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winter sakuras Sep 2018
In the clear, calm stillness
of a chilly winter night,
where the stars twinkle
like icy diamonds in a
dark sapphire blue sky,
I feel the crisp, cold breeze
ruffling my hair and brushing
my cheeks,
hear the soft crunches of
freshly fallen snow beneath my shoes,
I look up to see twirling snowflakes
falling softly down upon the earth,
each one's intricate design
shimmering in the pale moonlight,
I catch them and peer at their
delicately crafted beauty,
but then suddenly they vanish,
leaving me alone, and wishing
that I too could vanish
along with them
and leave my presence to be mourned.
Jolan Lade Sep 2018
I'm sorry I had to leave you, brother.
Brother, I'm sorry I was not by your side, that November evening when mother took her last breath.
Brother, I'm sorry I was not with you by the side of fathers bed, that April night, when cancer carried him away.
Brother, I'm sorry I was not present to enjoy the beautiful moment you made me an uncle, that sunny day in June.
Brother, I'm sorry I could not be there to give you a hug
when she left you that cold December noon.
Brother, I'm sorry I was somewhere else, and let you mourne alone, that dark January morning
when the fever took your little baby boy.
Brother, I'm sorry I was not there to stop you
that foggy February morning you decided to take to an end.

But brother, ever since you were 6, and I 10
I've been waiting for you here
Here to welcome mother, the day she slept in
Here to greet father, when cancer delivered him
Here to take care of your little boy
Here to give you that hug you need, and to tell you I know, because I've been in your heart, all the way
You are not lost, brother, you are clearing a path
John Sep 2018
Then I looked to my right, again.
The meandering wind, and the tall branches were still there.
So was the gloomy sky.
And her.
Tranquil as it was, I felt a bit of panic setting in,
There was always a bit of unsettledness about something so peaceful.
As if it will be taken away any instance now, showing me once again
That stability is temporary. Solitude is temporary. And solace,
Is temporary.

And I looked on, scared to turn to my left
Because the moment I turn away, everything will vanish.
This moment will pass.
And I will forget.
For that is its beauty.
Soon, all this will just be freckles in my memory.
A shadow of the moment that is in front of me.
When I remember her smile, will I be able to remember how it made me feel?
If I do, will I be able to remember her grace?
And if that too, her aura?

See. I told you.
There is a bit of danger in all things beautiful.

I looked to my left.
Should I die now, I'll have regrets.
A M Ryder Sep 2018
A storm and the stars
Everywhere it would
Echo the song
Of sheltering silence

The dream of
What's ahead
The dawns, how
They turn into days
Fate, the blissful chase

Enduring crosses
Completely, These
Of the heart
Even the nearest
Moment is far
If I had to pick any moment in time to be in,
the only time I'd ever pick is now,
because this is the time with you in it.
No other moments matter because it all seems so empty before you showed up,
and now that you're here, everything has gotten brighter,
and I get to look forward to the next day,
just because I know you'll have at least a small part in it.
I'll keep going on through time,
traveling the only way I'm allowed,
but now that my life has it's sunshine,
my present and future are something that I'll enjoy for the rest of time,
and I'll never have another moment I'll want to miss.
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I used to tear open my skin to release the pain inside
The addictive, luring touch of tools used to split open wrists
It was the only thing that felt right to do in times of despair
Loneliness and despondency clung to me like gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe
The only thing I could ever focus on was dragging a sharp object across my thin arms
That was me

Two years back on one April night I found a new shiny object
Tore it across my skin to numb a pain I can't quite remember now
Of course I did not realize that new objects have sharper touches
I went too deep...
I panicked like I was being pushed off a building, a fight to stay alive
Isn't it crazy how you think you want to die and the moment the possibility of death is in front of you, you battle to live?
I ran halfway up the stairs and stopped, too afraid to admit what I had done to myself to someone that would help
So I took matters into my own hands
Cleaned and treated the wound like I was a surgeon
Bandaged and kept that part of me free from any harm
The fact that it probably needed stitches scared me
I've never cried harder that memorable night
I will never forgive myself

Two years later down the road
I love myself and I feel like a ray of sunshine all the time
Light radiates from me whenever I can do it
I've never been so on the positive side of things
And I did, I did forgive myself
Two years later and the scar has still not faded to a white line
I hated it. I hated looking at it continuously day after day
I was ashamed
I tried to love that part of me but I couldn't
It was so hard

And in between getting better and holding on to the past
I experienced heartbreak for the first time
I swore he was the one
And he broke me into pieces like I was nothing
I hated everything
Why didn't anyone want me or love me?
No one showed up to save me
So I started to love myself instead

Today, September 20, 2018, I realized my worth
Today I looked down at the reminder of hard times
Today it has almost completely faded
Sometimes you don't even realize the moment you heal
But you do
I promise you that you will heal
Ryan Holden Sep 2018
Chaos created,
The wonderful effect, of
Happier moments.
Star BG Sep 2018
Each day, in breath I climb a mountain of words.
Letters being like dirt spread below feet.
Pen like staff carrying me upward.

Each morning at daybreak, I climb gracefully.
Streams of word currents drift on pond like page.
Birds echo as catalyst to bond with life’s gift.

Each moment with force, I dance on word peaks.
Sun’s rays mix with endless possibilities.
Gratitude fills lungs, as balance anchors.

Until, top is reached to end poem with gratitude.
Until, voice sings and peace is mine.
Inspired by communication with
Eleanor Prince
Thank you.
Aditya Sep 2018
Here come’s One,
Here come’s Another,
No matter where I Run,
It appears for me to Rediscover.

Obscured through Habit,
Neglected by Thought,
Cruising through life on this Planet,
Like a bulb with zero Watts.

When the sun shone Bright,
And a breeze attempted to Gratify,
The only thing in Sight,
Was the endless work on Standby.

The past transpired Yesterday,
The future persists to be Elusive,
Heedlessly breathing Away,
The Present Moment departed Illusive.
If your life is running on Autopilot, STOP!
Don’t let Yesterday use up too much of TODAY &
Let Tomorrow remain a Mystery to Cherish in the NOW.
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