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Julie Murphy Jun 2018
Am a lass fae Govan
There a wiz born n breid
When a wiz wee a wiz playing tig oan the *****
N a split ma poor wee heid

Fae Glesga tae Fife
Wiz where we went
Tae a flat in Methil
That ma maw goat fur rent

Tae skool a went like
A scaredey cat, a didny know wit ti expect
Second year it the high skool
Wiz a bit eh a pain in the neck

Home eckie wiz the class
A waaaanted it tae be fun
Skool went well n a started wurk
Tull a wiz cooking a bun

Am a mammy eh 3 noo
Bit wit kin a say?
A replaced the telly
Nae mare tumbles in the hay

Ma weans are getting big fast
Aw gawn ti skool their self
But if a dont shake ma *** now
A might get left oan the shelf
Spoken like a true Glasweigan
I should have gone to school
not fooled around.
I should have settled down to algebra
I enjoyed my lazy days on river banks
I enjoyed the walks through ranks of butterflies
and fish that looked through fishy eyes at me
where I could be the master of my destiny.

Oh foolish child
what wild ride did I take?
I broke the hearts of tutors preferring roller skates and scooters to the formality of education.
No dried out formulae or calculations could tempt this boy
to attend a place where joy sat silently on the back row.
What I didn't know I found out the hard way
the way I knew
too late now to do
anything about it.
I should have learnt to sit and learn
not learnt to swim
or burnt my bridges.

Furrowed ridges on my brow
Now I know why education
should have been
seen as number one.
But life goes on
another lesson learnt
another bridge that wasn't burnt
but crumbled
under years of weight.
I chalk upon the blackboard slate
'could have done better'
st64 Oct 2013
bildings in roowins
I rite with brokin-hand

it is the year of the unlord-tyms 2085
and skool hadbin abolishd since fyv decades
evrything in disrepair -
                    no hospitills no parks
                    no creche no greens
all grey and dark

now here I lie amid the rubble
I see they took my legs for under-market
what else did they take?
**** *******!
belly rumbles
the last I'd eaten was 2 days on
a chunk of hard-bread whose colour would turn envy in its boots
with artifishal-milk whose curdled smile greeted the back of my arid existence

**** bastarrrrrrds! they put me under, sawed off my legs
left me hobbling with jagged wounds and smirk-pain like hot-rods searing my brand-new stubs
elementary-bandage of an old sheet torn into strips...

wait, I must use this anger as fuel to get me going
she told me so
many, many times..

(I can remember my mother reading to me
reciting from her memory
they had burnt evry-single-book Man had ever known
                My eyes have never been graced with a book
she tort me words with stick in sand
and counting with stones
and there were many stones
               she fed me poetry when there was little else to eat
with fainting-body and starving-belly
my mind took pleasure in her ultimate-care
               she told me of a time when childrin took poor-interest
in the blessings of a book.. wen their minds were swallowed wholemeal by what they called media, I think
when they were not saddled with the worry of their next meal's magical-appearance
                (I can spell 'their' at least, yes.. she made sure I knew the difference)
the only pictures I saw were the ones she drew for me
in the volcanic beach-sand when we ran away from the parasitic-city
                I knew nothing of the world but what I saw around me
                        - decay, decay, decay
until she brought me colour - rite into the hart of me -
                           blooms that hurt at first, so bright and giving
                           that it saturated every molecule in my parched-centre
                           and I became a rainbow-suffused capsule in a otherwise drab-society
such wonder she spoke with open-eyes and loving-tones

and I also remember.. the day they took her..
I remember.. too much)

I crawl forward like a snake in the .. wait, what was that expreshin again?
I'll think later when I find a place to harbour my broken-body
                     thought is a luxury here
thers a horrible smoke in the air
          stings me so
and I miss her so
I have nobody left
but I cannot feel forsaken, as so many do
and succumb to self-pity
she made sure my armour grew
                 from the inside.. first
and I took it with disbelief painted on my face
the things she told me about..

                I cannot believe there once were -
green fields and trees with chirping birds
a blue sky
blue? not possible
I've never seen a blue sky
I think she was being kind to paint me portraits of psychedelia
   to entertain and distract me
   from the horror of our lives
I heard tales of things called flowers - daisies and things
like vegetables and fruit
it seemed funny to me - little beings in the ground,
                                       standing rooted, awaiting harvest-hands
               just for people??
no..  such depth of kindness I can hardly imagine
for we have had only *
-earth.. most concreted
and drank only brack-water from collapsing pipes
no, an unforgiving-scene is all I know
     she is so kind to feed me such fantasy-tales of deep-imaginashin
     pity she could not tell any others
     for any tenth-of-a-whisper of this to any wrong-ear
and her head would roll
in the gutter.. where we lived in contest with rats
she could only rally my mind and relay things which would die with her
things that she bequeaths
to me

what will I do with it? this legacy of forgotten-paradise..
what can I do?   this wonder-clad heresy..
                I now know thers a way out these city walls
                ther is a life beyond
with valleys and rivers and salty-seas
I must try to find a river
she told of oceans which live - which heave and swell and move!
she said these things too .. they exist
what quaint-things, indeed
oh, for dreems..

but now, I must off the streets
for a double-darkness has begun to fall
when red-eyes will scour the streets for scraps of flesh
        anything is worth a barter
        even a dead-man in a lane whose eyeballs are gone
        harshly-hacked out living - by a previous-visitor
becomes a piece of currency for seekers of the dark

