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Aug 2022 · 660
a glimpse
i caught a glimpse
of your life
i was surprised
to see myself
in it
i was surprised
Aug 2022 · 583
the smell of paper
i like the smell of paper
i like the feel of ink
i like the formation of words
that show what i am thinking
my first poem was born
in 1996
when i was just a kid
i liked the smell of paper
i fell in love with it
Apr 2022 · 3.9k
you say,
you are not a ******
you say,
you come in peace
but this does not put me at ease.
because you are a man
i am aware of your testosterone
lingering in your blood stream
like alcohol,
in a drunken girl.
while he feeds on her drunken body
like prey.

you say,
you are not a ******
you say,
you mean no harm
but i am a woman,
in a man's world  
and you are a man,
in a ******'s world
so i hear yours words
and approach with caution.
you are a man.
Mar 2022 · 861
perfection transaction
i am perfect at being imperfect
not so perfect at accepting it
i am perfect at being worth it
not so perfect at embracing it
perhaps there are imperfections in perfection
perhaps my perfection is a transaction
in self compassion
perhaps my perfection is a transaction
Mar 2022 · 926
room to change
at first glance you looked perfect
now i know you are not
but who the f*ck,
is perfect?
we've all got history we're ashamed of

so let's both be imperfect
imperfectly in love
because even with your flaws
for me,
you are enough

you can judge me on my past
if you want
but i'm making a better future
because the future's all i've got

so you can crucify me
for my past mistakes
or have the grace,
to give me room to change.
the future's all i've got
Mar 2022 · 415
west australian poets
what is it about,
west australian poets?
who hide in journals
where the paper smells,

what is it about,
women with poor eye sight?
who wear leggings
-instead of-
who can't help making messes
and sleep until three
because she needs more time to dream

what is about,
women like me?
what is it about west australian poets?
Mar 2022 · 1.4k
peace signs
holding up a peace sign
while dodging their land mines
studying the art
of how they fight

with a journal in my left
and a pen in my right
i'm naive enough to think that war could end
but wise enough to know
that there is no hope in pretense

so i'm holding up a peace sign
along with a journal bound in leather
aware that peace signs do not mean surrender

and folks like me,
we tend to fight forever.
we tend to fight forever
Mar 2022 · 2.8k
i want to love you
i want to love you.
braid your hair and make cupcakes love
drive full speed to the mountains love
friendship before *** love

i want to love you like a unique tatoo
that only we know the meaning of.

i want to love you.
newborn fresh innocence love
give you half of my kidney love
break myself in two in order to catch you love

i want to love you.
friendship before *** love
Feb 2022 · 1.3k
love me back
for once i would like someone
to love me just as much as i love them
for once i would like someone to be all in
what is it like to be chased?
instead of forever chasing
what is it like to be someone's everything?
for once i would like someone
to have a heart as full as mine
for once i want to be on someone's mind
for once i want the path to run both ways
i am the one who loves
from an empty hallway
with nothing to say
besides love me,
love me
love me
love me,
i am the one who loves from an empty hallway
Feb 2022 · 861
i cannot comprehend this
what makes sense is senseless
this senselessness is endless
so in the end i comprehend
enough to play pretend
but common sense tells me
that wars create sores
that are more or less forever
i cannot comprehend this letter
so i better carry on with this
senselessness which is endless
unless perhaps i end this my self
wars create sores
Jan 2022 · 414
I exist outside of him
A strange concept to process
Eleven years will bind you to a man
Seperation is a storyteller
A strange concept to process
This time apart has told a story
Of a woman reclaiming her sanctuary
I exist outside of him
We are over
I am still breathing
i am still breathing
Jan 2022 · 270
am i too honest?
am i too honest?
the thought consumes me, constantly.

am i too honest?
i am not honest,
i am not honest enough
Jan 2022 · 238
playing games with giants
i gave my heart to a giant
who didn't understand,
what he had in his possession
his skin was thick
his words were harsh
he figured i could take it
oh, how he was mistaken
his insults crushed my skeleton
this giant loved computer games
he thought my heart,
was a joy stick
he thought i was simply pathetic
for not knowing how to play
i gave,
my heart to the giant
i swear i am not lying
when i say,
he threw that heart on the pavement
as i broke,
i heard him laughing.
i was mistaken,
for thinking that i could play games
with a giant.
for JB.
Jan 2022 · 261
scribbled name
i am a scribbled name
on a restaurant napkin
i am the one,
at the funeral laughing

i am a face in a crowded train
i am the memory you cannot erase

i am a pierced ******
with messy hair
and mix matched clothes

i am a scribbled name
on a restaurant napkin
i am a joke
but nobody's laughing
nobody's laughing
Jan 2022 · 973
praise be.
praise you,
for kicking a girl when she's down

