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10.2k · Sep 2017
Doors of Heaven
Kalarav Sep 2017
I can barely see the Sun now.
It's slowly drowning into a pool of clouds,
turning a shade darker as it does so,
like a red bindi in the sky.
Awed by the mysterious beauty
I stand there starring.
Orange, pink and red clouds
fading into a deep blue.
The rest of the sky is covered with tiny shiny dots
and silhouettes of birds flying home
on the amber background.
The Sun's glowing like a jasper
and slowly it's completely under the horizon,
but a few rays cut through the clouds
like closing doors of the Heavens.
After the sunset the sky is a different kind of heaven.
The Night wears her beautiful cerulean dress,
decorated with diamonds we call stars.
They twinkle, they're a priceless sight,
covered often by clouds or pollution
seems like she is unhappy with us humans.
Nature, a vast beauty all around.
Despite being forgotten
it shows off it's beauty in a daily routine.
Do you care to notice?
Sunsets are priceless sights I see everyday. There is so much in life we forget to notice, but life goes on. When you feel low take a look around, you'll find a reason to live, to love!
5.1k · Mar 2016
Kalarav Mar 2016
Broken pieces floating all around
A hazy vision
A dizzy mind
But there is a lit torch in the dark
A bit of confidence amidst the fear
Words of hope among the cries
Faith despite the pain
And I'm a survivor of a Wreck!
2.7k · Oct 2018
Kalarav Oct 2018
Of what cost is a smile?
Of what cost is a 'hi, how are you?'?
Of what cost is an act of kindness?
Of what cost is selfless love?
Our ego seems like a good bargain.
Or simply a good gain.
1.2k · Sep 2015
Fading Paradise
Kalarav Sep 2015
We laughed as we walked on the green grass.
Held hands as we admired the shades of tulips.
Orange, pink and red
like the colours of our hearts.
Joy filled us like frozen yoghurt
being filled in empty cups.
I cherished it all,
every dawn and every dusk.
However, not all roads are perfect
and mine did take a bend.
My knees buckled and I fell
and no you weren't there to hold me,
No you weren't there to help me up.
I looked around and examined my wounds,
They were deep and with no one to heal
they bled till I was weak.
I want you to take my hand again
and tell me it's all right.
I know there is no world without wounds
and they will surely heal,
But lets go back and live
In the same old peaceful Paradise.
we all have people who we love sharing our happiness with people but we can't always do that with sorrow, but the people who are truly ours will stay by our sides to make our life better and easier to go through circumstances which we have t face as they are usually the consequences of our deed.
1.0k · Apr 2016
River side
Kalarav Apr 2016
Flowing, gentle water by the sand and silt.
Glowing moon reflected by the river.
The splashes and  the soothing waves,
like music to the ears.
The voices of crickets.
Cool breeze  pushing her hair off her face.
Sand and stones pricking her soft palm,
feet dipped in water.
All worries forgotten, washed away,
as she sat by the river side,
gazing up, towards the heavens.
While everybody was fascinated by the city lights,
she wondered about those twinkling things in the sky.

A calming presence, away from the crowds.
A prepossessing sight she'll never forget.
Nocturnal hours by the river.
The beauty of life captured in a few moments.
An admirer of the Creator, she is.
919 · Feb 2016
The World of Wonders
Kalarav Feb 2016
I don't  wish  to see the wonders of the world,
but a world of wonders.

A place where everything is cherished and loved
and we live merry.

Where smiles and love aren't fake,
where beauty isn't made up

Every colour is definitive.
Every inch is a spectacle.

Truly inspiring people and
truly fascinating surroundings.

Every step is like a burst of life
like a shower of glitter.

The beauty of dawn and dusk.
Blooming flora and thriving fauna.

Living among family and friends
with laughter and love.

Each petal of every flower
radiating scent and colour.

Each feather composing my wings,
flying towards my aim.

Spread my wings
and surf the clouds

Knowing my limits
lie beyond the skies.

As I step down with a sigh and say
what a truly wonderful world!
819 · Oct 2018
Winds of change
Kalarav Oct 2018
The air might be shapeless, colourless and odourless,
But the winds, they always have something to show,
something to say, something to convey.
Today's winds told me about the coming rains.
They howled to complain about climate change.
They sang songs with the wind chimes.
Then they brought the smell of wet mud as it rained.
Just like yesterday.
The only thing that has changed is that they no longer
carry your scent.
They no longer carry the sound of your voice to my ears.
Familiar and yet so strange,
I guess that is why they are called winds of change.
812 · Jun 2019
Kalarav Jun 2019
We have the privilege
to romanticise rain.
We talk about the cold breeze,
the soothing sounds
of falling droplets
and the feelings
that are evoked within us.

However, to some others,
rain simply means
a cold sleepless night.
Rain, to them
is like an uninvited guest,
who finds its way through
cracks and holes
and sits uncomfortably close.
A guest who leaves
only when they please.

To some others
rain is like an old friend
who's face they can no longer
They don't even remember
the last time they met
because it did not seem
like an incident
that was important enough
to commit to memory.
If only they had known
that it was the last time
in a long time...

And the ones who farm
to feed us all
pray for rain
that is just enough.
Not too less or too much.
And when it pours,
the elixir flows
to quench the thirst of doubts
'will there be yield?'
'will my children eat?'
A reassuring yes.

