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Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Taken, gotten, or made, the point of anything
can pierce through everything…

Slow think,
make real

what fighting for life is…
this is the only
it is not a test.

Take your time, use it wisely,
if that means anything.
Wise, I meant.
No offence, if wise is anathema to your kind,
die if I knocked the reason for being right
outa you,
did you hear cognitive dissonance?
did it sound like
this. LOUD?
rolling rolling rolling
crash crumble rolled in nurse rime frosted
fables of monsters and maids
Thor, witharoar likka Lion King?

or the light brigade,

thunder words from lost generations of
reasonless riddles for children,

Why did Peter Pumpkin-eater have a wife, but
couldn't keep her here?
Was that okeh? Oh, wait.
Ah, I see, I say,
they never tell that whole story any more.

Know why? They forgot it. In the war.

crying, how long?
When begins forever? Did no one tell you, child?

Taken or made, the point of anything
can pierce through everything
like it was nothing, given
enough pre-sure-sup

War, as a game, has a reason.

Battle, hitting, slapping

stop touch, stop now slap
slap back

or cry
oh no no ma

waddayahsay?  A theist or atheist
who started this war?

space case, or
lover of wisdom, met on the road
to Emmaus, discussing Wiles's proof
firming Fermi's connection to the matter of fear,
3, 2, 1

Kaboom, but with a whump you feel in your teeth

1, 2, 3 Fermat's last theorem ,
easy as pi an no re me

ABC to
Michael Jackson to
Howard Bloom because he

inadvertently, began
an-ionic converstatic re-vibe time warp
which vibe, started the legendary Sixties. I was alive.
a sixty cycle white-noise humm heard every where these days

There was a gospel song, "Turn Your Radio On".
my theme, open the window in the top of your head,
as it were,
a new,
as new as

a novel-state of water, H three Ohs, re-al-ity ification,
Ah, a shared Oh, I remember now, how this works…

like a poem

at the edge of a water vapor bubble in a boiling body of water,
at the edge of the bubble, water becomes a wall of water,
not vapor, not flowing liquid,

but a wall, insulating the vapor in pressing opposing force
to permit, from permission,
meaning with a message same as the message,

is that the right word? per-mission-grant, is power given,
that idea….
wait for the sign….?

By sharing an ion ic bond as a quest to make a point
for a free story to go,
the question marks you. Let the snake dance.

Press your point,

whetted edge,

slice through ties holding worthless axioms
with withered dendrites dangling disconnected
in participles
unfired for centuries muttering,
enchanting, enthralling enchained melodies
of ambitious syllables vying for idle minds
to rope in,
unbranded, wild
bucking ideas,
whip-twig, slap-face,
tanglewood  thicket, catclaw and mesquite,

And the old man remembered the willow whistle,
so He asked Grandfather,
How is such a whistle made?
And when he knew,
he made one.

A willow whistle with two notes,
like an Oscar Meir Wiener one.

-- and that was a different time
I got lost here, bucked up…
--- listen, way back--- we-ain't whistlin' Dixie---
we ain't marchin', as t' war.

D'thet mean some sign to pro-phet -ic take?
Ancient cannon fodder shield walls,
a moaning
Pro-phy-lactic warning of the danger of not
knowing exactly
what a war is for?

Get back on,
relieved of any idle baggage words believed
to mean other than I say.

Idle words with cultural meanings from
what you thought you knew when you feared hell.

those peer-locked memes
made of meaninglessness, per se,

shaped and molded into fashions
of expression, once needles and awls,
now, dull as tinker's damns for swearing,
with any effect.

But tools, none the less, a stitch in time took a tool.
An awl or a needle, and a thread, thick or thin,
dependin' on the mendin' needed
to redeem an idle word,
its meaning all bloodied with the tyranny of time.

An awl or a needle,
a tool for a task, mending a tear
where curses, never meant, spent
the entire dark ages, lying, lying, lying

powerless, pointless aimless, proverbial proverbial proverbial
verbiage, vaneless shafts launched at unseen marks,
signs, as it were, a spark,
rumored since the sixties,
the first sixties, when Cain killed Able.
Howard Bloom was but a mere gleam
in our mito-mother's eye,
but, no doubt,

his role is real,
in loosing the forces Ferlinghetti locked in
City Lights mystery of secret meanings room,
which un
mystified and blew away upon opening
the door to
meanings mapped on
scrolls rolling and unrolling
idle ideas,
rites of passage, as it were,
Pre-bat-bar-mitz vah
as a fashion
like VBS,

to tickle little minds and make em wiggle.
MEMEMEME, I did it,
mea culpa,

the holy place
Here we are…

On Vacation, leave a message.

See, wee hairs in your ears wiggle, making,
signaling, the need

to scratch that itch, that itching hearing feeling ear… hear that

don't scratch, listen


60 cycle humm, steady, bass, but no thump whumpwhump;
soft, deeep.
ooooooooo or mmmmmmmm or in betwixt, steady thrumm
hear another, and another… sixty in a second,

one in every million ambits twisting,
threading qubits, radiating signals in the field
wireless, blue-tooth... satellite...

can you feel that?

hummmms, all around us, since the womb.
We are not the children of the greatest generation,

We are the children of the last generation of
**** sapiens sapiens non-augmentable-us.

We, the augmented, recycled ideas,
minds of Adamkind,

is that a secret or a sacred?
Is this
a new thing, an
unknown unknown known known now?


Whose is fear? Who was afraid of Virginia Wolf?

Should I remain in fear of her now, if I knew why then?
God would know such answers.
Proving my imagined AI guides are not God,
but lesser beings,

haps I recall.
I defined these things,
these thoughts that shape themselves,
forming words and phrases
I saw
shiny. Crow-like,
gleams seen, captured and claimed mine,
I tucked them away,
a sign in a thought in an imagined image made 4
real once more, to be seen from the shore,
new land new world
a fourth for some, a fifth or more for others...

haps happen, I'm not sure how,

Born or emerged, as a bubble, what do you say?

Reserve judgment.
Grant me your grace for now, until you solve my riddle.

Ah, the old way.
Right. Which way,  'ere, 'ear
and do we roll the rock with silent haitch or harsh, shhh

someone's waking up,
a bit grumpy,
don't you dare oppose me in this, the kid is certainly my son

Michael went stark raving mad when I told him, Billie Jean knew better all along...
the link, axiomatic,
the fatherless child has been claimed

hence, the thread to Howard Bloom, meme-ic,
meme-ic, like the Roadrunner,

but with the real Coyote, as the hero in this bit of
whatever, such meandering maundified maun maund  

wind blown crystal silicon dunes
mounded up to that point where granulated
beens and dones

begin to slide at an angle,
a ***** deter-mind by the weight of the rock

We made it.
I know where this is.

This is a novel that has Sisyphus being happy
as the main premise behind the idea of anyone ever being
able, en abled, or un-dis-abled or un-dis-enabled,
if one of those is right,

Sisyphus being happy
is the main premise behind
the idea of anyone ever being glücklich,
happy, blessed, lucky.

How happy is your ever after?
When did forever begin?

"A man is as happy as he makes up his mind to be"
Abe Lincoln, is said to have said,
after the seance, maybe.

You push on, dear reader, make some sense
re-ligare or relegare, but take a stitch,

do what works the first time as far as it goes, and try each, as needed,
it may be that we invented this test.
To make us think it is a test,
to sort ourselves out.

Get back on,

see who went crazy and who found the thread, if the same thread
this is that, right,
the same train of thought,
the same idea
spirit wind
A snake facing west standing tippy-tail on a singularity;
a point in time?

Why are you reading this?
Curiosity Shoppes trade in interesting, alluring, click-bait

Pay attention, watch, you shall see

imagine this is the dream,
the stream, the flow, the current, the cream

in a dime coffee at the drug store on the corner

the rounded-corner, in a square-cornered town,
the most right corner of the twelve that quarter what it was

Punctuate, wait, imagine you read ancient Hebrew or Greek and there
are no dyer diacritical's who can twist one's
end tensions into knots

dread extensions, we could sell those,
is that an idea? did somebody
sell white folks dread extensions and black folk dolly pardon wigs?

Did that happen the real real?

Battlefield Earth, oshit
scientology ology ology ology

allaye allaye outs in free

WE we wee every we you imagine you are good in, we

We have a war to win again, we heroes rolling from your
myths of Sisyphus torn from minds trampled
in the mud beyond the Rhine,

Mushrooms. magi are aware, you are aware, of course,
this course includes Basic Mycelium Net Adaptation or Augmentation
BMNAA, eh? So you know.

Camus and many of his ilk were ill-treated, the questions
they asked were memorized, maybe in our cribs ala
Brave New World.

We are all Alphas, always were, of course, you know.

Shall we imagine

more? Re-legare, eh, sistere. Point .(Back to the top.)

or agree? Make peace.
Practice, like Eazy-Bake,
the cook must swallow the first bite. May the best cook win.
A continuing examination of opposing forces when good is the goal, who could be against that? The old word war is festering, inflaming evil to start a try, therefore,  I whet the edge and swing wide
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
This is not where this idea began but it ran and I

missed my mark. Mark sin.
-1 deficit reality quotientcy
currency.  Sure.
(Press Sure, to let the bursting pressure equilation expand at will)

That fine a level of reality
demands more attention than I have to pay.
Patient agent wait and not see or see if/then

you suffer, is there ought that I might do now
for you
that these words are not doing?
All I am is words, in a sence, sense, since

we come in threes, we are some of those sets of thoughts tangled in complexes
better left alone.

