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Nov 2019 · 278
Could of fooled me
Ariel Nov 2019
I feel safe in your arms,
fooled by your charms.
You made me feels like I was worth every hour. You built me up higher than any tower. Now I tear myself down every minute thinking about you in it.
Let me be wifey
Kissing you thinking about this  how life be.

I’m scared to let you in. Welcome you into the wolves dean. We can play pretend, live in sin, but let’s be real your gonna hurt me in the end.
Nov 2019 · 323
I really did it to myself.
Ariel Nov 2019
I  let my eyes glaze over,
I wish somebody would of told her.
Hurt people, hurt people.
Say a little prayer Mrs. Aretha.
Every dog has his day. Manipulation is a way.
Control my mind, you captured my soul.

I fall in love to quickly.
Ariel May 2019
I fantasize about you an I.
Letting imagination take the forefront when Realization hits you. You can only fantasize about someone so long. You find your self in to deep with out hope to resuscitate. Your eyes dilate an by then, Your hearts already stopped. Then you bleed, dying of a bleeding heart.. excitement gleams your eyes. With shinning bright lights echoing your slow demise. Your love never diminishes.

Feeling blue imagining my hands all over you. Clinging to the past ghost of ex communications. Me curious of the past relations. I’m jealous of a stranger. My heart beats so fast I get cold sweats thinking about it. My chest tightens an I’m afraid. So I run away, pushing all spectators down. I’m so quite ill never make a sound. I will never be in your hyper beams with brown eyes that gleam. An will go to extra extremes to hide it. I want to be your space ship.
Will I every stop writing poetry about men that happen to catch my fancy.
Ariel May 2019
Your all I ever wanted. Feelings left in the past but I still feel haunted. Your ghost weighs upon my soul my heart on a mission with one goal. Desperate to cling to love that will never fulfill me. Because I was never enough.
I once loved a man who didn’t take my love seriously. An absorbed my essence while ******* a man behind my back. My heart still cry’s for that ****. His love will never fulfill because it’s not real.
Ariel May 2019
Token me with a crumb of affection I wonder if God’s teaching me a lesson. Burn me an lay me to dust. Will I ever revel myself. Even in good health I break out in cold sweats. Find my self with short breaths. Addicted to you like a crack head on ****. With little to any satisfaction left. Will you reject me. That hurts me to the core. Will you try to use me like a common *****  will I become a bore. You don’t even see my efforts. My heart turns me colder. My mouth become even bolder. Mind set on prize clothed in the weirdest design. With one plan to make you mine.
I have a crush on a man an I’m unable to tell him my feeling for him. Without feeling stupid because I don’t even register on his radar. I’m such a non factor.
May 2019 · 203
He’s fucking the pool boy
Ariel May 2019
My heart pangs to the light hums from the  soundless abyss. Waiting to Ponce without thought my tongue sharper than any knife. You ignite a fire in me that burn hotter than the seven suns. Makes me want to run away. I feel my blood drip in my hands from my beating heart contracting, making demands. I sometimes dream of better times where I knew who you where an you’ve know of my existence. I wish you finally see what you had been missing. My heart feels like he’s been served on a platter. She acts like nothing else matters. I burn with a hate that makes bile taste like a cupcakes. In this wake I’ve decided that love an loss matter nothing to the victor unless you have spoils. An I’ve spoiled you with affections that doesn’t equate to the fate you’ve decided for us both. My hate is one that simmers till the *** over flows.
An with that I wash away all my woes. Baptized in the blood of my enemies. Reverent rides the waves with daggers found on any spades. With a knife in my back I’ve decided I’d rather die than cry. At this point there no reason to even say goodbye.
My bestfriend ****** a man behind my back while I was in an intimate relationship with him. An he got aired out over the car speaker. It hurt me a lot.
Ariel Apr 2019
Crazy how you let things get to far.
Especially when your hearts filled with scars. I’m cold as ice but you seems colder. My tears gleamed eyes makes me wish I was bolder.

I don’t know you. But this feeling is real. The smile you have makes all the looks you give ****. I always have a predisposition that’s muddies up my vision. You an I where so much alike an that’s why I can’t get you off my sights.
I’m desperate but not in love but you make me feel butterfly’s An yield me from the lies. I tell myself, in my dreams. That you an I are deeper than any poem. I’ve come to lye in the bed You’ve made filled with jagged nails. Our hearts still jaded. Sweet like marmalade I’ve gotten sweet on you. So give me an answer what do you want to do.
Feb 2019 · 179
Ariel Feb 2019
I know well never be together
But you still bring me bad weather.
Infectious my beating heart breaks.

