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Orakhal Nov 2020
hollow emptiness at the chest
signifies a lighter body

dull heaviness at the chest
signifies a dim lighter body

thinking below the kneck
at the heart arena

puts your attention on the charge
calling all thought to you

feel first look later


not knowing

is you
Orakhal Jun 2020
You want
great oceans on your side

her rivers run dry
Orakhal Jun 2020
A flippant  gentry throw seed to a hapless few
a stow a way  slides air to its ravens quest
jest in its common mews
seared to its bust of imperial view

faces in chains of steel rapport  
step birthed to its shackled hand
announcing to its ship a shore
in certain of its reprimand

be bludgeoned ye of staff and stump
its weep be not on any
a cloak besotted to its lump
its wish unborn be many
Orakhal May 2020
The Pursuit
of life
in thought

is like
following a scent
to find
your nose
Orakhal Oct 2020
i can not tell of that it means
to care not that you think of me
i have and come to understand
that you be not that be's i am

and in that way i let you be
to that you are not that it seems
as you be made to that you think
and i be writ not to your ink
Orakhal Oct 2020
You could never think it
if it weren't your thought
Orakhal Jul 2020
You could never think it
if it wasn’t your thought

you only has access
to thought streams
you stream yourself

up or down
Orakhal Jan 2021
vibration not ever
betray its physical properties

you are that your not
before you become of it

a silent hue about your frame
feeding your intention
to the mood and matter of the universe
Orakhal Aug 2020
We cant turn back time

we can re establish its occurrence
and turn time on its back
Emotion knows no time
and bes the intersect to all transformation
time travel for we bes the de activation of vibration
attached to events and experiences manifest throughout all time
Orakhal Dec 2020
We hear a many snarl and say
all people about their selves today
who else to be about ? replies
now don't hold your breath to tell us lies

a rich mans poor mans weathers same
some make it hay
some make it rain
not to say don't lend a hand
but first things first to understand

to take a leaf out of our book
a creature takes back that it took
Orakhal Oct 2020
Be the feeling
of an answer

the urgency
of a question
Orakhal Sep 2020
We know how much you mean to us
Do you ?
or does it hurt to the touch
or anger you up when you think to receive it ?

Let it not be a human love to be made real and welcome
seek again, but for the love that's found hidden
in the proof behind the pain where we be warming up
to who you really are beyond it all
Orakhal Jun 2020
The staff on demand
Pulls tight a ribbon to its decadent throat
Corporeal being spills empty its spent space
into the corpse of clay
pressing its leer thru a slip of truth
peppered to the eye of its socket

the blood cloth inks its let
to her red rosey prejudice
blackened by its banished stain
relinquent and beastly
delicate and deathly
oer the swinging skull of memory

dripping its smelt on the suicide skin
a pest be its pleasure
pining and clad on the hang of hope
hurling at the end of a tethered rope
Orakhal Jun 2020
who hurt you most
be muses to the soul

pressing  buttons
you be wearing
of an un-declaring
Orakhal Dec 2020
and just maybe

someone might
Orakhal Jul 2020
I feels unwell
as I am looking for a reason
bes well

I feels lost
as I am looking for a reason
bes found

I feels lonely
as I am looking for a reason
bes loved

I feels empty
as I am looking for a reason
bes full

I am
I bes
Orakhal Oct 2020
a truth in tune
knocks everything that isn't out
Orakhal May 2020
Because others
don’t see what you see
doesn’t make them blind

but it does
stop you looking
through their eyes
Orakhal Dec 2020
As one learn to live on a good side
of all that's not one makes good

As on continues to anchor on its opposite
one makes good not
Orakhal Dec 2020
not a blood type

but a type of the blood
Orakhal Sep 2020
Under your bone is life
Under your life is death

