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19.4k · Mar 2019
A flower
Gods1son Mar 2019
You are a flower
Far too beautiful for me to pluck
I will come to your site everyday
Just to adore your sight
I'll leave you in your natural habitat
I cherish you
But I won't be selfish
I'll leave you for others to behold also
Utmostly, I want what's best for you
When you cherish something, don't destroy it in an attempt to make it yours!
7.7k · Nov 2018
Gods1son Nov 2018
A lot has been said about environ-mental pollution
Okay, can we drop the environ for a second
How about the mental pollution in this generation

The internet loads us with data but not necessarily useful information
I wonder, do we have a sieve in our brains
that filters the data as it drains
Or we absorb them all, to clutter up our minds
Gigabytes of junks downloaded into our mental and emotional system

I was on the internet to seek information
But my mental system received Ads injection
Causing a buy this, buy that stimulation
You are not okay if you don't have this or have that
You don't look good, if you're not shaped like this or like that

What we ingest from the internet is 40% information and 60% malware
Don't quote me
Just an opinion that I want to share
This pollution is **** real and it scares!
7.7k · Nov 2018
Gods1son Nov 2018
I just want to ask one question
Is the human race obeying the mathematical rule called BODMAS?
Just a refresher...  
Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction

We have created different brackets
where we enclose people like casket
He's black, she's white, they are rich,
those are poor, she's educated, he's religious, he's fat, she's slim... Brackets

People are treated differently
Based on the class that we've put them in
Some are raised to power like exponents
Others are trapped in like square roots...Orders

The segregation has only intensified our division
I don't fit in here, I belong over there
My group is stronger, those ones are losers... Division

Disunity and absence of love has caused
A multiplication of our problems
Threats, deportation, persecution
We don't like them, we'll bomb them
War, insurgency, terrorism, hate speech... Just problems Multiplication

Every second, our population is experiencing several additions
Our population keeps growing while
Our natural resources are being exploited
And depleting at a rate faster than our population growth
Our resources are experiencing severe subtractions

I just want to ask one more time...
Aren't we obeying BODMAS?
My personal opinion...
7.1k · Sep 2018
I remember
Gods1son Sep 2018
I remember...
I was sad because I could only afford four textbooks out of five
Until the best student dropped out of school due to lack of tuition

I was upset because I wasn't served dessert
Until I saw a starving man

I complained my car was manual transmission
Until I saw a guy wishing for a used bicycle

I always wished for a bigger bed
Until I saw a man sleeping on the street

I was demotivated because my job wasn't paying well
Until I saw unemployment rate in other countries

I was ****** with myself when I dislocated my ankle
Until I saw someone without legs

It's definitely good to admire better things but
Appreciate what you have
Because somebody wants just that!
We seldom forget to be grateful and happy with our current state because we are aiming for the next step. We ought to take time and appreciate our growth so far
5.3k · Mar 2019
Bounce back
Gods1son Mar 2019
Master the art of
Flipping your L's (losses) into lessons
Because more often than not,
They are disguised blessings

If they sort of set you back
It's for you to bounce back
Like a catapult or slingshot (or Big Sean)
But never lose sight of your mission

The flying beautiful butterfly
Once crawled as a caterpillar
Think about the trees,
They never give up during the wintry days
They only shed their leaves
(For humans, drop the extra baggages)
But trees bounce back during spring

Sometimes, you just gotta
Take a deep breadth
And exhale peace
Ensure to keep breathing
And you'll sure get back on your feet
Calm the nerves,
Take a deep sleep
But don't sleep in the deep

You didn't fail
You only found ways that would not work
Credit to the man that invented the lightbulb
Take the blows but get back up
Very soon, the hardwork will pay off
Put in more work
And relent not

