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Mar 2020 · 136
A Mar 2020
I wonder if that teacher knows
That house she calls a home
Is where little children would roam
Up and down the stairs we’d go
Trotting our feet down like a heard of buffalo

I wonder if she can still smell the tea and toast
And feel the warmth that kettle rose
All those years a go
At the place I called home.

As she walks in the kitchen,
Does it whisper her my secrets?
Feb 2020 · 170
A Feb 2020
Did you ruin me?
Or is this growing pains?
Was it all really black?
Or am I looking through rose colored lens?
I've yet to feel the light petals your presence brings that bounce on giggles.
Or where you even there?
Have you even peeked my way?
I've been yearning for your gaze.
Just. One. Glance.
Maybe I've known you growing too.
Perhaps you no longer giggle.
Perhaps you bask in solitude smirking at memories of your younger self.
Perhaps you're lavender.
Jun 2017 · 365
A Jun 2017



Jun 2017 · 259
A Jun 2017
As I lay now
A burning coal melts
Through the center of my chest
While its sparks light my ribs on fire
And my head feels nothing
But the cool extinction.
my lungs fill with the toxicity.
I am looking for you.
Dec 2015 · 2.7k
Walking roses
A Dec 2015
We were at the age where roses could walk,
And petals were silk,
They carried us to nirvana,
Struck with the fear of a child.
Haven't wrote in a long time- I suppose that's a different kinda death for those people like us were writing and art are a part of us
Jul 2015 · 625
Smoke stacks
A Jul 2015
Poison erupts through paralysis
Without an escape
Jul 2015 · 441
A Jul 2015
Blood drips through clogged veins
Like molasses.
Breathing deeply,
I taste the sweetness of tar
Drowning my lungs
And solidifying muscles.
Apr 2015 · 620
You liquify me
A Apr 2015
You liquify me.
I want to be that cool drip
Tracing down,
Down your neck
Pooling into your coves.
I want to be that cool
that ravages your insides,
Making you quiver.
I want to be that cool drip
Heating up from your shivers.
I want to be that cool
That makes your heart drop
From a single gasp-
I want you to feel me when I'm gone.
Apr 2015 · 680
A Apr 2015
I peel my skin back
To reveal my vulnerablity
Just to find my nature is to scab.
That's not life baby;
Life is that time in between
Before you fend off the alien
And dance with what you breathe out.
Don't let this world blacken your heart
Apr 2015 · 785
2am worries
A Apr 2015
I have these ghosts haunting the corridors of my mind
When I focus hard enough
I swear I can still hear expired words
And see them turn corners they once had with permanent smiles.
Mar 2015 · 504
Oct. 10??
A Mar 2015
Please don't tell me I have a voice;
Living this way has left me with laryngitis.
I haven't a breath in me to make an exclamation pass as a whisper

Please don't say there is nothing to fear
For I've felt the cold tiles
catching me as I came crashing down
As you promised to catch me if I were to fall
And all that's left from that life was made by the curtesy of your ******* hand print.
So despite the sporadic ness of my postings I guess is one way to put it considering sometimes I go weeks --months with out posting , I do write random tad bits a lot. This was from like a half year ago - I never did anything with it so hell- why not now
Feb 2015 · 873
A Feb 2015
It's that feeling
When you feel the fibers of your heart
Releasing chilled blue auras
To the bottom of your throat.
Leaking the familiar asphyxiations
Of yesteryear's sorrows.
Feels like anti freeze
Dec 2014 · 578
A Dec 2014
Yeah, I know I don't go down like wine;
I'm not one of
I've been told I'm more of a whiskey.
But I swear that tastes like love.
I know because I've drunk the bottle.
If you ever tasted-
You know there's no such thing called a glass.
Dec 2014 · 738
Born by fire
A Dec 2014
Love melts
the Snow;
and heats the Rain.
Steaming home's comfort
In the coldest places.
It's fire rises infecting solitude
With panting red.
Every time you breathe
I see Love.
Dec 2014 · 575
Friends of the Dark
A Dec 2014
My fear dwells in the darkest abyss I've come to know.
The grand trench,
to most is known as my works basement.
From the door beyond:
perpetual darkness blinds travelers whom dare roam in it's path.
The weak fend off the presumed Krueger like critters that scurry as you flail blindly for your weapon;
The clique light bulb hanging from a rusted chain.

