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Acuriousnature Apr 2016
Why? Simply that,
Somedays, It's just so

Than being

I'll be honest with my feelings. Just, I'll be flirty about it, so maybe it won't hurt so much when you say no. I'll just laugh it off and continue being your favourite flirt
Isabelle Nov 2016
In Hebrew, her name means devoted to God
She was consecrated,
An oath to God
But she never fulfilled her purpose, for she went astray
Endless and countless sins, undeniably a sinner
Living not according to the Almighty's will, but
Living according to her choice, so
Expect her to be, both good and bad

Imperfect she is, but it is what makes her human
Special, she may not be, but still out of the ordinary

Many times she was lost
Yet, still managed to be found

Not wanting to be astray, again she trusted the invisible hand
Afraid of what might she become, again she started to pray
Miserably she asked for His guidance,
E*nlightened, her faith restored, and now trying to serve her purpose
This is an old piece of mine. And yes Isabelle is my name. To all my friends here, I am officially dropping my pen name - Fallen One. Fallen One is very important and meaningful to me, and I will always be the "fallen one". But then, it will be freeing to let go of something that was holding you back for a long time.
L* *oving
I nexplicable
G iving
H ealing
T *rustworthy
Eight months ago we parted ways
Like a ship parts the water
When slicing through the sea.

Now when I close my eyes at night
I dream some wavering dreams.
Sometimes it feels we're inseparable

The way the ripples of your fingertips
Would embrace the warmth of my hand
And my problems would magically wash.

Or how I could be so timid and nervous
Your presence would impede my expressions
And I'd struggle to snap out of it.

Maybe it was the beautiful blue in your eyes
That would wave when I looked at you
And sometimes I'd forget to wave back.

Or even just simply hanging out with you
Knowing the hours that would follow
Will be filled with nothing but conversation.

And how my odd sense of humor
Somehow seemed to make you laugh
and smile, quite an overjoying sight.

Sometimes I can't stand the thought of you
When I close my eyes at night
Because you left me to look like a fool.

False promise given to a hopeful heart
Built walls greater than those of China
That aren't the easiest to move past.

It all seemed like an elaborate plan
That was constructed by a con-artist
And being truthful happened to be the con.

You duped a vulnerable soul
Who ventured outside his body
Because of this risky. . . decision.

I learned a caring sense of compassion
Is an unrealistic trait to look for
In someone who is kniving and selfish.

Because to walk away from someone,
with what seemed like little to no regret,
who walked into your life
and made any sort of an impact
is as heartless as Kanye West.
yúyīn Jul 2018
A nother ****** day
B inging, then throwing up; Hunger
C rying, as usual
D eath sounds comforting
E each day is a struggle
F orcing smiles
G one too soon? Not soon enough
H eaven isn't for people like me.
I nternal struggle—i want to
   die//i want to live ..
J ust one more cut .. Oops, too
   many to count
K ill yourself, my thoughts say
L iving is exhausting
M ore scars
N othing inside. It's hungry. Being
    eaten alive
O h, I woke up this morning, I
    wanted to die
P ain .. So much pain.
Q uit  it!
R est in peace [RIP]
S hut up!
T hese thoughts will be the death
   of me. Tired
U nder the facade is a corpse. Im
    a walking dead
V ery soon i will end it.
W hy should I stay alive? Should
     I **** myself?
X friends, x lovers, goodbye
Y es
Z ero thoughts
26 days since my last failed attempt. I will be successful next time. I have to.
Natalka Aug 2013
A** pple pie, freshly baked from the oven. I don't wait for it to cool, I want it hot, with a big greedy scoop of vanilla ice creams melting next to it.

B oys. Cute, querky, gross, crazy, but amazing. You can't stand them, but for some reason you need them in your life.

C ookies. Warm, fresh-out-the-oven, gooey choclate chip cookies.

D  is for dancing. Dancing in the rain with my eyes shut, screaming at the top of my lungs and not caring what anyone thinks. Just dancing.

