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Jul 2014 · 9.5k
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
i wonder if you've made love
the way you make love to me
i wonder if every word spoken
in black and white
was prepared and practiced
and written ahead of our time
i wonder if your love for me shall fade
upon the darkening of the lillies
when the seasons change
so be it if you will
but i'd rather remain alone
this beating box in my chest has
become but a cold center of a core
for every man to lay his hand
softly upon my right cheek
only to slap the left
for every man to say he has
never loved
never wanted
never desired
anyone as strongly as i
only to feel the same for her too
a good woman is always scorned
there's always a past to be ridden
so all the while
you dream of me coming
i'll be dreaming of running away
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 491
conscious vs. subconscious
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
in the night calm when all are asleep
i lie awake and count my dreams
although i've suffered a nightmare
or two
it all provides purpose in what's to come
to differentiate between what is
and what isn't real
in hopes to remain dreaming
while sleeping still
and even to be lost in a daze
while fully awake
to evaluate my desires
within the vastness of life
picking apart the pieces deep inside
my brain
to the pit of my center
and still it seems i have failed to find
exactly what i was looking for
they say you're so young and
you have so much time

when not even my dreams
are so rightfully mine

be knownst to the outside as
particularly set
though i have painted the image
of one whom has never been lost
so when the nightly tremors
invade my slumbering place
creating a feast off the fear of my fate
i awaken in attempt to rebuild
what is to be
lacking the knowledge and senses
of the future unseen

i tell you this
believe in your nightmares
for they are as real as the day
they are a gathering of all things
you show resistance to
things of which make you afraid
slip into the unconscious
anticipating the unknown
embrace the substance of deep thinking
even as you close your eyes
the mind never sleeps
your hopes never die

as for me
i welcome the madness that keeps awake
i accept all the challenges
of an image to portray
for who i am to be when i fall asleep
is not the same person
when i wake
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 702
i just want to be
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
letting my tears fall like rain from the sky
i don't even wipe them anymore
i couldn't tell you why
the pain just becomes
too **** much sometimes
and all i can do is look up and cry
i'm on my knees
and even they don't work right
i asked God why he sent me to live in
such a broken body
every single day is a fight
the fight to be normal
the fight to be free
emancipation from my prison
is what i seek
you say it could be worse
and yes i agree there are far worse things
but days like today i don't feel
strong enough
and wonder why such burden
has been placed on me
every day i hurt
every day i bleed
i'm built to ensure the circle of life
and i can't even plant the seed
what kind of woman am i?
what kind of person is she?
someone who longs to live prosperous in soulful wander
someone who simply longs to be
If you live with a chronic illness, then you may understand first hand what these words feel like. What ever your struggle is day to day, know you are not alone.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 479
i am sure
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
as sure as my skin feels
standing in the sunshine
i am sure of my love for you

as bright as the stars glisten
in the echoing sky to mirror
your eyes so blue

as high as the moon
from the tallest mountain
not even fate could undo

as bright as the heavens
as green as God's earth
i am sure of my love for you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
Every day seems to be an uphill battle
and as I sit in solace and cry to a God
I should be talking to every day
I know He hears me

He hears me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 260
In Life and Beyond
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
if I had to pick one word
or two
or even if I could pick three
there isn't enough
there isn't that much soul
on God's green earth
to describe what you mean to me

when my days are rendered dark
when there's scars upon my skin
you pull me close and heal my wounds
you forgive me for my sins
let it be known when I say
you are the best
in fact you mean so much more
i just wish I had the right way to say it
I just wish I had the words

i couldn't imagine sailing
the sea of rolling tides
without you by my side
you've seen me at my greatest
and at my worst
you've seen me deep in pain
you've seen me lost and hurt
but not once have you ever left
not once have you ever gone
you saw our friendship
for it was to become

you asked me to write you a poem
and I'm sorry it took so long
because to sit and write
every emotion I feel
I want to do you most of justice
I don't want to do you wrong