Naysayers will always talk
Don't be discouraged to put in work
Your success will soon prove them wrong
There is light at the end of the tunnel
As there is light within your spirit
Flick it on
And you'll be on a winning spree
Big Sean is a rapper, he made a song titled "Bounce back"
4.5k · Jan 2019
Bad attitude
Gods1son Jan 2019
He has a bad attitude
But he wears the blame on other people
He never tried the blame on for once
Maybe it never crossed his mind
Or he thinks he's too right to ever do wrong

I liken him to a blind man
Looking at several mirrors
But could never see himself
And calls all the mirrors blind

Maybe the bad attitude is not the problem
But that he is blind to see himself
Or arrogant to accept his wrongs
And that he's not a flower but thorns!
4.2k · Nov 2018
Gods1son Nov 2018
My eyes are steady on the mission
I know when to hit the gas like an acceleration
Or when to slow it down like friction
I'll use previous wins for my motivation
Past losses and mistakes as my precautions
I refuse to be a prisoner of my own decisions
Rather, an achiever of my intentions
I don't know it all, so I'll ask questions
Instead of making silly assumptions
I won't chicken out, I have 100% dedication!
4.1k · Apr 2021
Gods1son Apr 2021
Women are very strong and powerful
No one can convince or confuse me
to think otherwise

I think Nature is not very nice to her
When she chooses to not fertilize her eggs,
she goes through pain every month
When she fertilizes her eggs, she has
to deal with changes in her body for
nine months. And then, childbirth pain.

Even the society is not very nice to her
If she's qualified for the job,
give her an equal chance
And pay her what she truly deserves
Also recognize her for her hardwork
But we know that's not how it goes

Against all odds, she still stands strong
Lots of accomplishments in this world wouldn't have been possible without her
Without her, the entire society will fall to the ground

Let's give her the respect and
credit she deserves.
3.4k · Nov 2018
My shoes
Gods1son Nov 2018
You could go a thousand miles in my shoes
But you don't have my feet
Feet could mean personal qualities like...
courage, perseverance, faith and the likes
3.3k · Aug 2018
Hang on
Gods1son Aug 2018
Trials and tribulations
Tests and persecutions
Trying times
Tormenting periods

They are all for a season
For faith workout reasons
My friend, do not cower
Let your faith rise like a tower

I won't give up
I won't give in
I won't cave in

This is my faith
And this too shall pass
Soon, I will look back and say
Yay, Season has changed!
Yes you will make it through this, just hang in there
2.7k · Oct 2018
Your smile
Gods1son Oct 2018
When you smile
You discharge currents
That run through my spine
Flows in my bloodstream
Gladdens my heart
Elates my soul
Lightens my mood
Brightens my day!
2.6k · Oct 2018
Our world (Reverse poem)
Gods1son Oct 2018
Our world is getting better
It would be inaccurate to say that
It's getting worse
Can't you see that
Things have changed globally
Watch the news
See for yourself or
What do you think?
Read from top to bottom and back up
2.3k · Oct 2018
Life lessons
Gods1son Oct 2018
Tough lesson from my Dear mama
Also a letter to my unborn child
Life is like a journey that you ride through
You have to have Ambitionz as a Ridah

But sometimes, life could get really tough
That you ask yourself questions like...
Is the world against me?
Or is it, me against the world?

It could "seem" like you're trapped
Or out of moves
Avoid isolation, it will cause you to shed so many tears
And it allows temptations to gush in your mind
If you seclude yourself, it could be tougher to resist the temptation

Some friends, you hit 'em up and they will turn their backs at you
But some will be ready to offer any sort of help and ask you... How do you want it?
That's the type you call unconditional love

At those daunting times, to prevent drowning
You have to keep ya head up
Because better days are approaching
When everything changes for your good

Against all odds, stand strong
Say your prayers and your Hail Mary
Protect your life and in all that you do
Ensure you do for love

Guard your dreams
Always remind yourself
No matter what, keep riding through your journey
Life goes on...
All the bold words are titles of 2pac's songs... I grew up listening to him and his songs still make sense to me till date. How many of those songs have you heard?
2.1k · Sep 2018
Middle of the night
Gods1son Sep 2018
Woke up in the middle of the night
Reached out for my phone to check the time
Two notifications from Instagram
Quick check and now it's 30mins on the Gram

