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Jan 2017 · 453
Crimsyy Jan 2017

I was a bandage
which you ripped off
as soon as your wounds
were healed,
because I was loyal
and what a mistake that was
because I can't be anything else,
except what lies on
the opposite end of the spectrum;
completely detached and indifferent.

Maddening methanol,
blinding me with your impurity,
but now I see
what a fraud you were.

"Losing" you didn't injure me,
your absence didn't sink
its teeth into me;
you were sour as
sudden abandonment,
I was more than glad
to be rid of *you.
Jan 2017 · 741
Crimsyy Jan 2017

It was only supposed to be
a tiny, miniscule taste
but love had other ideas.
You are a cloudless sky
in my clouded mind,
In the end, I'm always
craving you.

You ever get that feeling that repeats,
like abstinence from nicotine?
You ever get that feeling of
wanting to be
numbed into bliss,
risking narrowed veins and arteries
for just one mind-silencing kiss?

I'll let passion sear my heart
and won't hear what my insecurities
love to whisper into my abused ears;
I can polarize what's blurred
and what's clear.
Jan 2017 · 359
Crimsyy Jan 2017

A grudge...
maybe that's what
I'm holding for you.
A heavy package made of steel,
settled in my heart,
pleasing its own needs of
reminding me to
spit at your
parasitic picture of love.

We just need to hear
you say sorry,
my grudge and I,
in need of apologies
so much
we'll take it artificial.

"Excuse me?" our heart inquires,
"I'd like some oxygen."
But we can't listen to it,
not when there's so much to lose;
self respect, dignity.
We can't listen to that
stupid, little thing,
when there's so much justice
awaiting us.
Jan 2017 · 418
Crimsyy Jan 2017

The places where you
lit fires just for me
begin to dismantle themselves
as soon as your absence is felt;
Your hands were the stitches
that held them together.

Vulnerability inevitable,
yet somehow it feels
safe with you,
close enough to fire,
close enough to be highly
flammable when
exposed to air (love),
close enough to reveal
parts of me I'd always conceal.

This love is
violent and gentle,
somedays, an arrow to my heart,
others, unbearable to pull apart
and I guess though
that's what love means;
taking the euphoria with
the smoke,
staying through merciless
days of bloodshed,
just to keep a throbbing beat alive
and kicking to the gut,
adding salt to a bleeding cut;
I could bleed myself dry for you.
Jan 2017 · 463
Crimsyy Jan 2017

How could you have
expected me to defend you,
when you had, without an explanation,
bid me adieu?
How could you expect me
to wipe your slate clean
when you were never
what you seemed?

Your stain remains though
your traces have been
blurred and sugarcoated,
all the trouble you caused
hidden under your hood,
I receive the blasphemy
and you're a ***** for the applause,

Your lungs coated in tar,
you inhale smoke
and exhale bitterness
just to criticize
what you cannot polarize;
right, wrong, and too much.
Jan 2017 · 668
Crimsyy Jan 2017

I write this under a reading light,
my hand a shadow,
moving along the page.
I write this because you
told me I could share,
and because I've never really
shared the words that make
my hands tingle.

I write this because
you are my Toluene -
you stir my mind matter
in ways no one else does.
You make me panic,
then relieved, then okay,
then glad to be yours,
and then...

You turn into my nicotine;
The coldness of my body
not pressed against yours
seeps through my skin,
and the withdrawal symptoms begin.
Jan 2017 · 659
Crimsyy Jan 2017
Vinyl Chloride

I will never believe
in you again,
There is harm in
trusting a delusive
person like you;
Your damage replays,
others can see the
debris from your mistakes;
if only I were made of bricks,
then maybe, you
wouldn't weigh as much,
but because I'm
not made of bricks,
starring tired flesh
and equally tired heart.
Jan 2017 · 902
Crimsyy Jan 2017

I was never yours
this was never meant to be,
you never truly wanted me,
I was just your plan B,
only good when you needed me.

Remember the lunches I bought?
Remember the fights I fought,
the times my motives were almost caught?
All to please you and keep you by my side,
only to show that friends stick by.

