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Mar 2024 · 1.3k
Raindrops On My Window
Essa Freedom Mar 2024
Tap Tap Tap
As each droplet falls

Tap Tap Tap
As the storm moves closer

Tap Tap Tap
A flash a light in the distance

Tap Tap Tap
The sky grows dark

Tap Tap Tap
Moments of brightness

Tap Tap Tap
The thunder follows each

Tap Tap Tap
Mar 2024 · 2.0k
Hello Again
Essa Freedom Mar 2024
Years away
A pen put down

A dream lost
A friend forgotten

Now I find them
And lift them up

Life ongoing
World spirling

Love returning
Like rewriting

Hello old friend
And welcome home
Essa Freedom Feb 2019
He was burning to ask the question
We sat down and talked
A nice dinner, but he was sweating the whole time.
Dessert came and so did a ring.
Right there in the cold desert
Cold like my answer would be.
Down on one knee
He spoke four words
With so many people around.
Did he really love me?
I didn't want to be another trophy
one-ring love lost loss fear wedding nervous  one ring scared no
Jan 2019 · 282
All Over Again
Essa Freedom Jan 2019
They took him once
and soon again

To some unknown land
yet to be forsaken

So long he was gone
to bring so-called peace

A war lasting way to long
in a country that never wanted us there

How long will they take him
this time around

One Year?
Maybe 2?
Nov 2017 · 635
Essa Freedom Nov 2017
I put up walls to hide myself
My family won't understand
I have to hide who I am
Why can't I decide
I fall on the rainbow
I am purple, white, gray, and black
My family stays on the ground
They avoid the rainbow
I feel alone in my head
I can't tell them the truth
I have to hide myself
I wish I could fly away
I wish my colors could show
These walls keep me safe
My family won't understand
I am Ace
Mar 2017 · 711
Who Are You?
Essa Freedom Mar 2017
Who are you?
Perhaps spirted?

What have you been called?

Who do you want to be?
A sister?
A solider?
A friend?
A doctor?
A parent?

There are so many things that define you
That make you who you are
Why let other tell you who you are?

Do the things they call you make you happy?
Are they true?

You may be thinking;
Who is she to be asking me this?
There's the fun part
I dont know

I myself am still defining who I am
Just like you

With every action
Every word
And every moments that passes by
We work on defining who we are
And who we want to be

So I will ask just one more time
And I beg you to think
Who are you?
Mar 2017 · 3.0k
A Life in Literacy
Essa Freedom Mar 2017
Every book I open
Every story I read
Another adventure I start
Another Life I begin

I live with them
And laugh
And run
And cry with them

I just don't belong
Not in the real world
But however unlikely
In literacy I find a place

In the end
The pages ripped my heart
They pull me apart
They ruined my life
And they changed who I am

Yet without them
My life is nothing
I am incomplete

The author who holds the knife
Dangles it over my head
With each character's death
A new tear in my soul

A new life in literacy
A gift not all can receive
Without literacy  
I would have no life at all

