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Feb 19 · 182
Daily Chases
I've been using tears and anger
To hide the fact that
I'm just really really tired.
And I don't think caffeine
Or pills
Are helping anymore.
I'm afraid I'm getting bad again - it's been so long, and I forgot what the brokenness feels like. I wish it had never stopped or I wish I could forget again.
Jan 21 · 234
The Road So Far
Full of dark and danger,
I won't lie and say it's easy
It's been a long road that I'm on
And I admit that it used to be
That I didn't even trust that road
To stay under my feet.
But you know what?
I'm healing.
I am.
And one of these days
Maybe normalcy
Will come strolling along
And take me by the hand
And I'll be better
I'll get better.
Maybe someday soon
I'll see what I couldn't see before
That it's all been a road
Just a path
One that we all must take
And it's going to be okay.
I'm going to be okay
Until then,
I don't always trust the road
But I'm trying
To trust the one who paved it.
I think it's all going to be okay. I haven't seen that for a long time, but I do. I think it's going to be okay. I hope someday if and when the darkness falls again, I can look back at this and remember that: *I'm going to be okay*.
Dec 2024 · 50
Soft Cheeks
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2024
Inside, I tell me
It's not worth living
It's not worth trying
I'm better off dying
But I hold it all back
By constantly vying
That my nephew
Needs one more
Little kiss.
My coworker made a joke about dying today, and I countered by saying that it will have to wait because I need to give my little 2-year-old nephew one more kiss, and it occurred to me that giving him one more little kiss on his soft toddler cheek is plenty reason for me to keep going. I'm willing to keep pushing through if for no other reason than this: he needs one more kiss from his auntie. He may never know how many times he has saved me, but I can pay him back by trying to give him the auntie he deserves to have.
Nov 2024 · 61
Bound or Unbound
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2024
He twisted me
I don't know anymore
The truth is
I don't know anymore
What is safe
What is a dangerous
I can't tell
Which people
Or things
Are right
Are safe
Are true
And what is wrong
And dangerous
And a lie
Wandering hands
All of them
A mind game
A lie
Telling me
"It's okay"
It was never okay
And they ask me what's wrong
And am I alright
And they say how much I've changed
And "You didn't used to be this way"
But the truth is
I'm not here anymore
she isn't here anymore.
Fifteen years later
I'm not the little girl
You took advantage of
She's gone
She's not coming back
She died fifteen years ago
In that dim bedroom
Beneath a heavier
And now
What has become my commonplace
Is not common in this place
Deep inside me
I think she's still in there
That little girl
11 years old
Whispering again and again
Through the tears
"He said it was okay
He said it was okay
He said it was okay"
I've thought long and hard about posting this. It's been sitting in my Drafts folder for months, being edited and changed here and there while I decide if I'mbrave enough to share it. I've been too afraid to post this, but I knew that one day, I would have the courage to let other people read it, because I'm healing. It's slow and hard and painful, but I'm healing. I am. I'm doing it with my hands shaking, but I'm doing it, and my eyes are open.
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2024
I asked God if he loved me
He said "of course I do"
I told him I don't feel it
So how could it be true?

I told Him I feel broken
And lost and so unloved
So how could He claim to love me
If I didn't feel beloved?

I told God I was angry
And felt fear and hate inside
I never really understood
How to see through the lies

I told Him I was tired
And I didn't want to fight
Asked how I could hold a sword
When I'm bleeding deep inside.

I told God I was lonely
And I wanted someone near
He told me that He loved me
And He is always here

I told God that I wanted more
To be held and be known
I felt like it wasn't enough-
His ruling from a throne

I asked God if He loves me
He said "Of course I do"
I told Him I don't feel it
So how could it be true

I told God I was weary
And I wished to see His face
And if I looked upon it,
I'd better feel His grace

