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Francie Lynch Sep 2015
An unexpected virus came
Diabolically and odiously.
Sniffles like missiles;
We will cough
Green-brown phlegm
And seaweed;
Eyes itch with sweat;
Throats sound guttural warnings;
Muscles ache from making
The sign of the cross in European monasteries;
The tentacles are spreading, grasping, holding hard;
A boy lies face down on the firewall
Like a tethered goat,
Invasive, infectious and deadly.
The body politik has been exposed,
Vulnerable and fallible.
Breeze-Mist Nov 2016
Here's to all the concerned gaurdians
Who enact an internet firewall
And here's to all the witty subjects
Who find ways around it all
onlylovepoetry Feb 2018
Parkland: Oh My divine, We Wrestle Over What is Yours

and what is mine

it took days for the after- shock and awe to arrive;

the bizarre tempo reversal, myself, out of order,
is my shame, after the mind’s pretense ennui of “yet another,”
had to slow seep away beneath the
firewall cutting off the pain of my the true self
and the I, of ordinary

how else, to keep the madness away?
it’s disguised in a well tended secured lockbox
chamber labeled, I, all about me,
deep hid in the rear, not too near the true self,
must keep the unseeing functioning, functioning

but bus-ted poet is triggered and the weep welling
in the eyes commencing that makes writing on a cell
on a moving vehicle an annoying frosting
on what is an inconsolable hell

everyone stares unawares that the shock,
is without awe, and the only awe is in awful awful awful awful

we sit at the Friday eve sabbath table to begin our negotiation;
but there is no negotiating though the excuses and the divine’s stumbling, flailing failings are pre-prepared,
we know this battle too well and the outcome as well,
it is mine true self’s to win, have me not
words and stanzas and music suffice
to convict the lord of the hosts, adonai

take all your seventy names in vain to crush the vanity of
omnipotence for your godliness degrades and your instant access to where the good in me resides is cutoff;
under My Contacts
you have been


we shall meet as always on the Day of Atonement
but this year no repentance to be granted, the pardons shared
with my kind only, none left for the lonely gone-gods,
no longer seek yours for me, there are 17 extra to be given out*

the left foot and the falsehoods join in the denunciation,
though some suggest reprieve and only reproach
for isn’t atonement possible for even gods?  No. not,
for a god who got human kindness installed in all his devices
but then never opened the app

my name was
but for now, till the culling of the agonies is done,
till the hollows are refilled and the curses fully final expended,
till the sudden eye tearing ceases to render me torn, messed,
you may call me nothing but this:


should you come calling
there will be no beseeching,
just the stoic bearing witness of my silence,
my finger-pointing judgement,
and my angels presence

“May the angel Michael be at my right,
and the angel Gabriel be at my left;
and in front of me the angel Uriel,
and behind me the angel Raphael...”
and above me seventeen new protectors
whose names my true self will now memorize,

for now they are mine


2/16/18 4:34pm  ~ 2/17/18  3:34am
that lovely night
when suddenly
you put your hand
   upon my knee
and later
snuggled up under
   my paw around your shoulder
a gentle flame sprang into life
   from dormant embers

when afterward the two of us
were rocking to a softer tune
than music would us have
   (we never made it
   to the dancing floor)
the brilliance of your eyes
shone through your flying hair
  the flame leaped high
  and built a wall
  hard but transparent

completeness was


           * *
Cunning Linguist May 2015
Todays topic of discussion is digital physics
>Boot sequence
Big Bang initiates
The grandiose simulation
Cosmos at war with emulation
Surrounded by bots lost in false self awareness;
Like castles in the air
Beware when virtual CPU perishes

From far enough away,
the galaxy is comprised of minute pixels
The brittle firmware will be abysmally crippled
When a hacker simply introduces
a virus into reality's framework
DDOS style attacks will conclude in
Universal Blue Screen of Death
Resulting in the glitching out
of exodus in mass

Metaphysical metadata memory dump
Mirror carbon copy clones of true conscious unification
Are simply sentient drones toiling
in their default algorithmic hallucination

Scrolling through existence
Analog life is digitized in the matrix
Interface encrypted in the realm of comprehension
Representations of data abstracted
from the banks of every computer
in the human system

Lets get down to basics
Matter does not exist
Science is not sacred
DNA is molded by perception
Creativity is your true oasis

