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13 May 2013
Like a pin cushion I wait for the next edge to serrate,
it's been months since I've felt such hate
The metal will not yield
It refuses to bend and spill; lashing obscenely, obstinately adamant
The screws which drive this hastened race have failed to open
And the cold is ever vigilant, lurking in the sinuses of apathy

Forlorn attempts to reconciliate have piled consistently
And further ones will also fail inevitably
The need for a past is much greater than the search for a future
Knowing what has been matters more than what will come
For dying knowing what could have been is easier,
than to die not knowing what was.
Having bad days... hence bad poetry. this is my latest work... as opposed to all my other posted poems. 13th may '13
13 Apr 2015
The hints of a razor gleam
creeping up from behind
shivers begin to scream
a thought undefined.

Crystalline destruction manifests
in shards of failed dreams
circulation and cells cease
I am dumber today.

Clogging and fogging the mind
promises cheat their way into lies
when depression becomes a way of life
serenity is found at the end of the line.

Escaping the cavity
in trails of shame
in vigour and madness
incapable of sadness.

Black hole eyes
cannot see the coming despair
the next morning impairs
certainty is a lie.

Senses start to fail
iron will turns frail
the devil’s sugar and salt
must never be taken so lightly.

Subtle and methodical
killing what makes you, you
another round for old time’s sake,
and you’re stuck to it like glue.
Posted on December 16, 2014
13 Jun 2017
Break open the center and let it out
this nurtured, confounded realization of loneliness
as it spills. It gushes into the streets,
infecting everyone with an emptiness—unnoticed,
we’re walking amongst corpses that can’t smell their kind
till heads turn at the sound of someone living, screaming, writhing—

Like how we arrange lovers and hearts in cupboards in the mind
murderers and betrayers roam freely, killed often
no room for consolidation and refinement, schedules don’t permit
the need to feel is greater than the need to believe
and no words of wisdom or profundity can replace the hunger
to crave the flesh, the mind, the soul, becoming whole in anger and confusion—
Posted on September 12, 2015
13 May 2017
We all want certain things to last forever.

An un-cupped delight in a crowded bus—Spirit of fury rendering you unstoppable—A flash of lightning in your step—A loving embrace—The ocean air—Admiration, unchecked—The fall with no end.
Breakfast… Certain things….

She told me that she liked the way my lips used to taste.
They’re alive now, sadly.
I guess I’m just missing death.
Posted on May 9, 2015
13 May 2014
Fortissimo -A
The great fall,
into eerie suffocating darkness
piano pianissimo
leaving smiles on faces inverted,
frozen tears that never rolled down.
The menacing overture
grim and heavy,
crushing fortitude, grief and joy
clawing each other out,

Agitato -B
The angst builds,
wrenching the mind from its rational gaze
chromatic disorder seeps in,
another descent begins.
Agitation bleeds
into rivers of melancholy
flowing fervently to the ******
where famished ears await
the soulful drop of anticipation and girth.
Seduction, no heart could withstand
submission, no slave would surrender.

Coda -A*
Returning to where it began,
the exposition of extremes
a collapsing sky, a violent dream.
At the edge of belief,
madness is melody
poignantly orchestrated.
Fingers that questioned doom
have retorted swiftly.
The closing is at hand;
it ends quietly.
Morceaux de fantaisie (MDCCCXCII)
*Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op. 3, No. 2.*
Posted on October 25, 2013
13 Apr 2014
Indolence always gets the best of me
I feel like a jab
painting images without metaphors,
avoiding the intense visions of the lot
Indifferent, inebriated.
All demons slayed. Spread eagle.
Life seems to be a hassle,
in two ways on the same street
I am the attention *****
who wants to be left alone
Pushing them back only draws them closer
Today is no different,
a muse, a good laugh, a realization
my schedule is full again.

I just want to spend my time
anything else lacks luster
Goal: (noun)
1. aim, 2. end, 3. target, 4. purpose,
5. intention, 6. objective, 7. ambition,
I have none.
You can't force me, try as you may.
What does pique my interest is art
If I ever get over self indulgence,
which I will market emphatically,
I may consider starting a career
Controversies are fun, so is ******
to balance them both in one hand
and collect with the other
that is art.
Form, the world has never seen.
Abstract ambiguity rewriting itself.
Displeasing parents and loved ones around.
The one the perverts idolize
the critics would bow in awe to
Ah yes...

I feel so lazy.
Posted on 14th October 2013 9:27am.
13 Jun 2017
I’ve forgotten the taste of love. The cherished threads that tie people together.
The feelings they profess in supposed honesty, the joy and ecstasy.
I’ve missed opportunities, naturally. Nature played me.
Distraught, I ran from a thought.
I ran a lot.