Decided to put the phone down
Then came a message from a buddy from another town

We texted till the dawn of the day
Oops, I think I forgot to say
It was 3am when I checked the time
****! I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day!
Our phones could be used for our benefits but they could also be a big distraction. Have you ever been a victim of this?
1.9k · Sep 2018
Hey Babe
Gods1son Sep 2018
Babe, l got your favorite flowers
I will be there by you, to talk to you for hours
Let's go eat out tonight
Get your favorite sauce, sweet and sour
Tell me your dream(s) in life, let's make it ours
I wanna treat you right
Let this love take off like a flight
I promise to be there, never go out of sight
I can see our future, really bright
We can make this work, with all our might
I want you by my side, every night
I know you feel the same way too, is that right?
1.9k · Apr 2019
Social issues
Gods1son Apr 2019
Criminally minded politicians
acting saints
Evil doers getting praised
Innocent ones stuck in chains
The rich and ***** go scot-free
While the poor is severely punished

On the streets, cops ****
Skin color is still an issue
Several hundreds die 'cause of their religious beliefs
Drug overdose is on the increase
Gangbanging in the hoods still claiming lives
I hate guns
but a gun is not killer, humans are!

Genuine trust is as rare as the Unicorn
Maybe the beautiful souls are yet to be born or they are long gone

What of the epidemy of baby mama and baby dads
Kids raised with no father figure in their lives
They’ve got to find their way in a world so evil
They end up been taken advantage of and
Many becoming parents in their teens

We live in a society
Where getting money is rated higher
than living with integrity
Who cares if someone is getting hurt,
so far my pocket is getting fat
The thoughts of a self-centered heart

Even the environment is suffering
Global warming
Plastics in the oceans
Tons and tons of trees are fell
Our rivers and seas are polluted
At the end of the day,
We all face the consequences

Computers are helping a lot
But also taking people's jobs
A lot are depressed
From spending too much time on the internet
Tortured by other's fake online presence

I bet you, the list goes on and on...
It almost feels like a curse
How do we save ourselves from ourselves
How do we separate the chaff from the wheat?
How do we redeem the beasts in human skin?
I guess it all begins with you and me
Nothing but love can restore our sanity
This is an updated version. Thanks
1.8k · Nov 2018
The Tree
Gods1son Nov 2018
Everyday, I see people's thirst to be the tree
The tree bearing precious fruits for others to eat, seeds for others to replant
The tree providing shade for others to cool
The tree releasing oxygen for others to breathe
The tree providing home for others to live
The tree looking beautiful for others to admire

That is many people's desire
But remember, the tree was once a seed
It took time for the tree to grow
The tree had to withstand adverse weather conditions
The harsh weather built the tree a strong foundation
Don't stress, give in to your cultivation!
1.8k · Feb 2019
Gods1son Feb 2019
Talent is raw
Efforts and commitment cooks it
Talent is like diamond,
Nobody wears it raw
1.7k · Sep 2018
Gods1son Sep 2018
We don't appreciate what we have
until we lose it
We don't see the glow on the skin
until we bruise it
We don't believe in miracles
until we need it

We don't appreciate farming
until there's famine
We don't appreciate water availability
until there's water scarcity
We don't appreciate wealth
until we see poverty
We don't appreciate good health
until we experience infirmity

We don't appreciate democracy
until we see tyranny
We don't appreciate loyalty
until we see jealousy
We don't appreciate liberty
until we see slavery!
1.6k · Nov 2018
Gods1son Nov 2018
You rise...
I rise...
We all rise...not to fall
That which seems like a fall
Is meant to be a bounce
To take us to greater heights
Far above where we ever thought

I'm sorry Mr Isaac Newton...
I have come to overcome gravity
Airplanes are doing it, so it's not a new thing
I know it takes a lot of energy
I have it in me and I will be using it