I don't know what they've done to her.. or where she is now..
yet, she always said - keep moving
                                   keep searching
for blue-sky and flowing-rivers and yellow-flowers..
(I wonder if it's real
I do believ her - I must)*

now I scrape on in haste into a darkening-alley
towards a derelict-bilding
whose sinister-interior is the only welcome it can afford me
             I have little choice
             no time for sentiment
plus, I feel a fever coming (perhaps this is all the dreem.. and she is the only-flower I know)
the night-Rats will come out soon
and I hate their stink
it doesn't help I leave a trail of blood..

only hoap lives
in hobbled-soul

as I rite on with brokin-hand
onto the back-pages.. of my mind

S T -  5 octoblah
awoke with a feeling of piece of broken-building teetering and wanting to fall on me..
with legs gone,
junk, junk feeling :(

(anyway, it's just a nightmare.. I thought I'd plug that energy into this poem)

hoap.. hold on, alright? please :)

sub: thanks be

to the grey of skies I never see
to the squalor of the seas no-one can smell
to decay in every nook you can't tell

thanks be to the beauty of our times
and where none of such deep-calamity
touches our lives


(where love-tryst equals getting tangled..
in the stars)
undefined Feb 2013
found out my friend's husband had a stroke,
he's in a wheelchair now
corporate America has bought
all the places where i use to hang out

"fry street" is now townie's
the whole vibe's kind of moved to the square
and those run down old apartments
have a waiting list up to six years

a place where ya use to drink all night,
play chess, or stop to cool your head
now sales sandwiches
made all... on Pita Bread

there's a place beside where the "hack-circle" is no more
that says "crusty.." something by the door

making it clear that my days of 'rad' are dead
i think i'll get a bite down at "banter" instead
wrote this while exploring my town again the other day
ahhh, still like taking walks down memory lane ...

this isn't very good i think hahahh, but my roommate likes it, so i'll leave it here :)
Ek kyk na die wiskunde geletterdheid vraestel
wat uittartend voor my le en skreeulag.
Elke vraag is nog 'n klap in my gesig
nog 'n uur wat ek in 'n warm stort moet gaan sit
om myself weer moed in te praat.

Ek het lankal reeds al die stetoskope
van my kinderdrome ashoop to gestuur.
Die laaste bietjie hoop uit my onskuld gekerf
toe hulle se dat ek die masjiene moet afskakel
en vir my spieel gaan se, dat ek dit nie gemaak het nie.
"Gee eerder op" lui die pedagoog se kreet.

"Jy hou ons terug seun" , vertel jy my
"as jy nou nog nie verstaan nie, sa jy
ook nooit nie. Gee maar op."
Ek was eers die boogseun.
*** verder jy my terug getrek het,
*** vinniger het my pyl op die teiken
af gestraal...
Nou is ek die rekseun... ek hou jou terug
en as jy trek, breek ek.

Jou ekstraklasse was te duur gewees,
ek kon nie my wiskunde angelegdheid bekostig nie.
Ek moes maar terugsit en kyk ***
ander skole met onderskeiding by jou deur uitstap.
Ek kon ongelukkig nie bekostig om slim te wees nie.

Onthou jy toe jy op daardie koue wintersdag
verby my gejaag het en my verskree het
oor die missie en serpie wat my net
aan die lewe gehou het?
Ek is jammer dit was nie jou kleur nie,
maar probeer verstaan...
ek is nie 'n onderwyser nie.
Wanneer jy huistoe kon gaan
moes ek my studentlike pligte uitvoer
en tot laatmiddag by die skoolbly.

Ek is jammer dat my ma werk.
Dit is tog so ongeskik van haar.
So selfsugtig om kos op die tafel te probeer sit
en so my verhoed het om aan sport deel te neem.
Ek weet tog *** belangrik sport vir jou is.
Jammer ek kon nie 'n meningvolle bydra
tot jou donnerse sportregime maak nie.
Jammer ek was 'n nuttelose suurstofdief
, soos wat jy my genoem het.

Eks jammer ek kon nie my punte
bekostig nie. My handgeskrewe take
en spoeg-en-plak plakate was 'n
vernedering tot die vlekvrye mamma-pappa-take.
Linte was in die mode.
Linte en ander oulike beursie plukkers.
Jammer dat ons beursies
leeg was, maak nie saak *** ons
daaraan prober pluk het nie.

Jammer dat ek nie man genoeg was
om myself te beskerm teen nege honderd seuns nie.
Dit is skandelik. *** kon ek so swak wees
dat ek nie eers nege jaar se "ou grappies"
kon aflag nie. Jammer dat ek dit nie snaaks vind
as daar op jou geurineer en gespoeg word nie.
*** kon ek nie lag vir die hilariteit van
asblik skroot , soos kougom en gemifde brood
in my tas en pennesakkie nie.
Ek wens ek was nie so swak nie, dan kon
ek ook dalk myself teen die 14 seuns beskerm het.
Jammer dat hulle my so maklik kon oorweldig.
Jammer dat hulle my kon teister
en rondgooi soos 'n vloerlap.

Ek vra nederig om verskoning,
dat ek daaroor kom kla het.
Meneer is reg, ek is 'n sussie.
Net 'n moffie soos ek sou
kom kla het. Jammer om meneer
se tyd so te mors, dit was verspot van my
om te **** meneer sou iets daaran doen.

Nou is ek ietwat geskend. Menere
en manne het al gesweeptong en asyn
op my kaal rug.

Nou sit ek Sentraal in die kakstorm
en jy wonder hoekom ek nie meer
onder die top 20 is nie.

Nou sit ek hier onder tussen die wiskunde "Jee"
vraestelle en huil.
My enigste vertroosting is dat ek nie
heel onder is nie, en dat jy die hell is
waaruit ek nog sal opruis.

Ek breek vry van agter die tralies.

