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ghost queen Dec 2018
you are the center, the sun in the sky
warming, lighting, guiding those below

you are the core, the hub in the wheel
forming, maintaining, strengthening the circle

you are the earth, the bedrock beneath
supporting, stabilizing, reinforcing our lives

you are the reason for our being, our births, our lives
nurturing, nourishing, caring for our hopes, our dreams

you gather, sort the fruits, roots harvested from the land
tending, stoking, reviving embers smothering in the hearth

your strength transcends your body, your mind, your heart
from the first child, to the last, your love, affection is forever

you cradle, caress, kiss, comforting the child
reassuring, protecting, shooing monsters away

you are the strong, tough, steady woman in our lives
fierceness of a lioness, tender as a kitten, loving her child
Thank you Mom, for the sacrifices, you made for me.
Ellie Geneve Feb 2015
Stabilizing sentiments
try to control me,
but little do they know;
this too shall pass
Simon Oct 2019
A fulcrum to a virus, is stabilizing the charge of negativity in the bodies natural system. The heart feels it’s blood rippling with contractions. Main internal organs feeling the depth at which disturbance is relative to the norm. The norm being (activity) in the face of hustling environmental situations. Outside your system, or inside isn’t contrary by any means. It’s the same as if it were simple inputs reacting in a form able to move on its own accord. Syncing with the outputting world. Activity starting to measure itself for the greater good. A judgment calls in the face of closing a deal. The deal is finally running into something meant for challenges to address the norm from growing stale too early to experiment. Experiments meant to mold something that’s already in preparation. Waiting for the call to the fulcrum making ends meet with the negativity taking effect. Stronger as the virus who is used to surroundings of this caliber. An arsenal made to manufacturer imprints onto your biological code of conduct. Operating a system’s (will) against its own preparations. A set up of different fulcrums into the breath of negativities process. A virus! Virus includes its force of adjustment in the form of flaying innocent diagrams. Innocent diagrams pinpointing the exact locations which the virus could have a better hold of a body’s systems to executing its process of negativity. Spreading this unusual influence will boost the construct’s own fulcrum. So now it’s virus’s fulcrum versus body’s fulcrum? Can’t predict what hasn’t started processing the experiment. Knowing that much, will scare your interpretations from ever taking true shape. Never appreciating another awareness again. Only as long as it’s needed to accomplish it’s objective. Virus or systems encased in a body formation. There more alike then you think. Giving credit away from what is truly obvious. Virus…bad. No virus…good. The virus might as well shove its fulcrum right down your throat! Forcing you to understand just how premature you sound. Experiments issued by the systems controls, enacting a system wide preparation. Conceding balance controls. Its preparations already tested itself enough in its own environment. Its own tools and mechanisms ready for performance. Components never shy away from a challenge. Unless you’re a conscious base simplifier? Wanting nothing more then to not issue such orders. Getting in the way for a conscious system never understanding its own velocities bouncing one second to the next. It’s sometimes a burden in the light. Focusing on too much, is sometimes a headache waiting to run you dry! Virus prompting the systems desire to accept its fulcrums challenge. Respecting the process of negativity to run it’s course. Tempting the virus to not drown its components too easily. Virus tempted to act. Systems body waiting for virus to take the obvious bait. Which is too good to be true? If only the rules of different fulcrums were to make a biological check under the hood. Everything wouldn’t be so confusing, repetitive, or complicated. The list doesn’t go on and on. It lapses with the same circulation of promises to act on certain flaws that are made out to be one-sided believe and claim. When it’s actually the one-sided always tipping the scale in the end. Concluding the advantages of two opposites never winning the same side as itself. One-sided meant for only one giant slice of balance can be met. Never completely diminishing the result thorough to its points of interest. Interest is already exasperating its body language! Process of negativity is openly resonating from deep inside. Cells becoming soggy. Filled with disbelieve in itself. Trying to interlock messages out toward other neighbouring cells of similar placements. A cell being no more different then someone’s own home. Space reacting to your design. You’re believe system. Instincts holding sturdy promises to the experiment. Which meets every expectation available? A heated discussion between the spaces of cells. Something is radiating those spaces between ties uncut by regular motives. Fulcrums don’t imagine well. It’s a circumstance of visuals, and feeling. Nothing more to hold your own full of reflective potential in remaining stable between your relations. Don’t let yourself become uncomposed in the face of negativities actions. The virus is cunning. Yet ill tempered. Never hesitating to take the whole neighbouring block out with itself. Annihilating itself over the control of its fulcrums (want’s and needs). Diverse a charge to big for complications to arise out from the self replication that is voting the fulcrums negativity to higher platforms. Frequencies ricocheting back and force. Like kids bouncing from phase to phase, in order to find themselves. A dust settled in wrong claims of itself. The experiment was a sham. Virus has been tricked! Tricked by its own flawless nature. The system rejoices the claim of servitude. You were never really supposed to willingly action our will to newer adaptions. It’s tolerable to think two sides of the same coin, could ever amount peace. A peaceful remedy too powerful for the likes of a mere prisoner. The virus gasps in suppression. Never dislocating influence back into the stream of fulcrums not yet devised to join it’s cause. A cause made up. No servitude. Except for one ego rising better than the other. Becoming its own worse enemy. A self reflecting charge full of gimmicks too in denial and childish to RIP succession apart! The virus speaks one last time. I-I…thought we had a deal?! Now how does a deal go unaddressed, when we didn’t notify each other of such claims? The prisoner is escaping! Hold it for ransom?! The fulcrum of systems body, sinisterly grins delight. Let’s test the strength of similar brethren. In the attempt to draw more to our immaculate system of faithful desires!
A deceiver in the light, thinking it’s the deceiver in the dark. Mixed communications through tightened visuals of appealing the issue. Judges something not what it seems to be at first.
King Panda May 2017
Core—molten caramel center but
dead. dead. dead.
Then cool, small and massed. A
little red

