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SwiftDreamer Mar 2015
Escape to
When your options are keep going or stopping, you choose the one less awkward...making it awkward
Àŧùl May 2014
Loving her is an obvious error,
Over past few years I found so,
Virtually pure untouched love,
Experiencing it just with her...

Cutest mistake I ever made ever,
Housin' myself within her heart,
All for her is my world & myself,
Not bowing down for this world,
Getting one are our hearts daily,
Equally divine are our feelings,
Setting for a lifetime they are..

Edging the long cliff of life we live,
Very risky is this road taken by us,
Era of love awaiting us maturely,
Ruling my heart's land is a queen,
Youthful eyes tell not a single lie,
This is the life I was wishing for,
Hiking across the romantic hills,
I'm that moon & she is that Sun,
Now I get close to her everyday,
G**elling as good as childhood chums.
Another Acrostic Attempt

My HP Poem #631
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2015
Softness of her nervous slim hands,
Ostensibly glad meeting me she was.

For so many happy days yet to come,
Again not letting differences pop-up,
Rosy blush dropping in her cheeks.

Yes that makes her look even cuter,
Exceptionally cute she is so beautiful,
Tomorrow our baby will be even cuter.

Ship of combined life we sail in together,
On time we'll make it to the destination.

Casting bright shadows of ours we tread,
Looping circle of happiness we rejoice,
Of our feelings we are worshippers,
Setting the same destination from different roads,
E**arning trust, respect, love, sensuality & care as we go on.
Kripi & Droṇa's 2nd committed collaboration, 1st Acrostic committed collaboration.

Ostensibly: Visibly, Clearly

My HP Poem #811
©Atul Kaushal
Repcin Maker Jan 2014
In the beginning it was fine
When I played it the first few times
I* grew old and weary
Losing a bit of me
Lending this game most of my precious time
Not knowing this will lead to my...
nvy-because my highscore is 8
engeance- because the pain is too much  
nragement- because my highscore is 8
otteness-because I've been playing all day
Probably I will stop,
Letting go is a choice,
Allowing this game to control me should be no more
Yes! I should never play again but...
I need to try it once more
Travelling the pipes of legend
Again and again I *fail

Gone is all my efforts
Atrocious this game is
I conclude
(Read the first letter of each sentence to finish the poem )
True loyalty is hard to find and harder to earn
Once its broken there is no mending it
Only through the flames of strife do we find ourselves
L*etting go of someone who is true to you is the biggest mistake you'll make
It's hard to find someone who holds and values true loyalty to you.
When someone like that does exist in your life, never take it for granted.
Even if one day they're not they're...their loyalty lies with you, and always will.

I know this, cause my loyalty is to you and you alone babygirl.
True loyalty
NitaAnn Dec 2014
There are so many things that I regret
The list is longer than I can write here
Each day brings more regrets
I regret that I do not learn from past regrets.

I regret not saying I am sorry
I regret not forgiving and moving on
I regret not being fully honest
I regret not letting you in
I regret...*

Reminders of past failures
Ever in the forefront of my mind
Getting lost in the confusion
Reality that I live in
Trying and failing
Kendra Wheeler Oct 2010
Jolly good friends are we
Only because of “Raf-Rod” pain
Happiness when the assignments were complete.
Not far off is
Our favorite activity, but,
Not with out Dan

Best friends forever
I** repeat,
Best friends forever
Leave it or take it
Everyone’s a hater

Crammed in the truck
Only Dan, Stan and Kendra
Leaving behind the haters
Loving our route 44’s and
Eating out taters
Getting all dressed up
Everyone in this city be jealous of us.
This is an acrostic poem, spells Johnson Bible College (my school), written for a class, thought I'd share :)
Àŧùl Mar 2017
She left him to rot in his dear loneliness,
He spends his life trying to move on,
Exhausted he is with all his love.

Into the depths of loneliness he's lost,
She moved on easily but he could not.

A** perfectly straight man he is.

