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Butch Decatoria Apr 2016

Oh Middle Kingdom! Forbidden kingdom! Middle Earth!
The In-between

and Afterward, Within and Outside
this world's physical berths

Spirit realm and beyond the Further

Oh Heavenly and Cosmic


Imperial ruler of All creation

All us living,

Oh where are you?!


Middle Kingdom, Forbidden Kingdom,

Goddess Love / God my King?

I am your word your fire your son

Awaiting for kingdom come

Our Universe of infinite Light

and Peace

not yet begun,

Oh kingdom! All that is One!

Life is yours and all below the stars

belongs to none and only you and yours!

Oh middle kingdom, oh middle earth!

Reclaim what was, is and further more

all of time, all of Truth

upon this shore and beneath this sky

we belong within your Light!

Oh Kingdom! Oh Heaven!

OHM Shambala Oh!

Ohm Valhalla Oh!

Ohm Forever Oh!



Ohm Shambala!
in shambles
Shangri La contained
conquered by fists
ample weight
of walls of stones
another wonder
on hill of bone
Tourists and their Sherpas
'Tch 'Tch lost histories
when once
cloud city and magic
was laughter on the chicory
and wind

Oh peaceful wisdoms
my middle kingdom hence
rescinds to lifeless
beige and damning Greys
it appears it feels
like Hell ever since

The halls are unremembered ways
empty of God's good love
or wonder light of Day...

Oh Middle Kingdom!
Ohm Shambala!
Xin Nian Quai Le!

(You're a beautiful day!)
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
Conversation with Mark in California
And Paul, the man in black
As I walk from the campus home

Memories, maybe a mission
maybe not: still I ramble and roam

Tonight solitude and Moby ****
Tomorrow Chesterton and Thomas More

               Ohm manepadme Ohm.
annh Dec 2019
A twitch of the toes,
A pop of the lips,
A flick of an eyelid:
I watch as electricity sleeps.

‘Hey there, Mr Conductor. Y’know I can’t resist you.’

Sunday schmaltz - sorry.
Soap suds and rubber gloves have that effect. My right hand is wielding a *** scrubber but my brain thinks it’s holding a pen. Let’s call this dishwater doggerel and be done with it. :)
JJ Hutton Aug 2014
What's my name?
Take that universal,
that yeah yeah, that
ohm and play it backwards.
I'm that undercurrent,
the invisible force that pushes the hand, that pushes
the red button, that levels seven stories--for?

What's my name?
Take that post-post-modern literature,
that self-serving academia-meets-nihilism,
and think as far opposite, Herculaneum/Uruk,
and you might just find it, my name,
carved in Aramaic or Latin in a dark wet cave,
forgotten, misspelled in a dead language.

What's my name?
Look just past that buffering screen,
right before the pixelated beheading starts.
I'm between the zeroes and ones in that heaven-place,
the Internet, where people go when the final death takes.

What's my name?
Take that ever so subtle airport terminal muzak,
and listen for the counterpoint, the competing rhythm.
It, my name, swirls and mingles with that ever flowing
crowd, weary and reduced to numbered tickets and departure times,
speaking fifty different languages, a flattened and recurring Babel.
Take that ohm, and play it, play it backwards.
me gs Nov 2013
I've learned a lot of things in my 16 years
I've learned quadratic equations,
Parts of speech,
Ohm's Law

But I've also learned
That patience is key,
It's the little things that matter,
And that you should stop and smell the roses

But none of that compares to these things:
Nothing shines quite as bright as your eyes,
Nothing twinkles as much as your smile,
And nothing,
Hurts as much as not having you

Considering how smart I am,
I'm pretty stupid, huh?
A Machele Jul 2012
happy birthday to me, a dream in a dream, how fast the years fly by it seems
i look outside at the flashing lights, and thank the universe for another night
to live and breathe in this beautiful scene; an adventure, this life has been
full of wonder and hope, the joys and the tokes—i laugh, but it is not a joke
23 years and still im astounded, of the light and the love from which my world is founded
a kiss and a hug from the boys that i love, in a thousand years i could never get enough!
so much time i feel i've wasted, but in its absence i've been wonderful places
oh, the beautiful people i've met along the way, honestly make my world brighter with every new day
and in that respect i say to all of you: without you all i'd have already come unglued,  long ago, i promise you that
you guys are the fabric that's held me in place... #fact
so three cheers to you and a “here, here” for me, for making it this far by learning simply to *be
written in Phoenix, OR
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2021
the world as an illusion
those Buddhists saw the truth

