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Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i barely knew
your name

but the way
you moved
sang along
with me

on this bench
in the rhythm
of the music

made me
like you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
you just pulled
me onto this bench
made me dance
with you

and with time
and lack of space
we got closer

we got so close
that i had to
hold you
by the waist
so you wouldn't
fall off
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
caught between
being jealous
the wish of
seeing you happy
part 8
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
remember when
you nearly fell
off the bench
because someone
pushed you?

remember how
i slang an arm
around your waist
so you wouldn't fall?

remember how
you stared into my eyes
smiled and thanked me?

in that moment
i'd have loved
to kiss you
but instead
i just
smiled back
and continued
to dance
with you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
as much as i
loved dancing
with you

i also loved
the talk
on the bench
by the lake
the talk
in this little bar
when everyone else
was already
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
so much happened
in that night
i don't know
where to start
or what to feel
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
the way
my arm rested
on your shoulders

the way
you looked
at me

and the way
we talked
about everything

could have made
one believe
we are close friends
maybe even more

but we were
just two drunken
looking for closeness
secureness and
a friend in the night
everyone else
was already
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
my fingers
are dancing
over the keys
playing songs
on their own

my thoughts
with you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
do you start
a conversation
you don't
finish it?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i hope
to have
moved on

what is
the point
holding onto
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
laying in bed
to this song

i had to
admit to

no matter
how cliché
it may sound

i would wait
for him

i would
give him
the world

if he would
just show me

there is
just the
slightest chance
in the future
he would want
to be with me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i should
move on
i kinda
already have

but there
seems to be
a tiny part
in my heart
that belongs
to him
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
you just
                   show interest
in me
you are

   don't you?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
i recognized how
you stared at me
i wasn't
looking at you

i also recognized
the smile on your lips
looking at me

and you have
no idea
how happy
you made me
because of
that gaze
that smile
part 9
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
you told me
that you
hate to be
left on 'read'

and yet
you do
the exact
same thing
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
girls are
more attractive
to me

no boy
can come close
to him

and whilst
she was
just a crush

he is
the first
i was really
in love with

and maybe
i still am
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
no song
seems to
feel right

the song
that makes me
think of you

,your song,
always feels
like home
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
in the
last weeks
you didn't
cross my mind
even once

but today
i can't
get you out
of my head
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
i am
losing sleep
i rather
dream of you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
i'd like
to think
i am
on your mind

but i'd
just be
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
do you
the stars
and moon
about me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
i keep
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody May 2020
do i keep
about you?

do i keep
the impossible?

do i keep

do i keep
hurting myself
false hope?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody May 2020
i fell
in love
of falling
in love
with you
also check out my other poems! :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
when i am
lost in thoughts
look up
to the moon

it almost feels
as if they say

is going to be
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
is an overthinkers
biggest enemy

and it strikes
when everyone else
is asleep

so that
the overthinkers
are left alone
with their thoughts
their favorite songs
with a pen and paper
and 26 letters
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
what are
two drunken
laughing and
making nonsense
wearing sneakers
and walking
in the snow
around a lake
the lamps shining
and cold wind howling?

definitely not
a good idea

but did
this night
make great memories?

also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody May 2020
now we aren't
'just two drunken
looking for closeness
secureness and
a friend in the night
everyone else
was already asleep'

we are
more like

on the best way
to become
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
thoughts whirl
as several songs
pass by
to become
one blurred song
passing lights
become fuzzy
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Apr 2020
even if
they were
meant with
good intentions

the choice
of words
could not
have been
more painful

as the words
burned into
my brain
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
why do i
always start
to care
for people
i barely know

when they
probably don't
care about me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody May 2020
so many
are flying
in my mind

i am not able
to make sense
of them
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i am not
searching a lover

but i can't deny
that i am
craving for love
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
the moon
slowly retreats
the sun
goes into
the offensive

the quiet
of an owl
the lively chirping
of blackbirds

and the
darkness is
driven away
by the
warm morning light
i really have a bad sleeping schedule lol...

also check out my other poems! :)
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
We’re lying on grass
stars above us

but I am
into your eyes
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Aug 2020
dear diary,

today i
fell in love
a stranger
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
a moment
of inner peace

rustling leaves
the smell of
the forest
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
simply am
for being

For experiencing
nature, love
friendship & happiness,
but also
destruction, pain
hate & sadness
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
am longing
a lover
Keep me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

why can't
the world
stand still
for just
one ******* minute?
also check out my other poems! :)
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
saw my friends
again after
a long time

We couldn’t stop laughing,
smoked a lot
and drunk a little
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Oct 2020
dear diary,

today I
****** up
my sleep schedule
just to
with her
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

today she
past me
with just
a fast glance
towards me

I don't know
how to feel
about that
also check out my other poems! :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

she is
driving me
also check out my other poems! :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

today I curse
the universe

for making
the kindest people
suffer the most
also check out my other poems! :)
Mrs Anybody Dec 2020
dear diary,

I can't remember
the last time
I thought
of him

and yet;
today I dreamt
of him
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jun 2020
one click,
not even
on purpose
and then –


my thoughts
my pain
my love –

and some may
see this
at a fresh start
but I

I hold onto
the past
too much
right now i am really sad about the words, which faintly are still in my mind, but gone & really angry at myself for my clumsiness.
but well; maybe it was for the best, to have some words, some thoughts & feelings gone

also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
do you know that feeling?

the feeling where your throat aches
because it is tightening?

the feeling where your neck hurts
because you start to stiffen?

the feeling where you can't speak
because your throat's to dry and tight?

the feeling where your eyes burn
because you hold back your tears?

don't do that to youself.
don't hold back your emotions.

you're allowed to cry.
you're allowed to feel emotions.

because what makes us human
are feelings and weaknesses.
don't let society turn you into a robot.

feel everything.
the pain, the happiness, really everything.

and then do your thing.
no matter what "your thing" is.
do it.
stronger, than ever before.
i don't know, who needs to hear this.
But remember it.
For yourself.
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
i am
happy for you
don't get me wrong

but honestly

i am
a bit jealous

because i want
to feel about me
the way
he does about you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
what I dream
comes true

but tell me,
will the dreams
of you
this poem is actually a part of my "a little bit confused" series, but i decided to name it individually.

also check out my other poems! :)
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