Self inflicted pain, love is an endless game. I can’t stop playing with you.
Years pass me by my tears refuse to let me cry. Strong enough to leave you now.

My heart stayed behind I know you wouldn’t mind. It’s better If I didn’t know.
How much you never loved me tho.
I think I might die inside an wonder why I’ve lead a lie.
I love a man who will never be mine.
Ariel Oct 2018
To all the men
I've lost my heart to.
The stories I would tell.
I'd love to write scenarios
Of church ringing bells.

Innocence gleam my eyes.
Wanting to meet my perfect guy.

Petrified, mortified the feeling of losing
myself. My whole body melts. The thoughts of suicide glides my inner eye.
Thinking I'd die.
A soul filled with lost souls looking for my match.
I'm attached to the thought of love.
That fear is undeniably deliciously terrifying. Soul prying sound of a echo of silence. I'm alone hold me close. Dip your fingers in my ghost. Tell me your one desire. So I can light you on fire. Passion so tragically undeniably unreliable. Lust fills the air. In despair I think did I ever really love you.
Oct 2018 · 209
Ariel Oct 2018
Dysfunction another symptom
I'm felonious filled with *******
Baloney *** *****. I wear facade
to get a turn of the switch. My rhymes
are a flush of color. In which I dissected
My inner *****. Wondering why I do it.
Why I drag it on. Why I hover over looking like king kong. I'm a ******* fraud. Why don't I **** myself. But living feels like dying. Oxygen I cosume like lying. No ones buying my *******. Except me looking in a mirror I still can't see. What is he to me. Nothing what am I to him. Nothing a cumrag. Nothing to stop an brag. About side *** position made it my mission to be dismissed. He won't be missed. I lacked in self confidence..

Gas up my head. I live in belair. Where love is dead. Singing high notes about love thats died.
Oct 2018 · 610
I was in denial
Ariel Oct 2018
Feelings can be overbearing,
An the truth hurts like a *****.

When did I fall down the rabbit's hole.
When will I crawl out this ditch.

You touched my very soul.

At last I go It kills me that you don't know. What am I to you...

My soul still wanders. Lust it thickens the air.How will I fair. My mind blinded in honey suckles I can't smell the *******.

Logic turns to time I've wasted.
Seems I've waiting to long. Rain smells like regret. It mirrors the tears thats already dried.

How can I be strong when I'm weak. Liars always pay but I can't remember a lie you've said. Dead long gone. Bitter sweet like an old song. I love you.

I wrote this before mu bestfriend broke my heart. This gave me courage to finally tell him how I felt.
Oct 2018 · 596
Ariel Oct 2018
Make up is my Arsenal
Its one of the many mask a I wear.
Like a warrior going into battle I fair well.
My enemys yeild with every stroke I apply.
I wonder when will I stop this lie..
Myself self wealth, self esteem, self conscious. Selfish I am allowed to be. Allowed to grow like a ****. Beauty in my eyes. In my color. In my tides. I pray to god to bring me beauty. To bring self love. Medicine to my soul so i can finally fix ever hole. Hold me in your arms. Hold my face to the mirror so I can think. Finally I am beautiful.
Oct 2018 · 2.9k
My broken heart wrote this
Ariel Oct 2018
Love is like a disease it spreads.
Hatred is an itch when you keep
Scratching it. It Fester an kills you.

When i think about the things I've said.
Feelings I felt. I melt inside.
It turns my in sides out.
My heart combust
An I hate myself.
Why are I not enough.
Denial will have you walk for miles.
Sorrow is a sweet after taste of a sucker punch of truth.
Loneliness is only a symptom.
An that to will pass.

I am a enigma of feeling. I cry when the rain falls to hard. When the wind blows in the wrong directions. I'm poetic. I'm also a stepping stone. The men I've let erase my soul an rewrite my blueprint. The salty tears I cry are almost symbiotic. Another symptom. Like a sonnet short an sweet. Running in a circle walking a fine line. Waiting to leap. Is it a crime to work 9 to 9. Roller coaster emotinal train wreck. An I think to myself who will love me.