Sacramento long ago
in my long lost youth

annihilation is a scary word
I hope I die at home

a tour on my honeymoon
the Eternal City: Rome

but nothing is eternal
ohm mane padme ohm
Philipp K J Jan 2019
Come get up!
Take out your winter wary wool.
Hark! the charming chimes of churns
Rolling red rays reaching
to raise your rugs!
See! Makara Sankranthi has come!
Jump out.
Just embrace the warm welcome sandal pasted red rays
The Indian ways,
receive the joys
gay to say a Hi!
The sun Himself has got up early!
To flag off this  Bhogi, Maggie
mithila, uttarayana,
Engall (our)
Thai pongal!
Let's basket dance with our neighbors
Ohm shanthrimantra chanting welcome Shri Makara Rashi
Wish you all Happiness
Om Suryaye namaha!
Om Mitraya namaha!
On Bhaskarsya namaha!
Om Adityaya namaha!
Oh Helios,(source of energy), Not me!
Oh Apollo... Not me!
Om Shanthi! peace! peace
To all...
Of immaterial vision birthed in mind.
Of spirit annihilating the selves,
of calling it plan. The one-
a semblance scattered on deck space
refracts on reflections of the reactions of tokens
of the carnivalesque,
of the hunger artists,
of phenomenon-
which may or may not exist depending on reflective surface of the true self,
of the motion of tides,
mocks motion in body,
of obsession.
The tonality of the "be" and the "is" and the "will be" is deafened by the "I am,"
by the Ohm.

Of shuddering and implanting embraces,
of blessing on every ember of cleanliness that is true self,
of the oneself that exists above selective memory,
not draft of time arrow but the material existence of dream,
not disembodied but embodied.
Of breeding,
of circumstance and forking fourth dimension prison terms,
of crowd control,
of she wolves and their feral children,
of forceps interpolating material reality of conception,
of Dreamtime,
of pain,
of pleasure,
where they are relations-
of skin perversely hanging, dually,
gratifying and sullying-
Fraying beautiful disasters that react to invisible ripples

I, the oneself, implore you to awaken in your utility and then outside of it.
Take those boot straps and bend the bars of confinement with them.
Chisel and sculpt light into a fabrication of quantum of action.
Celebrate the ordinary and expose it.

Of stargazed caustics,
of the early universe.
I stand awake as not the expression of design
and no longer connected to Earth by my roots
but awake inside cocoon,
entrapped behind slits,
of alien cage otherness.
The Akh beseeches ownership of the Ba
I want play dice with god and end in draw.
I am Sekhmet-Wadjet who dwells in the west of heaven,
I am Sahyt among the souls of Of.
This was written during the arab spring in Egypt. There was so much hope in the air that it could reach us in Nyc. All of love to the egyptians. Never stop fightingl
Sethnicity Oct 2015
(Release Me!)

I'm the illa Killa Vanilla Consilla
Know That
I be the dope deala and deli meat Grrrrilla
like a Mystical street Thrilla  
The Miracle Manzilla
A Mothra villian Chilla

If you rashin like pencil scratchin
for tongue tappin I cure like
penicillin the Wolf and Ben Stiller
I'm a hot steel on flesh wound heala!

