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1.4k · Sep 2021
I pray For my Grama
CrackedMoonboy Sep 2021
It was like only yesterday  
you were able to hold me

but sadly now I am just a grown
teen, not a baby

It's a very scary feeling when u know
the biggest support could just disappear
and without you knowing

I can't stop thinking about it all

What if you are gone now I didn't get to say
goodbye let alone see me get married

NOO! grandkids no family I wish so much you
could be around but this feel this thing, I think

Are time maybe be up

It's just enough I can handle all this
bad new could the lord stop this pain inside

Cause it's hurting to now the out
come, with zero power to

Stop it, cause I just feel worthless
I can't lose my grama
1.2k · Sep 2021
CrackedMoonboy Sep 2021
Life is a game to some
and other it is not

But I think of it as a gamble

If you buy something you
think you need

That's gambling cause
you invest in an object that
could work or not

Like my choices in my life
and in anyone else's

I am trying to repair those broken
relationships I affected cause of
my gamble with life
This goes out to many but mainly Kym I love you very much
and thanks for being in my life(not to be worried or anything)
1.1k · Apr 2021
1 to 10
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
A few days ago I felt
I was at one

I don't really know why I was
all down in the dump

But now I took out the trash
without me in the bag

Cause I said and seen a lot
to know now what's good and
what not

So I was at 1 feeling like my life
was down
It took awhile but I am at a 10
and this time I will not give in

To the darkness with in me
you can't control  me
I am doing a lot better and I will not stop working on  myself and I will always try to help other. And that's just me.
960 · Apr 2021
Can't Say
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I can't say but today maybe the day

The day I go the day I see

The loved ones be free
of me

No one will care
at least the ones that aren't here

It will be quick nothing

Cause what I have learned is
the words I say only cause people pain

so this is goodbye I will have to
die cause this will be the

best thing in some peoples lives
This is the last one of some more poems and thank you all for liking and try to support me. Though all of these hard things. Shout to Onesimplesoul for being someone I will always remember and darkskies and I am sorry
880 · May 2021
The Possibility's
CrackedMoonboy May 2021
The possibility's in life
are endless places

                                             It's an never ending land
                                         were sometimes only you can
                                                       ­                   I always wonder if it
                                                              ­         could be possible if I found
                                                           ­           love and true peace

Where I am me, free to
see and say things everyday
without a care

                                                          ­            But is that possible to have
                                                            ­          a decent life without                                                                  ­   stabbed in the back

I feel that's what I want but
the demands I will have  to confront
is worse than trying to be blunt

                                                          ­   But if I can have that kind of life
                                                        I will strive and set somethings
                                                            asid­e, and not just for my pride

Although that could be it that's
not my true reality

                                                            Bu­t it could be my reality but only                          
                                  ­                            if I possibly can dream
There are so many thing I want to know and have in life but they can only come up if I want and try to get them. And it does take awhile but it can happen
773 · Aug 2021
Be Quiet
CrackedMoonboy Aug 2021
Be quiet maybe smart
but no

Truly how far are
are you going to go

With your voice unheard
just knowing your opinion
is not being heard

So although most are quiet
in the response, but if you are silent

You give them the power, and that's
on you cause you have the power

It's just you gave up when the work
get's tuff

So you may be thinking to be
quiet it the best

But it's only letting other
stop you from your goal in life
Just speak voice your side of anything cause your story is worth the time
653 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
One thing I never had
was a kind dad

I wish a lot that I could’ve
But as I ponder over the

And realize that without that
I would be the teen I am today

But like most boys
I still wish to have a dad

That wouldn’t hurt or hit me as bad
and that would be there for me

Cause my life hasn’t been easy
but I am thankful for those who
we’re there

In the times of darkness but I can’t stop

I have never had many great experiences with my dad and I wish things could change.
612 · Apr 2021
It's it bad to be happy?
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I don't know why
but lately I think is
it ok to be happy

Cause what I mean when I
say that

Is things tend to happen and
the darkness come clapping
at my door

But one things is sure
life has it's ups and downs

And the reasons why I write this
know is cause I can't let others
be put down
by others who think they wear a crown

This is why I say this, cause I don't want any
one to end up like me
A bird stuck in a cage never to be seen or free
I have had a lot of **** happen to me. But I say to all the kids and people
that still have a choice, ''TAKE THE MOMMENT SO YOU CAN BE HAPPY''
552 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
One of the most wonderful
things in life is stars

