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Andy wallace Feb 2015
I want to know what's on your mind, share with me your intimate time,
What turns you on and makes you tick,
What you really don't like what makes you sick,
Give me knowledge of your hopes and dreams,
Share with me what brings you to scream,
Make me know why you get mad,
Teach me the things that most make you glad,
I want to hold you close to me,
Your intimate space I'd love to see,
Wel hold each other and share embrace,
Your lips of honey I'd love to taste,
The subtle things that keep you calm,
I'd like to hold them in my palm,
To touch your cheek with my fingertip,
Your skin of gold I'd take a dip,
Run my fingers through your hair,
While in your eyes I deeply stare,
The trust and pleasure we would share,
There's nothing like this that would compare,
Innocence and purity when I'm with you,
Your hearts deepest pleasure il vow to persue.
Robin Ashley Sep 2015
I had a dream the other day I ran into a doctor, lawyer and a constable,
We came to an agreement that I  had lost some part of me and that "I" am totally responsible;
Then I had another dream I ran into a doctor, cousolor and a poet,
We came to an agreement there's certain things you just don't delegate but before then I didn't know it!
So now I'm taking six weeks off and explaining  why is basically the moral of this little rhyme,
I have to find that item I lost instead of intertaining getting high and ******* all the time!
There's a lot of back stepping I must do I could have lost it anywhere,
It's a powerful asset I've always had but I lost it somewhere over this past year.
It might be right next to you or me so please look around do you see it?
This is a necessary part of me I really need so I just can't ignore or say so be it.
I must retrace my steps to lead me back to what once led me to here,
To fix that error of my past when I lost the virtue of my despair.
Now a broken bone heals in six weeks and so I think this is a realistic amount of time,
This is a personal excursion I must take because believe me I feel all of your pain combined.
I have to find my virtue the disposition to keep on doing the right thing...
Without my positive attitude the strength and prudence I have just doesn't mean a god ****** thing!
You might miss me a little bit but I plead for you to stay away,
If you don't it doesn't matter cause I'm not answering my phone, texts e-mails nor doorbells anyway.
And if you've learned anything from me you'll listen to me when I say,
Loosing virtue is like jumping off a 55 ft. bridge you'll be hurting every day!
And if like me you ever lose your virtue you'll realize this then too,
You'll go on an excursion just like me this virtue you too you will persue.
Sediment, strength, prudence and wisdom go nowhere as far as prooving who one is,
Without the moral virtue we all have that allows us to make stinky things smell like roses.
Goodbye for now I'll see you soon and for me to do this you ought,
To love yourself much and me much too and for you... to Keep a Wonderful aThought!
                              Robin Ashley
Emma Dawson Jan 2013
Do you appreciate me?
You say you Love me,
You show me sometimes,
You tell me sometimes,
but sometimes you don't!

Do you want me?
You say im yours,
You say im the one,
You say it sometimes,
But sometimes you don’t

Are you loyal?
You say you are,
You prove it sometimes,
I want to believe it,
But the evidence says otherwise.

Should I leave you?
I feel I should,
You don’t deserve me,
You hurt me more,
and treat me poorly

Should I learn to love again?
I know I will,
I know I should,
I should persue it
But I know I would miss you.

I will miss you forever,
I will Love you forever,
You are my best friend and Lover,
And the pain gives me the power,
To stand strong in what I believe in.
Fair lovely Maid, or if that Title be
Too weak, too Feminine for Nobler thee,
Permit a Name that more Approaches Truth:
And let me call thee, Lovely Charming Youth.
This last will justifie my soft complaint,
While that may serve to lessen my constraint;
And without Blushes I the Youth persue,
When so much beauteous Woman is in view.
Against thy Charms we struggle but in vain
With thy deluding Form thou giv'st us pain,
While the bright Nymph betrays us to the Swain.
In pity to our *** sure thou wer't sent,
That we might Love, and yet be Innocent:
For sure no Crime with thee we can commit;
Or if we shou'd - thy Form excuses it.
For who, that gathers fairest Flowers believes
A Snake lies hid beneath the Fragrant Leaves.

