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Sep 2022 · 145
Time to Sleep (pt 2/2)
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2022
I'm in bed
Barely awake
My nose is cold, but everything else is warm
And soft
I listen to the lonely melody of this song
And all becomes clear.
I do not fear the final closing of my eyes
For I know what I will see behind my long worn eyelids
A multitude of green fields
And a bleeding sunrise
Kissing the hills behind
And the smile of eternity brushing across my skin.
Sometimes when I'm barely awake, I will write stuff in the notes on my phone and go back to sleep and forget about it until I find it the next day or a couple days later. This is what I found this morning. Soft fall vibes here, and I'm warm under the covers. 🥰
Sep 2022 · 131
Taking Me Home (pt 1/2)
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2022
I listen to the lonely melody of this song
And all becomes clear.
I do not fear the final closing of my eyes
For I know what I will see behind my long worn eyelids
A multitude of green fields
And a bleeding sunrise
Kissing the hills behind
And the smile of eternity brushing across my skin
A brilliance that nothing on this side
Could touch
Sep 2022 · 123
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2022
She didn't believe in beauty
Though she has all the grace of a burning sunrise
But when she looked in the mirror
All she saw was the gray dust after a desert storm
But then someone told her he loved her
And suddenly she noticed
She noticed the way her eyes caught the sun
On a summer evening
She noticed the way her hips and body curved when she lay down on her side
She noticed the subtle highlights and graceful natural loose curls on her head
And she saw for the first time how beautiful she really was
And sometimes when I look in the mirror
I can still see her smiling
With those emerald eyes
And I remember my own beauty
I'm working on taking more pictures of myself that make me feel beautiful. I've always had body image issues, and I think that I'm finally working through them, and it only took 24 years. 😂 Remember that the girl or boy you see in the mirror isn't always you. It's only you if you find him/her beautiful. I thought I'd name this poem after the mother of mankind. I can only imagine how lovely she was, and for a sweet time, she knew she was beautiful.
Sep 2022 · 104
Miss Me?
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2022
We used to be much closer
Friends, just you and me
We'd hug and laugh, not knowing
That soon you'd choose to leave

I miss the laugh you had
The one not filled with spite
I miss when we'd play Jenga
Now all we do is fight

You borrowed drinks of hellfire
Before you even knew
You had changed your eyes to anger
Hazel looked so good on you

Now they flash red with fury
Whenever I dare speak
Dear sister, I am trying
To turn the other cheek

But both cheeks now are ragged
Torn, you've struck them both
In waters of your good graces
I'm fighting just to float

People ask if I miss you
I don't know what to say
I miss you oh so badly
But not the "you" this way

I miss the forest fairy
Who used to hold my hand
She wanted my approval
Now she's slipped away like sand

I don't know what to do now
How do I get her back?
Your skin is turning ashen
Your eyes are turning black

I miss my baby sister
I want her home again
But not when you're sinister
I dearly miss my friend

I fear that I have lost you
I cannot reach you now
You've fallen far too deep
Now both of us will drown.
I miss my baby sister. 2 years ago she was a completely different person. She was happy and always laughing, she was perfectly happy to help in any way, now she doesn't even thank me when I do things for ger in hopes of winning her back. She's become closer with some friends who are influencing her in a bad way, and now she's just angry, especially at me,  she turns everything into an argument, she doesn't eat hardly anything, it's like she's wasting away right in front of me. I prayed for a baby sister for 5 years when I was a kid. We've had our rough patches, but we've always made up. I still remember the day she was born, going to see her and my mom in the hospital with my grandma. I'm clinging desperately to hope that the same sweet baby sister I prayed for is in there somewhere, and that when she's ready, she will come out, and we can go back. I've always wanted a sister to be best friends with. Now I wonder if she even loves me anymore.
Sep 2022 · 92
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2022
I've known you for years now, we're friendly
Five or six I think, I'm not sure
Long enough that we know each other
Had plenty of time to mature

I met you when I was still growing
You were happier then, I could see
How could we have known that our future
Would end when you said you loved me

I thought for awhile that maybe-
I'd never been in love Before-
I got nervous when you were with me
But is that really what love is for?

I know for a fact, I was lonely
Perhaps that would go away soon
Besides, did you really know me?
Like half of the sun knows the moon

I liked the idea of us two
Forbidden Love, all that includes
My parents were never fond of you
But perhaps that means more than I knew

We got older, and shared stolen glances
That maybe no one else could see
We read into our own circumstances
A story that could never be

So I told you I do not love you
Rather not in the way that you want
I guess now when we see each other
The words are looming, a haunt

A year passed and still we said nothing
I really thought you had moved on
I guess that I must have done something
Because your feelings were-n't gone

Now I don't know how to be with you
Without hearing words I regret
For who ever said that "I love you"
Meant anything more than a threat?