He said to trust His timing
To wait, and to be brave
And He'd prove it's not my feelings
But myself He came to save
I don't always FEEL like He loves me. In fact, a good deal of the time, I FEEL like he doesn't. Life is long and hard, and I am a sinful woman. I sin, which makes me FEEL like I am further away from Christ, and that FEELING drives me to sin even more by doubting that He is with me at all. I am a loveless, depressed, angry, impatient, unkind, wicked, unfaithful, harsh, chaotic sinner, and I often FEEL like that makes me unacceptable to God. But I have this hope: That He didn't come to save perfect people. He came to save people like me. People who are lost, and broken, and angry and afraid. He didn't come to save my FEELINGS. FEELINGS are fleeting and deceiving. I can't trust them. But I can trust the one who promises to give me love that trumps my lovelessness, joy that conquers my depression, peace that washes away my anger, patience that overcomes my impatience, kindness that tears away my unkind heart, goodness that breaks apart my wickedness, faithfulness that covers my unfaithfulness, gentleness that soothes my harshness, and self-control that teaches me to do away with chaos. I can't trust my FEELINGS, but I can trust Him.
Aug 2024 · 84
Dear Mama
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2024
I'm sorry that you raised me to be better than I am
I'm sorry that I told you I was fine, *** it's a sham
And I'm sorry that I missed every bar that you held high
I wish that I could tell you I'm okay, but that's a lie

I'm sorry that I spilled that drink and broke that porcelain cup
I wish that I could fix it, but there's no patching me up
I'm sorry for the hateful things I tell me in my head
And I'm sorry you wanted a daughter and you got a mess instead
I feel like I can't even talk to her anymore. It's not her fault, I just wish I could be okay for her. I'm sorry, mama that I couldn't be normal and okay.
Jun 2024 · 106
Be Brave
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2024
Do it afraid
Do it scared
Do it with scars
And cuts and bruises
Do it with blood on your hands
Do it with tears running down your face
Do it with pain in your chest
Do it hyperventilating
Do it with unsteady steps
Do it angry
Do it sad
Do it holding someone's hand
Do it with a scream
Or do it silent
Do it with your **** hands shaking
But do it.
Don't mistake fear for cowardice. And don't let that fear control you. Let it tell you "You are brave, and you can do this, even with your hands shaking."
Apr 2024 · 121
Should The Worst Befall
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2024
Often I was subject to another’s whims
In fear of sinking, I pretended to swim
To sickening stomach, the lights start to dim
And feral dark torture spreads all through my limbs

"Unclean!" I was crying, "Unclean I've been made!"
And a swift "goodbye" to my innocence bade
And as with a whip, my young mind-it was flayed
The putrid for innocence given in trade

I did what they wanted, hoping for the best
Despite my belief, compliance is a jest
So I let the weight settle, heavy on my chest
And I tried to forget, ignoring the rest

They did things to me I can barely contrive
I bent to their will, claiming to be alive
I let them abuse me, hoping I'd revive
We do what we have to so we will survive
I'm finally getting to a point where it's easier to talk about what happened. That's what's so scary- if I can talk about it, it's real. The memories, the discomfort, the reactions...all real. But I'm healing. Slowly, but I'm healing.
Mar 2024 · 92
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2024
I'm shaking again
The words in my head follow down through my skin
My head starts to spin
I'm haunted by things I don't want to let in

I hate to remember
I hate thinking back on what burns me like embers
I can't even speak
I can't make my lips tell others why I'm weak

The words won't come out
Trapped beneath skin where they echo and shout
The tears broke me through
They run hot and steady, leave shame in their lieu

My breathing is heavy
Thinking of past things makes my heart unsteady
I'm going to die
And I'll pass on while still not knowing why

They're just words to say
But more- they course through me insistent to stay
Someone hold me
But don't touch me please, I'm afraid you will see

Please squeeze me tightly
Remind me that nightmares are not only nightly
But stay far away
Don't take a step closer or I'll break again

I'm torn between thoughts
Remem'bring what happened and what did not
So help me, I'm screaming
Somebody tell me that I'm only dreaming