Geagte skool
Gerespekteerde meneer
Vok jou
en moenie laat jou mislukkings jou
op die gat skop as jy by die deur uitloop nie.
Want hierdie "mislukking" ... skop kak hard.
O yeah throw ya hands
In the air
And wave em like
Ya just don't care yeah
Check the pedigree
Its so lovely
Got haters and foes
Below me show me
Love or else get sedated like drugs
With yo body slugged circling in the drain
Causin drain
I'm nasty from neat
I'm Mystic transform
Like Mystique
Styles unique and who can compete
Against the Texas elite
Never been a novice
Always an elite flows in repeat
Got ya soaked up in ya
Cuz of the way I floss
On the beat
Ya bound to sweat an ultimate threat poetic terrorist
Ain't no justic once I ****** the rhyme crime
Throwing dimes
On pennies that means I'm nine
Steps ahead of you only a few
Could hang with my crew
Straight out the Houston zoo
Choke emcees til they cold blue
Bringing back the old
Out with the new
Skool big cable jewels .and adidas jumpsuits
Ready to serve you like a court sentence
They can't be serious must be delirious I turn furious
Got critics curious
As george as ya engorge
My plate of lyrics hard for ya to clear it
Once I steer it
In ya direction souls stiff as an *******
Make way for the rhyme interjection
Always keep my Smith n Wesson
Just incase death once ya
To learn a lesson send the blessin'
To the sky high so why try
My third eye never seen a t
We take whole pies **** a slice
Like my shortys ice out wildn out
Htown ***** know what I'm talkin bout
Make hits like ya in a boxing bout
One round with me is like eternity
Krino in me Pac in me Biggie in me
O yea I rap like any far from a guinea
Pig spligs wigs like digs from oil rigs
Puff my e cig so I can get with
The styles that's hard to comprehend I flow like the wind
Come through any entrance
Uh so ya know I'm in try again
Only get served like the rest of em

Uh and that's how we do it
Htown holding crown
Beating suckas by the pound man hold up
click clack, sound of the track
busted lighter, jilted firefighter
****** mosquito bleeding blighter
coffee cup, record stuck
panicked post boom stuck in a rut
had you'd never seen her, been her
watched her fly by
is it a plane, wonder bush, brick lane spy
fallen tree, dropped whispers ina wood
shoulda, woulda but never could
pushed by the wind, running around
set off faster, harder, leavin the ground
seen more war than a nu-rave punk
hit the pavement harder than a skool boy drunk
deeper, lower than before
been round the world 3 times over
prayed harder rollin around in clover
teemin, screaming anticipation, panick buy
obsessed with cuckoo, escape with a sigh
darker, lighter, tougher, cornered and lame
call my breath, take my name
shame, dusted, glory be no more
music drags me back from the shore
vacumn packed, culture vulture sister
pierced hot poker, stoke her, twist her
throwin pieces, jigsaw puzzle in the grass
pull my hair, bit my cheek, slap my ***
shorter, tighter loved a whole lot longer
pushed behind, throw back 80's stronger
straightened, heated from a blue rinse dude
i am sitting her 3 minutes from rude
throw me away from here, take a stand
eating raw from inside the hand
ruined, borken levelled tiger print sweater
20 marlboro, 2 strokes and its better
dangermouse, grotbag loved forever
tether me, feed me, clothed in dried leather
Bowie, polka dots, illuminated lights
star brights, fist fights, just rights
scuffed my heels on your broken walk
shut your mouth when you talk
broke you, stalked you, wounded you down
turn away from rain as we run thru town
just like a fire
black crow eating berries from the briar
sacred high, dancing beauty
eyes black and smarting, ****** up cutie
batman, she-ra, Holy ****** Cow!
Look at me, **** me
I'm a big girl now
Mark Oct 2019
Homeless in paradise, it's never that clean
Home free, since I was a middle-aged teen
Purple haze trees, as my life's infrastructure
Smelling the scent, of my bohemian subculture
Playing along the boardwalks of Venice Beach
Passersby, all the time just begging to screech
Their rude undertones, as they sip on their latte
Surely, I was a given, for a dope smokin' runaway

I must admit, I am a drunk
I will admit, I did love punk
I won't admit, I'm not a hot *****
Have to admit, at skool I did flunk
I'll **** it up, to make a quick buck
But, will you admit, you're a flaming schmuck?

Living in paradise, was forever my scene
Hassle-free start to my touring routine
Purple haze shades, my life now has structure
You see the success, of my worldwide pop culture
Gracing stages of past fame, always to a beat
Fanatical fans always be wanting to meet
Sifting my bin, for stuff I've worn, this be stalking
I'm the greatest musical queen, I've heard them talking

I must admit, I am a drunk
I will admit, I did love punk
I won't admit, I'm not a hot *****
Have to admit, at skool I did flunk
I'll **** it up, to make a quick buck
But, will you admit, you're a flaming schmuck?

Hurting in paradise, for wherever I'm seen
Hitting trees, I ditched my last limousine
Injecting purple haze into my veins, now I’ve suffered
On Youtube, my once famous sculpture is buffered
Fooling around, the ***** strips, never that discreet
With my purple haze shades, I was fast on my feet
Families, not mourning, nor crying, putting me 6 feet under
Atlantic contracts, royalties accrued, now easy to plunder
In departing my last scene, I'd become fatally unstuck
Because of how I'd been living, as a dim-witted, schmuck.
Chris Hunts May 2015
Whatever happened to poems rhyming?
You cannot tell me that trend is now dying?

Whatever happened to the artist's demise?
Of finding a word to match the last line?

Now all I see are thesaurus-y words,
Like really? Whoever has heard of "demurred?"

