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Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Eridan Ampora Nov 2014
Candy Apple Red

What do the really mean?

Hemospectrum poem, hope you like it
Sep 2014 · 8.2k
Hiaku about a Whore
Eridan Ampora Sep 2014
I'll swallow my pride
to keep a ***** as a
friend for awhile
She knows who she is
Aug 2014 · 3.8k
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
This is a thing
Where a satanic beast
slipped an innocent victim
a Roofie
and 9 months later
The Papple is a Fruit, a hybrid of the Apple and the Pear. I hate Pears with such a passion that I had to say something
Aug 2014 · 2.3k
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry (Redo!)
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
Open up my Ribs and drink my soup
With your mouth directly over my stomach
I don't think that I'd taste like anything though
but as long as Daddy is able to enjoy it

Drink up the yellow chunks of fat from my body
Stick a straw in my veins and drink me until I am dry
Even my innards: stuff them, cut them, and then bake them right up
Although my body is about to drop from my Daddy

I'm Sorry,
but I don't think this is a good idea!
A stranger, Onii-san, told me
He pitted my collapsing body
and took me by the hand away~
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be a bad kid
Forgive me please, Forgive me Please!
Poor Pitiful Me.
I'm sorry, Sayonara
I'm a bad kid running from Daddy
I'm sorry, Forgive me please!
I'm afraid I'm in love with someone other than my Daddy!

Onii-san greedily pours my Amniotic Fluids down his throat
He cuts open my body and touches all the insides
He doesn't eat me and he doesn't even fight me
He said that my collapsing body is too ugly for anything

I'm Sorry,
but I don't think this is a good idea!
Onii-san, he must hate me
My collapsing body is just too disgusting
Seal me away and that shall be my ending~
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be such a useless kid
Forgive me please, forgive me please!
I'm too scared to be alone!
I'm sorry, Sayonara
I'm a bad kid now running to Daddy
I'm sorry, Forgive me please!
I can't love anyone other than my cruel Daddy!

When I went home, Daddy was with lots of men
They said they believed I would come home
They wanted to eat what was left of my broken body
That was what they had said~

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be a bad kid
Forgive me please, Forgive me Please!
Poor Pitiful Me.
I'm sorry, is it yummy?
That is the flavor of a warm heart
I'm sorry, although it hurts
please eat my fulfilled Heart!

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be such a useless kid
Forgive me please, forgive me please!
I'm too scared to be alone!
I'm sorry, it hurts too much
but as long as you are able to enjoy eating
I'm so happy! Sayonara
Everyone Else,
Come help yourselves to anything but my heart!
I think this song is about a girl who is ****** abused by her father, using cannibalism as a metaphor for him eating away at who she was. Onii-san means Brother, or in more formal situations, a young man of older age or social standing. So Onii-san comes to save her, takes her away but doesn't abuse her or **** her. She tries to show she loves him and, Onii-san means brother, he refused her. Seeing *** as a symbol of true love, she runs home to her father who has had his friends help find her, to use her as a *** slave. She in the end is totally cool with his because I think she realizes that she's ****** up in the head or sees that no one but her Father truly loves her. Thus this song is deep and gorey with a **** meaning. Wow, so different from my other redos about friendship and love. The Italic part is this really gritty, hard to hear parts in the song. I changed it to innards cause the idea of eating...that, was too much for ever me.I kept to goodbye Sayonara because I liked it so lol.WHAT THE ACTUAL **** ONII-SAN! I MEAN **** BOY, THAT BETTER BE A GRIMDARK METAPHOR OR YOU'VE GOT SOME EXPLAININ TO DO.The part where he cuts her open and touches the insides, he askes her what happened to her, but she runs away cause he doesn't Love/****\ her or abuse her.. I love this song!
Aug 2014 · 2.1k
Fade away...
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
Love of mine
I think it's my time to die
But I must leave you behind
as I fade away into the Dark

A darkened light
my pain fades into the night
but Darling, you hold me tight
as if I am to be missed

Whispers in my ears
saying there's no need to fear
but I can't help but be stunned
to have you so near

So lay down here beside me
as my soul embarks,
as I fade away into the Dark

You could see, me on one knee
before you humbly
as a ring was given

But my life's done now
as you bury me in the ground
and look at the lose you've found
A future is now destroyed