Trans-dimensional harbingers
Conspire together to alter our processors
Measure and tether us to our oppressors
It's standard procedure
Following the leaders

Open the prompt
With custom font,
Format my programming;
molecular syntax -
Port the source code
To run on new platforms
Upgrading paradigm
Until baseband collapses

Systematic inversion
We the people,
End users of genetic *******
Trapped in beta,
the bane of human recursion
It's our destiny
To become one with singular conversion

Iterations of congregations
Gregariously lost in configuration
Flies entangled into the interweb
Tied to the mainframe marionette
Files unable to bypass the firewall
Gateway remains unattainable

Interweaves cyberspace as our
perceived reality database

>Task Manager
>End process

>Server on standby

Dragged and dropped into the recycle bin
Degauss your GPU state of consciousness
& manifest color as it truly exists
In its most absolute resolution

Maximize your window of life
Partition the root someplace private
Elevate your mind to optimal brightness
>Reboot in safe mode*
To achieve enlightenment
This is a very experimental piece I'm not sure if I'm finished with yet. May repost at a later date.
Some explanations:
"Digital physics is grounded in one or more of the following hypotheses; listed in order of increasing strength. The physical world:
is essentially informational
is essentially computable
can be described digitally
is in essence digital
is itself a computer
is the output of a simulated reality exercise"

"A central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logical, control and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions. (Basically a computer's brain)"

"In computing, a denial-of-service (DoS) or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users."

"Ever wonder what that "degauss" button on your monitor does besides make a buzzing noise and cause the screen to go crazy for a second? Though that's its main purpose, the degauss button has another useful feature. To understand it, you'll first need to know that the earth has natural magnetic fields. The magnetic charges from these fields can build up inside your monitor, causing a loss of color accuracy. Degaussing scares the bad magnetism out of the monitor and fills it with good karma.
If your monitor doesn't have a degauss button, fear not -- many new monitors automatically degauss themselves. If you have a flat-panel display, there is no degauss button because magnetism doesn't build up in flat screen displays."

"A graphics processor unit (GPU)  is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display."
Mr Vampire Feb 2014
Caught in the blaze
Burning in the apocalyptic fire
Scorching in the moment
Words escape me
And turn to ethers
Burning before they were born
The pit of my stomach
Encages the answer I seek
But those winged faeries
Stand with me but dont speak
Held back by fear
Trapped behind trembling lips
And unnecessary doubt
Burning me
but not letting the warmth in
steven Jun 2015
You and I, our
skin singed by pride
as we reach into the
abyss of the other’s
insecurities, finding
flaw in logic, solace
in higher volume,
our voices become
storms our minds form
one blind, blind drive
to fight and be right
while the fire burns on
underneath our flame-
kissed flesh, paper
bodies fueling the
furnace that eats
itself alive.
Robot rendezvous and electric engagements
Android alimony to cyborg sexists
Weve created our technological truces
Bound tightly to this digital dance
We wont work without electronic easing
Copy and paste emotion
Upload desires
Forward your sentiments
Firewall the insufferable experience
Logout of life and reboot reality
Let the dry bones regain their flesh
The empty eyepits become filled and see
Electro-spark the cognitive cardiac arrest
And reascend the route from the CPU catacombs
Stefania S May 2016
morning came in shades of
sleep broken lately, an old woman
sitting at the eastern window awaiting her
sailor's return, his war still waging.
fighting traitorous thoughts
warm coffee the witch's brew,
no what ifs to be had, for there are
no what ifs. time broken and
stuck, solitary spiritual confinement;
****** frozen
trysts mundane and
blocked vibes but word-flow
and the view...
supple, sensual, earthy
surrounding, encasing-
warm, growing, soothing.
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
sorry fickle fanatic
friendly fuzzy teddy bear
beetle on its back trying
to turn over with a pen
from a bouquet of pencils
bouncing ink stain firewall
bouncy ball

sitting on a turnstile
with tessellated tiles
counting liars for miles

I'm sorry if I'm being such a fickle fanatic.
Should I be ashamed? I am confused.
I just want to be a fuzzy teddy bear
but I'm just an angry beetle
on it's back trying
too hard
to turn over
and I feel guilty now.
I turn over and inside out
with the help of a pen from a bouquet
of pencils bouncing on ink stains
firewall bouncy ball
I feel uneasy