So now I'm stuck in the middle
Like a CD that skips through a song
We're left with this truth I can't handle:
I'm lonely and you can't move on
Trying hard to move past things that were said. It was not very long ago, I have yet to see you for the first time since you told me. I know once I see you, it will get easier to go back to normal. It's just taking that first step of seeing you again is going to be the hardest. It will get easier, and maybe we will never go back to how we were before, but we can return to a semblance of normalcy if only I can take that first step.
Aug 2022 · 132
Simple soul
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2022
Its been a long year
More than a year
My pawpaw passed away from cancer
And I didn't even get to say goodbye
They wouldn't let us in to see him
A glorified cold
That none of us had
Kept me from spending
His last moments holding his hand.
That same week,
A guy I had been seeing dumped me
He was kind about it
Not kindly enough
That it didn't hurt
But that's okay
I wasn't the one for him
Maybe that's what I need to be for myself
The one
Love myself a bit better
My close friend said he was in love with me
I feel like I'm being mocked
The one whom I couldn't ever be with
Is the one who says he loves me
After that
My church started falling apart
Pastors left
Arguments were started
Old mistakes
Friends were lost
And my sense of peace gone
And to top it all, I lost something so dear to me that the loss made me want to end all this just to see the face of someone whom I don't know
But someone who knows me
I'm okay
I think I am
Maybe I don't know what that means anymore
Just breathing
For the clouds to pass
It will end
The rain will stop, and the warm spring of peace will come again
If only I can make it
If only I could hold on
Hold on just a little bit longer
Just a little bit
I will find hope
In a hopeless time
I have good days and bad days. Days where I can hardly leave my bed, when I don't want to eat or drink, just sleep. It's been a hard year. Some days the only thankfulness I can find is praying "Thank you that it won't always be like this"
Aug 2022 · 325
Surely Wait for You
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2022
I guess this isn't one of my usual poems
I'm not going to try and use captivating imagery
Or try and put into words
Things I've never said out loud
But I want to tell you a story
When I was 16 years old
My parents gave me a purity ring
It's plain silver, and around the band,
It says
"True love waits"
For so long, when I put it on my finger
I would make sure the word on the outside
The visible edge
Would be turned to the word "love"
I guess I just wanted to say
That I think I'm growing
Maybe in a better way
Because I no longer
Want the ring turned that way.
Now I turn it to the word "waits"
Maybe it's just silly thoughts
Or maybe I'm learning
That it's not about the love that I'm waiting for
It's about the waiting
I'm not going to lie and say I no longer have bad days, or that I have constant trust in the one who is ordering my life, it's a battle I fight every day, and sometimes I lose. But the thing that pains my heart-this loneliness- though sometimes I still cry over what I do not have, I am learning that the waiting I do and the faith I hold through it is going to produce a peculiar glory when I reach the other side.
Aug 2022 · 240
Trust me
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2022
You don't want me.
I'd be the icy cold
To your fiery fury
And I don't have the energy
To put out the flames.
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2022
I didn't know our night would end that way
Both of us in the car
Me afraid of what you would say
It wasn't the fact that you said it
It was the way you spoke of me
As of I'm a light fairytale
You spoke of my smile
My laugh
You said that even my presence puts you at ease
And I know you don't say that lightly
I was trembling through it all
Afraid you would lean over
And kiss me
And more afraid
That I felt beautiful
After all that you said
I was blushing
And couldn't look you in the eye
You think I'm a goddess
When I'm falling apart
I would wreck you
I don't want to lose what we have
But the words came out
And everything shattered
Everything is different
Everything has changed
And I don't know whether to try and fix it
Or if I should just run
Run from you
From your words
From what could have been
I don't know if I want to try and fix us
Or if I never want to see you again
I wish you would take it back
Now the bitter aftertaste of last night
Is going to follow us
You said things I've always wanted to hear
But why, God, did it have to be you?
One of my close friends told me he loved me. He spoke of my laugh, my smile, how when I touch him, he doesn't want to flinch away like he does with everyone else. Nothing will come if it; nothing can. It's a bitter tragedy. No one has ever spoken to me like that, but why did it have to be you? The one with whom it would never work? My heart wants to embrace you, my mind wants to run away now all I can do is pray.
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2022
When I think of you
It's not about the mornings
Or the afternoons