If I ever leave this world before you
will you please promise me this?
Never stop looking up at the beauty in the sky for what it is
For you'll find me in the rays of sun blowing you a kiss
Sending my love in the way of a dove
and through the wind I send you my hugs
and in the entire evening and morning sky
is where you'll see me smile
so please never cry
my spirit won't be bound
and I will always be around

My best friend how I love you so
I hope you never ever go
My best friend you are my all
I hope we never ever fall
Take my hand and we'll walk on

for you have me forever
in life, after, and beyond
My best friend wanted me to write him a poem. Here it is. I hope you like it Junior. I love you. Thank you for always being there when I need you, and even when I don't.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 338
my heart
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
your skin is soft like wonder
your smile makes me weak
even when you make me angry
angry words are hard to speak
and when you lay upon me
the slightest touch or kiss
i'm giddy and I'm blushing
and the rush i feel is bliss
i don't ever want to let you go
even if it hurts to hold on
you are my light in the dark
when i'm weak you are my strong
i've loved you long before you ever knew
and your presence makes me feel anew
if you are God's way of sending blessings
than i am ever so blessed that He sent you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 284
promise me
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
the delicacy in the pedal of a rose
could not do any justice
to describe the state of my heart
nervous and fragile here I stand
open wide for your eyes to see
won't you promise to take such care
of the center part of me?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 564
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
my heart bleeds wide open
I've laid down my life
right on the line
all in black and white
on dotted lines
just for you
can't you see how I've been slain?
hindered to be permanently scarred
and never to be normal again
I found peace in the passion of the pen
and its where my sanity had gathered
it's where my soul remained
to hide from hidden demons
to hide from painful truths
which grew from the seed of my youth
take my hand and
you'll see for yourself
I'm naked at the roots
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 286
You Can't
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
You can't give me the world
and then take your promises back
Please enlighten me,
what sort of love is that?
You can't say what you will
and then do what you won't
Help me understand,
because I feel that I don't
You can't make me smile
and then make me cry
Deep down I am saddened
because I truly know why

What sort of love is that?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 653
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
if i had to choose
i simply would not do so
and would stand alone
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
i'll just be here waiting
because I'm too much of a coward
to put a stop to the
i thought this was love
but it's madness
a recipe for disaster
no doubt in mind
someone will likely get hurt
and though the depth of my veins
seem to be crawling with
substantial evidence
just a trace of your presence
has left me in an unobtainable state
even so
you have not killed me yet
your chains on my heart
has begun a slow painful
There's always consequence for wanting what you cannot have.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 460
Final Goodbye
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
Today I said my final goodbye
and did I mention how beautiful you were?
it was if you slept right through it all
not even realizing you're not here with us
I hugged your dad too tightly and said Katie taught me about God
I didn't know what else to say
but I said how I most remembered you
and I like remembering you that way
Your family has a strong link of faith
now I see how that's what you became
And though I lost my composure on the sidewalk on such a vibrant sunny day
I know there was no struggle
I know there was no pain

You hair was fire a gold; not just red (it was always my favorite part about you, not sure if it was something I ever said)
laid upon either side of your shoulders in a soft curl and draped around your face
Your nails were painted red and green
and you wore a red blouse with a beige scarf (wrapped loosely upon your neck with grace)
Stunningly beautiful you were
the most perfect I had ever seen
even in death, your radiance shone bright beyond the seams

Although my tears come and go,
and the sadness come what may
I know you had to go
and I know we had to stay
but we will meet again my friend
I will see you again one day
Rest in the arms of God my Katie. I love you.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 291
still in shock 7/7/14
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
you'll be proud to know I finally got my makeup on today
and I made my eyes as black as the night's sorrow
I said to myself, I'm in mourning
or something like that
I was already out the door and couldn't take it back so maybe I'll try a different color tomorrow
did you see how high the sun was today?
it seemed like it never set
that the light just faded into night
well maybe you did see it
after all, you are apart of the stars now
I wonder where you are now
and if you've seen Heaven yet
Is it as pretty as they say?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
I got drunk today
I wasn't trying to drink you away
for God's sake I need your memories to stay
I just need some time
some time is all I need
I am unsure of what I want to say
Isn't it funny how pain works that way?