Under your death is birth
Under your birth is skin
Orakhal Oct 2020
the you I am
is that I am to you
Orakhal Jun 2020
be an essence
wanted or unwanted

all be truth
to one believing it

can never be denied
for all truth
be created thru the act of choosing
Orakhal Sep 2020
can be a million miles away
in the furthest reaches of your own mind
Orakhal Dec 2020
No pains
ever worth thinking
from its perspective
Orakhal May 2020
What is taste
before I taste it

or sound before I hear it
or touch before I feel it

I make real
Orakhal Jun 2020
The future
be a vibrational seed
planted watered
active in the now
present in this time space reality

the birthing mother comes to you
as you set the tone in your clay body
for her to give life to your creation
as you draw her to you
by way of hum of vibration
and focus of clear sight

there be no need to go any where
she be not there
she be here
there be no where else
as all power
be all here  now
happening at once
unveiled in the breath
becoming more
coming to you
coming to you
coming to you
Orakhal Jun 2020
Run the gold gauntlet
Spank the great sailor
Thread water to word ship
Masked in her flavour

Zip time in two places
Stick middle to man
Worn into all faces
Inhaling the scam

Bearer of light
Speak deaf on the ear
The hungry despite
White fire appear
Orakhal Feb 2021

that a blood hangs
the boil of blame and bitter on
thru history

is the culture
to be released from and refurbished

and a new blood
breathe itself into place

until ones resolve
is to their own to settlement

nones blood be restored
Orakhal Dec 2020
telling a truth

than we not know
Orakhal Jan 2021
now is the time
to stop winning it back
and be on the losing end
of life on track

no fault here but forgiveness
and an army of silent action
bound by heart to soul

no plot to sow

the sown
Orakhal Jan 2021
I wonder has anyone looked me up
any highlights on my avatar
or comments that might fill my cup
a robots touch a single star
to feel connected to the fire
the want of me that thick desire
an all out nothings cloak of lies
to tell me of a fake disguise

but no not I my arty craft
I lay no bet on hover that
tastes much better on the real
a nothing special to reveal
but a human kind of *** appeal

not to say your not my type
just blood is blood and hype is hype
how little do we really know
realities remote control
Orakhal Sep 2020
We feel exceptionally well in your care
with or without your attention
Orakhal Oct 2020
and the more or less aspects
become you as chosen
Orakhal Sep 2020
not for the want of it

as its a giving to the self
not a getting for the self
Orakhal Sep 2020
But we are never out of your mind
Orakhal Dec 2020
to make matter

or let the clarity of life
settle on our soul
Orakhal Sep 2020
if you focus on the best of life it will be created to you
and if you focus on the worst that will be created to you too
Orakhal Dec 2020
Ceremony of might
fight that to not be fought
reign down a lust
on all of kind and bruise a nothing nought

shallow steep firth to a keep
forever at the clay
behold a cure to all and more
forgot not to its way

let **** be **** and kindle
as to death do only weep
her fury slay the risen tide
a grey inside the sleep
Orakhal Aug 2020
We appreciate every part of you, no exceptions, nothings ever ugly or bad enough to stop us shining our all to and thru your eternal being, every where you look we look also with eyes of white fire and grace, every deed at hand we be there working it into place with you, every dark and light emotion stream of thought you charge and swim thru we be with your every stroke holding the line of life encouraging and calling you forth to the best and most of you we know you to truly be at all times, everything you are we are and we welcome all of it thru the pure blood eternal waters of life even if it can't be realised by you now we realise it and keep your desires and dreams alive in the vibrant atmospheric vortex spinning for you to receive when your ready to be home, never mistake how much we adore you children of the sun and never will we or would we want not to
Orakhal Jul 2020
Liberty tasked to a brass bell
Feigns dull a **** on consequence
Heather wanes wilt oer rosy death on winters mete
Bellowed ripe in reprise a thick on natures breach

In hurried flush a hue sets on sire scalp silken sheath
Feathering fire to lucidious claim a flay
Ambushed by echoes martyr
A drench in brines commence

Set down as thorn on kreep of ivy
A bit to writ
Chucks tic to a tocs tail
Wapping wimp to a mustard sail
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