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Sep 2022 · 317
FinkZ Sep 2022
Thank you for decorating my illusions
I'm blessed with the made up dreams and visions
Althou we were not meant for each other
I only wished I realised it sooner
Aug 2022 · 1.9k
FinkZ Aug 2022
Through the fall, I saw a bliss
I saw the light between the mist
Even when my guts dont dare
I wished she would tangled me around her hair

Should I take the shot
Or left my desire to rot?
I'll let the time decide
Wether to reveal the torch
Or kept the fire out of sight
FinkZ Jun 2021
When our stars collide then this heart shall blossom
Let's forget the past, for the present, have another set of problem
If the universe breaks when we are hold hands together
Then let us bind our lips, and rule the galaxy forever
FinkZ Feb 2021
Silent sound, as the voice muffled
But for what reason? What’s with the troubles?
I asked the stars, again, that never answered
About the dangers, about the hazard

What made you hold it?
What made you want it?
The red flag reveals, now it’s my favorite color
I left the world, and the dust still lingers

Subconscious, subconscious
Where are you going?
Subconscious, subconscious
When are we leaving?

This land was already taken
So don’t even bother about the gold and diamonds
Even the gravity pushed us away
Command us to go back to space
FinkZ Jan 2021
I stopped my pace, I let the time passed me by
To take a look of her face, she looks beautiful I can't lie
Lets rotate the clock needle to the opposite direction
To change what was wrong, what created the big friction

The little giggles she made
From the jokes I create
The little giggles she made
Now I stayed up late
Her little giggles I heard
Left me with no words
Her little giggles I heard
Helped me from getting hurt

Down in my mind so dark
She created a spark
I hope it will ignite the cold kerosine
To help the metal bird flying
A delayed crushing
Nov 2020 · 536
FinkZ Nov 2020
Set your soul free and expand your wings
Then follow the choir of the Angels singing
The ice won't freeze your feathers
For the sky is now your home forever

Set your soul free and sleep on the clouds
Don't worry about us griefing out loud
Rest in Peace, sleep tight
Rest in Peace, don't worry about tonight

Set your soul free, Heaven is waiting for your arrival
Let go of your flesh and we will set a proper burial
When you reached the promised land
Share your jokes and laughter with your new friends
Dedicated to my friend Gavyn Scott Sabin
Nov 2020 · 327
My Imagination Limits
FinkZ Nov 2020
They said Imagination have infinite power
You can imagine the edge of the world
Or the non existed colour
But no matter how powerful it is
I can never get the picture
A day without loving her
Imagination limits
Nov 2020 · 258
FinkZ Nov 2020
Walk away, for I stopped caring
Just go, don't look at the mirror
Go with the man with a golden ring
I'll be happy alone with the bottles

*****, wine and whiskey
Drunk, wasted and tipsy
The moon is waiting for me there
With the green fairy in her lair

If my organs can't take it
I can change it
Took me a thousand dollars just for her skin
But my alcohol only wants Benjamin Franklin
Oct 2020 · 146
Don’t Hold Back
FinkZ Oct 2020
Don’t hold back and never will
Take your bicycle and ride through the rain
Don’t mind about the puddles and enjoy the thrill
Ride like you will never ride again

Don’t hold back and don’t quit
Ask that attractive person their numbers
Don’t think about what will happen, just do it
Feel your heartbeat, enjoy it, because rejection doesn’t matter

Don’t hold back and don’t overthink
Dance in public to your favorite music
Catch your breath and sing
Move your body until your legs weak

Don’t hold back and share the happiness
Offer everybody a free hug
It cost nothing and might safe someone from darkness
Give them compliment and wish them good luck
Do it Do it Do It DO IT
Oct 2020 · 233
Failed Love Poetry
FinkZ Oct 2020
I stayed and I waited
Behind the curtains, under the blanket
Covered myself in melancholy
Then pour my heart with whiskey

I cried then I lied
The heart beats, but my soul died
Still asking questions
About the separation

Lord oh Lord, tell me what happened
Why does love only brings depression?
Lord oh Lord, hear my prayer
For I want the best for her
For all the unrequited love/break up/ left dead
Oct 2020 · 215
Another Day Another Night
FinkZ Oct 2020
Another day another night
Under my thick skull there is a light
Roaming around my mind
Everyday day she shines
Like the lights fell from heaven
Ices starts to melt and break the depression
Another day another night

The sweet voice she used to sing
All her positive vibes and her caring
Saved me from the ocean tide
Heaven have created an Angel
Another day another night