Loving her through his times,
Excelling through wit & work,
Setting her as his ultimate aim,
Beautiful she was a young dream,
Into hers all his life got pent up,
A new lease of life he searches,
Now is the time to be happy.
My HP Poem #1470
©Atul Kaushal
Maloi Jul 2016
Never thought it was real that
Unplanned things could happen in a best way
Remember all the moments we shared
Undeniable be forgotten
Looking back I realize, no matter how

Zigzag the road for our journey is
Unsure or not, Serendipity happen
Letting this friendship sail;
As we go on we encountered so many things that
I* wish I could explain and
Keep to cherish because for me you’re an
Angel, a blessing from God
I really really like the title that you gave my friend and let's keep in touch for a long time. Even though we share the same sky but miles apart, I know we are connected and that's for us to know. :)
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
I** stood at that cliff
Silenced by the unspeakable things I saw
On the plane of pain and discord
Letting the fear rise within me
As I see the masses of ****** souls
Tormented, burned, stabbed, Impaled and torn apart
In the eyes of the scythe wielder a flame flickered
On me his eyes did now fall, siring pain corrupted my body
Not one soul is spared “he proclaimed as the scythe ran through me
Nina McNally Feb 2013
L** ight them up! That's what Fall Out Boy said
In their new song,
Getting a fresh start,
Holding no regrets, but "My Songs Know What You Did In
The Dark, so light em up on fire!"

Everything on fire, as Fall Out Boy is anew.
Memories are just memories,

Understanding that they are starting fresh.
People loving the new song!
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and their new song, new sound!
McNally, Inc.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
This is a short poetic/politic statement. Those in power understand that the pen is mightier than the sword. Where is this pen located? Somewhere between my tongue and two lips. When the words I speak are met with much public approval; that is power. So if I want to maintain my power in the eyes of "My Public" I am going to give your ears what I know they want to hear. Having absorbed all this, you'll be able to better understand the context upon which this article was written.

What the politicians do best--- Courting World Opinion

News is used to justify their views
Understanding political objectives
Controlling minds with disinformation
Letting us think everything is under control
Ending all major offenses on a positive note
Allowing for personal agendas to be camouflaged
Reinforcing a supremacy and will of might, that once (upon a time) really existed

Winning all of their objectives, in the marketplace of world opinion
Attempting to represent the people, having been promoted from rank of attorney
Reinventing the theory of a believing public, despite years of promoting misinformation campaigns to pursue hidden goals
When will the world go BANG!
Anna Alycia Aug 2021
B urn glittering with
L ight,
U nder the starry sky,
E ndlessly as my love.

L oving you are blue,
I ntensely, irately,
G etting more and more.
H opping you
T o see when I'm still burning with light.
Red Fox Dec 2015
Day in,
Day out.

Gambling pool of what I aspire for,
But I don't
Money on the table for what I could be,
But I won't

6 foot 3,
But a home full of Jerseys,
Isn't what I want
A felon with a rap sheet taller than him
Words with meanings, much smaller than him
Who am I?
Can we start over again?

But still a Giant
Has a temper,
But still compliant
Heart of gold,
Always defiant
Eternal war waging,
David Vs Goliath

Proving my mettle,
Harder than it seems
Maverick, something like Kanye,
* Getting Out Our Dreams

Feeling powerless,
But fighting on.
Chasing goals,
Dodging wrongs.
Fuel for today,
*Headphones On
JR Falk Apr 2016
H** esitance overcame me the moment I recognized the feelings.
E ncountering them jogged my memory of what it was like; love.
A lthough the nerves in my body are zipping around, electric,
L etting this happen feels like the most natural thing I can do.
I 'm going to. For reasons I cannot place, there is little to
N o fear in my chest at the thought of you, as you feel like a
G ift. One I've waited far, far too long to accept.
meh. feelin things.
Letting you in
Once more would create this
Void, &
Everything you said I fell for,
Don't ever think I'm  weak  because I became  strong
I once Loved so hard
I became so Strong
Jaylyn Jun 2017
G etting used to the fact that no matter how much we try to talk, you aren't really there
O nly way I can cope is by writing this
N ever would have thought that you would be silent
E very time I was under the impression that you were ok
W hen I asked how I could help, I let you work it out
I n a constant loop
T ired of constantly being sad all the time
H esitant about letting you know how much you hurt me
T entative about telling you what I should have told you that day
H onsetly wondering how I haven't cried every night
W ondering what would have happened if we worked it out
I ndecisive about standing up for myself or just giving up
N ever have been this low in my life
D oubt that you made the right decision leaving me
KI Aug 2019
H e's tired
A nother day passes by
D ictating the cannot be's
E nding each day in tears
N o one ever noticed
O ver and over again
U nderstanding nothing
G etting nowhere
H elping himself a final time
L etting
O urselves
V alue
E achother

— The End —