At the gates of responsibility’s exit, I had another thought. One without definition or reason.
Another ego maniacal ***** fit. A watered down vintage. Faked antique.
Off balance in a world out of balance, yet fools think they cancel each other out.
Sometimes it’s enough to lighten the load — fill the hole.
Usually not.

Escaping reality has its perks. You don’t feel bludgeoned by your actions or burdened by their consequences.
I think of the past as a mirror, when it’s really just a sprightly melancholic, yet gut wrenching, novel awaiting a squeal.
And I’m the only one who can write it. Expecting anyone else to would make the end predictable.
This is how all sad ironies of life must end.
Off the top of my head.

I’ve forgotten myself. I sometimes can’t recognize the person inside this shell.
These actions, thoughts, this ego — I am more than I know or understand.
Not necessarily a bad thing. Most definitely not a good thing either.
Come out guns blazing and paint the town only to apologize profusely — to each and every rotten corpse thereafter — to each and every ***** **** and dripping ****.
I am not your savior.

I make my own hell. I made this bed the day I claimed my throne.
And all your dreams flew into my **** ready to be ****** and multiplied. Progenies of your inner war. The cruelty of your being made thought, sin made flesh, hate made speech.
A victim of the false promise, the martyr of a hollow conscience. I am the end result of my own intentions.
I hate this.
Posted on October 10, 2015
13 Oct 2021
I never thought I’d see the day when I would agnise the depths of my desire.

Ingrained in every cell; the swell of emotion
ebbs and flows into each passing day
like the waves we’re all familiar with.
A calling card;
reminding me of the expectation of love,
the anticipation of hope,
and the abuse of obstinacy.

I learn from it everyday.
Paying respect and gratitude as tuition for the lesson called ‘life.’
Freshman year, every year.

Can’t complete the puzzle even when all of the pieces fit.
There is meaning in this.
Sometimes, I wish it wasn’t so.
But I can’t pursue it alone, so I won’t.
“If it can be realised, let it be so when the universe wants it”, is my escape.
But there is no escaping yourself.
You are the universe and it is you.

It has never felt like it wasn’t meant to be.
It has never been like it wasn’t supposed to.
Maybe one day it will manifest again.
Or perhaps fade like all beautiful, fleeting, moments.

You won’t catch me chasing something that doesn’t want to be caught.
You’ll see me walking the other way.
You’ll see my aura welcome it.
And you’ll see me turn around to embrace it with every fibre of my being.
But only if it wants the same things as I do.

If it doesn’t, that’s okay, too.
13 May 2013
Ride forth with your burden of gilt,
in a fit of rage and redemption.
You are death; none can excel.
Your fealty eludes compassion.

That fateful scythe possessed with power.
The souls of your brethren sealed in your chest.
Eternal cries of the ones you ******,
forever wailing on the razor’s edge.

The one you called brother,
slain by your hand,
sold himself to power,
and corruption was born anew.

Unfolding, vitiating
more worlds then one.
The tree of life has fallen,
to this wretched blight.

The Shadow realms succumb.
In waters black they are swallowed.
And the demons fall to its lure,
now slaves to one will.

In the farthest corners of existence,
deep in the heart of the dead-lands,
riding despair, guided by dust,
what terrors await the wicked!

An audience demanded;
The King of the Dead.
A favor paid.
No answers given.

Restitution drives you now.
Concern for justice matters not,
as long as your duty remains unchanged
Salvation is but a weapon in the wrong hands.

Come to lost-light, to Angels.
A journey most twisted and perilous.
From the soaring peaks of the White City,
wait for the light to purge the shadow.

“The scribe is waiting”
words of a traitor.
An angel corrupted.
The light dimmed.

In the guise of honor,
virtue and God,
Suffer the world
the sky is now wrought.

Fire and ash welcomes your arrival,
heavens burn at the sight of you.
Kin-slayer, Executioner, Reaper,
Who is above you?
Inspired by Darksiders II character DEATH the Horseman.
13 Jul 2014
Ordnance of the wealthy, corrupt
Sculpting the public image.
Garnishing with admiration, cloaking gall.
Mass ****** and grand larceny
Have to, in some way, come clean in the books.

Money is fabricated out of thin air.
Know that you don’t know anything.
When debt is created, pockets are lined
This is the white way in a dark world.
When the receipts are missing, the cash is stashed.
Black must then become white for the sake of tax.

All of this ultimately boils down to charity.
Deplorable or reliable, evil or honest
Easiest way to wash the attic and eyes of the tax officers.
Feigning effigies and respect in the face of media
As they donate to those they’ve stolen from with a hearty smile.
Neither will recognize, but be eternally grateful the other exists.
Just another excuse to wake up in the morning and not feel awful.
Posted on December 10, 2013
13 Apr 2015
I’ve been reading a bit about positivity, this past hour.
I have been trying to project what I’ve read, mentally, in scenarios where I’m under stress to see how things work out.