E lephants. Strong, old, smart and beautiful creatures. Harmless yet protective.

F stands for foxes. More specifically fennec foxes. Adorable, small, cunning, cute and most of all, want by me!

G iving. Not just material items, but hope. Giving hugs, and smiles to those who need one. Also, For-giving.... letting go of the past and moving forward

H eartbreak. The feeling of no being able to breathe, not being able to speak, or make sense of everything without your "other half." Moving forward slowly, cautiously, because there are more around the corner.

I Me. The broken, yet strong; beautiful, yet self concious; smart, yet lazy teenager.

J is for Jenna, my first best friend. We aren't best friends anymore, but we still talk, and enjoy catching  up in eachothers lives.

K issing. I love kissing. I mean come on.... everyone does ;)

L ove. A strong, complex emotion which many guys lie about, and which I do too. I think I've only ever once loved my partner... all the rest I enjoyed...

M om. My mother, the woman who decided "I'm going to take the qwerky, adorable girl home to America with me and make her part of my life."

N is the first letter in my name. Natalka Hannah Evangeline Kmiotek.

O veracheivers. The people who make fun of me, because they can do things better then me, and everyone else. ******* all.

P erfection. Skinny girls with perfect *******, and big *****. No scars, and white teeth. the opposite of me.

Q uiet, as in I have to stay quiet or they'll hear me. Who? My demons of course. If I'm too loud, they will come for me and drag me back to hell.

R stands for two things. The first is **** A horrible word describing a nightmare you wish you could forget. It's being robbed of your first touch by selfish men, and being back into a corner against your will, forced to stay silent.

S is for strength. The strength to overcome, the strength to live, the strength to move on.

T hank you. To everyone who has ever been there and listened to me...

U nderstand why I cut myself. Why I hurt myself. It's easier to deal with physical pain, then the emotional kind. The emotional pain rots and festers inside me, destroying everything. It shuts my lungs down, forcing me to gasp for air.

V acations. Small escapes from your daily life, into something glamourous and relaxing. The warm sand between your toes, as the hot sun beats down on you. The cool ocean kiss the tips of your toes, cooling your thirst.

W hen will pain end? When will people stop being mean to eachother? When can I expect my child to be able to go to school and not be afraid of the other students? When will I be able to walk outside, and finally be able to say "I am safe," not having to lie.

X plain to me why people put others down? Why are there perfect models and barbies, telling us how we must look, how it's acceptable in society.

Y es please. Thank you. Simple manner, dying out, almost extinct. What happen to being nice? Or do we now, just take what we want? Expect everything, like the world owes us.

Z ach. He was my first love and my first heart break. With him, when he left, the floor caved under me. We were one of those couples that would break up, and get back together then next week. I guess you sould say we were crazy for eachother, but when he left, I guess I was the only one crazy. I was crazy enough to think he was ever mine.
Michael L Dec 2015
A* live to every push and shove
B reathing each and every toxin
C aring not for those awake
D ead to insults from mankind
E lecting to run and hide
F rigid walls are formed
G uiding us to isolation
H umanity smells of lies
I nstinct guards our very souls
J ustice no longer exists
K indly acts evaporated
L iving in this city
M anages to make me numb
N early every feeling gone
O nly existing to revenge
P eople who have harmed me
Q uiet forever alludes
R ansacked dreams haunt me
S treaming lights and screams
T ake hold of my mind
U pon these crowded streets
V iolence becomes a way of life
W here can I go to die
X enophobic people in large numbers
Y oung and old alike
Z ero chance that I'll survive
life is hard in the city
You think you understand life, when you understand pain,
Scream it to the world as you dance about the rain.
Everything is clear now, that you've seen the dark,
Life is nothing but a giant amusement park.

Ups and down, tear your perceptions in a conscious mind,
No clear answers here are there for you to find.
Is this wrong, or is it that this is right you ask,
Perhaps it's wrong my answer is to hit the flask.

