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 Oct 2020
Christopher Westra
If the clouds seem darker today
And the sun is hard to find
Try to look on the brighter side
And keep your purpose in mind

Though the storms and trials come
The darkness will one day end
Keep your eye on the brighter side
So your wounds will quickly mend

The brighter side will yet reveal
When you open yourself to see
A view and message full of hope
Shed the darkness - And be free
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We all have trials and challenges, yet we can choose our thoughts.

2020 has brought more challenges (for most of us) than several years put together.

Look on the bright side, both when things are good and when conditions in your life are darker than usual.

And thanks so much to my newest Patrons on Patreon!
 Sep 2020
Christopher Westra
We act as stewards only
Of the things we think we “own”
So let’s not get so prideful
And think we “made it” all alone

Our skills and talents also
Come unbidden as a gift
So let’s not be self-serving
But reach out to help and lift

Enjoy and use the good things
All the blessings of this earth
We are just the stewards
Of what we’ve gained since birth

An attitude that sets us free
And flow with more prosperity
Stewardship helps us to see
The riches of all eternity
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Your outlook and perspective will change when you consider yourself a steward of everything you use. You'll make better decisions. You'll be happier.

Feel more freedom in your life as you enjoy using the tools, abilities, and things you've been blessed with. This earth is filled with abundance.
 Sep 2020
Christopher Westra
Every thought I sow
Continues to grow
And the end result
Seems simple to know

Every thought in mind
Produces in kind
I can clearly see
The divine design

An apple’s small seed
Grows apples indeed
And thoughts of one “type”
To more they will lead

A seed, like a thought
Is tiny, but not
With faith, both are sought

I’ll think just the best
And bypass the rest
By divine design
I will remain blessed
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Seeds amaze me!  I love gardening and growing all types of plant and trees.  Right now I'm saving peach pits from all of the peaches we are eating from our yard.  Each pit contains literal instructions on how to build a peach tree and ripe peaches using just water, sunlight, and soil.  Our thoughts are seeds also and they produce after their "kind".  My peach pits won't grow apples - that's just contrary to Divine Design.

We can use this understanding of seeds, thoughts, and Divine Design to increase our manifesting skills.  Learning how to create with your mind is an important part of why YOU are here on earth at this time.
 Sep 2020
Christopher Westra
When choosing a new course
And you’re not sure where to start
Call upon a faithful guide
Your energy of heart

Your heart - it speaks the truth
And will make your fear depart
So always lean towards love
With the energy of heart

When life weighs upon you
And you’re feeling pulled apart
Healing can come quickly
Through your energy of heart

Your heart - it shows the path
And will help - to you - impart
Ask then - to be full of love
With the energy of heart
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You can rely upon your "Energy of Heart" to guide you in helpful and creative paths! Read this poem and let the words impact your day and your life. The initial idea came from my friend Rikka as she talked about how we are made of love. Then I gained more inspiration from a favorite scripture.

Trust your energy of heart. Connect with your energy of heart.
 Aug 2020
Christopher Westra
Breathe so deep
Rest in sleep
Promises keep
Rediscover simplicity

Help a friend
Kind thoughts send
Families blend
Rediscover harmony

Dig the ground
Let plants abound
Listen for every sound
Rediscover nature

Orange sunrise
Brightening skies
Peace for mind and eyes
Rediscover mornings

Simple needs met
A day well spent
Children heaven sent
Rediscover prosperity
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I heard the word rediscover the other day and it sparked my mind. Particularly, I think it's helpful to re-adopt some attitudes and perspectives that children have. Our little two year old granddaughter is a great inspiration!

So I described in each paragraph (stanza) some ways and images - some ways we can rediscover some of these simple refreshing views.
 Aug 2020
Christopher Westra
Graceful, flowing
Yielding, bending

Growth and movement never ending

Moments living
Joy surpassing

Rhythms, seasons, everlasting

Mind awaking
Harvest taking

Every day a memory making

Good creating
My truth stating

My wealth flows without abating
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My wife Kim and I were talking with our son Aaron the other night.  He said that over the last eight years, his Mom and I have become more like each other.  I asked whether she has become more like me, or I've become more like her.  He replied that I have become more like her.  This is good.

I've learned to flow more, and to bend more.  Prosperity Poem 88 - Never Ending - explores this idea of being more bending and yielding, rather than rigid and fixed.  Acting and thinking in a more dance-like way has brought me more happiness, increased wealth, and better relationships.
 Aug 2020
Christopher Westra
You and I together
Make more than one plus one
As our efforts meld and join
The synergy grows fun

When we focus on a goal
Our purposes entwine
And lead to increased life
In both your world and mine

The synergy works magic
Spreading blessings all around
More smiles flash on faces
Where synergy abounds

So always act with synergy
As you go about your day
Yes, synergize with pleasure
In the most effective way
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I do use the word Synergize in the poem, and I give credit to Stephen Covey for first coining that word in his amazing book, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". I recommend the book.