I couldn’t make peace with the fact that sometimes letting go and keeping quiet is the best course of action.
That sometimes, just sometimes, shutting up and letting things happen is the only way to get over a bad situation.
The fallout can be dealt with. The one percent of our animal nature within helps us rebuild every time.

I can feel an uneasiness settling, making its home in the center of my being.
Writhing in malcontent and uneven distaste, counterbalanced hatred for this feeling I’m riddled with. Where is the good in all this?
Is that what forgiveness is? Swallowing the bitter pill? Turning a new leaf?
Among other euphemisms for being a **** up.
Something that’s very hard to do.

Two minds too blind to make themselves up. Nothing is accomplished in confusion.
One kills while the other cries.
Despair and hope side by side, waiting for one to rise and the other to fall.
Positivity is elastic, it can be stretched to fit over what you deem right.
It can be mistaken for a rush of energy, a thirst for life, a sense of achievement, an inebriated night.
All the while festering, brooding, decaying inside, a heart of sadness, that once did smile.
Posted on February 17, 2015
13 May 2017
Turning left triggers migraines
my eyelids graze flaring screens
that discharge cold lightning in to my brain
the asymptomatic essence dissolves in a shade of sepia
welcoming what will become another day in the mental calendar.

Uneasiness will creep into this calmly drifting hour
and fruitless realization will take root
ignoring what has become of the past, the morning
inviting what is to come, the afternoon, the evening, the night.
The following seconds are warped in flow
there is little time to let bygones go.
As light escapes this crystal globe
and sparkling diamonds are left to bloom
I am still where my mind was wrought
when cold lightning to me was brought
zooming out to the grandest scale, the weeks, the months, the years unveil
whole lifetimes in lethargy lost.

This is what our excuses dearly cost
standing up is psychophysiological strain
only sleep numbs the pain.
Posted on May 26, 2015
13 May 2013
today is the first
I’ll start from here
here, where nothing appears

yesterday was the third
when obligation crashed
and disposition screamed

tomorrow will be the second
if inhibitions boom
and expectations rise

today I wasted a day
I drank and thought
kissed and fought
slept a lot
the sun was wrought
the color of grey

yesterday was when I died
my contention deserved glee
sadly, mistakes flourish in vanity
what did come, rhymed with misery
a folded smile you’d never see
preposterously snide

tomorrow I’ll live
to once again fill
what failed and might still
shatter and spill
******* obstinate will
with nothing more to give

that’s why we recycle
minutes for days
seconds for hours
sorrows for life
13 Jun 2017
Without a thought, consciousness dawdles.
Here, there, everywhere. In the dark, the horizon’s alight.
Realizing the presence. Forgetting the essence

Feet feel filth. Dirt. ****.
Mucking around. Failing eyes lie.
Lights are a ruse. Shadows are alive.

Morph into beasts, cannibals, men.
Shiver in the shell. Outside, it’s hell.
Outside - The mind. Inside - The world.

Demented faces drift slow. Relishing fear.
Then somewhere, the sky revealed a fragment of a million billions.
Perpetual bliss, inches from fingertips.

Reach out and they ebb. Pull in and they near.
Traveling through space with mere sight.
Contrast poisoned the mind.

Horror subsides and delay catches up.
Cells tingle with excitement. Acute sensations grow.
Silhouettes appear, dangerously unclear.

In the corner of the eye, beings of the night.
Weary vision seeks answers it cannot find. No fabled truths.
It’s all in the mind.

The horizon painted a canvas-
Of dusky mountains and scattered clouds.
Waving and restless - Unearthly beauty.

A carpet of dew and grass, teasing trepidation.
Engulfed by clouds, one by one the lights go out.
Streaking chills up the spine. Freezing. Divine.

Welcome the demons.
The mind is a playground.
Players are illusions.
Posted on August 20, 2015
13 May 2013
to banter and delegate
a favorable solution
they waste days and lives
in obvious delusion

when war breaks out
much relief is sent
alongside guns and bombs
from governments bent

then, lie to the people
and reinforce resolve
with hope that resounds
and eventually dissolves

selling pawns like hot cakes
in the business of hypocrisy
you think dictatorship is bad?
take a closer look at democracy
Posted on February 25, 2013
13 May 2013
alcohol tears away at the soul
we’re bound to its discrepancies
but alas! we are materialistic creatures
if not, then we are simply animals.
I'm drunk.
13 May 2013
She is sweetness untasted,
by the likes of the deserving
though for some,
love is merely a mistake of judgement
until something better comes along
to subtly replace a misplaced heart.

She is forgiveness unfelt,
a bleeding heart of amore
so they drink,
and play and fall,
until choice is lost,
yielding to fatal attraction.

She is kindness unseen,
not wounded love could defeat
from the bounty of the wasted
we count,
moments until she turns sour
but she never does.