I visit your Facebook page every day
and I have your picture on my phone
I'm patiently waiting on you to have something to say so that maybe I can further grasp the memory
of the love you had always shown
The day before you left I thought about sending a message,
I felt a pull; an inclination
Something told me to strike a conversation, but
I didn't
and now I'm a ******* mess because the thought itself is pretty vivid and I said nothing and went about my selfish lie

when that particular intuition was my
only chance to say goodbye
Tears will never end for things left unsaid.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 786
Only God
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
i sit here and i cry
until the water runs dry
i don't even wipe them away
only God knows why
it's a high moon tonight
not a cloud in the sky
and I can't find the answers
only God knows why
my heart is so hurt
words cannot comply
the grief is unbearable
only God knows why
you were just so young
you were far too young to die
so i sit here and cry
i don't know what else to do
only God knows why
Rest in peace Katie.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 480
in shock 7/7/14
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
I'm trying to put on my eye liner
you know, get ready for the day
but these tears will not stop falling
and your smile never fades away
Instead of facing the fact you have died
I'm attempting to go on and live my life
but all I can do is cry
just got news of the sudden death of a friend.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
HP Haiku
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
There are too many
arrogant *** poets here
seeking attention!
It's the ******* truth.
Jul 2014 · 581
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
Sitting beneath a starry night
I reflect on the fire of my life
Cold beer don't quench my thirst
So I'll settle for being thirsty
because once you stop wondering
you stop wanting
And when you stop wanting
you just stop
and life just ain't worthy
So while I know the things I desire
what I seek is a goal
I just may never meet
Not meeting it doesn't mean I won't succeed in it
Just means I don't ever plan to put out the fire
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 541
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
The walls are closing in
and the oceans just may be parting
only to surround the very small space
to engulf all of my being

The raging tides begin
and the perfect storm is just starting
in an attempt to drown in this wretched place
I have made my way across without seeing

The lightening strikes again
and the path to my lungs is hardening
my hands are worthless as they tremor and shake
I'm dying and you don't even believe me
This poem was another written from a list of topics I provided to fans on my Facebook page.  This current topic (panic attacks) was given to me by my friend and neighbor Jon Hicks. I've had panic attacks, and sometimes I still do.  They are the worst feeling in the world, and I hoped I succeeded in expressing that.

(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
why do you write?
to alleviate stress?
to keep from crying?
to find a part of you
that's hard to express?
to keep your peace from dying?
to seek inner guidance to light?

or do you do it for likes?
(c) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
double life
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
It's scary as ****
I'm living a double life
I've created a whirlwind fantasy
of perfected misery
smack dab in the middle of something
meant to be left for broken
meant to be ashes
withered to dust
and here I am barely putting my pieces
back together in the way
they were made
because i thought self admiration
and emotional mutilation
confirmed all acclamations
that this isn't love
this is lust

So in the back of my mind
I think who do I trust?
while my heart begs and pleads
give his soul right to me
and my soul goes right to him
(because that ***** is so free)
I attempt to resist
but for the life of me
every ******* cell in my body
gives right in

temptation is bliss
Just pouring out some ideas and emotions here.

(c) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 398
Move Me
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
In this very moment
at this very stance
I breathe in the tithes of wonder
I give new light a chance
and in the days I felt I never could
I lift up my soul to dance
For there is no other place
nor spare time spent
that could replace this very heaven
this place of content

The tears that form are that of joy
there is no room for sadness, you know
and as I lay down my heart
with so many feelings to deploy
my happiness will only grow
Lost in music and rhythm so
the lyrics paint my life in melody
for the songs write my story in notes

I give way to the sounds that soothe me
Oh, how the music moves me
I started a contest with some friends on my poetry page.  I asked friends to give me a topic about anything and that I'd write them a poem about that topic.  Here, my friend Jenny asked me to write about being moved within a certain place or time.  This particular moment depicts being at a concert.  It fits so perfectly since her and I often share these moments when we see our favorite band Hanson. :) Just having fun!