And now that I've stripped you
from all your power,
I face the unbelieving expression
of your hardworking, single mother
And I used to stare at the ground,

Afraid to paint a frown in the city,
but now I'll stare you down,
beg please, with the words you're
wasting on deaf ears,
dress me in graffiti.
Dec 2016 · 721
Crimsyy Dec 2016

I envy the four walls
that have the privilege
of watching you fall asleep,
I want to place your scars
in an envelope and send
them out to a healing land
only if you let me
and if you'll hold my hand.

Bite, swallow me whole,
call me *******
but I want to feel, feel, *feel

every fibre and molecule
that gives a definition to your name,
I want to plant the stars in your eyes
so then I'd stargaze forever,
I want you to rip me apart
and erode the tear stains from my heart.
Dec 2016 · 546
Crimsyy Dec 2016
"Who would love such a
toxic conundrum?"
I whispered in the early
hours of my existence,
starting as a lukewarm
gazing into my pristine heart,
my empty core.

Then the fate of life saw to it;
to stain my skin and give
my emptiness a name;
Ignition, match,
or maybe their hands.

I can't tell when those things
had a distinct identity
and didn't just seem to be
my heart twisting and
my core splitting,
soaked in chemicals,
all mixing.

There are cigarette lighters
everywhere you turn,
they look like brown eyes,
rough hands and vinyl collectors.
But I realize I am something
to be inhaled;
choose dying over pleasure,
give me your utmost devotion,
touch me as I burn.
I'm baaack!!! All future poems including this one will be from my new book, Burn.
Dec 2016 · 325
A Note
Crimsyy Dec 2016
Hey everyone!
I'm just letting anyone know that from the 1st of December to the 1st of January, I won't be posting any poetry, because I won't be writing any - it is time for a break. Every year, it happens at about this time that my creativity decides to hibernate, and so for an entire month, I'll just be collecting new material, expanding my vocabulary and planning a new series!

- Crimsyy
Nov 2016 · 784
Pseudo Boy
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I measured my tolerance
and it was gone,
the same way the leaves
that fall off of Autumn trees
never grow back.

I tried feeling a shrivel of love for you
or even sympathy, but nothing came...
Nothing came even when
I'd seen the pros and cons,
nothing came when I slept on it,
nothing came when I ate through it,
nothing but my soul uttering "no more",
and I knew I had to listen.

I was the toy you held
when you wanted to
feel something beautiful,
I was your wind up toy,
now you've had your fun,
playing time's over,
because you're just a pseudo boy,
and I'm not so desperate
to take love artificial.
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I want to feed on your heart
more than I want to feel your lips,
kisses don't heal bruises,
bandage solutions don't
wash away mistakes.

I have a tendency
to love what leaves,
and as I wait for rightful affection,
you've made my heart into
a mindless metronome,
one side of me head
over heels for you,
cannot think of ever leaving you,
but then once again,
12 am reminds me
of exactly why
I absolutely loathe you.

I could have devoured you,
swallowed you whole,
coated myself with
your very essence,
but, I could talk infinity
into trading its forever for
a nanosecond of you
and nothing would change;
I'm just a plan B for you.

I want to say I meant
"I love you",
you made some moments
truly magical so,
thankyou for stopping by,
but I cannot let you
place the moon in my sky.

- Crimsyy
Nov 2016 · 884
Crimsyy Nov 2016
"There is a lack of redamancy, you haven't let me open my mouth for at least a month. You had a lot to purge out, I guess. I want to tell you I love you, more than he ever will, I want to tell you I'm a part of you, more than he'll ever be. You are superlunary, I don't compare to you. But please remind yourself, I'm keeping you alive, though I am not God. But in a sense, I'm locking you here on Earth, I reside in your gut, I am the reason you're not giving up. All those plans and checked off to do lists, all those goals and visions...we make them just so we've got multiple anchors to make sure we do not sink. Every substance we use, every material, is a little helper: "you should stay alive because of this." Though my tendency is to hate, I have no hate to spill. Only admiration of how far you have come, of how much you have stripped me of any malice I contained. I came in hungry, ready to devour you, but you tamed my jaw with thorns you've watered for too long, and oh darling, I beg you to stay strong."