(Bang Bang)
Wake up to phone ringing
I'm head slinging
cloth stacking on a body
I'm sleep lacking
stay on track AND
(click clack)

My engine blows steam to
organize the regime
*** when I'm working
and writing
I am typing
and crying
*** this Job is dying me colors
like slashing my back and
(click clack)

They beast master and calls stack
I get my slack
between breaks and phone clack
and back track
to where the last ink slapped paper
and draw back from vapors
that ventilate out my ears
like kids caper through streets
with Halloween treats
I'm riding rails
like open sails
like blowing gales
it's raining hail
I'm screaming Hell
In this cube E Cell
(Toot Toooot)

My grey matter is burning
My soul coal is churning
like a witch on stick burning
(Crackle Pop Snap)
(To get Back)
I Master peace
cause my mind's eyes flying
the call cue is dying my fingers fly
no longer trying
to typecast
I drive fast
then Breakfast
for den her

The universal remote
is on mute

transcending this dome
my transcendental home
It's my cue

To slip into
the zone
I sip a bit of foam
my cup of coco from
thus releasing my thoughts with YuuHmm

(slurp slurp)

I think for others Daily
Rarely given space or time or Air We
All must trust the Wind gust of
dust and skin gone so scaly
Yet I slither as slow as snails to my home
for me in my dome
to slip into the zone
I sip a bit of foam
from my cup of coco
thus releasing me with an
of work for others Daily
Rarely given time or space or air WE
all must trust the Wind gusts of dust
and skin gone scaly
So we slither as slow as snails
to a home
for me
deep in my dome
sipping on the zone
bit off coco cup foam
slow snails slip
I master peace
A syllable Killer, Inspiration from Inspiration Thanks Ghost!
rob Sep 2014
thank god
Sethnicity Dec 2015
Beyond the lights and glare and joyous cheers
Outside the pretty things prepared to tear
It glows without joules or generators
Without lists and traditional movies
between gathered gifts and exhalations
mini mall masses travel plans, traffic
makes meaning of monotony, trees of woods
burning bright before menorahs first light
unquantified warmth while tilted from sun
unnamed it's ether a summoning drum

Before Christ birth or Alleluia sung
Close your eyes and see from glance where it comes
More precious than 34th street miracles
the motivation of cold breeze on leaves
The reason for seasons found in unity  
Where shepherds staff birth red white epitaph
Where plants of poison rosy the living
When wise men exodus for genesis  
Seven lights or Nine or just one big star
matters not the name or time frame in bloom
indiscriminately celebrate the Ohm
The form is based on the Indian Raga in a pattern of ten.
To and From Ravi. Dhaynavad, Shalom, and Rest In Music.
Sethnicity Aug 2015
I think for others Daily
Rarely given space or time or Air We
All must trust the Wind gust of
dust and skin gone so scaly
Yet I slither as slow as snails to my home
for me in my dome
to slip into the zone
I sip a bit of foam
from my cup of coco
thus releasing me with an
of work for others Daily
Rarely given time or space or air WE
all must trust the Wind gusts of dust
and skin gone scaly
So we slither as slow as snails
to a home
for me
deep in my dome
sipping on the zone
bit off coco cup foam
slow snails slip
I master peace
Find peace release
Robert Ronnow Aug 2015
Just watching raindrops slapping leaves
is better than anything requiring electricity
including fame and posterity. Monday
morning I walk over to the art museum
stand before Homer. I'm imagining
life in ancient Greece, the land largely
deforested to build a navy, white as bone,
a tourist attraction. The sea too being
denuded of its fish, super-efficient fishery
fleets, and every human wanting a healthy
dose of omega 3. O my God, omega!

the 24th and last letter of his alphabet,
which means great and has a value of 800,
often used to denote the last, the end, the
ultimate limit of a set, as in I am the alpha
and the omega
(which was omitted
from the oldest manuscripts). In physics,
ohm is a unit of electrical resistance,
in chemistry, oxygen-18, a stable isotope,
in statistical mechanics, it represents multiplicity
(the number of microstates) in a system.
In astronomy, the density of the universe
(density parameter), the ranking of a star’s
brightness in a constellation, and the orbital
elements: the longitude of the ascending node
and the designation of the argument
of periapsis of an orbit.

Also the solid angle or rate of precession
in a gyroscope. In particle physics,
omega baryons. In complex analysis,
the Omega constant, a solution to Lambert's
W-function. In calculus, a variable
for a 2-dimensional region, usually
corresponding to the domain of a double
integral. In topos theory, the codomain
of the subobject classifier of an elementary
space. In combinatory logic,
the looping combinator. In group theory,
the omega and agemo subgroups of a p-group.
In Big O notation, the asymptotic behavior
of functions. Chaitin's uncomputable constant.