(c) Maxwell 2014
Jul 2014 · 395
No hurries No worries
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
you took my life by gracious storm
and weaved it in poetic form
what I thought was not the norm
you made it real in deep adorn
masked the pain with golden pride
you showed me worth from far inside
proud I became so I did not hide
i fell into your arms spread open wide
your words found their way into my heart
and turned my blood back into art
the connection spent will never part
something we knew right from the start
coincidences unexplained
what matters is the love obtained
pulled from the pits of soulful sane
you healed the hurt and took the blame
for making me smile
for making me weak
for its all worthwhile
for its greatness we seek

I knew one day I'd find my voice
it's all by chance and not by choice
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 4.7k
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
I downed this big *** bottle of wine
in a small hope to get you off my mind
but your ******* smile man
that **** has me on cloud nine
all. the. time.
your world is scary I'll admit
not sure if you're friends or family
would accept the idea of me
or let me in
just crash into me
in a boy's dream
in a reality

I'm bare ***** here you know,
I'm crazy for you
you put a glow into my eyes
and the happiness that lacks at home
something I thought I had
something I thought I'd know
Makes me cry tears of joy and sadness all the same
I don't want to hurt anyone
but I can't help what I've gained
So what do I do with it all?
What do I do with you?
Listening to Dave Matthews and getting drunk. Duh.
(C) Maxwell
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
you got me!
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
I got curious about your past so I sat down for two hours and read every single thing you had ever written
I also discovered every single thing she had written as well
I managed to see what you had written each other
I sat back and drank my coffee and laughed a spell
Oh you had me at hello
You charming ******* you
and to think I have shared and shared
and to think I opened up my soul
I let you in
For the record, her poetry ***** ***** in comparison to mine, and to anything I ever written for you bled onto the screen like a wounded heart
My blood wasn't clear it was thick and sincere and full of harmonic truth!
Because this isn't just infatuation
this isn't just a **** text message
oh light up my screen every day type of conversation
It was written
It was predicted
and here I am ******* for making such a careless and irrational decision
The nerve! Ugh!
To think I seriously believed
that I was the first
and the first of many was me
but from the looks of her story
it seems the first it was she

You answered my question and I read
the lines
I'm here for your amusement
and the passing of time

You are so good!
I wonder how many other women you have swooned
How many of us were lured in by your excellent ******* poetry
to have our sorry ***** served on a spoon

You know what? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
Ill throw my hands in the air and throw in the towl
To think I shed a tear because I really wanted and needed you around somehow

Go ahead and take your bow

The show is over now
Just venting.
I'm pretty angry for no reason and I find it somewhat hilarious. Lol.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 2.4k
a world of denial
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
so you're dying.

I don't want to believe it,
even though,
I see it.

I see it in the agony of your smile
and how much it hurts you to do so.
I see it in your shortness of breath,
with the weakening of your step;
but the strength has not left.

That blasted leukemia,
why not somebody else?
Someone who doesn't give a ****
about their health.

It's unfair.
Seeing you there.
Chemo after chemo
one transfusion after the next,
your body is giving up,
the ability to heal has dissipated,
although your spirit has illuminated,
****** you gave it your best!
Don't ever stop breathing,
please just take a breath.

Don't ever stop breathing.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
I won't continue
to waste not one syllable
on your sorry ***!
What? It's true.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 344
ain't it funny?
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
What were your initial intentions?
because your answers aren't good enough
I saw what was shared when you told me you cared and I'm calling your bluff
Did you forget I am a woman?
a smart one indeed?
to think that you thought
you could hinder my mind
and cloud the reality I see
How silly of me
to fall into an ocean of melancholy dreams
to think I may have found out
what this all really means
When you're just the same
as the rest of them
And here I was thinking **** what a catch; I've found the best of them


Intermediate comical humor;
that's life for you, you see
and like a **** fool I gave in
now the joke is on me
Eh. Yeah. Just thinking and venting

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 1.8k
a long time coming
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Blink your eyes once.

An innocent child
killed just like that.

Blink your eyes twice.

While walking through the wrong neighborhood

being black.

How far has the doctrine of Dr. King
come for that?