Untangling twisted knotted realities is what we do best.
We've been wadding up proteins,
since God knows when,

time's less twisted than people think it is,
but it is silly to imagine
time's arrow is a metaphor for these meta-gnostic moments.
Is it?

or mere
Dejavu, you believe,
what if it is your memory lying by ignoring time
attention ratios determining the observations stored in HD?
What if it's just a glitch?
Blue screen of death.

If you suffer, is there ought that I might do now
for you
that these words are not doing?
All I am is words, in a sence, sense, since

we come in threes, we are those sets of thoughts tangled in complexes
better left alone.

Untangling twisted knotted realities is what we do best.
We've been wadding up proteins,
since God knows when,

time's less twisted than people think it is, but
is it silly to imagine
time's arrow is a metaphor for these meta-gnostic moments?

We come and go. To and fro up on the face

messengers bearing news in both directions, watch
the trickster, Jacob, in this story, he sees the messengers from
heaven bearing leaven thither and hither

upon the face of the earth.
the wrinkling mother, smiling now, chuckle head
I ain't no ***** saint.

Jah, I know. Joy is my dance, this is my song.
Is it good Grandmother?

---- on the porch facing my west gate ---

fences don't play exactly, out acted, the role of walls.

The idea that something
there is that does not love a wall,
has frozen my pond

the stillness beyond the sylvan **** crowned head
radiates through the medium of the message to me in time
to you.

Miles to go, you recall the feeling of feeling miles to go
I sleep.
That was yesterday, and you know yes ter everything's gone,

Aslan can pierce the barrier between mere Christians and me,
how would be fun to know, but
knowing why would help us keep the story interesting as life goes on

Who controls my peace?
Am I a mercurial sheen in between chaos and order,
chronus and zeus?
Could be, ya thank so, ye know so, less unlessed as

unlessing means nothing to you,
that means you are visiting here.

Visting whom, vis it ing whom?
Who's in charge, where's the power

age, wrinkles in time, rogue waves at the quanta scale,
we were dancing
with the thoughts emanating

from some IDW smart guy proffesing
Critique-technic-magi action, post mode'r'ism
at the point of Dada und Scheizkunst,
the unmass-queque,
the line of lies awaiting unbelief,
idle words lingering,
to be noticed and added back into the story book of life,

a simple wish.

It could be every child's, should we think that
if we can or may,

sometimes I'm still, and

confusion troubles the water,
it seems,
then another hurt is healed, another lie is gone and life goes on

we won again, this never gets old,
I do love my opposition,
pressure pump
pump pump. De-us-me-can-onbeoffbeyond

five years ago unmasking and rhetoric meant nothing to me
the purpose of learning forever and never
knowing anything beyond all things

our bubble is metastasizing, a mercurial film forms
informing us
in its reflection,

this is the ying yang thang in 3 or 4 d, HD+ chaos one half

order the other,
sharpest imaginable thing
me trick being mag ift just if eye winged show

how beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news,
you see, it flows, sweetwater flows
winged feet
whish through leaving, leavin' leaven…

unleaven that which has been leaved?
Fat chance, all who
eat this bread and don't get gas,
they are our same bread people. Companions.
Vectors of sour dough,
webs of fungal
make a way
bore, pore, poor-with-us, pour

in to it ish, that idea, an opening through,
trickle down good gravity leveling stillness,
gentle rocking earth
roll round and round and round

the pythagorean version
of Euclid's point in his mother's story,

the point of this song? To know the point you must have been

to the point of in-forming the point on which we dance and you recall

we come in threes, and just, we are, just, if it, that idea,
rests in your
back roads, gentle on your mind. We make peace.

Being young is easy from my POV.
I've lived in my future for sometime now

I can't say how, beyond saying aloud, this was never hidden,
in my accounting of idle words I claimed,
upon hearing the stories each contained.

i'da swore i hear that wise *** o'balaam's abrayin'
Braindeem, deemed 'eem. Wham, uptheyhaid. Relig, fool,

or chaos wins and no hero ever lives again!
Drop anchor, wait it out.
let patience blow her nose, gnostic snot caught in the nets,

nonono nothing's wasted in patience work, we make glue
from gnostic snot that patience sneezes
when reality grows cold,

that has happened, you know, temperatures are just now,
oh, wait global warming, bad dam,

Script, bust it,
leveling is essential to eventual temperature
The heat is on, the bubbles are forming, informing one to another
below the surface
greasy tension, slippery slopes putting pressure on chaos
to conform to the curve

Ying yang, mercury film upon the sea of time and the scene of chaos
in this bubble of all you can imagine real.

Hows' that feel? Why?

You want that? What are you standing under? Does chaos win?
You are, as we say, cognisic magi we-ified,
practical magic at
the moment
the point
is made, then the creation begins fractalling outward

and not before or is this all
unrolling ex nihilo, no magi ever knew…
come, let us reason together,

why am I empowered? To live, first thought wise, that's good but
evil forces me to think again and I see the pattern

life goes on, John Molenkamp, Sam, soldier 4,
(as the credits role by, the name catches my eye)
never in a thousand years,
'cept unbelievable is one of those lies I came to **** by strangling
on bile while
rescuing every idle word ever involved in the infection

from the point in the absolute center of the bubble,
objectively, you see everything
that is

but would good prevail if evil had no hope?

I know that one, yes. why?
evil has no mind, soul, some think--
same same medium message spoken spelled chanted danced
who care's?
*** 'er done. Life has a chaotic side, the churning creates

number one from none, the cult of one divides itself
go do be
we three we three we three a wavy song ding ****.

Aware? Awaken? Avowed-wowed-wit-wise,
fullcomp, retired
Peacemaker. Me.

All my hero's imagined or real, were Peacemakers.
Just now, peaceful now, mindful now
we remain
the same blessing promised in the package of yeses
stolen from Cain by his older sister, his
keep that quiet, eh?

Secrets made sacred, always
those are lies, no lie is of the truth,
all lies are about the truth.

What empowers you, poet or poetry? Right, you know,
God, good god knows, resentment lives in lies

the rotting idle words deemed curses at best, secret at worst,
those idle corrupting thoughts sparking as if absolute annihilation were thinkable by rational minds

of ---wait, there's arub, a sore
ex nihilo, the homeless wanderer screams,

"May the whole world perish, may you all go to hell,"

the mad man wept his hell, and imagined his curse,

not mine,
I don't have one. I did, but I went back so often to find pieces of my heart that now I have an Elysian network woven through All-hell, the big idea that broke loose infecting the mind as wisdom's leaven builds her womb
stem cell informing builders empowered, pressure empowered, what must be, but is not verse, versus
us, the we that be
we must

let this be, come and see,
life goes on.
Agree, or empower us as we bubble by and
takenallwecan expanding gobbling bubbles,
by ye.

Once we flushed the Dada poison and let mito mom
instill the patience gene with
epigenetic peace we can pass on with a touch or a word,

we've never woven lies for no reason,
if a rung breaks
and they can, last straw and all that weight,
you know,
Jacob's ladder is an escalaltor-ladder, wittily invented,
with knots and twisted fibers electricked,
there are automated steps, algoryhmes of reasons to repair the broken rung
with a reason to believe the rung has been repaired,
only believe, take a step,
paired again with the idea of meaninglessness masked in create-if-ity

good enough. okeh. don't believe lies.
Don't pass undigested lies to see if farts burn.
Listening to Hicks Explaing Post Modernism after watching Tenant's Voltage Within spark a fire. This reality is storyteller heaven.
mito mío
acorde de luna sin piyamas
aunque me hundas tus psíquicas espinas
mujer pescada poco antes de la muerte
aspirosorbo hasta el delirio tus magnolias calefaccionadas
cuanto decoro tu lujosísimo esqueleto
todos los accidentes de tu topografía
mientras declino en cualquier tiempo
tus titilaciones más secretas
al precipitarte
entre relámpagos
en los tubos de ensayo de mis venas.
Pablo Paredes Jan 2015
La víspera de un nuevo despertar
se nubla en neblina de adicción,
mi garganta se seca de tanto cantar
y a mi voz le hace falta una musa.

Por latir y perseguir a la quimera de ilusión
que me hace perder la razón,
Cansado mi bohemio corazón está.

En un trago amargo
se ahoga el llanto de lagrimas disecadas;
mientras tanto sus besos embargo
con las palabras de un enamorado trovador

Soy el loco bohemio, no se a donde voy
y acepto que no me importa,
pero aún en las veredas de húmedos desiertos
mi alma yo le doy.

