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Jul 2016 · 456
Mere Sanity
is an allusion
to a cozy delusion:

A textbook *illusion.
Jul 2016 · 361
is as a joke,
told by nary
to an empty room,
and, yet:
jeers; applause?
Jul 2016 · 411
If also, then two
If, also too, then
Also then to if!
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Holy War
God is Dead
it is ONLY because
(...and who could blame Him?)

...and if
Satan is King
it is ONLY because
(...and who could blame Him?)
Welcome back,
After a brief impromptu hiatus.
not about what may help you,
but about what may hinder you,
for the rest shall surely take form as it will!

One who makes use
of the energy of worry
to transcend One's obstacles,
(lest it be counted among them)
indeed has already attained One's goal-
Jun 2016 · 864
Art of War [Betrayal]
some who try to hug you,
to pat you on the back-
may well be the very ones
fostering patient and tretcherous daggers
just itching to attack
A paraphrased passage
from Sun Tzu's immortal and timless classic
"The Art of War."

Be cautious of the sword concealed by a smile.
Jun 2016 · 720
Care enough about questions
to answer
and enough about answers
to question
Don't remember if I posted this already, but in any case, here t'is.
Jun 2016 · 673
Fortune favors Incentive
and every
begins with
a rather humble decision;
the willingness
to *try
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
Yang begets Yin
Rules beget subversion.
Laws beget crime.

A begets Z.
1 begot ∞.

----- begets -----.
--- begot ---.

You fill in the blanks.
Please; i'm curious!
Jun 2016 · 574
The Rub
"Ey! Wher'da-fuque i'dat barbecue sauce at?"

"Methinks 't'is in the refrigerator;
aye, therein lies the rub!"
Shameless. Utterly shameless.

Low culture: meet high-culture
(not unlike jazz, which was the same 100 years ago)
(Whodafuq decides what's 'low' and 'high' culture?)
(seems kinda hubristic, don't it?)
(pfuhqite (not explicit! haha!))
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
Belovèd Status-Quo Police
pardon me,
do i challenge
your comfort-zone of a school of thought?

shall we wait
as you call yer belovèd Status-Quo police?

can you be
enough of an adult
to permit such inevitable discrepancies?"
Seems unlikely most'a the time.
Why am i not suprised?
Such a pity.

Quasi-fictitious; yet realistic, withstanding.
How would
Western Religion
were it that
Pain is met
a persistent form
of diagnosis
rather than
as a cursèd form
of punishment?

I suppose
it all depends
by who
for whom
it is
as a mere generalization,
t'wouldn't be much different!
May 2016 · 569
even unto thy dying breath,
surrender to it's absence.

If it means enough to you,
you will suffer to attain it,
regardless of consequence.
Neither because it's fair,
or because it's necessary,
but because it's worth it,
and nothing shy shall satiate.
May 2016 · 1.2k
-Verse [Art, of Language]
Armed with knowledge
of any given set of rules,
One inherits great Power:
arbitration of One's own

Be well-versed
enough to be able to subverse
any and all obstacles, however adverse,
and, moreover, to be able to transverse
thyself (and, by extension, thy universe!)
perchance edified by some means of verse,
(but not necessarily: bask in the diverse!)
during this sacred and fleeting saga of the converse
called Life: denied, defamed, and defiled by perverse
and attenuated souls; true cowards: unwilling to traverse
their own inner darkness, rather opting for the reverse:
to turn themselves schismatically and indefinitely averse
to the divine, ineffable, and limitless inverse:

So this plea, please:

Just be you,
let them be them.
Let me be me,
and let her be her.
Let him be him,
just let us be us.
Just let us.

("Why he talkin' 'bout lettuce now, mommy?"
"I guess he just think he funny, the fool!")

Look, point is:

You are you and I am not,
and I'm okay with that.

I am I and you are not,
and I'm okay with that.

I hope you feel the same.
If not, by me it's coo',
yet I jus' gotta say:
I pity the foo'.

Bask in the holy beauty of this Life
while you still have the chance.
Truly, Solace awaits those who are willing to face this unchangeable aspect of this Life:

Diversity is the nature of this Universe;
the Void is One is Two are Three are the Ten Thousand
(et cetera, blah blah blah)
Get over it and strive for balance.
Maintain balance.
Create it.
Be it.
Be able to lose balance and find it again and again and again...
Be it.
Be you.
I'll be me.
I'll try, at least.
I hope you do, too.
I mean, I hope you try to be you,
not that you try to be me..
'cause that's for me to do.. not you. that's..
oh jesus, here we go!

One must harmonize with One's own Godself.

Nary another
can or will do that for you,
nor shall ye for any other.

