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 Apr 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

feel the pain at every extent of your life,
its nothing new to this game we play or a level of polite,
this was always war in some of our eyes and even gods too,
bringing destruction to countries that don't even need dictating stools,
while we run around and do dumb **** for the amusement of seeing no rules,
so laws can be enforced on us but its too complicated to prove,
thinking back and growing up with issues,
with more problems of being sat on like a church pew,
praise his name in light for better virtues,
we're all dogs on a leash with a bowl of social media to try to get us
but thats not life and this ain't life either....

held up,
so many,
i can't hide anymore..
caught up,
in the,
wrong things,
when i,
walk out of the door..
you could get a piece of my presence,
looking to the sky,heaven knows i learned my lesson,
But i gotta stay in between the lines unless i wanna be saved
i know whats in store...

A soul like you couldn't grow up in a world this cruel..
A soul like you could be more precious more than beauty its self..
A soul like you couldn't be more lovelier than ever..
A soul like you could carry me to new places..

held up,
so many,
i can't hide anymore..
caught up,
in the,
wrong things,
when i,
walk out of the door..
you could get a piece of my presence,
looking to the sky,heaven knows i learned my lesson,
But i gotta stay in between the lines unless i wanna be saved
i know whats in store.
©ABPoetry:RisenLP2017 ©ABPoetry2017.
 Mar 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Left with past reminders like should i go back to the moment
when everyone was civilized?
The butterfly effect had nothing on the causes and tragedies
that opened up the peoples eyes,
choose better friends , keep your enemies closer than two mountains
slouching in the Himalayas,
like a stone brick wall filled with dead bodies even towards the top
where the satanists will dead hate ya,
stealing and killing is a motto for the young people that see chaos
in a troubled child's eyes,
Problems create problems in society when the people that we care
about the most tell us lies,
we're leaning towards the end of the road with a new set of toys and
the propaganda just grows stronger,
what happen to the unity and peace and the freedom of speech when
the troubles in the world gets darker,

As The waves crash down , i could see the future of a new age,
the children that'll grow up in a good home of good people and will
never take a break,
that will have all the teachings and serving the god that they praise,

we're all gonna die anyway , we're all gonna die anyway,
until we see the pearly gates.
©ABPoetry:RisenLP2017 ©ABPoetry2017.
 Mar 2017
Rebel Heart
Settling back into the rhythm
Of our heart's beating rhyme
Hoping we can work again,
But something's off this time...

We were perfect for eachother
But that was before I was broken
Into little shards of nothingness
While my feelings were left unspoken...

Yet like a hero you came for me
To pick up my metallic remains.
To put me back together
And free me of these chains...

But sweetheart I wish you then knew
That paper that's wrinkled and ripped too
Can't be put back together by glue
And I'm a broken machine missing a *****...

Now every tick of the tock
And every beat of your heart
Just keeps reminding me that
We're closer to falling apart...

You thought you could save me
But I'm an unfixable machine
Now we're just clinging on to
Nothing but a hopeless dream...

Yet while you'll soon move on
And find a better fit
I'll shrivel up and die
Alone in this deep little pit...
Not finished but fragments of this came to me and I had to put it to words. Hopefully I'll go back and edit this soon. This poem really doesn't have much to do with a clock but every time I read through it I find more versions of what these words could mean in a metaphorical sense. I guess words are powerful and beautiful yet so broken in that way...
 Mar 2017
As I look at you
I know that
I have loved you already
for just a short moment
and I swear that it was just
a sheer infatuation

times keep what heart cannot
 Mar 2017
All I loved, I loved alone
Going back I've lost my way home
From pain I rise to strengthen my bones
Yet all I loved, I loved alone.
#3 from my album
 Mar 2017
Art is worth the pain,
such requires a certain cruelty
as curtain calls beneath the rain,
you will be poetry.
I am back
 Mar 2017
It was all just a virtue,
thinking I need to apply it daily
Told myself, I'll wait if this feeling is true
Then it become my hobby
 Feb 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Watching the flame burn out quicker than most of the times
When I've seen a lot,
Going back to the times in school when I was an outcast and
The feelings were shot,
I'll put myself on display for enemies and envyers just to see,
I have confidence in myself like all you should have in empathy,
Still searching for a way to get out of this place but its still a
problem now,
too much sweat on my face and brow kinda leaked from depression
and disarray,
distorted vision and constant pacing in a room with a broken face,
Looking to the past,
i'm so glad you should ask how i'm doing every time you gain popularity,
turn around and laugh,
when i would speak to you in a world full of starving kids that don't
do half the things you do,
ignoring is key but later on in life you're gonna need someone to
vent to when your days are through.