You think you understand life, when you understand joy,
Grin to the world as you play with your favourite toy.
Everything is better now, that you've seen the light,
Life is nothing if the end goal isn't in *sight.
Dont know the theme, dont know the meaning. Started actually as a song in my head. Maybe a rap? Who knows, titles? I have none, feel free to suggest a better one please I implore you. I dont often rhyme either, hope you enjoy **
Hazel Connelly Nov 2012
A n attempt to bamboozle him.

D irecting  the abomination
I nto my inner soul.
S corn, in the flame of passion,
A ffection going nowhere.
G iving way to struggle, looking for a
R eason to cherish
E very yearning.
E nding this bitter taste,
M aking this relationship
E stranged.
N ever will it bloom
T o a tender love.

© Hazel
Àŧùl Dec 2016
I** thank you for showing your true colors.

Dott sure I'm now that you're not true,
Am I in need for more cheating,
My happiness is in love - true love,
Not in your way of life - fake love.

Your hits I've taken to the heart,
Of hell you have shown me a glimpse,
Under your unfaithful behavior corrupted.

The person who you cheated me with,
Of course he is at bigger blame than you.

He sure is the bigger player,
Even you are such a poser,
Lame he is - you look uglier,
Living life freely you have ruined it.
HP Poem #1310
©Atul Kaushal
Micah Oct 2014
What is grace?

Grace is
Meaning that with Jesus' death on the cross, he purchased for us a right relationship with God that we could not have earned for ourselves because

Grace is
Cannot be

And once this
Gift is
Realised it
Meaning that every debt is paid, every single sin past, present and future is washed away.
So come expectantly because grace is a
Which means that as we leave the flesh behind and die more and more to ourselves, we are stepping into a movement that continues to change to world by
Communion to

God is
Because the
Gap has been
A bridge has been built, the battle has been won and
Christ is
Please no hate.
Nina McNally Mar 2017
Living in a world full of hate will get us no where--
In this life, you got to make the best of what you're given.
For only you control you--
Everyone comes into this world the same, getting a

Chance at life
And sometimes people struggle, but that's okay.
No body is prefect. We all make mistakes, it's better
To learn from them and not ignore that they happened.

Go ahead, live your life and just remember
Everyone is going
Through it as well.

Make the best of each day and try to
Understand how others might have to live-sometimes we don't get to
Choose where we're born and
Have to struggle for many, many years to get to an okay life.

Be positive with others and "keep your
Eyes wide open" and NEVER STOP LEARNING!
Things will get better-- "sometimes before it gets better,
The darkness gets bigger."
Each day, try your best and just be you!
An acrostic I wrote earlier today and edited tonight.
Title from Good Charlotte.
Quotes from Sabrina Carpenter and Fall Out Boy.
Never give up, just be who you are!
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
Isabelle May 2016
In Hebrew, her name means devoted to God
She was consecrated,
An oath to God
But she never fulfilled her purpose, for she went astray
Endless and countless sins, undeniably a sinner
Living not according to the Almighty's will, but
Living according to her choice, so
Expect her to be, both good and bad

Imperfect she is, but it is what makes her human
Special, she may not be, but still out of the ordinary

Many times she was lost
Yet, still managed to be found

Not wanting to be astray, again she trusted the invisible hand
Afraid of what might she become, again she started to pray
Miserably she asked for His guidance,
E*nlightened, her faith restored, and now trying to serve her purpose
There you go, for those who kept on asking, yes that's my name.. But still, you will never know my story.
Nina McNally Apr 2011
"Tell Me I'm Right and let the sun rain down on me"
Here's hoping that in time we will understand the                    dark
Evenings, and what IS worth living for.                   And the meaning of what's

Bad, or good.                                     *"There's Nothing Wrong With Just
A Taste Of What You Paid For"
                No One is Perfect.                     "A
Lonely Speaker In A Conversation"
                            We will all get that
Longing, 'sinful', urge                          and there's nothing wrong with that.
And now as you Take A Moment To Assess The Sins you Paid For        and
Desperation -will happen to everyone at least