button in the sky more than 400 times
the diameter of—I snap
my fingers.


gives birth to carbon, oxygen, and contract
gravitationally toward
the black clasped to
nowhere—an end melting
rock, evaporating ocean, stabilizing
expansion caught in

flash—the metals of yesteryear
believed to exist inside
of you.
Samantha Jan 2018
Hydrogen, a gas
Fusing in the night sky stars
As we watch in awe.

Helium, such a
Noble gas, lightly lovely,
Filling our balloons.

Our first alkali
Lithium, lightest metal,
   Stabilizing moods.

Beryllium, a
Metal that makes alloys which
Are strong and don't spark.

Do your laundry, friends,
And experience boron:
Borax detergent.
I want to make a haiku for each element, five at a time! Or at least, the naturally occuring elements.
Fah Jun 2014
Like continents moving the skin off from over me , slowly..
deliberately           with great force on the rest of my being ,
each aspect of myself emerges anew
from the cocoon like first layer of childhood ,

i see myself spiral from the snakeskin left on the floor

a forge is in it’s place

of molten liquid energy running along my meridians.
Serenading every judgement of another character with love shine ,
fresh from the gardens of mine
       that bathe
by the sea air
in my root chakra layer... mingles ,
with the heart echo arrow
i send it with.  

Known; that the judgements of others are a side product of judgement of self.
Be it , through the eyes of a hopeful parent or a tired teacher , a pig or a nit.... an angel or specter himself -
None equal as true, to the eyes i see through
on the matter my being is composed of.

Integrating stillness in my vivacious bones , conscious movements flow , stabilizing the unknown into the known , materializing the un-materialized subconscious realm.

Moving through visible reality shifts and mind rifts , exploring

the astral world around me
whilst moving through physical boundaries of borders
Developing organs in my subtle body .

