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Dec 2014 · 492
It's About Twin Children
Tark Wain Dec 2014
There's no simile
no metaphor
no noun, no verb
no adjective unaccounted for
which describes
the sight eye see
when those two I's
look at me
Dec 2014 · 592
3rd Grade Love
Tark Wain Dec 2014
3rd grade love
isn't it sweet
3rd grade love
songs of kindness on repeat

3rd grade love
reserved for you and me
3rd grade love
just sitting in a tree

3rd grade love
come back to me now
3rd grade love
don't let me down

3rd grade love
you'd think i'd leave it in the past
3rd grade love
led me down the same path

3rd grade love
it's never real
3rd grade love
too young to feel

3rd grade love
back when it was just a mystery
3rd grade love
I miss when it was new to me

3rd grade love
maybe you're different
3rd grade love
that much is apparent

3rd grade love
it may not be right
3rd grade love
but please stay with me tonight
Dec 2014 · 412
Tark Wain Dec 2014
We did it
It's all on us
We didn't have chance
nobody believed
I mean why not
We had proven what we could do
We had shown the power of our actions
the system was our enemy
we didn't treat it as such
so when we fought back
we thought the system would back us
it didn't
Dec 2014 · 787
Waiting for your call
Tark Wain Dec 2014
It's 2 am and i'm expecting you to call
but why should you
we haven't talked in ages
it shouldn't change now

I wonder if you miss me
which is stupid
I know you don't
you told me you wouldn't

you said you had to forget about me
that you had to move on
either find someone else
or some thing else

maybe you didn't mean that
but what's the point of thinking that
if you didn't mean it you would have called
before 2 am rolled around

I can't write vivid poetry anymore
I think so logically now
I see every shade of black and white
but i see no color

I'm broken
I'll admit to myself
I'd never tell anybody else
but i'll admit it to myself

is that what you want to hear?
that I'm broken
that you broke me
I think you'd like that

maybe I should just tell you
but if I did that then you'd know
(Wow you're a genius)
I can't let you know

It's possible you have the same thoughts
that you won't tell me I broke you
you're stubborn like me
that's why you shouldn't call
Dec 2014 · 901
My Social Commentary
Tark Wain Dec 2014
I could list the number of people that have been killed by police in the last year.
I could list the number of police that have been killed in the last year.
I could list the number of people that have died with cause in the last year.
I could list the number of people that have died without cause in the last year.
I could do all these things
but it wouldn't matter
because somewhere along the road
we lost our way.

We have battled over the meaning of life
it's freedom!
no it's money!
We have pursued what we set in front of us
with little regard for its effect.
We build amusement parks over graveyards.

Death is unfortunate now
of course when it isn't useful.
Police **** a man and it's symbolism.
A man kills police and it's symbolism.
A white man chides a black man and it's symbolism.
A black man chides a white man and it's symbolism.
it's lazy
it's also unfortunate.

If everything is symbolism
then nothing is.
If we cling to every moment like it's a rock on a cliff
we will fall to our death every single time.
We grasp for the bigger picture
as we fail to see the smaller one.
Everything must mean something
no moment should be lost on us.

it's lazy
it's also unfortunate

What i'm saying is that the meaning of life
is thought
pure unadulterated
back of the head against the pillow
eyes to the ceiling
hand on the heart
mind in the clouds

Thought defies population statistics
thought frees you from the numbers.
Suddenly it doesn't matter how many police died last year
or how many people they killed.
If we think we can observe the issue
or ignore it entirely.
We can do whatever we want
isn't that what life is supposed to be?

But thought requires work
we must view not only both sides to every story
but each degree of the angles in between.
It isn't easy.
It isn't simple
and that's why I think it will never correct itself.
Next year more people will die
because we won't think.

it's lazy
it's also unfortunate.
Dec 2014 · 456
I miss you
Tark Wain Dec 2014
you taught me how to smile
even if i wasnt happy
which leads me to believe
you werent happy when you were with me
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
We are living in Hell
Tark Wain Dec 2014
There are ****** people in the world. There are ****** white people. There are ****** black people. There are ****** mexican people. There are ****** asian people. There are ****** short people. There are ****** tall people. There are ****** smart people. There are ****** dumb people. There are ****** people that act nice. There are ****** people that don't care. There are people on this earth that would punch a disabled child in the face in order to hear them cry. There are people that **** because nothing great was on tv. There are people that **** for money. There are people that **** for power. There are people that would **** a woman and leave her on the side of the street for someone else to deal with. There are people that would beat a child's head in just to see what's on the inside. There are religious people that do awful things. There are non religious people that do awful things. Some people would cut off a cats' paws one by one because they liked the way the purrs changed. Some people would do it regardless of the purrs. There are people that would hack off a mans testicles just to see his face after he realizes what has happened. There are people that just want something for the mantlepiece.