I get it, it's new, it's hip, it's "in"
But to not rhyme in a poem should be considered a sin.
Get off this fad before it's too late.
Poems should rhyme, there is no debate.
Conor Letham Apr 2014
Dey real kewl. Dey
selfie skool. Dey

glow goonz. Dey
PC geeks. Dey

luv Jay-Z. Dey
RT #JK. Dey

tan tangaz. Dey
pRT bangaz. Dey

dwn danger. Dey
jack jäger. Dey

dbl dip. Dey
do trip. Dey

l%k weL 7k. Dey
die s%n, LOL innit.
I wanted to do a piece that was almost identical to that of "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks (, except longer and in text-speak so it's in alignment with today's culture.
David W Clare Nov 2014
Island girl
Exotix far away
Distant as the milky way
There is a girl and her mom
Baby child barefoot in the sand
simple life no bad man
Eat juicy mango pie
Tropical nite Sky's
no city strife or stress in
Island girl reads my mind
she never went to skool
Cant read or write or watch TV
Her mom sells fruit almost for free...
Dedicated to the lovely girls of the south Philippines...
Neo Dore Oct 2019
School? Tsk...Tsk...Tsk. What a spectacle.
I hear the bell chiming already- ding...ding...ding
Then sick and scowled, we'd walk right to were we were meant to be. "Meant to be". Heart pounding 'cos if we were late!? Or in the wrong place or mixed up the wrong dates!? that was trouble. "The bell is the voice of God"  The priest(s) would say, each day, "and when it rings you must obey" A bell? I thought, the voice of God? I chuckled.

I remember the shadows of the seminarians watching.
The irate stare and feign smile. Weren't these men of God!?  They came in new and good, but give them a day or two and...and my God!!!
There were rumors of bizarre things that happened behind closed doors, no one "saw", but walls. I know someone was there. Had to be! When the last bell rang, and the lights faded out. People became monsters. It changes people. And it would, you too because real monsters are in the light and you too are one of them.

The mass either left you hungry and empty, guilty and filthy or just feeling good about yourself for no good reason because some preacher said: "Hark, all worries will be left behind, and all disappoint too, will be gone forever..."  It was the same thing, day in and day out. One man's crime was all mens'. And our tongue just clung to our mouth because who would dare raise a finger in anger to a priest? God's delegate.  There were rumors.  

There were rumors no one would admit they saw until dusk when the light-out hour came and we streaked together muffle and scoffled about everything. It was either that or we tried, however, we could to get food. Some even looted goods, black and white was the code and we hid it safe as gold. You won't get it. Sometimes people would go as far as...sign  

Heavy eyed and tired. The bell snaped you from your dream back to this hellfire. And before you blinked you were in class
Then smell of dry papers and ink, sound of pens screeching and then you see.
Students hastily walking to where they are meant to be? "Meant to be!?"
Teachers, few, pretty as rose and others old and cold. All claiming they had gold to impact on us. Most times, the men, well tucked, some tall and maybe bit lanky.

The priests were like ghosts. Some went as far as saying Godly. Their bellowing white-blue cassock whipped by, and while some would sigh, others would hush and some would rush to where they were meant to be. Meant to be. Now ghost quiet, staring from somewhere was the priest ghost silent...

Anais Vionet Jul 2020
skool alert (a short poem)
school starts in 13 days.
A thousand kinds of torture
in a million different ways.
You work and have a boss
who's awful hard to please
In school, have 6 bosses -
you think that that's a breeze?
Virtual school's the worst
like school without the fun.
No flirting, dates, or parties
It's good training for a nun.

Corona virus pickup lines...
Hey baby, I'm still employed.
What's a girl like you doing anyplace? Seriously, ***? Go home!
You're hotter than medically recommended.

Don't fall so in love with sad poems that you become one.
Today is both the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be

I'm sure waterboarding is all they say it is but try and take a rubber band out of your hair you used for a quick ponytail.

That old monster school is rearing its ugly head.
School (11th grade: virtual) starts in 13 days. sigh
School doesn't teach life skills - but I can solve a parametric equation.
Age doesn't define maturity any more than grades define intelligence.

Friends joke with one another:
‘Hey, your dad’s dead.
’Hey you’re poor.’
That’s just what friends do.

Watching my mom on the computer and thinking
Why did you do THAT?
Why are you using Internet Explorer?
Your caps lock is on.
*** you're so SLOW.
You don't need to double click THAT  sigh
Is this is going to take ALL DAY.
virtual school, is coming.. aaarrrggghhh
Pickles Mcburger May 2014
Sk8 for lyf

I am punx

Shut up mom n dad

I'm 2 kool 4 skool lol

Crunk. Yolo.

ur nut the boss of meez

Im gunna play gaia online

Sk8 like t0ny hawk

Sk8 or die

Arrest me, i'm a sk83r

He was a sk8er b0i


Sm0k c1gs

c8illin wit my br0z

v4ns w4rp3d tour

Arcassin B Oct 2014
Battle of the Bands

tonight we jam, it's the battle of the bands
there's smoke on the stage ....***** on the stands
smoke in the rafters, from puffin live
this crowd is ready to rock and jive


One guitar in hand,
Calling you out animantium plans,
Of having rocktastic fans,
Tattoos and silver lens,
Naked babies,
Naked babies,
Naked babies.


this joint is rockin'
and we be jammin'
some slam dance ritual
and hip hop breakin'
who's gonna take it?
who's gonna take it?
alright...take it to the bridge!