Though beauteous Wonder of a different kind,
Soft Cloris with the dear Alexis join'd;
When e'er the Manly part of thee, wou'd plead
Though tempts us with the Image of the Maid,
While we the noblest Passions do extend
The Love to Hermes, Aphrodite the Friend.v
Freedom is being free in spirit body and mind

Born in a free country
I have my freedom to express my thoughts
Freedom to persue my dreams
Freedom to visit the places I desire
Freedom to do whatever I like
And be a law abiding citizen

My Independence has come for a price
Paid by the many freedom fighters of my country
Who fought till their last breath
I cannot fathom their struggle

It only brings me tears
When I listen to the patriotic songs
Watch movies
Read the story
The truth , the history of the struggles

We had many rulers
We allowed

But today
I enjoy my freedom

With deep gratitude and respect
I salute
To the many freedom fighters
To The Armed forces of my country
For protecting and safeguarding me
When I enjoy my freedom , my life
I salute them all
And Recite , The Pledge

And promise that I will never bring dishonour to my country .

Happy Independence Day to my Country

Love Peace and Harmony to the World !
Some thoughts on Independence Day
Claudia Santos Mar 2021
I wish I wasn't dull,
Without flavor.
I wish I had more hunger to live, to persue the call in my soul.
I wish I had more to give,
More dept to the way i love others,
A selfless mindset,
A less broken heart.
I wish I wasn't this messed up.
I wish...
Lord God that dost me save and keep,
All day to thee I cry;
And all night long, before thee weep
Before thee prostrate lie.
Into thy presence let my praier
With sighs devout ascend
And to my cries, that ceaseless are,
Thine ear with favour bend.
For cloy’d with woes and trouble store
Surcharg’d my Soul doth lie,
My life at death’s uncherful dore
Unto the grave draws nigh.
Reck’n'd I am with them that pass
Down to the dismal pit
I am a man, but weak alas               * Heb. A man without manly
And for that name unfit.                                  strength.
From life discharg’d and parted quite
Among the dead to sleep
And like the slain in ****** fight
That in the grave lie deep.
Whom thou rememberest no more,
Dost never more regard,
Them from thy hand deliver’d o’re
Deaths hideous house hath barr’d.
Thou in the lowest pit profound’
Hast set me all forlorn,
Where thickest darkness hovers round,
In horrid deeps to mourn.
Thy wrath from which no shelter saves
Full sore doth press on me;
Thou break’st upon me all thy waves,                      The Heb.
And all thy waves break me                              bears both.
Thou dost my friends from me estrange,
And mak’st me odious,
Me to them odious, for they change,
And I here pent up thus.
Through sorrow, and affliction great
Mine eye grows dim and dead,
Lord all the day I thee entreat,
My hands to thee I spread.
Wilt thou do wonders on the dead,
Shall the deceas’d arise
And praise thee from their loathsom bed
With pale and hollow eyes ?
Shall they thy loving kindness tell
On whom the grave hath hold,
Or they who in perdition dwell
Thy faithfulness unfold?
In darkness can thy mighty hand
Or wondrous acts be known,
Thy justice in the gloomy land
Of dark oblivion?
But I to thee O Lord do cry
E’re yet my life be spent,
And up to thee my praier doth hie
Each morn, and thee prevent.
Why wilt thou Lord my soul forsake,
And hide thy face from me,
That am already bruis’d, and shake          Heb. Prae Concussione.
With terror sent from thee;
Bruz’d, and afflicted and so low
As ready to expire,
While I thy terrors undergo
Astonish’d with thine ire.
Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow
Thy threatnings cut me through.
All day they round about me go,
Like waves they me persue.
Lover and friend thou hast remov’d
And sever’d from me far.
They fly me now whom I have lov’d,
And as in darkness are.
D'Arcy Sahn Nov 2014
What were my goals born of?
Desire for more,
The feeling I would die if I didn't follow them
The knowledge that I can acheive them
The idea that this is what I was born to do?

Or am I just to scared to persue
What I wabt to do?
Will I ever be brave enough to figure it out?
AD Letwixt May 2019
Fingers running, your lips deftly persue
And stray farther from my aching chest
They press, so kindly
Those whispered words.

You speak so softly, dear
But in each touch of your lips
My body feels like running water
And the waves break rhythmically
On the surface of my skin.
Kenshō Jul 2021
There was a man who had been abandoned at an early age and left to be cared by a monk at a monastery.