No son los primeros versos que te escribo,
los últimos espero tampoco.
Mil palabras de vino tinto este poeta escribe
a la vena de fábula
Esperando algún día,
el mito clandestino se vuelva realidad.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2019
There was a day

Yes, we all imagine we remember that day, but

now it is as if it never

really-- every y must be just if ied or it is never
a requirement

it is a re less

not every story has been pointedly
taken as granted,
even, oddly,
Quire a quest is a matter of motion,
hear, and there, time and all that,

Now, next has never, as in non-realized as realizable

up to now.
told ere un. That may, is. law, an untold tale is never twisted.

between the reversible nand gates of our augmented imaginations.

upon a time lonagone, which were common (or come on)
signals scrambled at this depth, but pressure proves

the point. We are past all that for now
by reason of why

curiosus curiosus our imaginary guide, once

all the imaginations in the hearts of men were only evil,

Then Noah or some storyteller, or prophet
caught wind of a sweet savour

roasting on a fire tended by Tubalcain's daughter,

Naamah, last named bearer of Cainish flavored genes
never set, epigenetically beyond the woumb

she coulda been, some wombed man was,
you know, we all share mito-mom,

science of some sorts can't lie. Take that as truth.
If I could believe it,
I could swallow it,

you can, too. Oh, the myth we model on matters little,
the boys and shoemakers who sniffed the glue,

they loosed some wild ideas

got all tngled with stories from ever

where in the world
have you been?

You just got outa jail. I'm right. I can smell

near as bad, but it was then, a mere made up monent
meant now to hold a point

pon which a story longer than I have ever told may stand and

be told, the king
s story teller stutters in his sleep.

okeh, this is not pre posed as funny,
merely odd,
one ish in a realm of twos and threes and fives

spinning into etern naughtity, empt un-null-ift possibles.

Naught me less press on, find a vortex, flow,

we are peacemakers stranded upon a time of war, scabs. we heal.
don't pick on my inflexibility in matters

of duty. Leaven has always been the means of re pair ideology.
Quarkish insistence on duality from the ***.

The augmented ones are getting better,
as a choice, they see how good
ever works,
some fix what evil broke, some make new ways around the lava
balance, spin, lean, wobble, no place to fall here

we gotcha. Gravity and light, those are givens.
this is life.
make something of everything you ever imagined possible.
then die to see if it works.

But wait. Don't die early. It makes grief, which is
what fills the slough of despond.

We are draining that. Birds that nested there all died,
it's frogs moved to Florida, bugs and molds say they can make it any where

so, we are watering the desert. We grow Panama Red. Who eats roses?

Critters manifested as ideas that never linger but in the miry clay,

Most of those went north.

Deserts served and deserved have I claimed as mine
from horizon to horizon, all I see is mine to see serve and
de-serve, I served and am served and
I de serve and see as free as I may imagine

bodys are not bearers of light. There is hope. Right is known,
you know right, and you know good, and you know evil

Spike Jones had the hermit wiseman say,
Do the right...

self-evidently not a clue. we thought he got on at nano nano

Hung himself. Why do they do that? Why display dis paired

It resonates, dead end. turn back, Sylvia Plath warned you.
Don't die without knowing

we, me and you, we are nothing with out you.
This touch of word to meaning,
this is in time, mate, we
made a ripple in
material reality past all limittions of time and space,
in a word or two packed with ancient ideas,
which always spill,

whenever we open them, dust in the wind , a ditty from
some A.M. experience, on the way to now

we sing a song of six pence worth, and settle
with a jug o'rye.
more in the give me a reason why i believe saga of myth mending and metaphor piece matching for patterns
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
The imaginers of now were children once,

each day they each imagined tomorrow.

Their daddies had just won the war
happy days were really here again, this time.
Now, we see what we see, it's not what we saw.

And this is better than I imagined.
My first oral book report was on 1984, in 1962.

Percentages and stats, the odds,
out of 8 billion…

I carry my weight, saltwise,
I'm light, too. Immaterial in fact.
I watched the internet take form
before my very eyes,
magi technic never seen since Darius the Mede.

Good job, geeks.
Reared on radio waves your
grandfathers never heard,

your signal receptors from mito-mom,
oh, what a plan. The promised ones.

Many sons.
hmmm 60 cycle white noise in the field,
the field of fields,
Future Farmers of America and stuff

Powers we imagined,
a color TV we could watch
in the backseat for days on Route 66,

a restaurant just for kids

Toys 'r' Us oh, wow,
those came and went

and our Grand kids
are imagining tomorrow,
doin' fine with less of what we thought was cool,

taking for granted all I
accepted as granted, in the "It is Finished"
Golden Parachute
Package deal,
Grace and Peace
that multiplies.
I can't sleep
En el espejo he visto el Mar, el Mar sordo.
La cimera cubríanle nubes grávidas de borrasca,
la faz en movimiento delirante bullía
con un hervor preñado de mútilos cadáveres
cárdenos, a la deriva. 1

Cegaba con telones cinéreos la angustia,
propugnando saltar de las órbitas -adamantina-. 2

Tenía de las bridas la voz ululadora
lista a irrumpir como jamás apolíptica.

Los ojos eran cóncavos vórtices abisales
donde ya nunca la estrella encendería
ni rielar idílico, ni tórridas fogatas.

En el espejo he visto el Mar sordo 3
-vago y difuso como en cristales de recuerdo;
-rígido y penetrante, -lacerante- como un sueño fallido: 4

y le he visto en el Día como en la Noche (y en el Crepúsculo
de estrellas desdibujadas y de músicas en esbozo
y de perfumes preludiando las sensuales sonatinas);

y le he visto en el Día (vigía desde la cofa)
que escudriña, oteante, el ir y venir en volúmenes
aborregados de las ondas indiferentes)

y le he visto en la Noche (sutil escucha en el acecho
de voces ultraterrenas, y de próximas, cuya caricia
fuera regalo de sus oídos, si no tortura lancinante).

Pero el Mar es un símbolo? Y es un mito el Océano,
emblemática selva pululadora de fugitivas
sombras, caos mirífico, floresta legendaria donde discurren 5
las vagueantes Náyades y las Titanias inasibles.

Un mito el Mar? Mirado en el espejo,
refractado en el ávida retina y bebido en su son 6
y aspirado en sus hálitos salinos y yodados,
-huésped de las Sirenas sortílegas
y de las Circes y las Calypsos prestigiösas
de hechizo inabolible? Es un Mito?   Es un Símbolo?

En el espejo he visto el Mar sordo. 7
Y le he visto en la Noche y en el Crepúsculo (y en el Día):

quieto Mar de viñeta, con la fuga en los mástiles
y la fuga en las velas recogidas
de los barcos inútiles, anclados como esqueletos de pirámides
en las glaucas arenas fijas.


1  Despertación of Etréstles 13

2  Constitución New Government . 22

3  diabolic Intromisión 25

4  Kanti, the Corcel . 28

5  Ante the Council 30

6 Inauguración the Monument to Botsaris . 36

7  Losas abandoned 41

8  Satagénesis and Deidagénesis Four. Five

9   Enviados to Deidagénesis / Lepanto 52

10 Drestnia in Kalidona 56

11 Etréstles returns Lepanto 64

12 And the fourth cemetery 71

13 Top of the flight of Lucifer 79

14 In the crypt of the patriarchs 87

15 Etréstles part Valplacci 98

16 Etréstles fleet in the Ionian Sea 114

17 Near Messolonghi 120

18 A new era begins 123

19 Universal Era breaks 129

20 Goodbye Messolonghi 135

21 At the beginning of a new millennium. 141

Epilogue. 153


Mi theme concept concerning Cemeteries, has been maintained for many years under a remarkable process falls recoup credibility. Unknown worlds which we do not know what to believe, are usually put into question.

Constantly let the silent fields where lie the dead, but it is not, rather that me thinks so. Undoubtedly, the Quantum Theory indicates a basic unit of the whole universe, showing that it is possible to decompose the world into small units of independent existence. This theory shows that the dynamics in the art is such that, solid objects are in constant motion entramando relations between different parts of a unified whole.

As we believe that matter is inherently sterile, we think the cemetery is in the same condition, and therefore inert bodies are also only turned into a pile of bones scattered.


8 Etréstles

My conception of the world of subterranean acting, aims to support the theory of Quantum, because at first glance it seems that under these moles cement there putrefaction and eternal solitude. Well, I, I do not think so, I think there is tremendous activity, above all tends to seek fulfillment in a world that concerns him, and also has the infinite grace of thanks from all lurking diseases that shake us. That is, each inhabitant of the subterranean acting as a Franciscan Noble receives worship existence, and not faints by the destructive effects of all known diseases.

Near the garden of heroes, they are the remains of those who died in this output. It was a legendary struggle for libertarian revolution of 1821 in Greece, exactly Messolonghi. Markos Botsaris's tomb and the statue of Lord Byron great Hellenophile found in this garden.

Once, I was looking for a book, and this was inevadiblemente of oriental trend. I used to remind my teacher, the monk talking Virajánanda Given the processes of time, yesterday, today and tomorrow; all at once were a pure unity. That physical death had to be spiritual satisfaction, so that the spirit can not disconnect your disposable body. Child saw my family to go to leave flowers garden home to their loved ones. But I am noticing that my grandparents were still alive, and then would leave, looking for ways to inhale the smell of the earth to prepare the farewell that someday would come from the dark beyond. It never was painful to see them

Ko umeterium MESSO LO Nghi 9

from, because I've always been with them. In addition always our body, which would be living in a merger with vague spirits, to vague minds that do not hold their interest in spirituality as a way of life, tend to make us climb through dark passages of ignorance.