- Anti
Nov 2016 · 869
On The Verge Of 17
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I don't know who
the next me will be,
what skin she'll be wearing,
whether she will learn to surf the waves
and not just dip her feet in them.

Will this be the year
she finally looks anxiety in
the eye and says
"You will not stop me?"
Will it be the year she finally
looks suicide in the eye and says
"You will not take me?"

My youth and her youth is slipping away
behind signatures and steering wheels,
behind money and percentages,
but these don't define her or me...

If she'll believe in herself,
throw herself into life's ride
and breathe, then she will be okay,
but if she is the harshest critic,
the most high of all perfectionists,
she might struggle.

I want to tell her that breathing
is the most beautiful thing she could
specialize in during her beautiful existence,
I want to tell her to not be terrified of the night,
and whatever lurks behind her eyelids,
It's just a dream girl, nothing more.

I want to tell her imperfection is beautiful,
I want to tell her to commit so
her life can be wonderful,
I want to tell her she wasn't raised
to howl over anyone,
I want to tell her: let them love you,
and let them leave you,
Let them hold you but
don't ever let them break you.
Nov 2016 · 822
Teenage Pseudo Love //
Crimsyy Nov 2016
You never closed your eyes
when you leaned in to kiss me,
You never wanted to truly feel
because you knew how much
I could destroy you eventually
I could envelope you in flames
with the passion in my bones,
passion long dead for you now,
Metaphorically, I can't stand you,
Literally, I don't know what I'll do...
This, for you and for them,
is a teenage pseudo love,
a fire not bright enough to
be called a fire,
a forest not thick enough
to be considered a forest,
just a teenage wannabe love,
teenage wreckage love,
teenage - this'll end in tears - love,
teenage - first time - love.
We will break and we will fall,
and I will feel my heart twist bit by bit
while you will be the
perfect picture of indifference,
but at least I'll birth new poetry.
Nov 2016 · 695
Burgundy Love
Crimsyy Nov 2016
Pull me,
play this tug of war
until I can no longer
bend back for you,
as much as I love you,
I cannot split myself in half for you.
I hope you understand,
I hope you see
I cannot feed this
masochistic thrill you seek;
I want to feel, feel, feel so badly
but not bad enough to taste blood,
but badly enough to give
all the right pieces of me
to the right person.
Nov 2016 · 384
Crimsyy Nov 2016
An explosion of art in my soul,
from tragedy I birth a masterpiece
as this world hoards disorder,

You will not make a madhouse out of me,
you will not haunt me when
everything falls apart,
I will not see the "us" in rust,
from rust, the world implodes
but from the rust, I grow

There is chaos out there,
and sometimes, I find it hard
to just float and breathe,
I find it hard to not drown in the noise,
I find it hard to determine
what I should perceive,

And at times, I let
my mind bury me in ashes,
I let you bury me in ashes,
but watch me strike a match
on all the wasted anger and anguish;
I don't think you can defeat me.
There are no weapons
to knock down my walls of chaos.
Nov 2016 · 774
Locked in History
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I deleted all the pictures,
if you can't be here,
I don't want you to linger,
suggesting I deserve more
but you don't deem
me important enough,
suggesting love does not know time,
suggesting love does not make time,
I know the way you are
presenting things is a lie.

The stars loved me before
I became aware of your existence,
before you taught me
an invisible way to die,
and so why would I
want to lock our moments in history
when I know life could tear us apart
because you are not
holding onto my heart?

I could hoard memories of you,
paint the sky in constellations
of your bright eyes,
but how would that be fair to me?
Your love is a lukewarm affirmation,
lacking evidence and testimony,
scarce and rare,
barely there,
and now you understand why I cannot
give you my love as a weapon
you can use to destroy me.
Nov 2016 · 693
Before I Say Goodbye
Crimsyy Nov 2016
Simmer down,
I'll tell you how to love me
underneath a purple sky
while watching swaying trees,
easier than looking into
your hurt eyes;
I really hate goodbyes.

