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Aug 2014 · 273
A Aug 2014
~lets take rearview mirrors off life~
the past seems closer than it appears
Aug 2014 · 634
mindful mournings
A Aug 2014
in the mornings
your lips taste bittersweet
lubricating my lips with premeditated longing
and cool passionate sorrows
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
A Jul 2014
Who am i
I am drowning
skin deep
Within my cavity.
I can feel me
heart is still beating
These eyes aren't mine.
Or at least
someone else inhabits them.
Every beat
I keep blinking,
waiting to see again.
Jul 2014 · 268
Mindful delusions
A Jul 2014
My head is floating anoungst the wave in open waters-
Jul 2014 · 367
A Jul 2014
Sunk in my heart. 
My souls depart.
Leaving the worst parts
 of me.
Like autumn leaves,
I am weathered, dead and shaking.
However you are still fooled by my Elastic meat casings.
Jul 2014 · 270
A Jul 2014
I remember when,
Months and years had a measurement of time.
When life was so small and intricate.
How slowly wrinkles use to show.
Now cement crease the smiles from yesterdays places.
Times like these remind me,
How hours turned to minutes,
And years turned to months,
Til eventually the years glass is up.
And when my final glass run dry,
I know there'd been no life left in me anyways.
A Jul 2014
They say home is where the heart is.
Well honey,
you have mine.
So come bring me home.
-Nestle me in your arms,
So I don't have to be homeless
no more.
mornings without my cozy walls
Jul 2014 · 344
My love is yours
A Jul 2014
My love is yours
My sweetest angel.
These morning I send my heart to you.
If only you knew that ever time
I said:
As you wish,
Sweet dreams,
Your name...
I said I love you.
In every vowel contains
The sweetest golden nectars
Of my dripping
My tongue dances- saturated in longing
Jun 2014 · 264
A Jun 2014
As our reality flakes ashes in
loves grasp
growing cold
You were never here
My love
May 2014 · 632
A May 2014
The heart is fatal.
Lie your palm on your chest
Shut your eyes lightly and start to breathe,
       Deeply in.
Feel the pulsing of life flutter beneath your fingertips.
    And realease.

        Funny how your song beats stronger as you let go...
May 2014 · 505
A May 2014
you've been sullied
when you smell the virginity of water.
feel it cleanse
yesterdays sorrows
drip carelessly down your neck
cooling your spine
and run away through the transparency of refreshing rains
down the drain
releasing you from yourself.
May 2014 · 815
A May 2014
A thousand bees 
Swarm o'er me
Pique flesh
With liquid fire
Flushing my body
In naked vermillion
May 2014 · 317
A May 2014
I touch myself with your fingers 
As I lay here alone
Burden with the reminder 
I have only my own.

Each trace,
May 2014 · 553
Morph to droplets
A May 2014
Ascending to the
May 2014 · 362
A May 2014
Excuse me while I pick the shards out of my breast
May 2014 · 305
A May 2014
Seeded in the earth;
Condemned to Hell.
Break free,
From were you dwell.
Dead limbs reach for the sky-
White clouds are alive.
Swirlling blissfully-
As angels cry.

Rooted in the ground;
Devil bound.
You seeked for Heaven
And all you found was Hell-.

Dry up quickly,
And pray to die.
Life is beautiful was a lie.
May 2014 · 434
A May 2014
The only thing I felt today
Was the burn of the suns radiance on my legs,

The only salvation was the light
Cracklings of my last ciggerette.

I watch the letters smolder brown to black.
Blackness flaking off of smokes back.
Dancing off in it's bittersweet serenade
I've succumbed to what exsistance I have made
I only wish to walk in the footsteps
In the last of my happiness.
May 2014 · 317
A May 2014
My head is flooded
As I am drowned by doubt
Only to be drained from the lesions of poor decisions 
Why can't I bleed out
May 2014 · 787
don't tell me
A May 2014
I'm glad to hear,
for a short moment,

                 laying on my lap,


eachot­her for hours
You felt connected to me.

I'm glad to hear
you "maybe" talking out your ***.
Thanks for the chocolate.
May 2014 · 275
One in a billion
A May 2014
...And the harsh reality is you're only as valuable as what you produce
7billion people...
 you bet your *** honey it's worth less than a nickel
May 2014 · 247
A May 2014
~my spirit is boundless ~
                 you break me free of my chamber
   the limits I had due to old casings is none existent
                                simply because you make me happy.~
your words embrace me more lovingly than a pair of arms ever could
May 2014 · 437
lab mice
A May 2014
I let my fingers graze the mesh of my cage
as my flesh cuts form the rage of past patients delusions to "escape".