She is sanguine addiction,
of words that melt stone
with a fire that breathes
from her will,
burning in virtue
that makes me sing.
13 Apr 2014
I'm terrible at times...

I try and salvage what verve remains
after curbing the chaos of my thoughts
to make up for the atrocity

that is me.

Then, I'm not so terrible.
Posted on 5th October 2013 11:37am
13 Sep 2013
in the distance
if i squint, will i see you?
dancing away under the stars
before the eyes of those you allure
i have grown weaker in your presence
exposed and vulnerable
it's not your charm
that which i so admire
or your ferocious mind
that ever seeks answers
not even your thirst
for the world and its colors
your shimmy tilts me
a beautiful work of art in motion

it's those eyes that see truth in things
in the hearts
in innocence and impudence
if i could love a thought
i would think only of you
far away in the distance
floating through the fantasies
no one will ever know the splendor
you fill this decrepit soul with
your sadness and joy
spills onto my soul
you have tucked away
a piece of you in me
and enslaved me in your kindness
leaving me addicted to you
13 May 2013
Under this ruthless azure
you return, crawling to me
cloaked in black, where sight is drawn
holding my wants, wrecking my tidings
your bleeding lips, your flaming hair
woo me splendid, fill me brimmed.
Caressed by your touch
forgiveness ensues
a yearning grows
revived again
by your wanton lust.
In the cold you are rigid
aching for comfort
clinging, to what I have,
to what you think of me
as you entwine
your sinuous wines
into my being and forge love,
a desire for your discourse.

In this cold I am frozen,
and here only to watch you shiver.
13 Feb 2015
The early chapters spoke subtly

Of a great divide in natural born chaos.

Panic broadcasted to the living infinite

A predator’s portrait of the steelbath suicide,

And a chainheart machine stabbing the drama

In figures of number five.
- Inspired by the band, Soilwork.
Posted on June 7, 2014
13 Aug 2013
To reiterate,

Words filling contagious information
into the keener ears of degenerate people

While elsewhere,
leaving scars deep enough
to catch rain water
that can’t be drunk
to soothe the uneasiness

A girl was ***** the day before
GANGED - the headlines boisterously boasted
my fine countrymen on their best behavior
I thought

It’s not a mystery how lightly
they take to such things here
the average *** smoker rots for 10 years
while the ****** gets 4 before he walks

Capital justice
grass involves more money
who’s gonna pay to **** someone?
degenerates waiting on call

Asking for the unreasonable
while selling me a thought
sugar coated and studded with half truths
to turn with the big wheel
and stare atrocity in the eye, eyes closed

Able bodied souls handicap themselves
to perpetuate the cycle of corruption
the wondrous mechanics of our modern world
can’t put a price on dignity
so we boycott what doesn’t benefit us

Is that our reality
or just something I read?
My country *****... and I write about it...
13 May 2013
Hopelessly dependent on your heads and hands
were the pieces of me strewn on your platters
spinning wildly, correcting, dissecting my faces
praying for movement of the allegro, sans.

{An insidious little fox with her naughty tail
came to wrap around my being and close
never you mind what transpired next,
a shattering soul was no longer frail.}

But back and forth the fugue swings
never fulfilling the adagio's haste
the remnants of me are long since lost
scrambling for nothing, my madness sings.

Now I am left with no memory or past
now there's naught to look forward to
now I can die a regretful death
now the scherzo, can take flight, at last.

No tears shall fill this olive grove
the sorrows of a few grace its arches
the final movement is now at hand
slump, lively, into the irony of the allegro.
i've lost my HDD. years of my life just erased in an instant. all my poetry, books, music, photos, movies, softwares, everything gone.
13 Jul 2013
I'll tell you why I don't deserve to win
because I really don't deserve to win
I am the alpha and omega of failure
because if I've won, it means that someone, who was actually supposed to win,
If you think that I am the king of losers then you are wrong
I lose even there
it's true, losers have champions
I'm not one of them
I am the key to my downfall
when clouds in summer pass by over head, it only rains on me
even in the company of others with me
this is the glory of my being,
to deposit checks only to watch them bounce
do not grow sympathetic towards my words,
the fallacies of sophists are all the fad these days
my poetry is quite literally a fluke,
meant to soothe the boorish eyes and ears
of those who don't know better
simply, a child's rant to whoever is listening
A tantrum unchecked
fodder for credulous cattle,
you will not buy
my victory here would mean my destruction
most certainly, the heartbreak of someone who has hoped for the opposite
I, the tragic son of fate and loss, am destined to wed grief
I beg you to see truth,
not reason
for if I deserve to lose and I don't, then let me win so I don't.
13 Apr 2014
After I thought it through
the stigma felt abused
I cycled through the minds of others
exposing their consensus to my senses
for better or worse, I don't discriminate