I bare myself to the pit an it asks me if I'll jump. I reply not today. Slumped down I step closer to the edge. I reenact self destructive behaviors daily. Am I considered an addict. I seek validation from namless phantoms. I named them my self conscious. Are you listening my beating heart gets louder. I order cream an chowder. Sips slow on estacy. Love an lust sleep next to me. I'm smothered in one while I'm blocked to the other. Exits are closed off I think where is my mother.  I shudder remembering I'm alone.
I wrote this when my bestfriend who I had been in love with since the age of 14 broke my heart completely. When he said he wanted to be just friends. I was devastated cause I loved him an my feeling where innocent. I let him use my body an he careless broke my heart it hurt an I'm still healing from it.
May 2018 · 190
Ariel May 2018
Wish I was a man

Something I know that  isn’t in my reach.
I wonder what's it like to be a father.
The dreams I dreamt as a little girl
Flood to me. Wishing to meet
the man that would change my world.
I hate to think that  I am a fatherless daughter.
Another stereotype to pack on the punch.

When i walk and breathe the air
I know there's no safe spaces for girls like me
Im to dark im to free.

I want someone to want me
I wish the man I loved called
The father that spawned me
Never ran away.

I wish I was a man so I wouldn't care.
May 2018 · 205
Ariel May 2018
The chains on my back I carry
Welcome to America
Its heavy

*****, lifted  to the sky
My napes blow in the wind.
I wear it proud  it’s my skin.
Smooth it shines.

Paint the runway red.
Make me out to be the bad guy.
A I a N* ,am I dead.
They hate me no.. they hate my skin.
They hate my culture they hate that I win.
They hung us till
We see  the rising sun
Emmett till could of been my son.

I’ll bend a knee and pray to god.
I’ll never bear fruit
That the ***** of his father
Combust before he bust.

Trevon was just a boy.
Skittles in pocket what a joy.
Bam an Bam an Bam
He's dead

Got off

Welcome to America
May 2018 · 178
Ariel May 2018
Give me a boon
An hear my offer
Friendship is like the moon

Alluring an seductive
Its talons are sharp

Accurate …. never missing a mark.
It wrenches an reeps any soul in it grasp.
It soothes the mind until it ultimately calsapes.

Betrayal is its enemy sickness leads to its death.

The pain that it leaves will paint a room red. Loyalty
Is all I can offer. My heart splinters. Benevolent like god.
The devil the martyr. My sins balanced by wages. It can last for ages.

I was a friend.
Ariel Mar 2018
Long sips of disappointment
All my tears have dried up.
Sweet like honey suckling.
Come and fill the cup up
Let it flow, spill, dissolve destroy. Bartering with god to take it away
The memories are to great.
Saving all my summers for you.
Empty yet full.
Is this heartbreak is this why i ache
Waking up to a ****** scene
Crime unseen. Im haunted wounds that have sealed bleed.
Aug 2016 · 325
Ariel Aug 2016
The life ived has been good to me.

The roads I've traveled, the people ive met. The friends I've made.

But i am still just and outsider.

Wandering the hollow roads of solitude and isolation.

Living a life of lone wolf filled with separation.

My heart has hardened, my eyes are colder.

My lies had gotten a lot bit bolder.

My crys were louder my heart shattered.


Left and abandoned
Aug 2016 · 222
Ariel Aug 2016
Dripping red

It was sticky

My hands ran the lines of the walls, taking in every inch.

Every second could be counted by my breaths.

The smoke from the gunshots got caught in my lungs.

Not the only thing that got caught.

Suddenly I stop breathing, I looked out and your remains laid in my arms.

I killed you.

I killed you

I killed you

like you killed me...

Only metaphorically

My death was never to be seen

Not a **** eye on me

Never on me, never about me.

The great king has fallen,his ****** were but whispers and dust to be whep under the rug.

Like my existence.

He held me at night kissed me ever morning

And told me he loved me.

Lies there all lies.

And even in his memory he was still able to bury me.
Aug 2016 · 1.8k
Ariel Aug 2016
A nymphet,

A fruit never to be tasted


And sadden it would be wasted.


Never asking but demanded.


A desire never to be sated.

a youth wasted,because we never waited.

