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 May 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Soul cursed from birth with sins that made me think
not to pretend in a wicked world such as this,

i swear i could give a **** about your opinions when
burned deep into the skin of a grudging bliss,

Met my love that i still know in my life but never
reached toward a goal where i could have that kiss.
i'm sorry.
 May 2017
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

Am I alive or just breathing in a dead corpse,
The silence is where my heart use to be,
God coming through for me,
Harvested the honey tree,
O! How I was just a simpleton to everyone's superiority
In bashfulness and disloyalty,
But I'm me,
What about you,
Like what about you,
I don't like you,
You didn't believe in me when I was kicked down on the
Ground with a hundred feet stomping me,
Doing things for myself is always the best company,
I wondered what I would've done if I hadn't been just doing
Things for me,
It's the best cup of tea,
That myself gave to me ....... of that makes any sense,
I don't know maybe this is my cure after all.
 May 2017
Rebel Heart
You called me an artist
With a broken down soul
So when did I become your seamstress
And someone you thought you could control?

Trying to sew together these pieces
Of your broken down heart.
But who's going to be there for me
Deep in the night when I fall apart?

I'm just held together by band-aids
That you would call plastic smiles
Simply dressed in faux happiness
That you would call a style.

Eyes twinkling in a pool of lies
While my demons fight within
Adding a fake skip to my stride
While hiding these cuts on my skin.

But tonight,
The shards from my empty,
broken down heart
Are cutting in way too deep

And tonight,
The echoes in my empty,
broken down walls
Are screaming too loud to sleep.

So as I toss and turn tonight
In this endless infinite beat
Where are you now darling
As I'm alone crying in my sheets

And one thing is for sure
Never again will we meet
Because only one thing is for sure
This history always repeats
Still needs to be edited and any comments/suggestions are welcome :)
 Apr 2017
Rebel Heart
Lost in the waves
By the sweet salty sea
Watch my thoughts float away
Deep into the breeze

As the tides pull away
They always come back you see
Like when I push you away
And you come back to me

The ripples in the water
Come to wash away our sins
Second chances are rare,
So where do we begin?

Now the seeping sand weeps
And burns away our past
It buries the skeletons away
And the shadows that they cast

You told me once before
That together we'd finish this fight
That we have to wash away our demons
If we want to live right

So walk with me for now
Away from our problems, into the night
Walk with me for now
Away from our shadows, into the moonlight
 Apr 2017
Rebel Heart
I want to say goodbye
Leave all these shadows behind
So you need to let me go
In life there's no rewind

You try to save me from myself
But you can't save someone
who wants to drown

You try to pull me back up
But the only way I can see
from here is down

These cuts are getting too deep
And these whispers too loud
There's no peace even in sleep
And I'm just an empty face in the crowd

See I ran out of plastic smiles
And misplaced my mask
Now my true colors are bleeding through
Who knows how long I'll last

But promise me one thing
Just one thing I ask
Let me say goodbye tonight
Let me escape what's past
 Apr 2017
Rebel Heart
Sometimes I pretend to be a poet
Because poetry is art
And art is beautiful forever,
Whether its burned, scratched, or torn apart

And you can judge me all you want
The little lines and splatters of ink everywhere
Judge me across the window pane
Like I'm a broken masterpiece beyond repair

All these words written in the night
All these emotions painted on my skin
Admire me from afar, sweetheart
Or you'll see the darkness within

One step too close you might break me
Shatter all my endless walls
Break my skin and cut me so deep
That I may never stop the fall

One little cut is all it takes
Watch my words bleed onto the page

One little tear until it breaks
Watch my demons flood onto the stage

One little cut,
One little tear,
One broken smile,
Watch it all disappear

One little word,
One little line,
One broken poet,
Well, the end is near...
It might be misinterpreted, but then again the beautiful part about poetry is that it can be interpreted multiple ways... Still needs to be edited but feel free to leave your emotions on this page :)
(Front page 4/24/17)
 Apr 2017
Rebel Heart
Well I'm crashing, barely breathing
The feeling I've lost all control
On the driver's seat, but who's driving?
I'm sitting slowly losing my soul

You told me it would get better
Told me to give it some time.
Is it time enough now though,
Now that I'm bleeding out in rhyme

Flipping over and over again
While broken shards of memories lost
Burn through my bleeding brain.

Crashing and turning over again
While sounds of sirens drown me out
Driving me insane

Yet the impossible promises never stop
"You're going to be okay"
I'm gasping and drowning for air
While you're begging me to stay

So close to the end
And I never felt more alive
I just took a shortcut out
Of this never-ending drive

" a major accident..."
And the voices are drowned out by chimes
Because the only mistake I ever made
Was struggling to live all this time

So what's so bad about that?
I'l never see the finish line
But there was nothing waiting for me there anyway
Except a simple "dead end" sign
A poem I dug up from about a year ago but still gets my feelings right today
(Front page 4/15/17)
 Apr 2017
Rebel Heart
Well life never goes as planned
And some dreams never meant to come true
So I'll forever be stuck in the sand
Though I just want to start anew.

A clean slate, A clean soul
With no past haunting me
A new name, A new goal
To live like I was meant to be.

No more bad decisions
No more stupid rhymes
No more dealing with feelings
Or any more tough times.

I'll keep my mouth shut this time
No sharing secrets or more pain
Be the perfect person I want to be
Not this broken girl gone insane.

Then maybe I can make her happy
That little girl stuck staring at the sky
And turn these useless words to something
So life could be more than a lie...
Part 3 sneak peak (unedited version) of my new lyrical journey collection "Destination: Life".
Please leave criticism, advice, ideas, or just stop by to say hi in the comments. If anyone would be interested in reading more parts of this, feel free to message me. :)
 Apr 2017
Rebel Heart
So sick of seeing familiar faces
So done with this whole joke.
So tired of the same old places
And these memories so broke.

Well you told me it'd get better
You sang it to me in rhyme.
But words can't make life sweeter
And I'm just stuck in time.

My plastic smiles have faded
My hope vanished somewhere.
The only option left is to run
To I don't know where.

Running away from myself
While trying to reach this goal
Never running fast enough
To escape out of this hole.

So tell her sorry for me
The little girl with so many dreams,
She just wanted to touch the stars
And not be so broken at the seams...
Part 1 sneak peak (unedited version) of my new lyrical journey collection "Destination: Life".
I dug up pieces of this believe it or not from middle-school me and decided to edit it and make it into a great collection.
Please leave criticism, advice, ideas, or just stop by to say hi in the comments.
 Apr 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Just strolling along , just standing in place , i would,
show you more than what really happens in this place if i could,

skies are getting dark and grey , as it persuades , message,
if anything nobody listens to me so i pillage,

i could still see the stars , like its apart of my life,
i wish to find a stunning gorgeous guardian of a wife,

long hair to the back , isn't that a fact , i could make,
everybody wish they had a soulmate on an interstate,

Pretending i have a good home to come to , while thinking,
it was all a hoax that i provoked , this ship is sinking,

having life situations bore me , so i did,
the most responsible thing in the world , the choice that i picked.


We leave,
without a goodbye or a sayonara..
The future,
and every promise that we made is gone in the wind,
Some Trust,
the spirits they crave but it never comes through,
The Last Bit,
Of people wondered  when their hearts will ever get saved,

and i'm one of them,
its way too early for the *******,
the sunlight shines in my eyes,
i swear on life i wanna just quit,
i stopped trading blows for this disguise,
And all my life I've tried to quit,
five other times I've tried to end it,
I know that i'm not good enough,
for the rapture all the way to the end of a brand new.
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