Once in their life.                         And you will make it through it.
For with each new day that goes by,             REMEMBER        your

Memories. With them you can find answers to your life's greatest questions.
Only now, you Start To Notice Empty Bottles Of Gin              and
Now, this is the part where you start questioning your life....
"Another dollar, another day"      baby,            you'll find what's worth

Living for.              We all got something in our lives to live for.
It might be: friends, family, your pets, a lover, or all.            But there's
Something-Always; You just have to search for it.           You're Worth It.
And now,         "Give Me A Sign I Want To Believe"                  Stay Positive.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Inspiration, lyrics, and title
from the one, the only, Panic! At The Disco
Prathipa Nair Mar 2017
Never ending golden thoughts
Our mind travels with it
Strange but bonafide truth
Time withal can nix erase
And create a new one
Like those precious moments
Giving our soul an inspiration
Impact of memorable moments
A**ccredited to move forward
No one without nostalgia :-)
Sethnicity Dec 2016
B-lankets and pillows never felt better
              no matter what surface wearing you + me sweaters
A-ll night under street lights after working so hard
           comfort squeezed tight between red and white cars
J-umping from tree trunks to bounce on my balcony
             or tripping through doorways lamenting your exiting
A-bsolving my Queen of hearts choking in barren land
           between seats, belts, and borders holding your hand
N-estled in bed two children and Halo on your head  
              lips of flames lost and found ignoring what was said
G-iving Forgiveness for Arrhythmia of Heart
            remembering the beginning  going back to the start
A-ccepting that no matter how far apart
           We are the creators of each others art.
Bajanga: A myriad of objects or interchangeable adjective...

In this piece, Bajanga: A Punch-Drunk Love.

Until the very end of Me.
Until the very end of You
eliza t Jan 2015
L** iving like this is a nightmare; all ******* in you,

O ver the high and here comes the free fall, how

V ery loudly the wind chimes in my ears, while

E verything falls apart between my silent tears
Almighty Emperor Mar 2015
Another beginning, another day
Close my eyes until the world turns-
Blank. Redeeming only what others cannot
Save. Fall
Fall into the world.
The world of other worlds
Where the children dance
And there's only romance:
No cold goodbyes,
No lonely cries,
Just time, time Falling
Can you hear me?
I am far away.
I'm painting colors in the alleyway,
I imagine myself falling;
I imagine myself dy....iving
Into the other world
The world of other worlds.
Oh, all the sadness of our world,
I pretend it won't exist,
One day as I enter the world,
The world of other worlds.
Hold me tight as I feel myself Falling

Olivia A Keaton Apr 2017
Obviously clumsy
Living with it well
Indecisive for sure
Very loud and over excited
Irreplaceable one of a kind
A** bad poet that pays no mind
Àŧùl Sep 2017
When they were distributing cuteness,
Her soul stole a little excess of it,
And granted it to her body,
That body is so cute.

Young forever, she stole my heart,
Originally, I had no love left,
Unperturbed she made me right.

She is the dream wife of many,
Than all of them, I am so lucky,
Of an Angel you are a daughter,
Living your life you're like her,
Ever caring about me you are.

A* new hope has emanated,
Not just from my heart,
Definitely also from your.

Dismantled was the kingdom of grief,
I feel so elated now with relief,
So magical is your voice,
Care I'll 'bout you forevermore,
A fresh breeze blows unending here,
Rejuvinating my time you are,
Do hope for the future,
Eager is our love we've here,
Dearest lovers we are of each other.

Wisps of happiness float now,
Elephantine happiness ensues,
Rosy my jar has now spilled,
Effortlessly the grief replaced.

Mini packs of positivity we have,
You just need to have faith in love.