To disagree is stupid. These people exist. Which is why it makes no sense to talk of peace.

When we are clearly living in Hell.
Dec 2014 · 472
The Reality of War
Tark Wain Dec 2014
I watched a war movie once
that was the last time

it is isn't like that
it isn't like that at all
you don't get any last words
any final redeeming syllable
those who are lucky die instantly
those who aren't mutter nothing as they slip away
my buddy didn't have any last words
my face shrouded in light wasn't the last thing he saw

it was a ******* bullet
and notice I never mentioned his name
the media does this to desensitize you
to make 100 deaths feel indistinguishable from each other
his name was Ryan Glass
and he was headed home in 17 days

he did not have a wife
but he had a girlfriend he was beginning to love
he had a son from a past marriage
that was about to turn 6
and was just learning that the man
who drove him to school every weekday wasn't his "real dad"
and now he's excited to meet his father
but Ryan is ******* dead

That's the reality of war
Tark Wain Dec 2014
I think about it all the time.
                                                I wonder if you do too.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Automated Autobiography
Tark Wain Dec 2014
I was born in Princeton University.

2. That's the closest I was to getting in.

3. As a kid I enjoying stuffing round pegs into square holes.

4. I knew it wouldn't work.

5. That comforted me.

6. I grew into jeans I didn't own.

7. So I could stop wearing other jeans I didn't own.

8. Come to think about it I use a lot of things I don't own.

9. I have two parents.

10. My mother used to be anorexic.

11. Now she wishes she was.

12. My father makes a lot of money.

13. Yet he is unsure of whether or not he is successful.

14. He does not want me to make money.

15. He believes he's done enough.

16. I am tired.

17. That's probably because I don't sleep a lot.

18. I am tired of being tired.

19. I doubt the redundancy matters to my brain.

20. I used to want to be an astronaut.

21. I only said that when I looked at the moon.

22. Now I want to work in Tv.

23. Maybe that's because I always watch.

24. I look for inspiration under every rock.

25. All I find is dirt.
Tark Wain Dec 2014
WARNING: Some People Don't Care
WARNING: People Are Not As Close As They Appear
Dec 2014 · 615
Why I Am A Poet
Tark Wain Dec 2014
I do not want to be a poet
it is too hard because
it is too easy
excuse the confusion
what I mean to say is
anyone can write poetry
good poetry is provocative
but think about it

thoughts are provocative
words are provocative
living a prerequisite for both of these things
to live is to experience
to experience is to have stories
and to share those stories
is to be a poet

the saying goes
if you put a team of monkeys in a room
for an infinite amount of time
you will eventually acquire all of Shakespeare's writings
but then again
keep the monkeys in the room for just a minute
and you'll leave with something
that at least resembles poetry

So why write?
why put pen to paper,
finger to key,
or even thought to mind?
Because if I don't no one will
I mean they "will" but not like I can
because although everyone is a poet
I am the only me
Nov 2014 · 703
Word Choice
Tark Wain Nov 2014
I am fascinated with language
with the architecture of words
the way they shift their shape
how a single switch can swing a tone

I am obsessed with possibilities
and those within language are bountiful
this all leads back to my reservoir
the place to which these words flow

that of course is my brain
a non-consenting center of my musings
tasked with taking on
my desires that lie within

the alphabet shocks and disturbs me
26 letters should not be all we need
to script our thoughts
because let it be known

I have searched

rolled every rock in my mind

and I am yet to find any iteration of those 26 letters

that properly describes the feeling of waking up next to you

Tark Wain Nov 2014
Please keep your protests peaceful.
Please keep your lives separate,
Feel free to make them equal.
Please remember that although you believe you are the same as me,
That you will always be three fifths.
Please forget about slavery,  
Shame on us for being so upfront.
Please make your way towards the free seat at the back of the bus.
Please drink from your specified fountain.
Please marry your own.
Please work twice as hard to receive half as much.
By all means fight for what you believe is right but,
Please keep your protests peaceful.
Nov 2014 · 772
A Plane
Tark Wain Nov 2014
Three kids sat side by side on an airplane
First was Jerry
he was six and loved coloring books
he loved how he could make anything
any color he desired
next was his sister Lisa
she was 9 and loved the way music sounded
when she put on headphones
and listened to each note
Lastly was Clara
she was 17 and hardened by the world
she loved her brother and her sister
and not much else