Such is the curse of the reader

Do not feel sorry from them
Feel sorry for those those who do not read
For those who live but one life
A life a ignorace at that
May 2016 · 572
Essa Freedom May 2016
What are you running from?
What are you running to?
Is it the past?
Maybe the future?
The tears?
The memories?
Why do you run?
Mar 2016 · 556
Missing you
Essa Freedom Mar 2016
I miss you
I really do
Not a day passes by when I don't think of you
I miss the emails
And the way I used to always look forward to Monday's
And the way I could count on a smile just by seeing a new email...
From you
The times have changed and the emails have stopped
My faith in you remains
While my faith in God wavers
Surely if God want all of his children happy he wouldn't have let you forget
Forget about me that is
I do not blame you for not remembering me
You have important work while i have none
Yours Truly
A waiting Me
Dec 2015 · 627
How Much Longer?
Essa Freedom Dec 2015
How much longer until you come home?
You're here physically
But you're still not the same
What happen over there
What changed?
How long until they send you home?
My big brothers still missing
Your\ just haven't been the same since you've came home
Its been five ears
Almost six
How much longer are they going to keep you from me
I miss you
I'm waiting as long as it takes
*How much longer until you come home?
My older brother went to Afghanistan... It's been year since he's come home but mentally he may never be the same... I just want the old him back...
Dec 2015 · 2.5k
December's Cold Reminder
Essa Freedom Dec 2015
December is a time when most people celebrating
Whether it be Christmas
Or whatever it is you celebrate
For me it's a cruel reminder of what January brought
A warning I ignored until it was all too late
We spent everyday together all month long
But after December passed and January came....
I got a call and that was that
Death took him away
On that cold January fifth
Three years ago
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
My Dream
Essa Freedom Oct 2015
I dream when I'm asleep
I dream when I'm awake
I dream about the future
I dream my hero
And how far away he seems
I dream of a escape from this ordinary life
Aug 2015 · 588
Lesson Learned
Essa Freedom Aug 2015
Today I learned a lesson
Not a fun one I suppose
I stood in front of my hero
As he told me two things
According to him
I have made a stupid choice
As well as hearing that
I heard another thing
He insulted what I believe in
I once waited a year for him to come home
Now I wait to hear what I hope for most
To hear him say he is proud of me
Someone hearing their hero
Insult them and call them stupid
**Is a pain I would not wish to my worst enemy
Jun 2015 · 992
Essa Freedom Jun 2015
Most people don't get it
Why they leave
But I do
And I love them for it
They leave home
Two years male
Eighteen months female
But they leave the life behind
So that others can still be with their family
For eternity
May 2015 · 1.9k
Happy Birthday
Essa Freedom May 2015
Yesterday I changed my age
Yesterday I had so many people around me
Not much cake was eaten
No the cake went flying
In my hair
On the wall
Even in my brother's shirt
My cousin tries to lick the frosting from the wall
Happy birthday to me  
Now to clean up the mess
May 2015 · 557
The Saddest Word
Essa Freedom May 2015
What's the saddest word I know?
Many times I have heard this question
I always  respond the same
Why you may ask?
He was almost her's
He almost didn't save her
He almost made it
He almost survived
They were almost in love
They almost made it
She almost didn't do it
We almost talked her out of it
It's only one word
It's a powerful word
It's what didn't happen
It's what could have been
It's what might never be
I get this question from random people all the time.
May 2015 · 1.2k
Essa Freedom May 2015
You think I still love you
You think I still want you
You think I miss you
I laugh
I'm done with you
You broke all my walls down
I've rebuilt them
I've gotten over you
Quit acting like a child
You put yourself up on such a high horse
You made me quit caring
I thank you
No one can hurt me now
May 2015 · 424
I Can't
Essa Freedom May 2015
I don't care what people say
This time I just can't
I know I should but....
I can't let him go
Apr 2015 · 361
One Week
Essa Freedom Apr 2015
It's been one week
One no good week

So many thing went wrong
Nothing went my way

My heart was broke
Yet he still lives there

My brother is being sent away again
Last time it was a year over seas

All I can say is
Welcome to **Life
Life broke gone lost-love
Apr 2015 · 3.6k
Essa Freedom Apr 2015
What makes a family?
Is it a mom and dad?
What if you only have one?
What if you have none?
My friend
Your friends
Could they count?
I say they do when your close
So tell me
What makes a family?
Apr 2015 · 390
Your Power
Essa Freedom Apr 2015
Today while you write
Please think about something
You are writing  your history
For tomorrow is your future
Don't give others the pen
That is your power
Don't let others decide
What your life should be
That's up to you
Others don't define it
Mar 2015 · 770
Stuck in My Nightmare
Essa Freedom Mar 2015
Someday I try and I try
Again and again
Just to make things right
But I always seem to fall
Flat on my face
It's hard to get back up
Every time I fail
They get closer
The nightmares
If dreams come true
Aren't nightmares dreams too
I try to run
But I have nowhere to go
I feel so alone
That feeling never goes away
It doesn't matter how hard I try
I can never seem to get it right
I'm always in the wrong
My hope moving farther away
My nightmare closing in
Judgement for who they all think I am
Not who I really am
If only they could see past all the labels
I didn't chose this life
It's a punishment for not being good enough
I can't go to heaven
I didn't do enough right
I can't go to hell
I didn't do enough wrong
So here I am
Trapped right in the middle
With no way out
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
The Drums
Essa Freedom Mar 2015
Listen closely
What do you hear?
Go to a room with complete silence
Just for a short time
Tell me
What do you hear?