Mr. Cooke sang to us a change
was gon come..
and he ain't even here to write the lyrics to finish the song unsung!

I wonder if he is watching from the sky,
and knows we are all afraid to die.

It's been a long time coming,
he said.

And here we still wait
to be dead.

And in the midst of our waiting,
we've decided to
**** each other instead.

I know change is a long time coming
Listening to "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke and reading some history. The Trayvon Martin case came to mind and it still makes me emotional to this day.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Dear Precious,

Mommy loves you.

You are the complete adoration of my selfless soul. What joy and learning experience it will be to watch you grow!

You aren't even here yet, but I know you are patiently waiting to come through. Funny thing you may want to know; your mommy is patiently waiting too!

I pray to God He gives me the tools I need to be the perfect mother. That I can truly provide you with the world you deserve, and to make you the greatest King or Queen you were born to be.

I will teach you about loss and I will teach you about love. I will show you the beauty in lillies and the purity of a dove. I will introduce you to adventures and the rising of the sun, and I will teach you how to capture fire flies when the day is done.

I will do my best to help you understand pain, and show you that even a rainbow cannot exist without rain. You will know the gift of a father and will know the love of a much higher power.

My precious soul child you, I will do everything in my power to love, honor, and rightfully protect you. So do not be afraid to come down to this silly earth, there is far too much to see.  Come down for a visit and be with me.

You will understand one day what it is to be in my shoes, and I will always be at your side, whether in physical or spiritual form, to guide you.

My precious soul child wherever you may be, I will always be waiting.

Love You Forever,
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 297
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Not hanging my head in defeat
just searching to make the water clear
why we will never be
what our hearts' desire
why I must leave my love in the fire
and hope you can forgive me,
my dear

I cry because I love you so
and it is for that very reason I must go
you pull my sleeve and beg me please
don't leave
and while every cell in my body meets resistance
and while I've found what I had been waiting for in all my existence
and while our souls have conjoined amidst such great distance
and with patience and persistence we still found the power within to be

I break your world

and in the name of fear
I flee
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 311
dangerous sin
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
not a wolf in sheep's clothing
more like a tequila sunrise
on a hot summer's eve
not a demon with gnashing jaws
more like a soothing winter breeze
choosing to remain the same on the outside while creating a raging storm within me
even haunting me in my dreams
the danger was always there
in fact it remains to be true
while erasing the worst of pain
in pleasure long overdue
eating at my innards
is the plain forsaken truth
but I am in love with summer's eves
and a good pair of walking shoes
and I enjoy a light blanket of snow
and the wetness on my boots
how can sin be so dangerous
when it comes as lovely as you?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 669
i slept with a writer[.]
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
We met a coffee shop.

Not a Starbucks or a Caribou or anything fancy like that, it was just a plain local coffee shop that served mediocre java and salted lunch meat on stale bread.

The menu was impressive enough to keep the place open, and after all, it's where I met the man who changed my life.

I pretended to be engulfed in a rather boring Sparks novel that I grabbed off the counter to pass the time when he sat down across from me.

His hair was black. His suit was black. His shoes were black. His skin was a smooth drinkable ivory that only accentuated his stunning green eyes. He was typing away furiously on his laptop, but amidst his deep trance, something broke his concentration.


He caught me looking. Frazzled, I motion for the waitress that doesn't see me to come over and refill my already half full cup. Fill it with some of that mediocre coffee of course.


She doesn't come, but he does. He says my deep brown eyes, caramel skin, and tight curls made him want to write poetry. Anyone worthy of that type of inspiration must be approached, is what he said.

I tell him my name. He goes by William. I never got his last name and I guess it didn't matter. By the time we downed our burnt brazilian roast, we were headed out the door in search for a more intimate setting as if where we were hadn't been quiet enough.

I don't now what made me bring him to my apartment, the eighth floor, sitting on the patio soaking in the sounds of the city below us while sweet white wine ravished our veins.

I knew what was coming.

