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 Dec 2016
You who have done wrong, who thinks your right.
In subsequent to your anger towards me,
you have no [right].
Still i ignore your snubs
treated it as a bluffs.
Glad that you ignore me
at times, even if you bore a grudge on me.
I'll received it as a parting gift
to forget whatever causes of grief
you've done.

I know this words will never reach you,
cause in life i don't want to give birth
to more misunderstanding. I am already
misunderstood and mistreated at times.

I just want to live-up to the silence of my comfort.
My independence is enough
to have a strong mind
and a stable heart to withstand
all the backslash of tongues.

a quote says:
everybody needs somebody sometimes
well i don't need one when I'm still able.

"siya na yung may kasalanan, siya pa yung may ganang magalit and mag damdam. ang kapal, talaga..."

Now I understand that Bullies have low EQ(emotional quotient). They just tend to have fun at you all the times without realizing that they've done too much. It been long i haven't wrote something like a journal. I just want to release this thoughts running on my mind.
 Dec 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

My intention isn't wasting your time , I'll make sure of that,
Choosing nights where we would blur on the side just like cataracts,
I'll do anything for you , I wouldn't let you down...
I'm your Knight and shining armor of love , lifting you up,
I hope I'm the one that you're thinking of ,not giving up,
I'll do anything for you , I wouldn't let you down...
Cause you're truly amazing....
Cause you're truly amazing....

Senseless when I'm staring in your sight of my whole future
Flashing pleading begging not to hurt you in a world full of
Diversity and chaos like hurricanes knock over trees that land
On your front roof,
I'm getting off topic , what does this have to do with the love I have
For you,

Cause you're truly amazing....
Cause you're truly amazing....
 Dec 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Theres a promise land,
One for each of us,
Some want power and lust,
I believe in God we trust,
Pink material in need,
Verses say the flesh is weak,
Forget tough , be cool,
Won't be taken seriously,
Men that run without phase,
Cold hearts won't give,
Lord help all the crazed,
Can't imagine how they live,
If this is really the end,
Hurry up and live your life,
No time to pretend anymore when you look at the cameras and lights,

I remember dreaming of a life with my first love when In reality
She was an ******* that didn't care for emotions or boyfriends or
people Less fortunate than herself laughing at me while I was being
Bullied in middle school,
Everybody's cruel, even your family that don't want you to be alive
To tell the stories of what happen to you,
Lost in disbelief or what ever the hell this boy is talking about,
Everybody else got the same impression without a doubt,
While all the kids from highschool that walked over me is living
Lavish , I'll be home writing to get a publishing deal in fact,
I know I'm not alone due to the 5,000 others in Florida,
Staring at the break of death cause they don't wanna live with mental disorders.
 Dec 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Sweet embrace choosing like the holy Grail,
Let the rain fall , my soul is not for sale,
Not really fun when you burn in hell,
Demons talking to you like fresh meat in jail,
Citrus feeling minds with all things not from earth,
Drawn to a love no certain than a common worth,
Even since you been a mistake on the day of your birth,
Suicide is something you don't really wanna blurt,
Nearing to the end like do you see a vision?
It was pleasant all before , don't bring any tension,
Envisioning a utopia, when they buried ya,
Riding in a silver Toyota, in a frozen tundra,
If the kitchen knives don't drop,
Dreamt of this your whole life, now you can't stop,
Don't know how I missed this part of agony , it was a tragedy,
It's your face they'll crop,
Red doors open when you see the error of your ways dying like
Obese guy laughing at athletes,
It'll take you two whole lifetimes just to get under my skin and walk
Over me,
But you are below me , I'm more of a man than any ignorant demon would
Ever Portray,
The taste of these and the taste of those will leave me immortal,
I won't die today.
 Dec 2016
phil roberts
A simple man is what I am
I went to no university
Or college of theology
And no doubt that's why I'm confused

It occurs to me, when we see
Leaders and generals of all countries and creeds
Celebrate their victories with smiling pride
Shouldn't they be weeping with shame
For all the innocents who've died?