Yes, I'm aware it could get stormy
But that won't be enough to stall me
What is turbulence
Compared to my unwavering persistence

Upward and forward is the movement
These wings are for soaring
Outer space is where I want to be touring
No stopping...Just soaring!
1.6k · Feb 2019
I'm black
Gods1son Feb 2019
My black is beautiful
And there is nothing in me that is evil
My black is not synonymous to darkness
Look into my blackness and behold brightness

I have an unwavering consciousness of who I am
Self-aware of my innate abilities
I belong in a line of dynasties
Regardless of my height, I stand tall

No matter what they see through their lenses
I am a description of what excellence is
I don't crack
I lead the way, I create the tracks

I'm not from a dark world
I'm illumination in this shady world
Solution I am, dissolving any problem
I'm unstoppable... Greatness is my emblem

Opinions don't move me
I cruise my own boat
I love good clothings but
Melanin is my favorite coat

I'm a seed of greatness
And that's what I'm going to sow
My heart is clean and pure like the snow
Yes I'm black, if I come to this life again, it shall be so
1.6k · Aug 2018
My reserve
Gods1son Aug 2018
I look inside, all I see is gold
I try to let it out but ain't bold
I got caught up in what I was told
On the outside, I start to grow mold.

My content is intact
But I couldn't get it out
Disapproval a major factor
Maybe I need a mentor
Or a mental restructure
Falling apart, I need a suture

Started to mine my reserve
I ensured to preserve
Slowly began to serve
All the negativity reversed
A lot blessed by every verse.
1.5k · Sep 2018
Gods1son Sep 2018
Yea, I did make a mistake
Does it have to halt me like a brake?
Do I have to let it feed on me like steak?
Will I dwell on it till my life is at risk?

You said I failed
Well, that doesn't mean I'm frail
You can't get me off this rail
My goal is to accomplish this holy grail

I didn't get it right the first time
I'll do it one more time
Not right? One more time
I won't stop until I say,
"I got it right this time!"
When you really want something, not getting it right won't stop you, not what people say would stop you. You have to do it the Thomas Edison way!
1.5k · Oct 2018
Gods1son Oct 2018
Water is used to generate electricity
On my palms, it powers nervousness
Or nervousness stimulates the gushing of water from my palms
Better still, I will say it's a bi-directional mechanism

My drawing class was a mess
Every paper ripped before I could draw a thing
You can't imagine the stress
When your palm is another stream

I dread a handshake
Especially when my hand feels like a lake
I can't stand the expressions on people's faces
Or how they have to quickly clean their hands on their pants
Please find me an escape route
That's the struggle of sweaty palms!
You never understand what people with sweaty palms go through, I haven't found just one benefit in over 20 years that I've been dealing with it.
1.5k · Oct 2018
He can do it
Gods1son Oct 2018
He is God
He can fix things in a second
Only if you can believe
Nothing is impossible to Him
He's waiting for your call today
Open up your heart to Him
He's more than willing to heal your wounds
He is ready to make a way for you
Reach out to Him
Do it now
Read from top to bottom and back up
1.4k · Jul 2019
Gods1son Jul 2019
Give us our freedom!
We want our freedom!!
Get away from our land.
We successfully drove them away
Many many years has passed now
Look at where we are today,
Are we doing well for ourselves?

Corruption rate has always been alarming
The rate of unemployment is at its peak
The future of the youths looking bleak
The entire nation is swept by poverty
Funds meant for the masses is shared
amongst greedy leaders and their families
Not a single arm of the system is working
I wish you were never free.
This format is called Mondo poem. The first stanza poses a question which is answered in the second stanza
1.4k · Oct 2018
Gods1son Oct 2018
Sneakers, loafers, sandals, chelsea,
stilettos, wedges, platform, scarpin
I think it's fine to categorize shoes 'cause they serve different purposes

Dress pants, jeans, corduroy pants,
leggings, chinos pants, sweat pants
I think it's fine to categorize pants 'cause they serve different purposes

Black, white, brown, fat, athletic, skinny,
rich, poor, smart, introvert, extrovert, gay, lesbian, straight, Christian, Muslim
I don't think it's fine to categorize humans because we are all ONE from the same SOURCE with the same PURPOSE!
1.4k · Nov 2018
Gods1son Nov 2018
My perception of potentials...