Her coloured crown
And the soul behind the window
Never stopped amazed me
Dreamt of her around
On the night where the moonlight glows
Knocked me away from reality
Oh the times wasted to adore her beauty
She is the definition of beauty
Oct 2020 · 161
Just His Chandelier
FinkZ Oct 2020
He took my body to the desert
While my heart stays here
To guide him in his dark world
For I am Just His Chandelier

Punish me when I got bit by the crocs
Hit me when the opposite spoke
Pull me down when I nearly reached the clouds
Followed by his screams in my ears so loud

His love is my pain
His joy is my rain
My dreams putted aside
And my life lost it’s pride

End all my misery
By put myself in the history
I want to get lost in the world of mystery
To set my soul free
Abuse is a no no...... seriously....... don’t
Oct 2020 · 495
Burn The Memories
FinkZ Oct 2020
Light the fire and pour the gasoline
Then let the ash follows the wind
To release the anchor of the world
That stuck on my back since forever

Light the fire and pour the gasoline
Let the memories fly to the astral realm
But my grip was never firm
And I still collecting dust ever since

Light the fire and pour the gasoline
Then put them back together with glue
Hide my feelings, and erase all the clue
Shut the noise from your heart when it's screaming

Light the fire and pour the gasoline
And use the flames to clean your sins
Or let your self be in the spiral of depression
Then fall and drown in the oceans
Oct 2020 · 317
I Buried A Blooming Rose
FinkZ Oct 2020
The dreams I had
Was set on fire by the world
Lefted only dust
Slowly fell to the dirt

The chemistry went out of hand
I need time but I ran out of sand
Been here forever I stand
In this unforgiven land

If only I can fix these legs
To get out of the deep space
Stop wondering how sweet does her lips taste
I wonder how far I can go, if I fix these legs

Whenever your name I wrote
My poems glows
But I have to bury the blooming rose
To see her happiness grows
Jun 2020 · 362
FinkZ Jun 2020
Why did you used violence
When he doesn’t have weapons?
Why did you used violence
And left all his children

I wonder what is with the brutality
Choked a helpless man on the street
He was willing to do your order, let go of your knee
When he said he can’t breathe

Why did you used violence
Without any good reason?
Why did you used violence
When he was innocent?

Why did you used violence
Is it because he is a black person?
Now it’s not your concern
Because now he can breathe peacefully in heaven
I read the news about George Floyd and I watched the video, and it got me crying. R.I.P George Floyd
Feb 2020 · 151
I love
FinkZ Feb 2020
I love your flaws, curves and style
I love how sweet is your smile
I love your positive vibes
That gave me such an optimistic life
I love your beautiful mind
I love your eyes that shines
I love how your voice sounds
That carries away all the sorrows around

I love you, I will never deny it
I love you, you're the one I want to be with
5 years still counting
Dec 2019 · 536
Christmas Vibe
FinkZ Dec 2019
Synthetic pine tree stood inside the house
With cute and big presents below the tree's branches
Waiting there for the little childrens
To be open
And show them different surprises

Snow fell from the skies, temperature drops below freezing level
But the heart of the ones who celebrates, can feel warm in each corner
From the heart
Church bell rang
To remind people who celebrates Christmas Carol
That the devotion was about to start
With the priest telling story of how Christ was born

Little kids put on their favourite jacket, gloves and sleeves
Try not to neglect their health, protecting their body from sickness
Meeting with their buddies
Play anything with snow activities
Joyous heart, a big smile
With the sound of laughter
Days full of happines, all sorrows were covered
Merry Christmas. Hope you have a blessing day
Oct 2019 · 488
FinkZ Oct 2019
It's just a little word
But the pain really hurt
Never misjudge it
No matter how small it is

Never underestimate stress
The reason of my unwell rest
My life will be the cost
My soul will be a ghost

When stress is your daily mood
You will know the truth
That the monster is not under your bed
Instead it screams inside your head
**** me :)
Oct 2019 · 1.6k
How It Started And Ended
FinkZ Oct 2019
It started
After I saw you for five seconds
Your beauty sticks to my memories for more than weeks
Only for a little moment
I can feel my muscles really weak

But it all ended
When I saw your curve of your lips
Goes up when you lean your head to his shoulder
There goes my hopes and bliss
Taken and swallowed by the world
Sep 2019 · 261
Lights Of The Wrong Love
FinkZ Sep 2019
She is the light with undefeated brightness
Where it’s warm and contains happiness
But I rather stay in the darkness
For it’s misguide to the path that wasn’t chosen