When I think of you
I think of white lined paper
Writing love letters

When I think of you
I see the warm deep sunrise
Cool shades of colors

When I think of you
To think of what we could be
Makes me break inside

When I think of you
It makes me long for something
More than just kisses

When I think of you
I think of what you feel like
Parchment under hands

When I think of you
I wish I knew who you were

Because every stranger that passes on a busy street, every man who smiles at me, every person who offers to help me with my groceries, or holds the door... I wonder if it's you. And I don't know how much longer that I can handle the truth that no one is.
A collection of Haikus and the end of them is a bit of mad rambling because I couldn't hold the words in anymore.
Jul 2022 · 134
Neural Status
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2022
Do you miss it?
The innocence
The ignorance
When kissing and hugs were still icky
It wasn't about ***
And didn't make you long for something real
When the summers were all sunshine
And no school
And you didn't have to go to bed until 9 instead of 8
The times when mom always
Had hot cocoa waiting when you came inside from playing in the snow
Alcohol was exciting
When mom gave you a sip
Because it was Forbidden,
And now it's just a way to escape the gray misery
When cooking was fun
Because you COULD and didn't HAVE TO
You could make a mess of flour and dishes
But now you have to clean up after
Your money can't go to gumballs and quarter machines
Now it goes to rent and car trouble
Staying up until midnight was still fun
Instead, you have to be in bed at 7
Because you have to work tomorrow
And after that, you have a doctor appointment
Do you miss when Saturdays were for sleeping
Not running the errands you couldn't during the week
A day of shopping was fun, and now it makes you nervous because you only have $60 in your wallet and you still have to get a few groceries
A day at the beach was fun
You would come home tired
And sun soaked
Now you only dread the sand you'll get in the car
People ask how you are and you tell them
Things aren't great
But they really are okay
Because you don't have lovers, but you are loved
Your siblings are friends instead of annoying
You used to fight with them over the last of the soda
But now Pepsi makes you sick
And your mom isn't mean anymore,
She's your anchor
Your best friend
You call her more than your 12-year-old self would have thought
And your dad is always there
When you have questions about
Small fixes around the house
You got good rest last night
And that's enough for you
Even if yesterday you drank three cups of coffee because you needed the energy
Not just because it tastes good.
Because you really do feel fully rested
You go home to a quiet house
But your plants are enough company
And maybe your neighbor would like to come over for tea on the weekend
You work long and hard
But that's okay because you know you'll sleep well
And you have church tomorrow
And the singing always makes you feel alive
And when the sun sets
On your day
It's lovely,
And you watch it go down with a glass of something cold
And make a mental note to pay the water bill
Some of these things are true of myself, some are not. Some are things I experienced, and some are things I wish I had. I miss the days when life was simple-no money, drink, ***, professional ambition, it was all just wondering what was for dinner and avoiding cleaning my room. My dad always says "The more things change, the more they stay the same" whatever that means. ;) I'm learning contentment right now. It's something I've lacked for far too long. But it's better to drink water and go to bed And worry about the rest tomorrow.
Jul 2022 · 106
One Of These Days
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2022
I'm going to go running through a field of flowers
I won't worry about bugs
Or sweating
Or needing my inhaler

Someday I'm going to spend Christmas in Switzerland
The glowing lights
Warm fires
The mountains

Someday I'm going to
Go back to Mount Rainier
Take the same path as before
Take in the beauty
Take My time remembering
That this is what beauty looks like

Someday I'm going to fall in love
We will laugh
And take pictures
And spend Sunday afternoons curled up on the couch

Someday I'm going to live on a huge farm
My whole family will be with me
We will grow
Plants, food, and each other
And revert to mankind's oldest way to receive food

I'm going to have kids of my own
To raise
And love
And teach to love God

But if Someday were today,
Someday I'd have a quiet afternoon
But that's okay
Eat some good food
And let my mind rest from earning
All the other "Somedays"
That will come along one of these days
I want to travel the world. I want to walk through the misty trees in the mountains. I want my feet to dangle again off a balcony at 2am over the ocean listening to the seals wake up. I want to see water so clear and fresh that I can't help but jump in. But I suppose for today, it's enough that I've eaten well and I can rest my eyes for a few hours until the work week begins all over again.
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2022
I couldn't find the love I wanted
So I looked for it in other things
Forgot promises I'd made
To myself as a child
That I swore I'd never break
Now they lay shattered at my feet
Like glass by the train tracks
And I went on
Kept on keeping on
Hoping that the current pleasure
Would be sweeter than the everlasting
If only for a moment
But when it passed my lips
It turned bitter
Like sour milk
Instead of sweet honey,
I tasted only ashes
But still I would not be dissuaded
I continued
Seeking things that would only destroy me
Because the destruction felt so much like the love I craved
And if I could not get a grasp
Of what I thought I wanted
Maybe I wanted something else
But I don't.
I don't want it anymore
I don't want it anymore
If the me I was 9 years ago-hell, even 4 years ago- could see me, see the things I've done and the promises I've tossed away for cheap things, would she want the future more, or less?
Jul 2022 · 99
One Of The Good Ones
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2022
Everybody talks about
The ones who fall in love
They kiss and cry
And live and die
Life they never dreamed of

