons eye they pull out their phone instead of cherishing at the moment.
Swear words are becoming part of our culture now.
Your memory is worth more.
I'll doubt you if you're material.
Flexing thoughts and not what makes them that way with $20 on social media.
I was just playing around with perception, nothing serious.
I tried committing suicide in social media, but people worry too much and start hitting up my phone.
Funny how if you don't respond to a text they automatically think something is wrong.
Acceptance shouldn't be this easy, but all of a sudden it is for me.
Lately everything seems so spiritual, I'm glad I'm not overthinking things to a negative perspective.
Weekly tests just to give my mom some reassurance.
Trust is on it's way along with a motor.
I scrapped my knees, and this is really weird.
Can't really open up anymore, ears just hear and careness is absent.
David Bojay Sep 2014
Just like that my words will mean nothing.
Just like that I'll be lost in innovation, the clouds of social media.
Forgotten in mentions.
A "used to be" in the threads.
Isolated in the beautiful and in the cruel.
Is losing interest growing up?
Or just regrets later on?
Lost cause turning into false hopes?
Is the $100 off your weekly check really worth seeing patterns for 12 hours?
It doesn't look like the gold can rust, so I can't.
These words are an aliens slang.
These cars are my childrens junk.
My smile is used for deceiving the teachers.
A blessing to the world, a curse to the law.
Holding on to feelings, letting go to the patterns on your hand.
Pixels of the past seem so 10 years ago.
Looking at the end of time while I look at my burgundy carpet.
Running away from the stars like running from what used to be.
Nights are shallow all together.
Swallowing gulps of saliva while I grip my sheets, I'm sinking in Ralph Lauren.
Testing my patience like if forever was actually real.
David Bojay Mar 2017
Things are changing
The waves are moving different directions in the ocean in my head
Sorry I expressed what I felt
What kind of care do you give?
I'm drowning and holding on to your hand
Watch me sink in my thoughts I would've told you
I can't open up because I get no reply

As long as I know I do

Then why should I pay the price of wanting something from somebody who is a wall when I talk
David Bojay Mar 2014
i live in orange clouds hovering above beautiful meadows
i ride the train to my city to admire the lights and loud cars
i carry a dozen cigarettes to pass the time until the blue lane arrives
at times I ***** for no reason
I feel like the sky is the only thing that preexist
I roam the crowded streets and sacrilege
im aware of consequences, but a ***** fell off a while back when I cared about a lot
im somewhat double ******* things now
through broken windows I see
David Bojay Jan 2019
days passing into brand new lights
seeking the days that can’t replaced
Taking out the damage that was laced
Swimming but in a stagnant position

walking out of class to meditate
Thoughts to sedate
Set a date
My death
Serve it on your dinner plate

What’s your reason?
Said that ***** was mine that day you left
I just laugh at how it all came together to destruct
How do we attain certainty in what we say?

Clouds will move away but still the sky remains
David Bojay Jul 2014
the struggle was never real
i put it on myself
been thinking about some stuff I wish I never did
if there's a pill to make some people forget about how I used to be I'd go broke buying them
I remember every feeling and its a love hate thing
burgundy carpets smell like my ashed get aways
fabreeze helped a little
running on albuterol but still the fastest
my dosage is high but you're breathing harder
my mind has been scattered all day I need someone to tell me something about how they feel about me
don't know what matters and I dont know if it should matter
my sd card is running out of space, I need some space
been ducking the wind lately
im convinced im fairly happy but im not a fair type of person
my way beats the highway so **** a double seater
a coupe is nice but I've damaged my lungs too much to damage the earth
time isn't so much of a problem anymore so I ride my bike slowly, no need for the speed shifts
Im shirtless only when I'm alone at home, what does that tell you?
I wanna try a different genre but people wont **** with me, tears dry anyway
change is good
I dont want to be in this mall
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