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Pump them full
of lead in protest...
that's sure to
knock em dead.
Use all your ammunition,
leave em ****** read.

Be the Gatling that
mows em down,
the bullet lodged
inside their head,

Be black powder
burning imagery on
their minds unkind extinguishing the misery
that makes them lost
and blind
Yo Merc my boy,

....what gives.... everyone's telling me they haven't been getting their mail that you haven't been doing your job with speed. You better not be with those 7 sisters.... you see, the Pleiades belong to me.  

I took them from Atlas in a game of Russian roulette and instead of his life I just took his 7 daughters as wives and pets.

So come on son hit me up...I got some juice in a golden cup that might make your quicker .  It may not be nectar but it does taste like liquor.  And I'll throw in the 10 daughters of the youngest vicar.

Get back to your post, I've been a good host and don't want to turn you into a ghost!

ANu Dei
Mythical messeges
593 · Aug 2018
Dewey Decimal System
Ahh...childhood.... The library was solace... It was adventure it was days.

It was being lost in a world of Roman gladiators, pirates andGreek was reading about Jimi Hendrix before my first trip

I could check out reel to reel, eight track, and vinyl if I wished.  

Ahh those days of imagination
I sorely do miss.
559 · Sep 2018
Rigor Mortis Smile
If today I pass...everyone at my funeral will see that I was hysterically happy when I last
556 · Oct 2018
Soaked pillow
I can squeeze an ocean from my pillow from just the first night.  If I keep crying like this it will be worse than the biblical flood.
546 · Aug 2018
Toño Toñito
Toño Toñito mató a su mujer con un machetico tan grande como él... sacó sus tripitas y las puso a vender y con esa plática compró otra mujer.
Colombian magical realism at its finest.  The bizzare is normal in the small towns in my parent's country. Here's a bedtime ryhme I was told as a child.  They Grimm Brothers have nothing on this. Horrific! By the nickname is Toño.
545 · Aug 2018
palindrome ii.
I can't stop it from making an *** of me..
He's saying he's Poe now....what a blasphemous fool...
I gotta put him on ice
He ain't being nice...
And now all the hecklers pool.
539 · Aug 2018
Poem B to try Poe
If ya didn't catch Poe (M.A.)
try Poe (M.B.) because
this is not po' Poe's poetry.  It's just ANu poet trying not to be Poe but me.
Cipher games continued from Poe(try) to be me(op cit) Good luck
534 · Aug 2018
ANude Girl
I put out ANu
ad for aMuse
The first girl to ANswer
hANded me ANude
Wow, Jesus, dude...
I don't know what to do...
I was just looking
for a chuckle or two.
531 · Aug 2018
My pencil
I love my pencil it's really cool but lately it won't touch the canvas it has another agenda illuminate fools.

It's got a mind of its own and speaks out loud no matter if I'd rather remain in a shroud.  

Yeah it gets me in trouble but I'll back it's makes plenty sense and helps get me paid

I love my pencil I won't put it down though sometimes it does make me seem like a clown
521 · Aug 2018
Punkin the Jura
My boy Eli, poet extrordinaire, punked the jura today.  He made a lot of sense so the pigs had a fit and squeeled off....rolled his windows up like a "punk *** ***** cop".  Dumb ****** rookie looking for sapos and a snitch...STOP!

Eli was just looking out for his fellow man....also his cousin, blood in part of the Garcia Cervantes, clan...he needs the help. He needs his family with millions of dollars to take the initiative and help their own people.

But since they've ignored their responsibilities, Eli was hoping the police, would step up...."protect and serve" the public's interest but **** those putos who only protect and serve their own...... ***** *** *****. **** THE COPS! **** THE PIGS! WHATCHOO GOT?
**** the police.....187 on an undercover cop...pinche jura...PO PO,' *******.. los chupa,.  Maricas hijueputa malparidos
518 · Aug 2018
Po' Me
Ah Po' me trying to pen poems like Poe writes to right poetry
from the likes of poured me
who sweats thru his pores to pour out his soul, and try out ANu poesi
Wherds          Wirds

Arrgh                our

At                     ­   Rat

My                     Mye

Mer, sea            mercy

Words               Whords

Ah                             are

Rat                        rhat

Meye                     Mie

Merci                  mer see

Whirds              Wurds

R                                ­ar

Hat                           hgat

Mye                         mai

Myrhh c            murse sí
Having fun with pun intended....hahaha
504 · Aug 2018
To my favorite poet on HP
I've already said it but you deserve to hear praise twice
...and if you see in my poetry
I fancy myself God but compared to yours my poetry's just "nice"