I wanted to end this poem sadly
but the family i've imagined is now so real to me
that I must let the plane land
Nov 2014 · 6.5k
That's a feeling
Tark Wain Nov 2014
A team of black doctors
working to save the life
of a KKK member

That's a feeling

A man shot dead
attempting to stop
the **** of a woman he didn't know

That's a feeling

A man not getting a job
because "He Was Mexican"
even though he grew up in Maine

That's a feeling

A father's gay son
crying at his funeral
even though he was never loved

That's a feeling
Tark Wain Nov 2014
One day I will be a famous poet
for now I write stillborn poems
that die after a line
so I have to delete them
my professor tells me unfinished thoughts
are just as intriguing as finished ones
but they will not make me famous
so I do not need them

One day I will be a famous poet
I will write a one thousand page poem
so long that no one will ever finish it
but they will think everyone has finished it
so one will ask
"Have you read that one thousand page poem?"
and the other will answer
"Yes I have and it was great!"
and then the two will agree
and continue to speak of its greatness
even though neither has read the poem
because if they had made it past page 193
they would have seen that the remaining pages
are just the word "famous" in different fonts
strewn across the page like dandelions
and then I will be famous

One day I will be a famous poet
I will write a poem with no words
with just a title that says "Think"
and people will read it
and they will think
and they will write their own poems
each different and precise
unique in its own way
and they will credit me when they do so
they will say "you made us think"
"you are a genius"
"A great"
and all I would have done
is write one word
a word we all say
and then I will be famous

One day I will be a famous poet
I will write a poem with no ending
And people will proceed to write their own
Because I
Oct 2014 · 773
I Thought About It
Tark Wain Oct 2014
I don't like to think about it
I hate it
I try not to think about it
But do you think trees try to fall down
things happen
regardless of whether they're planned
so last night I thought about it
even though I didn't want to

it kills me
I didn't want it to
I assumed it wouldn't
but trees spend all their lives above the grass
that doesn't mean they think they'll ever touch
I thought about it
and I hate that
and I hate that I hate that I thought about it

I hate that I love you
I hate that I don't fully believe that sentence
I hate that you can feel something
but not be aware that you feel it
I wonder if trees know they'll grow
they always do
but I wonder if they know they will
Is it possible to not know the inevitable?

I wish I could unthink the thought I thought
it kills me
how the thought of you with another man
makes my stomach turn
but the thought of me with another woman
doesn't carry the weight to lift a scale
were trees previously just one branch
until they realized they had other options

I'm using a tree as a metaphor
because I don't want to talk about myself
because I don't want to make this about me
I want the world to cause my problems
but if i'm being honest
which I will be
I am the root of my pain
I just don't want to think about it
Oct 2014 · 8.3k
Statistics Say
Tark Wain Oct 2014
Statistics say
I am smarter than 95% of the people I meet
People say
Intelligence is overrated
Statistics say
I was born into a better situation than 98% of the people I meet
People say
It's not where you start it's where you finish
Statistics say
I will live longer than 94% of the people I meet
People say
Life is fragile
Statistics say
I won't fail
People say
I might
Oct 2014 · 461
Forgotten Persons
Tark Wain Oct 2014
Why am I tired
up until my head hits the bed?
I stumble through the day
waiting for the moment which I lay
and then when it occurs
my mind cannot be curbed
racing through scenarios that won't happen
with people I'll never meet

But every now and then
I think of you
and this is what I don't understand
I roll over again and again
mulling over
our future we have planned
and at that moment it becomes impossible to sleep
so I grab your picture from my nightstand

                                          and quietly begin to weep
Oct 2014 · 8.5k
Two Tulips
Tark Wain Oct 2014
You walked past
the speed of life hit me

Like two tulips touching
because the wind blew
in a certain direction
with a certain strength
that it never had before
pushing those two tulips together
for the first time

but hopefully not the last
Sep 2014 · 777
Tark Wain Sep 2014
When the strings stop strumming
Where does the music go?
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
The Chicken and The Hawk
Tark Wain Sep 2014
There once was a chicken
and there was once a hawk
the hawk would talk
non stop
about his ability of flight
his speed his force
he'd talk so long
the chicken would bash his head against the door

