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Elaina Jul 2016
Always smile.
Especially when you don't feel like it
when you need it
the most.
Elaina Nov 2016
What did we miss?
A line in the sand?
Metal in a box?
One's life?

Nothing was missed.
We just didn't see.  
The divide that haunts us.
That won't set us free.

Coming together can unite us.
It's all for the ultimate goal.
For deep down we are all the same.
It's at the surface where we differ.
Elaina Dec 2013
53 years ago today,
the sun smiled,
a little bit longer,
and a little bit brighter,
then it did just the day before.

53 years ago today,
a breath pulled in fresh air,
eyes saw first light,
and life's spark awoke.

53 years ago today,
a quickening was felt,
deep inside, a far off soul.

53 years ago today,
you came into this world.

December 22, 2013
To the one who set this all into motion,
My Husband
Elaina Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela
Champion of equality
A beacon of peace
Elaina Jan 2013
Angel on window
The impression left behind
When bird kisses the glass
Elaina Apr 2014
Curled up
    exuding contentment
  full of life
Elaina Feb 21
Yes, aspiring
To be that space where nothing
Brings disappointment
Elaina Feb 2016
Awaken, smile
Wings soar, peaceful welling heart
Smile, awaken
Elaina Nov 2016
It's just a game, right?
Nope, strong memories, binding love.
Long shared emotions.
For those who know, no explanation is needed.
It's a life time of
Elaina Jul 2016
What was, is now gone.
              Begin again, start anew.
The canvas is blank.
Elaina Nov 2016
Me: How are you?
You: Okay
Me: Good! But may you get better than Okay real soon!
To all who need it.
Elaina Aug 2016
Majestic in flight
Soaring over the water
Shadow glides below
Elaina Apr 2013
A cat of the future
is born with hope
and will live forever with his Master,
in the heart of his soul he cares.
People around him
are careful with him.
He wanders back home
and goes to sleep in his nice bed.
He wakes up with a breakfast of fish and milk.
This was written by my daughter when she was in early grade school. It was written around a drawing of a cat that she did. The cat is standing up and looking right at you.

I've had it in a frame ever since she gave it to me.
Elaina Feb 2013
Just like sails unfurled
Holding steadfast in the wind
You are by my side
Elaina Mar 2013
The glow of a single candle,
when joined,
by the glow of multiple others,
become as one.
Elaina Jan 2013
Just imagine, me,
between the earth and the sky,
cradling the sun
This was written after seeing the evening sun low in the horizon......
Elaina Feb 2013
I'm not worried about you any more
You are happy and at peace
I Love my Dad so much and this is how I have felt for the last 4 years since he past away on February 11, 2009.
Elaina Feb 2013
All senses amped up
Sliding through the crashing wave
Thrilled deep to the core
Elaina Jan 2017
Seldom seen beauty
Crisp night air, strangely bright, calm
Silent snow falling
Elaina Oct 2023
colorful winged flight
silenced at its end of life
dragonfly graced us
thank you dragonfly....
Elaina Feb 2013
waking up from sleep
catching last memory of dreams
then **** they are gone
Elaina Mar 2019
Feel the emptiness.
Embrace the still, calm, presence.
Let this become you.
Elaina Jul 2013
I have come to the realization that whether you are feeling good or bad,
as long as you are feeling,
having emotion about the feeling,
you have an opportunity to experience the opposite emotion.
But if you are without true feeling,
without emotion,
you have no basis for the opposite emotion.
Good would not represent or feel good if you didn’t have bad to compare it to.
And the same holds true for the bad.
The bad could not represent bad if you didn’t have good to compare it to.
Name any emotion,
the truth is just the same.
So are you crying?
If yes, there’s hope.
You are feeling emotion.
Otherwise why would you cry if the sadness was normal?
Elaina Feb 2017
Be the catalyst
Summon strength from deep within
Motivating all
Elaina Jan 2014
Traveling through lives
knowing, yearning, eager. One
Our two souls entwined
Elaina Feb 2017
Have none, not any.
Free's your life, your mind.
Sooths your soul, your whole being.
Elaina Feb 2017
Compressed into life
Lived each day, gone in a flash
Oh where did time go
Elaina Mar 2017
Look into my eyes
Notice only depth of love
Gratitude for life
Elaina May 2013
I am in charge of my own feelings.
I can make or break them.
I choose to make them sing happiness!
Elaina Jun 2014
Why do I do it?
Eyes heavy, mind in a fog.
Sleep, slipping away.
Elaina Feb 2013
I am not my body. I am borrowing this life, floating within.
Elaina Oct 2014
I like what I do,
it isn't for you.
I do it for me,
it's my special key.