I am blessed with the whites of the crux moon
to swim in it's beams it streams
allowing me to live in my daydreams
of the pearls in the graveyard I overlook.

Here I sit in my windowsill
looming over reality
as madness roams the exterior of my walls.

Hell dwells in children's eyes.

May 2014 · 319
the itch i cant scratch
A May 2014
lime lines*
                broken m
               ­                            o

    ­                                                                 ­                       


*" you use to be fun"*
                         *" you were so funny and giggle that day"*
             *" you need a ******"*

Huh, great minds think alike.
May 2014 · 443
A May 2014
cream lathered tongue,
resonating with endemic metallic.
tasteless mornings.
May 2014 · 348
A May 2014
Through my third eye
I know I am of the constellations
That burst
As the heavenly father dusted us
To existence
So here I stand 
For nothing
A sin
With two broken feet
And I swear I'd give anything
To give my life to another
If only I hadn't known about
The temptations awaiting
In a tree
So with every ounce of my spirit
would I never curse my worse enemy with my disease
4am delusions
May 2014 · 431
A May 2014
Lace me a crown of dead flowers,
  white petals tainted.
Cut me with thorns of new life,
dance to death in circles
Through the honeysuckles.
For you my loves
For you
may queen
For you
What's the birth of new beginnings when you've just found your end.
Kind of ironic.
May 2014 · 330
black bile
A May 2014
I know her by bittersweet, 
And she tastes like melancholy. 
My morsel of perplexing regrets.
Apr 2014 · 483
A Apr 2014
Bathing in my own filth,
I feel the gravity of my own weight settle
As sins drain around me.
Leaving me wrinkled,
From the parts of me I'm unable to take.
Cleansed I am not.
Apr 2014 · 418
A Apr 2014
3 years
chained to you.

2 months
I fly with him.

1st time
I find myself.
3... 2... 1...
Apr 2014 · 800
Seconds unnoticed
A Apr 2014
So it seems
Within the last 10 seconds
She's grew up.
The face of a woman
On a young girl.
Crows feet walk the rims of her eyes
Leaving delicate prints
Death of a child
Seems to be unnoted
At such a young age.
Allow  me to take your hand to guide you my young lady
Apr 2014 · 682
Fly me to Neverland
A Apr 2014
Bed ridden,
And Barely breathing.

I await you to drift in,
Like turning leaves in autmun wind.
Chasing your shadow through the corners of my latency

Make me believe in fairies.

Dance me in violet haze 
twirl me with nymphs of woods everlasting  
let me prance my weaknesses down 
Through apath of serenities among orange speckled wild lilies 
Take me where I can breathe 
Besides these letters of make believe pages.
Apr 2014 · 334
Outdated present
A Apr 2014
Drafts of smoke from old flames
Never cease to be stale
With embedded memories
Ps Dont write
Apr 2014 · 437
Creature from Venus
A Apr 2014
I have yet to meet your face which makes it so strange that i already seen your eyes. 

I've seen your anatomy in constellations as i take my lonesome walks at night.

It is you that illuminates my way     As the crux moonlight shines the seas with my hope to greet you.

 I have yet to meet your tender lips but I know they hail from Venus.

Aphrodite has baptized every square inch of your flesh with her sweet nectar and filled you with ambrosia.

To salivate over the heavenly sweet honeys your heart is made of.

To sip the wines of body.

To quiver whilst the aromas of Spiced leaves and freshly cut wild roses travel down my throat to course your brilliance swirling through my veins.

How I wish to taste you

to merely taste you.