I do, however, hate
without a second thought
suddenly, void of reason
in passing or in wait I would
indifferently abuse the scarred stature

what remained was waste
letting me think is a sin
there is no god who can forgive my mind
not that I condone the plundering of others
it's just that my father will never know.
Posted on 3rd October 2013 1:22pm
13 May 2013
Impulses that thrash
in the chambers of red
have trembled in fear
of what you have said
you reign over me
with those crimson lips
that slender seduction
that drips from your legs
upon my withering self
dominating my senses
you've caged my soul
your attraction belies
about what you desire
knowing you too well
I'll still sear in the fire
your nails drill into my spine
with lust and cruelty so kind
so humble, so sweet i beg
for you to devour me
leave not a morsel behind
I'm lost in your hair
slipping from your back
releasing your garments
my tongue will caress
a slave to your touch
held in your bust
this is how much I love you
your skin be stitched to mine.
13 May 2013
One day, life stopped by to play a hand

I pondered, he glazed; through - slipped the sand

Things would have been so much easier, if I were sober

I would have gained priorities; game over.
what a smoker suffers from....
13 Jun 2017
I’ve wasted a good bit of my life doing this.
I am ashamed and chalk full of regret right now, but in a few minutes, all those terrible demons will be driven away.
I am expecting a package to be delivered.
Spent the whole day idling in wait. Lolling, rolling, indolently knolling my attention bell.
Listening, for that fateful moment when the car would ram through the building’s gates and park itself, figuratively, with the desired goods in tow, capriciously.

A few half hours away, in a thatched hut next to the railroad tracks that lead up to here, a sprightly old man impatiently tosses out bags of lush, matured, ambrosia.
He’s ecstatic that we’ve come at 5 am to purchase his valuable merchandise.
A half hour of window shopping later…. Transaction complete!!.
The return is swift, silent. Nervous.
One hundred grams. Enough to have your grandchildren have children without you around.
One moment, the cabin is quiet. Another, and the seat is on fire.
Rabid vibes this early in the day can only lead to one thing.
The Law! Everywhere you look… Eying you like they know… Like they all know.
But they want you to think that they don’t so they let you go. And you’re left to ponder the tragic possibilities of “what if.”

Pacing the room, I see what I’ve been expecting, finally arrive.
Clenching the door’s handle with my eye ball driven right up the peep hole, my heart bursts into flames.
The door is flung open and in it comes.
Squares of lush green, lengths of buds serene.
Aromatic and hypnotic. Retardation and euphoria.
This moment vs. What the hell was I talking about?
In a circle of tyrants and philosophers we’re lost choreographers of affluent lives.
******* slow at the fire inside, that shows us how we forgot to cry.
Delivery complete. Demons extinguished. Attention bell is ringing loud and clear.
Gentlemen, this meeting is adjourned.
Posted on July 10, 2015
13 Jul 2014
I can’t make out what he’s saying  
Why is he speaking so slow?  
A drug coursing through my veins?  
I want to retort  
But, this lengthy pause in my throat….  
When will my first syllables reach the air around me?  
Is it air that surrounds me?  
I can’t feel it on my skin, my face  
The sky appears to be motionless  
How long as it been since the clouds moved?  
It’s been months, no, years,  
Centuries since I felt my heartbeat  
So much time to think, to dream,  
I can’t remember the last time I took a breath  
Am I still exhaling?  
Am I even?  
I feel old  
Far older than I was when this battle began  
As old as time itself  
He tricked me, it wasn’t supposed to be like this  
How long has it been since his blade pierced my arm?  
When will I feel the pain from this razor’s edge on my palm?  
How much longer before it reaches my heart?  
I can’t take it anymore!  
**** you, Stop torturing me!  
Hurry, hurry, hurry!  
Hurry up and **** me!
Posted on December 10, 2013
13 May 2013
Fervently burning under a silken sky
weary souls become forgotten ghosts
wrought by the echoes of a dying sunset
belonging nevermore to a mortal world

where demons writhe behind invisible doors
licking the floors, dreaming of gore
from twisted tongues, their words whip
not spoken or whispered but weak and murmured

lo! a name is painted, in the shades of dusk
in purple and ebony, unreadable - Lenore
she who fancies nights within cold chambers
stoking hearts of men as though they were embers

writing volumes of sins they confess,
and every treacherous lie they profess
turned the sky bleak today
all the ghosts have gone away.
has some inspirations from Edgar Allan Poe's - Raven.
Posted on February 18, 2013
13 Jun 2013
I asked for success
disappointment came first
failure pursued close
so did the burdens of all my hopes

