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9.3k · Sep 2018
I Love You
Madison Sep 2018
Though you might be having a bad day
I want you to know something
I will always be here for you
And I will always love you
I don't care how stupid it is
I will listen and try to help
You are not worthless
In fact, You are worth the world
Never think down on yourself
Because you are amazing
The world shouldn’t own you
You should feel like you own it
7.5k · Sep 2018
Broken Weeds
Madison Sep 2018
The moths followed the little square
Like he was a flame
The little square wrote a book about his despair
And the moths made a proclaim

The little square didn't like us
So he told the moths to find us, "the mess"
He told them to do it without fuss
'Cause without us his garden would be flawless

The moths came out to his garden
They found me and my kind
And pulled us out with a gun
Treating us like we aren't apart of mankind

We were put on trial by them
And thrown into fire
We were shoved into a room by 'em
And gassed because it was "prior"

Occasionally the moths were bored
So they played hangman with us
This was a game that they adored
All we could do was stare at the hanging carcass

They were our friends and family
They were the only medals we had left
We were too broken to be angry
So we ignored the theft

When the moths got rid of us
They went for the most damaged weeds
That often made us anxious
Because of it some did misdeeds

Some couldn't deal with the pain and fear
So those weeds jumped to the birds
On the floor they left a smear
The smears thought jumping would send them homewards

Though we saw death so many times a day
We were still able to eat and treat people with hate
It was because from our god we have gone astray
Maybe because we were all under weight

In our stomachs prowled lions
Our hunger was so severe
If we found stray scraps we would go for the ****
If you went for the food you were a volunteer

One time we ran out of food
So we complained even more
The moths got tired of our complaining mood
So we ran to a new camp door

We were often moved
We went from camp to camp
Of course we all disapproved
On the house that was based by our stamp

On each of our wrist
Was and inky black stamp
It was on the moths checklist
It was our name in each concentration camp

When we were saved from hell
We were all broken weeds
We couldn't even sleep well
But the ones that saved us answered our needs

The ones that saved us helped end the war
And some were normal citizens
Everyday we are grateful for their loving core
Even if we had great differences

Though the Holocaust made us different
And the memories haunt us
It was kind of a movement
Because now people won't walk into war without a fuss
This poem is dedicated to the Jews that suffered from the holocaust
2.0k · Oct 2018
I Want To Breath Again
Madison Oct 2018
I just want out of the dark
I don’t like this suffocating air
But I don’t need to tear down the walls
They protect me and my glass heart
Part two of my incompleted poem
1.1k · Sep 2018
The Sculpture
Madison Sep 2018
I worked so hard, not even drawn
Now all my work is far gone
It was beautiful like a butterfly
It just melted so bye bye
The fly I carved of butter is now gone
The Nazis took our electricity now everything is gone
Without the cold it melted away
Now my tools will just decay
A storm is brewing, we need more help
The Nazis make me want to yelp
The poem my bff wrote. What the poem is about is very sad, but for some odd reason I laugh when I read it. He even drew a little sad face of the back of the paper that the poem was on
Madison Oct 2018
I wonder what would happen
If I started to chip away the walls
Just to let a little bit of light in
And some fresh air too
Not complete. I’m gonna write this poem in parts.
870 · May 2018
Sticks and Stones
Madison May 2018
Who ever wrote the poem that goes

“Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words Could never
Hurt me”

Must have had a good life because for me
The poem goes

“Sticks and stones
May leave a few
Bruises on my bones
But words can cut into
Me like a knife.
I’m just like a mirror
I tell it to you straight
But I’m fragile
And easy to break.
The sticks and stones that you throw at me
Just toughen my skin
But with a shiny knife
You can get in.
My heart is see through
That’s just how it’s made
But I warn you
My heart is not the shatter-proof kind
So I would like it if
You kept your sticks and stones to yourself
And all of you shiny knives away.”
Another way that makes me like a mirror is if you break me I give you seven years of bad luck.
761 · Oct 2018
Ephesians 2:10
Madison Oct 2018
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
759 · Dec 2018
Full of Flaws Yet Beautiful
Madison Dec 2018
Humans aren’t perfect
We are all covered in flaws
So don’t try to be perfect