So, whatsayeth thou:
let's just try
and we'll see just what we can do.
I'm optimistic,
albeit a sign of weakness in such a needlessly vampyristic world.

heed my verse
should ye be so apt,
or, rather:

Thank you for reading.
Blessings upon thy Path.
I hope this makes even just half as much sense to fresh minds as it makes to me right now.

Words are constrained to interpretation,
but therein lies much of their magic.

I wouldn't change it if I could.

"******'fuckidyfuck! It's five in the ******' mornin' already‽‽
I been writin' n' editin' this ******' ******* for an hour now‽
Jesus Christ!"

"Whuddup, homeboy?"

"I got work at ******' ten a.-******'-m.!!"

"God-****! You so ******, yo.
Huh, ***** t'be you, foo'!"

"You tellin' me‽ Shiiit.
Look, Jesus, bro, I got a favor t'ask ya:
So, I know you all, uh- real nice an' all,
an' I ain't tryin' t'take advantage a that immaculate ****,
but, look: I drank a lot a water, 'n I got plenty left, but uh-
I could really ******' use some medicinal miracle wine right about now!"

PS: Profanity in the notes field ain't explicit, so it would seem.
In keeping with the allusion at the beginning of this piece:
Knowledge is ******' Power, y'all!
Now it's five-*******-thirty-
make that five-*******-forty-five in the morning.
Oh, the afflictions I incur in the name of this silly piece of scripture.

Still no miracle wine...
Seven o'******-clock rolls around with the epiphany that my lazy and crazy self can get me my own ******' wine! Expedite the whole debacle a little, y'know?

Seventeen-*******'-fiddy-one and I just got off work; ne'er got me wine,
but surely ein bißchen Whiskey!
Los geht's!
May 2016 · 715
care enough
about questions
to answer

and enough
about answers
to question
May 2016 · 359
The Glass doth Love Me More
Waking up
in the middle of the night
to a piece of glass
in my left hand;
not that I broke, but that girl-
you know the type:
the one that screams and yells
the one that says I disrespect her
as she holds my reins
and has my chains
the girl who sells me short
to whom I sacrifice so much of myself,
and who sacrifices so much of herself
and yet it isn't working,
no matter how much compromise
to me,
it doesn't seem healthy
yet she says she loves me
but when I am just me
it starts a fight
and since I refuse to fight
it only fuels the plight.

This glass draws blood-
it is all over the bed
(the glass, not the blood.. yet)
yet I would rather sleep with it
than I would with her;
for the glass is far more
and accepting;
thus can one say
the glass doth love me for me more!
I am me
and you are not;
and I'm okay with that, I think.

If you're not,
then look within
see how little you are who you think.
May 2016 · 963
it may be too late to go back and renew,
but t'will ne'er be too late to start anew,
lustful for new horizons, unsubdued!
"Don't wait for Gandalf to show up on your doorstep to have an adventure.
Be Gandalf and do it for yourself."
Apr 2016 · 949
is being true to thyself
and having the courage
to mantain thy integrity
in the face of adversity.

Though thy path
may well be tumultuous,
t'is thy Path, and no other's,
and nary another
shall be able
to keep thee from thyself
if only thou wouldst
remain at thy reigns,
then within thyself,
thou shallt e'er reign.

Therein lies the quest of Happiness.
One owes it to One's Godself to be just that.
the kind of person
who makes
you come across
feel okay
exactly who they are."
Apr 2016 · 4.4k
Gender Bias
Apr 2016 · 2.4k
Grief, Harbinger of Repair!
is so often
a harbinger
of repair
if only t'would be welcomed as such!

t'is but a matter
of sheer Courage:
of Willpower;
to consciously transmute Grief as such!
Apr 2016 · 602
Find a worthy goal,
set your sights on it,
and work every day
on drawing nearer to it,
even if just baby steps at a time;
as it has been so well said
by Confucious among countless others:

'tis by many small steps
rather than by few great bounds
that greatness can be achieved.
Apr 2016 · 448
Confidence is not thinking
"I know they will like me."
Confidence is knowing
"I'll be fine even if they don't."
I can't quite take full credit;
this is a paraphrased piece of advice a past guitar teacher gave me.
Apr 2016 · 1.6k
Saint Sanders
Senator Bernie Sanders
has been invited to the Vatican
by the Pope, himself,
and Mr. Sanders
graciously accepted.

I just gotta wonder
"how's that for 'auspicious?'
I mean:
in this Presidential Election
where every other candidate
flaunts their unflinching 'faith'
as a means to woo potential voters,
how perfect
that the belittled underdog
is summoned to meet His Holiness
as the others, without fail,
put their feet in their mouths
and proceed
to valliantly shoot themselves in the foot,
yet the voting populous
doth so seem to revel in the spectacle.

