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Jul 2016 · 894
Suit and tie kind of guy
I remember thad day.
I came into school in the usual way
I did not look usual
My usual jeans and polo shirt was at home
And instead
I came in with a suit and tie.
Your face was priceless.
You never saw me
As a suit and tie kind of guy.
You hugged me,
Your body  unusually tight  on mine
You just held me.
You gave me a long stare,
Bit your lip,
" you look good in a suit and tie"
You  said.
Impressed as you were,
You looked away.
People were  coming.
You kissed me
and left
You let me know you love me.
I felt so high.
Kind of like
A suit and tie kind of guy.
I looked okay.
You swore i looked amazing.
You wanted me
To be your guy
We made out alot
You really really liked me that day.
The next day you asked
"Hows my suit and tie kind of guy? "
And i simply said hello
She asked me to wear the suit more and more
Each time she found more appeal.
I loved wowing her.
She loved my style.
Its been a while now
Funny thing was
She was never truly mine.
We never made it official.
Now that shes away.
I really
Want to be
Suit and tie kind of guy
True story
Jul 2016 · 323
Knives hurt  just as much as words do
But  i am expected to ignore it.
As if there wss nothing said.
As if the word "*****" didnt exist.
As if these  bruises and wounds  did not ******  my body
Turning points are bound to happen
Isnt what people say true?
Doesn't ill fade eventually?
I hope so.
Hear that?
I have hope now
Because i realize
I let them hurt  me
As long as i internalize their anger.
But hatred is a game
And im gonna win
I will  prevail
Jul 2016 · 491
Things wait
To get better.
No telling when
But things are always ******
The delays
Non proper days.
Make sence of this.
I cant
Or start talking.
Which to that
I'll simply tell you to
Do not leave this behind.
This is the origins of
A new begining.
They'll tell you.
Let it happen.
Swirling blackness blurred everywhere.
In all the wrong ways.
Hit every day.
Taken to a strange place
All cut up
When does the madness end?
Is it okay to ask
Or is my answer
Jul 2016 · 982
Flirtatious expeditions
Your face
Sooooooo **** cute.
Your lips.
soft. Oh my soft
Your eyes.
Perfect. So bright and full of life
Your hair
The way it blows in the wind got me worked up, ***.
I love every thing about you.
Your voice is so soothing
I could be in the middle of gunfire,
Hear your voice
You cary me away into another world.
my wonder woman
Perfect in all ways...
Better than wonder woman.
Better than any woman.
If i may,
Can i say,
You  are hot.
all of the above
Your personality is unmatched.
I tell you this alot.
But only now have i chosen
To focus
On you
And see
What my eyes see
As well as
What my heart sees.
I love you.
My dear, dear Angel.
Just knowing that you love me
  Sends me to the moon
(That was cheesy af)
But its true.
Oh  my god
I love you
I decided  to be flirtatious...idk
Jul 2016 · 477
A letter to myself
I know things  have been rough.
People dont understand. Period.
I want you to know  that you are worth something, despite what everyone tells you.
You are going to find someone.
You really will.
And when you do,
You wont remember what loneliness  is
You will love her
You wont want to leave her
Because she  is
just that great
Dont ever believe you are ugly
people  are mean and you know who you are.
Dont let them get into your head.
One person saying  you are handsome and meaning it is way better than a million  people saying it out of pitty.
Don't  let them controll you
You are better than drugs
Better  than  alcohol..
You will survive
You will grow up to be a fine young man with a goal in life.
Dont let dad **** dreams
Dont let mom **** you into a life not meant for you.
Dont loose that goofy smile.
Dont ever stop your passion for music
Dont be afraid to cry
Dont be afraid to stand up
Because the world  needs standers,
Not sitters.
Dont choose to let others walk on you.
Dont stop watching star wars
And humming the theme song on the walk to school.
I know not many people tell you this,
But you are awesome.
You are important
And honest.
Dont disregard  those  traits.
I am not trying to be concideded
But you...we need this.
Especially  when we feel so low
While others  are living so high.
Dont listsn to the haters.
Believe in yourself,
And *never stop trying
This ppem was inspired by a friend who decided to lift me up and support me. Through that i decided to write this as sort of  self encouragement. Thank you, Ashton
Jul 2016 · 321
I look back.
Baby pictures and best friends.
How we've  all changed .
We've  gotten our own lives,
Some not
And we all end up moving on.
I can't help but wonder
Do they think about me as much as I do them?
I think about my past more than  I should
And I conjure up memoried hidden between time.
I count every time we talk
And every time we laughed.
My friends  still hold a spot within.
I havnt  forgotten you.
Have you?
Jul 2016 · 470
A single mans poem
I love you.
I know that things seem perfect
But im not.
I never was.
I wished upon a life
That could not be achieved
I love you.
Your face
I know ive said it a million times but
Im curious to know
have you accepted it yet?
Because no matter how many times
I say it
You just kind of roll your eyes
Give a slight smile
And kiss me ever so gently.
You wanted a poem
And i didnt want to write it just yet
Because i was waiting for the right words.
These words,
Though never enough to describe you
Finally sailed to me.
You make me a poet
You are my inspiration for all happy words
You are happy.
So **** cute
And even a bit sassy too.
I cant tell you
How glad i am to have met you
Beauty surrounds you.
Ita so strange that you are with a skrub like me...
But life doesnt always come out with a direct explenation, does it ***?
So sweet and kind.
A man like me should not have a girl like you.
But when i roll over in bed,
There you are.
You hold me so tight.
I lose my sight
But dont mind.
You are all i need to see.
All i want
All i need
This is for you.
I love you
Too bad im single XD
Jul 2016 · 252
My truth
Do not think i have given up.
Do not believe i am gone.
I have done neither.
I am just *done
Jul 2016 · 375
Mom, this is yours
"Hold my hand" my mom used to say
She used to protect me.
Used to be there for me.
But see,
As all children do,
I grew up.
I grew angry
She wasn't there
When I needed her.
Where was her hand
When dads hand was beating my face.
Where was her hand
When dad made sure I couldn't  move.
I used to think mommy will save me.
She just watched
Not a day passed that she helped.
She was turned.
Now I've grown to know that I have no mom.  No dad .
Just distant memories of what life could be, and the fear it gives.
I am not an orphan.
I am an example
Of what life can offer
and what it *can't
"Why do we fall?
So we can learn to pick ourselves up."