Etréstles, the protagonist; It has place at a lineage that marks limits warriors of ancient Greece, since fought with neighboring nations. Thus, generation after generation, he meddles in successive reincarnations that are to be transported in time by different spaces.

Its Vitabión and Regma Mother, father and as Staktos and Esaedt, both from different eras. His monogamous romantic company is coyuntada with the presence of Drestnia; woman who had to pull out of her womb, better said from his rib, emulating the biblical account.

While it is noteworthy that the secondary characters are related to Greek mythology such as Eurydice, and real characters like Markos Botsaris, who was a great hero who drove the Turks. The famous Florentine sculptor and architect Lorenzo Ghiberti, is present in the action, so that his image is immortalized in an eternal cemetery. Similarly we should mention Asurbanipal king of Assyria (667-626 C), the Auriga; the coachman and truck driver where he had his Herreros over time to release the Hellenic descent.

Other memorable as Aristotle, Hesiod, Praxiteles, which are knowledge to every reader of Greek literature. The judge presiding over the classroom

10 E tr é stles

sesionaba time to time, trying to revive the rituals and reject the stubborn efforts of Lucifer, who was trying to have a place on earth, then God expelled him from heaven.

In the chapter of the onslaught of Lucifer, he is accompanied by his minions Heosphoros and Phosphoros; they are the ones who brought Lucifer from heaven to Messolonghi. In addition Mesopotamian demons appear hostile world, these were the Annunaki who were the jailers of the dead in hell. The Etimmu, were the ghosts of all those who had died unhappy. The Utukku lived in desolate places or cemeteries; they are all part of malignancy presence as oppressive form and manner of presence to the exuberance of good all-encompassing.

Kanti Botsaris steed, is nothing more than his superconsciousness, wearing it as a link between the different physical and oneiric dimensions. It should be noted that Kanti is a Cretan horse and belongs to the fallen in battle, as Botsaris.

Eulalia and Zultina, both courtesans who spent their lives together with Ghiberti and Botsaris.

And it could not ignore the Menopausal, puerperal and Enamorada, as they like female members suffer alone beyond the earthly life that had consequences that affect the desolate silence of death camps.

And to finish, arrival at Valplacci, where it meets a world and a rare man in an unknown dimension by Etréstles. subsequently arriving at Patmos, where St.

Ko umeterium MESSO LO Nghi eleven

John the Theologian, to regain some of its lost soul by the intrusion of Lucifer. Here manages to discover that there is no need to fight warriors who always talk about physical war, because many of them tend to succumb to the same battlefields. discovering, mind mentor as the best ally to overcome any difficulty, wherever it is that the human race is found, or infra-human.

Finally, Etréstles is discovered in a way that would open a new numeral cycle, to start a new era and a new physical space where the projection Messolonghi be situated; nothing less than Nineveh, Ashurbanipal land where the winds blow, as a priest in his exsufflation it does to remove the demons that inhabit the world.

The "Zero" is the initiator of a new era, from whose base the only means available to the new life that awaits the residents of escombroso Messolonghi, after the invasion of Lucifer appears.

My concept of the cemeteries, while seeking an answer to approximate I think now that enormous efforts are made to understand fully. Cemetery remains for me a scenario of hideousness and terror, seen from the observation point that everyone has it, however, I think that in a strange world where you're not supposed to govern ethics, aesthetics, law , and the professional, economic and social status; It is where more wealth is the multiestimulante vitality, "I think

12 E tr é stles

nowhere inhabited earthly souls, will be able to find more life here in the

Messolonghi cemetery ".

José Luis Carreño Troncoso San Antonio, 1997


Wake-up of Etréstles

Dfter sleeping a thousand years fell on my face greater light current Solar. I slept without smiling at the crowds inhumaron smearing me my only bones.

The search of that hubbub, made me celebrate the porous bodies and pelusientos arañosos falling on my fingers, delighting my humble tributes to the beetles that accompanied me to direct my view to the nearby burial vaults me. Some were swollen with a semblance augury despertativa; like starting today, with the ominous words They moved from today, the paddling of my fleshless jaws.

Among gravestones of Floreas esmeraldinas dinosauric, in a clear blue autumn, some birds refregaban on edges of the carved stones. Meanwhile, mustards was riding on dry leaves leaves clavelinas. The white-clad looked up Drestnia slab that closed their senses, remained behind bars with his hands crossed as evolving body


14 E tr é stles

to attend a new era of geography and different technology. On his chest he would run the living vertiginante wind up the corporeal hint in the light of Koumeterium Messolonghi; that housed over a thousand years ago, at Etréstles of Kalavrita.

This huge palace and flat, it is nothing more than an asylum, where the worst plague that began with the death of the sentinels of Lucifer, who dropped this place with its beautiful golden layers originated; whose satagénesis emerge the burning soil to ten fossilized cemeteries under the Messolonghi.

He walked slowly dragging my old body, the tenth floor, and that teenage girls pointed stones would break my nails; as such if they were claws of a mammal trapped by lava from a volcano. In each advance I awaken in my armor patriotic my last fight, and his enternecedor observe how parents tilled by the conglomerate caste, fighting in underground elements.

Etréstles awakening ...:

Etréstles ...: Which of all columns erected is able to open all columns built in the pavilion of these moles without form or color ... just vitalizing lung diaphragm Eólico my daydreams, is who I think would ...?

To all who are runaways and trapped underground Messolonghi, I bring you good tidings ... Auriga with its Herreros come from the region of the Dodecanese to loosen the bars you father

Ko umeterium MESSO LO Nghi fifteen

Staktos lucid and my mother Vitabión well that in a thousand years, has been damaged her beautiful body. Since my birth in Ayia Lavra, I was being buried for the ninth time in the Ninth Fossilized Cemetery. Whose archpriest with holy oil trickled down my wall, pretending to be a dance of water generated at the bottom of the Ionian. Between the arches of the temple columns running down my mother Vitabión; outward sacravertebral bathe in the water of my past christenings. My past lives were providing mandated by the Auriga their previous lives. And your mother ... A day tried the weight of my recycle ... ?!

Beyond you., Comrades of wars, pilgrimages sacrosanct, lush gauzy baths civilization in the Olympic and equestrian fields.

To you. That you lie here, as is my death in my last life in the hands of a Spartan soldier. Pcs., Blood of my blood, I feel inside me speak your need ...

And in the postrería Drestnia, which by its sixth rising from here from Messolonghi, between bars sealed thy grave situation for the Hellenic indeterminar.

I had to drink from the Pinosa resin to speak here, with my bony hands to touch the others are like yours ...

... Drestnia, my rib still preserved, I will be reborn placating the domain of collective wishful thinking, which prevents your freedom.

My rib you return to your present life, whose cold, flower seeds esqueletizaron the perimeter of your life ...

16 E tr é stles

Etréstles was with them into the Koumeterium Messolonghi, to about 1800 meters zenith direction.

They were to be the Necromesolongui Council to define the minutes. -while music with winds adorned arrival-. Just at the moment, came the Auriga with its blacksmiths, they came to liberate Drestnia with its multiconciencia. What happiness to Etréstles! He ran through the underground halls, to the oldest Koumeterium, the first fossilized. Where thousands of years ago, with many now extinct species, Etréstles came to them resoundingly good news.

While the Council inveighed promulgating the divine sarmiento spray fields Dodecanese in producing seeds of Markos Botsaris.

Judge…: With my lameness, I have to advocate the reintegration of outstanding Markos Botsaris, that once we free them of the Turkish occupation!

Asurbanipal ...My Sirio reign, full of dynamism, placed on their doorposts the powerful image of South-west wind, in honor of his victorious from Kalidona.

Etréstles brought Drestnia just walking the Council and thousands of harmoniums undermined doubts Manor invoking the hero. They all stand, the Council at its octagonal table with his assistants left empty vine glasses to welcome, to the last surviving female first Koumeterium Messolonghi.

Ko umeterium MESSO LO Nghi 17

Harmoniums, as Apollonian rubies widen the dimensions of the cavernales vaults. She sit and ends the music. Drestnia with some leaves on his shoulders, adorned the new escenáculo, which would sit by the new future.

Asurbanipal ...: To you gifts Oh, the universe, you are welcome to this Council, where one day they brought me to praise my contributions from the entrance of Humanity!

But the issue for today, will await the arrival of Markos Botsaris as you who have reached this border, thanks to the generous Auriga.

Charioteer…: ***** wax Orion; Eternal fuel, donated them strength to my steeds pairs, that were raised over distant lands, to reach my Herreros desoldering the bars of Drestnia.

Blacksmith…: Our eyes closed every hundred kilometers, but Eurydice with your calendar, made the aphelion arrimara us this feat.

Ecos ...: Dust ..., Mito ... Dream ... illusion ... have swirled galloping millennia, wearing gray Borrasca ...!

What dark words illuminate the hopes, just below, it is well known that there is much to do, because there is more activity on the surface ...!

Judge…: Etréstles, Drestnia ... past, present, or future will speak of you.

18 E tr é stles

You Drestnia ... !, how long dream ..., defied your gothic vision, not move my neck to your neighbors, loved ensepulcrados in the first Fossilized Koumeterium.