Complex it's not,
and that's what I got.
As long as it's mine,
Simple is fine.

It's the meaning that matters,
emotion on platters.
To air this one's soul,
is my only goal.

This venue provides,
a place with no sides.
It's somewhere to post,
what helps me the most.

So it's time to end,
this one rhyming friend.
Say good bye to the light,
and hello nighty night.
Elaina Apr 2013


Elaina May 2015
Wasn't she just born?
        Eighteen years ago.        
    Flies by so quickly.
Done with High School already?
        Yes, and I'm so proud of her.
    She's grown, matured, persevered.
Where did the time go?
        Where it always goes.
    In friends, in learning, in life.
Elaina Apr 2013
I Thank You Haiku
You have become a great friend
A peaceful practice
Elaina Jan 2013
Breathing in welcome
Nourishing body, mind, soul
Breathing out thank you
Elaina Jan 2013
Sitting in the pain
Knowing it's part of yourself
Makes me who I am
Elaina Jan 2013
Comforted by warmth
Leaning onto another
The tides have been changed
Elaina Feb 2013
the journey, the path
life's gift, our's for the taking
what's ahead for you?
Elaina Feb 2013
The sun rays touching
Ocean waves reach up to greet
In harmony dance
Elaina Jul 2020
My sleep is healing and renewing. I wake with a smile, refreshed, happy, thankful, and energized. Eagerly taking action, living this new day.
Elaina Jan 2013
A priceless treasure
Deep in the heart of my soul
You are that to me
Elaina Jun 2016
Seen from ground below
Under flower's downward gaze
Hidden smile grows
Elaina Oct 2016
The awe of it all
Globes, glowing in the dark sky
Takes your breath away
The feeling of watching hundreds of hot air balloons add their magic to the dark sky. Incredible sight to see.
Elaina May 2013
You are just a tease
said the parched land to the rain
as it dries up just inches from the ground.

It's dry down here
the shriveled sage coughs out.
Can't you spare a drop?

Dark cloud floats pleasantly full
blissfully playing in the sky
as it passes through without a care in the world.

Sight unseen
the heated air snickers at them both
knowing it's the one that controls the hand.
Elaina Jul 2013
How do you connect
Knowing what you feel is right
The mind, with the heart?

A Haiku
Elaina Feb 2013
All alone
   by myself
   I dream;
   dream of the past
   and of times to come.
   by myself
   I listen;
   listen to my thoughts
   and feelings.
   by myself
   I laugh and I smile;
   laugh and smile as I look back on those
   crazy and wonderful times of the past.
   by myself
   I cry;
   cry for I am sad to see those times pass
   so quickly.
But then I dream
   All alone
   by myself
   I dream;
I dream of the many wonderful times ahead and how lucky I've been to have
lived those times of the past.
Elaina Feb 2014
The image
of you appearing
from around the corner
that October afternoon.
You, awakened
For my husband. February 14, 2014
Elaina Nov 2016
All my yesterdays
have led to my today.
Today is nothing
without them.
For my sister who is being Baptized today,
November 19, 2016.
Elaina Dec 2016
I radiate Blessings
I radiate Kindness
I radiate Gratitude
The me I strive to be.
The me I hope I am.
The me I want to be.
For All
To All
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