Ive fallen more times than there are stars. I have more scars than there are sand particles on the beach.

Brought up in a world
Only knowing punishment and attitude ajustment.

I was killed by a look.
Well, that and the sharp pain in my ribs.
Forced into insanity
Only hope being prosperity.
I thought of suicide more times than a pencil breaks in a school year.

Where is justice?
Where is hope anymore.
Because depression moved into my life with a title wave
Crashing into my soul with an intensity
That overtook my prosperity.
A word
All too true for me.
Two by four with nails sticking out below my knees
They punctured just below my kneecap.
Still got the scar.
All i was able to do was whimper.
Ooh how fun that was BELIEVE ME
I did survive.
Only a sophomore now.
With gunpowder scent for a hint
Of whats next from my dad and his game.
I can expect
Nothing but death
To float me away.
Only to float
Jul 2016 · 843
Abuser: stop
"Dont question me he said"
"Its not good enough"
(well ****...)
"You are a ******"
(ooh thats a new one)
"Its my way or the highway"
He held his ground
(with a big wooden paddle)
My *** was the targetboard.
Friends told me to take a man
Your 15 they said.
(It still hurts)
He took the liberty of ruining my life.
(what a pleasure!)
He fed on my tears.
All i wanted was an end.
But know
I see a shrink
Once a week
To "discuss"
Because IM THE ONE with issues.
Because getting hit and tortured makes a kid normal and....happy.
Because i remember everything.
I am left to dream about every bruise
I am left for dead
In my head.
I am tormented with the want for an explenation.
I am ok
I am just an overreacting teen
(are you ******* nuts?!?!)
(not even, fam)
I need help.
But he,
He needs death.
Thats the only cure for him.
I­ have no respect
(i know)
Dont forget my name
I wont forget yours.

Dont forget the way we used to sway together

Dont forget the way i reacted when you kissed me for the first time.

I wont forget the way you looked at me when we cuddled.

Dont forget the way i loved you.

Dont forget the way we held eachother. How we knew we would thrive together

I wont forget how you looked at my eyes, and when you told me you loved me.

I wont forget your beauty, your love. How deep.

Dont forget every poem i wrote for you.

I wont choke on every word that seemed to be sent by angels.

I love you.