They all believe that their god is on their side
And quite often, the same god at that
All down the ages, our venerable sages
Have killed, tortured and oppressed each other
In the name of the wishes of god

Now I'm just an ignorant sinner
So can someone please explain
What kind of god do these people believe in
That needs the destruction of his own creations
And all in his holy name?

                                                          ­­  By Phil Roberts
 Dec 2016
Rebel Heart
December has come
And time has passed
Who knew without you
This long I'd last

It's weird to think
You won't be here
For Christmas was our
favorite time of the year

Gingerbread houses
and the Christmas trees
Snowball fights
and the cold, cold breeze...

And you won't be here
to save me from the cold
or to wrap me up tight
at night as we grow old

And you won't be here
to chase me around the room
To steal my chocolate cookies
or to escape on a broom

All the nonsense we did
all the jokes we had
are frozen in place
in the Christmas past

And as I set up this tree
and light it up too
I sit here wondering
what do I do

I always love the Holidays,
but I'm thinking of you.
Of all the smiles we shared
and the songs we knew.

And you should know,
I asked Santa for a gift
But I know I won't get it,
I know, I admit.

I even sent a letter
My wish, I couldn't buy,
I wished and I wished
I still had to try...

Because if there's one thing that I knew,
It's that Christmas
Wouldn't be Christmas
Without You
I always wish for you...
 Dec 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

"Just another black boy with an half eaten cheese burger
On his bed, I pray the Lord will let me lay here",

The sun is out today also due to the troubled earth,
Life is getting shorter so you better know your Worth,
Death is inevitable to escape when it occurs,
Fears for the lucky ones that really roam the dirt,
B-i-r-d , you'd swear that it's the word,
Will it fly East or West in hopes one day to return,
You want to get right with him and not get burned,
Hope you got enough courage in your tank just to swerve,
Don't be a vamp all your life wishing hell for grace,
You want death in a hard cover , 29 is the page,
And I'll ignore every smart remarks and comments that you say,
The ripples in the water cools but slowly will age,
When you find freedom , memories will all fade,
But when you find paradise it's more than just a trace,
It's more than just a trace,
I hope to get there one day,


I could feel stress on your meter,
You're planning your long nights to see her,
If that's what makes you happy boy,
I hope she'll be the teacher,
My days in this life is long gone,
Sometimes I don't know what I do wrong,
To find me a shorter supply for this world will divide,
Have been alive for this long,
To know that I'm living a lie,
The purpose I'm chasing is solidified,
I could look for a good reason,
To raise a family without suicide,
Or passed on mental illnesses that'll ruin friendships in the
Flash of lightning,
Might have locations you could never find me,
I was looking for a way right now to get my weight up,
And conquer the scarring agony of misophonia,
So I'm done with ya,
No time to make friends , I believe in the God we trust,
I wanna get it back to the way it was...

I could feel stress on your meter,
You're planning your long nights to see her,
If that's what makes you happy boy,
I hope she'll be the teacher,
They use to say our skin was our sin,
And now we dress good for the black out....
A certain ability we won't lack now.
 Dec 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

The pain and the agony and wrath of God is a terrible
I feel like this oh so every day knowing times will get hard
Like Erections,
Goosebumps from the nervousness, hopefully I will overcome,
I survived the day escaping devil's misfits of keeping my head
Up to the sun,
What do you know about illnesses?
What do you know besides being ignorant?
Did you know the kid had to survive 4 years of ignorance and suicidal
Thoughts mixed with misunderstandings and false teachings in a
Cruel world such as this one that people will mop the floor with ya?
Did you know about that? Or were you raised with a **** saddle on
Your back,
How must I remind you I don't have no time to think like you,
I have the potential to make things happen in a state that's more
Loyal to Satan , we're all in a matrix,
From chances we take ,
And the bills that we pay,
Forgetting the legends for they paid the way,
And Jesus gave up his life for us Even today...