The inside that
Emit greatness when
Not neglected but
Launched out carefully and
My understanding of potentials. Hope it's accurate.
1.4k · Aug 2018
World Messiah
Gods1son Aug 2018
This world is in a mess
I refused to be depressed
Just too many happenings to digest
Oh my God, this is too much stress!

True people are rare as a Unicorn
Maybe beautiful souls are yet to be born
Or dead in the tomb
Are we corrupted from the womb?

Selfishness is the order of the day
We care less if it doesn't pay
All I see is mere pretence
Been a while, I heard a true sentence

I cry, we need a Messiah
I lie, we are the messiahs
A better world starts with me
And continues with you

We are "messiahs"
1.4k · Mar 2019
Gods1son Mar 2019
The best outfit an individual can wear
is his/her attitude
A mature mind with
Eyes that see right
Equipped with listening ears
(ears that actually hear)
A mouth that speaks truth
sprinkled with some humour
A genuinely loving heart
A chest that can hold talks when
entrusted to keep it safe
Legs that doesn't walk misleadingly
A bright and loveable personality
1.3k · Sep 2019
Gods1son Sep 2019
Now is a gift
Unwrap the beautiful present!
1.3k · Mar 2019
Gods1son Mar 2019
Acrostic poem


Challenges often hold within them opportunities
Changing the angle of view can make a lot of difference
Clean your eyes and clear your mind
Choose what you see amongst the myriad of images


Having a positive mindset
Half solves a lot of problems
Housed within you is an unimaginable amount of power
Harness it, choose not to cower


Attitude is everything, they say
Appreciate and be grateful that you can at least see this day
A grateful heart is positioned to receive answers
And blessings usually fall into such laps

Limitations are first created in the mind
Look always on the bright side of life


Lion (King/Queen) you are in the midst of it all
Life and everything in it works together for your good


Encourage yourself each and every day
Elevate God above what you're going through
Excellent He is in all His ways
Express your faith in Him and He will pave a way


Never succumb to the voices in your head
Never hesitate to ask for help
No single person knows it all
Night will surely pass for morning to arrive


Giving up is the easiest option but
Greatness doesn't lie in that route
Give no room to deceptive thoughts
Garrison your mind with positivity


Exude hope and faith from within you
Exercise patience, everything happens in its time
Excellent people are formed during tough times
Evolve, let these things build you up


Success is guaranteed at the end
Students of life, we all are
Situations teach us to be Masters
Summing it up...
Seize all the opportunities present in life's challenges
I wanna perform this tonight, share your thoughts and opinions pls.
1.3k · Nov 2018
Social media
Gods1son Nov 2018
You have indeed connected us all together
Even though, interpersonal relationship has never been weaker
The value of a person reduced,
To just being a follower
I hear things like...
The broader your network,
the more popular and relevant you are
Follow me and I'll follow back
Oh, what a dumb formula!
Many true friend-ships have capsized
A person's worth is now measured by social media followers and likes
A number of people are now living 2 lives
Hmmm...What a life
Loss of self-worth and depression is what you've caused
Should I say we've been brainwashed, I don't know
But make sure you like this one, so I can feel better...
Social media has definitely affected how interpersonal skills. Just shared my thoughts about social media. What are your thoughts?
1.2k · Mar 2019
An epidemic of fakeness
Gods1son Mar 2019
Why do we keep how we truly feel
under lock and key