I'll be wearing the smile
you killed me in,
wear your love all over my skin,
carry a bruise in my heart
as patience overflows
and of anger, I'll try to not overdose,
I wish I could push all
these problems away
and pull you closer,
but now I'll wound the two of us sober

You arms around me felt safe,
your lips tasted like home,
will you really force me to disown
everything of you I've come to know?
Nov 2016 · 339
All The Best
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I can measure how much
more I can take from you
by how many seams I pull apart
just to be able to
adorn your face with a smile,
but I can no longer stay
can no longer feel this way,
you push me into a volcanic eruption
of self destruction
and now my patience
and tolerance cease,
I'll have to leave,
but please live on,
live on like you never knew me,
live on like you never
kissed away my blues
because a ghost cannot say
"I love you."
Nov 2016 · 350
Crimsyy Nov 2016
You brought me to a high,
just to leave me when I'm low,
Oh how did it occur?
I'll have to greet you
with the opposite of hello.
Nov 2016 · 542
Crimsyy Nov 2016
Tears eroding my love for you,
Too many rivers I've cried for you,
I wish I'd never kissed you,
I wish you'd never held me,
I'll be fine again
right after I demolish your face,
You were never going to lead me
to a bright place.

You, you only messed with my head,
brought my love back from the dead,
made promises you couldn't keep,
never said goodnight,
let me drift alone to sleep
and living in your silence
has told me all I needed to know;
all the words you haven't said
have shown me exactly what you meant.

I can't amputate my
disappointment forever,
I can't keep burying my face
for your name's sake,
now my pain will leak in ink,
and don't dare ask if I'm still yours,
because my answer will be
a slammed door.
Nov 2016 · 361
Another Mistake
Crimsyy Nov 2016
Your doll face, fragile like a china doll
and your heart, even more breakable,
this, a felony,
to break your heart is a crime
but I can't let you waste
any more of my time,

This, the result of
unrequited attention,
I wasn't there just
to cause your *******,
I don't care what's in your pants,
I only care what's in your heart,

And it's not me, the way
you made me believe,
but babe I won't be fooled;
I've been playing hard to deceive,
I see right through everything,
deep down you're *****,
and my love will be your biggest stain,
because I'll move on,
but you'll never forget my name.
Nov 2016 · 771
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I'm just not feeling it babe
the way I should,
you just ain't loving me
the way I would
and I would've been kinder
but you destroyed
the part of me that would mind,
I would have held you tighter
but I'm tired of being left behind.
I've let you pierce my heart
and anticipated the bleeding,
but the brightness
of my heart is receding,
and it's all because of you,
and all the things you don't do.
Nov 2016 · 395
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I lay in a cluttered catastrophe
of sweat, shock, and sheets,
woke up just before I could see
what you had in store for me.
Say it now or leave me alone,
my mind is not the place
for you to roam,
won't you find
someone else to scare?
I want no part of
your decomposing dare.
I could grow fond of you,
but I'd rather not,
I'd rather not nurture you,
I guess you'll die with
an unfulfilled desire...
But who am I to
deny you your dreams?
Come in unannounced
and terrify,
terrify me.

- Crimsyy
Nov 2016 · 867
What I Meant
Crimsyy Nov 2016
What I Meant:

cue tumblr poem prompt

What I meant
the last time I said
"I love you":

You are destroying me
but I'm letting you,
You are a fire and
your arms around me
make my thoughts scream

This is not
just an impulse
not just a match
I'm lighting up,
This type of love
will never burn out
no matter how
many times
our lips will be
coated in ash.

I would rather decompose
than leave you,
so cover me
in a veil of your flames.