We are beautiful, though
Even with our flaws
So please don’t hide your beauty
674 · Dec 2018
Silent Words
Madison Dec 2018
It can say a thousand words
Madison Oct 2018
I can breathe again
I can see again
But now someone can could look in
They might slightly see through my walls
Part 4 of my poem
628 · May 2018
A Friend
Madison May 2018
Accepts you as you are
Believes is you even when you don’t make sense
Calls you just to say hello
Drives you insane
Explains things you don’t understand
Forgives you of the mistakes you’ve made
Guarantees fun
Helps you
Is always there for you
Just wants to be with you
Keeps you close to their heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a lot of difference in your life
Never gives up on you
Overjoyed to see you
Picks you up when you fall down
Quizzes your love for others
Raises you spirits
Supports you
Tells you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Withstands you
Yells at you when you aren’t listening and
Zaps you back to the real world
620 · Nov 2018
Cover ups
Madison Nov 2018
In this world
Not everything is as it seems
People wear mask
They look so real
Just to hide themselves
Colours are bright
They grab all attention
Just to hide depression
And noises are loud
They rise so much
Just to drown out inner demons screaming
569 · Sep 2018
Isaiah 41:10
Madison Sep 2018
So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
524 · Dec 2018
(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
Madison Dec 2018
I’m so tired
But I can’t sleep
There are a million little things
That have decided to swarm my mind
All of the things are stressing me out
I just want to sleep right now
I’m so freakin’ tired
Seven test in one week right before you have to take six exams will do that to you.
477 · Oct 2018
Poetry Pt.1
Madison Oct 2018
When broken and beaten up
I come running into the warm arms of poetry
Reading poetry helps me think
Writing poetry helps me get everything of my mind
Part one of two
465 · Feb 2019
The Drug
Madison Feb 2019
It's a drug
Once you get a taste of it
You’ll always crave for more
It’s Valentines month! I love love.
456 · Oct 2018
Madison Oct 2018
I love to write poetry
But I’m afraid
I’m afraid of what they’ll think
I’m afraid they’ll think my poetry will **** because of my age
But I’m most afraid of people I know reading my poems
Because then they might see through my walls
Into my broken
Crazy life
I don’t want anyone to worry about me
Or to try and protect me
Or fight my battles
Because that’s what I’m supposed to do for them
I’m suppose to worry about others
And shove my problems away
I’m supposed to protect others
And never worry about my pain
I’m supposed to help win their wars
Because I’m already losing my own
If I loose to myself, promise me this, you won’t mourn a day and you move onto someone else.
~Neon Gravestones-Trench-Twenty One Pilots
445 · May 2018
What I follow
Madison May 2018
I followed this world
I thought it would make me cool
I followed the beat of its music
Thinking it was fun
I followed its people
Because they seemed to know best
But one day I realised
That the world was wrong
That it’s music was bad
That it’s people were insane
So I followed My world
Knowing that I am better than cool
I made up my own beat-filled music
Because it lets me have real fun
And I live my life
Because my heart is right
I have my own life
And I don’t need society tearing me down
Society is stupid. Don’t let it tear you down.
427 · Sep 2018
1 Peter 5:7
Madison Sep 2018
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Madison Dec 2018
My little sister
Came up to me
Hiding something behind her back
Her brown curly hair was a mess
And it was in front of her big brown eyes
She was smiling up at me
She told me to close my eyes
And hold out my hands
When I did I felt her give me some paper
She told me to look at it
She had drawn a little picture
It was her and me
We were standing under a giant rainbow
And a brilliant blue sky
That little drawing reminded me
Just how much little things in life matter
And how they can make someone feel
I love my little sister so much even though she is annoying most of the time.
Thank you, Faith, for the drawing you gave me.
405 · Sep 2018
Matthew 11:28
Madison Sep 2018
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
404 · Nov 2018
V for Vendetta Quote
Madison Nov 2018
Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof.