What a show!
Apr 2016 · 257
Sore [Sorry]
How's I sees it is:

is usually better off
being sore tomorrow
being sorry tomorrow,
if One should be both,
One has likely grown
as a person,
and is yet better off, indeed!
Read 'twixt the lines
I'm gonna unfollow everyone whom i currently do, and begin the list again, so as to renew the chaos that is the influx of beautious word-art I so enjoy and revere, but so seldom have time to sift through and give the attention and mind that is warranted to each and every one created by all'a y'all wonderous souls.

if I neglect to re-add anyone, please do not take it personally! anyone who is ostensibly active enough on my posts will, for obvious reasons, be most likely to be put back on my stalking list.

I realize this might come off as a bit selfish or narcissistic, perhaps vain or something,
and it very well might be,
but I'm strangely okay with that.
If you have a bone to pick with that,
I beseech thee to consider the following:
what part of you wants it to be that way,
what that reduction allows you to justify,
and how that makes you feel.
Just some fast food for thought.

much love to you all,
and blessings upon thy paths.
see you in the future!
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
All Lives Matter
Enough of this us versus them crap;

either admit
all lives matter
or perpetuate
this violent prejudice
Mar 2016 · 289
Go the Distance
"A twelve minute mile
is just as far
as a six minute mile."
Simply try to do better than you did before.
Mar 2016 · 435
Why is there such little media coverage of Bernie Sanders?
It's almost like Big Brother is afraid...
Such bias...
Mar 2016 · 1.8k
Devils' Advocate
Wait, if Jesus died for our sins,
wouldn't his sacrifice be in vein
if we don't sin?

Or, is it that
he was killed
because of our sinful nature?

Further, would his selfless redemption have been possible without the ever-so-hated Judas?
Isn't he just as necessary as Jesus to this tale?
Just as the Devil is with God?

I guess I'm overthinking this.
Thinking begets trouble.
I hope the humour is seen..

Celebrate the return of the Light, the Path, the Way, the Anointed One(s): Horus, Sol, Apollo, Jesus, Eostre, etc. etc. Whatever language/culture you prefer/were taught to be biased towards.

The important thing is to celebrate the beginning of a new redemption; a transcendence of the frigid agricultural death known as Winter.

Symbolism rocks!

moon worship is evil,
but unceasing war
over translations of parables
is a sacred duty.
Mar 2016 · 281
"You're always walking away!"

"You're always pushing me away.

I love you
for how you lift me up,
but I hate
how you bring me down."
Mar 2016 · 509
Don't use
gender bias
as justification
to be equally prejudicial;
most feminists I've met
are just as sexist
as the dogma they fight.

Hate cannot usurp hate.
Prejudice cannot quell prejudice.

These tactics
are cheap ad hominem arguments.

People are people.

All lives matter.

All this schismatic exclusion
only further polarizes
a fractured and diseased worldview;

we must work together
to bring the spectrum
back to healthy balance
rather than
acting on hubris;
equilibrium is inevitable,
so it may as well be sought
on our own terms,
lest we be forced against our wills
to come to terms with it.
This is not an attack;
it is commentary.

I'm quite open to discussion!
Mar 2016 · 345
"'Ch'ain't Careful"
"'Ch'ain't careful, y'all just might develop som' character, boy!"
"Verily, I say! Should ye proceed with such tactful omission of care, thou wouldst likely be so unfortunate as to accrue a sort of depth of character hitherto unbeknownst, my lad!"


I Quote:

"Ain't nuthin' says 'Good Mornin'" quite like a splash-o-whiskey from the bottle, a whiff of *******, and a cigar, I reckon!"
Mar 2016 · 426
Live On
Hark, methinks,
be no
small ordeal,
but rather quite the contrary:
be, verily
the grandest ordeal,
don't'cha think?
I reckon 't'isn't
for the faint of Spirit.
For, were it,
nary a moment
would we be here;
now would we?"
What experience
could not be called

Nary a one, I reckon.
Lyphe marches on.
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
The Eleventh Commandment
Thou shallt always chase thy inspiration,
lest ye inexorably rot in bored stagnation.
One cannot
'follow' One
who taught the sacred virtue
of kindness
and the discipline
of empathy
and the wisdom
of compassion
allthewhile condoning
a hateful
and stratified

The penultimate,
conscious Divinity
needn't a Temple;
for t'is existence, itself,
that is the Temple.

Further, I venture,
that t'is we:
the Mortal Divine,
the blinded,
incredulous ephimerality
who seems to so need the Temple.

Who are we
to be so arrogant?

Why can't we just respect diversity?

What the ****?

Life is sacred.
Mar 2016 · 591
Creed of the Eccentric
No deviation from the norm
no venture into new territory
Mar 2016 · 532
Quoth "Caveman:"
"Feel free to express your soul.
I mean, f--k;
imagine if more people really did!"

