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Pdub May 2017
The shadow person is back.
With the shadow hat and cloak and blanket that makes you oh so comfortable.
Forever inviting, to a place you swore you wouldn't return.
I'm still here existing.
Blowing the dust off the happy mask to wear.
So the shadow person can have me.
Who know's when the sun will rise in my eyes again,
Maybe a week, or two.
I think the shadow person knows, but he keeps secrets for quite some time.
Pdub Apr 2015
If the bud of the rose soon
Dries and dies apart on the ground
Is it better to clip it at the source?
Or is it better to bloom unbound?
Pdub Jan 2015
Life is not a blur
It's a whirl
You know you're spinning
But there's no stopping it
The whir of the vortex
Is my White Noise
That only I can hear
And only I understand.
Pdub Sep 2014
the best day of my summer
was of course, spent with you.
yet all we did that day,
was nothing new.

we went to lunch
at the end of the pier,
surrounded by ocean
Catalina was clear.

you took something from me that day
without your knowledge.
i did the same to you-
we needn't acknowledge.

since that day on the sea,
i've not been the same.
i gave you my heart,
and you gave me your key.
Pdub Feb 2015
If ever the day comes
Where I am at peace
And whole
I know then that
My heart may find
It's gold.
Pdub Sep 2014
I walked along a sturdy path I knew would serve me well.
But the little girl thought differently, only time would tell.
She took some leaps and fell down hard, wishing for some help.
Yet her secret desire, was to acquire what she had lost in the hand she  was dealt.
The young girl believed she had to persist.
And in the end, she was happy again (a twist).
But happy to her was far below what she desired.
Because the little girl wandered off the path that would guide her.
Pdub Dec 2014
You taught me what love is
At such a young age
Now that it's over
I have you to blame
Pdub Sep 2014
The thing about twilight
(That's oh so blue)
Is the moment no time lapses,
And I'm together, with you.
dream love longing desire life relationships death night
Pdub Nov 2014
Too many times I wonder
If the life I live is true..
Full of hope and disappointment
An avalanche, without rule.
When I'm conflicted in my mind,
I only ask myself one thing:
If the life I lead is happy,
Why question what will be?
Pdub Jul 2017
To you, my true, my sweet--
Your love once kept me safe
In the misery I keep.

Your touch, like fireflies,
On a warm Winter's night,
Now hangs in the hollows
Of the dreams I hold inside.

The sun may beam and glow
Day by Day
But without you by my side,
I only see the looming clouds;
Gray. Gray. Gray.
Pdub Jan 2015
As I drift through life without you
I know a dose of you isn't far
When I tilt my head up
And wish on the stars
I'll forever be wishing for you.
Pdub May 2017
I can never tell you what you mean to me. For you to see the truth in my words, in my position, will be a stretch. I know you view the world with jaded rosy glasses. But you like them. They still fit. They're comfortable. I get it. Perhaps that is the chasm that I couldn't see from the beginning. Because I forgot my glasses. I saw everything. And now everything is upside down, spinning. Has it always been this way? I panicked. I'm paranoid. I've been hurt, deeply, too many times. I was a doormat for so long I became one, to my core. And that's when I knew. Break it off now, there's no way it'll be reciprocated-it never is. I thought you would be the one to prove me wrong, but I fooled myself. Because you fooled me. The ******* hormones in my brain were having such a good time getting to know each other that they forgot where the hell they put the keys and where they were going and what year it is. How? Why? When?

My soul sings for you. It cries for you. But you will never know this. I tried to walk confidently on the frozen lake, but you were quick to remind me that our weight together will make us fall in. Apart, a small distance, we can be together. But only sometimes for a short while.

Do you know I love you? I am, truly, in love with you. But hey, I don't know how 'serious' you'll take me. I'm just a silly blonde girl. Like the blonde you dated for a month before me that felt the same way. We're all the same to you. Our love? It's something dreams are made of. Ethereal is the only word in this world that comes close.