401 · Sep 2018
Psalm 56:3-4
Madison Sep 2018
When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?
359 · Oct 2018
Nehemiah 8:10
Madison Oct 2018
Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
331 · Nov 2018
I Am Thankful For...
Madison Nov 2018
Without him there would be nothing

My Family
Even though they are loud and annoying

My Friends
They’ve been there through thick and thin

My Pets
They are always happy

What would life be without it

Most of it taste very good

Something everyone needs

Even though I’m almost failing

And everything else
If I put each and every thing
This would never end
Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!!!
326 · Dec 2018
Me v. Life
Madison Dec 2018
Life is like a hurricane right now
Everything is spinning so fast
And I just can’t seem to keep up
They say that it is calm
In the eye of the storm
So I’m trying my hardest to reach it
I’m tired of only seeing grays and blacks
I want to see the beautiful sky
But this storm is against that idea
Instead it throws everything it can at me
Just to keep me from seeing the sky
I already have so many wounds
I’m already so broken
I don’t know why this storm still has me
I know this is all happening for a reason
And I know I just need to wait it out
But I’m not that kind of person
I’m determined to see the sky
I’m determined to have peace once more
So I will keep fighting this storm
I will not give up
Because I am stronger than this
I will overcome anything it throws at me
And I will make it to the eye of the storm
I will have peace
Even while everything is spinning around
I will see the marvellous blue sky again
Hello from inside this storm that was released from hell.
319 · Oct 2018
Genesis 28:15
Madison Oct 2018
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
314 · Oct 2018
1 John 4:4
Madison Oct 2018
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
310 · Feb 2019
Madison Feb 2019
There is one thing
That everyone wants
Whether they show it
Or hide it
The one thing
That everyone craves
Is love

Everyone desires love
And there are different kinds
That different people want
Like the romantic love
That a husband and wife share
Or the caring love
That a Mother gives to a child

When you go looking
For whatever type of love you want
Always remember one thing
And never forget
Or ignore
Or push away
The one that loved you first
And will always love you
293 · Nov 2018
Madison Nov 2018
Why does what I do
Turn out to be a mistake?
Am I the mistake?
285 · Oct 2018
Chipped Out Hole
Madison Oct 2018
My curiosity got the best of me
I chipped away a hole
It was just big enough to let in air and light
And an eye to look through
Part 3 of my incompleted poem thingy
Madison Nov 2018
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot... But what of the man? I know his name was Guy Fawkes and I know, in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. But who was he really? What was he like? We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten, but 400 years later, an idea can still change the world. I've witnessed first hand the power of ideas, I've seen people **** in the name of them, and die defending them... but you cannot kiss an idea, cannot touch it, or hold it... ideas do not bleed, they do not feel pain, they do not love... And it is not an idea that I miss, it is a man... A man that made me remember the Fifth of November. A man that I will never forget.

~Evey Hammond
I kinda sorta missed November the Fifth(I lost my phone), so I’m posting this today.
260 · Oct 2018
Here For You
Madison Oct 2018
I won’t leave you
If you need me, I’ll be there
I’ll be your shoulder to lean on
I’ll help you win your war
You aren’t alone
I hope you know that

There’s something else I want you to know
I won’t let you leave me
I know I’m selfish
I’m not sorry about that though
Because you are worth too much
You’re a legend in my eyes

I know I may not know the reason
Of your sadness
You can tell me if you want to
And even if you don’t
I will help you destroy your demons
When everyone you thought you knew
Deserts your fight, I’ll go with you
You’re facing down a dark hall
I’ll grab my light and go with you
~My Blood-Trench-Twenty One Pilots
257 · Nov 2018
I’m Trying
Madison Nov 2018
I try my hardest
But no one seems to care
I try to do my best
But no one seems to notice
I try to be my best
But no one thinks I’m any good
I try to be a good friend
I try to be a good daughter
I try to be a good student
But my best still isn’t good enough
So I push myself even harder
Trying to please everyone
I’m not sure how long I can keep this up
This long road I’m running
The stress is starting to weigh me down
Soon the exhaustion will overtake me
I will fall to my knees
And I’m scared I won’t get up again
243 · Nov 2018
Madison Nov 2018
There are stars in your eyes
They shine beautifully
But you cause them to be dull
I only see them when I look hard enough
But they’re there
Wanting everyone to see them
There aren’t just a few
The whole galaxy is there
Each constellation telling your story
Some of them are telling times of joy
Others are telling times of heartbreak
Each of them are important, though
And they shape you into who you are
They show how amazing you are
So let the stars shine bright
Let everyone know how great you are
236 · Nov 2018
Madison Nov 2018
I know questioning God
Isn’t a thing I can Do
But I wonder if I can
Simply ask Him my questions

My questions would be about things
That he allows to happen
And not many of the questions involve me
They involve my friends, family, and even people I don’t know.