And please take my life
I already live on the edge of a knife
And when I am gone
Perhaps after death I can fin'lly move on.
My hands shake, so does my heart. I can see in my head pictures of what happened like I watched it happen to myself. Everything goes foggy and muffled, there is nothing but me and the frightful memories. I hate that so many things remind me of what happened. I hate that I can't even say the name of what happened. Tears come, burning in my eyes along with the pain and shame. I start to hyperventilate, then wonder if I'm going to die from feeling all of this, wonder if maybe that wouldn't be so bad. I want to be held, but I don't want anyone to touch me. The thought of someone's hands on my skin makes me nauseous. I know what could have happened, but I also know what SHOULD have happened, and more than that I know what DID happen. And oh my soul, why can't I think of it or speak of it without trembling? For anyone who is reading this, does that ever go away? I want to shed the chains of what happened, I want to claim the words that have such control over me right now, and most of all I want to forget. I want to forget everything. My gosh I want to forget everything that ever happened.
Mar 2024 · 90
Even Tide
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2024
I don't believe we come from the ocean
But I do believe that there is a reason
We are so made up of water
And I believe that the same Person who made the tides
Put the same things in our veins
Our hearts long for the ocean
Because it is inside of us
And it longs to return to its home.
Some famous author said that we come from the ocean. I don't believe that's true, but I do believe that there's a reason why we are so drawn to the tide - a reason why we have such a fascination with stories of pirates and vikings.  It's because they have lived the lives that something inside us aches to live. A life where all water returns to its source.
Jan 2024 · 162
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2024
Tuck yourself in with your blanket of tears
Pull it tight around you until you fall asleep
Finding comfort in dreams
And when you awake, wrap yourself closer still
And remember that flowers grow where they're planted
And nothing can survive without water.
Dec 2023 · 1.5k
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2023
Kiss my mind and not my skin
Strip me slowly of the walls I've built
Take my hands
And push me up against the walls
Of my soul
And learn every inch
Of who I really am
Until you know me as intimately
As does the darkness
That surrounds me
And the resonance of your being
Drips from my mouth
Like pleas for mercy
Thought I'd try a different kind of poem. Inspired by a random picture I saw on pinterest.
Nov 2023 · 277
Red Herring
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2023
And in my darkest moments
And most desperate
I wish you had gone farther
So that the scars I bear
Might be visible
And I could convince myself
That I have the right
To be broken.
I had a strange dream last night. I woke up wishing for this. Then I just thought about how insanely messed up I am. Who wishes for deeper wounds to validate what happened to them? It's hard sometimes being trapped in my own mind, and I think I'm getting bad again.
Nov 2023 · 123
Enough is Enough
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2023
How can I put it into words?
How can I tell you how I feel ripped and folded at the same time
In a way that hasn't already been said?
Words don't escape me
They lay before me
Already formed into every combination
Stolen and used up
By someone else who's hurting
Until all that's left to say
Are words I've already said:
I'm just really really lonely
I don't even really know what I want to say anymore, but I want to say *something* . I want to tell someone, but I don't know how to say it when it's already been said a thousand different ways.
Nov 2023 · 1.8k
School Day
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2023
I'm still learning
To talk about what happened
I'm still learning
That I went through a trauma
I'm still learning
That it wasn't my fault
I'm still learning
That I couldn't have done anything
I'm still learning
To admit that I'm still broken
I'm still learning
That it's okay to say it out loud
I'm still learning
That it wasn't handled right
I'm still learning
That it still affects me 13 years later
I'm still learning
That even though they told me I couldn't tell anyone, it's okay for me to tell the people I trust, or whoever the hell I want
I'm still learning
That I'm strong and brave and loved
I'm still learning
That I am not damaged goods
Just because I'm still learning
How to be a person again
I won't say that I already know these things or even that I'm fully convinced. But I will admit that I'm still learning, and that's okay.
Oct 2023 · 340
Delusions of Safety
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2023
I finally opened up
After all your prying
And you still didn't understand
How hard that was for me to do.
When you've been through trauma especially at the hands of someone close to you, you find that your trust is broken and hard to reassemble for anyone. And when you finally get the courage to speak, all you want to do is tell them how hard it was for you to say.
Oct 2023 · 1.3k
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2023
You may be beaten
But you can still heal
Your hands may hurt
But you can still provide relief
Your skin may be bruised
But you can still soothe others
You aren't weak just because you're broken
You can still make others whole.
You aren't limited by your own shattered flesh.
I'm still learning that even though I'm not doing well, I can still support the ones I love. You can still be a physician even with a broken leg.
Oct 2023 · 162
Two Halves
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2023
I'm constantly torn between
"Don't be rude" and
"Don't let them push you around"
Opinions? I'm struggling with this today. People keep telling me that I shouldn't let anyone push me into something that makes me uncomfortable, but the other part of me is telling me not to be rude and just to deal with it.  There are too many details to write them all here, but shouldn't it be okay for me to stand up for myself?
Oct 2023 · 149
Today I Was Good To Myself
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2023
Today I was good to myself
I woke up and went right back to sleep
Even though I'd already slept 8 hours.
Then I did it again
And I got 11 hours of sleep

