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270 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i haven't eaten lunch in a few days
and i already don't eat breakfast
now i'm starting to eat less at dinner too
why is it that
when you see the numbers on the scale go down
it becomes addicting?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i do not know how to describe your voice except that it is the most beautiful sound that ever existed
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
you pulled me out of the darkness and for that, i will always be thankful.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
all i know is i'm in love. you feel more like home than any house i've been in ever has. every time i think of you, a safe feeling washes over me and i can imagine us being together for the rest of our lives.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i would give anything to fall asleep in your safe arms right now
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i know we're meant to be. i know i'm supposed to look at you the rest of my life.
268 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
be my knight in shining armor
and battle the demons in my head
show them who's in control
and don't let them win
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you're the one i'm planning on marrying someday so please don't leave or find someone better
267 · Oct 2018
the real hate poem
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i was going to write a hate poem about you
but decided not to
i don't want to write any more poems about you
you're not welcome in my life anymore
you told me to get out of yours today
so that's what i will do
i will pretend you never existed
and i'll be much happier without you
267 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
darling, you know exactly how to make my heart remember how to love
266 · Sep 2018
You Can't Hurt Me Anymore
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
You threw me aside like a child bored of a toy
I would say that it hurts but you did it so much, I'm used to it now
Like someone gets used to their everyday routine
This is my everyday routine, getting hurt by you
You put me down whenever you feel like it and it's not going to happen again
I realized my worth, darling, you can't bring me down anymore

You used to walk me to my bus at the end of every school day
And hug me as we departed, even as friends, even as lovers
But there's something deep inside you that changed
You're so different than how you used to be

So, I'm ignoring you like you did to me
And how lonely you are, darling
Because when I'm laughing and having fun with my other friends
(You know, the ones that don't try to hurt me?)
You just have to join in
And then you pretend like everything is okay
It's not.
Maybe I forgive people too much and that's why you think you have the right to do this to me
But, no, you are not allowed to use me

I was just a back up to you
Someone to hold and have fun with when no one else wanted you
And like the fool I am, I just let you manipulate me
But I know my worth and I know what I deserve
And you guessed it, I don't deserve an ******* like you
I'm worth so much more than this
And honey, just so we're clear, I'm female, you're male
And I'm still more of a man than you'll ever be

No wonder your girlfriend cheated on you
Because you did the same to me
And karma is a *****
You can't hurt me anymore
lovelywildflower Sep 2019
your smile is the most beautiful thing in this whole universe and i just want to make you smile all the time, for the rest of our lives.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
all my past relationships felt like endings, but you feel like a beginning
264 · Nov 2018
haiku: stay (pt.3)
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i sleep constantly
i'm usually so tired
i am right now, but

i know if i sleep
i will dream of losing you
and please forgive me

but i don't want to
wake up crying again and
feeling my world end

just look at me now
someone afraid of sleeping
something i once loved

i don't want to ache
and wake up crying your name
because i need rest

i would rather die
than to keep dreaming of that
it hurts way too much

so i stay up and
try to remind myself that
you are here to stay

264 · Nov 2018
broken heart syndrome
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the day i learned that you could actually die from a broken heart
i was so confused because i have never felt that pain
how could someone be that sad?
i didn't understand until i met you
and i knew if i lost you
i would die from a broken heart
my heart would stop operating normally
my heart would have no reason to go on
i wouldn't want to go on
i would die
i would actually die
the muscles of my heart would ache
it wouldn't know how to keep working
it would forget how to keep beating
it would forget how to pump blood
i would die without you

263 · Nov 2018
my shipwrecked heart
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i feel like i have to hide my sadness away from you
like you won't love the raging storm inside of me
and i want to scream at the top of my lungs
but when i open my mouth, nothing comes out
i'm drowning, but only sometimes
sometimes i feel okay and i'm able to breathe
but other times i just feel like an anchor drifting down into the sea
too heavy to bring itself back up
too burdened to care
it doesn't matter if i'm drowning or above water
there's just no reason for this sadness to be inside me
i'm used to the waves of emotions crashing against the rocky cliff
but there's no storm this time
there's no thunder
there's no lightning
but maybe my heart still has a couple leaks
maybe the water is still rushing into it
maybe i don't have all the things i need to fix it
maybe i'm still broken in places no one can reach
i don't want to be broken anymore
i don't want to be full of debris from the storm
i don't want this
and i don't have a reason for why i'm this way
sometimes the waves just wash over me
until i can no longer breathe
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
we're going to be together one day, no matter what happens.
261 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i so desperately want
to say those words i'm sending you out loud
to your face
in person.