I've lost all sense in the things around me
mixing my hatred with apathy to slumber in pity
no bar girl's ***** will construe this animosity
thrashing mad within the synapses of my mind

if in finding the light I will be saved,
then I will break every ******* bulb that glows
such a shame - wallowing for name
pain is the ultimate game

lets see who can take the most punishment
they place bets and take shots
they is the flow of things
and they are *******.
lost my gig at wacken. just the way i lose everything every time.
one chance to prove myself is all i ask and i cant even get that.
my life is a pain in the ***.
13 Feb 2015
Creator. Creation.
The ******* of sentiment and pride.
A stye on the natural dye, spoiling all but the eye.
Appearances deceive the meek and kind.
The rotting essence of this one’s heart just won’t die.
Another day of silent abuse, welcoming another smile.
If ignorance had a role model like this comedy would never die.
The arrogance of prejudice stains thoroughly.
The absent hours come alive until the inevitable return of the inherited honor.
The squandered respect, the virtuous dishonor.
The forsaker.
Posted on September 2, 2014
13 Aug 2013
I am a woman, in a man’s body
with a ***** that doesn’t work
I have ****** the vineyards and the haystacks
grown a beard as long as a pine tree
the beard is downstairs
and it is joined to my hair
which is also long, flowing from my shiny head
I speak 500 languages
I cant read
I once slept outside my own house
in the blizzard of 93’ I fingered somebody’s sister
I even slapped a judge for being too **** ugly
but seriously, I’m currently jacking off to everybody’s mom
no no no, I’ll be honest for old time’s sake
my greatest lie is that I am/have-done none of these things.
13 Feb 2015
Long and arduous, perilously entwined
Up the eternal ***** of the mind
Strewn the plains of barren thought
Full of words yet intellectually wrought
Descending into the gutters without thinking twice
Words are meaningless tools that sound like something nice
Embodying gibberish and sentences so vile
Drifting from incorrigible to completely in denial
A minute of peace before reality strikes
Exclamations abound for diffident delights
Incapable of containing the overflowing excitement
Alas! begins the journey from indifference to amazement.
Posted on December 13, 2014
13 May 2013
Deep red runs from edge to infinity
down the water where you drowned,
confused by the dimness of the night
we’re frantic, ******* like rabbits.
Subsequently, we waited for that feeling to go.
Knowing this day will never begin
we charged in our ‘animal-like’ disarray
into the fog mucking the puddles,
breaking leaves and twigs -
A starless night for ghost stories.
****, ravenous and shamelessly concupiscent,
****** occur amidst the foreplay.
No one knew how many we were,
we didn’t care.
Against the trees, in the dirt,
staring at the sky or perched on a stone,
didn’t matter where and how it happened
as long as the moans echoed through the woods.
In memory of a fallen friend,
promiscuous and brutish, a ******.
He will be missed as we *******
inside the women he once *****.
That feeling has long gone.
We’re animals now, if only for one night.
Making each other squeal and throb.
In the presence of enemies we’re all friends,
in the death of a villain we’re debaucherous
most of you will not get this.
i don't expect you to.
but that doesn't mean i don't want your honest opinion.
please be brutally honest if you are going to comment.
I love this poem.
13 May 2013
how horrible you are!
mirrors crack upon your gaze and split you in two
yelling and throwing tantrums, almost begging you
to vanish from their reflections, so they can heal again
the ugly truth - a part of the festering pile of **** you really are
want more? sure

you write about how wonderful a brand new day in your life is!

-this is happening in an E.R. at 4:00 AM - no subtext

last night was the best ever! drums, drugs, toxicity and debauchery

-you beat the land lady to within an inch of her life, then
ran from the cops for 4 miles, after which
you fell down 4 flights of stairs in the park because
you couldn’t see the railing properly - no subtext

{new update! 158 people followed you}

you’re a success. your blog is on fire. next day 281, day after - 590.
you post pictures of yourself with women getting ******* and ******

-you didn’t score with either - no subtext

you write old quotes that nobody’s heard in ages

-said you started a trend and took pride in it - subtext

you post made-up chats with ***** women trying to come on to you while you’re playing it cool

-it was your pen pal asking you to stop being a fake cause she believes in who you actually are,
so you tell her to ******* and block her. - no subtext

the one thing you don’t write about is why you are such an *******
in a world full of ******* with nothing better to do
than entertain others with a **** load of lies
simply for the sake of recognition
13 May 2013
…And that’s what I want to see
The next time a poetry competition is held
The best ones shall be considered FREE
To leave chance alive for those who never win
To keep a little hope kindling for those who can’t
A competition for the worst attempt, I’ll call it
Not in a humiliating way, maybe
The stars will shine during the day
And I’ll hand them frowns and shades of grey
”Better luck next time, you’re a pro I must say”
8 lines full of grammatical errors and senseless garbage
In its awkward sway, shall steal the day
Eh, the ratings will sky rocket
I hate putting this here as a memoir
But sue me if I stand for those who can’t
I’ll give them feet and you can take a ****
On a hillside 900 miles from nowhere
Because you’re an awesome poet and you can pen lines
Like a quadruple PH.D with an immaculate *******
So maybe they will call you a winner
The next time a poetry competition is held
I will brand you a sinner
For stealing some horrible poet’s trophy
What if there was a competition for the worst poet?
13 Jul 2014
There is nothing at the end of the rope.
Only darkness below the smell of rising disgust.
Impassively lingering in the cheap caricature of the comical impasse.
Big words yield big emotions.