There is no stoppin what we doin,
Do you smell us when were cookin,
Serving you a hot plate this funkalicious music,
Some old skool flava,
Let us see if you can take it,
All you gotta bop it , move it ,break it,


gonna run some crazy riffs across your brain
sweet heavy metal you insane
step up the action
raise the stakes
let's see if you got what it takes


Lead guitarist,
Got a jazzy a vocal,
Bass solos and drums knockin in your ear holes,
Fresh lyrics on a platter,
Cut up nicely,
In to pieces of rock heaven,
Its time to get godly,


home boyz gonna kick it
take it to the next plateau
while your jammin'...face dancer
play those licks real slow
the soul of creation
right there in your hands
this pure fusion..the battle of the bands!
Me and the legend of rock
zero May 2018
Swing until the world stops.
You could eat the moon like a piece of cheese
on a *******; although it's dry and choking
you munch through and smile,
hurriedly knotting shoes and off.

Friends in long socks, pink dresses
and school shorts on hot days. Passing
around carrots and milk like kisses.
I kicked the ball into Millie's legs,
she laughed after crying a bit.

We found a magic cave under a rock
where an Ant Queen ruled and subjects
were sent to prison for telling a
best friends secret; (she fancied
Jasper because he had nice eyes- don't tell him)

Shrill ringing of the bell. Moans of anguish;
math and religion next. "Quick!
Sneak under the fence and into the
field next to the school!" Loves me, loves
me not falls onto deaf ears.

Float, float, floating away....
only kool kids skipped lessons.

Ant Sep 2018
As a young child I wanted a right hand.
one to ride with my vibe.
a person I don’t mind to see me cry.
i want a love so strong that it is a sin to the world eyes.
i laugh you laugh...shhhhh!!! I can be corny at times.
when one cries we are there to uplift, because love won’t let the inner die.
you Guernica
i Pablo Picasso
you humbling shinning by my side
tru love is what i’m looking for :)

feel this............i bathe you in a fruit bath
to wash away  the world stressful sin.
i dry you off then rub you down with warm oil hmph !!
let the magic begin :)
then we make love like the world is going to end.
just to wake up to see the sunrise again
that was a young child
who became a man
still wanting that right hand
Tru Love Is What I’m looking For :)

as my old skool soul wraps around your heart.
the piano sound dances with the wind
because it has found the thing it’s been looking for.
if i said it once i will say it again
tru love is what i’m looking for :)
nick armbrister Aug 2021
The Q Man
The Q Man was somebody who was different
He travelled the galaxies and universe doing a job
Flying a Type 6 spaceship interstellar style
Normal space travel took forever and a day
But his ship was a souped one off
With engine and fuel enhancements
Zipping from world to world to work
He lands in a remote place and hides
His pointed ship from observers or spies
And hikes to his location to do the job
The tool of his trade is a long range rifle
Made on Planet Earth three millennia ago
It’s fitted with modified 7. 62mm bullets
These **** every single life form from a mile
On normal blood and body organisms
Normal explosive bullets do the job
With insect like ones with an armoured body
Armour piercing acid bullets eradicate them
He has 3002 different bullet types to use
Each one killing a designated target
The contract killer with no home
Except between the stars in his ship
Living for a dozen centuries extendable
You don’t want to mess with him
Nor be on his **** list as you’re ******
Zapped by an old skool high tech bullet
Fired by the best assassin there ever was
The Q Man and his rifle always on call
Ken Pepiton Aug 2019
Aye, they'll be no wars here
Russian Sci Fi full neo-hero trope
post the untangling of tongues in 2019
We got us a 'ero, sh

it's bueno, like okeh
A. I. imagined
"Better Than Us"
paquin paquin 'skool

global mind making us see us

Bable was a long long time
whole wide world now speakeasy one tongue un
the root of all evil

virtual free speech is like free thinking

Bravo Holmes Noshit Sherlock

Ruskie TV on Netflix, this is a brave
new world

how much green screen clueing do we need

how real can you imagine
this source
in A/I termsa All In Art-effectual Inteleosity

Eh, wanna play
the long game? Snak-ish sistere quest on a point

is the whole world chromakeyed to black?
CMYK reality
4 and we know there
is more

life is com
plixitified in timespace with sinkholes

from russian lit gone t' seed
in the days of geek gods in realms of emoting

demoting weight of adrenalin on a globalscale,
the dmt, just to see men dance.
  try it, its in you, you think dreams

you know you do
dreams, hard wireless ness courage

to ignore the backstory and take the hero as
the hearer of the

angels, the forder of the hermetical stream
flowin' tween yen
and yanked

into reality with a pull
that broke the skin, an orange picker memory
would you know the rod of an almond tree,
if one budded in your mind,

lockt in the box of the coven
entitlement to the
kingdom, after
kings mean
dung and reality tv is indistinguishible,

can you hear Turings's gay chuckle,
how about…

Folk Art, the ruskie actor says, winks and
pirouettes into

a spiral-ation action,
slipping in rorshach assumptions...

beacuss, be a cause
we can,
bits and digits all the way down,
the turtles were

never holding up progress.
They could have been repurposed in future myths,

as mutants emerged from sewage,
who imagined that,
for real?

Your children must know the truth,
who will tell them if you can't lie?

That is an A, an alpha idea.
Can you think it? But is a Beta,

but beta is always better, eh?

Everybody knows, we sneeze in threes.

Charlie was the enemy, C. Company
Rhose to the occasion

how long ye simple ones
choose ye simplicity?
this odd is
simple as pi wrapped in
Hopf-fibrations you twist in your soul,

There's the question? A/I (Arisa in this Netflix
re-run of "Better Than Us")
queried through by
whether person's vacillating
on the
width of the eye of the storm
in the  elex-elite
as co-related with the
degradation of the
Great Red Spot.

Episode seven or so
the russians call coaches coach.

Hey, I call coaches coach,
even ones I never knew. WHO knew ruskies do to,

Hard to hate a team player, with coach
respect dripping, dark stains on the green screen

where what shapes the future
reality is

visible, If I squint....
Those can't be, can they?...
Potemkin villas,
filmed in 2016, to run in Amerika
now, leading upt to interupt the
intentional animosity
with frivolity in
the 2020 build up of crudescence.