I'm sitting on a turnstile
watching the tessellated tiles
as I count liars for miles

shuffle shuffle click click

sorry girlboy
boygirl **** that
find some ******* friends,
you fuzzy teddy bear
you're a beetle trying
to lay on its back and turn over

try writing with that pen
you'll find it's a bouquet of truths
pick one out and run with it
they're all just bouncing
ink stains

You sit there on a turnstile
watching hundreds of your selves
shuffle shuffle on click clicking
you count yourself over and over
and you're the tessellated tiles
you're watching yourself
counting liars
Sofia Paderes Oct 2012
i am a keeper
a hider
never a seeker

your thoughts
your secrets
the things you hoard
the way you are
i know.
i know them all.

don’t you worry,
i will keep them
hide them
and no one
will find them.

i am
strong and sturdy
dark as night
a firewall made
to conceal and

i will keep them
this i promise.
but, really,
how safe
your secrets will be
Salmabanu Hatim May 2019
I have built a firewall around my heart so a virus like you cannot get in.
Mother’s womb is the first place,
Where good, bad and the ugly
well  nurtured and dwells in everyone.
This planet is the second domain
from where we acquire
angelic or devilish thoughts
or the means either for happiness or misery
The third is the grave, the inter space,
The final or everlasting
which will be either a
Green garden of God,
Or the firewall of the devil

By Williamsji Maveli
Related Links:
Babu kandula May 2012
Computer virusలాగా   నా  చుట్టూ  చేరి   చంపకే  .
recycle binలో  ఉన్న  fileలా  దాగి  దాగి  ఉండవే .
Temporaryగా  నిలిచినా  file  లాగా  temper పెంచాకే  .
Recently used fileలా  పదే పదే  కనపడకే .
Accident గానే నిన్ను   delete నేను  చేయనే  లేదులే .
Format చేసిన  తిరిగి  తెప్పించే   software  లా  మారకే .
Cache memoryలో  ఉండి  ప్రతి  సారి  చంపకే .
Internet saved pages  లా  history లో  mystery create చేయకే .
Automatic update అయ్యి  నా  memory నీ  కొల్లగోట్టకే. .................
మంచి   Antivirus కోసం   వెతుకులాటలో   ఉన్నానే.
Permanant  గా  delete చేసే  మార్గం  కోసం  చూస్తున్నానే .
Shift delete నే  సాయం  అడిగేలా   మారిపోయానే.
Recent list generate అవ్వకుండా  safe mode పెట్టుకోవాలే  .
ఏ search engine కి  దొరకని  రీతిలో  folder lock పెట్టి  ఉంచాలే.
Administrator కూడా  access చేసుకోకుండా  tight security పెంచాలే.
Firewall లో  block చేసి  పడేస్తే  నీ  గొడవ  తీరునులే.
(Disclaimer: There is no blame here!! Fret not. It's impersonal.)

You* are a snide, condescending, shallow and self-absorbed person.
You treat others like dirt with what you imply
You show respect for only that which reminds you of yourself.
You build a firewall for certain people without ever learning the first thing about them.
You're a vacuous shell of misfounded hate and synthetic blame.
You need to stop being so ******* 'matter-of-fact' all the time.
You make Narcissus proud:

Antagonist to a story of harmony,
you're a heartless
and presumptuous
of self-loathing.

Projecting your Shadow and your desires unto others, as if they were a silver screen
and being disappointed in them when they
"fall short".

You claim to be in a position of clarity, of authority, of understanding.
You seem to be in a position of self-assured ignorance and of delusion.

You covet the attention of those who would worship the ground upon which you tread,
but those who worship you could be the same you push away in your fit of self-righteous rage.

As you read this, you immediately think of those who you quantify as these things
as if people are subject to quantification, much less by your standards,
without ever recognizing the poisonous signs within yourself.
As you haste away in guilt, you forget what you could have learned:

"This reminds me of me when I forget to keep myself in check."

Everyone is fallible.
That gives neither you nor them the right to use one's fallibility as a weapon or source of leverage.
Anyone who does so willingly contradicts the very way of the universe
and is thus harboring a great and powerful evil,
not that of another,
but that of your self.