Sometimes we could all look for love in 72 places at once,
And all the others just wanna criticize and bring you down,
instead of being positive they're blunt,
But they just need a little leg room , a leg room,
to get out this stress they afflict on you,
its hard to be positive i understand too,
by all these little reckless things that we do,
we need a little leg room , leg room;
decisions don't come easy when we choose,
Be around people that'll understand you,
by all the lovely things that you do,

Blinded by the light but it'll teach us,
taunted by the strong knowing that the're really just like us,
living all through the system with your bible in your hand,
but not knowing they're getting ready to judge us,
if this wasn't hard enough,
to gain what we earned in this stuff,
a society that's corrupt,
you would have thought that we were stuck,
you see depression is a given in this world , we can't adjust,
please trust,
and give your time to people that don't sell out or backstab,
we ain't a free people,
guess thats why we just need to laugh,
when was the last time you ever had fun with your dad,
and all the embarrassing things he does and had a great tact,
i don't know why i mentioned that,
But i just need a little leg room , a leg room,
but really this my gift to all of you.
 Feb 2017
Rebel Heart
I'm an artist they say...
I painted my illusions of dreams
I drew on a smile everyday,
I was happy, so it seemed

But my palette ran low
As my colors faded grey
Now my life holds on by a thread
And I'm just fighting just to stay

Because as the days go on,
I let these colors bleed through.
From my paper to my skin,
I'm nothing but red, black, and blue.

I turned myself into a canvas
Trying to describe this strife
But it wasn't beautiful at all
For my paintbrush was a knife

And my paintings are nothing but
empty promises of what we once knew
The only color left in my life
Are my memories of you
We're all artists in our canvas called life. Choose which colors to paint...
 Feb 2017
Rebel Heart
In a room full of people
Yet I'm so empty inside
So tired of putting on these masks
With nowhere to hide

Under my bed
in the midst of the night
my demons run loose
and keep me up with fright

I'm constantly running
Away from myself
Screaming, shouting, crying
For anyone to help

And as the sun rises
I've survived another day
Still clinging on to the hope
That this will all go away
Short version of the poem that inspired my new song
 Feb 2017
Rebel Heart
I'm slipping away again
Deep into the unknown
Into this dark void of nothingness
Where my true colors are shown

In this valley of dark shadows
Dark monsters reign from the past
Stuck within a world of my own demons
I don't know how long I'll be able to last.

I thought I finally had a home
Somewhere I belonged and cared
But I guess that was an illusion too
Along with the life I thought we shared

And I'm just wandering these empty alleys
Hiding from the monsters inside
They'll hunt me down and tear me apart
Till I have nothing left but pride

Pride that I didn't give in
Somehow I survived another day
I managed to watch another sunset
Wishing my problems would just go away

When you think everyday is your last
That these demons will finally **** you
Then what's left to live for in this world?
Besides the broken pieces of what we once knew...

But I can't show you what hides behind
my mirage of this rainbow of hopeful colors.
The color red bleeds on my skin
While black and grey everything covers

Because I breathe in nothing but ashes
And the shadows of what once used to be
I'm stuck between a valley of empty promises
Behind this illusion I put out for you to see

In truth, I'm just a broken girl
Simply too weak to survive
Yet there's nothing more I can possibly do
Then put on a plastic smile and hide.

Because though I seem to be just fine
My true colors are bleeding through
They pop up on my skin,
Colors red, black and blue.
And when I'm running from my demons
My only thought is of you
Seeing another day would've been easier
If only you just knew.
This one's long but I started writing it in class today and couldn't stop. Just emotions from everything going on this past week just flowed out into so many strings of random thoughts/poetry. This poem was one of the many I wrote today (the least depressing one) and I guess I just need some bit of hope to hold on to for a while. The 'you' in this story isn't one but multiple people, which goes to remind you all you need is just one person to come up and tell you everything is going to be alright. I'm just so tired of that one person always having to be myself
 Feb 2017
Rebel Heart
Sticks and stones
may break my bones
but words may never hurt me

my heart is cold,
of ice and stone
sitting alone in a palm tree

words whizz by
and my steel heart lay stuck,
in this little brown tree

forever wonder if the
world spinning by
will ever stop to notice me

I'm just lost and
in this cold world I'll find you
standing there holding a key

Unlock my heart
and spill my secrets out
out for everyone to see

I finally get away
From being locked up inside
myself and finally be free?

Am I just dreaming
Are you already gone
far away from me?

It's sad but without you
my heart's still lost,
cold and dying out at sea

steel drowns
though, for now, I sit here
waiting in this little palm tree
Just for fun
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