The seem so far
people see the beauty

And they aren’t wrong
but underneath the light

There’s hurt but they are so bright
you can’t even see

Though they are strong they learn
to work, work on them self

So then they are stronger
and they live longer
I am working on myself so I can get out of he and see my friends and family
536 · Aug 2021
CrackedMoonboy Aug 2021
Limited is just a word
, a word made to stop others

Cause you are never limited until
you decided

Decided to give up
not on others, just yourself

Cause they are there to
help you

They aren't there to give
Your successes cause that
only comes when you earn it  

If anything there are no limits in life
, to making amounts of money to learn it school
even love
The sky isn't the limit
534 · May 2021
One Spark
CrackedMoonboy May 2021
Things in life aren't the
brightness diamond imageable

                                                             Sometimes it's a smelly marker
                                                         moving from corner to corner, like
                                                                  my poem right here

My life has been full of light
and dark times were I needed
to see the light

                                                          But not everyone can help you
                                                            reignite the light with in your self

So like most I and others
would have to help ourselves
to find that lost spark

                                                          Cause not going to lie other can
                                                   help to find the one burning spark
                                                           that lives within most hearts

And it takes one moment in life
that can help you through a
dark storm

                                                       It's taking me awhile to find this out
                                                              but you should know that

Your passion can be reignite by
the hope in heart warm heart
One spark in life can change the hold board game. Or the people in your life
can change things, you need to find or look for them.
505 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I feel that all that goes wrong
is only my fault

Cause only when I am around life and people
seem to drown

I sometimes wish if I was different would
this life become any different

If I was not born would peoples life be less of
a storm
This is just saying I feel bad cause when evert bad things happen it is when I am around
503 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I think about the
word alone

Not really feeling alone
but being alone

It’s like the fear of death
just slowly carling up your neck

It impossible to escape
the darkness that it makes

I wonder if happiness is a thing
for people like me

Cause I don’t stop think about
the indispensable thing

That’s a constant ring like
birds in bight morning
I always wonder if I am going to be alone when I get older and
that happiness is something that you can find. But I feel that I may have found it but I I just don’t really know if things will happen
495 · Apr 2021
Can’t Understand
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I feel like you
Bjjijojdnnv mnjjfnd dmomv omsinmv invinfv isnsivnd
Ksnivdnvk did.  Ifvismovo dmvoa. Fsmvim momzc Jon
Chjvh dnnf djfjsbu) f fhinshhjf. Finins njdmvn
Dvivjsvjo fjvihsnc uhnvjfnnii firmer ejfijrbe hi. Dimf meom
Dciovjr ijvindoc disjunction cirsjrojer jcdoksvojeo
Kncm vknis cdkmvfom. Fidvk bm fjsok gneu igmfufik gjfijnfhd
Difkf jdi kbndh vjnbns uvjfbcu.

That’s what I thought you can’t understand me!
When I talk to some people they just don’t understand how I feel or try and
compare me to other teens.
487 · Apr 2021
New ways
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
As I learn life's battles
I start to loose part of me
Sometimes I wish that I could turn in to
a fish how I wish
But at last I'm in human born to ruin
although I can ruin but I have been grown

As I meet new people I learn their battles
How they deal with it
So now I am 15 still learning to singing

But if I learned anything it is that life teaches you new ways
every single day
486 · Aug 2021
Flare of light
CrackedMoonboy Aug 2021
It's dark inside

I don't know what happened
to me

I did it only once
and said it was the last

But I don't remember
what I did next

It's like something or one
has control over my head

The things they are doing
,aren't  even me me choosing

I think I know what's going
on ,that drug has taken all
my power

It's hard to remember but I
can't fight them

Without getting deeper
in the darkness

Help me!!
It's not to late until you give in to them
474 · Apr 2021
Come and go
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
Somedays I wonder to my self if things move
on some where else
People come and people go
but the true people stay through the cold hard snow
So if you got Friends I hope they can stay with you all to
the very end
452 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
When I feel loved
my mind goes straight to doves
they seem full of love

When they fly in two they are like
the sun and the moon
They work together better in
the warm weather

Then be apart in the sad untold cold
so as I looked in sky I was thinking
about seeing my dove one more time
Doves are such lovely birds the are a symbol of love and that is something that
I am feeling for someone very important to me. And she may not think that but she is And so is everyone who is reading this. YOU DO MATTER EVEN IF YOU DON'T THINK IT I DO AND I DON'T NEED TO EVEN KNOW!!! so find that love.
415 · Apr 2021
Down start to Up rising
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
Most kids say that they grow up great

Well they lied cause my life was full of hate

But through that down fall

I learned how to build safe walls

Soon as you can see I am making poetry

And so far I am not going to drown

Not today or tomorrow

Cause I am on the rise
Most of my life my dad hated me for no reason and those time where hard for me and it was a long time. Till I learned how to set up safe walls to protect myself and then I am slowly but making my up rising to being happy and getting thing that I didn't know I could have life this girls I love
412 · May 2021
CrackedMoonboy May 2021
Every day I remember
what you did


You promised that you loved
me and care about me

             Was that true?        

