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pri Oct 2018
your music -both of your music is resounding,
as i try to make my words beautiful
when all the while they’ve just been readable.
you pile small words into loving strings and blocks,
you put music in my ears and show me
that which brings you joy.
do i bring you joy?
i want to bring you basket-fulls of it.

you are not what i should allow -i cannot allow you to reside in these corners of my mind,
which are supposed to hold the tall tanned forms of men and the awkward and gangly boys
who play in the schoolyard.
they’ve run off to shoot their basketballs, tap their thumbs against their screens,
really i don’t need them to feel soft butterflies in my stomach,
they’ll never have the incandescent butterflies in me for their own,
they can’t deserve it.

these uneven strands, like paper beads in front of the pale moon,
glowing above the waters of a small village,
are heartfelt and wonderful,
like the declarations i imagine are given there,
where the rest of the world meets the scintillating fireflies and slow dreams on slow river canoes.
can you imagine us, if our brains were not so worried about soaring ahead -if we had time to experience those in-between moments that allowed us to fall in love?

but we have no in-between moments,
even though i delude myself every night, dreaming of a day when i put my pencil down,
and allow myself see you -sitting next to me while eating, your warm voice on the phone laughing softly in my ear,
you laying next to me while watching the stars -ever distant as always,
just as much of a mystery to me as the map of the night sky and it’s burning stars, spinning clouds,
and utter cold.

each delusion has become a beautiful memory, a twisting mystery.
a soft touch to the face, brushes of hands. could you be in love,
or was it just that i was your favorite girl -today? or were you brave?
do you miss me? my large eyes want to drink you up, and allow myself to imagine us,
doing more than brushing hands and painting each other’s faces over and over and over again,
until we’ve made masterpieces out of words and feather-light wanting.
been working on this for a while. inspired by the feelings i have about two girls that i'm trying to sort out.
c Oct 2018
I’ve been thinking
About how people
Used to write

They’d send them
Across the sea
And wait.

One month.
Three months.

But so much
Can happen in a week
Much less
A month.

We each have a clock
With an unknown.

Minutes that countdown,
minutes we’ve wasted.

An indefinite supply
Of a definite number.

Tell people
What you would write
If you knew
Something would happen
In the month you waited
For a reply.
We Aren’t Promised Tomorrow, But We Make Plans For It Anyway
Enigmatic Oct 2018
Stinging you with her electric eyes
This is your turn to lose the prize
For you shall burn
For you shall never return
Your heart can not depart the roses, you lay a bed
Thorns shall ***** you but this is not your moment to cry
This is not your moment to scream why
For she is taking the steps you can not reach
Reach for your despair, scream this just isn't fair
But she shall not turn around
Bury yourself deep in the ground
For she is unleashing her round of the hounds
Allen James Oct 2018
I want the kind of love,
That's just as real as pain,
The kind you don't recover from,
Nor want to anyway,
An elated sense of presence,
Like needles through a hand,
Breathing at the mercy,
Of my heart's every command,
The rush of pure adrenaline,
When stepping on a nail,
How it grabs my blood's attention,
And keeps my armor frail,
And if I should be so lucky,
To have the state of sharp pain linger,
I hope one day you'll meet me,
The way a hammer meets a finger.
Cardboard-Jones Oct 2018
I’ll hold you tight
Like a memory you think of when you’re low.
You don’t let go,
Smiling and singing ‘til your heart is full.
We’re slow to realize how quickly life can change
And how fast these days roll by.
It’s like a tidal wave and we’re just floating on.
So let’s look to the sky and know
We still have tonight.

As the fire dances on,
I can see us in the flames.
So vibrant, so alive.
Oh I’d write it out on paper to remember everything,
From all the days and nights we shared
But I’m so lost inside this moment
I hope I’m never found.

After tonight
I’ll be alone again driving home beneath the star light.
When all that’s left of you is your scent,
These memories will get me through the days.
Whisper to me what you swore you’d never say.
I’m hanging on every word.
The hardest tears and the hardest years ahead,
But I look to you now
And feel so safe in your eyes.
tobi Oct 2018
if you rush through life
only looking toward something inthe future
you’re going to find
that when that moment comes
the only thing you will feel
is regret
blushing prince Oct 2018
morning dew drops on your collar
impressing me with the zealous way the seasons drastically measure the moment it takes me
to reach forwards and brush it off
liquid winter falling onto a ***** cement
the initials 'F T' written jaggedly into the cold stone of asphalt
i wait for it to disappear, for the flicker of everything gone to fade from my vision
but it passes too quickly
i look back up and there's no one around
the street is empty and the capricious wind has ceased
a sucker for patterns i walk into a fabric store and feel my hand linger on the erratic linens
fingers paused on the peach organza sprawled like a pink bubblegum sea
and i am swept into the manic fantasies of wearing the sheer tissue-like textile into
the abdomen of your sweaty palm and sinking like a sticky sweet stripe
until you put your hand in your pocket and i spend a year inside melting
into the every thread and curve of your jean until it is nothing but disgusting sugar
everything i could be when i am hidden from sight in the dark caverns of denim pants
who knew the tongue in cheek joke would be nothing but my tongue in your mouth
touching all the way up your gums  
find me sweltering beneath the uvula wondering if i could go back
to the time i found that girl with the mountain logo sweatshirt who whistled between her teeth and hummed all the reasons i should skin my knee and kiss the salty wound because there's no greater pleasure than knowing you don't have to wait for that morning dew drop to fall from their ******* collar
Apporva Arya Oct 2018
Life is a game,
Made for all.
Each moment is its level,
Step up to rise above of all.

We found,
In war who we are,
In love who we can be.
Both hurt us,
But shape our destiny.

Win or live,
Run or crawl,
Make it to the end,
The Almighty is with you all.

Rinse your eyes,
See beyond these skies.
Leave down your worries,
Fly high,
And feel the paradise.

Listen to the mind,
But follow your heart.
Because life will go on,
No matter you lived it
Or just survive.
Haters gonna hate,players gonna your life man.. Good luck!
georgia sophie Oct 2018
everything can change in a fleeting moment
lives lost in seconds
in this moment you are alive
take it not for granted
Poetic T Sep 2018
A word can save
another day
           for someone to see the
brightest side of the darkness.

For within syllables
                      are meanings
that unconsciously re-ravel
              that last thread.

And they awake to another
not realising that single word
  yesterday brightened there day.
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