Release me from your've got me drooling all over myself. It's not envy at all cuz you're on a way different level. Gem quality facets and brilliant bevels. To catch up to you I'd sell my soul to the devil.
Read Darcy.....this young poet is beyond the many dimensional universes that I can fathom
487 · Aug 2018
Poe(try) to be Me(op. cit)
Nope not better than Poe
try as I may not to mope
I don't even compare....
I might be a bishop but he's
definitely the Pope
Trying out some cipher games
482 · Aug 2018
Poetic Suicide
A poet wants to be read but I don't care if I commit literary suicide for expressing my views that's my right

You may not agree but I'm sorry that's me and I'll keep writing til the day I die.

I may not be as eloquent or refined as many writers I know...I let my pencil flow wherever it goes.  

Sometimes it's street smack sometimes high brow... I'll write about shadows and sunsets,  demons and cows.  

Enigmatic persona pours onto the page.  With no style or language or structured restraint.  

My works runs the gamut I get bored with the same.  I write what I feel in the moment it came.

If you dig it that's cool if you don't, no complaints
477 · Aug 2018
Ingrato nieto mío,
"ven a saludar"
la voz de abuelita
me empieza a gritar...
desde el cuarto donde duerme
y donde siempre está.

Ingrato si lo soy porque
no la voy a ver
tan pronto como llegó
a su casa a comer

Escarbo en la nevera
algo frío pa tomar
y me siento con mis primos a reírme y charlar.

Pero esta vez lo juro Dios,
voy a hacerlo bien ....
"Buenas tardes abuelita,
cómo está su Merce?"....
pero al tocarla no se mueve
y helada está también.

Ingrato siempre fui y siempre lo seré
Written for my living (at the time) paternal grandma on mother's day early 21st century.....she got a kick out of it.
477 · Oct 2018
Something Missing
A wonderful sunrise a crimson sunset
A hero, a friend, a speed demon angel.
476 · Aug 2018
Hg - 8
Bro Merc,

Hey alright?....ain't nobody heard hide or hair from you for weeks....I checked all over the universe and the two dimensions next door then I picked em all up and checked under each of their floors...

I'm starting to worry Merc.....give some proof of life...I talked to all your muses and hundreds of thousands of wives...the last one to see you said you was at the park shooting hoops with Herc on the Fourth of July  

I was joking about vaporizing you if you were hitting Venus behind my back....she does it with all my dogs...oops I mean you know I'd cut you some slack. And you know that I love talking me some good smack.

So like I said drop a line, FaceTime, come on back; your character was never in question and much less under attack.

And I'll still throw in the Pope's 10 youngest daughters so you can hem them in up your shack.

Your bro,

458 · Aug 2018
Poe (et) ANu
Remember the name
they'll be considered the same.
Two centuries apart but
both just as smart
at playing the poetry game
456 · Aug 2018
Caldo e Juete
¡Que asco! Pensé... pero el primo me obligó.. pruébelo y si no te gusta te doy el mío.  Ahí en un runcho en Bogotá probé esta "delicia" según Miguel Ángel...y sabe que....como no me supo nada mal el caldito, decidí darle un mordisquito a lo bueno.  Intentando disimular, el sinvergüenza del primacho me espiaba entre sorbos.  No se le contenía la carcajada que quería soltar.  Una cosa babosa, gelatinosa y parecía de tendón ya masticado me invadió y empecé a sudar intentando esconder lo que buscaba Miguel.  Como no le di la satisfacción, sólo dejó que se le escapará una gigante sonrisa al ofrecerme el caldo suyo. Pero no me sacó la piedra...y me quedé asombrado de como se chupaba los dedos al terminarse el mío.

¡Que asco! Comprobé
454 · Aug 2018
Climate change
Wicked hot Wednesday worrying about the weather.....will we all wither and waste while we work wondering whether the weather will worry bout us?
452 · Aug 2018
¿Pa qué existe el zángano?  Un solo propósito tiene este bicho.....dejar preñada a la reina...hecho y dicho.

Este se hace el decir, no hace nada del labor que sostenga a la colonia.  Perdón,
pero este zumbon por ser el único macho se sale con la suya pero todo se paga y por ser un inútil tragón:

Poco después de su única relación amorosa, sufre el zángano una muerte asombrosa...pues la abeja reina lo destripa mientras goza.

