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Pdub Dec 2014
I feel so deeply
For everything that is fleeting.
Permanance is never
A reoccurrence in my life.
I have adapted to this being
In my bones and my flesh.
I am the one that's fleeting
Forever wondering
What it is I have left.
I float through my days
As you count your blessings.
There's nothing worse
Than forgetting to make memories.
I feel so deeply
For everything that is fleeting.
I still am left to question
Why am I always the one leaving.
Thoughts about my current thoughts
Pdub Nov 2014
I can see it in your teardrop eyes-
That hesitate to look away.
I can feel it when you grab me closer
When I'm half asleep.
I can hear it when you trail off,
And exhale all your worries away.
This thing they call love
Isn't fleeting,
For with me it shall stay.
Pdub Sep 2014
Empty, shattered, cold inside.

"But where to fly?"

I die.  The weight inside is hollow at best.
But where does one wander, at a wanderer's best?

Through the footprints of strangers lost in the night?
Or at their own discourse, a wanderer's delight!

But wait, alas, I've forgotten my shoes.
It's hard to travel when you have traveler's blues.
hate love relationships lost soul travel dream night
Pdub Feb 2015
Take my hand—
I know walking into eternity is daunting,
But it's where our souls,
Can finally be,
To my Valentine
Pdub Jan 2015
Our love
Like a dying star
Burned brightly for too long
Until it slipped away
Into the abyss
Of eternity
Our love will never die. It simply is.
Pdub Nov 2014
I thought you were an honest man—
I thought wrong.
Maybe it's not honesty we seek, but the ability to no longer doubt what we have.
Pdub Nov 2014
You entered my life as a friend
And will leave as a foe...
Because friends once in love
Can't be friends. So—

I'll start again, and meet someone new.
An old way to distract,
from the foe I once knew.
Yet you'll always be there,
Distant, from me.
Until you realize
I'm the piece you need.
I will never meet another's arms I fit in so well. That, that alone, I will miss.
Pdub Nov 2014
We met with smiles,
And we will end in tears...
Forever missing you.
Pdub Oct 2014
I'm gazing into eternity,
A vast, empty, void.

I'm gazing into my future,
Filled with hopes and joys.

I'm gazing into my reality,
And ever changing scenes.

I'm gazing into your eyes,
And finally, I can see.
Pdub Jan 2015
What's the point of it all?
If things we hold on to for dear life
Eventually slip through our very fingertips

Misinterpreting the highs as an impossible forever
And the lows as mistakes and flukes

What's the point of it all?
My mind seems stuck on repeat
With the questions you left tucked in my soul.
Pdub Dec 2014
I will always love you,
Even though we cannot be
Letting love come and go is easier said, than done.
Pdub Sep 2014
The hot, wet, tears fall down my face.
At first they roll, then they race.
It's not my eyes that cry and ache-
It's my inner soul, about to break.
The thought that it's over,
That my joy will perish,
And with it my hopes for what could be--is what I must take.
Pdub May 2017
To this day I know not why I don't take my own advice.
It's as if I thrive on the turmoil and rainy day parade I create.
There is no cure for hopeless optimism in Love;
Only the realization that some things are meant to be eternal
In a different way. In a dreamland.

So instead of being the one to be heartbroken,
I have chosen to be the one who tears down another's world.
I shatter the dreams I long for. I am the one that gets the final say.
It's a different kind of high-to finally become the pedestal from which I knew I should have been on the entire time.

I can't say the view from where I stand in my mind is clear, or better.
I can't win in the game of Love. But in the game of War, I am cruel at heart. Cruel in a way that is honest, in fact, not cruel at all. I wonder some days if the passive voice inside my head is actually my sense of worth, escaping the quicksand that it's been under for far, far, too long.
Pdub Sep 2014
i can't continue like this, my sweet.
life's hard enough with burden's i keep (keep)

don't go playing rhythm sticks with my heart;
before you're through, it's apart (apart)

continue on, must i? (you must)
but what if we were bounded souls;
dare you trust? (trust)'

ah, the breath of life is just;
not now, not ever, will i trust (bust)
trust hurt pain relationships love deceit
Pdub Jan 2015
I'm stuck in a snowdrift
That you led me to
No place to take shelter
No reason to
I'm stuck in a snowdrift
But you're not by my side
You left me to freeze
You left me to die
I'm stuck in a snowdrift
Memories dance in my mind
I'll be okay my baby
Our love will keep me alive.
Pdub Oct 2014
To feed the fire of desire,
     The light must burn brighter;
To the peak of torment within,
     The fire must always win.
Pdub Sep 2014
I sleep
I keep
My dreams (of you)
Are all (I seek)

Let me into your eyes-
Those honey brown, forever bright eyes.