praise you,
lord of cruelty

praise you,
king of snide remarks

praise you,
for your ability
to rob one of their stability

praise you,
king of sarcasm

for chipping off
another part of me
with your casual insensitivity

praise me,
queen of vulnrability
for letting your hurt get the best of me

praise be.
queen of vulnerability
Jan 2022 · 369
Truth Psychosis
I lie to myself on a daily basis
It saves me from what I call Truth Psychosis
The brutality of reality
Robs me of my sanity
So I lie to myself to keep me somewhat balanced
why i lie to myself
Jan 2022 · 751
removal from reality
you could do with an australian poet like me
you could benefit from my manic scribbles
you could do with a serial lover like me
i would leave you psychotic
i would leave you fulfilled

you could do with an empathetic soul like me
feelings come with the territory
feelings come with no warning
you won't want to stay
you won't know how to leave

you could do with a compassionate soldier like me
you'd find interest in my battle stories
you could do with an australian poet like me
i would remove you from your  own reality
you should meet me
Jan 2022 · 1.4k
to leave at the critical

frozen in absolute
a fate you can only create
from abandonment
now it is too late

to leave at the critical
to leave
Jan 2022 · 396
hard time
he had a hard time
reading the signs
eventually he would come to find
it was easier to lie
Dec 2021 · 405
memory imprinted
have you forgotten me?
i hope,

i hope,
my insanity
left an imprint

have i forgotten you?
i dont,
i don't think i could
Dec 2021 · 739
when you call me, rebecca.
i get frustrated
when people call me,

is my preference
every body knows this.

but when you call me,
i like it

there is a deeper connection,
when you use that

i hate,
being called

but lately,
when you say it
i find myself
when you call me,
i like it.
Dec 2021 · 777
i want to spit
in the face of,
my reflection.

i want to tear
into pieces.

i look at my
i see,
a goddess!

i see
a survivor!

i see
a queen!
beauty amongst the mess.

i am
a pathetic victim.

i am
a broken reflection.

i let
the sunshine in.

the warmth,
my skin.

i smile!
i win
i'm surviving.
beauty amongst the mess.
Dec 2021 · 848
innocence of discovery
when did you come in,
to my life?
funny how
i do not recall ,
a life without you.

the shape of your name,
has a strange kind of beauty

the sound of your voice,
makes my heart skip-
-skip a beat.

when did you start,
to love me?
i pray that you never stop.

i forgot,
the beauty of new love.
the innocence of,

when did you become,
my best friend?
my brother?
my lover?

funny how,
the answer
does not even matter.
discovering you.
Dec 2021 · 1.2k
hold me
you hold me,
in your gentle embrace

you love me,
like there is no time to waste

your perfect protection
keeps me secure
keeps me safe

when you hold me,
the whole world fades away

when you hold me,
i know that we will be ok
when you hold me...
this is my,
first christmas
without you.

this is my,
first poem to you
as my ex.

i suspect,
that i am getting over
your love.

this is my,
heart moving on
or something.

this is my,
first poem to you
as a single woman.

my dear,
we did the best
that we could.

we did good,
not to ****
each other.

this is my,
salute to
an old, old friend.

my friend,
we did
our best.
goodbye, old friend 💔
Dec 2021 · 503
his vision
poem i wrote at work
not paid to write
my alibi was departed
nothing done
nothing gained
nothing done
nothing wasted
face it.
you can't see without vision
on my television
there is a man
telling stories about war time glory
a war he never fought himself
what is there to tell
that isn't superstition?
a victim
is still a victim
without his vision
what is there to tell?
Dec 2021 · 240
mistakes you never
learn from
a concept worth messing with
conversing with a *****
got the better of me
started thinking,
growth is the same
as leprosy
could a lesson in empathy
come for free?
could i be forever
mistaking a lesson with irony
iron out the wrinkles
then get back to me
then get back to me
Dec 2021 · 178
bigger than
a nothing
within something
something powerful
something small
a nothing
within something
is bigger
than law
Dec 2021 · 285
pocahuntis took a drink
of water
from an empty jar of
lady marmalade was
next to an empty
about family movies and moving staircases
made me want to change my status
to be a stranger
amongst nutcases
who watch pocahontus
under hypnosis
change the spelling
and the meaning of
empty to full
it is questionable
but able to use
to fool.
fooling pocahontas
Dec 2021 · 249
a sprinkle of
i believe in forgiveness
if a man told me to
but not in regards to truth
or proof for that matter
mark it with laughter
and a sprinkle of ignorance too
but not in regards to truth
Dec 2021 · 798
problem solved
change the word from
to alcohol.
watch the world change
problem solved.
people tend to understand alcohol
Nov 2021 · 315
her behaviour is altered
her face painted
skin plucked
neck perfumed
hair bleached
what is beauty to some
is sterile to me
let me see the original
in it's natural form
let me know the original
before she followed all these laws
laws of beauty
that have become standard
laws of conduct
that define our character
behaviour is altered
to check a box
face is painted
but i am not
let me see the original
Oct 2021 · 831
your call
he does not want to die
that way
but give someone
a gun
instead of a choice
give someone
a blade
instead of some hope
give someone humiliation
instead of friendship
and know you wanted hatred
know you wanted death
before death was your friend
at all
the final ending to an open ending
your call
leaving instructions to **** oneself, after a humiliating prank
Oct 2021 · 824
permanent replay
in the middle of a down pour
with insults for rain drops
death for thunder
ignorance for wet
cold for cold
the leader was a ticking time bomb
and the answer was hiding
in fear
in the middle of a lesson
on the blessings of shame
and the danger of the human race
came the reality of suicide
a life otherwise ok
if not provoked by mind games
a reality still existing today
repeating in a way
that cant be rectified
or changed
a nightmare
on permanent replay
Sep 2021 · 875
sitting in a bathroom stall
writing graffiti on the wall
this little poet
is leaving an imprint
on a cafe bathroom
in the middle of perth city
i hope you read my words
i hope you understand my meaning
i wish you all the best
on your adventures
in the city
sitting in a bathroom stall
Sep 2021 · 936
false alarms
he said,
babe you're running out of
false alarms
your arms are full of trial scars
i say,
self care is the same as
self harm
when the so called help
put self on the shelf
and chaos conquers calm
when a cry for help
is seen as
a cry for attention
a life can become
a hell of a life sentence
because everything
is a false alarm
when everyone else can
but you can't
i'm running out of false alarms
one day i will be truly armed
when i finally do it
you won't be around
it will take you ten years
to believe
when you finally do
you will still blame me
you will still blame me
Sep 2021 · 1.3k
The Waitress
Her hands were busy making coffee