Así fuera el caso con la mayoría de los hombres, cuchachos, y cuchos bien machos que no saben nada sino sacar más muchachos.
Somos zánganos los hombres pero no todos
449 · Aug 2018
ANu Day
ANu day dawned and
ANu it was gone when
my hand tried a Poem
like Poe's........... instead of
using my own,
ANu type of prose.
This ends a string of poems I was forced to write by my hand.  If you care to read the whole rampage....begin at Not Poe then skip up to The Coconspirators and watch as my hand gets full of himself
437 · Aug 2018
Snorting poetry
Some like Colombian
  Sleeping powder ....
  ounces up the nose.
  I prefer the effects
  of snorting hymns
  psalms and prose.

Others sniff crystal,
   ice, **** or glass
   I say poems are
   a narcotic of
   a much higher class.

Still others ride the
    horse talk smack or
   Stick tar. The dens
    that I frequent
    offer verses
    in their bar.
Tommy Chong from Big Bambu - "At first I was all ****** on drugs, now I'm all ****** up on the Lord"
434 · Aug 2018
Bonne nuit poésie
Bonne nuit ma chérie poésie. Il est un peu tardé et
j'ai besoin de dormir. 
Je suis tres fatigué,
mon crayon est cassé et
ma main ne peut plus écrire.
Les esprits du sommeil
et la nuit m'appelle au lit.
An attempt using the little French I remember from high-school.  Feedback on my rusty French greatly appreciated thanks
422 · Aug 2018
Mis Novias
Dolores vive conmigo
Angustia aquí también
Esperanza no está lejos
Pero a ellas nunca
las voy a querer

Tenerlas no me importa y
jamás me siento bien
porqué a la única que amo
por mi siente desdén
Written in 1990s
414 · Aug 2018
Tamale Deals in TJ
Sweating bullets in TJ
a Hot August Eve
want the filet but can't even
pay a burrito on the street.

Pop into a club
to quench the thirst,
then lose all my cash....
the corner casino,
ouch that hurt.

My brother smells tacos
I say sure swell then
up four flights
to a ****** hotel.

Rooms by the hour,
I just want a shower,
it's ******* hot as hell.

What should take one
turns into 4 hours
playing the waiting game.

Handed her green,
she left the scene,
came back with,
a quarter of the order.
Pack up our **** lickety-split
it's time to cross the border.

Long and slow we wind
our way through,
no passport, no birth certificate and now at the booth.

He's on a watchlist
the feds know me
where you headed tonight?
the uniform speaks.
Secondary sir
I'm used to it see.

Scolded for lack of papers
told they'll detain us next time
we're tagged and processed then he points to a line

Run through the scanner
& told to get out by
a badge on a boy
just outta the scouts

He scans us briefly  
looks quickly inside....
then he says free to go,  
Have a safe ride

Little did they know
of the contraband inside....
25 tamales
in a bag untied.
Tamale deals in which is it (the contraband that is)?  The tamales or what's inside the tamales? Hahahaha...I'll never tell.
414 · Aug 2018
Ojos Parlantes de Quito
No sé que pasó me bloqueaste y me borraste como si fuera tu ex-esposo.

Perdón si dije algo que no te gustó, la poesía no siempre es lo acontecido sino una exageración.  Es lo que usa el escritor pa encantar...que sus lectores lo lean y que lo vuelvan a alabar.

Sé que andas en un lugar muy obscuro pero quizás sería mejor ni juzgar te lo aseguro.  Imposible borrar lo que ya habías dicho tratarme así como si fuera un bicho.

Pero bien, tendrás tus razones pero pa curar aquel corazón y el alma, mejor tomes la poesía como algo que calma, y no te enfurezcas y obscurezca a tú alma.
Para Speaking Eyes....lo siento.... perdón...pero controles tu desdén
410 · Aug 2018
I might be Poe reincarnate....
Who knows we share similar traits:

Impossible to muzzle
For us poems are puzzles

To be solved by
the reader's resolve

I could go on for days
telling you how we're the same

but only time will tell if the history books will, like his, remember my name.
406 · Aug 2018
November 1970
I'm a Scorpio dog, son of a god, canine fluorescence, white hot incandescence. A 70s child in the 80s ran Wild.

I'm a scorpion god, dog of a son. From the borough of Queens I live fast and lean. Born in New York raised in LA, all over the globe is where I play.

I'm a scorpion dog, sun of Gods... Run fast to catch me keep up or get lost.