And into your soul I shall ponder
What in the world it is I saunder.
Pdub Dec 2014
I cry
For what's bound to change
I cry
For the many goodbyes
I cry
For the lost girl I was

I smile
For the time I've had
I smile
For those who have touched my soul
I smile
For who I am
So incredibly in love with life.
Pdub Oct 2014
I dream of you, gazing admiringly in my direction.
I dream of you, hoping I will forever awake in your arms.
I dream of you, smiling softly in your sleep.
I dream of you and I, because in my dreams we live, in our own beautiful eternity...
YOU :)
Pdub Dec 2014
You'll never love me
like the sublimity of my dreams.
You wonder why I sleep so much. Maybe our reality isn't meant to be.
Pdub Jan 2015
We are all either living
Or dying
We simply are
We exist
And love
And grieve
And feel
A power within

We are all either living
Or dying
But we cannot choose a side
There is no way to determine
When one has truly lived
Or when one has truly died
For everyone who thinks they have lost, they have not. Nothing can be lost, no spirit forgotten.
Pdub Jan 2015
I miss your smell. Your smile. Your eyes. I miss the ardent smile you'd give me, in silence. But most of all I miss you, your body next mine, with your heartbeat keeping me alive
Pdub Oct 2014
I am frightened by so few things in my life, but why love?

Why is the thought of connecting with someone so repulsing to me?

Is it an an innate desire to be alone? No.

It is the thought that I will lose,
what will eventually make me whole.
Pdub Sep 2014
You don't know what you do to me, my dear.

"Hide my fears and tuck them away"
       Sleep sweetly, drift away.

Go to a place we share once more.

To a land of full trees, full hearts, evermore.

This life is incomplete without you, my dear.

Sleep sweetly, in my arms, and dream once more.
Pdub Sep 2014
have you ever sat and thought about life?
not with the scores of metaphors

but of the lives and deaths of the past and the present.
what will become of your stardust bones?

once lost in space, now grow (and grow).
space stars love death life souls life
Pdub Jan 2015
Sanity is
What tears us apart
Makes us question our wrongs
And what's right from the start

Sanity is
The "moral high ground"
The place we must be
Without it, we drown

Sanity is
The reality we seek
The blunder free life
So trivial, it's weak

Sanity is
An enticing prospect
But now I must locate—
My mind, because I've lost it
Pdub Feb 2015
In silence–
Ambiguity is my best friend
Long lost words
Return again
In silence–*
Clarity reigns supreme
What you've promised to me
Doesn't mean a thing.
Pdub Dec 2014
If our souls connect in such a way
Where someday again they'll play
I will sleep the rest of my days away
For all those fortunate enough to have met a soulmate
Pdub Jan 2015
A bullet to my heart
Would have sufficed
Pdub Oct 2014
keep on, baby, keep on.
Through the woods and the weeds and the mystical things we fear.

keep on, baby, keep on.
The things you treasure you can measure by the drops of love you breathe.

keep on, baby, keep on.
The rarity of your soul spreads light to those who seek it most.
Pdub Nov 2014
My desire for you
(only builds)
when you run away.
Pdub Dec 2014
the words you don't want to hear
come from the same lips you kiss.
Pdub Sep 2014
I'll return again, my darling.
You can't forget what we had.
The sweet grace of Time
Can't turn this bad.

I'll return again, my darling.
Our lives will be full again.
Keep my ring and poetry-
I left for you on the bed.