In his early years of adult hood he was so depressed he decided he would climb a mountainous rock and from it, he would jump.

He would die, and the pain would be over.

As he was eyeing his rock and seeing there was no way, he sat defeated.

And then his eyes caught glance of a monkey, effortlessly climbing the rock, all the way up. And all the way back down.

He knew he could mimick that climbing style and make his way to the top as well.

Slowly he climbed, tracing every movement the monkey had made, perfect.

AS he reached the top, he cried from the pain of the physical.. and the emotional..

At that moment, that was a roar

A huge roar of cheering.

From below the people were cheering and saying "He is a world class rock climber!"

They thought he had decided to climb it for sport, his skill seemed to display.

Confused with emotion, pain and elation, he bowed and safely returned to the ground.

Where after his first climb on that precipitous rock, he decided to persue rock climbing from then on..
Tera Williams Sep 2013
I  go to work
at 8 Am
wondering when
I'm going to see you again

a co-worker
a friend
all the same in the end
like my feelings are being abused

these feelings so rare
that i actually care
to persue my feelings
i should not dare

locked in a daze
my eyes filled with glaze
although going about
with no doubt

at night I smile
with tears in my eyes
gotta keep this a secret
so i'm filled with big lies

is this right or wrong
this is taking to long
my feelings grow strong
i hope its not wrong
Stevie Ray Aug 2017
I feel like I'm standing on the precipice
Another leap of faith
Another leap in the dark
Another trust fall

Facing the choice of self-belief
To persue a different path
with hardships to endure

Do I dare persue this passion?
Does my heart point in this direction?
I listen.. and calm my self.

Deafening winds on the mountain
I stand
I climbed high
I came from far

I grab my gear
and pack my experience

I smirk
ofcourse I'll jump

Because the difference now is.
that my brothers are waiting for me.
Caitie Jan 2014
The actual idea of death is so calming
and hopeful.
when youre dead
you wont need to worry about anything.
or pain
or the lives of others.
You, for once
may cater to yourself.
love yourself.
The overwhelming calm
the painful peace.
It all seems so exciting
so riveting.
And for once
you would be able to feel.
And you know what?
I think I fancy.
So I think i'll persue.
kirklefrance Nov 2013
don't untwist the twisted bro..just follow the flow of the gifted yo..caught in a whirlwind moving to and fro..can't figure this **** out guess we'll never know..opposite movements from where the system will go..krazy as a ***** ******..****,crack,**** persue your needs **** who caught up in religion to see the blood on the standing in a circle with blood on their sleeves..discontentment was womans down fall..Adams was Eve's..painting life with a brush under sycamores and behind houses..neighbors are the closest apart from bad breath and halitosis of course the end wouldn't make sense..its the only way to share psychosis
Was she but the fallen
Come down to raise an Arcadian hell,
Avoiding peace in graceful slalom,
Encased in her callous breathing shell,

Most would describe her as the Cacodemon,
With the eyes of baleful sin,
Defined by her nefarious inner demon,
That had beguiled her sanity to its whim,

She breathed of ethereal indignation,
Sought upon her by trenchant thoughts,
Damning her for indulging in feelings as dissipation,
By those who seek defamatory purity as frauds,

She was the unwanted succubus,
Whose earnest beauty cost too high a price,
Her darkly alluring convictions were a neuritis,
Brought too bare all adamant admirers vice,

She was thought to be the rakshasa,
Condemned for safeholding her own heart,
Not wanting persue any psychodrama,
Not wishing for a reckless counterpart,

So she clinged to her hellhounds,
To hold at bay any contemptuous intruder’s,
And so they dub her hell bound,
Ignorant of her past patronizing prosecutors.

She is the Cacodemon,
As she shuts her gates from all,
Trusting none acclaimed shaman,
As she has already been judged to fall
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014
leaf fell
into a stream
as leaves are wont
to do.   the water carried it   away
it's boating to persue. the fragile
leaf then came to grief in a
swirling thrall, it's just not
fair, it said to air i did
not ask for

catherine jarvis
(c) october 6, 2014
There's a lesson
Here somewhere
Chirayu Writer Nov 2015
.......A Little Angel......

A little Angel borns today

A little princess walks today

A little girl dreams today

A little women persue life today

A little mother discover a new world today..