You can use Synergy in your life in so many ways!

When you have sixteen things to do, see how you can combine two or three. Also, synergize with people in creative ways. Two are better than one.
 Jul 2020
Christopher Westra
Prosperity follows labor
And not just “having fun”
My ratio of fun to work?
One to ten, or ten to one?

Prosperity follows service
I ask when the day is done
My time on self or others?
One to ten, or ten to one?

Prosperity follows purpose
Do I use focus (or none)?
Ratio of living on purpose?
One to ten, or ten to one?
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Prosperity follows labor.  Prosperity follows service.  Prosperity follows purpose.  

How many of your daily waking hours do you spend working, serving, and acting with purpose?  Think about this.  Can you increase that?  

We certainly need some fun, time for self, and just being.  But what is your ratio?
 Jul 2020
Christopher Westra
When you’re feeling strong and wise
And all your life feels blessed
That’s the time to act with power
And really do your best

But when you’re feeling down and out
And to your limit pressed
That’s the time for inner strength
To rise and share your best

At times you feel despondent
A bit unsure and stressed
But you can still express your will
And always act your best

Your best may look quite different
On some days - than the rest
But still you have within your reach
To ever give your best
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Each day you can do your best. Sure, on some days your best may be on a lower level than on other days. But you can still act your best.

On your good days, do your best.

On your bad days, do your best. On days when you wake up in so much pain that you don't know how you can make it through the day, do your best.
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 Jul 2020
Christopher Westra
Ripples of fervent gratitude
Flow out from my thankful mind
I feel the ripples cycle back
They are never far behind

Ripples from my loving actions
Though tiny - can help you smile
And when you smile, you pass it on
The ripples flow for a while

Ripples from my forgiving choice
When feelings get hurt a tad
Help both of us to let it go
And make our hearts feel glad

Ripples from our prosperity
Build increased life for all
Our sharing makes a difference
Whether it’s big or small
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You are important. You are here for a reason. Your actions influence more people than you might imagine. Energy follows thought - so even the simplest blessing visualized for another will help them out.

In this "Ripples" poem I've described some specific ways these ripples might flow, from specific actions. You and I can do better in our actions and our thoughts when we understand the ripple principle.

Start a ripple today.
 Jul 2020
Christopher Westra
Rather than just Good, or Great
I reach high and feel Excited
And when I feel Together-ness
I call that feeling United

The words I use - mold my thought
And help create my body state
So I’ve learned to know the names
Of feelings I want to activate

Pleasant, Pleased, or Powerful
Affluent or Approving
I feel Certain, Clean, or Cherished
My feelings keep on moving

Elated or Expressive
I can feel these every hour
Sometimes I feel Invincible
And bursting with inner power

At times I may feel just Fine
And my body state will match
How much better to feel Divine?
A feeling others want to catch

Name your feelings - let them flow
Feel Blissful, Brilliant and Bold
Feel Merciful and Mindful
Good feelings - they never get old
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Your life will brighten up as you are able to identify and name good feelings. This poem is about feeling Certain or Cherished, Elated or Expressive, Blissful or Brilliant.

You can do better than "fine, good, bad" for your feelings. The emotional words you use literally shape your thought and your experience of life. Feel Mindful, Merciful, and Magnificent!

You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
 Jun 2020
Christopher Westra
Like sunshine flowing
Abundance without end
That inner knowing
The comfort of a friend

Like first light at dawn
With warmth penetrating
Energy from God
After night of waiting

Colored sky at dusk
Marking this day’s ending
I’ve given my best
That hearts may be mending

Sunshine in my heart
Keeps my hopes exciting
And ever-lasting wealth
Appear at my inviting
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You know that feeling when the morning sunshine penetrates your skin and seems to penetrate into your heart and mind?  Well, that's the feeling of prosperity.  

I do believe in getting literal sunshine in your life, and even more importantly, getting the feeling of that sunshine and keep it all the time!
 Jun 2020
Christopher Westra
Make your plans with real intent
Don’t let your life play out by chance
Yet plans can still be light and fun
When you do the prosperity dance

Combine your goals in playful ways
Step by step - your life enhance
Consider well what matters most
When you do the prosperity dance

Engage in things that stir your soul
Even when others look askance
Your life is yours to shape and build
When you do the prosperity dance

You know the inner world comes first
Do “Spirit-Creation” in advance
And watch your visions come to pass
When you do the prosperity dance
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My life goes better when I dance. I don't mean literally dancing, but a playful moving between activities rather than grinding through a huge list of "to do" items. The Prosperity Dance is a mindset that improves life and builds prosperity.

The prosperity dance involves choosing what's truly important for the day, which means some things fall out and just don't get done. That's OK! The prosperity dance also involves creatively involving other people in your projects (and doing the same for them).

Yes, it's a lot to fit into a short poem. It also includes spiritually creating events and scenarios ahead of time, which always helps them play out better.
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