The chicken hated the hawk
hated listening to him talk
the chicken wanted to beat the hawk
so he would no longer have to hear him talk
and then the Rocky music played
as the chicken flapped his wings
up steps sliced out in the sky
till he would reach the top then dive

the chicken became very good at this
though not as good as the hawk
and when the hawk won the race
he would just continue to talk and talk
the chick was sick of it
he fled to his own getaway
feeding on solely chocolate
and liters of gatorade

The chicken consumed
until he couldn't see his toes
he stumbled out his front door
where man found him
unaware of his past
caring just for the fire and not the wood
why the Hawk is fast
and the Chicken tastes good
Sep 2014 · 4.5k
I Do Not Believe
Tark Wain Sep 2014
I don't believe in God
But I believe in faith

I don't believe in miracles
But I believe in hard work

I don't believe prayer works
But I believe prayer heals

I don't believe we need to give
But I believe we should

I do not believe in many things
But I believe in much more
Sep 2014 · 843
Dada Why
Tark Wain Sep 2014
Dada why is that man yelling?
that man on the corner
with the shirt that says "Jesus Hates You!"
why is he yelling Dada
he is there everyday
does he sleep Dada?
does he do puzzles like me Dada?

And why does he yell louder at you Dada?
Did you do something wrong,
did I do something wrong?
Do I need to say sorry?
Why does he hate your rainbow shirt Dada?
I always thought it was really pretty
Why does he tell you to die Dada?
What is death? Is it fun?

He must get lonely on that corner Dada
I get lonely in my room sometimes
he must have nobody to play with
Can I be his friend Dada?
Can I stand on that corner with him?
I'll meet so many different people Dada
And maybe just maybe
that man will tell me why he is yelling
Sep 2014 · 40.4k
Tark Wain Sep 2014
it's an odd word isn't it?
break it down
simple enough
you have your side and you stick to it
but how about the T
that caps off the word
the intersecting lines
almost standing for
intersecting ideals and ideas
I think that's significant
because in this world
people are always loyal
until the end
where going a different direction
                                                                                          is the smart thing to do
Sep 2014 · 560
Tark Wain Sep 2014
30 years from now
our children will ask us why
we let our leaders fight like rabid dogs
I doubt we'll have a sufficient answer
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
This Stick Grew
Tark Wain Sep 2014
A Stick was placed next to another stick
the other stick was taller
in this stick land height was a measuring stick
your height signified your potential
not every stick grew into their young bodies
in fact most didn't
sticks would shrink as they aged
until they had reached what they would be forever

This Stick didn't get it
how was he so short
He was smart, funny, likeable
all the sticks would stick to him
he had to look up to see them
why does no one believe in me
The Stick asked himself at night
no matter, I will prove them wrong

The Stick learned all he could
listened all he could
talked all he could
experienced all he could
The Stick threw himself
in everything he wanted to
and while the sticks around him shrank
This Stick Grew
Sep 2014 · 399
Tark Wain Sep 2014
If you put everything off until tomorrow,
Eventually tomorrow comes.
Sep 2014 · 2.1k
Tark Wain Sep 2014
It's not that
I didn't know what I had
It's just that
I never thought I'd lose it
Sep 2014 · 505
I Didn't Think
Tark Wain Sep 2014
I didn't think something so simple
could move mountains like a glacier
could shape a day like a sculptor
could light a room like a bulb

I thought these things
before I saw you smile
Sep 2014 · 5.8k
A Witness
Tark Wain Sep 2014
I sit here everyday
people pass, people visit
rarely do they speak when they do
imagine that
two people connected by something
yet they can not find the words to communicate
TALK i want to scream
but i can not

for I am just a bench
Sep 2014 · 4.7k
The mailman after 9/11
Tark Wain Sep 2014
At this point I know it's over
They've told us where the plane is heading
I've always thought I'd know what to think if something like this happened
But I'm lost here
I'm not thinking about my beautiful wife
Or my daughter
My parents who will outlive me
Or my friends who are off living their lives

I keep thinking about the mailman
No really I do
How he'll have to go around tomorrow
Passing this tale of tragedy
Gracing my family with statistics
Thousands dead thousands hurt
I feel bad for that mailman
For he will never truly understand the pain he will bring