He commented on my blouse, said how it made love to my breast in a way no man ever could. He said my hips were like curvaceous lilly valleys winding around the hills of Maine. He said my hair was sunkissed with natural bronzer that shined eloquently at the turn of each curl. And as his hand brushed my cheek, he spoke of my dimples and how they were perfectly placed upon my smile blessing anyone whom could successfully create one.

As I came out of my bra, he kissed my neck and kissed my chest and kissed and kissed and kissed until he found what he was looking for. He told me my skin was soft as satin and sweet as sugar right off the cane. When my jeans fell to the floor, he traced his lips along my ***** line, saying he had never desired so badly to taste wild honey.

When I was naked and vulnerable at the mercy of his will, he examined me like a feast as if he didn't know where to begin. He entered me so softly, I could hardly tell he was there. He told me I was beautiful. He told me I was perfect. He told me it was tight and wet and he didn't want to be anywhere else in this **** of a world but right here inside me.

I see stars. I see the sun. I see the highest mountain tops after a soothing rain. I see moonlight on a hot summer night and the beauty in the auburn colors on an October afternoon.

William not only rocked my world; he painted it. His hands carried such an elegance about them that my body ached for his touch even more so. With every moan that escaped my lips, he spoke poetry into my ear. Telling me to "look up and imagine Paris" and "close your eyes and build a dream". All of his mumbo jumbo made sense in a weird kind of way.

I always thought people only climaxed at the same time in movies because that's just something you can't schedule. It slowly sneaks up on you like a tiger in the wild, and just when you think you've lost him; BAM. That's when your ten seconds of ohmyfuckinggoshdontstoprightthere kicks in and you realize it was the best ten seconds of your day and of your life up to that very point.

As swiftly and beautifully as he came, he was gone. But before he left me feeling empty and full at the same time, my previous infatuation and excitability had made me succumb to his trance, and I hardly even remembered what (if anything) of which we spoke.

I say to him, "William, please tell me. Who are you? What is your last name?"
His answer baffles me, and doesn't make any **** sense; "You will find me as the candle in the wind, the condensation on a glass, and the fruitful taste of white zin on your tongue in the heat of the day."

And with that he left.
He left me standing there sticky and lonely and satisfied and mad all at once. I figured I may as well clean up my mess, clean up myself, and continue to rule the day.

I begin a motion to take the sheets off the bed and roll them up in a burrito of sin when I had stopped and realized I didn't want any latex melting in the dryer.  
I search for it. Like, really search for it.

Ok, it's not under the bed.

Where is it?

Not in the burrito that I just tore apart.
Not in the garbage.
Not in his hands when he left.
My eyes never left him.
Or did they?


Valleys and flowers and sunshine and stupid *** Paris. STUPID. ***. PARIS.
All that madness and stupid weird *** just ****** me off. It caught me off guard. That wasn't me back there, careless Carrie. No. No.
That wasn't me.

**** it.
I need to shower.

[ be continued...]
This is actually the beginning (intro) of a short story I'm writing that I felt was so poetic in the idea itself so I just wrote in poem form. I may actually continue to write it this way. All rights reserved please, and feedback would be lovely!

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
you used to be hot ***
in a dark room
now you're just
cool mountain rain

and I can't decide
which is best
serve your heart
on a spoon

call it caring
for insane
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 509
not so merry go round
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Remember those days?
Those days we spent driving nowhere
just listening to music and our own desires
just riding the wind
Remember those nights?
Those nights we spent making love
just becoming so lost in our hopes; dreams
just becoming lost in our skin
Remember those laughs?
Those laughs we shared over long islands
just living, smiling and spending money
just drinking away our troubles within

Remember those days?
Those days we argued, cried; left it to God
just threw our hands up in frustration
just decided to walk away
Remember those nights?
Those nights we cried ourselves to sleep
just trying to forget what we did
just trying to forget the pain
Remember those laughs?
Those uncomfortable moments in the light
just trying to pretend we could be friends
just trying to remain