261 · Nov 2018
just a little warning
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
perhaps i'm some ****** girlfriend
but i just like to protect what's mine
i'm not possessive
i'm territorial
and he's mine
you better be careful around me
try to talk to my man in some flirty way
then i promise you you'll never want to talk to anyone again
i seem so sweet and innocent
but you've probably never met someone as crazy as me

lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i will stay up all night if i have to just to make sure you're safe and okay.
260 · Nov 2018
i hate being sad
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
sometimes i stare at my scars
memories of being hurt
and i regret ever making myself bleed
but other times
i just want to feel the blade tear across my skin
and i want to go so deep
like right now
260 · Sep 2018
I Wish You Could See This
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I want to write a special poem just for you.
To tell you how you make me feel.
But I don't think I could find the right words to describe exactly what is going on in my heart.

I could say you make my heart skip a beat, but no, that's not the truth
You make my heart stop and you revive it over and over again
I could say I see stars when I look into your eyes, but no, that's not the truth
I see whole galaxies and I know there's so many worlds inside you wanting to break free
I could say that you give me butterflies, but no, that's not the truth
There's not just a few, there's a whole lepidopterarium full
I could say you're as beautiful as a rose, but no, that's not the truth
Your beauty is out-of-this-world, unfathomable, no words are good enough to describe it
I could tell you you're worth more than gold, but no, that's not the truth
Your worth surpasses all earthly things
I could go on and on telling you these things that make my heart stop and my stomach fill with butterflies
But even this poem isn't good enough to show you exactly how I feel

Darling, I've never seen someone as beautiful as you.
259 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'm a dreamer
i like to dream of my future
the things i want
the way i want my house to look
the person i would like to love
just everything
lately, i've been dreaming of you
and lately, i've been looking at baby clothes
whenever i get the chance
because it reminds me of the life i want with you
and it reminds me that i can wait for you
and the life i've always wanted
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
my heart fills with sunshine and love when you call me beautiful
258 · Oct 2018
i'm in love with you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
"i am in love with you
and i know that love is just a shout into the void
and that oblivion is inevitable
and that we're all doomed
and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust
and i know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have
and i am in love with you."
from The Fault In Our Stars
257 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i believe that everything is beautiful in its own way
so why can't i see that in myself?

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't think i fully understood love until now. until i showed you a piece of me no one ever saw and now i can be so myself around you.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
you are now part of my soul and you always will be.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i am so afraid of losing you
that it's making me sick
255 · Jan 2019
as time passes
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
I keep glancing at the clock
counting down the minutes until I'm in your arms

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i sat, leaning against the wall
guitar in hands
my fingers dancing on the strings
i closed my tear-filled eyes
and let my heart take over
i recorded the sound of my broken heart
you may not like the sound of it
but it wasn't meant to sound pretty
it wasn't meant to sound like a perfect thing
it was meant to sound broken
just like me
253 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
tell me all the things you adore about me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
It's 6:00
Time to let myself down again
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i've noticed that my past relationships brought out the bad side of me. but you, you bring out the good in me.
250 · Nov 2018
call me crazy
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
Déjà vu
meaning "already seen"
is a sense of familiarity
like you've done something before
even though it doesn't seem like it
i get it all the time
i've been told i'm a little psychic
which sounds fairly crazy
but déjà vu
is a sign of being psychic
and it happens to me sometimes once a week
it's not every so often
it happens all the time
now it only happens with people
like i've known them in another life
and i get that feeling with him
i've experienced déjà vu
at least three times this week
more times than i ever have
and it's happened ever since we got together
i also get these feelings
like gut feelings
like instinct
but it's something deeper
i can feel when something important is going to happen
and if it's good or bad
like i can tell the future
and every time i get that feeling
something always happens
i get those feelings with him
like i'll love him forever
maybe we really are meant to be
250 · Jan 2019
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
bloodied lip
bloodied knuckles
black eye
a white sky filled with purple galaxies
kisses bonded with blood
hand holding interlocked with war
a river flows through the night sky
the stars glisten
a quiet whisper
a massacre of thoughts
a canvas displays strokes of pain

lovelywildflower Mar 2019
thank you for always being on my side. i promise i'll always be on yours.
248 · Oct 2018
but not me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i see so many hands held
and so many lips kissed
so many bodies pulled close
and so many i love you's said
but it's not me
i'm not the person they are with
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i know you and me will work out, until the very end.
246 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i never write in cursive
unless it's about you
because you're too special
for ordinary things
246 · Oct 2018
don't hurt me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i find myself letting you in
and seeing pieces of me i've never shown anyone
please don't take that for granted
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
fighting for you is not a promise i'm willing to break.
245 · Sep 2018
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I'll paint my room yellow
and make it bright
so maybe it will restore my light
So maybe I can feel like the sun again
245 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
our love is as secretive as the night sky
the things that are hidden from the world
so beautiful and so luminous
we are a galaxy no one has discovered yet
the stars hidden from view
but it doesn't matter if no one ever knows
because to me
we're the most beautiful thing i know
244 · Nov 2018
numbing the pain
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i wonder if you ever drank
because you missed me

a poem i wrote awhile ago
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
all i want is for you to be happy all the time.
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