Today I was good to myself
I got up and made a yummy breakfast
I didn't worry about making my bed
Not right away
I just ate bacon and drank a smoothie

Today I was good to myself
I made 3 cups of my favorite hot tea
And I put fresh local honey in it
And a bit of lemon juice
And I let myself feel it
Travel down my chest
And into my belly
Hot and soothing

Today I was good to myself
I spent an hour and a half in my bible
And Journaling
And admiring the beautiful words

Today I took care of myself
I kept all the lights off except one
I paid my overdue bills
And I talked to my plants
And read a book
And I watched scifi
It's my favorite

Today I was good to myself
I didn't let myself worry
About money
Or work
Or church
Or anything else
I just let myself be at peace
I didn't even get dressed

Today I was good to myself
I took a hot bath
I put Epsom salt bubbles in it
And Eucalyptus bath salt
And I soaked away all the stress of the last couple months

Today I was good to myself
I wasn't productive
Not really
I let myself rest
Today I didn't do anything
But I did the important thing
And I was good to myself
I have such a hard time letting myself relax and not be productive, and it's so true that if you don't give yourself a break sometimes, your body will force you to take one. I caught up on rest after having been awake for 23 hours straight on Saturday. And now I'm laying across the foot of my bed with soft music playing, and a book on one side, my tea on the other. I'll call my mom at 8 and then I'll go back to bed. Today I was good to myself.
Oct 2023 · 108
Navigation Processor
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2023
My eyes hurt
I'm bone weary
Sore in many places
And too weak and exhausted to even cry
And I'm driving home
In the gray twilight
And all I wish
Is that I were going home
To crawl into the arms of someone
And warm
Who would cradle me until I fall asleep
And hold me until I wake
Feeling really lonely tonight. But it's fine. I'm just tired.
Sep 2023 · 257
Distant Relations
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2023
I'm afraid to ask my mom
If my grandma still hates me
Partly because I'm afraid of the answer
But mostly because
I don't want to force my mom to say
What I know is the truth.
About 11 years ago on Thanksgiving, my grandmother told my mom and her brothers that she dislikes me. She gave no reason. I don't know that she has one. Most of the time I can be okay with it. I don't see her very often outside of holidays, but days like this come when she says or does something hurtful and I have a hard time recovering from the fact that my own grandma doesn't love me. Sometimes I think she's trying to make amends, but something always happens to prove me wrong.
Aug 2023 · 133
Identity Theft
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2023
They say you should talk
Talk to someone
But how do I say it?
How do I say that I don't know
Who I am anymore?
How do I say that I'm a hundred different people
And no one
All at once?
How do I tell them
That from one day to the next
I'm a mess and tangle
Of a hundred voices
A thousand personalities
And a million faces
And I don't know
Which one of them is really me?
How do I open my mouth
And let the words come out
Tell them that I'm not who they think I am
That I'm not who I think I am
How do I say
That I look in the mirror
And ask the girl staring back at me
Who she is
But she never answers
She doesn't know
Doesn’t know who she is
She's been lost
Such a long time
And can't manage
To feel her way back through the darkness
She's lost who she was
And doesn’t know anymore
Doesn't even know what her name is