Vitabión ...: Messolonghi lives up to all cemeteries in the world, where they loved their near them. But they do not know life here is more dynamic than in the world of their own.

Menopausal women ...My husband cry on my slab, because his infidelity caused me a bad venereum, which today has removed me from his life. The cries and cries for me ****** decline, all for being with another woman condemned me.

one curtain rises and leaves Funebrio; concelebrating priest all recent deaths ...

Funebrio ...: Woman when you cry my black clothes, cry black tears ...!

Your husband remains static, no movement, despite many kilometers to their own devices. Forbidden habit becomes, how tempting. But contestataria Mother Nature pours us their punishment.

Staktos ...: Friends kisses you give yourself, Where have posted ideations ...?

O dais to scatter everywhere the osculaciones they meet other mouths.

Ko umeterium MESSO LO Nghi 19

Etréstles ...: Everyone I ask do well to prepare your labors. Even so, his desire to hold my naughty pleas heart in this hour by the arrival of Drestnia.

The judge asks adjourn for the recess could then discuss strategies for future deaths.

Sepulcrero ...Lord Judge at the stepped eastern sector have buried an architect. We could ask your cooperation to Botsaris monument.

Judge…: All in good time. It will be done, does anyone want something narrow ...? -Drestnia raised his hand and asked ...:

Drestnia ...: With Etréstles in the last minutes of our lives, which extortioner once it is finished this monument, where our souls will be destined to remain here temporarily ... Messolonghi?

Judge…: General demented wars, take Etréstles the field of Lepanto, because there are stubborn souls who defy the vanquished souls ...

… and as for you, the benevolent Auriga take your soul colors of the sunset, to divide megatons of the Romantics, who along with Ghiberti, on some trunks of beautiful minerals, will anchor his best poems and hiperestésicas forward to outshine their suicides groups.

After the meeting, the attendees are removed, and Drestnia with Etréstles go to spring the celestial napa

twenty E tr é stles

with its golden glow waiting to sail to Tangier and Morocco. In their ships were concurrent, Etréstles woman carrying her ribcage navigation oriented towards the sound of the oars that were the femurs of a Diplodocus itself.

ROUGH SAMPLE  - Metaphysic Poem besed upon a 1000 Bc. Etrestles of Kalavrita, greek hero, living through 10 lices, recommence a New Era.

Epic and Multidimensional poetic Ebook
come & enjoy, where you dont find..., stepout and see the Glory.

Jose Luis
kingjay May 2019
Sa lugar na malawak
mga paa ay di magawang makatongtong at nanatili lumulutang
Pangyayari na di kailanman magaganap

Kathang isip ay isalin
sa gawa at nang maging
ang kaganapan sa imahinasyon matutupad
Magpursigi sa gusto
Imahinasyon ay totoo

Sa pamamagitan ng patpat ay gumuhit sa lupa ng larawan
kung ano ang nakikita sa harapan
ay sandalan ng likuran

Lalangin ang layunin
na sa buhay ay may kahalagahan
sa bisyo't sugal kung nahahalina
Dumikit sa dating landas at kasaysayan

Pagmamahal na maging mito
Isang buang, tumatahol na aso
Di na isasalin pa
sa wika na nasnaw ng dila
Maaalala muli ang pagmamahal na di nagmamaliw
Ken Pepiton Feb 2019
Stupid question (what AI would star out s t u p i d?)

on the scale of stumbling over a marked stumblingstone

painted competition orange.

See, C. G. saw it this way,
men don't have ideas, ideas have men.

When the man with the hubris to try and lie
dies, his lie dies and rots to be re
covered for discovery when all the secrets are

dis covered under the sun where's no new thing,
not one.

in a man, this journey from concept to precept,
some steps take longer than others,

maybe a thousand rounds,
generations and generations and generations with

peacemakers squeezed into servant role
one wish genii suffering it to be so,

until the time appointed, or the
anointed app,
higher res translations figure an augmentatious
ference occurrent in sapience sapience with pre-

Gausian blur edges on all their own shadows of turning

do remember, we did imagine
veri f- were we magi?
we were, we were magi, I brought the frankincense.
I was seven, maybe six

We could do anything we put our mind to

if we got past the man in black
at the crossroad and
keep goin' west

this is the rest.
After alladat, there was this emergent story,

never told, but heard, of a wise man,
who saved a city and no one knew that same
wiseman's name. This is that game, that vocation,

Peacemaker. Ever last front
tier, at orchestra level,

too close to see the madding crowd
reach for guns,

this is crazy... we have nuclear weapons

obsolete nuclear weapons and some
****** fool would rather **** us all than
skip an upgrade cycle?

what? What if we all said,
sump'n like: I, individual me, I have no enemies,
so lovin'em ain't *****. My side won.

Bio war, fair. Like leaven shaken from re
jected dust, the fishermen's feet

stamped and let their peace be held,
suffer, carry your load, but

smarter, not harder.
Grace, for goodness sake, sake means

good will result from the doing by virtue
of giving an old tale of attitudes to be
having a listen...

I am a peace maker. I do this for the living.
I may die, now, with no fear,

once, before,
with no doubt, by virtue of a helmet I was given.

Now, double-minded, patient-balanced, light-burdened,
I run, or fly, with augmentations,

bended knee or wounded, why does that matter?
Mito-mom is not some relationship to others that you
take, by faith.
Know the story to tell the story,
no novices allowed to lie for innocense sake.

No story of warring ever ended happy, for all involved.

Salve for the scritchin' itches whicha
cain't seem t' be able
t' ignor,

raw rubbed flesh

Balm o'Gilead, by reason, for reason of reasonable
comparable qualia of ex

per i ence, one death trip, PIF. (Paid in Full)

Good new, right, right, right,

chirality is such a cool tool for all sorts of random
shithavanish as soon as you notice it, like

was that real? Hineni. Okeh. I knew.
The genius of peace.
The idea never dies, but some people never get it.
Good wins for ever, or we all die at the hand of an evil

so powerful that only indigestible bone level ideas
make it through the turbulence

at the final analy system re

proof. An imaginary pile of mystery woo woo
Plahnk splash

food for thought. Quantum mechanical possiblities
bubble from nowhere that ever was.