You love me

*but you still have to go
Jul 2016 · 592
The poem that was a story
I once had a girlfriend.
oh boy, right
Or some of you might be thinking:
who the **** cares
This is my poem
So ******* :)
I once had a girlfriend
Oh how dear was she.
Perfect gurl
Perfect eyes
Perfect hair
Perfect personality
I wish she could have been forever.
But I'm sure you figured out we broke up when I said "once "
But she was like the perfect matchup.
Like pizza and pepperoni.
Coke and ice
Rock music and a lake
I dunno
This gurl,
She was so cool
But I was a fool
(Rhymes, eh, eh?)
She thought I was too  nice.
Too **** nice.
I have no idea what to say still.
What's wrong with being nice?
As if
She wanted someone to call her a ***** and a liar
(Which she wasn't)
She was a good gurl.
Why wasn't I?
Because I
too nice
That's who I am
A label on my forehead.
"The nice guy"
It's amazing
(A curse)
see I'm ******
Because I want a gurl
Who will love me
Be a "nice girl"
So I ask.
Are you  the nice one?
Will you feed my soul
With the love we both need?
I dunno
Do You?
All I know is
I sure wanna **** answer
Jul 2016 · 284
Depression: a terrible poem
Let the first bird fly
What a bother  me to you.
Why do you look down upon me?
Why am I not good enough?
Not your definition of attractive.
I know
I'm actually diagnosed with depression.
It's real.
Not nice
Not fun.
No need to watch me
You'll  see it every day.
I am imperfect  
Not impressive
I ****
My poetry *****.
I know.
I wish I was dead.
I wish everything I touched would forgive me.
Those who love me lie to me.
How can you love someone so dead
But still breathes his foul air.
Don't examine me
I have nothing to  offer you.
I have love
No one wants it.
I have passion
No one chooses to see it.
Do not try to cheer me up.
It only makes me feel worse.
Let me drown in this sorrow.
I dont want to go on
No more
I do not cut
I do not hit walls
I do nothing with my anger
I don't
Thanks for reading
This terrible poem
Jul 2016 · 193
Real poetry
If I was a bird
I'd  sit in a tree