All I know, is that I'm done. I'm done in the way that scares me inside. Because I'm not alone now. My shadow friend is back. I haven't seen him in two ******* years. Can't say I've missed him, but he's back here now. The ball isn't even in your court. I think we both lost the ball, or maybe, just maybe, the ball left us.
Pdub Dec 2014
It's a full moon tonight,
My favorite night each month.
Because all the faces hiding in the dark,
Are illuminated at once.
Pdub Sep 2014
Is the greater evil in that of knowing?
Or is the lesser evil in the known?
To know the difference would be a delight,
but alas for now, I say goodnight.
night thoughts dreams love
Pdub Dec 2014
I was elated today
High on my own demise
Only to realize,
I'm not entirely surprised.
It's you who's brought me back here
To a place I visited once before
It's nothing you could image—
Darker than before.
It's all making sense
And come full circle once more
You saved me from myself
Before this all began
You haven't a clue what you've done
But that's the beauty
We were never planned.
Pdub Sep 2014
I miss waking up to you in the morning sun

That beams and shines through the pane--touching your eyes.

You await for me to awake
With your soft, subtle, grace.

A lonely man still wakes in the morn,
I miss waking up to you
My kindred soul.
Pdub Sep 2014
That's it; the stare.

Knowing I was done for,
     right here, right there.

Your eyes mesmerized my paralyzed life.

And gave me the courage to not blink once,
     but twice.
Pdub May 2015
Even in my depths of despair
I was never unlucky
Loving you
Pdub Nov 2014
There's a black hole
where my heart used to be.
Emotions, such a *****.
Pdub Dec 2014
We're blissfully blind
to everything
but our heartbeats.
For you.
Pdub Dec 2014
If I were deaf,
Could you still sing to me?
If time stopped,
Would you walk with me to eternity?
In your dying breath,
Will you remember me?
Because sweetie, I won't forget you.
Pdub Sep 2017
there is still love after your death
that trickles from my tears
and the sound my string quartet makes
from the symphony where my heart once lay.

there is still life after your loss
though the flowers aren't quite as vivid
and the way the sun beams peak from the clouds
no longer chokes up a sense of joy, but sorrow.

there is still chaos from the clarity, that was you--
no matter the love
no matter the life
and no matter the heartbeat, it's not you.

no joy will suffice like the melted time
and melted lives we once knew.

if there is still love after your death,
why must the sun run from the moon?
Pdub Feb 2015
Even when you're not with me
You eat at me inside
You're a bottled up poison
I hope to keep
**Til I die
Pdub Jan 2015
No words can ever suffice
For the sorrow in your soul.
Pdub Oct 2014
I'm exceedingly afraid of the day-
I gaze into someone's eyes,
and see a new future entice,
where my reflection once dwelled.
For someone new, and dear.
Pdub Apr 2015
Nothingness hugs me
Nothingness puts me to sleep
Nothingness understands me
Nothingness lets me weep
Nothingness is my enemy
Nothingness is my everything
Nothingness isn't you
Nothingness is always me.
Pdub Dec 2014
If only you knew how strong my desire for you is—
You'd runaway,

With me.
Pdub Dec 2014
You made me love you
Don't you see?
Pdub Sep 2014
I crave your soft caress--
Outlining the valleys and hills
       on my supple skin.

I crave your hands and fingertips--
Intertwined in mine.

I crave your kisses--
You give upon my forehead,
when I'm half asleep in a dream of you.

I crave your breath--
As you breathe in mine.
Pdub Mar 2015
Like a warm breeze
that's kissed my cheek,
You creep into my heart
in the corner that's weak.
Pdub Dec 2014
The trouble with reality is:
To live we must be plugged in
To breathe we need perfume
To function we o.d. on coffee
To love we use "ILY"
The trouble with reality is
That we can't change it at all
For the reality we are living in
Is a house with cyber walls.
Video killed the...
Pdub Mar 2015
I want to tell you I love you,
Among other things-
That I'm no longer waiting
For our time to be again...
I want to hear you say it
That you can't live without me.
Yet I can't evade this darkness
That consumes the new skin
On me.
I've met someone new. Would you be happy too?
Pdub Oct 2014
I lie half awake, still dreaming of you.
Your aura calms me,
enables me to see.
All of which I've wanted,
is now in front of me.
Pdub Mar 2015
The sweet gust of flame
comes and tickles my nose,
the scent of the same candle
we will both always know...

I wonder what you're up to,
when I look at the moon,
like the slightly cloudy nights
when I was standing beside you...

Like the flame that flickers
as the candle is soon to go out,
my love for you fluctuates
from distant memories, to now...

What clouds my thoughts most,
is not the web we wove,
but how we should move forward,
in this garden of thorns.