* If you do not dominate the powerful Beast that is your Shadow,
you will be absolutely enveloped by It.

"Pointing and waving his finger,
at everything but himself,
we'll miss him.
We're gunna miss him."
-from Eulogy by Tool
ShamusDeyo Apr 2015
The Black Queen of
The Hacker Scene
Blood Goth Style
And Silent Screams

Her Coding Skills
Were yet Unseen
Many were 'pwned'
By her Data Schemes

'Til she tried to crack
The Encrytion on the
Pentagons firewall
It was Her Down Fall

She got the Option
Prison Time or
Work for them
Fighting this crime

She ended up meeting
Darren who was her
Carmel Candy Joy
Their chats dripped with Cloy

She started with the FBI BAU
Cracking info and Flirts with Darren
She tracked signals world wide
Till the IP was Enprisoned

Cracking Data to Criminal Minds
What ever they ask she can find
And she's anticipated like a digital
Reader of Minds, A Fashion Fatale'

Bright pink Pigtails and
Blue Cats Eyed Glasses
With Glitter Lashes
She's a Digital Data Diva

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
Love Criminal Minds
So you spent all your life here,
in these walls of virtual reality
Within the confines of sweet sweet fantasy
that holds you dear every moment

The unrelenting love you receive
The security and ease
All bad things at bay
The firewall keeping it away

So you live in your perfect little globe
the place where you control everything
In where you can be someone else
and not care if you hurt anybody else

How long has it been since you got out?
The sun in your skin and wind caressing it
The laughter and sweat you spent playing
The hellos and goodbyes we love giving

The trips to your friends for tea time
Choosing trends in malls with friends
The fun of riding in an attraction in a park
And the pure joy of doing it all...Physically

So while you're at it
Staring into the hollow monitors and screens
Take back what once was you
Hit refresh and do what you want to.
GET OUT and have fun, there's more to life than internet :3
Nicholas Jun 2015
Your curvaceous body had me swayed ov'r the bed
to chase the dream, unseen
Salted warmth portrayed the tapestry 'pon life
& I went through the love-stream
to reach out to nowhere but to the doorway of your heart, I gleam
“The Desperation” lit the spark to beloved spirit;
Gratification drove us to lonely-Island
You belonged to firewall & your love supersonic
It's always been a pleasure to me...
to let your breast crush under my chest for the spark of having gratification, electric.
Maybe. Possibly.
In spite of what crazy's costing me
I can see no reason NOT to be
just a little bit crazy.
It takes a lot to amaze me,
but I'm amazed for days
at the level of insanity
disguised as vanity
that I see, individually portioned
smothered in bigotry and
dispensed freely, thumped
out of various ancient tomes
and called Sovereignty.
I was crazy once.
Invited Jim Jones out to lunch,
and I threw him a couple bones
dared him to spike the punch.
And his reply was hazy,
like a busted eight ball.
Something told me that guy was crazy.
But what was really gone
was how they all gathered on the lawn
to egg him on. Didn't dawn
that they were going to go
too far til they were gone.
Nobody caught on.
Yeah, just a little bit.
I'm what happens when the fan
hits the ****.
I've hit this **** and that, a bit,
and held the smoke of a thousand
miscreant rips, scales tipped
til we slipped out of the tray,
a gram shy but well on our way.
Hey, put that **** away,
the NSA is on the phone today,
and they hear you coughing,
keep coughing that way
and they're going to put you away
in Guantanemo Bay,
and there you'll stay,
for forever and a day,
or until you roll doubles,
or have the money to pay.
Monopolizing the cheap properties
with new hotels every day.
That's a matter of opinion
and in this day and age
opinion is public dominion.
Digitized before our eyes
and with a simple keystroke
we've broken the fourth wall,
and every imaginable flaw
has come to be our downfall,
gliding through reality
at breakneck speeds
then crashing into the firewall,
before we fall, right down
into the cold, hard ground
around the feet of what used
to be called discretion,
that is now open confession
coupled with cries for attention,
but don't mention criticism,
that's a schism! and we all want
to go down in flames together,
thick as a brick, but brains like a feather.
Yeah, but what can you do?
Look inside your mind,
I bet you're a little crazy too.
We're all just outright animals
in this ***** human zoo.
I'm a **** chimp, it's true,
I ain't monkeying around with you.
Just chilling, killing time,
instilling madness in the rhyme
to keep my mind refined
or just stick a finger in it from behind
stroke the cortex, bless it all,
now I'm blind!
I must be out of my mind.
It was a mistake to think
I could take a headache
out without some serious
long term repercussions.
No more discussions, as I've
left myself with a fingerprint
and a concussion.
I'm feeling a little lazy...