A Little is not only the word it is a discovery of  a new life of thoughts to make it beautiful......

You see I was George Washington
The first president of the United States
And after my life of Albert Waldron
A famous Adelaide Melbourne footy star
I became Stanley Roberts
Who was born in 1930
Stanley knew he had a gift
As well as knowing the world puts you through situations so you can
One day know your past life story
Stanley was the son of John and beryl Roberts and the younger brother to Judy
Judy wanted to be a princess
And me, well because of my gift
I was having bad nightmares
And these nightmares meant nothing
Because I had a best friend named bobby
Who seemed to understand my gifted past
But still he wanted to be a normal kid
I couldn’t understand this
Especially when I wrote him a note
Explaining my issues
And 4 days later
I saw him burning something
Which at the time I thought was my
Letter and then in 1937 on my 7 th birthday
I made the baseball team for Manhattan pistols and bobby was trying out for it too
And he wasn’t so lucky
So I decided to concentrate on
Bring a great baseball player
And be the best version of Stanley Roberts
I could be and I was given my grandfathers
Old baseball bat
Now as I was in the psych ward
Both times I had dillusions which I couldn’t explain and then in 1943 when I made high school I was ready to play PRO baseball
And I was very popular and bobby was lonely and a ****** because he bashed his parents and killed them and was sent to juvenile detention till the age of 18 where he was killed on the electric chair and a test later in 1949 Stanley turned 19 and was too worried to persue his career as a baseball player and I auditioned for broadway where in the televised Macy’s thanksgiving day parade was apart of and I did that in 1950 too but in March 1951 a group of pit bulls attacked Stanley outside the Bronx swimming pool when I was meeting my broadway friends for a swim and this was a case which turned into homicide till they realised it was a pack of dogs that killed me
And in 1952 I became Graeme Thorne and I was living in Sydney Australia And my gifted visions didn’t happen this life and I realise now that the visions keep me safe from being kidnapped after my tragic last life and everything was going well as greame he was a choir singer and met the great Arthur summons and in 1960 Graeme Thorne was kidnapped and thrown to the sharks and this was a wake up call and in the 60s was a hard time being a lot of young babies which died after a few months of existence and in 1969 Brian Allan was born and his life started the same way as Greame’s but then Brian went crazy doing stupid things but as a kid he was normal and in the 90s he was normal too well apart from bashing his loving parents and that could have got me in gaol for a long time but after hearing about the troubled times of September 11 2001 I was trying to be nicer to my parents and it lasted untill 2004 when I was getting Stanley’s visions coming back to me in the form of silly dillusions which lead to me killing the family cat, which was a crazy thing for me to do and I was sent to the psych ward where I was thinking I was being kidnapped and the psych ward was to me like a old age home and I felt it was the entry to heaven which scared me so much and I was there for 3 months and I still had silly dillusions which lasted for a while untill I tried to ignore Stanley’s gift and went back to work and I went to batemans bay in 2004 2005 and 2006 as well as playing Santa at vinnies where I felt part of the establishment and then I was becoming very well I went back to Adelaide in 2009 where my previous life Albert Waldron lived and I felt very welcome and I saw the Adelaide christmas parade there and then I went to Merimbula where I partied on New Year’s Eve to the pigs music band and in 2012 I was really hyped up in the establishment I went to Adelaide again and I saw the Christmas parade again and albert’s spirit was on top of me and I was feeling Stanley’s gift and then I went home I got another job at ACTEW and in 2013 I was in the psych ward where I became an artist with delusions but despite the screws not giving a **** about me I was writing poems drawing pictures to my hearts content
And when Christmas came I left the psych ward and I wanted to do something good so I did the cartooning course and joined a theatre group where I expressed myself with the gift of Stanley which was starting to fall into space I told the whole world my problems like sending emails to different addresses around the world and I started reading poems in the poetry slam, my first poem was I get headaches from champagne
And after that I read many more and in 2015 I left but then I became the ornament to a personal trainer and he made me lose Stanley’s gift which when he went to gaol I started to understand that coronavirus was taking people’s fun away and everything was cancelled at the start and I was watching online concerts and Netflix and YouTube and suddenly tonight I was taken on a journey where I was Darren Stephens from bewitched and I saw my best friend bobby and he assured me that he didn’t burn my letter it was a few other things they were burning when I saw them  and I saw my girl friend of 1947 who brought my mind to think that Stanley wasn’t gifted
He was nice and when she died in 1997 bobby said Stanley had no gift but I was sure I had a gift and bobby said, the reason why Stanley died so young was because he thought he was special ya know
Better than everybody and each death was a wake up call saying for me to live in the real world and not think the gift means something, it is just silly dillusions that you can’t control and I felt I was back in the psych ward learning my life stories abs suddenly Jupiter moon blew up with methane and we couldn’t get out suddenly With my plans to work and join singing groups etc my dad gave me methane pills to help me become good next year and get over this coronavirus and the gift of Stanley became an urban legend and suddenly I thought I was born again
Lily Mar 2016
Whomever you may be,
Whatever gender, color, height, or whatever career you decide to have later on in your life...
I want to first off tell you,
I love you!
It may be years until I see your faces
Because I do not plan to have children until later on, but I do know...
I will love you no matter what.
On another note...
Here are things I do not want you to go through alone:

Identity issues- I will always be here for you and I will understand you through your crisis. I will help the best way I can- even if that is constantly making you laugh with lame corny jokes!

Sexuality- Whatever gender you prefer or if you are confused or even if you decide to have a *** change... I don't care! As long as you are happy!

Body Image: If you ever sad about your body or see something wrong with yourself ... Please tell me. You are beautiful. I do not want you to cry yourself to sleep because you hate yourself. I will help you. I promise. You will learn that what we must seek is the beauty within ourselves. You will never be alone through this process.

And when you find the one I want to celebrate with you!!!!

School: Best believe I will bother the hell out of you if you persue a higher education and leave my sight. It is never fun to face stress by yourself. Trust me.

In other words,
I don't want you to think you are alone in the world or that you have to face the struggles of this world alone!
I want you to be able to rely on me.
And it pains me to ever think that you will go through the same  Self struggles I have.
I do not ever want you to be crying yourself to sleep for any reason.
Or worry yourself about nonsense
And let that worry consume your sleep.
I will never let that slip pass me!
Therefore, I promise, I will always be here for you. Always.
I will always listen and try to be understanding.
Any time of the day and any time of the year, I will be there for you!
I want you to rely on me as a parent and know that I will go to the ends of the earth for you.
Your future mother, DLM.
Its been awhile and I apologize. Life has been hectic and I havent had motivation. Until now. This has been on my mind quite a bit ever since the man I love and I discussed how we don't want our children to suffer like we did. Plus its not much of a poem, so im sorry for that. I hope to use this one day.
Gavin Sebake Jul 2017
You held me captive around your arms,
Put me in peace within your essence,
Align me close to your heart with your perfection,
I see roses falling down your face,
My heart fainted before such beauty,
What a beautiful name,
Like the beauty you posseses within your heart,
You drunk me slowly killing me with the framework of your beauty,
You're a queen above queens,
"Tu eres mi Reina"
Your love is greater to persue me when i'm lost,
In temptations of your eyes you give me hope to recover,
For you are my rose,
©22 July 2017 - South Africa
Dakota Schmidt Dec 2010
As the disease spreads through him, slowly,
He knows he won't go down without a fight.
He looks forward to the future,
Dreaming of seeing things he's never had the chance to see.

Hoping, waiting, wondering if he will be alright.
He is left wondering if this christmas will be his last.
He is left wondering if he will live to be one year older.
He is left to get lost in his memories of the past.

He fights the disease spreading 
Through him with everything he has to give.
He makes the best of what he has.
He thinks of all the events he wishes to relive.

He knows this is going to **** him,
He just prays he lives long enough
To watch his granddaughter grow.
He wishes to see her persue her wildest dreams.

God knows, that until that happens,
He's not letting go.
It's been six months and 
He still fights through the only thing

Strong enough to take him away.
He holds his head high, and keeps holding on.
He knows who will be waiting for
Him on Judgement Day.

I wish he wasn't going through so much pain.
I wish God would give him the strength to push through and heal.
I wish he didn't have this disease.
I wish his pain and suffering wasn't real.
This poem is about my Grandfather, who was rescently diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and lung cancer. I love you Grandpa.<3
sparX Kuijper Sep 2015
Shed no tear for the fear.
Ingnite the fire within.
  Dig the grave to hour near,
Deep route a timeglass grin.
  Now congure your error
And so fine is the beast!
  Grant it's act of terror  
Be with your final feast.