- Crimsyy
Nov 2016 · 657
A Desperate Hue
Crimsyy Nov 2016
What are you?
A snake with a
seemingly flawless jaw,
slithering through me,
I can't escape from you
and from this craving
that arises so desperately,
you bit me once and ever since
you've been an itch that
I've been resisting
(don't scratch , don't scratch)
I'll scratch until I run out
of tears and anesthetic,
until my heart has made peace
with you leaving so effortlessly,
just slithering out as easy
as you slithered in.
I'm so desperate to get out of you
but so desperate to breathe you in
and never breathe you out;
I'm the hole dug outside,
lips are the shovel
and love's the dirt we use
to fill the hole back up,
and what are you?

A snake.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Never Meant
Crimsyy Nov 2016
There is this gap
in my ideal vision of us,
there is something missing;
must be you and your heart,
there is something else missing;
must be the lack of contrast
between your light and your dark,
and I'm not sorry to
have dug this gaping hole
to break what might've been whole;
I was never meant to be yours.
Nov 2016 · 441
Of Course I Mind
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I love eroding, it seems..
I love a brown eyed boy,
I love second chances
why not let you try again,
I love kiss me senseless
because somehow when I
think about nothing,
I feel everything
I love you, hug me tighter
but you never linger,
you need to go
and your tummy ache
seems to replace me
but I don't mind....
*of course I ******* do.
Nov 2016 · 719
Explicit Desires
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I love it when you
initiate the fire in my bones,
kiss me slower, harder,
it will never be too much for me,
I can't get enough of you
what have you done to me?
Now I just want to devour you
and take your soul;
your lips are my anesthetic,
I think I could die on them
quite happily
after all,
pain should be rewarded
with something beyond bliss.  

Poet Note:  *As the poet grows, so do the poems.
Nov 2016 · 518
Sour Coffee
Crimsyy Nov 2016
Numb loathing cannot portray
all the words I could say,
I may shake but
my insides rage.

Here comes my sun,
to me, you're no one
I'll be alright,
I'll sleep tonight,

You're childish, disgusting
placing empty words
where "sorry" should be,
Sorry I spat you out,
I just detest sour coffee.

Watch me set
your words on fire,
Watch me pull out
the card that'll
end this game,
watch me wash
my hands clean of you,
watch me forget
your name.

- Crimsyy
Nov 2016 · 1.6k
The Fallacy of Love
Crimsyy Nov 2016
If love is a fallacy,
and if my heart had
stopped believing,
why did I believe you
when you finally uttered
"I love you"?
Maybe I just never
stopped wishing on
every star I noticed
among the clouds
of my night sky,
maybe because
I never gave up on you.
Nov 2016 · 469
Who's Really Losing Now?
Crimsyy Nov 2016
You're double sided
and I knew it,
my instincts never lie

Girl you think you
can beat me down,
but open your eyes
cause you're the only one
who's frowning
since everyone's gone running
running away from you
and all the stupid things you do
and all the insensitive things you say

So go along,
I hope you drive away,
I hope you know
you won't send me astray
I've got my barriers put up high
A tear over you will
never escape my eye

You ain't worth crying for,
you ain't worth waiting for,
you ain't worth staying for
I'm gone, I'm done
So get gone and done.
Nov 2016 · 692
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I watch how much ink
it is taking
to immortalize every inch of you,
I see my pens are wasting,
but I purge the contents of
my heart out for you.

Love is morphine for
the hole in our hearts,
do you notice how
light love feels when you
ignore the dark?
Love is morphine for
all our broken parts;

Capsize me, and
somehow,  I'll be
*less dizzy.
Nov 2016 · 593
Crimsyy Nov 2016
I do not like the feeling
of the invisible seatbelt
strapping words to my chest,
still, I'm not safe yet.

I do not like the feeling of deadline
mouth shut, closed
human heart numbing,
I think I'm becoming
sad again.