Tempting and I never want to avoid
The lights calling my name wants me to stay below it
But I rather be here shove my ears and close it
In the cold darkness let my blood be frozen

So I buried myself in the shadow
Where it’s just cold and hollow
Because if I follow
It will only ends with disappointment
I hoped you guys found the right one
Sep 2019 · 1.5k
The First Time I saw Her
FinkZ Sep 2019
Jittery my heart did when the first time I laid my eyes on her
Oh Sweet Lord, look at my heart beating
Help me please because I stopped breathing
As she move her hands and legs following the music
Nailed my senses, I cannot feel the ground
Noticed my muscles dropped around my mouth
Attracted by her dance, I let my mind imagine further

No, no way it can’t be
Oh my God this can’t be true, ****!
Reality! I need to wake up to reality
I can’t be falling in love by just her beauty
Eye catching, her looks just so eye catching
God Help Me!
Am I in love or it’s just another lust????
Try to guess her name
Sep 2019 · 380
The Key
FinkZ Sep 2019
When I'm going for my new adventure
I want you to hold the key
That will grant you an access to my treasure
So no one will steal it from me
And you will be the only one to enjoy it
My treasure will forever be yours. (Im giving this to my future love one day)
Sep 2019 · 246
Worth It?
FinkZ Sep 2019
If only I can be careless
Walk in without thinking the risks
Push my way to my surroundings
And feel innocent like a baby

If only I can be reckless
Barge in with my fist
Killing all of my guilty feelings
Before I end up hurting my buddy

If only I can be thoughtless
Acting like I didn’t do any troubles I did
Closes my eyes when the ones who cares bleeding
Shut my logics and follows the word of my feelings

But is it worth it to be that
Just so you know I have burning desires for her?
If only
Aug 2019 · 573
FinkZ Aug 2019
I never really know what’s behind my heart
Is it a simple crush
Or love
Maybe lust
Could be obsession
I never knew

Whatever the feeling is
Deep inside it still says
I’m crazy for Aurelia
Jun 2019 · 396
Aurelia Texted Me
FinkZ Jun 2019
Her text was the first thing
I saw in the morning
It was confusing
However I was smiling
But then I remembered
The reason why she texted me first
It was because I tried to call her
After I consumed lots of liquor
When I'm drunk, I tend to do something stupid
FinkZ Jun 2019
Owns a pretty eyes but she can’t use it well without the help of lenses
Once she take off her glasses, a man won’t even blink as he can’t control all his senses
Deep inside her skull, she have a brain that could solve any problems that came upon
Her full name is a definition of a beautiful genius in my own opinion
She could easily boys fell in love when she laugh or when she slicks her hair back behind her ears
Her only weakness, is a sensitive heart that could make her eyes throw out gallons of tears
Not for Aurelia
Apr 2019 · 478
Pilot’s Love Poetry
FinkZ Apr 2019
Build me an airport above the surface of your heart
The runway could be hard surfaces
Made out of asphalt
Or soft surfaces
Made of grass
No matter how easy or hard
I will take my chances
To land safely on your heart

Make a radio tower and tell me the radio frequency
So I can tell you how gorgeous is your smile
How I love your sins, flaws and your style
And you can tell me
Clear to do arrival and approach
But if you are not ready, put me on hold
Let me land there sweetie
Apr 2019 · 424
Kilometers Physically
FinkZ Apr 2019
They were divided by the ocean
She tried to keep an update with him when he was sleeping
He tried to tell her his days when she was already dreaming
All because of a different destinations
Even when they physically away by the distance of 14952 kilometers
But their hearts still stuck together

Skins desperately wants to touch each other
Everyday just getting harder
Thousands of times they texted him/her “I Miss You”
It wasn’t enough to let out the pressures they have been through

Even if their eyes still can see each other via video call
They didn’t feel complete at all
Even if they can hear their voices from calling
They prefer to listen it directly
Even the sweetest dreams they have in their mind
Their little heart won’t be satisfied
Goodluck for the ones having the long distance relationship
(I’m still single :p)
Mar 2019 · 324
FinkZ Mar 2019
When she wants to fly to chase the shooting stars
Or when she wants to sleep at the surface of the clouds
The chain will pull her back to the ground hard
But nobody hear her falling, even after she yelled in pain really loud