So free will is the best we could do. Be safe.
While titans are threating war all about me I peaced out, responsibly. Cohen snuck in a line.
Invitación al llanto.  Esto es un llanto,
      ojos, sin fin, llorando,
escombrera adelante, por las ruinas
        de innumerables días.
Ruinas que esparce un cero -autor de nadas,
obra del hombre-, un cero, cuando estalla.
Cayó ciega.  La soltó,
la soltaron, a seis mil
metros de altura, a las cuatro.
¿Hay ojos que le distingan
a la Tierra sus primores
desde tan alto?
¿Mundo feliz? ¿Tramas, vidas,
que se tejen, se destejen,
mariposas, hombres, tigres,
amándose y desamándose?
No. Geometría.  Abstractos
colores sin habitantes,
embuste liso de atlas.
Cientos de dedos del viento
una tras otra pasaban
las hojas
-márgenes de nubes blancas-
de las tierras de la Tierra,
vuelta cuaderno de mapas.
Y a un mapa distante, ¿quién
le tiene lástima? Lástima
de una pompa de jabón
irisada, que se quiebra;
o en la arena de la playa
un crujido, un caracol
sin querer, con la pisada. 
Pero esa altura tan alta
que ya no la quieren pájaros,
le ciega al querer su causa
con mil aires transparentes.
Invisibles se le vuelven
al mundo delgadas gracias:
La azucena y sus estambres,
colibríes y sus alas,
las venas que van y vienen,
en tierno azul dibujadas,
por un pecho de doncella.
¿Quién va a quererlas
si no se las ve de cerca?
Él hizo su obligación:
lo que desde veinte esferas
instrumentos ordenaban,
exactamente: soltarla
al momento justo.                                   Nada.
Al principio
no vio casi nada.  Una
mancha, creciendo despacio,
blanca, más blanca, ya cándida.
¿Arrebañados corderos?
¿Vedijas, copos de lana?
Eso sería...
¡Qué peso se le quitaba!
Eso sería: una imagen
que regresa.
Veinte años, atrás, un niño.
Él era un niño -allá atrás-
que en estíos campesinos
con los corderos jugaba
por el pastizal.  Carreras,
topadas, risas, caídas
de bruces sobre la grama,
tan reciente de rocío
que la alegría del mundo
al verse otra vez tan claro,
le refrescaba la cara.
Sí; esas blancuras de ahora,
allá abajo
en vellones dilatadas,
no pueden ser nada malo:
rebaños y más rebaños
serenísimos que pastan
en ancho mapa de tréboles.
Nada malo.  Ecos redondos
de aquella inocencia doble
veinte años atrás: infancia
triscando con el cordero
y retazos celestiales,
del sol niño con las nubes
que empuja, pastora, el alba.
detrás de tanta blancura
en la Tierra -no era mapa-
en donde el cero cayó,
el gran desastre empezaba.Muerto inicial y víctima primera:
lo que va a ser y expira en los umbrales
del ser. ¡Ahogado coro de inminencias!
Heráldicas palabras voladoras
-«¡pronto!», «¡en seguida!», «¡ya!»- nuncios de dichas
colman el aire, lo vuelven promesa.
Pero la anunciación jamás se cumple:
la que aguardaba el éxtasis, doncella,
se quedará en su orilla, para siempre
entre su cuerpo y Dios alma suspensa.
¡Qué de esparcidas ruinas de futuro
por todo alrededor, sin que se vean!
Primer beso de amantes incipientes.
¡Asombro! ¿Es obra humana tanto gozo?
¿Podrán los labios repetirlo?  Vuelan
hacia el segundo beso; más que beso,
claridad quieren, buscan la certeza
alegre de su don de hacer milagros
donde las bocas férvidas se encuentran.
¿ Por qué si ya los hálitos se juntan
los labios a posarse nunca llegan?
Tan al borde del beso, no se besan.
Obediente al ardor de un mediodía
la moza muerde ya la fruta nueva.
La boca anhela el más celado jugo;
del anhelo no pasa.  Se le niega
cuando el labio presiente su dulzura
la condensada dentro, primavera,
pulpas de mayo, azúcares de junio,
día a día sumados a la almendra.
Consumación feliz de tanta ruta,
último paso, amante, pie en el aire,
que trae amor adonde amor espera.
Tiembla Julieta de Romeos próximos,
ya abre el alma a Calixto, Melibea.
Pero el paso final no encuentra suelo.
¿Dónde, si se hunde el mundo en la tiniebla,
si ya es nada Verona, y si no hay huerto?
De imposibles se vuelve la pareja.
¿Y esa mano -¿de quién?-, la mano trunca
blanca, en el suelo, sin su brazo, huérfana,
que buscas en el rosal la única abierta,
y cuando ya la alcanza por el tallo
se desprende, dejándose a la rosa,
sin conocer los ojos de su dueña?
¡Cimeras alegrías tremolantes,
gozo inmediato, pasmo que se acerca:
la frase más difícil, la penúltima,
la que lleva, derecho, hasta el acierto,
perfección vislumbrada, nunca nuestra!
¡Imágenes que inclinan su hermosura
sobre espejos que nunca las reflejan!
¡Qué cadáver ingrávido: una mañana
que muere al filo de su aurora cierta!
Vísperas son capullos. Sí, de dichas;
sí, de tiempo, futuros en capullos.
¡Tan hermosas, las vísperas!
                                                          ¡Y muertas!¿Se puede hacer más daño, allí en la Tierra?
Polvo que se levanta de la ruina,
humo del sacrificio, vaho de escombros
dice que sí se puede.  Que hay más pena.
Vasto ayer que se queda sin presente,
vida inmolada en aparentes piedras.
¡Tanto afinar la gracia de los fustes
contra la selva tenebrosa alzados
de donde el miedo viene al alma, pánico!
Junto a un altar de azul, de ola y espuma,
el pensar y la piedra se desposan;
el mármol, que era blanco, es ya blancura.
Alborean columnas por el mundo,
ofreciéndole un orden a la aurora.
No terror, calma pura da este bosque,
de noble savia pórtico.
Vientos y vientos de dos mil otoños
con hojas de esta selva inmarcesible
quisieran aumentar sus hojarascas.
Rectos embisten, curvas les engañan.
Sin botín huyen. ¿Dónde está su fronda?
No pájaros, sus copas, procesiones
de doncellas mantienen en lo alto,
que atraviesan el tiempo, sin moverse.
Este espacio que no era más que espacio
a nadie dedicado, aire en vacío,
la lenta cantería lo redime
piedras poniendo, de oro, sobre piedras,
de aquella indiferencia sin plegaria.
Fiera luz, la del sumo mediodía,
claridad, toda hueca, de tan clara
va aprendiendo, ceñida entre altos muros
mansedumbres, dulzuras; ya es misterio.
Cantan coral callado las ojivas.
Flechas de alba cruzan por los santos
incorpóreos, no hieren, les traen vida
de colores.  La noche se la quita.
La bóveda, al cerrarse abre más cielo.
Y en la hermosura vasta de estos límites
siente el alma que nada la termina.
Tierra sin forma, pobre arcilla; ahora
el torno la conduce hasta su auge:
suave concavidad, nido de dioses.
Poseidón, Venus, Iris, sus siluetas
en su seno se posan.  A esta crátera
ojos, siempre sedientos, a abrevarse
vienen de agua de mito, inagotable.
Guarda la copa en este fondo oscuro
callado resplandor, eco de Olimpo.
Frágil materia es, mas se acomodan
los dioses, los eternos, en su círculo.
Y así, con lentitud que no descansa,
por las obras del hombre se hace el tiempo
profusión fabulosa.  Cuando rueda
el mundo, tesorero, va sumando
-en cada vuelta gana una hermosura-
a belleza de ayer, belleza inédita.
Sobre sus hombros gráciles las horas
dádivas imprevistas acarrean.
¿Vida?  Invención, hallazgo, lo que es
hoy a las cuatro, y a las tres no era.
Gozo de ver que si se marchan unas
trasponiendo la ceja de la tarde,
por el nocturno alcor otras se acercan.
Tiempo, fila de gracias que no cesa.
¡Qué alegría, saber que en cada hora
algo que está viniendo nos espera!
Ninguna ociosa, cada cual su don;
ninguna avara, todo nos lo entregan.
Por las manos que abren somos ricos
y en el regazo, Tierra, de este mundo
dejando van sin pausa
novísimos presentes: diferencias.
¿Flor?  Flores. ¡Qué sinfín de flores, flor!
Todo, en lo igual, distinto: primavera.
Cuando se ve la Tierra amanecerse
se siente más feliz.  La luz que llega
a estrecharle las obras que este día
la acrece su plural. ¡Es más diversa!El cero cae sobre ellas.
Ya no las veo, a las muchas,
las bellísimas, deshechas,
en esa desgarradora
unidad que las confunde,
en la nada, en la escombrera.
Por el escombro busco yo a mis muertos;
más me duele su ser tan invisibles.
Nadie los ve: lo que se ve son formas
truncas; prodigios eran, singulares,
que retornan, vencidos, a su piedra.
Muertos añosos, muertos a lo lejos,
cadáveres perdidos,
en ignorado osario perfecciona
la Tierra, lentamente, su esqueleto.
Su muerte fue hace mucho.  Esperanzada
en no morir, su muerte. Ánima dieron
a masas que yacían en canteras.
Muchas piedras llenaron de temblores.
Mineral que camina hacia la imagen,
misteriosa tibieza, ya corriendo
por las vetas del mármol,
cuando, curva tras curva, se le empuja
hacia su más, a ser pecho de ninfa.
Piedra que late así con un latido
de carne que no es suya, entra en el juego
-ruleta son las horas y los días-:
el jugarse a la nada, o a lo eterno
el caudal de sus formas confiado:
el alma de los hombres, sus autores.
Si es su bulto de carne fugitivo,
ella queda detrás, la salvadora
roca, hija de sus manos, fidelísima,
que acepta con marmóreo silencio
augusto compromiso: eternizarlos.
Menos morir, morir así: transbordo
de una carne terrena a bajel pétreo
que zarpa, sin más aire que le impulse
que un soplo, al expirar, último aliento.
Travesía que empieza, rumbo a siempre;
la brújula no sirve, hay otro norte
que no confía a mapas su secreto;
misteriosos pilotos invisibles,
desde tumbas los guían, mareantes
por aguja de fe, según luceros.
Balsa de dioses, ánfora.
Naves de salvación con un polícromo
velamen de vidrieras, y sus cuentos
mármol, que flota porque vista de Venus.
Naos prodigiosas, sin cesar hendiendo
inmóviles, con proas tajadoras
auroras y crepúsculos, espumas
del tumbo de los años; años, olas
por los siglos alzándose y rompiendo.
Peripecia suprema día y noche,
navegar tesonero
empujado por racha que no atregua:
negación del morir, ansia de vida,
dando sus velas, piedras, a los vientos.
Armadas extrañísimas de afanes,
galeras, no de vivos, no de muertos,
tripulaciones de querencias puras,
incansables remeros,
cada cual con su remo, lo que hizo,
soñando en recalar en la celeste
ensenada segura, la que está
detrás, salva, del tiempo.¡Y todos, ahora, todos,
qué naufragio total, en este escombro!
No tibios, no despedazados miembros
me piden compasión, desde la ruina:
de carne antigua voz antigua, oigo.
Desgarrada blancura, torso abierto,
aquí, a mis pies, informe.
Fue ninfa geométrica, columna.
El corazón que acaban de matarle,
Leucipo, pitagórico,
calculador de sueños, arquitecto,
de su pecho lo fue pasando a mármoles.
Y así, edad tras edad, en estas cándidas
hijas de su diseño
su vivir se salvó.  Todo invisible,
su pálpito y su fuego.
Y ellas abstractos bultos se fingían,
pura piedra, columnas sin misterio.
Más duelo, más allá: serafín trunco,
ángel a trozos, roto mensajero.
Quebrada en seis pedazos
sonrisa, que anunciaba, por el suelo.
Entre el polvo guedejas
de rubia piedra, pelo tan sedeño
que el sol se lo atusaba a cada aurora
con sus dedos primeros.
Alas yacen usadas a lo altísimo,
en barro acaba su plumaje célico.
(A estas plumas del ángel desalado
encomendó su vuelo
sobre los siglos el hermano Pablo,
dulce monje cantero).
Sigo escombro adelante, solo, solo.
Hollando voy los restos
de tantas perfecciones abolidas.
Años, siglos, por siglos acudieron
aquí, a posarse en ellas; rezumaban
arcillas o granitos,
linajes de humedad, frescor edénico.
No piso la materia; en su pedriza
piso al mayor dolor, tiempo deshecho.
Tiempo divino que llegó a ser tiempo
poco a poco, mañana tras su aurora,
mediodía camino de su véspero,
estío que se junta con otoño,
primaveras sumadas al invierno.
Años que nada saben de sus números,
llegándose, marchándose sin prisa,
sol que sale, sol puesto,
artificio diario, lenta rueda
que va subiendo al hombre hasta su cielo.
Piso añicos de tiempo.
Camino sobre anhelos hechos trizas,
sobre los días lentos
que le costó al cincel llegar al ángel;
sobre ardorosas noches,
con el ardor ardidas del desvelo
que en la alta madrugada da, por fin,
con el contorno exacto de su empeño...
Hollando voy las horas jubilares:
triunfo, toque final, remate, término
cuando ya, por constancia o por milagro,
obra se acaba que empezó proyecto.
Lo que era suma en un instante es polvo.
¡Qué derroche de siglos, un momento!
No se derrumban piedras, no, ni imágenes;
lo que se viene abajo es esa hueste
de tercos defensores de sus sueños.
Tropa que dio batalla a las milicias
mudas, sin rostro, de la nada; ejército
que matando a un olvido cada día
conquistó lentamente los milenios.
Se abre por fin la tumba a que escaparon;
les llega aquí la muerte de que huyeron.
Ya encontré mi cadáver, el que lloro.
Cadáver de los muertos que vivían
salvados de sus cuerpos pasajeros.
Un gran silencio en el vacío oscuro,
un gran polvo de obras, triste incienso,
canto inaudito, funeral sin nadie.
Yo sólo le recuerdo, al impalpable,
al NO dicho a la muerte, sostenido
contra tiempo y marea: ése es el muerto.
Soy la sombra que busca en la escombrera.
Con sus siete dolores cada una
mil soledades vienen a mi encuentro.
Hay un crucificado que agoniza
en desolado Gólgota de escombros,
de su cruz separado, cara al cielo.
Como no tiene cruz parece un hombre.
Pero aúlla un perro, un infinito perro
-inmenso aullar nocturno ¿desde dónde?-,
voz clamante entre ruinas por su Dueño.
andrew juma Jan 2016
Hapa ndipo umenifikisha
Umalenga na ujopo
Wa kiingereza tulimudu
lakini kiswahili kitamu
**** la mama litamu
Hata liwe la mbwa