These cold winter nights my friends,
I fend alone.
In the battle known as:
the night shift.

I fear to scribe you I must fight the presumed creatures of the cave alone for-
I've run out of froyo lids.

This epics protagonist however fears not:
Standing a a sky scraping 5"3 draped in the finest tye dye and yoga pants that can protect me from the harshest of demonry
(Except our bleach- which is apparently made out of acid from a comic book)

Of course I'm not scared...
It's not like you can't see your own nose in the decay that room brings.

As all great ventures go I put one foot in front of the other
down the spiral case that consumes your soul,
with every step with the cold harsh evil that is presumed to dwell in the unseen.
There's no abyss...
Even worse?
**** there are actual things in here

Not from the bulb I've known but of the parts restricted.

the light crashes
Wincing as it crawls to my feet
I squeak a small "hello..."
And the dweller of the cove advances with a Cheshire grin.
"Who are You?"
He puffs keeping the imaginary lines distance.
"Me? I'm the nights tender -how did YOU get back here?"
His roughness melts to a soft cheer as he's mouth uncoils laughing
" I own the building"
Tagging along in the light
I feel my cheeks grow warm
"Haha, oh well Hey nice to meet you"
Extending the torch to the dark
Timidly grabbing back,
across boundary lines.
I met "the landlord" tonight haha
A Dec 2014
Hey ladies and gents whom may read this :),
  This isn't a poem I just wanted to clear some things up. I'm not going to say whom or anything but I get messages on here- a decent amount,-and I love hearing from everyone- everyone's always been so lovily and I just love meeting people on here and reading their art and lives everyone shares, It's defiantly one of my favorite alerts on my phone/email/computer; I get even more excited with private messages and people sharing poems in the groups such as the "inspiration" album/group and " let it trend" group because it just makes one feel good that something you've written touched someone else and how some where in the world you've connected to someone. Always find the connections beautiful. With this being said I've gotten a number of messages from primarily  women who think/became under the impression I am a man do to my writings. Perhaps it's because some of my writings can be/ come off sensual or idk come off/can be graphic? not 100% sure, I guess people have been missing my bio were I say I'm a young woman. Everyone whoses written to me about intentions always been sweet-never offensive behaviors, but since this is a reoccurring thing and I've already depicted my ***/gender on my page I didn't know how else to kinda, come out as a female, besides writing a post. But yeah I've never/don't take offense to have people think of me as a different ***/gender or having a different ****** interest than I do, so just incase one of the people who read this have sent me a message under the impression I was a man, I don't write this out of any bad emotion or harsh vibes and -well private discussions already been made with clearing things up so hopefully with that there's already an understanding. I hope no one takes offense or is annoyed by this but I don't know. I just feel bad getting a message and potentially hurting someone by having to revealing something like my *** because you never know how a conversation or event may make someone feel and I like to respect people: especially when someone puts their cards on that table. But yeah going back to what this is about I'm a young woman for those who didn't know or wondering. And I still stand were I stand to anyone who wishes to message me or have any questions or comments and/or suggestions feel free to do so and all are welcomed and I truly do mean that :))
With love,
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
A Dec 2014
Do you hear the cellos moan in the distance?
Voices achromatize and beckon?
Can you feel the vibratos?
Can you feel them echo within your vacancy-
Feel your warm silks quiver-
Members within tingling ridges,
Can you feel it?
The electric awakenings
shaking dilated eyes,
Can you feel it?
*-let me hear you
I wanna feel you.
Dec 2014 · 575
Coastal Placidity
A Dec 2014
I dream of tangerine skies
And endless seascapes,
Seamlessly mended by yellow threads-
Prepared to be veiled
By crushed blue velvet.
New England is gorgeous through out the year.
Ever changing, colorful and scenery that's drinkable. But I gotta say I'd love one more summer sunset this year. :P
Dec 2014 · 561
A Dec 2014
With every heartbeat
Your voice grows fainter.
Tuning in on the crackles that murmur
From glass,
Gossamer threads of gray
Escape your lips,
Lacing through the streams of the moon;
   You mean nothing to me.
Let me show you what love is.
The world's real small today.
I can feel it melt pools in my arms;
  You mean nothing to me.
Hearing the hums of my ever shrinking universe;
   You mean nothing to me
            Absolutely nothing to me
                *Nothing at all
Dec 2014 · 709
Lost memories
A Dec 2014
Now and again
I let myself wander
In the words once forgot-
Reaching further than
Hearing Past voices
I strain to feel a phantom touch.
I no longer can feel the stroke of your hand on my bare shoulders,
And I can't hear your inflection
In moments once precious.
There's no soul left in those shriveled memories;
Just deformed faces.
Dec 2014 · 691
A Dec 2014
Home is your favorite coffee stain
Nov 2014 · 743
The Perfect In-between
A Nov 2014
I head out at the end of an Indian Summer,
To journey back through whispering sleet.
Green blades stand tall with
Tips bleached white,
air cradles my face
Walking through a path of confectionary houses
that float on the lakes of November.
Falling stars deliquesce in nearby tarns.
Winter falling upon New England
Nov 2014 · 674
A Nov 2014
Days like this remind me
of the 5 year old hanging
from her pink feather boa.