We have seen the enemy and he is we
envisioning good A.I. Art-effectual Inteleos,

as well as Pogo Possum did, Earth Day One,
1970, nigh half a century passed away as
funny papers faded into

the medium of memory -- look around--
loved ones ain't in the funny papers, like regular, back
when ink ruled the imagination involved in
how Tibet was depicted... in our mind's
hearing ears and seeing eyes

how about…
can you hear Turings's gay chuckle,

now. It's the test.
Whatif the enemy was still regular fold under oll the otherness of their gut biomes based on the soil amd the clime?
Vonshay Jan 2014
I miss you like a homeless person miss food and shelter  
I miss you like a poet misses the ideal they once had but forgot to write it down
I miss you like a scab misses the skin that was once there not exposing its insides
I miss you like a new Yorker misses the last bus of the night
I miss you like a kid misses it stuff teddy bear
I miss you like a teenager's summer night
I miss you like a smokers last blunt before entering rehab
I miss you like hip hop miss tupac and biggie
I miss you like a old skool movie, I miss you like misery misses company
I miss You like flowers miss the sun in the winter time
I miss you like a ****** missed its virginity after losing too the person they thought they will spend forever with.

I miss you like the 90's.
I miss you like the phrase " I miss you"

I can't recall the last time I heard your voice, it's been awhile since you been gone, but I need you to know I miss you. & whenever I'm alone I think about you knowing I probably haven't even crossed your mind until now.

I was unsure how to tell you & not sound so cliche,  so I spent all day and night thinking of a way to express myself and make your heart smile at the same time.

I did it cause I cared and wish you was here
so you no longer have to read my poems, so you no longer have yo spend the night along. So you no longer have tho wipe your tears aways , so you no longer have to wake up without me or a smile on your fface.

I miss you more then I can explain , cause words don't mean a thing without action but your not here & the thought of you fills my  satisfaction.
nick armbrister Jul 2023
The boss was a real fecking ****** who abused his position
Now he’s got the golden boot and is no longer there
But he goes to the company cark park to see his lieutenant
Who is just the same as him an equal seller more arrogant!

The original boss was quite a nice guy not a *******
It was his elite selling unit he set up that stunk of elitism
You’re not fecking fighter pilots so why the fake Godliness
It all stinks of ******* and **** licking all the way

Tong that far up the **** it comes outa their **** mouth
Who will fill the original boss’ boots will it be his lieutenant?
Who went to the same skool and was trained the same way
Instructions and orders are sent via messenger do this and that

Keep at it run the account my way this way I’m still there
My influence is like Uncle Joe Stalin always present and seeing
Give them Hell drove them to break to leave hire and fire ‘em
Still give me some wanga it’s my account even if I’m booted
jeremy wyatt Jan 2011
Teachers? I'll give you ****** teachers!
There was a lazy old worm
dodged him most of the term
he would let you go home
if you bought him a tome
that stimulated  shedding of *****
another thought he was fine
but at lunch he would sup on red wine
of english he thought that I could do nought
and mocked me all of the time
another for boredomes sake
found a rule he thought he could break
smash the lid of a desk on a boy he detests
then tell him the  tears he does fake
then there was Mr pereira
how we wished he was fairer
never gave a toss 'cos he was the boss
but there was one even scarier
Big and crazy
very lazy
beat the ****
out of me with his mate
for reasons they found hazy
used the dap
I wouldn't cry
so they got
metre rulers
and they did try
the brass bit cut my leg
and ripped my trousers
bullying *****
which was lousier
all I did was come in late
was depressed and sick
and full of hate for school
but a good boy not a fool
scarred me a bit
ha! they were all full of ****
when I passed my exams
they resented it
Best days of my life?

I wrote a good poem, a kind teacher wanted to send it to a magazine. His rival, my teacher stopped him and was so nasty that until this December I had only written three more in 23 that long, boy I feel old ;o)
fray narte Jul 2019
wait for me
on the concert grounds
of the bands we don’t even listen to;
wait for me
‘til you find yourself
singing to the second verse
of a rock song
you hear for the first time —
that one is gonna be our song, darling.

wait for me
in old malls and museums
people no longer come to;
wait for me on the forgotten stairs
'til you see my ragged old skool
and my bad, orange hair
parting the crowd
to give you my bear hugs.

wait for me
in coffee shops that play
my favorite songs;
wait for me with that
black coffee in hand
'til i arrive an hour later
to appease you with
kisses that smell like subways
cause they’re what
i give best.

wait for me
in busy, city streets
valleyed by nameless
wait for me in strangers’ cars
at 5 am 'til a sunray
hits my face a meter across
from where you are.

wait for me
by the shore,
where promises are lost
in the sea spray;
where the starless skies
can watch me drown
in the scent of your hair
when the sea is right before us.

wait for me, darling —
wait for me until
we no longer have to say
our i love you’s
through calls and texts
but in front of each other.
wait for me until
you no longer find
an “i have to go” note at three am
but my arms,
wrapped around your body
and my lips
planted on your neck.

wait for me, darling —
wait for me until
we no longer miss each other
more often than not,
and until the only waiting
we’ll do
is you, waiting for me
to get off work,
and me, waiting for you
to wake up.

wait for me until the moment
you find me
next to you;
wait for me until
your home becomes my home,
and until all we’ll have
to wait for
are delayed flights
and underrated movies to start
and dishes served late
and our hand, finding each other
instantly after seconds
of being away.