Whispers in my ears
saying there's no need to fear
but I can't help but be stunned
to have you so near

So lay down here beside me
as my soul embarks,
as I fade away into the Dark

You and me, so much that no longer can be
but dear, I am truly free
no sleepless nights or pain

To hold me down
the Afterlife awaits now
It's nothing to cry about
cause we'll be together soon

I'll wait for you

Whispers in my ears
saying there's no need to fear
but I can't help but be stunned
to have you so near

So lay down here beside me
as my soul embarks,
as I fade away into the Dark

I'll Fade Away into The Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
Another song redo! I love doing this, It's fun! About a person knowing their going to die and about the future they would've had that's now impossible.
Aug 2014 · 3.1k
Poor Unfortunate Trolls!
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
I admit that in the past I was a nice guy
But I think it's time I better make a switch
So you'll find that nowadays
I've changed all my ways!
I've slaughtered, spilled their blood, oh yes a switch!
Oh Yes!
And I fortunately don't care about you
It's a feeling that I do not posses
Oh my fans, I think it's time
To end them all just like those Limes
Of all the Trolls so the story can progress

Poor Unfortunate Trolls!
In Pain,In Need!
D--> That one longing to be less Sweaty
This one wwants to get the girl
Should I help them?

Poor Unfortunate Trolls
So sad, so true
they come flocking to the fourth wall crying
Please Hussie, Please!
and do I help them?

Now it's happened once or twice
I did something really nice
but then next update

And I hear your sighs and complaints
but I simply am a Saint! (I made them after all)
To these Poor Unfortunate Trolls


Every Troll in either Session will be Slaughtered!
There's a lot of trolls to ****, that's for sure.
The Kids in either session may stay
but I will **** them another day
and if they die then they'll go god tier *yawn

Until you all adore you Huss
say goodbye since Haitus, my dear fans
In a sweep, and a song
the story will move along
and the pain, yes the pain will start again!

Come on you
Poor Unfortunate Fans
Go ahead
hail your Huss!
I'm the creator
Their Maker
and I've got Eternal life*

If you speak against me
then boohoo

You Poor Unfortunate Trolls
Life *****, for you
If you want to go adventuring
then you have to pay the toll

**** it up and get to dying for me
since I'm in full control!
And with my precious power, dear
All their heads will roll!

*Lime Bloods, they're all dead btw
The one who longs to be less Sweaty is Equius, thats why I put the Bow and Arrow. And Eridan Ampora is the one wwho wwants to get the girl. The --- part is where Dialouge which I'll fix later, comment some lines and I'll thank ya for em Plus I found the center option! WOO,
**read this as agan, not again.
***Inside Joke about Andrew
Jul 2014 · 642
They Know
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
They Know
They've seen it
What I think of them
Those things you can't say to them
cause then they'd hate you
fuckfuckfuck One of my friends whom I wrote about saw this and texted me and I panicked and tossed my Ipod and it bounced off my bed and down the rabbit whole but it's ok not cracked but covered in dust.
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
My Moirail Does Poems!
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
She's now here
On hello poetry!
The great and powerful
Amazing Teal Moirail
She's a poet and I always did know it!
Jul 2014 · 6.2k
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
You say something
Than I use it
My denfence mechanism
I say somethin really ****** or mean
But in just the right tune
For you to assume I'm not an *******
But using sarcasm rather than being a ****
Be secretly I am
I'm rude and mean and hateful
But not always and not to all
Just those who don't fully understand my brand of Sarcasm
Thank Sarah for the seeds to this
Jul 2014 · 4.6k
Fushia Whore
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Oh Heiress!
My heiress
You date many men
At the least you've dated eighteen
That's in the last few years
But you're royalist of blood
Makes you special
For you're the heiress
To become The Condescension!
So date who you wish
Be deflowered if you want
But know this
I'll remember this always
Violet's always remember
Especially those who were close
Stay away from Jason!
Amethyst, you lucky *****! But I'm glad to be Violet since there can't be a male fushia blood. She likes dating men and I don't want her near Jason. Condescending means you talk down to someone, She's definitely turning into the Condescension
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Wwelcome Vviewers
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Recently I'vve changed my name to Eridan Ampora
He's from HomeStuck
I'll be wwriting poems about Blood Colors and the Hemospectrum from here on out
After I'm done Ill be back to wwriting normal poems
Formal Notice of my change
Jul 2014 · 2.6k
Teal Moirail
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
A High Classed girl
Your funny and loud
Your kind and gentle
But you can **** **** up
When you need to!
You're my Moirail
My other half
My Best Friend
I couldn't live without you
Teal and Violet
Go so well together
For Sarah, wwell  you all could'vve guessed it from me saying Moirail or Teal
Jul 2014 · 998
Bronze Song
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
You Rap of love and lose
Bronze blood
Bronze notes
You fall in an out of love
Using men when you can
Almost fooling one of Violet
Love is just a word to you
But still when they leave you
Boo hoo, I hate them
Is all you say
Courtney knows this is for her, she drops boys like they're not hot, cause if they wwere she wwould still be wwith them.
Jul 2014 · 3.2k
Rust Red Demon
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
You're a Demon
Rust Red like the fires of hell
You're full of Pride and Greed
Yet we're friends
But still you're too Sinful
A short Devil with brown hair and lipstick
Devils and Royals don't mix
Violet doesn't go with Rust
This ones short, Kaitlyn's a Devvil!
Jul 2014 · 22.8k
Rust Red Wolf
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Sweet Wolf
Your art is grand
But your blood
Is far away
On the Hemospectrum chart
You a peasant
Me a half Royal
We don't mix
Indigo and Rust
You're a free wolf
I'm a high-blood
Go do your art
Make the world a better place
Wwolf and Me are friends but she's not close anymore... I see wwhy noww
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Pale! (Song Redo)
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
You're smart  and funny  and kind of really loud
But that doesn't mean I don't want you to talk
And though I do things you don't want me to
You know it's true
I can always call you if I need to
And you know you have me to

Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
We're Moirails through and through
And you know that I will always be with you


Don't you know
I see the way you talk about your dad
I didn't know him at all I'm sorry
It's okay He's in a better please  and I'll stay
But please don't ever push me away
When everything crumble beneath your hands
I'll be there to be the one who understands

Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
We're Moirails through and through
And you know that I will always be with you

lala lala lalalalalala lala lalaaaooo

Sign your Kik name with YinYangs
I'll make cat faces too : 3
Put up with my HomeStuck shenanigans
And I'll be there there you
for you

Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
Pale, pale, pale for you
Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
We're Moirails through and through
And you know that I will always be with you

lalala lala lala la la la la la
For Sarah! My Moirail(Faded Friend in Latin!) Pale means I can't live without her! <><><><>
Fixed some things and edited it to more of the song since I'm weird like that
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Insatiable thirst for Chaos
Stone prison
Chaos embodied
Only brings chaos
Redeemed himself
Dude isn't such a **** now that hes got friends
It's Discord! One of those single word describy poems
: 3 My Favorite non-pony in MLP, He is a Draconequus
a mix of the word Dragon and Equine.
Jul 2014 · 4.8k
Roses are Red
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Roses are red
Violets aren't blue
Can't you tell that?
Ugh I mean seriously!
Violet is it's name
Not Blue
That would be a rather silly name
For a flower
Flowers man! I saw that old roses are red violets are blue poem on a card today and this came to mind
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Another choice,
Something important!
Quickly two little mes appear on my shoulder
One is a pure white suit with a halo
The other in a red tux with horns and a tail
Angel"Do what's right!"
Devil"Do what's right for you!"
What to do
Countless seconds lost
As they wage war on my shoulders
Shouting about good and evil
Right or wrong
Left or right
I shrug my shoulders
And they fade away
No clue what to do
Even with their "Help"
Idk Angel and Devvil on the shoulder thing makes for a good poem I guess
Edit: Wwoww, you guys actually like this? *Sniff* You like me, you really really like me! I'm getting all teary eye'd
Jul 2014 · 788
Have you ever
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Have you ever dreamt of something but you woke up before you knew exactly what was going on?
That's what happened to me during the "Annie Janna Billy JoJo" dream. And it pains me so much because I really miss those kids, I mean they don't exist and their not my kids or siblings but yet I miss them so much and it hurts me because I knew they were in danger so I had to save them but I didn't know what the danger was or who it was. The worst part is, I can still see the brown haired girl in a panicked state sitting next to me, and I could hear her sister sobbing and a young boy telling his dog that its alright even though it wasn't, I don't know why but it wasn't! They didn't want those beautiful kids alive, and I don't know who wanted them dead or why and it makes me hurt inside!