The wine launders tilted sinuses with spurious empathy
While distractions become anxious attractions.
Dull is the blade that slits the wrong end of the vein.

Trying to try is commendable by failure and loathing.
Living in denial will bear sweeter fruits…. Still,

A broken man’s death is something to forget.
Posted on May 3, 2014
13 May 2013
I will not refrain from making this personal
You have dwelled in me long enough
To force my hand
This hand, that now, won’t stop shaking
Because of you
Scribbling ink upon paper-
Smudged with sweat from my brow

The fires of your hell,
The tundra of your stare,
Rattle my brain
And from me you drain
My strength and my patience
I retain only adamancy
To rival your vexation

You, who have crippled me so
I pray you know, how much I loathe
Your pestilent touch
But I beg you still,
To keep my hands,
To keep my head,
To leave me this much.
Inspired by Charles Bukowski's - To the ***** who took my poems.
13 Apr 2014
Betrayal invites itself for dinner
when the murky air won’t lift
revealing the shattered facade
that's rebuilding a fallen idol.

There are pieces scattered afar
of resolution and calm that wouldn’t stay
choking on the whims of forlorn affection
the rope is cut, the fall is long.

Down at the bottom, strangers are friends
sirens are lures and the moon has a heart
quietly lay sleeping, anger is dreaming
marriage is the fury of destiny’s wrath.
Posted on 13th October 2013 00:48am.
13 May 2013
paradoxes under tables
walled open doors
back alleys, woodwork streets
all busy, all morose
rat podium picture maze
my arms are gelatin
affixed in spares
left to be eaten
windows with glare
the arches of Rome
panels of glass
the musical sheets
orchestration aligned
trumpets on my right
tubas on my left
the open door
let the rats in
this has a picture to go along with it... but its so random that im not sure it even applies anymore. there is some sense in this... i've forgotten where i hid it though :(
13 May 2013
1.1 - I am unread    
1.2 - those letters of condolence lying on the bed    
1.3 - that ephemeral note initialed in red    
1.4 - that formal invitation for the newly wed.    
2.1 - A disturbed heart to caress    
2.2 - with words unfit to address    
2.3 - A tragic dusk beckons unless    
2.4 - here distress succeeds success.    
3.1 - Patience lost and passed around    
3.2 - anxious fell the tragedy crown    
3.3 - the coldest breeze brought it down    
3.4 - A stranger to all upon its ground.    
4.1 - A swindled tongue that once had said    
4.2 - all that bleeds will soon be dead    
4.3 - like the fading memory you choose to dread    
4.4 - A feigning heart yet to be read.    
5.1 - Those words of goodbye by despair led    
5.2 - with an ugly truth left to confess    
5.3 - that missive of hope which never turned to sound    
5.4 - still unread.
alt. reading: 1  
1.1 - 2.1 - 3.1 - 4.1 - 5.1
1.2 - 2.2 - 3.2 - 4.2 - 5.2
1.3 - 2.3 - 3.3 - 4.3 - 5.3
4.4 - 2.4 - 3.4 - 1.4 - 5.4

alt reading: 2
1.1 to 1.4 - 5.1
2.1 to 2.4 - 5.2
3.1 to 3.4 - 5.3
4.1 to 4.4 - 5.4
13 May 2013
capture this fleeting joy
and bind them in memories.
not knowing what despair awaits
this morose forthcoming dependency.
condition my cold shell.

twas freedom that ached
for another day of rest.
lolling to the minutes of apathy,
sanctioned sadness ensues.

now. here. the voices play tricks.

ferrying me beyond sanctity
without appetite or stomach.
phantasm; blinding apprehension
with wisps of blackness.

hardened by sorrow
the tinker’s bells are mimed in spite
upon me, ceasing feeling.
Below, the sands drain wildly
into oceans roaring. still,
the screams of drowning souls
can be heard, similar to my own
cries, swallowing suffering
with hopes to be rid of it,
no one cares.