Though what kind of father
     hits his son without a care      

Does that make sense?

Cause you would say things
but the deed wasn't the same

And I felt I was to blame!

Cause the reminder of you leaving
my siblings without and
reason gives me a feeling that it's me

Is it my fault?
I think it's my fault that my family doesn't have a dad
401 · Oct 2021
Questioning My life
CrackedMoonboy Oct 2021
Tell me is it just me
but I feel like the world
just hate's me

Cause no matter what I do
something or one get's hurt by me

And I didn't do what they say
but sadly at the end of the day

the world tells them not to
believe me any way

At this point in my life I
found the answer, but now

It seems the world gave me something
like cancer, cause whatever I do

I feel the pain cause I don't want to lose you
But what do I know I am sure my

Love for her doesn't matter anymore
I can't see why I try to love or care
cause to be honest the world may just not care but
I pray she talks to some day or today
400 · Jun 2021
Lost my Moon
CrackedMoonboy Jun 2021
I had my moon for months and seems like years
,but this is the day my sweet moon moved away

And yes this happens to all others but I can't help write
about the hole that is not coved

Cause she was my anchor strong and true just like the
sun and the moon

It's the bitter sweet thing about it all, that makes this
time right know so big not as small

And I will remember all those great days we've had together, in
hope the sun and moon, me and her will be reunited like to love birds

  It seems so far and I feel like I can't make it
Cause I do I continue to burn bright without the moon
right in my sight

So I going to try to burn bright with the time I've got, then
hopefully I reunite with the moon of my life
It's hard when someone you care about moves away
399 · Jun 2021
Lean with me
CrackedMoonboy Jun 2021
The song Lean with me may sound dumb
but is sometimes describes others life

People struggle with looking at the bright
side of life, which makes sense life right now
is so hard

Loved ones are getting sick left and right, but
it does **** but trying to look on the bright side
of things  can change ones whole life

Like the song Juice needed someone to lean on and
help him through his drugs additions but he didn't have
anyone to help him, and he took to much and OD

So to people who struggle like me don't be scared to just
lean on someone who could help you no matter what it make
Everything maybe hard but look for the help you need
387 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
They say demons aren't real
but they are just the dark side
of people lives

it is nothing bad it's just the temptation
that make you always be craving

the daily dose of misbehaving
It can be bad just don't be glad

When you give in just bounce back
in and saying I going to try again

So don't forget that every day is
new so don't lead yourself a stray
378 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I am not going back

The things are in the past
yes I feel bad

But if I think about it
I am only digging my grave

Last night was hard
and I can’t believe I am not gone

But it must be a sign

A sign that my life isn’t over

I do wish I could do
everything over

But mother Earth 🌍
isn’t that kind

Cause life isn’t that easy
like if you were sitting
in a nice summer breezes

Thank goodness for the people
who care cause if it wasn’t
got you

I would be died
Thank you all for your help🙏🏾
363 · Jun 2021
Long trip
CrackedMoonboy Jun 2021
Life is a big road trip

nothing is set in stone, cause
every day is a new sheet of paper

you choose what can make the paper
look good or bad

just like life, it can be you eating a nice meal
or you making bad deals and not getting
the best meal
Life is what you make it to be
356 · Apr 2021
The bulls
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
Life is like fighting a bull
their is going to be curves and bumps

But how you deal with the bull is going to be a
big or small shape of your life

So now matter what do not stay stuck
cause nothing comes closer when you don't move onward
Life is hard but imagen it as a bull the first part is what happens in
life but you just need to choose the smart way to deal with the bumps and curves. So that will most likely make a small or big part of your future
349 · Jul 2021
CrackedMoonboy Jul 2021
Everyday is new

cause you write your own story

Everyday you can do somethings new
or you can let others choose for you, but I'd
rather make own

Cause then I am in control

Because I'd want everything handed to me but
it feels greater when you yourself succeed

It's like chalk is it in your hand or the others ,cause let me tell
you if you follow others your days are going to get
harder harder harder

and trust me I know cause I have been here before
I have done some not good things because I followed others. And didn't lisson to my gut so don't do the same CAUSE YOU'LL BE THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME!!
346 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I need to be more open
or honest