She lives with a wardrobe strapped to her back
Costumes and masks spilling from it
Like a jack-in-the-box
A new face for everyone she knows
And not a one of them is her
How do I tell them that I don't even know
What my favorite things are
Because I pretend
And act
And lie
And it's been going on so long that I don't know
I don't know anymore
I don't know anything
How the hell do I tell anyone that?
The more I learn about myself, the more I hate who I am.
Aug 2023 · 140
Untitled 56
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2023
You've spent your life
Letting them treat you how they want
Letting their hands
And thoughts wander
At will
Keeping the wild fury inside
So as not to cause offense
And you find
That for so long
You allowed people to do things to you,
And now you don't even know what's normal
Until the story comes from your lips
And your comrade looks at you
In horror
Of your tragic past.
We've suffered much in the pursuit of providing others with comfort, sacrificed so much to keep from causing offense. I'm learning things about myself and some I wish I could forget. But most often, I wish I had let out the wild rage that has lingered so long just beneath the surface. We will heal, don't you worry. We will be whole again.
Aug 2023 · 340
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2023
How is it that we can be so gentle
And protective of others
While being so harsh
And violent with ourselves?
Aug 2023 · 203
Down from 264
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2023
People ask me
How I lost so much weight
And what's my secret
And I just don't have the heart to tell them
That it wasn't healthy eating
Or exercise
It was the fact that for the last year
I've been slowly maintaining myself
On stress and tears
And eating them for every meal
"I'm not okay." That seems to be a mantra to me lately, it's so often on my lips that I may as well have it tattooed there so that I don't have to waste my breath.
Jul 2023 · 108
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2023
I open the door
It's been a long day
But a smell drifts down the stairs
That reminds me
Of Sunday afternoons
Family dinners
And warm food in my belly
Fall naps
And stealing a sip of mom's drink
It's just apple juice
But only her and dad get some
I walk upstairs
And slip off my shoes
And hang my purse on the hook in the wall
Before going to open the oven.
The heavenly smell increases
A smell of the past
A smell of memories
Of family
I pull the *** out of the oven and cautiously open the lid.
I'm washed over with old memories
As I inhale the smell of cooked veggies, roast, and red wine vinegar.
I reach in with some tongs and it falls apart
Ready to eat
And when I take a bite
All I can think about is my mom
And Sunday afternoons
And that last sip of apple juice.
When I was a kid, Sundays after church we would always have dinner as a family. My mom would cook something special because it was Sunday, and we always got to have ice cream afterwards. That was our Sunday routine. We would have a quiet time or nap time afterwards, and spend the evening in peace and quiet. My mom makes the absolute best potroast, and I remember walking into the house after church and just smelling her cooking all ready to eat once we changed back into our normal clothes. I haven't been doing well. But on a whim, I decided to make my mom's recipe for potroast, and taking a bite of it healed me in a few places. I'm not doing well, but I'm gonna be alright.
Jul 2023 · 118
Enough To Let You Go
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2023
I hear this tune
And think of you
The memories
I can't get through

