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They say you meet people when you are meant to meet them,
You go through things so you could fall down, get up and learn,
So you can see not just the real you, but the real them.
They say things happen for a reason,
So you could learn to chose between seeing the light or seeing the darkness with all its treason.
They say everyone means everything to somebody,
So you dont feel alone when you dont need but want to find somebody.
They say happiness lies within you,
I say thank you, for everything you said has kept my head up high and kept me sane, its true.
One glance
Music blaring everywhere,
a gentle tug between our souls,
A little push,
a little closer he got.
One smile underneath the fluorescent lights,
A little brighter shined the night,
A little chuckle
Another glance,
And a little closer he got.
Shuffling through the wave of sound,
Through the crowd,
No longer in sight,
I looked down and sighed,
But when I turned around, to my surprise,
We locked eyes,
He smiled,
And a little closer he got.
Excited to speak, he spilled his drink,
I laughed, we spoke,
And a little closer he got to me.
I’ve always been known as a hopeless romantic,
I love love and everything about it,
I want to find it in the purest of forms,
and finally feel what others adorn.
To see the love in there eyes,
to feel the love in their words.
To thank God everyday
for colliding our worlds.
I went deep down in the hole,
not physically but mentally,
i just wanted to be alone.
I couldnt find my words,
to show people where i’d go,
deep down in my emotions,
where darkness was all there was to show.
I searched frantically for guidance,
to try and figure out if this is as far as i should go.
I couldnt find the right time to let everybody know
i could no longer reach my goals.
I was tired and exhausted and i had nothing left,
it’s sad i know.
When you have these pent up feelings
that you never learned to let go,
they start eating at your insides
until you say **** this, its time for me to go.
life's better off without me,
no one will ever even know,
all the **** i had to go through,
to pop this bottle and take it straight to the dome,
pills that faded my vision,
tears that flooded my throat.
my eyes started to close,
left with nothing but remorse.
surprised to see light sneeking in through my eye lids,
hours later, i was blessed i didnt go.
Growing up with a dream.
Moving through life feeling as if it's slipping through the seams.
Everyday seeing a bit of it fall into pieces not knowing what it means.
I was told growing up that not all dreams are what they seem.
Some continue to be nothing but a dream, while others grow up to be exactly what they always wanted to be.
Where am i?
In the middle of life with my dreams as far as the end of the sea.
Should i give up now?
Or should i continue and hope i'll see everything i wanted to see,
And hope that in the end of my life i can tell my family i became everything they wanted me to be.
it comes and it goes.
You chase after it and sometimes you just let it flow.
Days where you cant put your mind into words,
and seconds where your hand cant seem to stop its flow.
Minutes where you read it and it sounds like garbage,
days go by and you see it with so much emotion you just have to pause it.
Pause that moment so you can dissect it to see where your mind is.
Pause that moment,
now try and figure out where in the hell your heart is.
I came into this world knowing nothing,
expected to know everything.
Walking through the façade that making money is the goal.
When so many people around the world cant even show,
a little compasion for their neighbor.
They're just focused on the manual labor.
The labor that has them trapped in the notion that time is money,
and love is nothing.
Okay maybe not nothing but definitely not something,
as important as the currency.
But let me tell you one thing.
It's the notion that no one is worried about whats current, you see?
There's starving children and dying breeds,
yet all we're worried about is what we want not what we need.
Fighting for the money that we dont even have,
saying that its ours, but for what a new hat?
Maybe a car and a new watch,
now what about those who got botched?
Thrown out of the system,
saying that they're worth nothing and no one will miss them.
They all say that love is forever and that you'll die together,
well not unless you mess up and have nothing to rub together.
Since when does the amount of cash in your pocket define your worth?
What happened to personality and what was given to you at birth?
So i sit here confused.
Living in a world that says it loves you for being you,
but in reality we're all being used.
Being programed and abused.
Just to be burried dead and bruised,
with all you who thought you where
but ha jokes on you.
Lets set sail
To the great unknown,
Where the future can change
And the present can unfold.
Lets set sail
To our grand denial,
Let us live another day,
Life is better when its vile.
Lets set sail
to the REAL unknown,
Where its better when you sink,
Than it is to stay afloat.
Lets set sail,
To our greater knowledge,
For there would be no boat,
If the shore was always by us.
Lets set sail,
Far far away,
So we can learn to survive,
There is no other way.
Lets set sail,
Let us learn,
Let us fail,
Lets. set. sail.
A love so true,
Is not something you simply find.
It’s a love like no other,
Something that can only be shown by the love of your mother.
Something so pure,
Something so clear.
Its a love you cannot live without,
because it’s so sincere.
You grow up.
Before you walk you learn to crawl;
There she was the entire time, hoping you would not fall.
You threw tantrums and said i hate you,
But there was never a point where she would lose faith in you.
You said “i quit, i can’t continue”
But your mother knew,
it was another faze that you would learn to live through.
You will fall and you will rise,
Sometimes you’ll love your life and other days you’ll want to die.
What will never change is who will be there for you,
It will sometimes be your friends,
But it will always be your mother whom you hold so dear and true.
With fewer words,
I’m trying to say,
Thank you for all you have done for me.
I thank God for you every single night and day.
I try to go in my mind
to see how it works
but I can’t seem to find the switch to make it show,
all of the things I can’t seem to fathom,
or all of the things I already know.
I wanted to find that tick that shows
why I see darkness in the day and colors
as the dark night snows.
Let me see who I came to be,
I want to unravel the madness I inhaled so quickly,
I need a guide to my mind,
A map that can show me everything I have to hide,
Everything I cant remember and everything I left behind.
show me a movie of my fondest memories,
Show me the details I can no longer grasp due to my uncanny tendencies.
I want to see where I’ve been.
Reveal to me all of my sins,
So I can say that everything I went through
made me stronger than the devil had planned.
I win.
Let me look into the windows of your soul,
let me see the reflection of my words that you hold.
Let me see what you feel,
let me listen to your words,
I just want you to show to me, how it is you see the world.
Do you feel the good wind flow between your hair,
or do you simply walk around without a bit of care.
Can you smell the sweet scent of the rain after a storm,
or do you stumble through the streets frivolous and cold.
Can you hear the happiness blaring from the laughter,
or do you sit down and ponder what life will be way after,
after we pass and we have nothing left to give,
or do you see the legacy we where brought here to live.
I just want you to show me, how it is you see the world,
so I can take the seat right next to you,
in this ride we call life,
and you will never be alone.
In times of despair,
I couldn’t get out of my mind,
I couldn’t collect my thoughts,
I couldn’t keep track of time,
I couldn’t spare the memories and the good times.