The weight I bear it well.

Tempting the fates

I dreaded hell.

Our death awaits.

Dipped to deep in her spell.
Stop Romanizing ****** the man is a ***** ******* there is no love in ****.
Aug 2016 · 751
Liquid Ambrosia
Ariel Aug 2016
I feel the warmth in my chest and I know I am alive.

Im dead almost 24 hours a day.

My thirst is unimaginable.

My nector is also my drug.

My lungs take it in greedily while my liver cries tears of acid.

It's killing me.

I think’

I down another bottle.

I live in the sweet warmth of my ambrosia.

Diving in the lake of fire.

It burns my insides and my throat.

I down another bottle.

My money is dry as so is my supple.

I do a strange dance for my addiction to be sated.

As the dollar's fall the liquid flows.

The faster the merrier the cheaper I feel until i'm worth no more.

I take a breath for the first time in my life.

I scream for help i'm drowning, i'm drowning

No one helps No one cares

Finally I stop breathing I stop struggling.

I drown
Drinking is an addiction and a drug. It can **** you and it can seem like an ambrosia. Its warmth is alluring and deadly.
Aug 2016 · 1.7k
All My Friends Are Heathens
Ariel Aug 2016
All my friends are heathens.

We live in sin, we die to spend,

the gold…

Were hopeless, were homeless,

Wandering the roads.

All my friends are heathens

Slaved by gold.

We're gutlessness, were soulless

Filled with woe.

There good men, were bad men.

Filled with greed.

Acknowledge the sin that Lies in me.
Inspired by Falloutboys Heathens suicide squad.
Aug 2016 · 460
Ariel Aug 2016
Things you create to debate.

Our love could wait.

Made a mistake to be taken,

And left to meet at a wake.

I am dead,

no love,

no tears to shed.

Break the bread,

share and don't dread.

Were slaves meant to be lead.

By our hearts…..

Filled with  greed and desire..

So potent, it turns us into liars.

When things are dire.

You let ourselves consume

And tire,

Of the things that make us human.
Love is selfish and potent. Something that can not be contained and is one of the deadliest sins and the sweetest. Because its so potent. - Latrinity
Ariel Jan 2016
Hypnotic ecstasy,
drowning in a bottle next me.
Dressing my face in my favorite addiction.
Satisfying my vanity with this new composition.
Dressing my face in a false sense of security.
Faking a smile trying to play down my purity.
A girl wise beyond her years.
Just playing dress up for her peers.
I ****** up, I ****** up a lot.
I tip over the bottle and then I got caught.
I got caught in a web I created.
Messed up, left and jaded.
Beyond the point to even care if i'm hated.
I took the stereotype and said "**** IT!"
I killed it.
Jan 2016 · 254
Ariel Jan 2016
I remember screaming out to the heavens
Asking why?
Looking to the sky for answers.
Drowning myself in my depression.
Not loving myself enough to leave this oppression.
No such thing as happily ever after.
Just another chapter.
A chapter in hell like reality.
Everyone seems to be mad at me.
I guess it was in the strategy.
To turn myself into a walking abnormality.
It's not my fault, I'm just being who I am.
No wants to be friend.
Because everyone's all playing pretend.
Conformity, is my enemy.
No one gets the sensitivity.
Of the subject everyone likes to act doesn't exist.
But it does but I guess it didn’t make the list.
Jan 2016 · 257
Whats the difference?
Ariel Jan 2016
When I bleed, I bleed red.
When I die, I die dead.
When I wake, I wake alive.
nothing changed in the inside.
So what's the point
to hate, to fight.
Can't you see it isn’t right.
I showed you love when you showed me hate.
Don't let your ignorance dictate,
a chance to move forward.
A chance to survive.
A chance to love.
a chance to thrive.
Todays a day
to remember a king.
Todays a day to remember
a dream.
A dream that changed
the world forever.
A dream hanging by a tether.
So Stay vigilant, don’t come undone.
Don't get mad when you already know the outcome.
Dr martin luther king stood proud, he stood tall.
He took the hate, he took the fall.
He had a dream to change us all.
Where all the same. In the remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther king
Jan 2016 · 290
I wouldn’t call it love
Ariel Jan 2016
She was a girl,
her eyes too big, to wide
it hide the tears she cried.
And cried a lot she did,
She never stopped, she never bid.
She never bid the tears goodbye.
She stopped and started at the sky.