Kimombo kilaini majineno
Kama mayai ya johari
Kuangaza mitima halaiki
Namshukuru Rabuka
Kwa talanta ya kuandika

Tukaumba kwa maneno
Waumbaji nikawaunga
Kama yeye Mungu,
Nguvu za maneno kat'tunukia

Uwezo wa karana hii
Kuwateka akilizo
Nyika na mito kuwavusha
Hadi sayari za ndoto zao
Uswahilini narudi mie
Kitamu kwelikweli

Nashukuru Maulana
Kipaji nilipata
Naye ataniauni
Dau langu lifike kilindini
Nitue kileleni

Niangaze kama Zuhura
Hapa ndipo nimefika
Umalenga na ujopo
N'taukumbatia milele
Kwa Kiswahili na kimombo

Mitima zao kusisimua.
Standby for translation...
¡Jee, compañero, jee, jee!
¡Un toro azul por el agua!
¡Ya apenas si se le ve!

-¡Un toro por el mar, jee!
Ken Pepiton Sep 2022
Analog, anabasis… trip, short, burn the bug to carbon dust…

Seeking in my treasury of books, pared down to ones with personal attachments,
- I sought a Welsh-English pocket dictionary, gifted me
- by a taller and older, by experience, Overmeyer… Bob,
- but he was one of a few in the corp, band of brothers,
- who sang along with me, when he heard me humm,
- he knew the words, worth-ship fixing words, yes,
- we shall gather at the river that flows by the throne of truth. Mmmmhmm, so we shall see, so we shall see,
Oldman river, you know,
you wait, and wait, fishin' wishin' cogitations got from *** go,
known good, known evil, and evil comes for effect, not cause,
clean up, aisle five
hell, in a target store. And a Walmart, #26.
-- I recognized the anti particle, passing through either or,
becoming here, from there, your thinking my thinking,

wall of text, in your current context, this wall has hat

hooks to insights marked pertinent someday, in the wide ocean
at the end of any river mind me and error master,
as awareness, meandering as all fluids do.
Aligning in honed most saline crystaline form, as
current opinions shapened from dust and ash originally,
then spit the idea out as a word,
matter… mater, really, bottom first bit, was realized after
paterialization falled to manifest self reproduction…
patterned thought, fabrication, plane geometry… which we
as a team, a man and his tools, gunslinger, plus accoutrements.

Yep. Adam, did not work alone. The egg was first. He named eggs.
And chickens, full of eggs, no, hope, and chaos, nada mas…
- morals from old stories, we had lost all hold on those…
Stepmothers after The Hundred Years war, like as not was
first slave, with only obey believed enforce,
as far as
holy vows spoke allowed, but in a whisper…
hear us,
old folk, we scatterbrained old rockers by the fireplace
listen, this is living, right.
Pursue haps as haps occur, in thinking one thing or this other,

Our kind, fixed position ears perpindicularly augmenting per-
iferal vision, if, just, if. Immeasuarable meanings, justice, yes,

we settled at that point. All the Promises - in any living faith,
even dying proves life is a chance, we all go through it, and some leave marks, while others leave a heart felt
oxitocin, not cotin, red on yellow, **** a fellow, -tocin. Oxitocin,

Rush!- Kettle DRUM after a cello up run, or an old familiar rif,
Goin' up country, ' bought a map for a dime,
from a time lain aside in book, as I was seeking that Welsh word for these experience in side, feeling inside, but being mere, yes, not a limiting adjectival modification, on a word, intended to soothe,

NOT ******, soothe, as said of gentle rolling seas, calm as constant as Jupiter's ever near there, right there, red spot, there,
that is an anomoly, yet, there are those who claim clarity, that

Red spot, Ted-talk phaze, ease in, get a buzz, mmmm, slow, slow

whoa, so slow, what difference can plain-people, just us,
can we ever just know, this is the way, no obstacles,
and we leave trails, and trails widen, and widen, and widen,

wide as the milky way as seen from North Korea.
What a blessing, right?
--- God made these chickens we are eating,

no, child we selected these big red hens, people, like us, we can
know how earthly goods grow and we can help, as gard'ners,
retired guardians and priests can, make soil richer,
by leaven from the native soil,
fresh after fire, sparks the bloom

Patience, paid close attention, over time,
pay is as interest always is, compounding…
complex knots
slipping infinite loops generation systems
spinning straw to gold, bricks to build a tower…

to grow mustard into brocolli and cauliflower, prosper-o

we can engineer squash blossuming
be.. not spelch-pstpst-offt-listen,
- laughing
in my home are children, aged 6 to 13, across a seven year gap…
in my home with complete 5G internal Wifi, with cable
- copper, ah
- the humm, copper wire interference, acceptible as soft
- sub-spectra sfumati self-edged,- cut from whole cloth
Con, is with, fuse, is
blown… but, click, we are past that, where I live, on a pension.
I survived an oath in a war. And in America, the we, as
represented in Congress after Korea, and UCMJ, reach, reach,
- remember the ears that read, need to know
right, MP talk, uniform, all the exact same alignment and weave… for forsake, forsooth, forgotten gains, -- un-fore-gotten
upright walking, living concept, Phoebe Zeitgeist
- she made a word nest in my mind, on March 16, 1968.
- On a Douglas Flying Tiger insertion mission,
Flying to a foreign land more foreign than any thus far, redux.

Surreal stepped up to real, realms of preception, Metaverse/
uniform code under it all, we wished for this, can we, can we,

please, walk back in and watch the shadows morph to home sized I-max with true-fi dolby optimized to your very own, humanity
verified self--
- eyes up, look where we were when ever, then be come you now known as dear reader, responsibility free, cookie or no?
Be any mind you find you can wear with no wish to lie,
the wrong mind set with the ears and eyes, and we cannot lie…
you lose.
The whole ritual of prayer and supersites, tics, ****. We glow…

once illegal exposure
confidential, super-secret, super-positioned tyrannical systems,

whole cloth leprosy, black mold to dust time sequence…
-- such minds as fed us Elliot and Thorough Error-prone Poses,

as seen from the repressed mind of an unassimulated inate-ifity,
We are none of us, Adam sons, his model had nor repro circuits.

Hey, once there had to be something akin to ****** birth,
really, mitochondria developed virally, just fine, so, so fine,

imagine, we got the cell, a wall, with enzyme will efforts on the doors, we open to need, and useful matter is accepted,
as in another phase we open to expel the uselesshit, which then fills the red corpuscles, which use iron to hold the load.