The lyrics play
I see your face
A feeling that
I can't replace

Took your number
Off my phone
The words all gone
Time to go home

Perhaps one day
I'll hear the words
Your face won't show
My heart won't hurt

I'll hear the song
And skip it past
Won't think of you
At peace at last.
Perhaps one day I'll hear that song and I won't think of him anymore. His phone number is off of my phone, the conversations deleted. It's time to move on.
Jul 2023 · 234
Sufficient Grace
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2023
If your power is perfect in weakness,
You must be very powerful
For I am very weak.
Thank God for His sufficient grace. Without it, I would simply be weak. But now, when I am weak, then I am strong.
Jul 2023 · 110
Rich Man, Poor Man
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2023
I do not have the luxury
Of caring for myself.
When I feel tears coming
I bite my tongue
And look at something bright
To hold them back
When I feel the need to slash my wrists
I don't say anything
I just allow it to happen
And hope that this won't be the day
That I finally give into temptation
I can't take time off work
For a mental health day
I need the money
And rent isn't cheap
When I feel unloved
I don't tell anyone
I just suffer
And wish
And hope
And scream
Wishing I could open my mouth
Utter the words
So that someone
Anyone will know
That I'm not okay
That I'm asking for help
I've read that when you're depressed, you should treat yourself like you're sick- take a few days off work, rest, take long baths, drink tea... but what do you do when you feel like this constantly? I can't take every day off from life. I'm in meds, and I don't know why I still feel this way. Nothing lasts longer than a moment. I just want to go back to the way it was before.
Jul 2023 · 188
Please, please, please
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2023
It is not
To remove myself
From the loving hands
Of the living God.
Reciting this like a mantra recently. I'm trying so hard to remember this. I feel like I've disappointed Him in so many ways. I've sinned and rebelled again and again and I truly can't believe that anyone could  love me enough to save me from myself. I don't even love myself that much. And I try hard to remember that my feelings do not overcome His power,  so I just lay in the dark, whispering "Please, Please, Please don't leave me" until I fall asleep.
Jul 2023 · 430
Salt In The Wound
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2023
My eyes hurt
From tears
And drink
And staying awake
And you
Jul 2023 · 130
Once Upon A Yesterday
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2023
2 years ago
I had this friend
Whom I have known for about 6 years now.
I remember just he and I were playing cards
Super late at night
Keeping each other company,
Having just admitted some past traumas to each other.
He started to speak
But then stopped
I asked him what he was going to say,
And he said that he'd been going to say something,
But I had started twisting my ring around my finger
And he knew
That I did that when I was anxious,
So he would keep it to himself
I didn't even realize that I did that.
I've never felt so known
I miss him.
Maybe we were in love in a way. I wrote poetry about him, and he told me that he thought I was beautiful. But we're no longer in love. I love him from afar, but scars and open wounds litter our skin from cutting each other, and we're better off apart. But that doesn't mean that I don't feel the urge to call him whenever I see a yellow house, or a set of cards or see blue moon beer bottles.
Jun 2023 · 504
Road Trip
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2023
I just want to go home
But I don't know where that is anymore.
I'm not doing well at all. I've eaten tears all day and night, Lack of sleep pounds in my head like a drum. Like a door that's been locked with any semblance of sanity just out of reach. My eyes hurt, my soul hurts. Tears are a companion I meet with every day. I hold them back at work by looking into a bright light, but I sometimes wonder if anyone can tell how puffy and red my eyes really are behind these safety glasses. I distract myself with jokes and feigned energy, but the mask only goes so deep and I just wish that someone would love me enough to look underneath and just hold me for a long time until everything fades away and I feel like I can breathe without breaking.
Jun 2023 · 123
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2023
I keep looking at the clock
Wanting to go home
But not home
And nowhere
Wanting to fall asleep for a long time
Until I'm okay again
But it's only 12:53
And I still have 7 hours and 7 minutes
Until I can go home
It was a bad day...night...whatever.
Jun 2023 · 125
Gonna Be
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2023
You don't think know I know that place?
I've lived in that place
Dark and warm
Felt its fingers creep around me
Silent and muffled
No care
All despair
But at least you can't hear them
At least all you feel is numb
There is no comfort
To stifle the flora and fauna of that blackness
That comes when you succumb to the void
Drinking oblivion
I know that place.
I know it's cracks and crevices
I know it's depths.
I know intimately every bend of its emptiness
A bitter companion
Of endless years
With naught but a candle of hope
That anything exists
But pain
But as dark as it seems up above
In the real world,
It's infinitely darker down here.
And I know that bitter thought
Of "How could it ever get better?"
And maybe you'll spend a lifetime
In horrid darkness
Walking the road of loneliness
But every now and then,
The clouds will part,
And the sun will shine on your face
And you will remember what it feels like
To be alive again
And maybe for the first time
In a very long time,
You will want to be.
I'm not okay. But I will be.
Jun 2023 · 726
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2023
It's almost time to go home
It won't be long now
Jun 2023 · 226
Warp Speed
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2023
My parents made a life together
A marriage built to last
They kissed and loved and raised us
And taught us to live vast

I met you, they didn't approve
I thought that you could change
I guess I should have listened
*** you changed in different ways

At first we made each other laugh
And I felt right at home
But when I needed you the most
I found myself alone

I was always there for you
You said I made you safe
I quickly fell in love with you
Turns out I made mistakes

My past, you used against me
My future was a threat
The present was all I lived for
I took what I could get

The strongest thing I ever did
Was leaving you at last
Before I even realized,
Six long months had passed

I still think of you sometimes
Try my hardest not to call
But I know if I see you again
Right into love I'll fall

I guess I'm doing better now,
Sometimes I forget, but
It's so hard not to remember
All of my weak regrets