Manifesting my foundations for stamina.
What a joy it is to live from the heart.
Guss Dec 2013
When I came to, it was already too late.
Tumbling at the speed of sound and pointed
at the only thing I ever cared about.
Readjusting and stabilizing
the shot towards earth,
I remembered what was packed tight
in the cargo hold with the titanium alloy exoskeleton.
It was a matter of total energy.
So powerful,
that I used it to come see my home world
even though it was long since abolished.
The destruction was a mystery up until now.
As I hurled towards earth with my incredible dangerous load.  
My only hope was that I could come back and save my family.
I would have never considered
that I would be the demise of my entire species,
nonetheless all of the underestimated subspecies that would die too.
The vessels computer was attempting to revive me.
“Impact in thirteen seconds.”
The ship commanded in the most perfect womanly voice.
"Initialize magnetic gyroscopic shielding." I say.
My planets surface was closing in.
I could see the coastline waves
rolling and ebbing with the moon.
At this moment I considered my probable demise.
“Captain, interdimensional equipment
charged and awaiting coordinates.”
She said,
as her other voice commanded,
“Five seconds till impact.”
Collapsible was the style of our Universe.
All I had to do now,
was tap the controls and I would leave the atmosphere instantly,
taking me in between the folds of particles.
The hull was losing integrity as was I.
And on that thought,
I simply pressed the button
and started my return to my lonely place in time.
Alone in the distant future and in the silence of space.
The passing eons of space-time were rattling my very bones.
But I ascended to the very place in time
where I would have been.
And there she was in all her exaltation.
Untainted as I once recalled.
That’s when it struck me.
It was only logical that my life had been
looping all these years.
Destroying and saving humanity
all at the same time.
So typically me.
"Computer, set a course for San Francisco."
Tell me how you see time.
La Jongleuse Mar 2013
i wish i were a chemist,
so that i could hypothesize
& limit my attempts &
my experiments in futility

so that maybe, I could
tell you that your mere
presence was a catalyst
to my volatile elements

provoking reactions,
left & right, endless
explosions in my head
& mostly, in my chest

or that you tasted like a
antidote to the mundane
bringing me back from
this quiet complacence

i could drink your tonic,
swallow your smoke,
& devour your scraps
like a starving bulimic

or how your poison
made me slip, drip like
mercury, through your
skillful & soft fingertips

like sodium, this persistent
salt that refuses to quit
from my veins, a reserve
remains after the detox

or why i would oscilliate
between the alkaline &  
the acidic, never quite
stabilizing at a safe degree

if i had know all this,
i would not have played
alchemist, concocting
a worthless elixir of life
Nolan Willett Jul 2021
Everyday, strive to be more real,
Silencing thoughts, you’ll begin to feel.
All your life, denying your innermost
‘Til you winded up a ghost;
But you’re materializing,
Corporeal, stabilizing,
Life beckons you outside
Patiently, though it knows you died,
And it’s so cruel, and mean, and so unfair-
but shake those platitudes from your hair,
Lace your shoes, forget your blues,
see if you can change your views-
Remember, you’re never someone new:
Rather, you slowly become more you
Pyrrha Jul 2018
Do you ever feel tied to a string drifting aimlessly through the world?
Forcibly being pulled in random directions and never the way you want?
Then why do you shy away from the one who holds you tight,
The one who tells you to ignore the habitual ways of the world and go where you want?

When they hold onto the string which sways you, dont you feel as if you have been stabilized?
As if the world is no longer just a blur, but a vision of clarity around those gentle hands which hold you in their grasp?
As if they are all of the answers to the questions life relentlessly asks you?

When they stop you from swaying out of control the dizziness doesn't stop
It leaves from your head and rushes to your heart sending butterflies to your stomach
Leaving you in a foreign position with thoughts you can't believe you hold behind your fragile mind

Before you have time to hold your hands out to catch yourself you begin to fall heart first for the one nobly clutching onto your wavering string
All the doubt and panic of the world seems irrelevant

As time passes the worries of yesterday fade away as you gaze into the eyes of the one gallantly at your side
As the distance between you fade your heart lightens as the strings connecting you disappear to be replaced by warmth of those stabilizing hands

No longer separated by the strings of fate your thoughts are clear
The one who's been there through all of the calamity
The one who held you when you were lost and insecure
Who brought you out of the veils of darkness and into the light
A friend, a lover, a soulmate
The person just for you who built their home inside your heart
I felt as if I was descending upon hell itself, the irony being that I ultimately chose to enter through the metal turnstile gate, fully knowing that by doing so I could have no intention of turning around. By this self-declaration I had sentenced myself to whatever remained below these concrete subway steps.

I heard the clambering of demon folk or such similar above and behind us, down the long corridor. The bottle in front of me sweat beads of perspiration as I wished to dive into its cool abyss, but at last and a las our train had returned from its voyage previous and my companion and I ran to board it, in the process spilling my open bag upon the ground giving us almost no time to collect my things and sprint forward to hit the closed doors about to move on without us.  Later I said
“good call on getting the water, but bad call on missing our last train out of this concrete hell hole.”
As the constant distant voices of normal conversation and relaxed but regular footsteps progressed on inching towards us I noticed that at the same time a crowd never seemed to appear from either end, slowly crawling towards our position, never reaching the shadow of the light.