But nobody talks about
The time that comes before
The heartbreak and
The loneliness
Your heart out on the floor

Even when the sun comes up
Your left in misery
Your eyes red-rimmed
Your crawling skin
It's all a mystery

Sometimes you can be just fine
And have a normal day
Then you get home
You're all alone
You want to hide away

"Is there something wrong with me"
Your heart whispers too loud
And suddenly
And sullenly
You're with misery endowed

You're walking down a busy street
You pass a window pane
You see yourself
But not yourself
And all that's there is pain

"Your belly rolls, your neck's too thick"
You chastise yourself
Before you know
It, any glow
Falls in upon itself

Your tears fall down, flooding out
You wonder what is wrong
They just don't see
All your beauty
And what was there is gone

You try to find a better way
To finally fall in love
Before you know,
Here comes the snow
And you are still alone

"Someone's out there," they all say,
"He's waiting just for you"
It never helps
Nor even quells
The place you're going through

Weddings, anniversaries
You don't enjoy them all
But sometimes you
See joy and truth
When rice and flowers fall

But then there's always going home
You have to face the day
With fake smile off
You go to bed
And cry your makeup off.
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2022
I believe in little things as well as big things
I believe in goodbye kisses as much as good morning ones
I believe in spreading love as far as we can before we die
I believe that it's important to squeeze in as many embraces as possible even if you've already said goodbye
I believe that we are hear for a reason
I believe in the beauty of everyday things
I believe that it's okay to cry, you just have to find out what to do after that
I believe in better things than a virus or a violent ending to all things good
I believe that goodness made this world
I believe that goodness paid for me to be here through a vast sacrifice
I believe that we do not stay dead long
That death is only a door
And I believe that on the other side
Whether we see joy
Or disaster
Depends not only on how we live our lives
But on how one man lived His
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2022
Even the best of dreams are nightmares
For we must awaken sometime
Jul 2022 · 102
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2022
I'm not okay
I know that
I'm not myself
I cry more
Eat less
When I go to sleep
It's not because I'm tired
It's because I don't want to wake up
I don't want to be awake
My smile fades as soon as you turn away
I hate things
And myself
And when I think of the future
I see nothing
I want to curl up
And hide away
In this hole I've dug myself
I want to fall into the nothingness
That comes with sleep
I want to be someone
Other than this
Someone happy
Be with someone
Not just for the nights
And soft
But the mornings, days, and afternoons
Where I can flee
To someone's arms
Feel them around me
But I'm alone
I can't seem to shake it
I only eat
To fill me up
Because there's a hollowness inside me
And if I can't fill that
At least I can fill something
I don't have the stomach
To let the blood run
Down my Wrists
But I wish I could feel something
God, I wish I could feel something
Something other than this
"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God."

It's not over, I will praise again. But I'm in the valley.
Jun 2022 · 87
Fording The River
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2022
It's spring
Soft colors rise on the horizon
The air is fresh
And clean
I know that I could just close my eyes
Fall asleep here
Listening to the birds
And the squirrels in the trees
Waking in the magenta morning light
Forget for a few precious hours
That I'm sad
And tired
And afraid for decisions to be made
Forget that I feel a bit broken
And battered
But I know
That when I open my eyes
It will all come crashing back
And I don't know
If I'd rather pause this for awhile
Just to get hit harder
When my eyelids flutter open
And the peacefulness is gone
Going through some rough stuff right now-things I never thought I would have to worry about, and I'm having to make some very hard decisions about my church. I just feel weak, and tired, and I know that nothing is meaningless, but what could be so important about what my family is dealing with right now?
Jun 2022 · 229
Glistening Listening
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2022
You told me you would never hurt me
That your soul was bound to me
Well I think
I think
We all hurt each other
We just bind the wounds too tightly.
I have this memory. Barely a flash of one. My dad is discussing something with a friend, and he says "the title has nothing to do with the story" since then, I always think of it when coming up with a title. But sometimes it doesn't need to make sense to anyone else. Sometimes it's just...right.
Jun 2022 · 295
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2022
It comes to all of us
That fear
That maybe
We were meant
To be alone
To just fade away
Until no one remembers you
Except in fleeting summer thoughts
Of yesterday
That everyone
We meet
We push away
But it's all
Every bit
A matter of patience
And understanding
Patience to find ways to cope
And understanding
That it may not come
In the way you think it will
Counseling a friend of mine, and he is struggling with this right now. But I think we all at some point wonder if we are meant to be alone forever.
Marisa Lu Makil May 2022
If you were around
I'd tell you I love you
I wish I had
I would do better