To taste your passions would satisfy and bind me with violet laces to the end of time.
You, Child of Aphrodite
Apr 2014 · 431
A Apr 2014
Death must be so beautiful.
To lay softly underneath alively tree whilst green grass sway above ones head listening to timeless silence.
To have no yesterday,
and no worries of tomorrow.
To forget time
To forgive life
you are finally at peace.
Found this in an old journal
A Apr 2014
I dream of the breaths that I take with your body imprinting mine crushes out my exhale

I dream of the instinctive arch my back will bridge as I water from your company

I dream of my blushed cheeks tension as I kiss you while smiling

I dream of the mornings waking beneath your sheets together
My chests empty without your heart
Apr 2014 · 310
Spring mornings
A Apr 2014
It's always 

Pass the woman silence,

Pass the last kiss of winter chills,

The exhaling calm breath of breaking dawn rolling down your cheek to rest on your shoulder
          Tomorrow never kills
Feeling the residue Of yesterday coating your Scalp, Skin is a New and breathing, Today's a new day.
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
A Apr 2014
Run naked and eat Oreos
Walking barefoot licking ice-cream
Holding hands blushing lightly
laying naked and tasting cannabis
Walking barefoot finding *****
Apr 2014 · 544
A Apr 2014
Lonesome is
Seeing illuminated walls and only noticing the bodiless shadows
Apr 2014 · 579
A Apr 2014
My arteries tangle 
Bestowed with anxieties
I know what awaits me 
celebrating a fantasy 
Of drunkin junkies in disarray
Allow me to adjust my mask for this masquerade
Ive reached judgement day
Of shared blood I haven't seen in a half a decade
Forced smiles to distant cameras
Cover up track marks
Oh god, none has yet changed
Let me sit back and disengage 
Refining my predetermined misanthrope ways.
Awaited family gatherings
Apr 2014 · 370
A Apr 2014
Unspoken words
Speak volumes.
Less is more
Apr 2014 · 428
A Apr 2014
To Whom it May Concern,
i write to you a dead man.
my thoughts have been long forgotten
my fingertips stroke lives leaving only track marks.
I shed foreign skin of a body i belong to no longer.
drained and pale
i rot while grimacing
at the living carcasses i see at play
if only they knew
the world fades to grey.
          A decaying soul
Apr 2014 · 2.0k
dress up
A Apr 2014
slipping little feet into mothers shoes
lipstick deforms little pink lips
plastic curlers tangle knots
hands wiggle free from oversize cloths
that child is me
i am that child today
bewildered by our society
a child i stay.
Apr 2014 · 333
China doll
A Apr 2014
I am not a wise girl.
I'm foolish at best
All I know of this universe lays beneath the crevasses etched in my skin that I wasn't even a conscious being to know how they even got there.
I know of the silk ribbons that are my legs, 
do wonders.
I know the highlights of my stripped hair, 
attract a variety of strangers.
I know the painted mask I smear makes people believe I am
Within the vanity of my reality 
Remains the wish for authenticity,
I am not a doll.
I will not say "I love you"
As you try to pull my string.
I've ripped that from my back years ago,
For I play no foolish games, 
And for that I'm seen as *broken.
Apr 2014 · 624
A Apr 2014
Paper walls hide no secrets
Of the nights we laid together.
Silkscreen laced curtains fabricated of our exacerbations
Magnify the impressions of our newspaper walls.
Apr 2014 · 477
A Apr 2014
Sing me sweet nothings,
Allow me to ride on your melodies of high pitched sincerities
Apr 2014 · 742
A Apr 2014
It's become more apparent 
words are the only intimacy 
How unfathomable the desire of understanding 
that hundreds of cells and molecules came together to create vibrations just to express it:
   Just to connect
        To be intimate
Apr 2014 · 948
Life with Andromeda
A Apr 2014
A thousand letters ago 
my declarations meant galaxies
Ink smudged constellations only
a nebula to your Globular cluster 
As time waned so did the layers of the universe 
After being rooted in the milky way 
I found andromeda
Knowing fated arms will intertwine
 I discovered that love was everlasting outside of those forced letters of an old province
Apr 2014 · 352
Breakfast for fools
A Apr 2014
He whispers me late night daydreams.

Maybe I want to make you breakfast.
Maybe I want to find out what foods you like.
Why you like them
Where you first tried them

Maybe we should start with a coffee..........

timid silence...
     untying the bow of my lips

Maybe I'm a hopeless fool
                                                           ­                   Maybe I was smiling.

Have you ever kiss someone and you can feel them smile


                                                     ­                          yeah,
                                                                ­        I like coffee by the way

                                 Some day,

                                               Some day.
twilight conversations imprint on my mind tonight
Apr 2014 · 205
A Apr 2014
So what if I am nothing
It's more than I'd like to be
Apr 2014 · 353
A Apr 2014
Don't write me 
Lines of your deceit 
Don't touch my heart
When you just want to touch my inner thighs
Don't look me in the eyes
When they'd rather wonder
Don't treat me like something
When im nothing
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