Society has trained us that
to express your emotions is to be weak

How sad that we are somehow fooled that
realness means weakness

Maybe some of us already lost how to be true

Does it not burn within you
when you act a certain way
but you know deep inside that
that is not who you truly are.
1.1k · Jan 2019
Gods1son Jan 2019
Take off your robe and wig
And quit being a Judge
The person you are judging
Is at the peak of his battles

His guns are running out of bullets
He's losing it already
Your words and actions are missiles
You could be on his team,
Instead of aiming at him

Stop pressuring him
You are taking camouflage off his face
You have no idea what he's going through
The least you could do is let him be.
1.1k · Nov 2018
Gods1son Nov 2018
Dear Excuses,

I'm writing you, to bring something to your ears...
Do you know that you have been cheated?
You deserve to be awarded
As one of the most produced products through the years

You are one of the most diverse brands that I've ever seen
That's what you've always been
And sadly, you will ever be

Let me make this clear
You are manufactured everywhere
From the North to the South
From the East to the West

You are very very versatile
An easy substitute for plans, goals and desires
You have trampled a lot of dreams
And caused them to retire

With all your forms of existence
You are easily delivered in a simple sentence
You have affected many in different areas
You have ruined a lot of careers

I wish you could be banned from production
But making you is a choice
Avoiding you requires determination
Determination is also a choice!
1.1k · Nov 2018
Effective communication
Gods1son Nov 2018
Communication is the backbone of a relationship
Maybe not always about the talk frequency
But more about the authenticity
Communication driven by mutual understanding
Fuels a relationship that is outstanding

Undivided attention
Effective listening
Seeking to understand rather than listening to judge
Seeing with their eyes and not our heads
Respecting feelings and emotions
Finding common ground during disagreement
Disagreeing to agree

Effective communication is the ballast of a relation-ship
1.1k · Sep 2018
The journey!
Gods1son Sep 2018
I was on a journey to being perfect
On this road, the landmarks were my defects
The walls were painted with my mistakes
Passersby constantly hailed my weakness

The path was dark and lonely
Felt so ugly, those comments really bruised me
Was eager to fight like I was Bruce Lee
My thoughts said everybody ******* me

Definitely, my saddest venture ever
I thought I was very clever
Gladly, I found an escape through the sewer

Oh, What an awful adventure
Welcomed myself back to reality
Learnt to appreciate my inner treasure
Helped me live above mediocrity.
1.1k · Jan 2019
My Smoothie
Gods1son Jan 2019
Every morning,
I make me a cup of smoothie
It helps me get through the day
Regardless of what people do to me or say

My ingredients, I want to share
2 cups of love
2 cups of faith
1 and 1/2 cups of empathy
1 and 1/2 cups of confidence
2 cups of optimism
1 cup of dignity
1 cup of tolerance
2 cups of wisdom

Yummy, it tastes so good!
1.1k · Oct 2018
My Vacation
Gods1son Oct 2018
It was 9 hours drive to Chicago
From my base, Toronto.

On the first day of the trip
It was 30% chance of rain but it rained heavily
My first lesson, I don't need 80% chance of success before I make a move.
We went under the rain and visited all the places we planned to, it was a lot of fun
My second lesson, don't let obstacles hinder you from making your moves.

On the second day of the trip
We were at Sky Deck, a tower to view the entire city from the top
But the weather chose to be foggy with zero visibility for the entire day
We left Sky Deck and did other things

On the third day of the trip
We faced Sky Deck and the weather was bright
My third lesson, sometimes you just need to be patient
We were at Sky Deck and the queue was the longest I've ever seen
And we couldn't get in
My fourth lesson, some things won't just work and it takes courage to accept that and move on.

