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Pyrrha Jul 2
I was in a drought of words
They wouldn't flow like magic
Like they always did for you
I thought I felt so **** much
Yet I couldn't write a thing

And here you are,
A flood of words
An avalanche of feeling
And once they start to sprinkle
I'm left in a downpour
Pyrrha Jul 2
I'm delusional, that must be it
Because I still think we are soulmates
When we were hardly even dreams
Pyrrha Jul 2
I'm tired of walking these parallel lines with you
Wondering if they'll ever cross again
I'm tired of moving on
Just to be drawn right back in
How is it fair
That I am doomed to fall for you
In a perpetual loop
A cycle that never ends
Why are you some labyrinth I can't escape?
I'm tired of loving you and losing you
But never really having you to begin

But gods, it really is just your voice
One phone call and the cycle starts again
Pyrrha Jun 28
I'd love to fully move on to someone new
But it always leads back to you
To what I wish we were
And what we never were
All the fear I felt for you
All the love you never returned
It seeps out around me
Like an aura
I can't untangle us from me
Pyrrha Jun 28
You're still like drugs to me
I think I'm sober
Then I hear your voice again
A hit and I'm hooked
A hit and I need another
And another and another
You're an addiction
That I can't get clean from
No matter how many times
I wash my hand of you
Something always lingers
Pyrrha May 6
I thought the butterflies in me
All shriveled up and died

But I feel caterpillars crawling inside

Butterfly season's approaching
And perhaps something in me awakens

Spread your wings and make me falter

Out of your chrysalis I beg
For butterflies to flutter again
Pyrrha May 6
Vampire kisses around my neck
Better than any jewel, brighter than any fire
Shades of purple, red and blue
Fading to yellow, greens and ***** dreams
Vampire kisses I wear like a necklace
Fingers trace them and I feel your lips
Evidence that they were here and there
A shame to hide something I hold so dear
Vampire kisses from my favorite ****** bat
I wear his love bites like an accessory
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