This mailman does not know my name
He does not know my wife, my daughter,
The man next to me,
My first grade teacher, my first girlfriend
He does not know my dog
He does not know my true dreams or my hopes
My ambitions, my musings, my innermost thoughts
No this mailman only knows he is passing out the paper

Delivering news to millions who do not want it
Sep 2014 · 2.8k
Metaphorical Dust
Tark Wain Sep 2014
Watch the dust dance in the wind
how it's here then gone again
dust never fully disappears
like my love for you
Sep 2014 · 4.5k
Tark Wain Sep 2014
When I press my thumb against the hose
where does all the water go?
Sep 2014 · 793
Dear Your Name,
Tark Wain Sep 2014
here is an anniversary letter
addressed to you
I think ours was last week
chances are this is past due
consider this my vow of affection
for what I write in these next 30 lines
will be my most sincere of words
even if I spoke a billion times

you are not the last thing on my mind
before I go to sleep
or the first thing
when I awake
I do not lust for you like Juliet
your Romeo I'll never be
but Romeo is dead
and I'm as happy as can be

I've loved before
and trust me it's no fun
constant musing about the future
how this one is really "the one"
it's a trial as old as
the woman who's teeth no longer function
love is love is love is...
love is much to do about nothing

and then I found you
with brown eyes and brown hair
simple as the letter k
eyes that looked but didn't stare
maybe you love me
although I hope you don't
maybe you'll think of marriage
although I hope you won't

In Conclusion
I'll bid you adieu
I am not in love with you
and that's what I love most about you
Sep 2014 · 337
The Fly
Tark Wain Sep 2014
the fly danced in front
flew away to never be
seen by me again
Aug 2014 · 18.3k
Blue Eyes
Tark Wain Aug 2014
All words once used
to describe the eyes the color blue
tied together, tried and true
are still nowhere near good enough for you
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Illiterate Alliteration
Tark Wain Aug 2014
Miles match a masterful
portrait portraying
thoughts and things
my mind might miss
while welcoming
some substances that substitute
the traditional thoughts
that once lined my brain
Aug 2014 · 562
Tark Wain Aug 2014
Everything happens for a reason
Said one man to another
that’s ******* you know he responded
and even if that was so
should it be some consolation
should I be amazed by the worlds complexity?
should I applaud the interwoven madness
if the one left out is me?

Does a bull admire a matador’s technique?
Does a building admire the strength of a wrecking ball?
Tell me why the system is great
why I should care about the meaning behind it all
what you have is what you love
and I could never love a theory
I believe in the material
because it’s the only thing my eyes can see

Tell me why my wife died
Was it to save a thousand lives?
because I would **** a thousand more
for one more look into her eyes
Maybe her death
somehow saved my life
well one day I will die
without the comfort of my wife

That’s all it really is my friend
a celebrated rain delay
God’s in his high chair
choosing who will go and who will stay
but eventually we will all leave
despite all the magic this universe has to offer
you believe in faith sir
but sadly I am bogged down in fact

The man was choked up
as he searched for words to answer the other
I did not know your babies mother
but my son did
She pushed him to safety from a car
taking the impact that was meant for him
so while I'm sorry for your loss friend
there is a reason behind everything
Aug 2014 · 398
Tark Wain Aug 2014
Being great
it's something I never think about
some people aren't meant to be great
some people are
that's just the way things go
but what if that wasn't true
what if greatness didn't actually
come to those who wait
but rather those who wanted to be great
who strived to be great
hell! who needed to be great
what if greatness wasn't reserved for the lucky few
but rather the deserving few
what if we sell ourselves short
before we even get to the cashier
what if our potential isn't something
that should be constantly ignored
pushed away to make others feel comfortable
what if
I think it's better to not ask those questions
but rather to put your head down
ignore everyone's advice
and do what makes you happy

greatness it turns out is just a caveat
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Long Road
Tark Wain Aug 2014
I'm heading down a long road
Where the destination is known
Where the journey is calculated
Where the grass is well kept

I'm heading down a long road  
A longer road than I've traveled before
To a place I've never been
Where hopefully there is a place for me

I'm heading down a long road
With no intention to return
To the place where I was born
Where my welcome is worn