Contrived Eyes,
Smile wide,
at a drugged up,
perfect table.
Far, Far away.

I grew up
and threw it
Far, Far away.

Thanksgivings been found at the bottom of a bottle
and I'm thankful for the dope in my pocket.
I burn that life away.
And this is where I fly
Fly high,
Far, Far
Nov 2014 · 485
A Nov 2014
Life's lust
Dries casts
Around crusted
Finger tips.

Savory juices
Evaporate in
Parched throats
Of passionless lives.

Aching to be quenched
By tasteless aces
Nov 2014 · 891
A Nov 2014
These **** yellow lights
Threaten my corneas-*

your legs belong to a pin up girl*

Someone is staring at me,
Pale faced,
Sullen brown, red trimmed eyes
Being held by purple shelves.
Gazing at my legs
I glide my hands from my ankles
Grazing unrecognizable
Willow limbs,
******* the scarred flaking notches
Fixated on my newly found eyes
I realize
I never felt my own deterioration.
Yeah I realize this isn't much of a poem
My b
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Carnations into Barrels
A Nov 2014

Look around the world around you
Watch people yell into telephones
"burn it all down"

Just sit among the evidence
And feed off of the calm.

A gun to head awhile now
It's much ado about nothing.
Just keep inhaling the peace.

Nov 2014 · 632
Tastes like salt
A Nov 2014
Looking up at sea level
Daydreaming the highest low
White horses trample capriciously
Beating panic in mello brine
Choke down to realize
You're your own demise
Nov 2014 · 571
A Nov 2014
I rinse myself with a clam shell
in a bath of blood
Trying to find love on Venus
Nov 2014 · 554
A Nov 2014
My first sip of water
Turnt to poision.
Lungs collapsed
I am mute
Vessels popped red splotches
reality's double
Sick I hang
Without a noose
Waiting for cardiac-arrest
I've been so numb
I hadn't even felt you burn me.
I'm broiled Red
Nov 2014 · 523
I breathe water
A Nov 2014
To  have life
you need to want it
as you want air
beneath the surface.
Oct 2014 · 838
Hello mr. reaper,
A Oct 2014
I see we sit for tea again.
To be honest with you
I thought your visits had become
More natural.
As our plastic pink cups
Were replaced with China
I see now we've just have grown a more mature understanding.
You come as you like,
as I and others clean your dishes.
Only to come back to you
Pouring another cup of pennyroyal tea.
Each year
Three pasting now
you've poured from that ***
I surely thought you had to be done with that 8th serving.
The *** seems bigger every time
you pour
now you've taken the 9th.
You've over stayed your welcome.
A Oct 2014
Share the love you have in your heart.
Being able to see the universes beauty,
Is all temporary and small
And maraculous.
You never know when the rug will be pulled from under you,
And never will you know how far the vibrations of your crashing will run
And who it will shake.
You never know who slips next.
Time waits for no one.
Appreciate the ones in your life .
Fear not to express your heart,
For it's all that matters.

My friend, I'm not processing that you just aren't here. In my head I'm reliving old laughs and smiles.
Oct 2014 · 507
As letters are to words
A Oct 2014
I need a love:
Who moves as a poet writes poetry.

I need a love;
With deft hands
And slow,
Free fingers.

A love;
Who spills their colors in blots,
Without care if it blurs the colloquy.