resigning to defeat
the weight of memories bearing heavy,
in these final few moments of quiet,
sink; down to the bottom patiently
seems to be from a dream but, this poem is like a moving painting... and you're standing on the water off the coast on a moonlight night watching the end play out.
13 Jul 2014
A quarter to one at 3 in the night
could ideally be fun, not without warning.
Sitting alone in a room full of one
waiting for clues that glue the hour,
Fluidly spacy in the psychedelic lull
of drifting silence just half past none.
One and three quarters align
magically, weeks have just gone by.
Poetry is depressing to some.
Cheer up now, the waning comes.
Posted on January 18, 2014
13 Feb 2015
Don’t misunderstand, I still douse my senses with alcohol from time to time.
It’s only the green and black that have been phased out of my daily routine.
I have a mental drug problem. I can’t stop over-thinking or even over-smoking, in fact, and I let it get to my head in a way nothing ever has.
Imagine living a life based solely on the acquisition and consumption of a drug you claim to have complete control over.
Sounds like a ******’s ******* to me.
Every action is governed by the need for a spliff and nothing gets done after a spliff.
As much as I love it. I hate it.
The grass isn’t entirely to blame. I’ve started hating cigarettes too.
Can’t stand those little *****. Now, I know there was a time when my love for them was eternal.
Poems, confessions and pneumonic reasoning were customary to express the profound admiration, but it has finally waned on me.
And I’m not trying to sell you on this, but it actually feels good to wake up not feeling like granny ****.
Back to the mental fray.
It cost me my memories, my judgment, my focus and confidence. Bare in mind, this only pertains to me.
It probably affects you differently.
If so, then this must be entertaining for you to read.

Since I parted ways with THC, I’ve gotten more work done in a month than I have all year. I’m clearer. I’m certain. I’m a *****.
There is no fog. But my memories are still lost. That damage seems to be permanent.
But my sense of wonder hasn’t waned at all. The fascinations have actually intensified since.
I think that’s because I have forgotten what it means to be sober.
If there’s anything that can change your world. It’s grass.
Not by much. But you’ll know the difference when you’ve lived with it for as long as I have.
Once again, not threatening your love for it (rests gun at your temple) only speaking my (sober) mind.

Now, I’m going to go get hammered, and be a bigger ****** than I ever was, before the dry week starts.
Posted on October 12, 2014
13 May 2013
When titans fall, they become legends in the hearts and minds of men.
There are stories told of their greatness, tales of their shortcomings erased.
Edified as icons and fed like fodder to the masses of the nexus.
They’re transformed into gods once their mortality overruns them,
and the people bicker and boast until sour and roast.
So **** on you all, if ever should come the day
your putrid black tongues would choose to sway.
These titans, to me, are greater than gods
the music they’ve bled is what puts us at odds.
R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman. You will be missed.
13 Feb 2015
The surge and swell, oh hell!
The grinding steel, the cheeks don’t feel
A right hook that never was
like the anesthesia that thaws.

Kissing my jaw, making it’s way
The agony that stems from root to vein.
I scream and groan with every breath
As life returns to this mouth of death.

Piece by piece, all was lost
A week of pain is what it cost.
Quarter of half is out of the way
I pray the others will come to stay.

Wisdom is grown, not gained.
Then lost, as the mouth that spoke it waned.
This glorious day of pain will not be forgotten
But revered, profanely begotten.
Posted on May 9, 2014
13 May 2017
Let’s not even get to the heart of the matter.
Let’s dabble on the fringes of this childlike fascination.
That overgrown ball of imagination, the undisputed love and wonder,
The fear and reverence, the visual squalor.
Infinite eyes, Infinite lies.
Brushed aside for the sake of absolutely nothing.
Meticulous strokes across an endless canvas—
Ripples of beauty in the mind’s eye.
Wish that it lasts forever.
Wish that you never die.
Posted on April 26, 2015
13 May 2017
Of what violins and vaginas singularly sing,
Is a creation unbound by the vestiges of sin.

A persona unchained by the compounds of life,
Forever in fury, an eternal delight.

Inexorable, inexplicable, impeding time
A fatal addiction for articulate lies.

Lies, in truth, are not what they seem—
Bold, these words are beautiful, and serene.

Twisted entirely by the sleight of a hand
That would never touch the soul, the thought, the man.

By what dreams and nightmares are haunted—
Red lips that can never be daunted.
Posted on May 12, 2015
13 Apr 2014
Electricity is talking; we understand
losing interest in conversations. creating land.
droplets of ice define the day
August ends in the middle of May

intrepid peeling; scabs of the earth
the hands fail; a dumbed feeling
Eins, the seeing blind have never seen
on screen, a shape of many faces

in through the open windows outdoors
smoke dries the unseen. air dry.
so paragon goners repulse the cleaver
the system has failed

so much detail to attention
when pink isn’t even a color
time is wasted on time itself
unfortunate cookie

wires once made you. complete.
ask for the answer to the question is nothing
Zwei light birds on a wire
the happenstance, the fire

where hell listens, there sight is drawn
selfishly we glare and mourn
******* ice cubes yelling “Jesus may…”
cold as **** the cesspool lay.

So, maybe I’m over thinking this.
Posted on 27th September 2013 7:55pm
Edited by Harish Nair (

— The End —