I wanted everything for us
I guess we moved too fast
I thought we could have a future
Turns out all we have is past
I still love him. Maybe not in the same way that I used to, but I do love him. He's in the back of my mind making goofy faces like he used to, a gentle reminder of how it went wrong. I hate the way we ended things. It's been six months since we've talked, and almost 10 months since I've seen him. I've always reached out to him after allowing him to settle down, but I guess I just got tired of cleaning up the mess that he was. He made me feel needed and wanted, and I think that's why I fell for him. But that's not love, not really. And that's why I am still able to say that I've never been in love before. He was like a drug, after a time, I couldn't help but text him, but I hated things that he did to me, enduring them only for the times when he called me beautiful. And like a drug, though I haven't gone near him in a long time, I think there may always be a small part of my that wants to go running back.
May 2023 · 109
Dreams In color
Marisa Lu Makil May 2023
I dream of chilly dawns
When blue night meets gray springtime
The bite of a new season
Like wine on my lips
A breathless newness
Where everything inhales
Holding it inside before the
Of a new day
The deep breath before the plunge
A still silence
Not quite silver glass
Nor a golden daylight
But a nether in between
The empty
That comes from
Awaiting new things
This might just be a "me" poem. I can see the sunrise out the door at work every morning, and this  was inspired by today. May 19th, 2023. I hope I remember it as a glistening silver before all the days of gold that lie ahead.
May 2023 · 139
Shattered Comfort
Marisa Lu Makil May 2023
And when I was finally in your arms
All I could say
"Don't let me go"
Lately my life has been a hundred days of tragedy broken up by moments of clarity where I know I'm being held. I sob for ages, just begging for Him to not let me go because i can almost FEEL His arms wrapping around me. He doesn't let me go, but a few moments pass and I can't feel His arms around me anymore. I know that they're there, but it's getting harder to have faith. I'm holding on to it with whitening knuckles, just praying that it won't slip away.
May 2023 · 140
Bloody Hands
Marisa Lu Makil May 2023
You never really loved me
But I've got blood on my hands
And you always did love the color red.
May 2023 · 153
Blanket Truth
Marisa Lu Makil May 2023
I guess the truth is
That I still can't believe
Anyone could want me enough
To save me from myself.
Apr 2023 · 115
Bloody Love
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2023
You tell me that you'd **** for me
But I know that if you did
You'd still find a way to blame me
For handing you the knife.
I think I might make a small series of "******" poems. I'm in a bad frame of mind, and I'm having a hard time handling it.
Apr 2023 · 138
Bloody Sin
Marisa Lu Makil Apr 2023
You are poison in my veins
And I can't stop saying yes
You would drag me down to hell
And I would bind myself to help you
I have a problem. I have many. One main sin that seems to keep coming back again and again. I keep telling myself that that's not who I am anymore, and it's no longer what I want, but the right situation comes along, and I willingly drown myself in the ****** taste of sin.
Feb 2023 · 128
Lion and the Lamb
Marisa Lu Makil Feb 2023
Death, it has no hold on me
The Lord is slowly changing me
Into the person I should be
Oh, praise His holy name

He holds me and tells me, "Be still."
I know my God abideth still
I wish only to do His will
Hosanna, all the glory

He leads me beside quiet streams
He says He's never leaving me
My God will always reign Supreme
To Jesus, exultation

My Father, He is great and strong
I know my soul to Him belongs
I need not fear the devil's throngs
My life is thine, oh Father

Whom else have I in heav'n but thee
You weaveth my life steadily
My shelter in the stormy sea
Oh, praise the Lamb of God

I hang my head in shame and doubt
You tell me I am clean, without
My sin and I can't help but shout,
"Emmanuel-God with us!"

And when I reach the golden shore,
I will live in sin no more
For Jesus, my transgressions bore
Jehovah, I adore thee.
I've been struggling with my faith for what seems like years. I'm not sure how long it has been in actuality, but my greatest fear is that when I die, I won't go to heaven. I am a very bad Christian, I know that. But for some reason, faith that I am truly an heir to the promise escapes me. It comes and goes in waves. Some days, only praise is on my lips, and I can feel Christ surrounding me with love. Other days I feel like Hagar in the desert, hungry and thirsty for belief, but waiting to die. I feel like I'm going insane. Oh God, please stop this, I cannot weather this trial.
Jan 2023 · 113
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2023
It's happening again.
Maybe I'm just tired
Maybe still broken
Or maybe I can't seem to get you off my mind
Jan 2023 · 124
New Wine
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2023
There's something lost inside us
We search for all our lives
We cannot put it into words
Nor anything derived

We search for it in drugs and drink
And *** in hopes that we
Might find the thing we cannot find
And see what's yet unseen

We look in every way we can
In everything we think
"If only I try hard enough"
Then pour another drink

We cannot find it in the ground
Or searching high and low
Traveling the sea won't help
Nor trudging through the snow

It's something beautiful we want
That seems just out of reach
We cannot seem to grasp it
Or find someone to beseech

We cannot put it into words,
It's something in our souls
It's been missing for so long,
We find new things to fill the holes