Sleep all day
I bet you were expecting something poetic...nope
Jul 2016 · 480
4th of july
I stood up
From a small town
Worked up the wits
To become a city boy.
I had nothing
But my pickup truck
And the girl  I left behind.
A shame my locals said.
But I left to become a better man.
Not a breathless ******* as they said
But a solider  fighting for our country.
It is days like today  I have to remember
The things folks like you always forget.
There are people fighting
For you
For me
Should not be overlooked.
We are worth the cause
For me reloading my m16
Boots on the ground.
Head held high
Because  I'll  be home
To see the fireworks tonight.
For soldiers who have given everything.
And  to my brother Justice,
I love you
Jun 2016 · 304
I hate life
It's quite disappointing.
All these overrated things
I have found
Love is a lie
One can feel  it
But another dismisses  it.
Like a flat soda
That is me
She was a dream
My prayer
But my prayer got caught up in a cloud
It never  got to god
So I die
Waiting for my Angel
To deliver me
Jun 2016 · 747
I need feedback
For those who like screamo, this is me screaming. I need feedback. Thanks!
Jun 2016 · 505
Please just hear me out
This is ny channel. Please if you would like to subscribe. Im out to prove that anyone can make something out of nothing
Jun 2016 · 594
Come see the real me
I just want people to know me
Jun 2016 · 384
To love a poet
When a poet falls in love
Things can fall into place
or not
When you love a poet
You cant expect normality
Things inside a poet's head arnt clear.
Things the poet wants are faded.
When you choose to give your heart
There really is
No telling
The outcome.
The poet will try to use the words he's used so well before,
But end up stumbling upon every syllable.
Don't expect something
The breaking of hearts is not intentional.
Just a mere side effect.
Ghosts haunt the mind
Of a poet.
If you are down
To love
To be
It *****.
But in the end
Arnt we all broken?
A poet can only try
So hard
Too hard maybe
But it is you
That picks up the knife.
The poet can use words
To try to save you
Because words are all that he's ever had
And they will fail him.
Just as so many have before.
If that poet loves you
And says it
He means it.
i meant it
But things can only go so far
And you went over the edge.
She tested a poets words.
How is one to face suicide from a thousand miles away?
This poet cant give up
But only try so much
Before laying the pen down
And say
Because you chose
*to love a poet
Jun 2016 · 536
Your hair is as black as the night
Yet shines in the light.
Your smile
Toys with my heart.
Theres something about you.
your eyes
Forgive me for being vague
But im afraid your beauty has me at a bit of a loss.
I wish i could buy you the moon
And catch that crow you always wanted.
I want to take your sorrow
And bury it deep within the ground.
I want to hold your hand
And fly you to the sky
That way
You could touch the clouds
And breathe in the stars.
wont you be mine?
Wont you be my countess
My supreme ruler.
Be my queen
Guide me on this path
So i may melt your heart.
Your skin
Bronze and perfect.
Your perfume
Catches me with every pass.
No no no
How can this be?
Perfection isnt supposed to be possible
And yet
here you are
Bending my heart
Beating faster as you pass.
What kind of love is this
You got me
Writing for you.
Thia is for you.
So honey,
Please join me
*tonight and forever
For a special girl. I dont know if this is good. What do you guys think?
Jun 2016 · 278
Im crying
Everyones sees
Im in the kitchen
Knife in hand
Clouds of dust surround me
I can smell the scent of musty wood.
I can feel the wind tickle my cheek.
Im crying
Tears strong enough to drop the new years ball.
I have a gift
Something that should lift me.
But it wont
Because im so far down.
People come into the kitchen to ask Whats wrong.
**I'll blame it on the onions
Jun 2016 · 308
How to say goodbye
First, you look them in the eye.
Say, " it wont be the last time"
Watch them cry.
Let your heart break.
Hold them tight.
Remember this night
It may be all that will remain
Trying to capture restraint.
You let them speak
Not just hearing but listening to their words.
Let the ghosts between you free.
Bury the hatchet and let the crown rise up.
Tell the one that they're the one.
Look away
Cry some more
And close the door.
As hard as it is
Is the way
We can say
If anyone is having to say goodbue, let this be a margin of where to reside. I didnt have a choice to say goodbye, but rest assured this person will live on
May 2016 · 420
I wanted to believe there was someone who could save me
I want to believe that he suffered for me.
I want tk believe that somehow i have a good place to go even when evil has been commited.
I want to believe that someone watches over us all.
But. .i cant.
I cant
I cant.
I wont
Because if so
Why am i still in this hell?
May 2016 · 356
life ***** and then you die*
So who the **** wants to die alone
May 2016 · 406
Religion: WTF?
Sunday's sermon was interesting.
"God knows all!" He said.
"Trust in the lord, and his word shall be a lamp unto your feet" he yelled.
But see,
this is where I start to doubt
if god knows all,
than why did he create Satan, the "fallen angel"
Tell me.
If god knows all,
than why did he create Adam and Eve,
and see
I get free will and that concept,
but why would he create destruction if he knows what each and every one of us will do?
Tell me why God loves us to praise him,
doesn't that seem a little conceded?
He wants everyone to bow down,
that sounds like a tyrant to me...
what the ****?
You have so many plot holes,
more holes than there are stars.
God is the best
so you say
so tell me,
why would he make his son suffer the way he did.
why not send a daughter?
Is that sexist?
Why must you take everyone?
Peacefully or not?
don't tell me to pray
because if your logic is true,
than god already *knows my prayer
Just my logic
if i offended anyone, sorry
but I really don't want to hear it.
May 2016 · 307
the unknown
I'm scared to lose her
*I have no choice
May 2016 · 258
welcome to this grim facade.
Tons of work
Not to consider a perk.
welcome to this crazy
world in which we reside.
don't think
you can escape.
once your here,
your trapped
locked in.
This chasing wish.
Covered in a bright green dish.
These clouds will consume you.
**are you ready?
I've reached
the point
of breaking
I'm sorry.
My love
was just too much
I need this
am sorry.
I could not be
Everything you wanted.
This is just the point
that tips me.
To the end
I wish I could see
everything that I'm not.
Because obviously
I am not anything.
At. All
thank you,
for showing me this.
I guess I know,
what not to do next time
Because you made me realize
I have failed
I can drink away the pain
or smoke away this anguish
but that cannot take
your loss away
were my drug
my hope
my dreams
You made me believe.
But after all
*all things end
to the girl...
May 2016 · 1.5k
Sex and champagne
You told me
life would be like
*** and champagne
you were dead wrong
I do not take pleasure in anything I do,
and I don't feel the frisky fuzz of a hot situation.
You lied.
This is dull and dead
May 2016 · 3.6k
texting joy
I hadn't heard from you in months.
I thought about you every day.
No joke
I though about if you were think about me as much as I was of you.I wanted to hear your voice,
see your smile,
be with you once more
but then yesterday came along.
I got your message
unknown number
"who is this?"
"who do you think?""
"I dunno"
woah woah woah woah
Its been a year!
I almost cried.
I wanted to leap for joy.
You can't understand,
she my best friend.
She completes me as a person.
My best friend
with me.
Oh my ******* god.
thank you
*its so nice to have you back
To..well of course my best girlie, Juana.
Love ya girl!
May 2016 · 308
Just on Sunday
On Sunday, go to church. Worry about singing too loud and fear saying anything “ungodly”.
Later on Sunday, get home and go find something to do (don’t bother Dad). Feed the dogs and don’t overfill the bowls past the base or else you pay for the bag. Mow the lawn as well on Sunday and don’t leave any mow-hawks. That leaves the yard presentable. Next, help Mom with dinner, and don’t clang the pans loudly. Don’t let the sink water hammer because that will ruin the pipes. Don’t give dad a glass cup( and always give him the biggest serving) .Wash the table and use dad’s homemade disinfectant spray (it makes him feel proud). At seven, -- and don’t miss it for the world—get the dogs out again a quickly as possible.   Then wait until a commercial comes on before going to bed (the news is important to dad, so don’t interrupt it).
chaotic day...and its just the start of the week!
May 2016 · 611
My schedule
My To Do List:

1. Wake up to face the day         6:00
2. Let out the dogs:  6:10 AM
3. Check the basement for any messes 6:15 Am
4. Get dressed for the day and gather materials    6:20
5. Leave for school      6:30
6. Do my best in school 8:00-3:20
7. Get home and feed the dogs      5:00 PM
8. Help prepare dinner      5:30 PM
9. Eat          6:00
10.   Rush to get a good start on homework    6:40 PM
11. Let the dogs out AGAIN           7:00PM
12. Do dishes        7:15 PM
13. Worry about being too loud   7:17 PM
14. Wash table             7:45PM
15. Re check the kitchen for cleanliness   7:50 pm
16. Rush to get back to homework    8:05 pm
17. Get ready to let the dogs out again    8:50 PM
18. Get an overview of what homework I need to finish at school. 8:52
19. Listen for a commercial to come on to let the dogs out that way I don’t interrupt the show. 8:58
20. Quickly let dogs out again 9:00 PM
21. Let dogs inside 9:10 pm
22. Wait for another commercial to say goodnight    9:20 Pm
23. Say goodnight     9:22 PM
24. Take a shower 9:25 Pm
25. Get ready to go to bed   9:45 PM
26. Repeat    6:00 AM
This is litterally EVERY DAY
"Mr Farmer, why are you here?"
"because I have to do something"
"and that would be?"
"anything really"
"Well doc, I wanna be someone. Anyone. I want to understand people. What they do. Why they do it. I want to understand the meaning of life.
"Life isn't that simple."
"Oh believe me, doc! I know!"
"so why feel the need to..."
"Because! I'm crazy! Im insane! THATS why!"
"And what leads you to believe that?"
"thats all I've ever felt."
"Doc, give me a break. I'm unstable, why else would I be here?"
"because we all have our problems.
"tell me yours, doc."
"Thats...that's besides the point."
"This is the point! We are all scared. All of us!"
"Mr. Farmer, I think we are getting off track."
"No no no, this is all we need, doc. This is healing. Allow me to be insane, it helps my head, doc. This helps. You help me. My thoughts help me. And for what?!?! A paycheck?!?!"
"Zach, I'm here for..."
"No! you are here for the mon-ay."
"I think we are done here for today"
"exactly my point..."
for my insanity.
May 2016 · 298
From the guy perspective
Am I good enough?
Can I woo her with my muscles?
Can I please her and make her mine?
thats not me
Sure I want to woo the girls,
be admired and whispered about.
But that is something that I can never have.
Because I am that kind of guy who wears black all the time,
I don't really work out,
I am a little heavier,
and I listen to "screamo"
These guys who think
they can be trash
and be okay
just because they got a big ****
are *******
They don't deserve the good girls they have.
They won't know what it's like to be lonely.
They won't know what it's like
to wish upon every birthday
to just be loved
cuz they got lines of women
just waiting to be next,
while guys like us
would slit our wrists to be kissed they way the get kissed.
From (my type) guy perspective,
this is *******
What's so wrong with me anyway?
Why do you think I can't be enough.
My love is like an ocean
it never ends
they don't know that.
I'm the kind of guy who is
"too much of a brother"
"my best friend"
while I sit with the unclaimed flowers.
Why am I left this way?
who can love me?
I've had it with rejection and ****...
anyone else?
May 2016 · 3.7k
My mask
my mask is pretty.
Its got happienes all over it.
Gleaming smiles, and a convincing laugh.
My mask has no fear.
It shines when nothing else will.
It's a great actor,
successful poet,
talented singer,
amateur artist,
great thing little mask.
My mask shows people hope.
my mask remembers the person behind it, too.
The countless tears that strolled down my face.
It remembers the fears I have of going home,
returning to emptiness
My mask reminds me that I'm alone,
while taking me to others that could not even care.
My mask has a plastered smile when I just want to scream.
It strangles me,