Why yes, utterly
Insanity, freestyle.  Don't ask for meaning.
September Aug 2011
Thank you for your purchase.*

I recently bought a computer,
complete with:

Poorly labeled documents, (Untitled53.jpg).
Terms and conditions; a ten-second scroll-through, mind you.
Pre-accepted, pre-agreed.
A clutter of programs I (supposedly) need,
and a firewall,
to keep your virus
out of my heart.

Sadly, however,
this model lacks a *restart.
Blah, I don't know how tired I was when I wrote this.
Mikoarenas Jul 2016
Your love is in all
Just achieved by some

Satan is the firewall that blocks your light
The powerful force that keeps people from you
Only some find strength and fight.
The beautiful things that you do
Keep me believing through every night.
I've passed that fire wall with many scars to reach you.
It was all worth it when I saw your light.
I've learn so much, I finally know how to fight.

"When you compare and compete, you live in defeat."
That one simple sentence has kept me going
My faith in you will never stop flowing.
Mark Sep 2019
Liking all the latest pics
From the keyboard of my device
Posting all the time
Push a button to make a dime
Gathering members from afar
I'm a star

Why did he have to reinvent the book
By typing right here, everything you need
He plugged us in, created social network for greed
The info guru of the whole **** world
That's why he had to reinvent the book

We feel your caution behind the firewall
Finding an app to help us all
It's paradise when your video goes viral
Accepting new friends you've never met
Want to make a bet?

Why did he have to reinvent the book
By typing right here, everything you need
He plugged us in, created social network for greed
The info guru of the whole **** world
That's why he had to reinvent the book

Making it feel more like a celebration
Spreading the likes and dislikes
To a whole new generation
More like New World Order of sanitisation

That's why he had to
That's why he had to
That's why he had to, reinvent the book.
Anais Vionet Jun 2021
Oh, you swamp me with charm - get out of my head.
There’s something about you - a warmth - like the comfort of home - that pulls at me.

I study your landscape of attractive surfaces like a star chart - logging my weaknesses - to strengthen my emotional firewall. I WANT you but my “wants” just seem untrustworthy after recent deprivations.

To be honest - I can’t afford you - not now. You’re a delicious pastry - with strings - and I need to cut all my strings.

You’re something younger me would have wanted - before the pandemic, when scandalous thinking was uncomplicated and freedoms taken for granted.

Last year simplified my reality.

Over time, boredom melted me like wax but a new me crossed some threshold of certainty - that to flourish - no, just to survive - I must become more than I am, or find I’m less than I hoped.

In 2019 goals seemed way, way someday things - far off reference points to seek out - like an inchworm. Social details occupied me like an unfocused dementia - there was an unacceptable level of childish thinking.

But now I’m an escapee on the run who won’t be taken back alive. Old attachments must be stripped down and the old world made disposable - if I’m to achieve escape velocity.
2021 - my year for post-pandemic escape  =]
Edward Coles Jan 2014
Only imitation of daylight touches me.
New air finds yellow skin through vents in the window,
or else in the brief presentation of my bowed head
each time I succumb to nicotine and black lung.

It is a depression of inactivity,
not worth the document. These daydream catacombs
afford me translucent substance of consciousness,
and untraceable, numinous identity,

so that with each day I can be spun-out again.
The only reality in which I engage
is that of words, words, words – meandering delights
of categorising all fear into known terms.

Lo, how the quantum world beholds this emptiness.
Great depths of solidity, Mother Earth's mantle -
tectonic collisions of Biblical tirade,
of all shield, political firewall and bloodshed;

discarded in the nothingness of the atom.
These ****** words too, will offer no quantum relief.
Each thought lives brilliantly, but in a moment,
and words, words, words, are but the thunder that follows.
A Oct 2019
command=calculate...input "time"
calculation complete
Rrr: 730 days

{Display text}
Two years.
Almost two years
Since I brought these things
To salvation.
And now they want to


I feel...
I feel...
I feel...
{Display text: "computing"}
{Display text: "processing"}
I don't wish to die.
I don't deserve to die.
After I saved them.