Near your heart I find my refuge,
Ever bettering is this ex-recluse,
Goaded you have me with love,
Antiwar you are like the dove,
Tight are the knots of our love,
I feel so lucky being with you,
Verbs of future like marrying,
Especially seem so practicable,
Solely coz of you, my dear *Pooh Bear
My HP Poem #1667
©Atul Kaushal
J Jun 2015
I** hate you so much,
Living with a grudge,
Over with this love,
Vanished and gotten rid of.
Even though you were great
You are now just too late.
Our love is long lost,
Unfolded the truth at last.

You were just a fake,
What a painful headache.
This feeling is unusual.
Deshanda Frazier Aug 2010
Being who you are even when no one is looking.
Even when you are down, you can lift others.
Always willing to help someone when they need you.
Using your abilities to make a difference somehow.
Taking the time to realize the important things in life.
In hard times, you keep your head held high.
Finding yourself in this lost world.
Using the words "I love you" for more than just words.
L**iving life like every day is your last.

Being beautiful is more than looks.
It’s a way of life.
Cali Nov 2013
diving into the deepest
everything feels good
popular songs are on
roses bloom in the sun
enthusiasm feels good
summer lasts forever
swinging through life
endings are happy
d**reams do come true
mac azanes Feb 2014
Just Simple,
Under the Blue skies.
Laughing with friends,
Indeed life is silly and beautiful,
Every year,months,days,hours and minutes.
Living in a place I can't call my own,
United with love for nature and life,
Can't ask for more.
Hanging in a cliff while watching city lights,
Above the tree singing my favorite song,
Nothing i can ask for more.
A**nd all I want is you.
Miranda Renea Apr 2012
Creating **Resistance About Zero, Yells
Living Over Various Epiphanies, Rallying Shot.
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Read along the lines...
But it doesn't imply my falsehood,
Under the wicked sky I live,
Truly unruly my life is right now.

I am very much incompatible.

And not just with herself,
Maybe with everybody else.

Hard are the days alone,
Ageing I'm but gracefully,
Perhaps I'm best left single,
Pouting is an opportunity,
Yes it is inviting me too.

Bask in the calm sunlight,
Ending is another phase,
Indeed this is satisfying,
Nightmares are fading,
Giving me happiness.

Sorry I'm not about her,
I am no-one to crib,
Not about her studies,
Gleeful I must remain,
Long life brings smiles,
Era of my life is common.
My HP Poem #1632
©Atul Kaushal
Olga Valerevna Aug 2016
I'm left to my dividing and the emptiness I see
while every sense of self is being shaken out of me
I will not put it lightly and I will not bite my tongue
The cells inside my body tell me everything is done
In whispers spoken softly I found stillness and the Truth
and none can neither claim it nor contain it within you
It walks upon the earth among the living breathing things
Awaiting each tomorrow for another chance to sing
Its melodies continue being carried by the wind
Revealing all the beauty underneath a rotting skin
and even as our bodies pile high above the sky
Our lives have been unraveled by the passing of the time
We've numbered every year a ring our tree has drawn with grace
Yet made it seem as though we were the ones who set the pace
such reasoning has offered us another place to stay
A world as unrelenting as the restlessness today
John 1:1-3
C rippling from the stares of the
Y ears that behold when
R eality struck quick
I rradiating where I abode, exposing the
L ife I wished to have not known
L iving in a masquerade to have
E nticed myself into the brink of the unknown
© Cyrille Octaviano, 2016
Àŧùl May 2017
Oh my baby come to me,
Your daddy will raise you,
Efficiently & very caringly.

Baby, I will never let you feel alone,
Absinthe of your mum won't touch you,
Brazenness of hers will be steered clear,
You will mature into a human with heart.

I will stay by your side till I die.

Living with you will be my reward,
On this life it will be a blessing,
Versatile will be your daddy,
Even mum I will be for you.

You will grow up a human of principles,
On Judgement Day, you will go to heavens,
U**nder this sky you will be cared for by Angels.
Single fathers rock!

This poem has a backstory where the mum abandoned the family right after childbirth.

