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Josiah Wilson Feb 2014
Here I stand
With the world in my hand
Yet somehow I feel so empty...

Covered in blood
This doesn't feel as it should
This victory feels so empty...

My armies flood the plains
Trampling bodies of the slain
And yet, I am alone

Above the crowd
I stand tall and so proud
But I am hollow inside,
Left with no fight
cr May 2014
i called you at 4 am with mascara
tears and bloodied knuckles grasping
a quivering cell phone in the
rain; you drove three hours
in the middle of a storm to hold
me close and claimed you'd never
let me be alone again.

Daylight 4U2C May 2014
People diein' on the streets.
****** puddles at our feets.

But we could be a family.
We could be a whole.
We could be together.
But no one could be cold.

If we could live on an island,
no hate,
no guns,
no war.
We'd look back and wonder,
what was it all for?

People diein' on the streets.
****** puddles at our feets.


We sit at desk,
eating or eaten.
we laughed at or laughing.
beating or bleedin'.

We know the truth, but call it cruel.
The cruel one is we, the blind fool.

People diein' on the streets
****** puddles at our feets.

Who shot the most guns?
Who then killed them all?
Who didn't mind a casualty?
Who could be responsible?

"Not me!" we cry,
"I'm a good soul."
But even if we declined,
can I be told where they go?
No one WANTS to die. For someone to do it, there will be an opponent. A THREAT.    That's what this poem is about.
i Apr 2014
police are coming,
and we are high and drunk,
again, with **** in our
pockets and handcuffs on
our ****** wrists,
but i still love you.
i Apr 2014
she was acting like summer
and walking like winter.
she was cold blooded and alone,
another lonely broken heart.
her hopes and dreams were crashed
and reasons to live vanished.
crystal eyes, long brown hair,
lovely smile and pure soul,
that's the girl that went through it all.
through all the battles that came into her life,
through all the tears that made her die inside,
through everything that step in the way,
she went through it all.
and is it the last battle for her now,
to jump and die or run away and cry.
go darling,
cry it all out,
just don't spent the night in the dark cold forest,
which shall birds fly over your head
and take a look at your lonely heart.
in there you're just a soul,
another misguided ghost,
walking on ****** leaves.
i Apr 2014
on my couch,
alone again,
with a cup of tea in
my ****** hands
and a book next to me,
whose pages are missing.
the pleasingly bitter taste
hits my tongue and
i am re-born again.
this poem is just how tea calms you and you feel like a new person after drinking it. at least that's how i feel.
Breach of Trust Apr 2014
The moon is casting,
Light upon the floor.
Where I lay waiting,
For the knock upon the door.

For men in suits,
With ******* boots,
Who will take me away for sure.

Because the moon is casting,
Light upon the blood stained floor.
Where I lay beside him grinning,
Beside my husbands corpse.

— The End —