If you were still here
I'd just pick up the phone
I wish I had
I would hug you tightly

If you weren't gone
I'd ask to spend time with you
I wish I had
I found out too late

If you were still with us
I'd kiss your wrinkled cheek
I wish I had
I didn't do it enough

If you were here
I would watch scifi with you
I wish I had
I never knew you loved it

If you were still on earth
I'd see you more often
I wish I had
The last time I saw you, you were so much thinner

If we still had you
I'd hug you longer
I wish I had
It all happened so fast

If I could see you now
I'd tell you I'm sorry
I wish I had
I didn't tell you how much I love you

If I could do it over
I'd tell you you're the only grandpa I remember
I wish I had
Now I have to love you from afar

If you could see me
You'd see my regret
I wish you could
All I want to do is see you

If I could see you again
I'd tell you about my day
I wish I had
We only spoke in passing

If we were face to face
I'd tell you I want you at my wedding
I wish I had
It's too late now

If we could see you again
You'd tell us not to cry
I wish you would
We miss you so much
I miss my pawpaw today. It's been 9 months, and I have so many regrets about his passing. I should have seen him more, tell him I loved him, etc. One day I will tell him I love him. I will talk to him, spend time with him, kiss his cheek, embrace him, see both my grandpa's together in a golden city. We won't cry, we won't have any regrets, just an eternal sunrise of bursting glory worshiping the one who gave us life. I love him so much, I can't wait to tell him that.
May 2022 · 102
Psalm 145
Marisa Lu Makil May 2022
Father give me strength
When I cannot be brave
And Lord please take my hand
When I stumble away
You are all I have
In this world that seems so pale and gray
Lord, you are great

Shepherd, you have led me
When I go astray
Gentle, meek protector
You've conquered the grave
Comfort and my hope
You have held my head above the waves
God you are great

Maker of creation
You hold me in your hand
King of all the nations
You lift me up to stand
All Sanctification
Is bleeding from your nails of grace
King, you are great

Author of my story
You write what I can't see
Father of all glory
You live what I can't be
Taking inventory
Of all the things that I will be
Christ you are great

Leader of my heart
Give me grace like boundless seas
Not only in part
You hold my eternity
Even when I start
To slip you will hold me fast and sweet
Jesus you are great

Healer of my wounds
Lift me high and bind me up
When my heart eludes
You rise and fill my cup
Gently as you soothe
You carry me to safer ground
Maker you are great

Hiding place of mine
You capture every tear
I don't know your design
But I know you are here
Present before time
Lord you hear my cry and draw me near
Jehovah you are great

When mine eyelids close
I'll see a wondrous thing
I'll follow where He goes
I'll finally meet my King of Kings
And crowned with endless glow
I will rise and see Him face to face
Lord, God, King, Christ, Jesus, Maker, Jehovah, you are great.
Marisa Lu Makil May 2022
We spend our lives looking for one thing
And songs and poetry
Are such a poor substitute
For really being loved.
May 2022 · 94
Rock and ages
Marisa Lu Makil May 2022
I sat in evening rain today
And read about my loss
The things I was afraid to say
For fear of what it cost

I read my sorrow hard and sharp
And wept some bitter tears
My demons all around me harp
As did in early years

I saw the pain I felt so deep
It broke me to my core
I had abandoned my belief
For sorrow evermore

But as I looked at years gone by
On this celestial globe
I knew that pain, I would Abide
By one ember of hope

I wondered what would come about
If things had come too soon;
One less submission, one more shout
Would I sing a diff'rent tune?

But no, the order had to last;
One more or less thing said,
And things would not have come to pass
That maybe I still need

I saw amidst the tears and pain
The hands of someone great
Who all my hope and love sustains
And orders all my fate

And wept I more some bitter tears
But not for what had passed
I mourned for all the sorrowed years
With no wind to my mast

I praised the one who gave me hope
To hold on just once more
To wait for just one inky stroke
Of all the love He swore

I thank Him now in my distress
For all that happened then
For how could I have found such rest
Without the driving wind

For indeed in my darkest hour
I hid me deep inside
And only by His cleansing pow'r
Could I in hope reside

I see my life across a plane
A tangle and a mess
But oh the lovely, hearty grasp
That He does all things best