I'm heading down a long road
Focused on what lies beyond
I take one last look behind me
Until the fork is all I see
Aug 2014 · 852
Tark Wain Aug 2014
from you to me
seem like a distant memory
I can't look into your eyes
partly because
I'd break down
but also because
you won't let me see you again
and I care about you
more than a father
and his first son
and in return
you toss me out the nest
like a mother bird
throwing her baby
to it's a eventual death
maybe you just expect me to fly
I guess it doesn't matter now
fool me once...
and so the story goes
"That's life"
you said when you left me
but does it have to be?
does life have to be anything we don't want
we have enough money
enough wisdom
enough anything to do what we want
why must I live through strife
why can't I write my own book
which mind you
if I was the protagonist
you'd be the love interest
and the antagonist
you're the only one
outside of me
that has a pull on me
you drag me to the dirt
like a lasso to a cow
and only pull harder
when I scream ow
you don't love me
although you say you do
that's life I guess
and from now on mine's without you
Aug 2014 · 749
Man on the Bus
Tark Wain Aug 2014
There's a man on the bus
who I had never really noticed much
except for knowing that I hadn't noticed him much
I think we all have those people
he always had sunglasses and a coat on
even when it was hot out he'd be all covered up
he intrigued me
and I wasn't sure why he just did

one day I stayed on the bus route
yet the man remained on the bus
I thought nothing of it until I did it again
the man never moved
so I tested him
each day waiting longer and longer
never once did the man
leave his seat and walk off the bus

it intrigued me
where could he be going
where could he be coming from
did he have a wife?
any kids? a job? a life?
I had to ask him before I began to crack
it turns out he was just
the bus drivers coat rack
Aug 2014 · 567
Fuck This Wall
Tark Wain Aug 2014
**** this wall
this godforsaken tower of bricks
with my every move and motion
the mountain stretches and shifts
I step right
it follows
I step back
it swallows
I turn my head up and wallow
at this wall that controls me
it's not that I can't move forward
it's just that I can't go anywhere else
this wall is just a road block
so I must get off this road
and where the new one will take me?
nobody knows
Aug 2014 · 7.1k
The Emperor's New Gun
Tark Wain Aug 2014
The Emperor left his palace
with something shiny on his shoulder
it weighed as much as an apple
but was the size of a boulder
it was the greatest weapon
his workers could build
the town awaited its appearance
even though they had foot the bill

Amazing said the scholar as the emperor passed
so much power but such little weight
this right here can save a country
what you hold will educate
we will teach people
and they will listen
and if they won't
we will show them this weapon

splendid said the old lady as the emperor trotted by
I have been waiting all my life for this
we must end all wars
that is my dying wish
now we can do that
we can fight off the opposition
and make sure peace reigns
while our leaders stay in top position

I don't get it said the kid and the emperor stopped
what could you not understand about my gun?
the boy answered this world is full of idiots
and while you are surely not one
there are people out there
who would **** for that gun
let's not act like one large weapon
can change everybody under the sun
what's more likely is that it will only amplify
the issues that should be regional
we'll proclaim "Our gun is big!"
to justify that our choice is final
the bigger the gun
the more people it could ****
and the more people that can die
the more people that will
Aug 2014 · 662
Goodbye to Goodbye
Tark Wain Aug 2014
The poison needle dances around my skin
like a cobra taunting its prey
it makes slight contact then drifts away
but I know it will return
I close my eyes
and wait for it to strike
I can't bear to watch
as my body falls under its spell

your lips dare to touch mine
while your eyes avoid the same
you want to touch me
not feel me
we're wrong for each other
we've agreed as such
but lets forget about the past and the future
if just for tonight
Aug 2014 · 905
A Drunken Epiphany
Tark Wain Aug 2014
I am God
a silent watcher of the night
a flaming-winged pegasus
a steel coated honorable knight
I am the moon that pulls the tides
the sun that illuminates the earth
I am power, constantly craved
I am money and all it's worth

I am all these things
because I am me
overrate yourself
no one else will
Aug 2014 · 4.1k
Illuminati Detraction
Tark Wain Aug 2014
People who want to see the Illuminati
are so eager to believe
that a third party
can determine what they achieve
So intrigued by the concept of mortality
that they perceive
that someone other than themselves
would be willing to deceive
in order to strip them of their humanity
to gain gold or power or fame
never really taking into account
that these people don't know their name
that at the end of the day
no matter what you say
one day we will all die
and all that gold and power and fame won't stay
Aug 2014 · 696
Infrequent Reminder
Tark Wain Aug 2014
Sometimes I have to remind myself
that just because the years have changed
it doesn't mean
the person has
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