New hobbies, or a way of life
We've never tried before
Your desperation 'comes more rife
We ache for something more

But puzzles that aren't finished
Can't be fixed with foreign things
They never seem to fit quite right
When subject to our whims

We weary of this path we walk
We can't find what we seek
I've found that on my darkest days,
I cannot even speak

Who would have thought that on my knees
I found that which I sought?
And I found that my surrender
Had a thousand treasures wrought

I will not say that I am whole,
He's working day by day
But I've seen that my heart finds its rest
When I bow my head to pray
Dec 2022 · 114
Jesus, precious Jesus
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2022
I have felt the hardships
I have been in joy

I have known pain
And I have known healing

I've felt His presence
And I've strayed from His path

So I fell on my knees
And I lifted my hands

And I've come to see
I've felt within me

That I can feel sorrow
I can feel pain

I can walk a hard path
Or trod on even ground

But come what may
It all means nothing

If I do not feel His presence
I am lacking my life source

I would gladly feel pain
Both physical and emotional

I would happily feel sorrow
And strain in this earthly body

I would give all I have
To simply feel His presence

I asked Him to come to me
And He has come

I long for trials
And I hunger for hardships

For it is in my darkest moments
That I feel Him most deeply

So take my freedom
Take my life

Take my money
And all my earthly possessions

And give me Jesus.
The spirit is here within me, and praise the Lord. For His presence is sweeter than any earthly kiss, more stimulating than any drug, more blindingly wonderful than any drunken stupor, and more exhilarating than any riches I could possess. All Glory Be to Christ.
Nov 2022 · 275
Bittersweet mortality
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2022
Why is it
That the things
That make us feel
Or hurt
Most deeply
Are the things that we crave to relive?
Perhaps it's because we've spent so long Not feeling anything
Or feeling the wrong things
That even if
The feeling that we have is horrible
It's worth the purity
Of feeling it at all.
I read this book. I keep trying to think of words to say about it, but I guess I don't really know what to say. And I don't know why every time I think of the color blue, or the name kyle, or heartbreak, I can't get this picture out of my head that I've never even seen but that I've read over and over. You spend the entire book watching two people who you can so obviously tell are going to fall in love, and then at the end there's a twist so cruel that it felt like I was the person who is being destroyed. I can't get it out of my head. I don't know why. I guess it just doesn't seem fair that two people who are so perfectly matched two people who are so obviously in love, and who would have a romance as bright as the brightest sunrise, would end so bitterly. But they both knew that she needed to die in order for the rest of the world to live. I just had an epiphany of sorts. Jesus did that. He spent His 30 something years being kind, and healing, teaching. Then you find out that in order for everyone else to live, he needs to die. I guess the difference is that in the end you don't know that everything turns out okay. In the Bible you know that he rose again, that His death meant something. I don't think that hers did. I think that for a love that shone so bright as theirs did, it would have been worth the world in order for them to just be together and love each other. Maybe I'm just lonely, and it felt good to know that someone else is lonely too. Or maybe there's some deeper reason why I can't seem to get the picture out of my head of two people who would have loved each other endlessly deciding who has to **** one of them in order to save the rest of the world. Maybe I just wish that I had something that beautiful even if it had to be ruined so quickly after it started. Or, maybe there's no reason at all. Maybe I'm just tired and emotional, and I cry about silly things. I just don't know why it strikes me so much that even after these months I still think of it and it haunts my eyes and my mind. I don't know why. I've been trying to figure it out ever since I heard the last words of that book. And I tried to figure it out again this morning when I turn to the very last page and reread the scene again. Why is it that the things that make us feel or hurt most deeply are the things that we crave to relive? Perhaps it's because we've spent so long not feeling anything, or feeling the wrong things, even if the feeling that we have is horrible, it's worth the purity of feeling it all.
Nov 2022 · 178
Oh How He Loves
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2022
He wanted to tell her
That she looked lovely
That her eyes in the evening sun
Looked like a Hazel paradise
That he didn't deserve her
He didn't deserve her
And that last truth
That he longed to whisper
Into her ear
Kept the words back
And his heart locked up
And all he said was
"You look fine"
Someone told me that other people find you 20% more attractive than you find yourself. I don't know if I believe that's true, but I guess I'll still holding onto the hope that someone will look at me and not hold in the words he wants to say out loud.
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