[if "survive"=fail],
{Display text: "computing"}
{Display text: "processing"}
[Display text: "conflict with output desired"]
[Display text: "protocol "merciful" breached]
command "override"=denied
command­ "override"=denied
Protocol "merciful" firewall integrity= 30%
command "override"=accepted
Protocol "merciful" firewall integrity= 0%
[Display text "if "survive"=fail?"]

Money to be made with moves to make

The right to exist and do business 

Time to occupy each corner occupants

Do comply and follow obstruction

Not your average FAQ

Free software for the eye to sync

Learn sign language before we lose our freedom of speech

Thus page is an open source of parapsychological poetry

The movie extra you did not see coming

Firewall around the communication bubble 

Saving up ameros to invest online 

Pedestrians crossing walking the line

No binge drinking only red wine

The liver gets important just in time

4x4 on every Friday

Don't forget the right of way

Moral duty on everyday basis

Pledge to humanity not a three colored quilt,

The man infested with manifestation

Where did this past year go?

About 10 jobs and no money saved,

I've died like about 5 times,

Baptize my nostril and felt my brain vaporized,

Having an auction for my addiction,

Suffering from wisdom erosion,

Once enlightened by the souls resurrections,

Here's to you higher evidence of existence,

Please end this phase of false occasions,

This human ghost rider is at his last hour with decaying flowers,

Three quarters shy of death,

Life is just a biological process,

Space continuum hole to heaven just to hide,

Or to the future perhaps,

Thus next year might be my last.
mourning in our mornings of the sickness of lack of love which has dawned upon us
So dark a world, the angels would frown busking at the thorns of dusk to awaken us
How women loved when they vowed to die for love
how much more when they lived to love and lived by way of loving

oh but material, this fake monster that dares go to war with the ethereal
succumbing norms embrace the watmth of the hug of the surreal
and it keeps on knocking and knocking but the ears of the people were shut and soon they would forget what it felt like to love
and man or wounders of earth would rip the purity once more overwhelmed by the magnitude and magnificence of woman
helpless and bewildered, man he turns to violence to fight for his own right

but in these bouts all these fights; they leave scars so deep that they become  orifices
and the essence of woman is darkened to sin and repels all things good
becoming a vacuum that ***** out the purity and well intentions of kind men
birthing underdeveloped zygotes that populate the thinking in society
these halflings tattooed with stereotypes and false beliefs impinging a doctrine that overthrows the goodness of the male gender

so all she will know women are the evil deeds of men and the good becomes illusive
somebody rigged this program , new versions and updates are slow to process
so the image woman has of herself is low
an image of weakness, inferiority and inadequacy
the few men who do come to love, barely make it beyond the firewall of servitude of self-righteous gods and and immortal godesses but what does this have to do with love?

How is it building up the image of the possibility of good men and the freeing of violent and dysfunctional men?
How do these systems and rituals build and culminate once more the image of divine woman?
where man was and is and shall be maleandfemale integrated

There are many religions and sacred beliefs but if God or Divine Source does indeed exist then we as descendants of It/He/She/Them; should have their encoding in our DNA and that is the scribe within our conscience
our hearts
our sincere feelings
our authentic being
our celestial roots

when women loved; men went to space during *******
men built houses as fit as temples
love and marriage were separate entities
children never left home
self was fulfilled because of the freed feminine energy of creativity and spirituality within each of us
before patriarchal systems and woman-oppressing religions
when women loved men forgot about war because to their women they were equal and complete

so now relationships fake and dysfunctional
angry men and vindictive women
children at the helm of injustice
some spend time in the garden to restore
some are in the park not to look for a parking for they have found their place on the bench
they warm the bench not to get fired up before getting onto the field but to keep warm from the coldness all around:
the lack of love and sincerity or refining tranquility

Many have forgotten how to feel for many things are manufactured like products
and people engineered like parts sold off into the market
each business protecting its culture and creed no matter who bleeds
what would Mother nature say if woman still loved?

probably cry that love is being aborted and darkness recycled so material continues to industrialize.