A love;
Whose soul waltz as fluid as
Ink from a quill painting calligraphy.

As the mind is to thought.

with no regrets.

I want a love as a poem is to a poet.
Oct 2014 · 413
Time like phases
A Oct 2014
By the cresant of the moon,
I'll be waiting
'Til it wanes new.
You'll come.
So I keep waiting...
Waiting for you.
Oct 2014 · 892
A Oct 2014
The dock weeps the song of the chilled waters;
Staining the air with stale salt and wetwood with every croak.

Street lights peer ominously
through brume that sits on the Earth.

My heart is a fist.
Were the Captain went down with his ship.
"Oh Captain, My Captain."

Rest In Peace
Oct 2014 · 507
Paper Mâché Gypsy Queen
A Oct 2014
Sweet child,
Where did you get your royal jewels?
The deep lavish purples and reds
that crown your wrists
and curl round slender grey fingers.

Sweet beautiful woman,
Reveal the secrets of your ever shrinking frame,
That your mane has grown far too large for

Your hollow eyes scream your travels
As you tell me,

" We've come far to be where we stand"

The waves that crashed you to me -
I'm sure are unfathomable.

In your delicate complexion
I see my old loves,
My sisters,
My brothers,
My friends.
Miss I'm not religious-
I'm praying for you tonight.
Oct 2014 · 720
Restless Love Syndrome
A Oct 2014
It's not the rhythmic thuds of a headboard,
Nor squeaks of well christened springs,
Sighing the night's discretions.

It's the strained veins glazed over red eyes
Seeing the clock strike 4 am.
Flushed in a solitary blue.
Oct 2014 · 653
A Oct 2014
Since when was your body what defines you?

I've been so detached from this body
Since I can begin to remember-

I am not the free form freckles that crawl up these legs.

Nor the angles that form curves,
I am not this body.

This foreign object I reside in
I decorate.
I paint,
I cut,
I dress,
I hang my decorations;
To make windows.

Make windows,
To peek through thick walls.
Oct 2014 · 6.6k
A Oct 2014
Silence speaks;
The truth of life which can't be spoken.
Oct 2014 · 315
A Oct 2014
A *****;
Hot pressure flushes
warm serenity
Left to crawl
Skin deep

Massage me china
Into a warm grave.
Oct 2014 · 408
Sunset existence
A Oct 2014
How could you be so blind
To think the worlds colors
Are only how you see it;

When every night before
Dusk cloaks us
with a diamond dusted blanket
As Mother paints us a sky in watercolor
Just to show that different hues blend beautifully.
Oct 2014 · 664
A Oct 2014
Through refreshing rains;
Breath's creation
Happy birthday.

~A special thanks to Sverre G Holter for delightful suggestions that has improved this little poem :)
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
A Sep 2014
Love does not give flowers.
Love does not speak in
Or rhymes.
Love is a sigh
That makes you whole.
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
A Sep 2014
I am dyslexic,
And I can spell:
Font wards and backwards.
I can invent new ways,
How it looks,
I am dyslexic
And I stumble over the word:
This lyfe's
Syllables I have yet to conquer
Or the ability to make it possible.




Sep 2014 · 497
Black & White Romance
A Sep 2014
There is no such thing as old school romances;
Just delicate photos,
Dried up roses.
Sep 2014 · 470
A Sep 2014
I fell asleep Summer
Woke with Lungs
Frosted Autumn.

Sun buried beneath my Skin
Washes Jack kissed lips.

Without You
   I wake up Autumn
Sep 2014 · 392
A Sep 2014
Stapled on a string
I fly so high.

Keeps me waiting for
the life,
When i wake up myself
from this surreal reality.


Its just a dream.
Its all just a dream.
Can you prove there's no dragons
Aug 2014 · 436
autumn leaves
A Aug 2014
sever me from my chords.

For No longer do i wish think anymore.

take me to a tree.
let me hang like october leaves.

theres nothing,
no sign of life
in me.

lay me on the ground,
To wash away from the rain falling down.
The thing about knowing you're probably going to die before many
is a strange happiness that you'll never have to live through the pain of losing them.
Aug 2014 · 948
A Aug 2014
In a life of black and white,
She swears shes got colour.

In this prism,
She dances freely in her

I wish I could be free like that.
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