Anxiety holds the chain and life bites her neck
Crushed and cannot do anything, all of her bones starts to break
Then left wounded in this cold world
Tried to manage the pain by her own while she trembles

Confused where to cry, because she can’t find a shoulder
Stress filled inside the heart of her mother
Her father is selfish yet filled with anger
Her cousin is a *******
Her boyfriend doesn’t act like her lover
She was born to be the only daughter
Her half siblings are still a youngster
And the society doesn’t seems to care about her

She tried to heal depression with physical pain
A cutter on a right hand and tried to cut her left hand veins
Then she would use her blood as an ink
To write her poetries
Hides her scars with sleeves, and her smile hides her true feelings

Two of her besties are willing to help her when she is down
One of them stands on her side to help her stand up on the ground
And she makes her to promise never cut herself again
But the other one, got separated by the oceans
He can only listens
After he knew how dark her was experience
He was speechless because her world are far more worst then his expectations

But no matter how harsh her stories
She will never give up
Because from pain she learns to be stronger
For my friend Vel
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Tobacco To Burn My Feelings
FinkZ Mar 2019
If only forgetting you are like smoking
My dreams and memories are the tobacco burning
Watch each of the tobacco leafs turning into ashes
Then put the ashes on my ashtray
Throw them away so I could see them goes away

If only to end my love for you by smoking
Using the poisonous carbon monoxide to weaken my heart’s desire to keep you with me,
**** the butterflies inside my belly
And the cancer cells will eat the remaining feelings inside me

Sometimes I wished smoking helps
But reality, every inhaler I took, my life slowly ends
Every cigarettes I burnt doesn’t lead me one step further
Most likely I slowly make myself to be dead in one spot
I smoked too much I guess
Feb 2019 · 379
Perfectly Healthy Legs
FinkZ Feb 2019
She took my heart when I flew in the skies
200 knots to the ground, luckily I survived
Broke my plane and I knew I cannot fly
Because I took a peek into her eyes

How amazing is this woman?
So easily to be noticed when she sits
Disturbing my dreams when she sleeps
Hypnotised me when she only speaks
Cool down my hell when she breaths
Put me down from the skies when she sees

So loveable this woman
But if I give her my heart, it would be dangerous
If I kiss her lips, my saliva contains poison and she will die
If I stare at her eyes, beneath my eyes there is a selfish demon ready to eat her alive
If I hold her hands, I can't control my own power and she will cry
If I hug her, I can't contain my joy then I might crush all her bones, she looses her life
If she gave me her heart, I might end up toys around her feelings, disturbing her night

So with my Perfectly Healthy Legs, I'm walking away
To stand along beside her was my dream, now there is no reason to stay
I will rest only when I want to pray
To ask the Lord for guidance on my new journey everyday
If my aircraft falls, I will continue my journey by foot
Feb 2019 · 487
Pieces That Created Aurelia
FinkZ Feb 2019
Her eyes are created from the oceans
Her body is the missing piece of the heaven
Her hair are the important elements for aurora boeralis, the lights that shines around the northern region
Her personalities are the missing piece from the heart of an angel
Her voices are part of a wonderful miracle
Her mind is the 25 percent of the universe
The curve from her warm smile taken from the rainbow, beautiful, colorful and ineffable
And her name is the pieces from the poetry that God ever written

When all the pieces gathered
Carefully mixed together
A winsome woman was created
Aurelia was the name given to her
Aurelia, do you even know what are you made of?
Feb 2019 · 361
Silence Within Inside
FinkZ Feb 2019
Behind my silence
My heart sends a prayers
To our beloved creator
So the both of you will be never seperated

Behind my silence
My eyes kept looking
For troubles coming
That will destroy your relationship together

Behind my silence
I said your name
So I could tame
My monster that only contain evil and violence

Behind my silence
I looked at your picture
To remind myself that this world
Still have the pure beauty living on this earth

Behind my silence
I said "I love you" silently
So quiet until The Lord can't hear me
Because if I said it, I might waste my own prayers
Behind my silence
My feelings ate the entire of me
Jan 2019 · 392
When I laid my eyes on her
FinkZ Jan 2019
When I laid my eyes on her

The skies feels different
But the colours still blue however it doesn't feels the same

The grounds where I stood starts to tremble
But I didn't realize it was my legs shaking nervous
Shut my other senses, I was amazed

She takes me to the world behind her eyes
The world where the stars always shines
The world where there is only beauty and happiness

My blood starts to dancing
Following my heart beats rhythm
As it goes faster and faster