Then all of a sudden the room became crowded with all sorts of commotion and populous. It seemed that from my right and my left there seemed to be young attractive parties with no elderly or even near middle aged people to been seen, gallivanting and carrying on with the utmost sensation of joy and festivities. I knew this should have seemed nice, but I eventually came to the realization that this was not heaven but merely a mirage, one where my friend and I were marooned on a floating rock on top or this lava river of a Metra track, unable to swim towards the parties edge or escape through the tunnel in front or behind us.

Right then as the deafening roar dimmed from my back, I remembered the train that just arrived was not for us but headed in the opposite direction for we had chose to face the way of our destined transportation since our first mistake of hesitation.

Once safely through the translucent portal and comfy in my seat adjacent to a stabilizing chrome pole, I noticed to my right was a group, and including a boisterous individual with a puffy bruise on his right cheek bone proving a previous fight, and inside his pierced and cracked lips a glowing e-cig billowed, blowing out water vapor, saving the planet, not ruining lives.
I believed that group to my right to be speaking of something very high minded, allowing me to think they were old friends, intelligent and witty in their own right. This lead me to find them all very attractive in their own right, when I discovered their talk had been disgustingly insignificant and a kin to sleeping arrangements in an outdoor tent or a simple car ride with ones extended family members.

And I saw myself in him, this grotesque and angry beast, churned out by societies digestive system and beaten back into sensation to go off and create a horrible husband for some very unlucky girl. And the transcendentalism then that hit me now of how I was him and my father and the hobo three seats to my left too. I was all of them in different paths of alternate truths allowing my specific character, now, to go forth on any path, different paths, leading toward mediocrity, excellence or insignificance. Tell me, whose path is which in this metaphor?
Timothy Brown Mar 2013
Blood splattered across the table
Life personified in fables

Mother goose fantasies
Overshadowed reality

Matter of fact
Splatters are galaxies

through Visine

Bloodshot eyes
Leaked tears

Membrane lining
Littered across the table
© March 23rd, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
Alyson Lie Oct 2015
Sometimes you can see in the faded
tapestry shapes and scenes that move
from foreground to background and
background to foreground.

Other times you only see the tattered
granularity of the weave and nothing else.

Is it the ocean that sounds
like traffic or the traffic that
sounds like the ocean?

As you ponder this question,
what you are holding slips
from your fingers and your mood
stabilizing regimen scatters
across the dusty floor.
Elizabeth Jan 2015
We are a subway.
We ride encroaching on our own spaces.
We bundle and fold each other
into outer significant dimensions.
Our arms harden to tree trunks
while our blood begs to flow freely under the elevated pressure,
grounding our Earthly existence.
This track beats on without destination,
regardless of bumps and bulges in the pathways,
our starting point forgotten light years before.

We try sharpening the images melting under this velocity,
and our eyes flicker back and forth attempting to follow these quickening pictures.
But we ride on,
crushed by the pressures of the Earth,
decaying the love we housed in storage,
now rationed up our stabilizing arms,
holding us averagely comfortable in this close proximity.
Sabrina Yates Mar 2013
One. Two. Clear.
One. Two. Clear.
The dark begins to fade.
Here it comes again.
One. Two. Clear.
I would like to go swimming,
maybe in Florida.
We’ll bring her this time.
How does she look now?
She’ll splash us.
The water would hit me like needles.
Penetrating under the surface.
I don’t know if she’ll like the beach.
The sand is like glass.
Walking barefoot would make me bleed
and turn the sand a strange maroon color.
One. Two. Clear.
What does she like?
My other kids love jet skiing
in the big blue ocean.
We could play this game.
I can go under water for a while.
Longer. Longer.
One. Two. Clear.
My lungs are about to burst
like the balloon I bought her those years ago.
It popped and reminded me of
a deflated kidney tied to a string.
I remember her crying.
I didn’t buy her a new one.
I guess I can come up for air now.
One. Two. Clear.
This time the water in my lungs
tastes like blood.
I wish the darkness would come back.
Carrillo Feb 2017
An inquisitive mind—flourished from oppression into a cave as rich as Reed mine
Where tourists can flood my thoughts
Pick at my gold and sell it for their lives
Stabilizing their own
While weakening my historic rise
Greed increases, and relationships are seceded
Because everyone wants to obtain sacred pieces