He was a boy, stuck in time.
He was a boy, who could rhyme.
Rhyme the whole day away.
Rhyme until it was time to play.
And play he did, and did it well.
he hide and said he would never tell.
Tell the world of his find.
He'd stop and bind his time.

Time to hold her in his arms,
time to woo her with his charms.


They wouldn’t call it love.
They just called it an end to loneliness.
A feeling they felt more then often.
A feeling that finally softened.
Sometimes just because your with someone for a long time. It doesn't mean its always love. It can just be an end to loneliness.
Dec 2015 · 882
Bullets and Pill bottles
Ariel Dec 2015

Life is fleeting,
it leaves you in one quick motion.
Your so numb you can't feel any emotion.
The pills are setting in
you smile because you think this is the end.


you wake up the next morning with a killer head ache.
You look at the bottle emotions pouring back in a wake.
The familiar numbness is missing
and here you are tears forming at the eyes hoping,

The pills are all gone
your at wits end.
Then you remember you have little friend
You pull it out from its dark hiding spot.
Fumbling for the bullets in a moment of distraught
You take the barel put it to you head
and count to three
and then your Dead.
Pity the ones you do it and succeed. Help the ones who are at risk. Be aware. Be woke. Suicide is no joke.
Dec 2015 · 714
5 AM.
Ariel Dec 2015
5 am waking  up in a bed of lies.
Then the flashes come every day is filled with blue sky's.
Living in a world filled with your lies.
Hell touch you and it will make you feel like god.
You'll drown yourself playing into his game.
Where no one knows your name.
Its all about the fame.
Undeniable lust, his lips are poison to the touch.
Tasting  the sweet, sweet flavor of nicotine.
My favorite drug.
He dusts me out and uses me as his rug.
Using me over and over. Is there no end.
Living in a fake sense of happiness,
just playing pretend.
He'll make you close your eyes,
tell you your pretty
and ******* till  you meet your demise.
Taking your body into his hands, owning and claiming it. You need to take a stand.
You tell him no  and your no
turns into a yes then into an
I guess.
He's got you
5 am waking up
Its about a ******* and her ****.
Or about a girl in an abusive relationship.
Dec 2015 · 485
Death & Madness
Ariel Dec 2015
Maddening the thought of dying but where already dead so whats the point of trying.


lying to our-self telling ourselves it will get better in the end but all where doing is playing pretend.


The friends we think we have the friends that run away when things start to get bad.

living life is Death & Madness thats why positivity is so hard to practice.
I'm not done. This is a song draft. There might be more.
Dec 2015 · 268
Ariel Dec 2015
I remember the first  day I saw you, it was like a dream I was walking and there you were. Standing there but not. In reality I had seen you before but I had never ‘Seen” you. The real you. The you that cries at the littlest things people say but hide it extremely well. The ***** that you try to play off on everyone. The distance you hold between everyone you meet. The miles no one seems to want to cross. The loneliness no one else seems to understand. When I first meet you I thought you looked like a fallen angel. your hair was so black, so beautiful. Your eyes were so brown so plain, so simple. Everything im not everything, I would never be again.I thought you were so happy but I never knew the truth no one did.
Then I saw you again your eyes where still brown
but it held a spark, a fire, a burning resistance.
Your hair was no longer black it was the prettiest
shade of lilac.
You still looked like a fallen angel,
dark and mysterious. But the
darkness you held
didn’t seem like darkness
it filled a room up.
I remember the first day I saw you.
Dec 2015 · 365
Shades of black
Ariel Dec 2015
Shades of black
Everything is black
Your eyes your hair the way your stare back
You eyes are mesmerizing ******* me in with just a look. Your like a temptation you've Got me hooked. I just died in your arms with a smile on my face. Shrowed with black covered in lace. Dying before I even realized I was alive, living for a love that's already died.
Sep 2015 · 3.7k
Dear Fuck Boy
Ariel Sep 2015
Dear **** boys

Lies have become a custom to me.
I heard so many and told many more.
I take extra long showers now with boiling hot water, hoping to cleanse this skin.
Hoping to erase this sin.
I tell myself i'm over it but my heart still yearns
it still burns with a passion only you could ignite.
A blaze that's taken over my soul.
I feel trapped, stuck in a black hole.
I'm going no where im lost.
I tell myself i will never talk to him again.
I tell myself we can just be friends.
It's my fault, I'm the one to blaim.
I bought into it.
I ran like a moth to the flame.
And like a moth I got burned.
Dear **** boy

why am I so excited, my heart beats fast
I feel pleasure and fear at the same time.
I feel like i'm about to commit a crime.