So though in dark I oft' reside
Languish in sorrow's drought
I know my King is by my side
And He will lead me out.
"I have learned to kiss the waves that slams me into the rock of ages."
May 2022 · 75
Marisa Lu Makil May 2022
We all seek and search our own version of perfection
Our own picture of flawless sublimity
But at best, we all stumble
And oh how we keep on falling
Mar 2022 · 92
Cris-cross We Know Loss
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2022
We long for presence
For someone to hold our hand
And make sure we are okay
To pull us to safety
When we feel our lives
Like tethered rope
Through sweaty fingers
Torn between letting go
On the rocks below
Or daring to think
That maybe things will be okay
So you hold on to the rope
Hand shaking
Fingers gripping
Blood Dripping
Down injured
Holding hard to the heartfelt hope
That someone will save you from Drowning
When there was never anyone
At the other end of the rope
So You watch the videos
Drink and love
Hoping it will bring you back
From the clammy
You've been
buried in so long
We long for presence
Because that's what we need
Someone to hold the other end of the rope
Someone to give us life again
We need someone
To put their arm beneath us
And help us stand
"But mine is peace that flows from heaven and the strength in time of need I know my pain will not be wasted, Christ completes His work in me"
Jan 2022 · 419
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2022
Hush little darling, don't you cry
I know you have fiery skies
Bad times now and more to come
Save your tears now, little one

Hush little baby don't you cry
It is raining hard tonight
Peace will come when sun doth rise
Listen to my lullabies

Hear my voice and lull to sleep
Pray the Lord your soul to keep
Hush little baby don't you cry

*Everything's gonna be alright
There's a picture in my head of a mother with her child. Bombs light up against the dark, starless, rainy sky. She clutches her baby to her, attempting to soothe the child with this song and stave off both their fear as everything falls around them.

*credit to whoever wrote the original "Hush little baby".  This is only my revised version. :)
Jan 2022 · 322
Will William
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2022
All things must end
Good and bad
We don't always get happy endings
But if we're lucky,
And very, very blessed,
We might keep getting happy beginnings.
Dec 2021 · 219
Anywhere Anywhere
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2021
Oh and what a relief
To wake up
And find the monsters in my head
Were nothing but a nightmare
And seared
On the backs of my waking eyelids
I've been having some horrible nightmares lately. I don't know why. A few days ago, I had to sit up and remind myself where I was, that my neighbor was downstairs and no one has my key. I turned the lights on before going back to bed. My brother says I should get help and find a counselor who is able to help me. For some reason, typing up my nightmare when I wake makes me feel better. I have a whole file full of them.
Dec 2021 · 104
Jim Jerome Wood
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2021
I write for you here on this side
It just seems right somehow
I'll write about your funny smile
And happy, wrinkled brow

You always wore your funny socks
You passed in happy ones
Now 'neath the ground they lay with you
On golden roads they run

You carried me when I was born
Down bright hospital halls
But still for me, you left too soon
The voice of heaven called

As years went by, you helped me walk
Lovingly watched me grow
We had a soft, unspoken ​love
That only grandpa's know

I wish that I had spoken it
One last and final time
So on the chance that you can see,
I'll say it with this rhyme

​I loved you then, I miss you now
I wish that I had known
Without a chance to say goodbye
Up to the clouds you'd flown.

I wish I could have said goodbye
My heart regrets it now
"I love you, miss you, and goodbye"
It doesn't matter now.

I've never had to deal with death
This was a first for me
I wish to God it wasn't you
Now you will never see.

I know that I'll see you someday
I wish it would be soon
If it meant I could bring you back,
I would give you the moon

But sighs and cries and tears of grief
Could never bring you back
I trust you are in Jesus' arms
Your death was right on track

I cannot see the happiness
Through bitter, mourning eyes
But I know I will see you soon
Under celestial skies

So I won't say goodbye to you
Goodbye is for so long
I'll just say "I will see you soon
When I join Heavenly throngs"
This is for my pawpaw who passed on October 25, 2021. He didn't die from old age, or an old wound, while the whole world was panicking about people dying from Covid, my sweet grandpa died from pancreatic cancer. What a joke. But I know where he is now, there's no cancer, no ****** aches or pains, no loss of hearing, he feels and is better than he has ever been. I just wish I had gotten to say goodbye. Since he was in the hospital, we weren't allowed to be with him But like a small blessing from the Lord, when he passed, he thought we were with him, his family around him, loving him while he passed from this world to the next. I wish I could hug him just once more. I'll see you soon, pawpaw. Wait for me at the east gate. I'll meet you there.
Dec 2021 · 247
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2021
You said you had no offer;
No option but to leave
I would have offered you everything
And in the end, that was my downfall.
Dec 2021 · 135
Bitter Travesty
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2021
I dreamed one night
So long ago
Of oceans far away
I set a'sail
And found myself
In harsh and gloomy day