I'm the son of M.A.N. , indulge me if you can, a Scorpio dog, God and the Sun.
404 · Sep 2018
I apologize on behalf of all poets to all poets who feel they have been slighted by one or another poet's hand.  There is no hate, only's just that one and only one gets more love than the rest.... that's because her love is the best.
Again ...late nite addition so none you haters can use this against me....this poem is for the one and only Speed Demon Angel
404 · Aug 2018
Bienvenido: No sé apene
Ud. con su arte y yo con mí arte así que no se apene que aquí escojo el mejor.  Ojalá tengan patas de perro porque perro que no sale no encuentra hueso que roer.  Y si sufres por cualquier razó mal que no tiene cura hazle la cara dura. Y por fin acá nadie le va decir que deje de mamar gallo, bien pueda que yo no les fallo.
Bienvenida a uds. los escritores de la
402 · Aug 2018
La pulga nuclear
"Eh **** mide marica que me traen crujificao como si huera un esucristo." Y así se lo llevaban los guardias al hueco pataleando y dando necesitaba en lo mínimo 8 guardias cuando a la "pulga nuclear" le daba por darle paliza a todos los negros de la "universidad".  Estaba vez por corretear a unos 15 negros con un fierro que lo había transformado en machete.  Intimidaba más que un régimen de soldados armados de metralletas en un pueblo de pura mujer. Además era intocable. Claro era un gamin pero capitán de barcos más fuerte que 20 hombres y sólo media poco más que metro y medio. Era el terror de todos que le hechaban un medio mal recibido vistazo.  Violento, asesino, un sicario inigualable en el arte de la tortura y el mismo angel de la muerte.  Menos mal que este gamin también era mi guardaespaldas y ferozmente fiel.  Y bien que lo necesitaba ahí en una prisión federal en TX en los años 90.
One poem in a magical realism series I'm starting soon.  This is a snippet of major character in the series.  Hope you like.
400 · Sep 2018
My name is Antoine Nunez....I am an Iron dog and Scorpio...born in Queens NYC in 1970.  I wear my pain and faults like a badge.  I love ferociously and ferociously defend what I love. I make no excuses for who I am though I am not always proud of what I've done.

I am Colombian American.  I live in a garage with my dog Domino.  I have had material wealth and success and all it brought about was stress.  I sling a hammer. I have friends in all corners of the world that I would defend with my life.

I am a girl no kids no ex no wife.  I live by the motto better alone than in bad company.  I have given my heart thrice ...the first two ******* 12 years from my life.  This last I was sure would be my wife.

I am not ugly though not Adonis.  My beauty isn't I'm in the twilight of my life.. it's what's in my mind...the person that this smooth and bumpy road has fashioned....that make me who I am.

I don't hide...have no need to lie.  What you see is what you get...the mountains where I run to cry  don't care about my height.

My name is Antoine Nunez....i don't want to I'll let you all know everything to make it easy to take my life.  

My name is Antoine Nunez and on any God given day you can try to ***** me at the corner of my block in the varrio....165th St. and Norwalk Blvd. Norwalk, CA

Or you can come for just a hug.
The real me.......I invite you death....come and get me.... I'll rip off my shirt so you can shoot me in the chest
392 · Oct 2018
Speaking in Poems
Leads to misunderstandings and broken hearts.  Talk to them directly, be honest from the start.
And realize that words not silence can tear a world apart.
Lord help me on my path back to whole....I didn't think I had tears to shed left...but you've taught me I not too old and cold..just why like this God?  Why like this?  Why did you have to play such a cruel trick for me to realize that you exist? I'm dying Lord..... paralyzed, salty eyed and wishing I was dead.
386 · Aug 2018
Oh poem
don't look so
Please don't mope
It makes me
  R                O
 W                     N
384 · Aug 2018

Bit the bait
Big rebate
******* skate
Running late
Potential mate
Blind date
Recessive trait
Ill fate
Hell's gate
I hate
Heart rate
Clean slate....

Just playing like kids in a sand box....anything goes
383 · Aug 2018
Gadreel darchangel
source of truth and light
your seal shines
in the firmament
It's witnessed
every single night.

You nudged the quills
of scribes inspired....
who took your
nom de plume,
unwittingly applied it
to His word ...
had the Maker's own

Your master plan
to strike his name
and substitute your own
is working Prince....
everyone says "Gad"....
by Jove your name
has grown.
Another hymn from - Hems Heard in Heaven & Haws Heard in Hell
380 · Aug 2018
Irreverent and Blasphemous
379 · Aug 2018
The Varrio 2
I take it back...
there's at least
one thing to see
and hear in the Varrio
on my block.....
Eli the poet who's
10 times been shot.  
His philosophy
resounds with me
and I must give him
credit for at least
two or three. . .