The cafe her home as much as her work place

Idle hands is a disastrous plan

Time unproductive is time wasted

This much, she understands

She is ever efficient in the kitchen

Wash, dry, put away, organise

A worker's favourite routine memorised

Her hands are making coffee for a patron

They take the coffee without saying hi

The honest hard work of the waitress  

Gets ignored time after time
they take the coffee without saying hi
Sep 2021 · 531
think about it (or not)
some things you should really think about
some things you should not think about at all
identifying these
can be one's saviour
or one's downfall
saviour or downfall
Sep 2021 · 1.1k
poetic escape
the words flowed like water
the words crashed like a wave
the words freed him from the prison cell
a poetic escape
the words flowed like water
syllables sliding like synchronised speech
the words crashed like a wave
when he found the poem ending
sometimes freedom is not truly free
sometimes freedom is not truly free
Sep 2021 · 214
hello poetry
said the poet
to the paper
to the pen
said the poet
to the poetry
how are you doing?
how have you been?
hello poetry
said the poet
Sep 2021 · 654
she is worth alot to herself
she is worth nothing to everyone else
this gets misinterpreted
like her name gets misspelt
she lacks the numbers
not the bravery
nor strength
but what one lacks in quantity
one makes up in presence
she is worth alot to herself
Sep 2021 · 548
what a concept!
he was in love with a concept
because concepts dont talk back
concepts don't hate
concepts don't attack
he was in love with a concept
until his concept came to life
only to realise
the concept was his wife
he was in love with a concept
Sep 2021 · 261
Not My Plight
They shoved your face into the concrete
You didn't want to change your personality
Some people cheered
Others cried
Myself, i chose no side
Forever undecided
Too caught up in my pride
Thankful that the plight
Was yours,
Not mine
Please dont hate me
For my cowardice
you didn't want to change your personality
Sep 2021 · 347
me and me
me and you
tend to lose

you and i
fail every time

me and him
can never win

me and they
destined for heartache

me and she
a sadist's dream

me and me
the only possibility
the only possibility
Sep 2021 · 370
road of forgiveness
walking down the road of forgiveness
a road he has been down before
feels like someone's version of hell
he thought there would be a lesson
something learnt
something gained
walking down the road of forgiveness
only made him insane
every time he saw the face of each enemy's mistake
the burden of bitterness
refuses to be vanquished
in all of his anguish
he knows that it is pointless
to be walking down the road of forgiveness
a man who does not believe in forgiveness
Sep 2021 · 329
peek a boo
peek a boo
what do you see?
a man
a woman

peek a boo
what do you see?
a knife
no escape
don't tell a soul

peek a boo
what do you see?
a man
a woman
conviction - none
too bad that you couldn't run

peek a boo
what do you see?
a woman
a man
not a dream
his favourite crime scene
his favourite crime scene
Sep 2021 · 118
where i grow
i used to be scared of the dark
like some are scared of horror shows
until i came to know
the shadows
are where the beautiful things grow
where the beautiful things grow
Sep 2021 · 150
in his mind
in his mind
he is fine

in his subconscious
he is victorious

in his head
he is ahead of the rest

in my head
he is dead
in my head he is dead
Sep 2021 · 230
i read words i do not understand
i word things so they can
be rearranged
taken out of context
so when you read them
you'll be as lost as i am
when you read them you'll be as lost as i am
Sep 2021 · 214
take me
before i wake
take my choice
before it's too late
i cannot learn
what you do not teach
i cannot fight
if i believe i am already defeated
take me
before i wake
i will believe i escaped
if you do not tell me i was taken
i cannot learn what you do not teach
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