So tell me
Is it bad to ask Him
Any of the questions I have
Even if I don’t ask Him directly
233 · May 2018
Madison May 2018
Limericks are quite hard to write
The words always try to put up a fight
They attempt to fall of the page
They cause you to fill up with rage
They never look quite right
230 · Oct 2018
The Five Words
Madison Oct 2018
I was talking to my best friend today
Out of the blue he quietly said something
The five words I never expected
The five words that now haunt me
The five words I once said to myself
The five words that worry me
The five words keeping me from sleep
The five words that scare me coming from him
The five words I pray won’t happen
The five words I’m afraid will happen
He said
“I want to **** myself”
My eyes started to water when he said it
He saw and said it was a joke
He said his bucket list was too long
But why would he say that
Why would he act so selfish
Why would he want to leave his family and friends
Why would he want to leave me
I need him
I don’t want him to take his life
I wish he knew that those five words
Caused me to cry as soon as I was alone
But I can’t tell him
Because he might want to take his life even more
Those five little words are like a knife repeatedly stabbing into my heart. Why hadn’t he told me before? Why had he been hiding his pain? Why did he try to play it off as a joke? I have so many questions that I can’t ask him, or anyone else. He has only told me; I’m the one person he told that to, so I can’t ask anyone else my questions. I’m just so worried.
219 · May 2018
My Favourite Place
Madison May 2018
Something I haven’t quite decided
Is my favourite place in this world that is divided

It might be in my cozy bed
Where I rest my head
Or up in a tree
that has no bees

It might be next to a window
Where I can see a rainbow
Or it might be my small couch
With a big T.V. that I can watch

It might be in art class
Where I always pass
Or underneath a tree
that is still free of bees

I have decided my favourite place fit for a king
I have decided after all of the hard thinking
It is in a book filled with different hues
Where I am always somewhere new
218 · Sep 2018
My Friends "Poem"
Madison Sep 2018
ryder is the worsf qoem writter ever
My bff wrote this looking over the computer so he couldn't see the keyboard very well. That's why some of the words are spelled wrong.
215 · Dec 2018
Madison Dec 2018
Merry Almost Christmas
Cant wait
210 · Oct 2018
Poetry Pt.2
Madison Oct 2018
But tonight Poetry isn’t working
I can’t seem to think
Or clear my head
Everything goes back to one thing
The five words my best friend said
I really am worried
I’m scared
Second and last part of “Poetry”
205 · Oct 2018
Sorry For Writing This
Madison Oct 2018
I can’t sleep again
For the second night in a row
Which is quite odd of me
Because I sleep a lot

It’s because of my friend’s words
And yes I know my poems are getting repetitive
But I don’t have anyother way
Of trying to get my mind off of it

I’m just really afraid
And really worried
That he might do it
And I still don’t know why he wants to
I’m sorry for writing a bunch of poems about one topic. I know it’s probably getting annoying but I honestly don’t care. Writing poems about it is the only way for me to relax without thinking about it for a while.
195 · Dec 2018
Giving up
Madison Dec 2018
Giving up
It makes things easier for you
But harder on others
Giving up
It gives you more sleep
But others get less sleep
Giving up
Takes the stress off of you
But puts it on others

When you don’t give up
You work with others
And every thing is easy
When you don’t give up
You’re up late with others
And y’all have new memories to laugh at
When you don’t give up
You and others each carry half the stress
And it isn’t so heavy anymore
186 · Nov 2018
The Sky’s Colors
Madison Nov 2018
Sometimes I like to take a small break
Just to admire the sky
There are so many colors
Not just at certain hours
But ever second of the day

Each color means something different
But they are still all special
Just like people
Everyone is different
But we are all so very special
133 · Aug 2018
My Demons
Madison Aug 2018
We all have our own demons
But others shove theirs onto mine
And mine are forced to be locked away
Until the other demons are gone

I can feel them pounding at the door
I can hear them screaming at me
But I can’t let them out just yet
Cause the others haven’t disappeared

When the other demons are finally gone
I still don’t let mine out
Because I’ve gotten used to the pounding
And all of the things they scream at me

— The End —