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Orakhal Sep 2020
you will not be leaving
you will be coming
Orakhal Aug 2020
If we could climb into your everybody
press every button we could access
in all recesses of mind
and awaken the dreamer to its glorious nature
all would be in vain as it be's a dreamers job
to awaken from its own dream
Orakhal Sep 2020
if its not created by you
Orakhal Jun 2020
Your breath gives rise to butterfly wing
Carries wish to seed at fertile feet
Shapes your echo to the ear of great mountain
Your voice spinning on the wild eagles call

Your heart waves green cross the nape of valleys
Pressing your kiss to the lips of the silent rivers
You thresh your hair on galloping wild horses
settling their wake in the rays of suns blessings

Your body shakes the faces of oceans
Cracks its limb on solid grounds
Your children’s whisper
Your angers roar
You be
Where wind be born
Orakhal Nov 2020
No one we know
and everyone we don't
Orakhal Nov 2020
stranger love more
than you find familiar
Orakhal Jan 2021
you may shuffle the cards
and still play the same game

if you re arrange only the content
or thoughts of a mind
and not spin or feel it different at source
holding to its own story

an instance keeps returning to you
over and over in the flesh

until one re unites , balances and aligns all the bodies
vibrational firstly then emotional and mentally
to the point of activation or to the hollow space
nothing ever changes

the deeper you
shows up to the shallow waters
on the face of behaviours forthcoming
brought to you on your vibratory command
by others and the world about you
Orakhal Sep 2020
are you not hungry for your body
Orakhal Nov 2020
Narrow ranges frequency
be blinkered blinds box to belief
as notion bares reality
assigned an operators fee

undress a mind to not address
beyond all sense of infinesse
percept inform project inspect
dilutionary soul effect

recover wider bandwidth ranges
frequency beyond life's cages
cosmic minds loss to a sense
steers home on feather evidence
Orakhal Jul 2020
will do exactly
as you wish they wouldnt do

when your wishing
they would do something else

cant stop something spinning
by spinning it more
spin else where
Orakhal May 2020
I got so good
with words
I forgot
how to speak

now I be
as a child
eager and meek

silence my fortune
prompting my pose

not following scent
to discover my nose
Orakhal Nov 2020
no formal education
qualifies experience

births intent
left hung on life's not mentioned
Orakhal Jul 2020
Raise word
Raise vibration

Raise voice
Raise temperature
Orakhal Jan 2021
You may be right up close to each other
share the same space and be infinitely apart

cause you live
to the mind of where you put it
Orakhal Dec 2020
you be there

a life not teach you
Orakhal Dec 2020
the art of picking
at things that wont heal

Be tender at your mind
as you roose its wounded kind

gentle are a child's giant healing hands
warm upon your golden soul

no wound heals
as you keep picking at it

especially those you do not see or feel
Orakhal Nov 2020
av woond -  vwash maya

neeth - kh ya dash - shhma kh

t yeh t yeh - mal koo tha kh-

neh kh wayt- zeve yan akh-

ay khannad - vwash maya -
aph var ha

hawv lan - lakh mad -
sun kh yanan - ya omana

vwash vo khlan - khau v yen -
wah kh tah kh yen -
ay khana - daph kh nan -
shh vwo kh yan - l
- kha  av yen -

wela - tah lan -  l nee s yuna

ela - patzan - min - bisha

metol - dila khe - mal khu  tha -
wah hala - watesh vukh tah -

lah lam
al min
am yen
we  love to embody languages of all kind
as feeling and resonance

we hold vibration of love at the chest
as we engage any vibrational conversation thru  word and sound

the prayer we announce here sounds beautiful as you flow air and sound and its serious fun to learn
and also has a very powerful
sphere charge effect on being

we write phonetically
for ease of say
the dashes state the end and beginning of a word

shine brightly and in joy

breath tones
speak breathy to air effect

kha khe khi kho khu
tha the thi tho thu
Orakhal Jul 2020
Cook in the chest space
Eat in the head space

Feed the belly
not the mouth
and all will be well
Orakhal Oct 2020
as you wake to a dream
that's been sleeping
Orakhal Dec 2020
a mighty brave soul
a mighty wide heart

flighty on the tip of a wave
toward a rock and roll
Orakhal Sep 2020
You are disconnected
and the cure for that is

to fill yourself up with loss as love
and not wait on an experience to make it happen
or others to fill you in

only you can make you happy
by your own will and desire
Orakhal Oct 2020
and expect not to go hungry first

you be well and all be's well
u be food to lack
and you be eaten to death alive
Orakhal Sep 2020
without turning it into an enemy to **** again

the enemy isn't that man is
its that man makes it to be
Orakhal Sep 2020
and that's perfectly accurate
as its not yours

and your only job is to get you
Orakhal Aug 2020
The greatest obstacle to waking up
bes a mind thinking its awake
Trouble bes the human mind doesn't want to wake
it would hurt it too much to understand
all thats been done and is being done is created by it
it prefers to hold itself apart as its been doing
and cast that responsibility out there
away from its self into its creation and let that be responsible
Orakhal Nov 2020
not pointed at that
you think you should
Orakhal Jan 2021
but really
we are a no body's any body
Orakhal Sep 2020
cause no ones doing it better

keep on the up and up
Orakhal Dec 2020
you choose someone
and somewhere else

over you
Orakhal Dec 2020
You are bound and blind
if how we see you matters

you are not
if all you see doesn't
Orakhal Jan 2021
there is more

you are equally
not you

there is more

you are equally

not you
and more
Orakhal Oct 2020
as you don't press against the souls fire
and let the sun have its way with you
Orakhal Jan 2021
as a passenger

to some one else's life
Orakhal Dec 2020
care that you feel
not that you think or imagine you do

get beyond the form
and let the formless light you up

— The End —