  Away with sanity.
The will is just to live,
  For liing vanity
Has only itself to give.
  The creatures of evil
Show their faces at last.
  They'll paint at your easel
A block from long past.

  They bring no quick demise.
They'll lessen self portrait.
  Scream not of 'hows' nor 'whys'.
Let your mind rush or wait.
  Senses perceive the pain,
Play you well or  just  fair,
  The reward in this game
Is a breath of more air.

  Panicked glance behind you.
Nightmares raise their dead
  Threatening to persue
Deep within your bed.
  You know fright has prevailed.
Whispers heard loud and clear,
  To tell you that you've failed.
You've lost your soul to the fear.
Rewritten  Sept. 6 , 2015 from my work in 1979.
From . ' The HodgePodge Assumptions '.
by sparX Kuijper © 1983
Kali Namir Jan 2010
Starlight, star-bright
first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might
have this wish, I wish tonight.

I used to wish on so many stars, they all could fill a mall
I used to think they'd all come true, when the star began to fall,
I always wished for the same thing, instead of wanting it all
and never did I see, the writing on the wall.

My wishes never seemed to come true
but my wishing was never through,
I wished for what I could never have, but always would persue
the thing I wished for, would forever have been you.

I must have been wishing, on all the wrong stars
I might've even wished a couple times on Mars,
they might have never made it, through the windos on the cars
or maybe they got stuck, behind some metal bars.

But thanks to friends I've found another
one whom treats me better than my mother,
one who acts less like my brother
and more or less like a lover.

I am sorry that I love him, and that you are to late
my wishes never came true, so I made my own fate,
towards the stars who killed my dreams, my heart is filled with hate,
I just wish for you to know, I will no longer wait.
Jamie King Jan 2019
Deep wounds on my back, I'm a gallery of scars. Take a gander feast your eyes, a tarnished heart is my signature.

Vistiges of my soul dangling on toothpicks, dinner well relished by friends foes glimmer with empathy. Malice pleased, who is my enemy?

The excrement of animals drowning in the sewers, is that the existence the best of self I can only persue huh?

A warrior's last breath asking for help. Will I sleep quietly without a helping hand,
Will I sleep quietly without a helping hand?
K Alexys Nov 2015
This feeling is the worst feeling in the world.
To live some place and not feel at home.
I come to my mothers house and the feeling only grows.
Thought i would feel better but i only get worse.
If i dont feel at home anywhere
Why am i here
I dont want to be here
I have no family
No friends
No love
No care for what the future consists of.
I dont have care for anything
I try to find happiness in everything
But i always fail
And i always feel
Like i know exactly where it is that i belong.
But to get there
I must take
The one thing that i have every day
My life
And i know
That fear has something to do
With why
I havent tried
Hard enough to actually persue
But that fear has gone a while ago
I have tried honestly harder than i ever have before
And still i can not get back home
Im at the bus stop waiting for the lights to show
I just want to go where i feel i belong....
Somewhere where i dont feel this anymore.
How do I know if it's true love?
Do I risk heartbreak or risk living without love?

Do I focus on the things of above?
Do I just persue the person I love?

What if I love He who lives above, but also the person who lives amongst us?
What if my values tell me to prioritize the above?

Is there an inbetween?
Is there a halfway point where we could meet?