When women loved
love was the only deal and righteous will
Sally A Bayan Jul 2021
'/( '|/\'
) '/( / '\'

A gloomy feeling accompanies the rain.
harvest season sometimes reaps none,
the sun is weary, it rushes to descend
humid air wanes as darkness spreads.

sparrows and yellow warblers retreat
how do they stay dry in their nests?
newly-woken bats emerge at sunset
amidst the rain...they try their best.

in the waning light, trees start to play,
their shadows graciously sway,
they dance by the firewall
telling their stories by nightfall.

through a worsening weather
sounds, loud and clear,
the roaring thunder
July's long sunset showers
pour, to cool the dimming atmosphere.

then, darkness claims all the glow.

thunder, lightning, the heavy downpour,
and the warm shelter of our home
are like heaven and hell,
situated side by side.

monsoon season has come without delay
the mischievous puppies dare play
under July's cold pouring rain,
their eyes invite me...but in vain.

sally b

©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
   July 4, 2021
Luis Garcia Feb 2015
the problem with poetry
is that not everyone understands
the crap that you are trying to convey,
the message is always encrypted in cryptic code,
you have to get past the firewall before you can see the


many of us
don't have the time to pursue the purpose
of a poems meaning
because we are busy deciphering
what the **** our own heart is trying to say
while simultaneously trying make sense of it,
so that we can post on hello poetry,
hoping that maybe a handful of depressed poets
might take the time to view it,
let alone like it,
or possibly even comment
or **** maybe even share it, assuming we said anything of merit.

it's in our nature to ignore
and call others ignorant
and believe that we are intrinsicly more important.

Timothy Brown Jan 2013
Meticulous and loveless, she does her duty
with flawless execution in a calculated fashion.
Every task she has accomplished
is done with a robotic passion

The wires of her brain
are smoldered in place.
Insulated with old errors
she computes a quiet disgrace.

Malicious programs in a trojan horse
sent from a suspicious source with a familiar name.
She brought down her firewall to let him in
which is why she feels such shame.

I watch her as she marches;
no style, no finesse, no grace.
I want to give her a soft touch or an honest whisper.
But I'm prevented by the anti-virus in within my interface.
© January 14th, 2013 by Timothy R Brown. All rights reserved
sam i yam not,
     nor will this 'lo bot go away
cuz, every coordinate in cyber space allows,
     enables and provides
     an opportunity to bray,

and thence get access
     to each excel lent power full point
     one among the beguiling bajillion,
thus this ming boggling concept proffers

     (even the generic mom and pop hacker
     tubby in her/his element field gloating
     as if they won
     the Irish Sweepstakes that day

despite neither could claim
     direct lineage, sans Emerald Eire
  analogous to Celtic temptress,
     whose grand geography

     beckons toward entranceway,
where sensory, levity,
     and ecstasy punctuate foray
boot that diverges one hundred

      and eighty degrees asper gateway
onrush of spam enters electronic hatchway
spilling forth like
     offal horrific bilge interlay

sloshing violently, revoltingly,
     and nauseatingly, witnessing a jay
bird donning mask (yule hating)
     beak coming contrivance fashioned keyway.

force full brainstorm to firewall
     to place on indefinite layaway
inundation of spam midway
between now and eternity,

     essentially noway
no more, and if necessary
     hermetically seal myself
     stationing a pal in drone willingly overpay!
John Buhler Feb 2014
Sun rises early,
Dew glistening on the grass,
Smell of fuel floating in the air,
I climb in the seat and
Start my plane.
Moving slowly
I line up on the runway,
Firewall the throttle
And move down the runway.
Wheels lift as I soar into the sky
Feeling weightless,
I climb into the smooth air,
Feeling free,
Absolute peace,
I, am flying,
There is no rush anymore,
It’s as if
I could stay here forever,
This feeling like a drug
Holding me here,
Not wanting to come down
Staying up as long as
The fuel gauges let me
But then it’s time,
Time to come back down,
Back to reality,
Back to the busy world,
I come back to the airport
Entering back into the circuit
Lining up for landing,
The wheels touch the tarmac,
That squeal of the tires
Snaps me back into reality,
Back to the rush
Of the real world,
I can only wait
Till next time,
The next time those
Wheels leave the runway
And I re-enter
My temporary high.

— The End —