The fog rolled in
The water crashed
But he was by my side
A sweetest love
I'd never known
Drifting o'er the tide

He held my hand
Throughout the storm
And as we braved the sea,
I felt his life-light
Seep to mine,
He gave it willingly

A stranger here
Upon these tides
I knew not left or right
And many days
Had cruelly passed
Since we had seen the light

Oh wicked wind
Oh tumult'uous sea
Oh cold and dark embrace
Oh how we dreamed
Of sunshine lands
Far away from this place

I wished and hoped
For better days
The deluge drew me in
But still we dreamed
Of sunny skies
And sweet, warm summer wind

The waters crash
The sea it sprays
So angry at our laughter
And woke me then
To the bitter truth:
There are no happy afters.
Dec 2021 · 83
Mind Over Matter
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2021
I'm not
Or rich
I don't live in a mansion,
just a tiny apartment.
I'm not poor
Or broke,
I don't worry about finances
I don't eat out every night,
But I budget.
I have money enough
That I don't have to worry about not being able to pay bills,
So I am content.
But I am not happy.
Money can't bring you happiness. Because at the end of the day,
I'm sitting in my house
All alone
Save my plants,
And I'm wishing
I had someone to come home to.
Dec 2021 · 85
Come Spring, Come Winter
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2021
It wasn't a Forbidden Love or a flaming Romance; the years passed by and we
Didn't even see it at first. It was just
A muttering and musing of music,
But when we finally opened our eyes,
It was a burning wreck
Of pain and Circumstance.
Neither of us knew it was there
Until it was
And we wondered how for so long
We'd missed this soft watercolor sunset
But between the gray dawn or fiery twilight,
Still we chose the former.
Oct 2021 · 657
I'm not moving
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2021
Heart stopped
Wish it would
Mind trapped
Wish I could
From my head