And in the midst of memories
here we are
and there we go

once again
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Oh the pain
Oh the pain it hurts
and it hurts so bad
Clutching my chest in heaving
never ending breaths
I've lost my soul
I've gone mad
I sit here to pass the time
while you try to buy it
You think I'm fine
but I'm heartbroken
and I hide it
So you smile and drink
your tea down smooth
while I try not to notice
your lips
every wrinkle around your mouth
every motion
every groove
You reach out to
You reach out to touch me
and a fire lights inside
But you packed your ****
and now the cab is coming
because you said
you said the fire died
I was convinced
so I did not fight
Just let you go
into the breeze
into the rain
out of the snow
You kissed me one last time
one last time
and in that split minute
of a moment
you were still mine
and in being mine I rubbed you
and I kissed your chin
and I asked you
was the pain worth giving in
You only smiled
wiped my tears away
Walked right out on my life
and told me I'd be okay
left me in a state of disbelief
complete disarray
and the pain was so extreme
I couldn't even pray
So I took my life right there
right where you left me
right where you left me standing
and as I watched my body become
a distant visual memory in dreaming
a painful reminder
an ugly history of a sad and
a weakly human being
I watched you come back

I watched you

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
'Twas the morning of
the highest sun;
of which I could not see.
I drank myself
to a drunken slum;
the bourbon was for free.
Just having fun with rhythm and rhyme.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
The Image To Portray
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Can a poet be an introvert?
Because an introvert am I.
I am outgoing at times,
but mostly I am shy.

Can a poet hide behind the curtain?
Of all things hidden inside,
I get them out furiously on paper,
but in turn to speak I hide.

Can a poet be imperfect?
In the respect of not all things memorized.
Even so, I love every word I write,
and hope to leave you mesmerized.

Can a poet be I?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 768
self inflicted insanity
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Lightening across a heat stricken sky
Angry winds feast their anger onto rolling tides
The inner instinct tells us to run and hide
and yet here we stand
Heads back; mouths open
Arms spread far and wide
Ready to taste the sweet rainwater from the raging storm outside
In hopes to feel the same winds beneath and deep inside
Howl at the nonexistent moon and let the myths hinder our pride
Amongst the madness and the sadness
Won't you hear us cry?
I wrote this poem from the view of a poet.  Catch my drift?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Embraced in your grasp so, I gaze into your ocean blue eyes, and I am loss in a sense of fantasy and ecstasy; which so happens to be far from reality. Although I don't care to be near reality, because it means that I can continue to be near you. So let this dream become our own reality, and let it mold our worlds into one, and let it carry on our deepest emotions and our most secret devotions until not even the tick of an awakening nightmare could tear us apart.

Close your eyes and dream with me my love; take hold of my hand and fly with me into the depths of our hearts. Let us create our own universe and state of euphoria in a land of precise perfection. The love we feel can combine with our imaginations so that even our natural world could never compete. Are you with me my love? Are you ready to live the dream of dreams?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 327
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
You inspire me in more ways than one,
to bless the world with my thoughts
and write symphonies with my tongue
A fellow writer and friend you have deeply become
I thank you for your wisdom
and insightful teachings
and long conversations
and conceptual meetings
This connection we share is not of the norm, but from a divine intervention with the perfect intention to lead our creativity by storm
So take hold of my hand and let's sing the unsung!
For this is only the beginning;
our time is not done
I wrote this after having an awesome conversation with my friend Daniel Smith (aka freak morbidity). He is also a writer here on HP and be is INSANELY good. Please check him out if you have the time!

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 274
kiss me
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Kiss me and make love to me and hold me and hear me and wipe away my sadness and drown with me in my tears and give way to every door I have opened just for you..

Just do it.

Just kiss me.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 451
Lost in a Dream (a story)
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Through a forest of evergreens, redwoods, and blooming lilies, growing oaks and trailing vines,
you took my hand and guided me through the wilderness;
picking berries and placing them upon my tongue between each kiss, you were everything I had dreamed of.

And as you drew your sword and I bare your witness we braved the mystical creatures with eyes of stone and heads of bats, hands of knives and teeth of silver.
Upon discovering a place to sleep, we found our blanket beneath the stars that moved about the sky in such a way that wasn't natural, but yet it provided the perfect light so that we could gaze deep,
ever so deep into one another's eyes as we became one in our body and minds.