I hear the beat
The beat of the drums
Constantly beating
Am I crazy?
What do you hear?
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
I Didn't...
Essa Freedom Mar 2015
I didn't find Narnia in my closet
I didn't get my letter to Hogwarts
I didn't get to train as a Jedi
This is my reality
It may not be like yours
That doesn't mean your better then me
You don't know my story
You don't know what I've been though
You only know what I tell you
And what I show
Don't tell me I'm not worth your time
I'm nothing special
Or that I'm a wanna-be you
All you are is a Bully
I didn't chose this life
I am me
I don't want one of you
So I say...
Dear Victims,
Listen to what Ron Weasley said to Neville Longbottom
You're worth a hundred of him
And, Dear Bullies,
Get over yourself
Mar 2015 · 946
Light in the Dark
Essa Freedom Mar 2015
I'm hiding behind a mask
Staying in the shadows
If I'm not seen then how will they hurt me?
They can't
I stay in the dark where I belong
I stay away from people
From friend
From foe
Even my family doesn't know the real me
Online is my light
I can say what I want
Nobody knows who I am
I can hid behind a screen
The light form the screen at midnight
It's bliss
Online I'm anonymous
I feel untouchable
Nobody can see me
Nobody knows my name
It's my world
Filled with people like me
The shy
The geek
The nerd
The ****
The cheerleader
The wanna-be
Ever outcast
Ever prep
Mar 2015 · 4.4k
Death by Broken Heart
Essa Freedom Mar 2015
I'm breaking
Falling apart
What do I do
When sorry's not enough
It hurts to breath
The tears are falling
I want to be by his side
To hold his hand
To just be with him
My heart is in pain
Can I rip it out
It feel likes this is how my life will end
My heart is still his
It hurts
I want it to stop
I had wall
How he broke them when other couldn't crack them
It's a mystery to me
He smashed the walls to pieces
My heart belongs to him
It hurt
I still love him enough to let him keep it
Jan 2015 · 4.3k
Drawn Together
Essa Freedom Jan 2015
Me and you
An unlikely pair
Our groups never link
Then there's me and you
Why we work
I don't know
Nor do I care tho
What made your path cross mine?
Our live interlocked
I never want it to change
Your protect me from
My ignorance
My clumsiness
My oblivion
You are my guard
I give you all of me
I give you all my *Love
Geek and nerd are two different things
Dec 2014 · 8.4k
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
They follow me every where I go
I wish they would stop
It unnerving
Like having a stalker
One that you know will never leave
You can't report it
You would be sent to the Insane Asylum
So I have a question
*Will you come with me?
Dec 2014 · 549
That Lady
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
She loud with no one around
She acts tough buts a total sweet heart
She tells me things she would never tell others
That lady's voice is not used right
It should be used to tell others how you feel
Not to ***** about them to me
That Lady need to
Stand for the Silent
She would win that fight
With her big mouth
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
It moves so fast
Too fast in fact
You close you eye as a baby
Then wake up five
To get ready for preschool
At age six
In kindergarten you take a nap
When you teacher wakes you up your Fourteen
And in the middle of math class
Time moves oh so fast
It will never slow down
All it will do is speed up when your not ready
When I was little I only wanted to grow up
To be free
But now I wish I was a little kid again
Just a  little kid being sheltered from reality
I know I can never go back
I can only try to slow down
Dec 2014 · 474
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
There's a song I love to listen to
It's on replay in my head
The lyrics say what I wish I could
There's only one problem with the song
It only exists in my head
I wish I could write it down
Only if i did...
I can't perform anyway
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Santa Claus
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
Who is this fat man?
Coming down my chimney now?
Santa the stalker!
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
I'm afraid of
weeping angle statues
Dark library's
People who repeat what I say
Broken clocks
Cracks in my wall
Time crashes
Children in gas masks asking for their "mummy"
GPS systems
Fat people in the government
Fish from space
Planet in the sky
and any thing else which lies in the dark
Thank you Doctor
Dec 2014 · 35.7k
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
What is beauty?
To some it is flowers
Sleeping puppies
A babies laugh
or even
the perfectly warped present
To me it is the crackling fire in the winter
The sound of pen on paper
My big dog barking at passing pedestrians
The sight of my little brother and sister's face
When they see Santa has been
When the word beauty means something different to everyone
*I mean look at the beast but beauty loved him
Dec 2014 · 5.2k
Sticks and Stones
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
"Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me"*
The word do hurt
They may not break bones
But they can be fetal
Bully can cause suicide in children or anyone. Help me stop this terrible problem.
Dec 2014 · 555
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
Why are they black and white?
All the pictures on this site?
I don't see people this way
What are you tying to say
Even words have many meanings
Are you say people are good or bad?
Or have you just gone mad?
Even word aren't black and white
Where are you colors?
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
Roses can speak
To most people they say...
"I love you"
To me they say something else
To me they say
"I miss you"
"I'm gone"
"I'm sorry"
When laying on your casket
they say
"I'm never coming back"
Since you died roses stopped speaking
now they only cry
I have and will always
Love and Miss you
Please, no hate. This is for you Shawn, John, Scarlet, and everyone else in heave. I love you.
Dec 2014 · 2.3k
Society I Love You
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
I love you because you say so many things
You say if your smart your a nerd
If your on the debate team your a geek
You only think about the bigger things
Not the people
You say that a man can not marry man
And women can not marry women
You say a woman can not do everything a man can
Oh Society.....                
**I Hate You
Please read to the end before judging
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
The First "I Love You"
Essa Freedom Dec 2014
I was waiting
But not too long
It still came as a surprise
He told me
I Love You
Nov 2014 · 2.2k
My Best Friend
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
She knows I'm not crazy
I'm just not normal