Omega watches, badge of the Supreme Court,
last mission of the Space Shuttle program,
God of War, Heroes of Olympus, Pokemon's
Omega Ruby, Sonic the Hedgehog's E-123.
Symbol of resistance to the Vietnam War draft.
Year of date of death. Lowest-ranked wolf.

In molecular biology, a two-point crossover.
The lower case omega denotes the carbon atom
furthest from the carboxyl group of a fatty acid.
One of the RNA polymerase subunits.
The dihedral angle associated with the peptide group.
A measure of evolution at the protein level.
In dynamics, angular velocity or angular frequency.
In computational fluid dynamics, the specific
turbulence dissipation rate. In meteorology,
the Lagrangian time rate of change of pressure
for a parcel of air. Natural frequency
in circuit analysis and signal processing.
The omega meson.
NULL, a missing or inappropriate value.

The first transfinite ordinal number.
The first uncountable ordinal number.
The complex cube roots of 1.
The Wright Omega function. A general differential form.
The number of distinct prime divisors of n.
An arithmetic function. The self-application combinator.

The elasticity of financial options.
The tracking error of an investment manager.
In linguistics, the phonological word.
The archetype of a manuscript tradition.
In eschatology, the symbol for the end of everything.

The beginning of my first week without tv.
No more movies. If I have nothing to do
or I'm too bored to do anything, I'll just sit still
see what happens. Be like weather.
Be under the weather, with the weather,
in weather. Watch weather from the window.
Wait for change, in me and the weather.
How will I change? This is life and not life.
In 15 years or so I'll be gone from the earth,
bones whitening on some mountain
or rotting in the lowlands river or estuary I lived near,
flesh to sweat flesh with the population, dead.

This death, consciousness of which should give
this life's activities perspective, except for the red
sunset which remains untouched by atomic IQ;
and dead, laying open to the blue sky and dry leaves
one autumn like last autumn, or the autumn
I realized my insignificance.
--after the Wikipedia entry, “Omega”
Aaron Mullin Nov 2014

But prescient

Drumming to remember
All last September



Can take down


Subtle infrequent
Lullabies flow into

A numinous bassline
Reverberating Ohm


Becoming us
As the egg aspires

Divine feminine
Holding space

For the new
Phoenix rising
Inspired by the movie: The Sound of the New Earth
Butch Decatoria May 2018
In a pool of cool memory
Time gets no love

A quiet friend
Who seems indifferent
Most unnoticed
Just a bit a passersby

Always beginnings
At the ends

Time stands still
Where Love is
We raise we rise
Every morning
In the dark of


Time’s distances
Each freckle.       Sparks.
Each a window to

Lively, lovely

Life, the gardens
of God—you
           Never fear naught or not...

In time
We grow, Love sows
Rivers of
Like my soul
A Seed
A Throne.

Oh My Goodness
How we’ve grown

Champagne Kisses

My Ohm!
mike dm Sep 2015

is beauty

no words

except: ******* ****** ****

black snake stretch rt 101
now coil
gyrate fate
convey me along

zenning out

nature got her nails
running down my back
sweet smells fill my head
i drive deep in

my hand on the wheel
thinking about a girl

K come to me
you are my whorl
Can we ever come
to the marvel
each others beauty

Why do you play
with such an extension
there at the sea
Time dances
on a lapse
of a warmest
heart wish

There are little holes
written in the sands


Resounding beats
follow thoughts
and float as

Or other way around


where there aren't any


is a Genius
for me

Yet You,
just you, near me
for me


A burning bush in a desert of dreams

Wish you can feel free
Wish you can be free
Wish you can be with
wonder male
wander male
on whales
one beat meets
in beating

my hands make invisible
through ether

To reach eruptions
the Sun
of Time

Moon ebbs in my mind
i'm swirling away

on a mystic meadow
of your poetic Beauty

Your- Self

Reinforced, thrown
deep into an ever-last toe rings
on an Elephants
magic foam
of mystery

always fresh
in a Divine Cauldron
this unthinkable
Cosmic Conundrum

Calm creatures
Lovely woods
is dead
percussion of our ohm
a constant



Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic love beat
Edward Coles Mar 2014
I have stopped singing for success
but instead for the ancient river's 'ohm'.
I have memorised the timeless lyric,
but can't hear the key in which it belongs.