Can you just become an angel so that I can believe that you are the one?
Kelsie Cameron Aug 2013
Sometimes I wonder if you realize that you are the one ruining your own life.
All of the guys that come in and out of your doorway, you know are bad.
They come, and then they leave as they make scars on the frame.
You find a good one you've had all along,
But does it matter now?
He is about to leave for school in another state.
But you decide to persue him as he exits through the door.
Now you may even lose him for good.
How much more heartache will it take for you to realize that your strategy is all wrong?
One day there will be a good man destined to be yours.
But how will you find him if you are always with the wrong ones?
Jesibell arz Mar 2015
so many lies* 1000
so many cries 5000
so many times, these lies and cries hurt my heart. So many reasons for a re-start...  
so many things to start anew, so many people and obticles to go through;
so many hopes and dreams to persue, so many pieces to collect to start a new you.
       ­                                          ()€()
So many things to sit and ponder upon.
There's  a foot in my castle ,
Waves upon the sand .
I was King of my castle , with plastic sword in hand .
Now all I see  is rotten wood and sodden grains of sand .
So sure was I as time passed by my castle against the sea .
How could I know my most deadly foe would Persue and follow me .
With walls built from solid sand I looked out as far as my eye could see,
the ocean seen so far away could never bother me ?
Yet one by one my walls fell down , transformed to golden grains of sand ,
as I turned away in sick dismay a rock behind me stood .
And on that rock a house was built where sea gulls and Ravens sawed .
If I could climb a little while to find sanctuary as free as a bird .
Yet we are worth more than the birds above ,
a sparrow sold for a penny ,
My King of love spreads his wings above a ransom paid in full
On silver wings a time to sing to look doŵn on sea and sand .
To fly so high above clouds of grey to a land of milk and honey .
God Bless X
Psalm 18
Biniam Z Demoz May 2019
hit hard
from all sides
as tough as you're trained
as equal as a lost wild
play for a better result
carefully strike
stay determined and persistent
and more aggressive
as the game goes by
never taken control
deny every possibility
your deadly rival
and ruthless contender
succeed against the brutal King boxer
before he finds the way out
the defending heavyweight lad
stand up as the last survivor
and the glorious champion
miss not any less chance
keep your eyes wide open
look for a wider space
and a better angle
throw an explosive punch
in the speed of light
worthy of a magic bullet
take him dawn
with your hammer fist
and both stiff hands
get through his temporary weakness
Knockout in a sudden clever box
and make sure he never gets up
to persue the second round.
God's Oracle Apr 2020
My Lord Son Of the Almighty Creator God the Father, I ask with sincere and repentant soul to move on with a drastic  change to be done in my Lifestyle and what I personally struggle with every day the sins I have committed and the damage I done to others by my insolence and ignorant heart by me judging others at times, lying, cursing, forgetting to be grateful, not practicing what I preach, violent, sinning against my body, avoiding prayer, knowing the Word the Truth and NOT being obedient trading my happiness and relationship with God by instead indulging in the pleasures of the flesh...I come Glorious Lord Jesus who sit in the Everlasting Throne Of Pureness, Justice, Honor and Perfection by the right Hand Of the Almighty Father the Creator Of all and all that has ever been will and forever be known or unknown Physical, Spirit or Eternal. I call in distress and with much fear and trembling because I know I must detach myself from my sinful ways, stop giving in to do the same things I have allowed to accommodate and justify knowing that am being convicted by the Holy Spirit to NOT do I still give in and disregard it and commit yet over and over again... as if I use God's  name his word and share with others that I am spiritually awake, aware, and I profess to them such an elaborate unique and masterfully crafted deception but yet has Truth mixed with lies what I have lived and truly have experienced in a physical or mental and even spiritual way and what I have changed and imagined or somehow fabricated to fit and be more interesting or mind blowing to sound supernatural and ethereal to them involving a slight manipulation of reality blending my overactive imagination with reality nevertheless even I being deceived by my own self of  what my relationship with the Holy Spirit is like how I relate it to others and how it truly is in their eyes how it's in my eyes and how God sees it and how he wants me to be. My Beloved Lord Jesus My Reedemer my King and The Only Perfect Man, The Word made in Flesh, Son Of God, Lamb Of God, The Way, The Truth the Life, Prince Of Peace, Lord Of Lord's,  King Of Kings Who became the Lowliest Servant, Perfect in all ways, Holy and Righteous, God's  only begotten Son who came to absolve all Mankinds Sin by taking the sin of all Man, Woman and Child of Today, Yesterday and Since The beginning of the World...I am humbly requesting Help me truly Live more for you, devote my Time more in your Word, Persue the things NOT of this World the things that which you want me to persue and live for create a way for me to have a more disciplined, holy, seek first you in all matters, resorting to prayer more, taking walks