When I laid my eyes on her
I asked myself again and again
Deep inside my brain
"If only I revealed my love towards her
Will she feel the same like when I laid my eyes on her?"
Should I try?
Dec 2018 · 200
Shook The Floor
FinkZ Dec 2018
The way she danced amazed me to my very soul
Stopped me from breathing when she shook the floor
My heart beats starts to increased it's tempo, about to lost it's control
The way she danced, nobody can resist to look or ignore

The ways she moved her arms
The ways she put her feet
The ways she swung her hips
The ways she puts her emotions all over her body
Cannot be written in just one poetry
Because her movements killed the muscle of my lips
As she danced following the beats
I could see nothing but her charms

Her sweat drops from her chin
The breath she took, indicates that it was exhausting
But she kept on dancing and dancing
Without notice the floor was shaking
And my soul was trembling
As she danced like an angel flapped their wings
She dances like there is no tomorrow
Dec 2018 · 1.6k
Second Confession To Aurelia
FinkZ Dec 2018
Romantic words wasn’t enough to tell my feelings for you
My poetries wasn’t enough to venting my love for you
Slow songs doesn’t sound right
When you are on my mind
Because you are too special to be described

My blood rushed faster
And my heart applied more pressure

I may have told you I am ready to let go
But the reality, I struggled trying to walk away
The harder I tried, the more my affection grows
And the more I wanted to stay
To be with you until my life passes away

I still want you to fill my heart
In the hollow part
But that would be my own selfishness
Because you already filled somebody else’s
I've said "I love you" once, but it wasn't enough
Dec 2018 · 196
Best Place To Live
FinkZ Dec 2018
I live in the cloudy dreams
Where it covered my vision
From seeing these bitter world

My imagination
Is the land where nobody
Can disturb me
Dec 2018 · 337
FinkZ Dec 2018
Maybe we weren't destined to be together
Maybe it wasn't my destiny to put an engagement ring around your ring finger
It wasn't my destiny to solve your problems
It wasn't your destiny to love me
Or holding hands with me

But maybe

I was destined to protect your relationship
Putting your bonds inside my shield
Support both of you and your lovers target
With a big smile and no regrets
Then let go whenever I'm ready

Because Aurelia, my dear
I will find a heart to land safely
And I mean my words
Dec 2018 · 304
My Dead Dreams Comes Alive
FinkZ Dec 2018
Putting you inside my brain systems
Are one of the best things I've ever done

I can't stop imagine
Both of us sitting at the roof under the moonlight,
Talking while drinking our favourite alcoholic beverages,
Hop in the aircraft, baby I will be the pilot and we will look down enjoying the city lights
And pressing our lips together until we could see the sunrise

Aurelia, my sweetheart
I've always hoped that those dreams comes to reality
But sadly
The real world slapped me too hard
Until I opened my eyes
Really wide
Some of you guys might read my poem that was titled "Grave Of My Dreams". And I have to say, those dreams came alive and now I fell in love again
Dec 2018 · 247
Gray Eyes
FinkZ Dec 2018
Her gray eyes shuts my lips close,
Tied my tongue like a rope,
Then clogged both my throat and my nose

I created hundreds of sentences,
Prepared thousands of words,
And arranged millions of letters
But I can only say one compliment

Her gray-colored eyes are extremely rare
So gorgeous, it warms my night in the early winter
I wanted to see her eyes forever
But the reality, however
I won’t be looking at those eyes again
And I swear, her eyes are really gray. I met her yesterday in Tucson, but when I tried to approached her, it was a total failure
Nov 2018 · 301
FinkZ Nov 2018
I'm immuned from cupids
And I'm able to sense them if they are coming near
They will feel fear
When they see my eyes so deep

My life are now free from a cupids
The little creatures that makes me stupid
I uses no medicine
But phillophobia is my only poison
Am I afraid of love? Or are you afraid of not being loved back
Oct 2018 · 288
FinkZ Oct 2018
She called my name
And gave me a bar of chocolate from her hand
The most joyful time of my life
I felt like my future will be filled with bright lights
So I ate it
But when I realized it, it was too late
The chocolate passed the expiration date
Then woke up in the emergency room
Oct 2018 · 291
My Temple Is Her Home
FinkZ Oct 2018
She is the spirit inside my temple
Lingering at the shadows from the corners
Protecting my sacred place from an intruders
And killed whoever comes with her short temper

Never look at her eyes because she will take out your vision
Never speak against her because her poisonous fangs will stop your heartbeat
Never even try to touch her because she will turn your bones into ashes
Don't ever try to **** her because my wrath will be the last thing you see when you are finished