She knows I'm not random
I only think quicker than others

She knows I'm not dumb
I'm really quite smart

She knows all my secrets
Some I won't even admit

She knows I'm a nerd
But helps me hid it

My best friend
I can never let her go
*She knows way too much
" Sometimes me think 'What is friend?' and them me say 'Friend is someone to share the last cookie with.'" Cookie Monster
Nov 2014 · 631
The Game
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
You just lost it

There are 4 rules
1) Don't think about the game
2) Don't talk about the game
3)When you break rule one OR two you lose
4) When you lose you must tell one other person

There is no way to win
Only to lose
There is no point in trying
The point of the game is to get everyone in the world to
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Try Again
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
A three letter word
It means
To Attempt
To give it your all
To never give up
Even when they all say
"It's Impossible"
Or "Just give up"
Don't listen
Those people have  small minds
You always *try

And never give up
All the people with the small minds
The people who said "It's Impossible"
And "Just give up"
They will all be
Working for you Someday
Even if you fail
Just believe you can
Just *Try Try Again
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" Walt Disney
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
I'm okay                                                     I'm hurt
I'm Fine                                                       I'm going to cry
Shut up                                                        I want to hear you voice
Leave me alone                                           I need you
                            **Please don't ever leave me
                                  I'll always run to you
Nov 2014 · 154
I Want To
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
I want to tell you
To tell you the truth
To tell you just three little word
But it so hard
I want to say it
I don't know if you'd say it back?
Here I go
                                                              ­                **I love you
Nov 2014 · 530
To This Day
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
I see you at school
We barely talk
It started back in the eighth grade
We got along
We were friends
It started in the beginning
I know you don't fell the same
Then one day you walked away
Ever since then
*You lost my love
Nov 2014 · 5.4k
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
I am board
And tried
I sit here in this quite room
I hate the sound
The sound of  the cemetery
So  many of my loved ones live there
With the sound
The sound
Of clam
Of silence
The sound of deaths victims            
**Silence is all  around                                          
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Silence in the Library
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
My silence is dangerous
My mind is a library
I love the knowledge I gain
My voice will always be loud
My thoughts run rapid
The day I die will be a day of silence
**Silence Will fall in the Library
Nov 2014 · 740
Long Ago
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
Long ago we got along
Long ago we never fought
Long ago we thought of once upon a times
Now that all seems so far away
What does once upon a time anymore?
Nov 2014 · 14.5k
To Be A Princess
Essa Freedom Nov 2014
To be a princess you must:
never be impolite
never slouch
never turn your back
never show who you are
always do whats right
always follow a scheduled
always wake up early
always always always
Well i'm glad i'm not a princess
Oct 2014 · 4.6k
My Hope
Essa Freedom Oct 2014
I hope the world changes
I want a better place
I hope the women and children have more rights
I hope they are treated better
I hope women will over though the men
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