while thanking you for your love, mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, pure, perfect, miraculous, righteous, everlasting grace and immortal truth that will forevermore from now till infinity be always a word that is the only way, the only truth and will remain in humanity collective soul and heart and immortal spirit indefinitely...for this World and this Heaven shall pass but there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth that will be Paradise Once Again for he has promised that the ones faithful to him the ones written in the Book Of Life the ones who choose to live profess and fear the name of the Lord and tell others show them the scriptures and love God first put him first and constantly feed their Spirit and starve their flesh ...repent as often as possible, love others like thyself, choose daily to purge themselves of the carnal pleasures of the flesh, believe without NO DOUBT that Jesus Is The Son Of God,  Came to Live, Choose To Die On The Cross for All Our Sin from the time when it got introduced to the World thru the Ancient Serpent "The Devil" till the time when Jesus Christ comes back and everyone who was is and is to come live, choose what they decide to follow, The Lord Or The World and finally die and be sent to Sheol till The Great White Judgement Day when it arrives and every deed of every person from every nation from Male to Female from Jew to Gentile will be there present in the presence of God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit and all his Heavenly Host will stand to face the Judge Of Every Soul from the first created to the last one to be created to live and pass on to the afterlife God Almighty will separate the righteous from the wicked will show you from your first offense "sin" committed by YOU to the very last ONE it is committed by the same person it is either washed by the blood of Jesus by living for him praying to him reading his word, putting it into practice, listening to the still, serene, peaceful, gentle and holy word from the Holy Spirit allowing it to slowly change you transform you and open up a channel from Us and Christ developing a relationship with Him because only they him we are redeemed, glorified and saved from the grips of Hell itself..."For Whosoever Calls In The Name Of The Lord Shall Be Saved" this requires Faith and Denying the World, Our Fleshly Desires, Doing Good always, Recognizing your sin and asking for forgiveness with intention to change by asking for strength and courage in times of trial and tribulation, trusting God and learning on him for council NOT your own understanding for we are weak, sinful and choose pleasure and comfort and ease succumbing to our Fleshly Desires to gratify what is here today but die tomorrow many times we do evil in the eyes of God knowing that it is wrong but we do it anyway to instantly gratify our minds, bodies and souls with a temporary pleasure at that moment in time and over time becomes a habit that grows with repetition feeding the flesh but hurting the spirit.  Lastly I want to give it to God in this prayer to aid me change the sinful things I struggle with daily, please grant me your mercy when I fall short in serving you, when I sin against others, myself and you I know you have NOT given up on me Lord therefore I NEVER wanna give up on you Lord. Thank you for guarding my Family, Friends and Aquaintances. I give you thanks for your love, mercy, forgiveness, grace, peace, faithfulness and holiness. Teach me how to pray for others more, to proclaim blessings and healing for them and their lives, help me fix my eyes more on Jesus, help me walk with integrity and truth, help me understand the bible the way you want me to and not just read it but put it into practice little by little incorporating it into my Life and Lord heal my relationship with my Family. Allow me to grow daily spiritually in truth and please I beg you to allow me to get closer to you. Heal me Lord in Mind, Soul and Spirit and please forgive your servant for my failures past, present and future. Thank Jesus Name...Amen!
God Reigns Supreme Now and Forever.
destinee May 2013
I am a man whom never ages
I am some what immortal
you see i am 200 years old to this very day
the day i turned 20 i met a beautiful woman who was a gypsie
i fell for her and wanted to persue her only to be let down
the only thing i wanted in this world was her so i went
to her.... exspressed my love and she felt as i did
at least i thought she did, she painted a picture of me which stole my soul
she killed her self that night and i was left with this long life which is nothing but misery
to have loved is now treason.
The  soul connection she felt with him was her first omen!
Most precious one but may be not the happiest.
Last winter, the green leaves  dried out.
East wind changed  it's fragrance.
Words of moment were altered.
Sign of Olives came  by that wind,
  was like the last one.
That time, she  forgot the quest of treasure,
Distance of thought was getting higher than ever.
But she thought the cascade of waiting is over.


It was  the time of realism for Another Omen,
No Time  for lamenting for the past thought she had.
Maktub!  New omen comes by changing the path of destiny, Not the destiny itself.
Persue of life meant to be followed anyway!

The Enchanted dream  that she has ,
was the  part of her melody of soul;
Only meant to become true.
After the long night,
At the moment of dawn,
Silence of heaven whispers the eternal truth of destiny!
Omen of Life - Inspired by the book "Alchemist"

— The End —