We left Chicago and returned safely to my base
Grateful for a peaceful and fun filled trip.
996 · Dec 2018
Gods1son Dec 2018
I've got a lot on my mind that I want to achieve
I've got nieces and cousins that are looking up to me
I've got folks asking me for money
They think I'm in a country with the money-growing trees
But they aren't aware of the stinging bees
Or the super long queues that leads to the trees if they actually exist

It's not as easy as many picture it to be
As I'm also trying to make a mark (in this life)
I've got targets that I'm trying to reach
Still stretching, I've considered using stilts

I've got to keep pushing for my goals
I've got to keep pulling folks that are below
Definitely, I see a brighter tomorrow
Yes, we'll all make it to our promise land
If we don't give up at the times we feel low.
996 · Sep 2018
Gods1son Sep 2018
Sometimes, I struggle with acceptance
I judge my works by the number of likes,
comments, repost, follows and reactions
Some works, I usually feel I nailed them
Until people's reactions prove otherwise

Sometimes, it makes me doubt myself like...
Maybe this is not meant for me?
Maybe I'm not as good as I think?
Maybe they just don't like me?

On the bright side...
It makes me want to sharpen my skills
It dares me to write even more
It helps broaden my horizons

I also figured out...
Huge reactions is not the goal
If one person is truly touched
Maybe that's all I need
That's my new drive and I won't give it up!
Do what you do regardless of numbers, it should make you feel good first and look for just one more genuine person that is touched.
993 · Nov 2018
Safe haven
Gods1son Nov 2018
I found a way to your heart
I walked in
Shut the door from behind
Changed the passcode
I forgot the code myself
So, I can't get out
You can't get any other person in
We will remain like this forever
'cause it's safe in here
It's well lit in here
There is peace in here
I'm happy in here
The weather is perfect in here
I just love it in here!
985 · Sep 2018
Gods1son Sep 2018
I don't understand all these shootings
Have we found a hobby in blood spilling
The news is almost all about killings
What has come over us
It almost seem like a curse
Putting an end to people's destiny
This is pure savagery
Sowing sadness in families
We need to put an end to this brutality
The guns are no longer used for defense
Say NO to gun violence!
So tired of hearing news of people getting shot to death. It's just insane
964 · Apr 2019
Wings or burden
Gods1son Apr 2019
He has a unique and brilliant style
Different from what you see around
So he's often referred to as weird
Sadly, he allowed them get into his head
Slowly he was losing his uniqueness
In an attempt to fit into the crowd
He was letting go of self
To recieve public acceptance
But deep inside, he felt an emptiness
What was meant to help him fly
was what they used to tie him down
One day, he picked himself off the ground
Untied his inactive wings
And learnt to fly again
This time, he disregarded what they say
Because he finally realized that
it's his life to live.
945 · Sep 2018
Gods1son Sep 2018
I woke up 3am just to write
I'm not even sure if this is right!
When I'm supposed to be asleep
My ink said...
"Bro, wake up, I need to ***"
Even though, my eyes were still red
I couldn't disagree!
913 · Mar 2019
Gods1son Mar 2019
I planted a kiss on her forehead
and I watched her smile bloom.
In front of me was an Angel.
And me, I was over the moon
907 · Dec 2018
Gods1son Dec 2018
Cones and rods of the eyes,
Running away from
Exposure until
Time runs out and it's
Show time!
Secrets could go hiding for a long time but someday, they will be revealed before all!
900 · Oct 2018
Gods1son Oct 2018
Mental, emotional, physical, financial
So much suffering in the world today
People experiencing theirs in various forms
Lack of job or insufficient pay
Cancer, AIDS, depression, diabetes, it
Cost of basic needs is becoming unbearable
Loss of loved ones
Loss of cherished relationships, betrayal
Lot of people are using drugs to numb the pain
No matter how long the night is...
Morning will surely appear
Darkness will always bow to light
There is abundant light within, let it out!
It's just too many things to worry about of late...
897 · Apr 2019
Gods1son Apr 2019
Autocorrect, why! why!!
Why would you do this to him?

A female employee
needed to take
some permission
from her manager

She walked to his office
But his door was locked
Because he was on the phone
He saw her standing there

So, he decided to send a text...
"Pls, just one sec"
But autocorrect intervened
"Pls, just one ***"

How do you explain that
Autocorrect, why! Hahahaha
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