I have stopped trying on clothes
and shifting like an old man in the mirror.
For whenever I get close to myself,
my breath fogs; and nothing is clearer.
Melissa Rose Dec 2016
Salt rocks and lollipops
Gemstones and Zen
Spellbinding wizards
and dragons that eat men

Lightworkers and Indigos
Heart chakra crown
Don’t block kundalini
you’ll surely break down

With Ohm in the house
like it or not
Theta beats Beta
No judgement or thought

Malas and Mantras
to the Seat of the Soul
dissecting wavelengths
to uncover the whole

Ankhs and crosses
With fire and white light
Circle of crystals
bring spirit into sight

Mystics & healers
heed the cosmic call
extend love to our planet
to save us all
Daniella Veras Mar 2016
Like a constant meditation,
in between my daily to-do list,
thoughts of the weather,
what I was going to eat next,
deep inhales,
and seemingly interminable exhales,
he was the mantra my mind would default to.

*~Ohm is where my heart is
Edward Coles Nov 2014
Steal everything you have ever loved.
Set it to another verse
of borrowed phrases
and humble pie.
Somewhere in the spaces
between the song-writer's ohm
and the poet's demise,
others will form your stolen loot,
your dead-sea scrolls,
into the multitude of inspiration
that constitutes your Self.

The banks are running dry.
All freedom is restrained
to the ticking of a box
and the punching of a clock.
There is no shame in stealing
a resonant thought.
It is the way Revolution happens,
an idea projected, then repeated,
repeated, re-written and spoken
in one thousand tongues.
If your lover leaves you,
it is nothing special.

Yet if a stranger's words steal your breath,
stripped to a naked consciousness,
you have every right to pilfer their mind,
to bridge understanding,
to share in a longing,
to replicate a sentence
in which truth was left unconfined.
Santa stood by the fire
With a pipe in his teeth
With smoke in the air
Circling him like a wreath

Clement Clarke Moore
Said this so long ago
But, what kind of pipe
I'm sure you don't know

Santa, a smoker
That's nothing new
If you remember the poem
Then you'll know it's true

The pipe, oh so slender
A small bowl at the end
A slight whisper of smoke
In the air, it would send

It arched to the floor
To the end of his beard
If it ever got close
Then his beard would be seared

The tobacco he smoked
Was a Turkish fine blend
With cloves and some nutmeg
Just how much, would depend

Was he giving out presents
Or sitting down by a fire
That determined just what
He would put in his briar

The pipe had a name
It was a Churchwarden pipe
Made of briar so old
A now long extinct type

Red Man tobacco
Some days he'd switch
But, not very often
It made his nose itch

The pipe is a classic
It shows Santa had style
Though it had a small bowl
It would last him a while

He could make rings appear
And they would circle his head
Or he'd just taste the spice
And form a small cloud instead

A Churchwarden pipe
Can be smoked by so few
It's a long way to draw
It's a tough thing to do

The scent that it leaves
Is of burnt spices and pear
And if you should smell it
You know Santa was there

So, this Christmas instead
Make it your pre bedtime goal
To leave out some OHM Turkish
To replenish his bowl
wehttam Jun 2014
Given two rights
for fighting.  
The Affair never made
it to production.
Every thought has
whispered freed ohm.
And to us here or there
two rights do naught make
a third right.
Elizabeth Sep 2012
These blue walls have been everything
Soon to be nothing

My possessions stay whole in my life
My persona is (mostly) intact
I still have the love of my cat
The feel of my soft blanket
The comfort of my books
And I can't comprehend why this doesn't give me strength

These grounds
O, the beautiful trees, planted by hands of the family
The flowers, the precious flowers
The graves of my protectors
The time capsule, planted for my enjoyment upon the day of graduation must now be prematurely returned to society