To pretend we're both happy
would be deceiving to both;
Should the rose be cut for pleasure?
Or should the rose be left to grow?
Like I say, I HATE love.
Pdub Dec 2014
Once you start to miss me,
I'll be long long gone.
You had your chance to prove it—
With time, you thought wrong.
I wanted many a time to tell you,
But in good conscience
I knew it was just I.
I'm not one to be foolish,
But I simply cannot say goodbye.
I'll still be missing you, even though I shouldn't
Pdub Oct 2014
What is the point of the morning,
Without the morning dew?
What is the reason for rain,
Other than to wash and anew?
Can there be a life
Beyond the one you feel?
Is there another place in your mind
That can be just as real?
Pdub Feb 2015
I'm not worried you'll forget me
I'm afraid I'll never forget you
Not that I want to
Not that I will
All I know is I love you

Pdub Feb 2015
Part I:
I, on the shore, so longing to dive in
Felt your race car fast waves
As they licked at my skin.
I must admit, I was afraid
Of what the murkiness hid
But what intrigued me more
Was how should I run in

Part II
Immersed in the water
Both frigid and wild
I felt a calm sense of self
A peace, an everlasting smile
Basking in your glow
We fed off each other's auras
What is the tide without the Moon?
The ocean without it's shores?

Part III
Shivering, teeth clenched
I was unprepared for this swim
I only wanted my feet wet
Now I'm left alone to fend
It's not the ocean I despise
For leaving me questioning and cold
It's the reminder of the choice I made
To race into the unknown.
The only way to describe our love
Is by a meticulously mixed metaphor.
Pdub Feb 2015
I dream every night of you,
of us,
*Do you?
I can't escape you
Pdub Nov 2014
I catch myself, at times, stuck inside my thoughts and dreams...

For my dreams are where we're together forever—

Where I can create anything for the time being.

I dream of smiles everlasting,
And creating bundles of joy.

I dream of our lives together,
Intertwined for all time sake.

I dream of no one else's arms
Otherwise my heart would break.

I dream of growing old with you
Forever gazing in your eyes...

I dream of staring into eternity
Without ever saying goodbye.

I dream of nobody else anymore
For you have seemed to make—

My dreams are all I desire to have
So please, never let me wake.
I happily sleep a third of my life away with you...
Pdub Feb 2015
Waking up this morning
Dreams dancing vividly in my mind
The kiss of reality snuck in
And with that kiss, our inevitable
Pdub Mar 2015
How shall I move forward
When I'm neither heartbroken
Nor happy?

*The ink that poured from my soul
Has been stolen by this drought.
Pdub Feb 2015
Drifting through this realm
That we dwell
Never did I believe
Or imagine
Our souls would cross
And align, so well
Once a lone ghost
In this cold reality
We call home
I can only hope for your return
But for now, we remain
Pdub Sep 2014
This moment I'll keep with me forever,    
       and there's nothing you can do.

Glancing over at the shore-
I see home,
I see my past,
but I don't see you.

Looking out on the horizon, the colors drip from the sky--
       melting into one another, kissing the day goodbye.

To you I turn, frolicking in the waves.
You needn't say a word, I soak up your embrace.
You laugh at me and smile, nothing can wipe the grin from your face.

I'm enraptured by your aura,
You had me before you knew.
My soul is drawn to your spirit-
The one light I see that's true.

For this moment is all I've wanted, and there's nothing you can do--
     But enjoy this moment with me, and carry it on with you.
Pdub Oct 2014
Let my love cloak you,
and keep you safe from your sins.
Pdub Jan 2015
Love is a transcending force–beyond this world's bounds it creeps through the crevices of your soul, staining your heart forever.

Love can give you more than you could fathom: joy, happiness, fulfillment. Yet what is so beautifully extraordinary about love, is that it is also capable of the worst kind of soul ripping sorrow unlike any other.

To love, is to make a promise to another, and yourself, to always acknowledge within you to respect the capability of it's power.

It is not something that can be discarded, or forgotten, which is why losing love is a reminder of a reality you never thought possible, or is greater, a fleeting reality as sublime as dreams.
Soul mates stay with you, even if you don't.
Pdub Feb 2015
The fortuitous meeting
Of the Sun and the Moon
Makes the distance now between us
Not something so blue
While we do not orbit
Around the same home
When we do align
We are at last, whole.
Pdub Oct 2014
You rattle me to my core.
i tremble;
i fear;
what I desire-
is what you desire.
Happy to say there are good people still out there!
Pdub Nov 2014
May the bridges I burn
Remain that way
Dwelling on the past only brings you down
Pdub Nov 2014
When did you get to decide
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