When the sun had risen, we traveled some more, your smile planting roses upon my cheek. I have no desire to be anywhere else in this world at this very moment, sanity is something I shall no longer seek.
We are soon falling.
Between the trees and evergreens and crushing the lilies and berries and seeding bees and soon we found ourselves battered upon a beach.
I am slightly bruised upon my face, you kiss my wounds and they go away. I see diamonds about.. diamonds in the sand. When I glance at your open scars, I immediately realize the true delicacy you are; for your blood is made of the finest jewels, and I now had a lot of protecting to do!

In the distance we see a castle so very high, touching the sun and kissing the sky.
"How do we get there, what do we do?" I am worried and afraid, for we have come so far to have lost our way.
You chopped down every palm and built us a boat. You took the string from your clothing to provide us the rope. My Prince charming you, this castle shall be ours, and we will live in royalty.

As we set sail beneath the sky so bright, you kiss my neck, and you bite my skin, and you promise to never leave me. My existence gives in to yours and I invite you in, not caring who is watching.
And when we are through my smile is wide as the ocean, and your veins sparkle, reflecting the water so blue.
Our perfect sail quickly turned into a raging night as a terrible storm rocked our boat into crashing tides.
Rocking waves and lightening strikes I scream for you in deepest fright, you take my hand and say "It's going to be alright!"
We are thrown down into the ocean of tears, the one that had been cursed by so many fears.
I am slipping.
I am slipping away.
Everything is  f a d i n g
f a d i n g

I awaken.
Face up on the boat, everything has gone black.
Though I see a glistening, and it's beautiful and it's you, and you smile.
"Let us continue my love, there is no looking back."
I am currently reading a book titled "Splintered" by A.G. Howard. It is a gothic modern twist to Alice in Wonderland. I dreamt this scenario (inspired by the book), and it was a dear friend that was with me. I had to pay credit where its due!

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 515
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
my tears are very real
and in your absence they are made of glass
they cut open the strongest parts of my soul
and the wounds
they never heal
so i am forced to wear a mask
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 261
you're gone
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
when I think about you not being here
(because you aren't)
I stop breathing

it just seems to bring us closer
and I've grown tired of missing you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 506
it's 4am
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
and I woke up with you beside me,
you were nestled in my heart
I went to sleep with you on my mind
and you never did depart
I thank you for that
because your warmth;
it comforts me,
it saves me from the dark
Missing a friend.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
My God
Whom art in Heaven
Hallowed be Your name
Your Kingdom come
and Your will be done
and as I look to the sky
I see your promise written in gold
I see the mountains and valleys
and lakes in between
I see the mansions You have built;
just for me
I see the angels standing at the top of the staircase
welcoming home new souls at the gates only read about in the written word..

and who is this God that has allowed me to see such visions?
The Father of Christ of course
The God of Abraham
the only light which shineth so bright in the darkness that not even the dark itself can comprehend
Man on earth will call me foolish,
but man of God will know what I speak is the truth
and what I've seen is
the way
and what I tell you is
the life

My God
Whom art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
thy Kingdom come
Your will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven
And as I walk this earth my Lord,
help me follow the footsteps of Your son
and help those souls who do not believe
to see what you have shown me
just as I've seen it
until I touch every single one
Yeah, you read that right.. I saw Heaven. Everything I described in the beginning is exactly what I saw. I wish I could get in touch with a painter so that someone could put on an easel what was revealed to me. Words just do not do any justice to the Kingdom.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 591
one night stand
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
rolling tears of satin pain
left from a night of passion's reign

now in a hell of great disguise
i'm a victim of my own demise
(C) Maxwell 2014
Jun 2014 · 431
losing tongue
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
she doesn't speak anymore
she only moves her eyes about the room following voices


listening to all of humanity become lost within its own realm of despair
becoming engulfed in the loss of hope
all the while feeling the sting from the whips of society upon her skin
simply for not giving in

so she chooses to be still
she chooses not to speak
because no one else will choose to listen
(C) Maxwell 2014
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