Wandering through pixels of distorted visions
Gatherers become hunters
Painting with blood, their own ambitions
Setting standards for the continuing generations
In turn, a figurative genocide
For the sake of remaining proclamations
Paralyzing, terrorizing, and destroying indifferent others

If time manipulates unfortunate events, perhaps the solution
Is just the opposite
Creatures of habit soon face an evolution
Once protagonists reach a state of lucid retribution
It defines them as antagonists playing a role of uncanny acts
The renowned vigilantes use time as their sword
To reenact their own demise and call unto their lord

Scattered within the affluent cave
The people and their children
And their children's children
Are enslaved, digging their own graves while being influenced by vacuous hopes and darkened shapes
The repetitive motions devolved into psychopathic notions
They attempted to escape but were punished for breaking the rotation
Whipped, humiliated, and shamed
The cave insulated the pain
By offering priceless artifacts
Within my knowledgeable den
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
What if I told you
I was going to **** myself?
Would you think it true
Or leave it on the shelf?
You always say you care
But what did you mean?
You are never there
When I start to lean
To begin my collapse
Without your stabilizing kindess
While she saps
Away my happiness
Adrian Sep 2018
.Sir murmurs feverish death
                   Bewitched hysteria enchanted elven
                   Violin strings of stuttering velvet
                         vacuity beguile cracked
                             Sir’s feigned ruby lips
.Draperies comb the purple
Riveted coats sneeze in the
                            Stabilizing the drunken
Late violets exhale in
      .Sir views tree sagging in dirt
                     In fabricated
                With pleasant booming
.Sirs deteriorating dense
                    Encounter convenient
.Spotted desolate greenery a hafted ax of
Colin Kohlsmith Feb 2010
The blood pours
And life drains
Triage means
A card with my name
Is held in my hand
Dizzied with shock
On one knee
Must rest…
As I plead
Going down
To the floor….
There’s shouting….
A nurse
Is speaking to me
Can you get up?
Looking sideways
I see
Trying to move
I get up
To the stretcher
Lying down
Soaking hands
And running down
Pressure stabilizing…
I regain my strength
To a room
We walk
My son and a nurse
And all the small talk
And stop
The bleeding….
Poetic T Jan 2015
I trust no one without you
Stabilizing my thoughts,
But you have turned to ash
Now within the winds.

No longer with the living
Without you I wilt, I am
Less than I was. But I still
Miss your breath.

Could I motivate without
Your words to keep me in
The minds of reality, I am
Lost upon an ocean of thought
Without you I will capsize and
Loss my grip, without you I am lost
Marty T Ottman Jan 2018
Trap in your mirror reflection.
A world Lost through space an time. No rhyme through the disconnection;Of the objection, stabilizing the this infection. You said I'll be one gone well your wrong.

Spreads like some ******* plague.
Colors dancing with me tonight.
As your words turn vague.
Something seem so outright.
You valued your light while I remained your opposite within one with the dark.

Piercing eyes to dish threw the *******.
fierce as the mixture of toxins in your bloodstream couldn't you admit.

Trying to find an urge to resist but **** it barley feels I exist. Run astray, warped in the present.
Make it alive. Make it alive.
Or... Real.
Courtney Gaura Aug 2015
Everyone has high days
And everyone has low days
And sometimes it's been
So long since normalcy
You forget
Its steady pleasure
Of feeling between
Of a perfect balance of joy
And depression
Sometimes the world is
Caving in around you
That you feel as though
You're falling through space
Forgetting the stability
Of solid ground
And tears are as much of a relief
As lines carved in skin
Thats retraced in red of
Varying degree of vibrancy
Sometimes you vent to the
Privacy of a lonely notebook
One that never spills secrets
Or someone on the other end
Of the phone
Telling you everything will be fine
But you don't know if you believe those words
And you're crying out for help
Hoping someone will notice
So you don't have to
Sometimes there's a happy ending
Sometimes there's never a good ending
Sometimes it just continues
On the cycle of never ending repeat
Of highs and lows
And then the time you find a steady stabilizing balance
Read into this as you may
Mir Aug 2015
I was jealous of the way he looked at her,
Envious because she got to stare into the beautiful gentle eyes
I craved the way he held her tight, slightly protected, stabilizing himself onto her
Dying for the way she clutched onto his arm, keeping herself steady on him
Obsessed by the way they clinged to each other
Wishing it was me
Wishing it wasn't her
Valerie Dec 2010
The sky captures my heart
Stabilizing it's sporadic beat
When things start spinning out of control
Looking up will keep me on my feet