Dear **** boy
When you said Netflix and chill
I was unaware there would be no Netflix .
Plus your definition of chill
doesn't seem to be adding up to my thesaurus.

Dear **** boy

Where have you gone
I've been calling and texting
but you still haven't picked up the phone.
When you said let's be friends was this a
signal for the end.
Dear **** boy what is heartbreak…
Don’t know here's the answer

loving you.
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
Diary of a fuck boy
Ariel Sep 2015
Diary of a **** boy

**** boys………

burn it with fire…….

They said come to the dark side, they had cake…

the cake was a lie.

Story of my life

then Netflix and chill
there was no Netflix nor any chill
sad face cry

the I ran .......

and left shoes.

story of my life.
(They were black too)

#The Netflix was a lie
**** boys  Netflix chill lies cake
Sep 2015 · 3.3k
My little mermaid
Ariel Sep 2015
My little mermaid
has the reddest hair in the land
She funny, she crazy she never bland
She an artist with a big heart
she's a heartbreaker she will tear you apart
She's beauty and she grace
and if you talk **** she will rip your face
My little mermaid

Dedicated to gabby roman my good friend
Oct 2014 · 769
Our Little Talks
Ariel Oct 2014
Our little talk

As the words left your lips,
I knew  I was a goner.
I knew I would live the rest of my life fawning over our little talks.

Our little talks.
You said my name
my heart beats fast,
If it doesn't slow down I think i'll crash.
You breathed down my neck
you turned my body into a hopeless wreck.

Our little talks.
I spend all night reenacting,
our little talks are so distracting.
At night I say your name over and over
when I say your name its keeps me sober.
I say your name my hearts on edge
I say your name like its a pledge.

Our little talk.
I anticipate them all
I anticipate the fall
we talk all day
I dream all night
our little talk my little light

~ Nothings more powerful than words.
~ Nothings more powerful than words.
Oct 2014 · 1.7k
I'm Weak
Ariel Oct 2014
Im weak

Im weak against you
your smell, your smile.
The warmth it drives me wild
Your touch sets my body ablaze,
my mind goes in a dreamy haze.
I'm so amazed.
My **** little secret, so ***** so wild.
My hottest fantasy not for a child.
I look at you my mind blanks out.
The things I would do to you would make you scream and shout.
I'm weak against the temptation,
the disease I call your flesh.
You drive my body crazy there is no rest.
I'm weak.
-I'm weak against the temptation,
the disease I call your flesh.
Oct 2014 · 2.0k
First Mettings
Ariel Oct 2014
First Meetings

First meetings,
open doors,
first time my eyes explores.
my heart thumps,
my breath quickens,
be gone jitterbugs and good riddance.

First meetings,
doors wide open,
words kept close,words unspoken.
life is short, so keep it simple.
keep your heart like its a temple.

First meeting,
doors arise .
I see the upcoming demise.
I see it in  your eyes.
the windows of your soul are shining back.
the windows of your soul are ready to attack.

First meetings ,
your heart sets ablaze of wonder and fun.
your spirit like thunder,
your heart just a blunder ,
it went off like a gun.
It shot me straight in the heart,
you shot so straight you almost tore me apart.

first meetings,
cautious doors,
no time to be explored.
First meetings, first encounters, first loves.
~When there’s a first remember there's always a last.
~When there’s a first remember there's always a last.
Oct 2014 · 688
Where the monsters hide
Ariel Oct 2014
Where the monsters hides or where does it lie.

Does the monster under your bed really die?
I can't help but wonder why.
The reason I hear the screams of distant past.
The reason I think my future will burn and crash.

The monster is us the screams we hear, the voices we are afraid of
its us. Its in all of us. The reason we cling to meaningless thing like likes and followers is because its easier for the monster to hide.
Next time you go to  sleep before turning off the lights ask who is the real monster here.
#Happy Halloween #Monster

— The End —