Eyes swell
From the tears
Feels like
It's been years
That I've
Felt this fear

Waves crash
Over me
I can't scream
In a dream

Fog, mist
In my head
Can't get
Out of bed
Wrists they're
Turning red

Hope for me
Lost at sea
Lost in-
Side of me

In my soul
Feels like
Broken bones
Can't let go

In myself
Can't trust
Someone else
Like a pulse

Curled up
Bottom side
A pit
Deep inside
Wish that
I would die
Two weeks ago I got the news that my grandpa is dying. The next day I got into a car crash, later that week someone broke up with me, and I just got the news that two of my pastors have resigned their Commission. I just feel sad and broken and I want to die and it feels like no one nowhere on any planet or existence can help me.  Please,  God make me a stone.
Sep 2021 · 135
Shattered Hopes
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2021
I'd like to believe
The world is kinder
Than it appears
Sep 2021 · 102
We Never Had A Song
Marisa Lu Makil Sep 2021
We never had a song
We gazed at each other
Until one of us looked away
We'd smile
Or make funny faces
And he would stick out his tongue at me
But we never had a song
He made me blush when we touched
Gave me butterflies
When he wrapped his arms around me
But we never had a song
He replaced all my scars
With his fingertips
He made me feel... safe
But we never had a song
I would watch him when he didn't see
And wondered what his skin felt like
But we never had a song
He made me wish for silly things
Like making coffee together
Or playing card games late at night
But we never had a song
And at the end
When all we did was fight
When we opened up old wounds
And you used my past against me
It took up all my mind,
And all I could think
Was that we'd never have a song.
Written for an old friend, an almost lover.
Aug 2021 · 92
I Never Stray
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2021
For making me feel
Like everyone
Who says they love me
Is lying to my face
For making me
About people leaving
And *******
Because even though it's been
8 years
8 **** years
I still feel
Like I'm not good enough
To make people want to stay
And thank you
Because if you hadn't left
I would have fallen in love with you
And gotten hurt all over again.
To Tyler Thatcher. I hope you're happy now.
Jun 2021 · 356
My Soul to Take
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2021
I fell asleep praying for your soul
And when I woke, I prayed some more
Jun 2021 · 80
We Do Things Differently
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2021
He wasn't particularly handsome
No lovely dark hair
Or green eyes
The world didn't stop to stare at him
But I did.
He wasn't confident
Or proud,
He didn't spend his days
Being recognized or
Fauned over by the masses,
He didn't even love himself
But I did.
I can't say
That we were meant for each other,
Or the stars aligned
To bring us together,
But there was a
Of "maybe" between us
And no one else could understand it,
But we did.
Jun 2021 · 347
Yesterday's Tomorrow
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2021
I don't want to say I hate you
Or I regret what happened
I don't want to say I love you
Or I wish we could go back
So I guess I'll just say thank you
For all our memories
The good and all the bad ones
That led us to where we are
Jun 2021 · 106
Life Goes On
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2021
It hurts less to watch him fall in love with someone else
Than for us to live
knowing that what we both want
Is something we can never have
Mar 2021 · 108
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2021
We are all
So in love
With destroying ourselves
Feb 2021 · 1.3k
When You Wish
Marisa Lu Makil Feb 2021
I fell in love with the dark of the mountains
And the lights in the October sky.
Jan 2021 · 349
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2021
I'm a bit fragmented
Warded up
With layers
A whisper of
"Don't get too close"
I'm a little too-easily broken
None too strong
All I need
Is a little warmth
And maybe I'll begin to grow
If only
I could trust
That someone else
Will handle me gently
If only this shell
Weren't made of glass
I might not shatter
Under the weight
Of all the "maybes"
Dripping into my ears
But every atom
Has a breaking point
You simply need to know
From what height
It must be dropped
Not my best work, I'm not my best self. Today I just feel... Sad?... overwhelmed?...Worthless? I cannot find the word, but I know I feel broken and I feel there is no one to glue me back together.
Jan 2021 · 92
Wonder Wonderful
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2021
I'm laying in bed and as I drift off to sleep
A slow
Soft tune
That speaks of dreaming
Drifts into my ears
It is summer
I'm curled up in a field of soft green grass
Tears on my cheeks
Shuddering breaths
Hollowly echoing
From my lungs
Everyone who hurt me
Is on a slow March
Towards me
Reaching their hands
To grab me
Touch me
Bruise me
The sky turns dark and the rain comes
Angry clouds hang above me in a far more furious sky
Fear and dread
Like bullets
Leap into my skin
I hold myself
And let my tearful existence
Mimic the water falling upon my clammy skin
A deep sorrow
Horrible anxious fear
Is all that I am
I wonder if ever I will escape
The creeping hands
That reach tendrils around me
Threatening to pull me into the muddy ground
My clothes cling to my skin like frost to a tree
In a flash of lightening
Every sound stops
The rain continues to hit my face
Like shards of ice
Every drop reminding me of my pain
The wind stills howls
But all I can hear are soft footsteps
The kind music returns to my ears and I take my arms away from my head only to see
A man
Strideing toward me
Weaving his way through the painful
Reminders of my past
As he passes each person,
He simply touches their shoulders
Gently and mightily
And they vanish
In a puff of fog
Like summer mornings
Each disappears
He finally reaches me
I see His face
Never have I seen anything so lovely
An affectionate smile
Works it's way onto His face
He says nothing,
Only reaches His hand out to me
I've never trusted
With more conviction
Slowly at first, I reach for His hand,
And the moment our fingers touch
All the violent storm
Comes to a stop
A sweet melody
Of birdsong
And tender music returns as He pulls me to my feet
He does not ask me to come to Him
Nor does He hold out His arms in expectation
No, He looks into my eyes
With a tenderness nothing short of miraculous
And wraps His arms around me
And all the wretched fear is gone
I open my eyes
I am again in my bed
And though the man is no longer seen at the fluttering open of my eyelids
I can still feel His kind loyalty
On my skin
Tears dry on my face
And I wonder...
I know
Everything is going to be alright.
I'm writing this at 4am on a Saturday morning as I lie in bed, my anxious thoughts are spilling over the edges of my soul, but a man who lived through death pours them into His own leaving me with nothing but an empty cup and eternally more hope that I'm going to be okay.
Jan 2021 · 595
Less and Lessons
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2021
We've all strayed a little
Too far
From the road
And we can't find
A way back
So let's drink
Raise a toast
And hope
We can find a better way
Marisa Lu Makil Jan 2021
I'm just...
And I want to die
But the fireworks
And the music
And all these joyful people
Can't make that go away.
Another year begins in 36 minutes
Dec 2020 · 84
Shooting Star
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2020
We can smile
And say we're fine
We haven't been sleeping well
We're stressed
Put on a brave face
But in the end
All we really want
Is to lay down
For a long time
No dreams
No wakeful nightmares
And rest
Until the stars fade out
And the sun grows dim
And the green grass
Falls into
The purple universe
And we don't have to be alive anymore
Dec 2020 · 141
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2020
She never was afraid of the fire
She curled up
At his sparking
Spoke in soft tones
And stroked the flames
Until all that was left
Was soft embers and warm skin
Yet another thing I woke up randomly and wrote in my phone before going back to sleep and forgetting about it until just now. 😂😂😂
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