So much happiness around me
Yet I solely focused on the scoop.
The stories of others being told.
Where they lies,
Or where they truths?
Where we focused on them,
Or where we making up stories
To satisfy our youth?
The youth that failed to show us
That what you say,
says nothing about them,
and everything about you.
Gasping for air, in this world of despair,

where those who say they’ll help you, just stand back and stare.

They say be “yourself there's nothing better these days”

then you show a bit of color and they say ” oh but darling, your the wrong shade.”

the land of opportunity, is what they proclaim.

Everybody’s welcome, just stay in your own lane.

Don't speak up about injustices,

don't try and fight this game,

those who own this place will make a law to take you away.

They’ll spin some kind of story,

they’ll say your sabotaging this place,

but as soon as they need those votes,

they’ll state they want you to stay.

“We are all one in the same”,

is what they always say,

but then they get that crown,

and there big head gets in the way.

We all need each other to get ahead in this game,

instead of fighting one another,

lets start by being kind and make this world a better place to stay.

Maybe he wasn't meant to come in quietly,
He was meant to come in soaring,
Come in roaring with personality.
With the type of persona that could settle the beast inside me.
So strong, so peaceful, that tears roll down my face.
Not because he's overpowering
But because his gentle force moves me in a way
That only strong tides can move the gentle ocean.

~ The way he
If I could show you how I feel, I’d take your hand and then unveil,
The deepest parts of the abyss,
I’d plant a kiss upon your lips.
I’d grip you tighter and swim higher,
until the water seems real tired.
I’d take you up into the clouds and wake the tides up,
then make them crash.
I’d make them splash right up to us,
to show you that this world would be nothing with out us.
I’d grab you once more and take off,
right into the milky way to show you how big this love can be for us.
I’d take it up a notch higher,
and fly you to infinity and still a bit higher.
Because this universe can be unjust,
but i’d choose no where else,
without you and without us.
So close your eyes mi amor,
And let me show you,
que no hay temor.
Después de aquí somos uno,
y si no estas tu,
ya del mundo no ahi ninguno.
I’ll be yours forever more,
so take my hand and lets explore,
the corners of this gran amor,
and every corner of this world.
That unexpected kiss.
That one night I let it all go and it ended up in bliss.
Every time I said no,
Thinking I would never end up with someone like him.
Turns out I was wrong, I just didn't know that it would turn out like this.
Saying I dont judge those who go on and do whatever they choose to do,
But in reality all I did was diss.

Diss who he was and what he stood for.
What I failed to see was that things aren't always what they seem it's what you look for.
It has more to do with whats within.
Within the soul.
Within the mind.
Turns out this is one hell of a guy.
Walking with a shackle full of past mistakes and judgment,
But who doesn't?

So here I sit thinking how did it get to this.
To this unexpected feeling,
This feeling that has me reeling.
Was it that I lacked the care of being his,
That made me realize that no masks where on for any of this.
All it was suppose to be was some nights of support and bliss.
Yet it turned out to be something that I will forever miss.

They said no offense
but he reminds us of you.
Doubt it, i replied.
Then through those doors you stumbled through;
Saying “love is all around,”
and that made me turn around.
A careless glance.
That’s all it took.
For me
to see me,
when i thought
i watched

~ When i first met you

— The End —