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May 2021 · 441
Defining my safe space
Manfred Kriger May 2021
Happiness  [Proper Noun] - The place where sadness no longer exists. Here I am  contempt, my roots are nourished and my mind converts criticism into serotonin.
Apr 2021 · 273
A dedication to you
Manfred Kriger Apr 2021
You still take up a piece
of my mind.

A corner just for you,
I call it a shrine.

The memories are so
sweet they shine .

They're dulled by the
fact you're no longer mine.
Apr 2021 · 238
Manfred Kriger Apr 2021
in armor
your pride and
your prejudice corrode
away the joints of your
armor. Rusted into a stationary
singularity you are but one 
moment in an indefinite timeline,
your moment  has passed and
will not collide with my
celestial being once more 
this galaxy is my
playground and
you are just
a spec in
Apr 2021 · 187
Manfred Kriger Apr 2021
Healing is reactive, when you have been broken as many times as I have.

I heal quickly to minimize scaring as my heart is already a World War 2 scene.

Dug into and dismantled,
Patched back together with quick fix glue.

I grow back fractions of my missing heart like lizards grow back tails, they disregard what they don't need and flee back to safety.

Recovery at the cost of growth but a small whole heart must be better than a big broken one.
I've been gone for a while and thought to come back to publishing my writing and thoughts
Nov 2020 · 2.0k
My body
Manfred Kriger Nov 2020
I have some bomb *** nudes
that I didn't send to you

Its such a liberating feeling
knowing how much I wanted to
but I chose not too

Letting go has been an
extremely slow process and I
have been my own worst enemy by allowing you free access to come
back to me any time

But this time
I took some bomb *** nudes
and I seduced myself with them
Sep 2020 · 206
Mind body disconnect
Manfred Kriger Sep 2020
My body has been denounced to sin

                       My mind corrupted with anarchy

      My soul is devoid of peace

            Restlessness has become familiar to me

    I am disconnected from my own reality

                      Time is moving but I am standing still

    I am stagnating forward and sprinting backwards

            I am trying to find the light but my eyes are sown shut

   I have lost all energy to fight so the world is beating me up

            My paradoxical really is swallowing me whole and
        spitting out my bones and I can't help but ask myself
     if this is all worth it?
Sep 2020 · 275
Manfred Kriger Sep 2020
At times when I'm alone
I think about Simone.
I think about her poetry
and how much her locks have grown,
I wonder if she is still healing
and I pray for her to any messiah.
Simone is just a girl mistreated by a cruel world.
I hope Simone is praying and I hope that it is heard,

I hope that God is female because
praying to a man would reignite her pain.
Sep 2020 · 115
All she does is provide
Manfred Kriger Sep 2020
All my life I have been a burden,
my mind can not comprehend the thought of someone loving me and my heart is familiar to loving but unfamiliar to someone loving me back.

My mother has been an amazing provider but has continued to be a terrible communicator and an even worse emotional support but not a day in my life did she let me go hungry.
This poem comes at a time where alot of things in my life just aren't making sense romantically my life is falling apart and it stems from an emotional disconnect.
Aug 2019 · 374
Manfred Kriger Aug 2019
When they say love is blind
it is not a euphenism to justify your lover
being aesthetically displeasing.
Most of us dont fall in love with ogre's
who rescue us from barren castles.
What they mean to tell you is that
Prince Charming is who will take away your sight.
Love is synonymous with being blind.

Too caught up in his dreamy eyes
to ever break your gaze.
His lushes hair weaves perfectly in
between your fingers as you tug on it.
You will close your eyes and allow his lips ravish yours.

Closed your eyes shall remain as the bright crimson cloth waves in the wind,
you will mistake the sound for your heart beating faster.

The taste of his lips will linger only for a brief moment on your tongue,
don't be fooled by this taste,
ethylene glycol is a sweet poison.
I know it has been a while since I had posted anything but live has been rather busy lately and it took some time to find inspiration to write again
Manfred Kriger Aug 2019


Manfred Kriger Jul 2019
I will not move mountains for you I will make mountains crumble in your name

For you the ocean will not part you shall speak and it shall evaporate leaving only salt behind

For you the moon and the stars would be too obsolete of a gift to give I will give you which ever milky way you deem fit

You will never starve of my love I will give it to you in abundance all I ask for in return is for you to love me unconditionally
Manfred Kriger Jul 2019
Wanting me is wanting
both my good and my bad.

Wanting me is wanting
my body and my mind.

Wanting me is wanting
my happy and my bi-polar.

Not wanting me is decideding
which parts of me I come with.
Manfred Kriger Jul 2019
Dont try to analyze me you will see way too much meaning in something as simple as I am.
I am not a trick question
I am exactly what I appear to be.
My moods might shift in accordance with the weather but I will treat you the same no matter how dark the clouds are
I will accept what you give me without question what you give me is your perception of my worth not my own.
I will follow your lead and treat you the way you treat me I hope your okay with me pulling a you on you.
I am a simple question but my worth will confuse you simple questions never count this much in a test,
don't fail me.
Jul 2019 · 404
Manfred Kriger Jul 2019
So many of you are toxic Christians but don't know it because you pray so much you forget to open your eyes and look at the real world
Jul 2019 · 286
The garden
Manfred Kriger Jul 2019
You look different,
like the joy that once was
has been ****** out of your soul.

You use to smell,
like honey and red roses
now you stink of regret and despiration.

You, were so focused on the grass on the other side you forgot to realise that you were standing in the garden of Eden.

Tell me, how is Delilah treating you ?

Does the faithless woman make you happy or does the absence of God corrode your joy ?

Was the forbidden fruit worth loosing your place in the garden?
Jun 2019 · 334
Manfred Kriger Jun 2019
You keep telling me that Im pretty but I never believe you, because of all the ones before you that told me that I'm not
Society tears down alot more than it builds up and no amount of bandages can fix the damage done to one's psyche
Jun 2019 · 501
The difference
Manfred Kriger Jun 2019
There is a reason why
love and happiness
is two different emotions
the people that you love
don't make you happy
Jun 2019 · 243
Come closer
Manfred Kriger Jun 2019

you got close enough
to my walls to climb,

you would not
need to climb at all,


they would crumble
at your touch.
Manfred Kriger Jun 2019
God sent you
But you threw
away your blessings.
Jun 2019 · 624
Manfred Kriger Jun 2019
I was lonely
and you were greedy.
But even if all you wanted
from me was my body,
It felt so good
to be wanted.
Manfred Kriger Jun 2019
the senses.
Jun 2019 · 450
Railroad bandit
Manfred Kriger Jun 2019
Every now and then the memory of you creeps in and steals a moment of my time.
Then, without warning a train of emotions slam into my body and I can do nothing but listen to my bones crack and my heart breat rapidly louder than the drums of my ear can take
I am waiting to implode.
The weight of the train threatens to tear my body limb from limb my fleash is screaming in agonizing pain and then...
breath, it is over the train no longer weights me down... breath.

I pick myself up and then continue to wonder down this familiar track, I hope to find someplace, no someone, no something where I may dock whats left of me before the next train departs it station.

— The End —