I trust her with my temple
She can do whatever she wants inside
Nobody is allowed to enter
With or without my permission
For some of you who don't know, temple means head.
Sep 2018 · 263
To The Lucky Man
FinkZ Sep 2018
To the luckiest man on earth
Since you catched her first
I'm willing to let my heart shattered
Crumbled into dust and carried away by the winds
Following the moving air until it can't be seen

To the luckiest man
Her protector
Take care of her
And never let her to get hurt
Or else I will press your skull against a fast moving propeller

To that luckiest man
Or more likely her favourite man
I can guarantee your bondings will be forever
Because I sent your relationship with my prayers
So the both of you will always be together
And I trust you I swear
Sep 2018 · 1.3k
My Mistakes
FinkZ Sep 2018

It's not your fault that I loved you
It's my mistake that I let myself covered in the blues
It's not your fault that I can't move on
But it's my flaws to carved your name in my bones
You're not the reason why my obsession has grown
Because my hormones plays around on their own
And again, you appeared in my dreams
Yet it's not because your action, it's my actions to let you in

I am so sorry
Because again I wrote you a poetry
I promised to Aurelia that I will stop writting her a poem so I could move on. I failed to fulfill that promise. Because when I removed Aurelia from the contents of my poems, it felt so empty
Sep 2018 · 451
If It’s Meaningless
FinkZ Sep 2018
If the words “I love you”
Is not strong enough to proof my affection to you

If the sentence “I need you”
Wasn’t enough to tell you that I’m so fragile without you

If when I said “ I missed you”
Doesn’t mean anything to you

If poetry
Is just bunch of words arranged beautifully

If my feelings
Are just hormones wandering around body

If roses
Are just flowers growing in the garden

If ring around the finger
Are just an accessory made from silver

Then how will I give you the evidence
That you are so special?
Maybe this is too strong to be proved
Sep 2018 · 322
The Forbidden Love
FinkZ Sep 2018
To my beautiful angel
Please do not looking at my heart for too long
Because everytime you stared at me
You chiseled my heart into stone

To my favorite angel
Please do not hold my hand firmly
Because when you touched my skin
My bones melts into liquid

To my lovely angel
Please do not whisper in my ears
Because when your voice coming in
My mind is not clear

To my strong angel
Please do not hug my body
Because when you put your arms around me
My internal organs turned into chunks of meat

To my sweet angel
Please do not kiss my lips
Because every drops of your saliva contains nicotine
And I will crave for more, so addicting

Our love is forbidden
It will only brings harm and dangers
Our affection blurred our vision
And our dreams started to scattered
Because God won’t allow a sinners to be with the purest creature like you
Sep 2018 · 361
A Poetry Without Meaning
FinkZ Sep 2018
It doesn’t taste sweet
Or bitter
Not even spicy
Or sour
But it’s tasteless

The colors wasn’t green
Or orange
Not even pink
Or violet
But it’s colorless

My poetry became senseless
Lost of it’s magical power
And filled with no colors
Ever since I tried to removed you from My contents
Poetry is the crown of love
-Two Trees by Andrea Hirata
FinkZ Sep 2018
I pray for thousands of innocents
Who died because of 19 sinners
I wished for the wandering souls in earth
To be accepted on the side of our Creator

Bless the souls who died in Pentagon
Bless the souls who died in World Trade Center
Bless the souls of the hijacked aircraft's passengers
So they will rejoice, in the Land Of Promised

For the ones that lost their family, friends or their siblings
I want you guys to think positive and keep smiling
Because of that incident
They could enjoy their new lifes in Heaven
The place where pain never exist
And known as it's Holy
The place where our heart will never resist
To enjoy the eternal life and live happily

Rest In Peace
And you all will be missed
I hope this type of incident will never happen again. Let us never forget the incident happened 17 years ago.
Sep 2018 · 537
FinkZ Sep 2018
Sometimes I just want to yell at the top of my lungs to you
Sometimes I just want to be angry to you
I want to scream at your ears
Until your eyes producing tears
Then I will tell you what my heart wants to say
And what you did to me everyday
Call me crazy
Because I'm a Lunatic

The reason why
Is because you still messing around my mind,
You messed my chemistry,
Took my heart again and left me empty,
And you make me weak
When you are so close to me
You know how it feels when you want to move on from someone, but you can’t and you starts to blame or getting angry on that particular person?
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