And it
To hear my loved ones tell me this is petty, this is minute

Let me remind you of the gentle breeze on your cheek as you read a novel on the hammock
The crick that runs through our woods, the deer and morels that reside
The blackberry bushes on our hill, the view of the sunset few experience but us
Every night
The immaculate view of the heavens from our front porch
The sound of cicadas in mid June
The aroma of pine trees
The vibrations of frogs congregating in our swamp
The swamp itself, two to be exact

Have you even seen the second swamp?
I have
In fact, I've witnessed our slice of heaven repeatedly, I appreciate it
I love it
I live it

This is my ohm
This is my sanctuary
This is my religion

And like a conversion, this will be difficult
New rituals
New systems
New life
It's hard to respect the fact that this is necessary
In a way, it just feels
Frankly, unnecessary

As I lie in bed and think of all that I am about to
These blue walls feel constricting under the green roof, inside our barn shaped home
They feel sad for you, because

You will never understand the beauty within these 17 acres
We are moving
Aaron LaLux Mar 2019
one helluv a diet,
one helluv a life,
you should try it,
I been through a way lot,
won’t tell no lie and,
I know we all have our addictions,
so pick and choose then win or lose,
complex equations with simple additions,
it sounds like a contradiction I know,
but poetry switched from fake to Non-Fiction,
at least it did when speaking of rows,
of the classification it was given,
by outside observers observing,
that never deserved to acquire,
to get what we got from a lot of giving,

it takes dedication to make it,
it takes love to rise above,
everything feels cliche anyways had a dream then woke up,
and now I feel like it’s all about love,

even though the dream was mostly nightmare,
could feel everything before my sleep when I awoke I was numb,
still had feelings when I went to sleep then arose & found I couldn’t feel a thing,
woke up feeling hot even though I went to bed feeling cold stressed out I try to ohm,

don’t care where your from,
or where you’ve run from,
I wanna know where you’re at,
there’s so many shades of The One,

there’s one two sides of a gun,


what can you call me,
what can you call yourself,
I’ll tell you what just for the fck,
let’s just say all bets are off,

hardy ha ha,

feels like a joke everyone’s laughin’,
but it’s really not at all,
send a lot of texts,
but don’t get a lot of calls,

Call of The Wild is our Call of Duty,
call it what you will,
at the end of the day it will all be explained anyways,
so for now let’s just bounce,
get out of town,
get up out of Dodge and settle down,

maybe homestead a bit,
I’m a God not a Dog,
you’re a Goddess not a *****,
Keep Calm & Carry On,

Settle Down settle in,
find a home to keep warm,
remember to breathe,
and be both kind & strong,

keep on keeping on,

******* & Bonebroth for breakfast,
one helluv a diet,
one helluv a life,
you should try it…

∆ LaLux ∆

San Franpsycho
February 2019
Would you journey with me into a vulnerable breaking open in the psyche, where it is said that the milk of grace starts to flow?

Come then, ! Listen! No.Really.Listen

Can you hear the sound of this vibrant brightness?
Sweeping across the flower petals of this existence,

bathing everything in its bountiful cascades of light
ever emitting the low frequency wum and thrum
as it get louder, awakening the primal {om} of moaning,

Fall swiftly into remembrance of  this sacred landscape
Where the bound, captive, and fearful cries of lovers

Dared to break free
from their self-assembled prison
courageously chanting Ohm and Uhn and without censor

While liberation fills space, we begin to notice the root of the sound comes from the combined emptiness of these self-tuning, self-replicating, self-transcending instruments.  The space between the notes lingers in the  perpetually perceptual reality of exchanged and hollow breaths

The cosmic conductor reminds us of the rhythm and signature,
[4/4] A one, a Two, a Three, A. . , . . , . . , . . , IT BEGINS AGAIN

∞Movement and rest∞
Wipe the wet hair from your eyes
and take a   d    e   e  p    breath,

This is the punctuation of the moment
unfurling it’s lotus blossom
from our hearts into our being

Witness how the silence offered by such ever present union elicits glimpses of the Self above the self.  
Be still and die and such an emptiness will appear and you too will take part in the Sacrament.
Sethnicity Oct 2015
"I'm so tired of the burnt up planet and its lack of luster!", says my son...