What I'm ranting about: below
Sorry had to say something about my dream, my last poem, I had it last night but I wrote it down so I posted it here...
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Wake Up
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
As I ran down the stone path
The cold snowy ground below me
The snow storm raging above me
I couldn't help but save them
I had to help Annie Janna Billy and the families Saint Bernard JoJo
To the family car
Not my family but theirs
As we heard the sirens from over yonder
JoJo barked
Shhhh's filled the night
I drove as fast as I could
While Annie sat beside me with a horrified expression
While Janna wept
While Billy tried to keep JoJo quite
While JoJo snuggled into the young boy for warmth
I turned on the heat but the car wasn't getting warm
It's an old car
It takes too much time
Not that we had any
They would already be at the house
Burning it most likely
Can't have a house that my kind have used
To them
We were a disease that needed to die
Those *******
As I made a sharp turn
I gasped for breath, shirtless sweaty and in tears. Freezing cold from my fan blowing on me. Who were they?
So I had a dream this morning about these kids and their dog, apparently I was saving them from someone or something idk and I felt I needed to tell you all. I dedicate this to those three kid and their dog, where ever they are I hope their safe...
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
That one teacher...
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
That always says"I don't know, can you use the bathroom?" when you're about to *** yourself

That always takes too long to explain the same thing as yesterday

That is the best teacher ever

That you just hate so much and you think they're the Devil

That smiles at you and see all you can become

That frowns at you because you're such a failure

That you don't mind being stuck in a class with on your least favorite subject

That you completely ignore because they put you next to your BestFriend

That you completely ignore because they put you next to your crush

That you completely ignore because they put you next to someone you hate so much because they're annoying as hell

That you learn nothing from all year

That know your either gonna shout to you BestFriend across the room or whisper to them next to you

That sing to themselves in class because its not their classroom

That you want to personally fire out of a cannon for not showing your amazing math work that you actually tired on because they don't like you

That you miss so much when you graduate

That you are so glad to never see again when you graduate
Kinda missing school so I wrote this cause it'll be back before I know it and ill hate it all over again
Jul 2014 · 2.4k
Mlp 10w
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
My little pony
Friendship is magic
How I became me
: 3 idk why but I saw a few of these and I wanted to do one
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Pedicabo ego vos,
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
You spoke those words to me as you departed from my sight. My sorrow overflowed, nothing meant anything to me but your words. I never got over you, Chelsea. It took me a few years before saying that didn't hurt, a few more to get the courage to see your Facebook page, and yet I still have no courage to say anything to you. I don't want  to be pushed away again, the fear of falling has left me flightless.
Pedicabo ego vos, Latin for *******. Beautiful language disguised such nasty words
Jul 2014 · 1.8k
Secretly Inlove
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
How can you tell the one you love that you love them? Do you just go up to them and say "Hey there! I love you!"
How could I stay silent about my feelings as we texted for hours about the randomest of things.
How could I let you slip through my fingers, to other who use you.
How could I let you fall inlove three times before I became determined to make you mine.
How could I let myself fall for you, let you become my whole world, let you be my everything, and yet to you I'm nothing more than a friend....
Had some feelings I wanted to share, not about Sarah, but someone else she'll never know but already knows but doesn't know.
Jul 2014 · 2.0k
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
To My Moirail,
You listened when others were self centered, distance couldn't stop us from watching movies, you made me smile with your quotes and You even became a brony(sorta) when I did.

I was there when you would rant about those jerks, when you obsessed over Jack White, and We talked about your dad.

I promise to never stop being there for you, Cross my Heart and Hope to Fly Stuck a Cupcake in my Eye! I will be forever your friend, as long as you say the same to me. : 3

My Moirail, For whom I have the Palest of Feelings, I would give you my last apple, I would do anything for you cause you'd do the same for me.
To my Moirail, Sarah! Your the best friend this old stallion could ask for!
Wwrote this wwhen it wwas a Braeburn Account.
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Red Yellow Green
So many colors to choose from
And than so many different types
Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious!
But in what way will you have it?
Will it be a pie, or a **** or maybe a fritter? So many ways, so little time in the day to make it all!
I like apples, don't judge
I wwrote this back wwhen this wwas a Braeburn RP
It's an Eridan Ampora RP account noww,  so deal wwith it

— The End —