it wants me to be someone that I want to forget!
This mask may make me look good on the outside,
but honestly
I'm dead on the inside,
like a tree
still standing,
but not functioning
Like ****,
I can't be who I want to be,
because that person is far stranger than anyone you've ever seen.
I can't
this mask I hold buries me in my own darkness.
It holds the knife to my throat.
My mask saves me but curses me.
This reputation I hold is supposed to define me.
But I'm losing everything
the girl I like is fading away
my best friend is noticing my flaws
nothing is working
Into a word
I am dying.
This mask is burying me beneath the surface.
It's consuming me.
Eating my life whole.
This ***** of a feeling.
Is all because it makes me good
This mask brings me a feeling of belonging.
But after all,
it is
to my inner self,
I hear you
May 2016 · 1.6k
tell me
*why were you crying?
May 2016 · 302
a letter to you
get to know me
*you just might love me
May 2016 · 252
innocence in a world of hate.
May 2016 · 196
you 2.0
you whispered to my heart

*with your knife
May 2016 · 302
The cutdown
cut down
two bridges and the town.
Cut loose
every heart and string I have held.
everything I should have kept
who am I anymore?
Dropped the scent of hate
and lust for the power of bending fate.
Shredded the pieces of your memory.
What little left we cover in filth.
Raise your head, for sinners know
we are not alone
Never was
never will be
Gone with the wind the night should bring.
see tears covered in sharp spears.
This my dear I hold
the deal the devil gave to me.
Mocked the angels so high and ******.
Great minds don't collaborate.
they negotiate
I cut
*you out
May 2016 · 238
stiff shouldered
walk away
*what'd I do today?
May 2016 · 382
love 2.0
If you ever chose me
I don't know what I'd do.
So real.
the love
I have
for you.
If you gave me a chance,
I'd take it to the moon.
No words to tell,
no mouths to speak
no eyes to see
no ears to hear
my love for you,
but your own
Allow me,
to try
And maybe,
you'll see
*why i love you so much
May 2016 · 338
Mr. "Dad"
You are wrong.
About me.
You have always been one for anger,
violence and oppression
You have always been one
to lash out against others who
don't agree with you.
You say it's possible to change,
I've been waiting for years
This abuse,
this warfare
is my life now.
I wish I could go back
to a time
when I could be myself.
like many other things
it just isn't possible
You have wrecked me.
My life
my soul
my hope
my dreams
my aspirations
my everything
you have made depression
a ******* reality
You ******* my life,
stirred my family,
and caused nothing but raw hate from me.
You are so cold.
So unforgiving
You preach about the "good lord"
where was he when you were on top of me?
YOU ARE A ******* *****
do you know that, dear sir?
did god tell you that yet?
that's really quite scary.
I am so tired of you
I am going to leave soon.
From you,
from all of this.
And when I'm gone,
you''l have to wonder,
"Where did I go wrongGgGgGg?"
Well let me tell ya,
you went wrong
the very day
you met me.
I ******* hate you.
Everything about you.
I'm breaking down.
can you see my cracks?
I feel so alone.
You told me that.
I have gotten darker by the day,
and I don't care if I stay in this world.
I'm losing all I care about,
because your hate is like poison.
It spreads.
Through me,
through mom,
through the whole **** family.
And you sit there,
on that god forsaken couch
gorging yourself in snacks and sweets,
expecting the world to bow
before your swollen feet
I am angry "dad"
I am upset.
You will feel it soon.
I can promise you that.
You have nothing but a dead son coming,
better start planning.
And if you touch my sister,
death is coming
goodbye, Mr "dad"
*I'll see you in hell
May 2016 · 2.1k
the hate poem
I hate everything.
I hate how people are.
So rude
I hate the people that expect you to care.
like, I never asked
I hate some people.
Call me hateful,
but I am human
and I have a right to feel this way.
May 2016 · 334
Words of wisdom
In order to win
you have to put in effort
May 2016 · 320
All I needed was someone to listen
*and you couldn't even do THAT
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