I do not like the feeling of
my mind bending to work you out,
you are eating away at my heart,
silent music of my decay,

You're my poison gas;
*I do not like the feeling of missing you.
Nov 2016 · 498
Crimsyy Nov 2016
3 weeks left,
only 3
to inhale you
and forget what you mean to me.
3 weeks left,
only 3
to forget of your existence
just to be able to breathe.
3 weeks left,
only 3
and now that I've identified,
it's no one else's fault;
you're the pain clawing through me.
And I could cry forever
to sad tunes who might
understand me better
than any person could,
for you I would,
Or I could take my shattered heart,
and smother it with dirt;
create beauty from the hurt.
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Crimsyy Oct 2016
Did you drop into existence,
light as a feather,
or did you make the world implode
with your erupting presence?
300 million years ago,
animal but human,
human and needy,
riding on backs of giants
to travel to farwaway places,
and then soaring...

Extracting anger and desperation,
tying yourself tight to an image of hope,
to an image of transformation,
so we humans can only desire
to be worthy of your donation...

Nothing flusters you,
and even though your wings
are both blue,
there is nothing sad about you.

You tuck away the empty chasms
of a soul made to feel too old,
made to feel that it should not
aspire to be the sun,
but merely its shadow...
and you paint their
switched off, tired eyes
with ineffable hues of strength.

Dragonfly, you show me
that through your years,
you've cried and you
fought your battles and
some old parts of you died...
and you showed me that
rebirth and imperfection
aren't missing but whole,
that mess isn't haunted
or unwanted but needed
for exploration...

If every particle of ours,  every chemical
that went into a single thought
could be stored away in its designed,
picturesque room,
how could we claim to be mysteries?

Dragonfly, now it's my turn
to give away my pieces of decay,
let them burn.
You are expectedly lingering at my window,
you've always been,
and I'll no longer keep you waiting.
Oct 2016 · 1.8k
Crimsyy Oct 2016
I am your jungle;
You slither all over me,
climbing my trees,
suffocating my roots.

You've taught me
walking graffiti is
not welcome here,
So I do not know
why you keep me near;
I defy all your rules.

Let me be street art
for everyone to admire,
but let no one walk me;
I am a dead end.

I will capsize you,
I will exhaust every
molecule of yours
until you miss the excuse
of a heart once residing
in your bones,

And you will know how it feels
when your hands still
clutch at empty air
because I will not be there.

- Crimsyy
Oct 2016 · 1.4k
Crimsyy Oct 2016
I just want to exist
without the burden of
a million things plummeting
on my shoulders...
I think life has driven
existence to an airport,
I think it told existence
to fly away,
and now life for living organisms
tastes like decay
and airplanes feel like
a death sentence;
not even up above the clouds
can you find peace;
gunfire and chemicals will still
find you even when you are
10 thousand feet in the air...
Today, I just want to exist
without the burden of fighting
for my own survival
but how could we possibly think
that a ceiling alone could protect us?

- Crimsyy
Oct 2016 · 394
Cold Blooded
Crimsyy Oct 2016
You float around me like pollen,
but you fail to make me sneeze,
take off your veil,
and look me in the eye
before I rip your plans apart
without a single goodbye.

There are things you'll
never take from me,
such as the joy flooding my heart
when his face lights up,
the warmth I feel when I close
my eyes in the sun,
the feeling that I'm actually someone,
You'll never make me feel like no one.

How do I know I have
a beating heart
if I never bleed?
Save giving up for the weak.
I'll save deafness for your words,
no doubt I'll never listen
and they'll go unheard;
save tears for the hurt.

- Crimsyy
Oct 2016 · 370
A Note
Crimsyy Oct 2016
Anti is a character I've created, not a new poet name. And because characters have their own voice, Anti gets stand - alone poems without my name at the bottom of it. Because it's Anti speaking. The poems between Anti and I are exchanges of conversation, and they go in the order that I post them.. just letting everyone know, in case someone was wondering.
Comment your thoughts!!


- Crimsyy
Oct 2016 · 408
Bitter Surrender
Crimsyy Oct 2016
I am your illness,
now pay attention to me,
I'm the reason you thrive,
I reside inside,
You're a taxi cab
and I'm your driver,
When they inquire about
your lack of sanity,
You can tell them I
drove you insane.