If I didn't know then what I know now,
Wish we had a light to make us all smile,
My illness is spreaded through my vains and this is serious,
More of a man than anybody else that I know I'm not being delirious.
 Nov 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I Was , Liking Your Decisions,
I forgot to mention,

I Was , On An Expedition,
Trying to find The feelin',

I Was , Loving Your Extensions,
I was on a mission,

I was , out of ammunition,
Knowing this would be done.....

Loving everyday of your miserable life trying to find some purpose
In every evil thing you do to everybody girl,
Not A fan Of seeing you like this telling you to get over it in any
Case you have against the world,
How you Been girl? How you been girl?
Can I get a straight answer with no attitude,
Bless your friends girl and your momma too,
Why are all our conversations in all interludes,
Stop pretending girl , that you care,
If anything if you don't know yourself then I know you
What's the motives girl , I'm not trying to pursue you in any
Way that would come off as poor...

I was , kind to you..

I Was , Liking Your Decisions,
I forgot to mention,

I Was , On An Expedition,
Trying to find The feelin',

I Was , Loving Your Extensions,
I was on a mission,

I was , out of ammunition,
Knowing this would be done.....
 Nov 2016
Rebel Heart
If I thought you could fix me
I guess I was wrong
Cause all we could
is try to heal ourselves in song

I guess,
We're both broken,
But if you're a wreck,
I'm a catastrophe and
drowning in my own mess

Now we're apart
and all that is left
Are these unfinished words
and promises never kept.

I'm drowning in my own tears
and memories of you
in a room of broken music notes
and broken hearts too.

I want to run back to you
but I know that will be wrong.
I guess we were never meant to be
anything more than an unfinished song...
Snippets of my new song I turned into a poem
 Nov 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham (Inspired By Johnny Cash)

I Hurt Myself Today,
Cause Everything's Surreal,

I Use to,
Love the pain,
Ignored the devil's deals,

I get deeper , in the hole,
Seeing what tomorrow brings,
God knows all the rest of your days,
And he remembers everything,

What Have I Become,
My Darkened End,
Everyone I Know , Knows their way,
In the End,
And You Could Have It All,
My self love of worth,
I always let you down,
I Will Make You Hurt,

The Man With His Two Horns,
Has Things He Wants To Share,
Maintain These Old Thoughts,
Don't You Let Him Hear,

An Ode To Father Time,
There's Nothing, Else To Fear,
Fight Battles Somewhere Else,
But I Am Still Right Here,

What Have I Become,
My Darkened End,
Everyone I Know , Knows their way,
In the End,
And You Could Have It All,
My self love of worth,
I always let you down,
I Will Make You Hurt,
If I Could Start Again,
Then Everyone Would Stay,
Times I Saved Myself,
I Won't Die ..Today.

 Nov 2016
Rebel Heart
Is it a sin
To be so broken apart...
To be so torn at the edges
That there's nothing left but heart?

I'm still beating
Though I feel like I have no soul.
This life I'm barely breathing,
And maybe I've lost control.

Skin torn off by shards of broken promises
Bones withered down by time,
Yet the only thing I have left is this heart
This heart I pour out in rhyme.

Maybe I've lost control
And all sense of direction
I have but nothing left,
Not even an ounce of protection.

These words I spill out,
Written in the blood of my empty heart,
They're the only thing I have left,
Every other piece of me is torn apart.

So I'm begging you,
With this one last thing I have to say,
Take care of these words, my heart,
It's already broken anyway.
This poem recently got published and I can't thank you guys enough for all the support and love...
Front page (11/14/2016)
 Nov 2016
Rebel Heart
People come,
and Lovers go.
Follow your passion
and strive for your goal.

Tomorrow is real,
and time will come.
But love is reserved
for the naive ones.

Love is for the lonely
or the ones who haven't found themselves.
Not for you, you pretty one
take the world for yourself.

You cannot fall in love,
What falls, breaks.
And you cannot grow in it either,
for the seeds are fakes.

Don't let love misguide you,
for its nothing but a shadow.
It'll linger and fade,
because people themselves outgrow.

I tell you this as a warning.
Steel up your heart, and let it grow cold.
For if you cannot love, you cannot get heart-broken.
At least... That's what I'm told...
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