Cause if I am not
there will be even
more battles I will have
to fight

And it should be easy but
my mind scared

Scared something will
going wrong and my earth  will fall

And this is me the person that is
not ever smart or free

I've lost a lot cause of my stupid thoughts

But now I know what I need to do
so that I don't loose

I pray that I can do this everyday

But it seems like there is not point
343 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I am trying

trying to stay a live

to try and in joy my life

it's just hard when people

are always being a guard

every time I am good

something is miss understanding

and I can say this cause

I am living with it first handed
Life is getting harder and harder to want to live. But I will try my best to move on from this
303 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
I was down so far in a storm
I never wanted to fight the without the help

But then I staid true to myself and I got the help

People say that you will be ok
but that's not true you will always get bruised

So if I can live this life so can all of you to
Just ask for help and life will be new
This is going out to some people who think they are worth less and they aren't
298 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
All the time I feel stuck in my mind
with my feels and nothing to sooth them
but cold beer
Sometimes feel alone when I am in my cold room
the only things that keep me going is my girl
and she means the world
I wish my dad was there for me but at last  he left me
never saying anything to me
Although I have friends around me everyday
I still pray some day I will wake up to him
Sometimes people leave I got heart and that was hard so
I need to learn to help myself no matter how hard it maybe
276 · Sep 2021
Last Night
CrackedMoonboy Sep 2021
Last night was amazing, so many great
things were happening

You know when you just won something
and you are filled with pride

that's what I am feeling inside
cause never in my dreams have I ever
been so filled with these emotions

Hit's hard to describe like when
I say this person it all got better

although it's weird cause I have feelings for
for someone else, it's like this new person

has come and made me cair lift this
weight that is causing pain everyday
What do I do
274 · Apr 2021
Lovely Sun
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
As I look as the sun I think of
having fun with my own love

Wishing one day to see someone beautiful
as the sun would be like winning a spring fling king

On a sunny day I was shocked to say
that I may of found love that very day

She was as bright as the sun
she took my broken sole and turned into one

I never knew that I would be in love
till she opened up my doors to her  beautiful
202 · Aug 2021
Light throw the tunnel
CrackedMoonboy Aug 2021
It's been days or months, who knows?

I can feel my body getting warmer
though it's a different feeling

Like I've been cold and I was

More of myself than I was back in the 7th grade
I've never been calmer and not to mention I am more like myself😇
200 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
If we meet and say ‘’Hi’’
That’s a salutation
If you ask me how I feel
That’s consideration
If we stop and talk awhile
That’s conversation
If we understand each other
That's communication
If we argue, scream  and fight
That's an altercation
If later we apologize
That's a reconciliation
If we help each other home,
That's cooperation
And all these things adds up
to making civilization

(and if I say this is a wonderful poem,
is that a exaggeration?)
This is they every day life we can't leave it
194 · Apr 2021
Bright Sky
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
The sun shine in the bright sky

as I see blue jays fly by

I think to my self how lucky

they are to sour throw

the bright blue sky
177 · May 2021
CrackedMoonboy May 2021
most people say that you will understand when your older

but to me that's not true, to me or others who have seen what I've seen

I've been in love and hurt before and lost family and friends. And some adults say just wait till your older

It makes me mad to know what I have gone through and to have people that you love ,and they smash it like it's nothing

People my age have been through more than some adults. Like we are the teen or young kids being put in places that aren't safe

We have to see other cry or even sometimes die

Like if you were adopted and they didn't know your story and they act  like they know everything

and say that you haven't been through as much as I have

You may know the feeling when some body just said a word or did
a very hurtful thing and he are deeply hurt or *******

That's how I feel most of the time when I have to hear that same thing

And yes some adult go through some real ****, but young kids get exposed to guns *** and drugs every single day

And when other put that stuff away that's what makes me mad
I've been hurt by someone who I thought loved me

my dad he would hit me and other things and some say that's no big deal it makes me feel less

Like my life has no meaning, and this happens to others like friends who have to stay quiet

And when I say lived notice how lived is devil spelled backwards

Every day new bad devilish things happen and other put me and others down because of it

   But we continue to live through all of this and we are strong and have seen things more than most

Even when it looks like we are ok
I've seen and have been through abuse and others put me down sometimes. But I know that they aren't my family or friends if they do that so
                  It's up to me and you who ever is reading this to let them
                      choose how we live are lives
153 · Apr 2021
CrackedMoonboy Apr 2021
One night in the 1970s, in the Mojave Desert, my mother ceases to feel apart from the world.

My mother pays my sister and me $40 each to not have birthday parties.
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