I'm spent!,
writing socially conscience wit for years
I've been asking Why the ******* Sheep
will Live and Lie for radioactive Die

I see nothing great in the Powers That Be
Even my Colored Brethren can't cure the virus
Woe is me
for passing on the burdens to my future seed
But today am I ready to Bleed.

Are we ready to change no matter the cost?
I think on that Vote we've Lost,
Lost our Focus, Lost Our Souls, Lost the Will
to fight or,
to give or,
to hold back
anything for our kids
Hum and Be in

Father and Mother And Holy Son makes Trinity
but here on this Earth there is no Euphony
It's so beautiful how we travel through this galaxy
Yet insist
We persist to Catastrophe
The next time you are ****** or, Confused or, Drunk or, Abused
Just look beyond this Earth and enjoy the view
Every light in the sky is a life form All its own
if we Hum the Ohm while Alone
the Vibe-Ration will lead Us home

I feel bliss when the Breeze and Ocean cover me
even though
I'm stuck on this Rock scared to Just
Hum and Be in

So when I'm tired soles worn and weary
please Just let me
Hum an Be In

A forgotten song sung in Piece
One I verse to calm the Beast
when all the Battles have been lost
When all this money has lost its cost
As the Caps melt into Waves
and Life Giving Sun beams death rays
Sing a Song in Peace and let us
just us being human
Aaron Mullin Sep 2014
On the road once again
Haven't lost

Ohm thinking 'bout Indians
and Indios

Columbus and Dublin
Echoes and impermanence

Kanata and 'murica
**** yea

Maybe the Mormons got it right
An idea split in two

Like two brothers
Or twin souls

But always a third
Apes lost their tails but not their balance

Causality, a trinity
Of sorts

That's for you to sort out

"Spectres...." ~ ~~ ~~~ Whitman

Coyote sleeps tonight
Rest well my friend
Broadcasting from the Porcupine Hills

Written on the road back up to Indian Graves at 11:11 am MDT

My compass points toward a crescent of fire and light .... If I miss, we'll see you in the stars

Spinning to Rheostatics: Onilley's Strange Dream from their Introducing Happiness album
Sethnicity Apr 2017
Where did you come from
I'm not ready for devastation
You sang a tune new
Though I've heard it before
You r hearts been Hurt    So
I'll just apply pressure to the sore

So let Us split ourselves in two pieces
As we fall like bombs on our oasis
All the masses dialed into the Fist
Watch the world smoldering in the Mist

Will the moon stay still in shadows

Will this heart ache survive the battles

Blades ohm b fore heads bow 2 gallows

Eyes shut sight white push from the gut hold the altos

Creme d la rouge fades to sage sea emotion shallow

Severed head from heart remembers the start
When love was too vast to paddle
when it feels like the hurting never ends
Joanna Oz Jan 2015
if i know but one truth,
it is that our souls
have met many times before,
various forms
of this flower-fairy friendship:
once as moon,
then as sea,
another as towering oak tree and ancient sun beam,
and again as volcanic rock
sprouting a citrine garden
crystalizing daydreams.
we are but
fractal spirals of concentric consciousness
spinning sapphire, rose quartz, and amethyst
through the infinite sands of time.
place your hand in mine
and find that its been there all along,
we've always been singing the same song.
so when you feel your love is far gone,
just hum your melody
and my harmony will fly along,
land on your shoulder,
and softly remind
that my heart rests in yours,
that our spirits are intertwined,
eternally dancing
to music of laughter
and heartbeats.
and though this moment
is fleeting,
though our path unsure,
the tranquility
of traversing this tome with you
of frolicking through forests
and peeling glue
off of our third eyes
to gaze at glorious
galaxies of possibilities
that lay waiting at our feet,
brings untold peace.
my dear purple sweet,
you are the stars above
and the river below,
a bolt of lightning
the vibration of ohm.
and wherever you may go,
always know
that the light you share
will return tenfold,
and that my love will be with you
to have and to hold.

— The End —