It's always the same
At least for my lifetime
And when everything is changing
The sky is a reason to the  chaotic rhyme

The mass is stretched
The stars a scatter
The moon glows bright
It all quiets my inner chatter

There's something calming
About it's existence
Always there
Without resistance

It adds a color to the world
Whether day or night
The stars showing you're not alone
Or the sun shining bright

Clouds showing how it breathes
Rain expressing it's pain
Thunder the sound of it's cries
Lightning striking angry, announcing it's name

The sky is above us
And will always be around
As long as we live
It will keep us earth bound

And with it we will know
That it will always be
Consistent and stable
When everything else is changing freely.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
Keith Mitchell Oct 2018
rising out of the sea like sunshine
brilliant blue feathers
airfoils lifting you
your energy stabilizing
holographic universe
with black holes abound
******* up your endless brilliance
they’re no match
eventually you turn them
inside out
just patient galaxies
waiting to unfold
they need you
for your light
vicissitude of seasons
hearts gravitate to you
force of attraction
terrestrial bodies are know for
special reflection
souls need to find their way
kind gentle compassionate pulling


my very existence


without you
I wrote this  today to go with a closeup of a painting I posted ig @sadtra415
Jamie Lee Apr 2015
Another long chapter finalized,
With an unsatisfying end,
Wedges sit in the breaks,
With no means to mend.

Left to stir, in disconnection,
Slowly absorbing my reality,
Suffering from a lack of control,
In stabilizing my mentality.

The vast space, now a void,
Fills with pain and sorrow,
Another sleepless night ahead,
Drifting into a cold tomorrow.

Whispers scream, "you're broken,"
Suffocating in bitter defeat,
Mustering the strength to stand,
Rather than cower and retreat.

Soon before me is another day;
The start of a new chapter,
How do I face my choices-
The consequences of laughter?

I can only give a broken smile,
Weighed down by damage,
Now alone with my depression,
Unsure of how to manage.*

Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
Isilwen Grier May 2017
Beautiful, balance,
basically made
from necessity

A planet of fire,
stabilizing a chaos of gas and dust- amazingly,
fashioned creation

A home
to beings purposed to survive,
from lowest crustacean,
to enigmatic leaders of beasts
and nations
I am swiss cheese I am somebody who is trying to relocate their shoulders, thrown about in a misty sin of congratulations
I am a sipless vulture attempting to be pure but coming out vinegar
juniper berries and sickly **** of packaged rawhide
inescapable landslide
unexcused, for what its worth
an imaginging roller coaster disaster, so far from my fathers, mad from too much beer and wine
hankered down by mood stabilizing pills
jipless, jockeyed, jiving to bizzare melodies
a sipter esphicator, ready to lunge into the excesses of butter beer
singing jollies with dumbeldore and other queers
misplelled, misplaced, outcast, on the bench with other pupils
and the carnivore sinks its teeth into its kills
shanking and shaking, singing in the bathtub with katy perry
muse the blues with cherub rock, loathing dylan, asking for more cohen
juxtaposed on top of everest and demanding a double feature
dickless angels
turnabout, shout, the end is near, abstract, understand the notion, the fear
and scream helpless hopless empty bottles of beer
nectar and graham the hector, a mellon bunnie with rabbid ears
run for your life!  the fires of eternal flowers and bounds of life
seem sophisticated at the time
Turnabout, the beats are out
and the real madness, the real madness, is here
Looking into your smokey eyes
Beneath your Fluffy coat;
There is a beautiful heart beating,
To the rhythm of my own
Stabilizing my lost and erratic one.

Sometimes I do wonder,
Did I give you a reason to love me;
Your gaze always fill with trust
As you looked to me for every answer,
It is not my choice to back down now.

Because when I chose you,
Picked you up amidst the litter
Looked you in the eye and saw love;
You were my hope
The savior to my sanity.

Even though you do not do much,
You might not even know my name,
But you do know my heart,
So I made you my world
My Everything.

— The End —