Thanks for letting everyone else
know my name,
Now my corners and crannies
are home to cobwebs of shame,
And I can't crawl out of any of them...
You are a cursed disaster,
nothing natural about you,

You have the deepness of the ocean,
the warmth of the fire,
Deep planted roots of the earth,
and the breeze of the air,
a breeze of "I'm stronger than you",
a breeze of "I'm defeating you".

But I do not like having
my breath taken away
so suddenly,
I ponder my own existence;
Just smother me in dirt
so at least  I'll know
where the destruction
is coming from.

- Anti
Oct 2016 · 837
THIS is winning
Crimsyy Oct 2016
You'll pick on all my flaws
(Tonight, I felt selfish ambition)
"Fragile", it never meant "weak"
(Anger clouded my vision)
I fight you with shaky hands
and inelastic lungs,
(My mind alone could
cause our collision),

You've chosen my skin,
my skin, my skin as your prey,
but your blades only
reach surface deep,
(Resisting you is my religion)
and contrary to common belief,
I'm not praying for eternal sleep.

- Crimsyy
Oct 2016 · 462
THIS is losing
Crimsyy Oct 2016
Tripping over rollercoasters
of rhymes,
I can't sleep;

I'd put my nose in your mind,
Lace my fingers through
the unpeeled layers I'd find,

But this time, I know
I've been caught; you've come
armed with hand cuffs;

I try to break free
but grow weaker as
I'm being fought.

- Anti
Oct 2016 · 553
Taken By Sleep
Crimsyy Oct 2016
I'm a cluttered fairy
strewn all over the mattress
on my stomach,
hair; a cluttered catastrophe
but in the morning I know
I'll be able to comb away
all the knots from my heart
and songs will be the match I need
to ignite a spark.
And now, I am done
with being an actress,
I am done with
overdoing things, with
overthinking about you;
have you thought of me at all today?
Either yes or no, it won't matter babe,
Ain't sure I need you to live anyway,
if I didn't cross your mind, I won't weep
I'm not alone,
it's 11:55 pm
and I'm taken by sleep.

- Crimsyy
Oct 2016 · 539
Pain Killer
Crimsyy Oct 2016
I could take a
simple substance,
I admit, there's not much to it;
Receive a prescription,
Discard of inner prohibition,
succumb to my condition.
But that's your desire,
to extinguish my fire;
ain't gonna happen
any time soon,
I'd rather battle all
morning and noon.
I thought you knew that
these things take time,
Not 12 months, not 24,
Not 48, not 96,
but that don't matter;
Deep down I know,
no matter the rain,
no matter the heavy
downpour of pain,
I'll persist.
Don't need no pill to
be my pain killer,
You can't numb
a deep feeler;
Have I not shown you
I'm a high achiever?
A pill won't make life
a fairer dealer.
Love, Anti.
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Selfish Ambition
Crimsyy Oct 2016
No I don't care
if I'm being selfish here,
but I need you to
stick by me.
No, I don't mean to steal your time
but from now on,
all your time is mine,
all your strength is mine.
I've dug a hole, just for you,
It's up to you to refill it
either with dirt, myself
or all the scars that once hurt.
Oct 2016 · 511
True Character
Crimsyy Oct 2016
Framing me as "good"
will do twice the harm,
admit that I'm faulty
no more false alarms,
I reside in every face,
any religion, any race.
Always buffeted between
right and wrong,
from head to toe,
I'm flowing with flaws,
and to escape this bloodstream curse,
I'll write my misdeeds out in verse.
- Anti.
Oct 2016 · 445
Crimsyy Oct 2016
How do I milk these thoughts?
I extract them from her skull,
I turn off the colour switch
so she won't want to exist in this dull...
I scream inside her
and she fights me,
endlessly, tiredlessly,
She's trying all the solutions in the book
but without a grain of confidence,
she's a fishing line with no hook,
sinking into my kind of
state of mind for eternity,
penetrating my inner walls,
she knows my name as she falls,
She has become me.

Love (if I'm capable of that),
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