Pearls of wisdom that Mellifluously flew
from his mouth...
inspired by something
deep in his soul
that had to come out
which my hand
snatched from his air
to pencil as poetry
and to all of you reroute
378 · Aug 2018
Multiplicity me
I travel through mirrors transcending time, reflective clone of a genesis divine. I see not 2 or 3 but a plenitude, a sea, endlessly expanding at angles and tangents by factors of me.

each of these pushing, still, forward until the primordial spark fades, making illumination impossible, lest they all catch up and we.... me ....regroup to collectively angle the fire back home to push on again by myself all alone.

I travel through mirrors, a transit through time, reflection of a universal consciousness with a singular yet transient genetic design
Universal consciousness
373 · Oct 2018
Into your hands I commend my spirit
372 · Aug 2018
My Most Popular Poem
How is it that
my most popular poem
with 970 reads,
twice as many as
the next in that list
has not one comment
nor like nor dislike....?

While runner up
brings nothing but accolades
and praise
from some pretty
**** good poets,
is the fountain of
most of my followers
and trended 10 of 10 days.

Is it the title?  
Did they just read one line.  
Let me post the painting
that it goes with
then they all would love it....maybe even say sublime.

Its all good I don't mind...I call it market research....though skewed, I can use the results to understand reader's minds.
366 · Sep 2018
80s Punk Rock Scene
Downtown Long Beach....Fender's ballroom...what a bash...every weekend burn and crash.  Angry Samoans, The Germs, Ramones, Descendants, FEAR, UK Subs, Exploited, the ****** Vandals, DRI, Dead Kennedys....the Circle Jerks....I saw all these bands and many many more before i was 16.  Sporting a white mohawk or black liberty pulls pushing pulling shoving slamming....those were the days.
348 · Sep 2018
I told her I needed a fix and my dealer mumbled a couple words and then ignored me.
347 · Aug 2018
Not Poe
I am ANu poet
the poem is me.
I may not be Poe
but I'll be et alli.
Playing with words like a little kid.  I even tried to read it backwards.  But I will be et alli in the literary world....I know it.  why?  Read MAN in the Stratosphere
347 · Sep 2018
Park City UT
Just got a call from an old friend that lives right in town at the bottom of Main in PC, near Butcher's Chop House.  Roomie really (lived there about 1yr & 1/2).


"****** Antoine....can't believe you picked up....I knew you weren't dead."

"Joel my man! how's it?
How's Crash, Gela, them slippery South Cackalacky squidbillies...
Doug?  Everyone still there?"

"Yeah...time warp. ..Good bro...what's up with you...are you coming up this winter to tear your knee up again?  Hope so that way you're stuck in the kitchen cooking all day!"

"Hahaha hey Joel....remember where we were about this time 10 years ago?"

"Yeah...we were heading home slowly from the first 'annual' Jackson Hole Music Festival....cuz you're *** wanted to fish the Green and every hole in the Uintas.  Been fishing lately?"

"Not much lately for fish my brother...more for smiles."

"Imposter! You ain't Antoine!.... wait..... WHAT the HELL'S got into you?"

"Awe nothing just caught two and nostalgia"

"Classic ****... unclassic Antoine....come up in December and tell me about it"

Colby and I are already planning to!
Remembering the great times with my Park City friends.....hahaha bootlegging kegs from WY, getting stuck on the slopes in the Range Rover....sleeping in a uninsulated garage on a 20° night cuz the squidbillies were being obnoxious....getting that dreaded call from Jenna telling me that one of my closest boys died....tearing the knee up first day out in 2009 being an idiot!  Riding bikes down the slalom course at Deer Valley... faceplanting into a ditch at the bottom...still got that scar!  seeing the Gypsies Kings from 20 feet away.  Midnight boules...smashing all of you on the pool tables Everytime!!!!! Hahaha good times!
343 · Aug 2018
My Hand
It takes me to a place
I've been before
A land of giants, legends
gods and lore

Pulling me into
the darkest light
to guide my spirit
to Supernova bright

I shunned the hand
that's always spoken
for my soul...
to lead a so-called proper life

But now it screams
as I open my eyes:
to a meaning, a purpose,
a gift... my life
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