I'll return again, my darling.
But if you've moved on, I understand.
I hope you know, my darling--
You're the best of life I've had.
Pdub Mar 2015
We've entered into a limbo
On no other accord but our own
See—the only way to enter
Is to take part in a love badly scorned
The delicate act of playing pretend
Is quite idyllic to some
The naïve play aloof in a dream
Magic, until it too, succumbs

But us

Our love slipped through the cracks
The very ones we once avoided
Because to know what love can be
Makes the demise to be avoided
Pdub Feb 2015
I'm not sure if loving you
Or losing you
Has torn me apart more...
The truth is, I'm jaded.
Jaded, without a cure.
Pdub Jan 2015
When I close my eyes
And my thoughts carry me away
To the only place we can stay
Locked forever
In a suspended reality
A land of love and happiness
A land of you and me
I never want to leave you
But I know I can't stay
When I open my eyes
My reality is an utter dismay
Though love leaves you, you can find it always in your heart
Pdub Dec 2014
Don't be naïve.
Even the magician
Dies by his tricks.
Belief. Powerful in all the wrong ways, at times.
Pdub Dec 2014
the rustling of the palms
are the bells of this wasteland
a grand symphony, for deaf ears
honestly obliging to dance
Found this old poem I wrote, and thought I'd share
Pdub Sep 2014
Everytime I love; I lose.
A piece of me, is forever with you.
Leaving me spotty and holey and broken in some parts--
Forcing the next, to love from the heart.

This doesn't make me weaker or less than before--
But rather more open, to love greater,
To love more.
Pdub Sep 2014
I hate what you did to me.
      And what you made me do.
Worst of all is how you left me.
       Denying we were true.
I hate the way you made me feel.
       Because now I'm not the same.
You took from me my innocence.
       My life is not your game.
I hate the way you treated me.
       Just because you knew.
That I could never really hate you-
       Even you knew we were true.
Sadly this one goes out to several man childs. Hope you enjoy your lackluster lives!
Pdub Jun 2017
I can still remember the way my name rolls off your lips like a sweet songbird in the morning.
I can still hear the way you call for me across the house, repeating, just once.
I can still feel the cool cool breeze that engulfed your bedroom, while we slept close, but apart.
I can remember leaving, in a rush, as to not miss my plans I made, without you.
I can't remember your smell, on all the clothes I used to have, and on my body after we made love all day.
I can't remember what you last said to me as I left down the empty, shaded stairwell.
I can't remember the last kiss we shared--it wasn't special, but it was the last.
I can't remember when I lost you, both seeing the same world, apart.

If I could, I would probably try to forget anyway.
Pdub Dec 2014
Being your muse is so intoxicating—
I even fool myself.
I love you, but I'm not real to you.
Pdub Jan 2015
Amongst the lonely clouds; I watch
Them pass, racing slowly
For their crowds.
Their mantra
Is to always maintain motion,
Even when the destination
Is unknown,
And their path
Like the winds that push
Them home.
For the cloud gazers, star lovers, wishers, dreamers, and hopers.
Pdub Dec 2014
Like a mirage
You enticed me in,
I kept my distance at first
But like always, you win

It wasn't until I was exhausted
Of chasing your mirage
That I opened my eyes wide
And saw nothing but a façade

The triviality of it all
Isn't what I'm chasing after
Because in order to create a mirage
You have to be seeking an answer
Pdub Oct 2014
I fell undoubtedly,
whole heartedly,
in love with you...
Pdub Sep 2014
I fell in love with the way you smiled,
   eyes half opened, before the day had time to jade it.
Pdub Sep 2014
My room smells of white sage, I burnt earlier to-day.

The window chimes are chime-chiming away.

The rain pelts upon the panes of the glass.

And cars drive by, some slow, some fast.

The black light is dim, for only me to see.

I read dusty novels, and bless-ed  poetry.

I'm finally at peace, after a tiresome day.

I'm not solemn, nor joyous, just content as I lay.
Pdub Jul 2015
My Forever Limbo Love-
I mislead you in believing
That this heart you once ignited
Would be mended in my leaving.

My Forever Limbo Love-
I'm trying to do as I said
To love you beyond this world
And again when we're both dead.

My Forever Limbo Love-
Do you know the anguish in me?
Knowing my heart forever belongs
To an angel faced demon?

My Forever Limbo Love-
Don't you worry about my being,
For without you I would not be alive,
But merely a shadow, dissipating.

My Forever Limbo Love-
You've found happiness again now,
But knowing you're still there
Means our infinity will always matter.
I can never unlove you, but that's okay.
Pdub Oct 2014
You told me I'm a rare one;
you could see it in my clear, blue eyes.

You want to see where it goes;
you're genuine, sincere: you can't lie.

You guessed my insecurities,
as I laid naked,
in the candlelight,
by your side.

I asked you how you felt:
the moonlight blinded your thoughts.

Yet nothing needed to be spoken.
You and I, we're just...alive.
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