So, the next time
rain runs towards you
and drenches you
with an affectionate hug,
embrace it
and let it be no stranger.
647 · Sep 2020
Kalarav Sep 2020
A purple berried
White flowered ****
With intricate petals
Placed in pairs of three

Has spread its roots
Deep into my heart
Branched into both halves
Of my brain

I watch it grow in awe,
As the leaves
Branch symmetrically
Simultaneously wince in agony

As the roots
Are tearing through
The very soil
In which they grew

Do I rip out this
Uninvited beauty
And leave myself

Or do I
Let it flourish
And eventually
Engulf my being.
602 · Jun 2014
Kalarav Jun 2014
The bubble I’m captured in,
All women are!
The bubble of chores, home and responsibility,
The bubble of orthodox thoughts.
The criticism faced by bubble bursters,
Needs to be stopped.
And now I’m going to show the world that
Without bursting the bubble, I can step out.
Know my powers, strength and ability
By just one little weapon called Education.
This weapon needs to be placed in every hand,
Boy or girl, rich or poor,
Not to be stuck in the bubble forever more………
dedicated to all women!!!
590 · Jul 2014
Kalarav Jul 2014
I can see you
I can't feel you
I imagine your voice
I imagine your smile
You are like a mirage
A  look and you're gone
I started roaming streets
I started ringing doorbells
I don't know where you are
I'm stuck in a jar
A jar of hope unknown
Sometimes I wonder why all this
Just because of a glimpse!
420 · Nov 2018
Kalarav Nov 2018
To the people who were a part of my life, my people,
You were just like clouds.

Gave me the day I deserved.
Some days it rained, some days it shone.
Some days I got the best views at dusk,
Because you were just like clouds.

I wish you stayed longer,
But you were just like clouds.

I wish you were my Sun,
Then, I could see you all day long,
But you were just like clouds.
396 · Nov 2018
Kalarav Nov 2018
Time keeps moving forward,
But I am in the same place as yesterday.
Everything evolved in the span of two days,
But has my heart? Has my soul?

My mind is a time machine
Swinging between the past and the future.
When will it learn to live in the present?
When will I make the best of today?
Hopefully tomorrow
Kalarav Sep 2020
Put your dreams into the locker
They are too precious to display
Learn to live the mediocre
This is life, no school play

There will be no outburst of glitter
When you make it to the end of day
This is simply a reminder
The world does not work as you say
343 · Apr 2020
Kalarav Apr 2020
In my search for happiness,
I found pleasure and prayer,
Satisfaction and abstinence.
How much of it was true
And how much an illusion?

People spoke of balance
But to me it was about
Giving it all up
Or completely giving in.

I decided to give in
But only to the realm within
And yet I could not differentiate
How much of it was true
And how much an illusion.
318 · Feb 2020
Green coloured glasses
Kalarav Feb 2020
If this sobriety, plainness and
feeling of contentedness
Isn't enough
for your ever-hungry eyes
for the bottomless greed
of your mind
Go ahead
and split paths
Try to look
for something better
Meanwhile, I will keep insisting
that the grass under me
is greener.
243 · Jul 2020
we live in metaphors
Kalarav Jul 2020
I sort my drawer
into compartments
for socks, napkins and ties
hoping to make up for
the unsorted pile in my mind

I watch the sunset and sunrise
in attempts to get the closures
and new beginnings
that I never got.
236 · May 2019
Kalarav May 2019
Unlike birds of a feather,
the feathers of a bird are separable.
Sometimes, even replaceable.
However, every shed feather,
wherever it lands,
reminds the beholder
of the same Bird.
we may not realise it, but we all have in us a part of each person we grew up with, each person that was/ is a part of our life.
219 · Apr 2020
Kalarav Apr 2020
My fingers got numb
holding the pen
while I wrote those words
for you to read

Yes, those words that did not even
get the chance
for you to glance
at them

You did not understand
the numbness in my hand
how would you ever understand
the numbness in my mind

That followed after those
words met their fate
and flow down the drain

Makes me wonder
will anybody be numb
once I met
my fate?
160 · Sep 2020
being an empath
Kalarav Sep 2020
I gave a piece of my empathy
to everybody
and the leftovers
I gave myself.
I asked myself
"Dear, what hurts you?
What stops you
from growing?"
and said goodbye
to all that stood
between me
and who I ought to be.
123 · Apr 2020
Kalarav Apr 2020
I am so tired
of fearing
potential endings
like 'our resources
will last forever'
can we stop

"I will always be
by your side"
What if you wont?

3 new species
in the endangered
The oldest
glacier known,
now turned to mist.

Is it possible
that we come to terms
with our approaching
and yet be at peace
with our on going motion?
104 · Feb 2020
Kalarav Feb 2020
Today I apologize to all the people I've wronged,
knowingly or unknowingly.
I apologize to have not used the resources I was blessed with, to the fullest extent.
Today I forgive all those who have wronged me, because
I will not let my inner peace be threatened by their word or deed.

Today I commemorate life.
I accept it as it is.
I accept you as you are.
I accept me as I am.
Without acceptance, there will be no connection.
Without connection, no message will go through.
Without connection, how will there be any correction?
Just like a mother can scold her child, but never a stranger's.

Today I choose to call no memories 'bad'.
Each one of them contributed in my making,
to my understanding
of the world.
Today I will be born again, pure and innocent.

— The End —