wait for me darling —
wait for me until i’m there

and until we no longer
have to wait.
I remember my hay days,
Grabbing a blunt,
Smoking under the sun rays,
My girl Sherry
Always had the mary,
Ready for me,
Plus she gave me the cherry,
Later to taste,
Sweet scent so heavenly,
But we was just babies,
Tryna a find a way maybe,
Copied our favorite celebrities,
Picked up the broom,
And started to dance like Mike,
It was a beautiful sight,
No verbal words, just love to fight,
Barry white made ya think, what ever happened to
Old school love?,
we kept it together, no matter the temperature of the weather,
Put the pride aside,
Now all love is blind side,
What happened to black love,
Wheres the arrows of hearts,
Shooting from the cherub,
And the homemade grubs,
And when it was peace at clubs, juke night, under colored lights,
We all having a ball,
Good dance, exchanged numbers then call,
Each other, over the rotary phones,
No answer machines just dial tones,
Ringing waiting for the right pitch to bring it,
Smooth talk,
Right back into the weekend, tryna get her soul weaken,
So i can get a slide in,
Slick Rick, with my adventure,
Art of story tellin, venture
Capture Kodiak moment,
Golden rope chains, yo i own it,
Only told as an exponent,
Old school vibes, yeah im on it ,
Being well principled,
Is called "old skool",
And its not easy to hold on tight
To good principles,but even when you manage you're called a fool,
Its like the tv,social media have really become the devils tool,
Natural beauty is called ugly,
Its said only make up can fix you greatly,
That's the ******* we're beginning to consume,
I think we need to pause,rewind to the time of good principles,then resume.
An ideal body image is set,
And if you don't measure up to that,your looks aren't great,
The question is who's anyone,
To set up such standards for everyone?
Accept and love who you are,
Make your own rules,
Don't let anyone define who you are.
Anais Vionet Aug 2024
Leeza, Lisa’s 14-year-old little sister, is anxious about the first day of school. She didn’t tell me that, I’m not sure 14-year-olds talk anymore.

Now that I’m almost 21, I can roll my eyes, like everyone else, and say, “Teenagers.”

Leeza’s a jingli, all-angles, taller than I am (when did THAT happen),
redhead who’s fast becoming a Lisa-like beauty.

School starts, for her, in 11 days and every piece of clothing she owns is draped across the furniture in her room or the floor, as she organizes her skool outfits.

There’s a pile of rejected apparel in one corner - the outcasts -
and a stack of magazine cutouts showing the clothes she plans to buy.

I wandered into her room that afternoon and she watched
me suspiciously, like I might steal her nonexistent baby.

“These might go together,” I said, holding up a top and skirt as a combo.
She winced, involuntarily, as if exposed to something distasteful.

Apparently, I’m getting old and my teen-taste is attenuated or worse yet - past its expiration date.
A song for this:
Houdini by Eminem [E]
Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 08.25.24:
Attenuate = make weaken an effect, or force.

jingli = skinny
Shaded Lamp Sep 2014
Elaborate and planned to precision
For Jane it was an easy decision
Of how to off load her misery
And how to correct her history
How to finally balance the books
After so many adulterous *****
She moved from Renfrew, Ontario
Planning in detail his death blow
How to publicly punish both of them
mischieviously causing much mayhem
So she diligently trained as a silent magician
Loathing to obsession but a fleeting transition
Weeks and months past
Feeding her ambition
She mastered her craft
as a vengeful tactician

Then out to the streets
wowing the crowds
Under clear blue skies
and the rain clouds

The year marched on,
months got warmer.
Her cold heart iced over
as a performer
of remarkable street illusion
a brand new /old skool fusion
cell phone appearing in a sealed drink
swords through heads that didn't blink.
Her act was ready
utterly convincing
soon those *******
shall be wincing...
Part one of two
My chances of being offended ended Delaney's donkey's years ago,
Grammarly just corrected me and did I care? not in the slightest, you can correct me in any way that takes your fancy and that probably offends the corporal punishment crew and ***** them too which more than likely offends everyone who's a carpenter.

you can't win which offends the optimists, the bookmakers, casinos and the wheels of fortune,

some dinosaurs survived the long winter
and that probably offends someone.
Yo check the title, break rivals, made for the survival, I grows,
Knowledge of a disciple, monk cycle, cursed like michael,
Pipe grows, love maestro, girls glance slow, watch fast, then blow
Brake ankles, light up their mental, song, like a preamble,
Watch me gamble, raw beat sample, rushed pass Campbell,
Assassin manhandle, run through a scandal, rhyme animal,
Cannibal, eat flesh, with no utensils, bag, more for the studio,
Out doo's-,out go, sick flow, watch how the media nose crows,
Miley Cyrus Feb 2015
To waking up every morning to an artificial purpose...
Let's drink to that *****...
To crying over a guy that didn't value you...
Cheers *****...
To nights spent in agony of Failure...
To going to skool only for validation of friends...
To shying away from yours true self cheers...
Like cheers cheers and cheers...
This is and was my life..
But this time lets make a new cheers...
A cheers to 2015...year of new
Year of York
Well well well time to tell Pandora box sparked from hell fire at close range click this phat
trophy for ****** up the madness open up the flyn' rat-tatz! and they thought they can kick it like ol skool Reeboks
This be Monday
Slap that Saterday
It's still payday American Inkstuh
Pens be sizzling like grills muthuh fuckuh
Wait... this ain't no street talk
I be better than a heated ham hawk
Critics help the senile
Hey I propose to you a young poetic juvenile
I threaten what is *******
Woop that with BOOTS TO ***** like The Rock got tired of them candy *****
Fortitude is non if you don't have the move to walk it ***
I chew fiber from your brain
Drain the intellect like the blood from the brother of Cain
School you to respect
Peel truth from your two face tongue one layer at a time
Feed you a plate of broken glass
to swallow that crime
If you know better don't waist time
Because that lie gone sit on your chest in repeat till you die.