"Caveman" is the nickname of a good friend, who just happens to be about two and a half times my age.
He is the adopted father of the vocalist in my hard-rock band, "Ear Wrecked."
Mar 2016 · 343
Blame [Up in Smoke]
is so often
a game
we play
in pain
to hide from
we cling to,
as if a flame
'pon a dead tree
'tis lain,
and we are engulfed;
burnt all up:
our true selves
go so effortlessly up in smoke.
Mar 2016 · 336
I've said it before,
but i'll say it again:

t'wouldn't be
most genuine
we're it not at times
*perfectly inconvieñant!
Mar 2016 · 240
In my own limited experience,
I find that the difference
'twixt a fool and a villian
is merely
a relatively thin line
often called *intention.
Mar 2016 · 914
"Write something worth reading,
or do something worth writing.

Better yet: both."
Mar 2016 · 275
Ain't that a --....
When truth
becomes a threat,
has got to change.
Mar 2016 · 473
Soar, ye beautyful wisps!
The tedium and mediocrity;
insepid, vapid, stale husks of souls
be nary a bit of resistance for
eccentric and eclectic spirits!
Dedicated to all y'all beautiful beings out yonder.
Hold ye fest 'fore the ugly face of indiscretions levied by tortured angels.
That they who suffer often seek to multiply suffering is a feature of the unenlightened.
To inflict yet more harm in vindictive retaliation is equally callow, fascile, and noxious.

Just remember,
as t'was so eloquently put by
His Compassionate Eminance,
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr:
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness.
Only light can do that."
Mar 2016 · 533
Begone, bigot!
Civil Rights
apply to more than just
***, 'race,' religion, sexuality, nationality, ethnology and politics.

I propose that 'Civil Rights' encompass any preference or circumstance, such as:
clothing, age, vocation, language, art, food, drugs, beverage, hobbies, friends, humour, emotions, happiness, needs, etc.

Bigotry is bigotry
no matter how popular
or how (in)justified.
Mar 2016 · 280
Distance of Dreams
"The distance
'twixt dreams
and reality
is called
Mar 2016 · 1.7k
Life is a sacred journey.
No two are the same.

Respect for divergence
is paramount
to a holistic experience.

is not about
t'is simply what's made thereof

is a sacred opportunity
not to be taken lightly

Our Bodies
are our umbilical vessels
which tether us
as mortals
to "Reality,"
which, in itself,
seems to me to be
a reduction of potentials
from chance
to actuality

such ephemeral eternety;
infinite limitations;
actualized potentials;
possible paths-
these are but some of
the koan-like attributes
which lead me to use
the rather ambiguous
and ambitious
term "sacred."

it becomes
One may well will
to create thereof.

Action is Manifestation,
yet Thought begets Action.

Therein lies the sacred gift of Life.
'T'is all too oft taken for granted.

Every living being
(i am convinced)
has an equally vivid depth of experience
and I find it more than somewhat offensive
that humans (with a lowercase H)
feel they are the penultimate organism.

All is One
in that existence, itself,
tethers us all
to everything
and probably even beyond,
and so
to be so
hubristic and arrogant
as to assume a hierarchy
so convieñantly crested by mere
**** Sapiens Sapiens
seems to me to be
an anthrocentric and narcissistic projection
of that meddlesome ages-old archetype
of the "Ego,"
that is to say "God,"
whatthefuckever that means!

Find it in thyself
to be humble enough
to accept that each and every iota of "Creation"
is, by virtue of association, equally sacred; divine.

Heirarchy, thus, seems to be a manifestation of some desire for order; control; a yearning to alleviate some hypothetical insecurity as a result of being essentially "absolute, infinite" (vis-a-vis the domain of Consciousness) yet contained within a vessel that is mortal, and, thus, ephimeral.

The Ego doth so loathe it's own limitations:
too bad it's far too arrogant to realize that most of the limitations it experiences are illusions, allusions;
charades of an insatiable Consciousness
Hell-bent on experiencing something
it won't redily allow itself to experience!

What a Holy fuckton of
incredulous, ineffable, impalpable, inspirational **** that would be, eh?! (insert interrobang)

I am me (I think...)
as thou art thee;
so why can't that just be good enough?

Could it be?
What obstruction precludes such harmonious divergence?
I reckon 't'is but us;
and very little else, indeed!
You know it's genuine inspiration if it's highly inconvenient.
I figure that's the ****** up sense of humor God has.

Thank you for reading.
Blessings upon thy Path!

I am not religious.
God is a word.
Words are not the things they symbolize.
'The map is not the territory.'
Feb 2016 · 390
Margin of Error
Margin of error
is a healthy thing
to be aware of,
but only if
One knows
with a degree of certainty
whether 't'is fixed
or it if changes,
and, if it changes,
how quickly
in what direction.
Inspired by a slow clock.
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