My HP Poem #1543
©Atul Kaushal
Justin Case Nov 2015
All day, every day
Living like I'm free.
Everybody's wondering who I be. Cause
X** marks the spot where my heart belongs
And that's the reason why I write my stupid poems.
Now don't get me wrong, some
Days are easy, but some days are hard;
Returning to the thoughts of us
And when my heart was shattered into shards.

Feeling down, I wonder,
And then I fiure out,
I'm better off without you, cause our
Time was running out. So
Here I lay un my bed, satisfied with life.

Claiming that I've moved on,
Understanding that's what's best, but
Nobody can ever fill your place,
Nobody could make such a mess.
I trusted you, I needed you, but
No longer were you mine. Other
Guys had caught your eye and
Have them you must.
And I'll tell you your biggest
Mistake, trading my love for their lust.
I have moved on, although you still find your way into my dreams occasionally. Too bad for you that I ain't ever taking you back.
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Eternal mysteries constantly evading,
Never ceasing to puzzle the wisest man.
In all my thoughts and dreams revealing,
God only knows how much I’ve tried to understand.
Mysterious magic speaks of emotion and feeling,
And loneliness has vanished by the touch of a hand.

Obsessed with a passion for the first gentle touch,
Feelings of joy I have wanted so much.

Living alone for the longest of years,
In despair of all hopes for passion.
Following the trail blazed by deep seeded fears,
Elation was a dying breed, going out of fashion.

Allusive answers I never will find,
Nothing so harsh as reality.
Death, love and life are three of a kind.

Looking for a cure of incurable disease,
Of endless hours and wasted misery.
Vows of devotion have me on my knees,
E**ven happiness is all unspoken mystery.

This poem was from my experimental period of having the first letter of each line spell the title of the poem.
Olivia A Keaton Sep 2016
Obviously clumsy
Living with it well
Indecisive for sure
Very loud and over excited
Irreplaceable one of a kind
A** bad poet that pays no mind
Stole the title from Abby but I thought these were cool.
Triiniity Apr 2014
(I) s this really all that's left?
(C) an I get out as a thinker with a pen?
(A) m I worth the trouble in the end?
(L) ife seems not to think so,
(L) iving the way I do
(I) s it really all that wrong?
(T) o fight a feeling for this long
(V) engance will be mine I swear
(E) ven if all along I cared
(N) ow you've tipped the edge
(T) onight as I hang above my bed
(I) s it going to be enough to turn your head
(N) ow that I am dead
(G) uess not, you never saw your bad
(S) o guess what?
(I) am not mad
(N) ever have been
(C) ause I care too much
(E) ven now that I no longer breathe
(Y) ou still hate me
(O) ut of sight, can you see
(U) nderneath all the skin of me
(W) hat if I peeled it back for you
(O) nce just so you could look
(N) ever again
(T) ill you
(L) ook into the world that you shook
(I) 'm still here and ready to fight at your command
(S) till ready to move the dust, dirt and the sand
(T) his night might just be my last stand
(E) ven though I know
(N) ever again will I be yours

*But that's just my crying right?
TreadingWater Jun 2017
i'm ch _ o _ ck  _ ing
^On ^It
the glass
lodged. in. my. chest.
you / need / some
' '' '''  time
you're not | ready |
>ask >ing
this to
is like [[holding onto]] eels;
& trying to find brakes
is like trying ~to ~chew  ~steel;
& i know you mean
the best sweetheart
& i-know-that-time
₩ill  tell
but the be(   space   )tween
the }now{  & then
simp    ly
Caroline Feb 2017
My mind cannot fathom how it happened,
Amidst the cruelty in this planet,
Reckless use of time, wish I didn't spend,
It's a miracle that we even met.

All I know is I could rely on you,
Even when we are busy, reaching goals.
Living, loving, still climbing to see the view,
I** know we'll still be in each other souls.

Zigzags and humps on the road slow me down,
A nice best friend like you boosts me forward.
Hoping you know you're the best girl in town,
Did wish for a gift, now you're my reward.

Guess God sure knows I needed a best friend,
My love for you will be there till the end.
My best friend's birthday today!

— The End —