© Copyright 2014 S.T. Parish
Rebel of Eden
Honesty about ones self is the key. No question, come and come hard, or real. After darkness, there is always light.
Big Virge Nov 2019
Fake or True ... ???  
Which One Are You ... ?

Are You Simply A FAKE ... ?  
Who's Just On The Make ... ?  

Or ...
Are You ... EVEN WORSE ... ?  
A Snake On The Make ... !?!  
Whose Purpose In Life ...  
Is To Have The WHOLE CAKE ... !?!  
So ....  
What Makes People FAKE ... ???  
In Some It's This Simple ...  
When They Look In Your Face ...  
Their Pupils ... " DILATE " ... !!!  
But ... What About Those ...  
Who Have Eyes Like A Snake .... ?  
Don't Make The ... "***-UMPTION"  
These People Are ... Fake ... !!!  
It's Actions They Take ...  
That'll PROVE If They're Fake ... !!!!!  
The Presumption You've Made ...  
May Mean ... YOU ARE FAKE ... ?!?  
Presumption Is Always ...  
A ... Fake Fools Mistake ... !!!
DON'T Presume That You Know ...  
What A Person Will Show ... !!!  
Cos' Fake People Hide Behind ...  
Their ..... " BRAVADO " ...... !!!!!  
Rather Like CERTAIN Poets ...  
Hide Behind Their ... EGO ... !!!  
Or Rappers ...  
Who Hide Behind ...  
Gangsta Type Flows ...  
Which ...
Just Goes To Show ...  
How Little They Know ... !!!  
Gangsters ... DON'T Talk ...  
When They're ... Ready To BLOW ... !!!!!  
You Won't Get A Chance  ...  
To Say Bye ... When You Go ... !!!  
FAKENESS ... And EGO ...
DO NOT Define ME Though ... !!!  
But Poems I'm Writing ...  
Sometimes Have ... Rap Flow ...  
Which Just Goes To Show ...  
That ... Everything Rap ...  
Ain't About Killing Blacks ... !!!
So To ... ALL YOU KIDS ...  
I Hope You're HEARING THAT ... !!!!!!  
I Try To ... Spit FACTS ...  
To Prove To Young Blacks ...  
To .... " Of Course " ....  

... " Mind The GAP " ... !!!!!  
WATCH OUT For The Trap ...  
Cos' That's What MP's Want ...  
TRUST ME ... BELIEVE That ... !!!!!!  
These Words ...
Are The TRUTH ... !!!  
STOP Acting UNCOUTH ...  
And ... Most of All ....  
............ " STOP" ......... !!!!!!!!  
All This ... KILLING OF YOUTH ...  
Cos' This ... Simply Proves ...  
You Know NOT ...  
WHAT YOU DO .... !!!
Ohhhh ........  
You May Have ... "Your Crew" ...  
But .....  
When PRESSURE Comes ... !!!  
I Hope They're All TRUE ... ?!?  
Cos' When The Cops Come ... !!!  
It May Just Be .... YOU ....  

Who Sits In THE DOCK ...  
In A ....... Quiet Courtroom .................................................  
Orlando ... May BLOOM ...  
But Now YOU SEE Gloom .................................................................­...  

Cos' ... Bars And A CELL ...  
Are Now Your BEDROOM ... !?!  
So ....  
How Does THAT Sound ... ?!?  

A Fate Filled With DOOM ... !!!  
A Life ... " UPSIDE DOWN " ...  
Kind of Like A ... Mushroom ... ?  
These Are ...
Some of The Reasons ...  
I TRY To Be ... " TRUE " ...  
Cos' ... Life's NEVER EASY ...  
And CAN Leave You .... "BLUE" .... !!!  
But ...... ???  
This Could POSSIBLY BE ... ???  
Cos' You're ... FAKE AND UNTRUE ... ?!?  
And ... LIE TO YOURSELF .....  
When Dealing With ... " YOU " ...  
Which ...
Leads You To LYING ...  
To Others In View .....  
Just Like These FAKE PEOPLE ....
In Life ... Like To DO ... !!!!  
I'm From The ... " OLD SKOOL " ...  
Where Lying Was Deemed ....  
To Be Something For FOOLS ... !!!!  
But .....  
Let Me Just STRESS ... !!!  
I've Lied In My Youth .... !!!  
But NOW Have The VIRTUE ...  
of ... Telling THE TRUTH ... !!!!!!  
Even IF It ... HURTS YOU ... !!!  
Or IF It ... HURTS ME ... !!!  
But TRUTH ... In The End ...  
Is How Things SHOULD BE ... !!!!  
Cos' Then ... We MIGHT SEE ...  
It's Pointless To RUN FROM ...  
........... " REALITY " ......... ???!???  
In The End ... How You Be ...  
Might ... Leave You At SEA ... !!!  
In Your NEW POWER BOAT ...  
WITHOUT ... Any Key ... !!!!  
DRIFTING ... NOT Sinking ...  
Looking For A ... " QUAY " ... !!!  
But NONE Are In Sight ...............................  
You're Now In A Plight ...  
Cos' Your Fakeness Has Left You ...
DARKENED ... Like THE NIGHT ... !!!

Ready To ... " SWITCH " ...  
Well ... That's My INSIGHT ...  
Into ... Doing What's RIGHT ... !!!!!!  
I've Left You Some Clues ...  
To ... Look INTO YOU ...  
So .....
What Will You FIND ... ???  
When You ...
Look INTO ... YOU .. !?!  
Are You ..........

" FAKE or ...........  
Are You TRUE ... ??? "
Never an easy question, when it comes to REALLY being, true to yourself !

— The End —