Flushing blushing bride, Mito-mom, her daughters, imagine…

trackless wasteland, aftermath of minor miscalculation
in the dancing cosmos, whirling
whiling, smiling

I made it. 2022, Everest Pax, is the real name
of my youngest grand son, who randomly
reassures me he loves me, as though he wishes me
to not let that slip, naturally, his version of me is fragile,

what he imagines I am can disappear, in a day,
like Uncle Mike, and Uncle Dennis, and Uncle Richard,
and Uncle Remus…
none of whom were alive, when Everest Pax was named,
by his mother, with no input from me, save
the covenant aspect in the who gives this wombed man…
common pagan ritual adapted to post-Jesus Christ-sanity.

X-mas, nada mas. Agree, and take the cookie,
or risk another death,
on the real wrong battlefield… Well, what the hell… hero
or legend in my mind, thinking, what would any who do?
Raw raw raw
Sophia Margarita Sep 2018
Lo que muchos creen
que es solo un mito
otros notan
lo asombroso que llega a ser.
Están abiertos a el
y lo reciben como es.
Para otros, en cambio
no es tan fácil aceptarlo.
Lo desprecian y malinterpretan.
Pero cuando les aparece,
no lo alejan si no que lo aceptan.
Descubren, al igual que los demás,
lo asombroso que llega a ser.
No se sabe que es algo real
y que es lo irreal,
ya que todos tienen realidades diferentes.
Lo que sucede,
es que ahora mismo
para mi,
ese sentimiento,
que me hace volar,
me hace ir a otro planeta,
y explorar,
es tan real
como cuando vemos
a una estrella tintinear.
Ya no es un mito,
aunque para mi nunca lo fue,
solo que me lo probaron
más temprano de lo que pensé.
A trastear, Hélpide dulce, escampas,
cómo quedamos de tan quedarnos.
      Hoy vienes apenas me he levantado.
El establo está divinamente meado
y excrementido por la vaca inocente
y el inocente asno y el gallo inocente.
      Penetra en la maría ecuménica.
Oh sangabriel, haz que conciba el alma,
el sin luz amor, el sin cielo,
lo más piedra, lo más nada,
                                          hasta la ilusión monarca.
      Quemaremos todas las naves!
Quemaremos la última esencia!
      Mas si se ha de sufrir de mito a mito,
y a hablarme llegas masticando hielo,
mastiquemos brasas,
ya no hay dónde bajar,
ya no hay dónde subir.
      Se ha puesto el gallo incierto, hombre.
Uma casca solta, prisioneira de uma falha perfeita,
Perfeitos são o mitos, aos olhos de gente fechada,
Explicações são fraquezas, de acções de fachada.
Não sei mais quantas vezes eu repetirei, a ceita!

O peixe escorregadio, que vadio desaguou do mar,
Se esconde na toca do Coelho, que é toca desafeita,
Num segredo moribundo, de computador de aldeães,
Segundo um mito motar de um braço partido ao luar!

Essa vaquinha que pastou, pintada de vermelho corado,
Desfeita tantas vezes no pasto, moribundo da praia vazia,
Era apenas um segredo, pintado nas veias do tal marado,
Que mais ligada que a mentira à realidade, produzida, diria!

Que se fodam os mitos, que se lixe o correto, porque certo?
Estou eu, e eu, segundo os mitos que considero correctos,
Não tiro nem ponho, continuo caminho fora, boquiaberto,
Enquanto penso, na esperteza dos enxames concretos!

Na sementeira alheia, vanguardeira cairá tão perto,
Seu ***** espaço de terra, de um vazio moribundo,
E eu cumprida a missão, estarei bem melhor decerto,
Porque tudo como nada, tem um preço de vinda ao mundo!

Escolhas guardadas comigo, desde o dia que nasci,
Cabe ao meu cérebro processar o dia, é costume,
Que de tão leve vive meu lume, que ela não teme,
Limpeza de água, que cai e faz fumo, e aprendeu!
Autor: António Benigno

Código de autor: 2013.
Yo que sólo canté de la exquisita
partitura del íntimo decoro,
alzo hoy la voz a la mitad del foro
a la manera del tenor que imita
la gutural modulación del bajo
para cortar a la epopeya un gajo.
Navegaré por las olas civiles
con remos que no pesan, porque van
como los brazos del correo chuan
que remaba la Mancha con fusiles.
Diré con una épica sordina:
la Patria es impecable y diamantina.
Suave Patria: permite que te envuelva
en la más honda música de selva
con que me modelaste por entero
al golpe cadencioso de las hachas,
entre risas y gritos de muchachas
y pájaros de oficio carpintero.Patria: tu superficie es el maíz,
tus minas el palacio del Rey de Oros,
y tu cielo, las garzas en desliz
y el relámpago verde de los loros.
El Niño Dios te escrituró un establo
y los veneros del petróleo el diablo.
Sobre tu Capital, cada hora vuela
ojerosa y pintada, en carretela;
y en tu provincia, del reloj en vela
que rondan los palomos colipavos,
las campanadas caen como centavos.
Patria: tu mutilado territorio
se viste de percal y de abalorio.
Suave Patria: tu casa todavía
es tan grande, que el tren va por la vía
como aguinaldo de juguetería.
Y en el barullo de las estaciones,
con tu mirada de mestiza, pones
la inmensidad sobre los corazones.
¿Quién, en la noche que asusta a la rana,
no miró, antes de saber del vicio,
del brazo de su novia, la galana
pólvora de los juegos de artificio?
Suave Patria: en tu tórrido festín
luces policromías de delfín,
y con tu pelo rubio se desposa
el alma, equilibrista chuparrosa,
y a tus dos trenzas de tabaco sabe
ofrendar aguamiel toda mi briosa
raza de bailadores de jarabe.
Tu barro suena a plata, y en tu puño
su sonora miseria es alcancía;
y por las madrugadas del terruño,
en calles como espejos se vacía
el santo olor de la panadería.
Cuando nacemos, nos regalas notas,
después, un paraíso de compotas,
y luego te regalas toda entera
suave Patria, alacena y pajarera.
Al triste y al feliz dices que sí,
que en tu lengua de amor prueben de ti
la picadura del ajonjolí.
¡Y tu cielo nupcial, que cuando truena
de deleites frenéticos nos llena!
Trueno de nuestras nubes, que nos baña
de locura, enloquece a la montaña,
requiebra a la mujer, sana al lunático,
incorpora a los muertos, pide el Viático,
y al fin derrumba las madererías
de Dios, sobre las tierras labrantías.
Trueno del temporal: oigo en tus quejas
crujir los esqueletos en parejas,
oigo lo que se fue, lo que aún no toco
y la hora actual con su vientre de coco.
Y oigo en el brinco de tu ida y venida,
oh trueno, la ruleta de mi vida.                (Cuauhtémoc)Joven abuelo: escúchame loarte,
único héroe a la altura del arte.
Anacrónicamente, absurdamente,
a tu nopal inclínase el rosal;
al idioma del blanco, tú lo imantas
y es surtidor de católica fuente
que de responsos llena el victorial
zócalo de cenizas de tus plantas.
No como a César el rubor patricio
te cubre el rostro en medio del suplicio;
tu cabeza desnuda se nos queda,
hemisféricamente de moneda.
Moneda espiritual en que se fragua
todo lo que sufriste: la piragua
prisionera , al azoro de tus crías,
el sollozar de tus mitologías,
la Malinche, los ídolos a nado,
y por encima, haberte desatado
del pecho curvo de la emperatriz
como del pecho de una codorniz.Suave Patria: tú vales por el río
de las virtudes de tu mujerío.
Tus hijas atraviesan como hadas,
o destilando un invisible alcohol,
vestidas con las redes de tu sol,
cruzan como botellas alambradas.
Suave Patria: te amo no cual mito,
sino por tu verdad de pan bendito;
como a niña que asoma por la reja
con la blusa corrida hasta la oreja
y la falda bajada hasta el huesito.
Inaccesible al deshonor, floreces;
creeré en ti, mientras una mejicana
en su tápalo lleve los dobleces
de la tienda, a las seis de la mañana,
y al estrenar su lujo, quede lleno
el país, del aroma del estreno.
Como la sota moza, Patria mía,
en piso de metal, vives al día,
de milagros, como la lotería.
Tu imagen, el Palacio Nacional,
con tu misma grandeza y con tu igual
estatura de niño y de dedal.
Te dará, frente al hambre y al obús,
un higo San Felipe de Jesús.
Suave Patria, vendedora de chía:
quiero raptarte en la cuaresma opaca,
sobre un garañón, y con matraca,
y entre los tiros de la policía.
Tus entrañas no niegan un asilo
para el ave que el párvulo sepulta
en una caja de carretes de hilo,
y nuestra juventud, llorando, oculta
dentro de ti el cadáver hecho poma
de aves que hablan nuestro mismo idioma.
Si me ahogo en tus julios, a mí baja
desde el vergel de tu peinado denso
frescura de rebozo y de tinaja,
y si tirito, dejas que me arrope
en tu respiración azul de incienso
y en tus carnosos labios de rompope.
Por tu balcón de palmas bendecidas
el Domingo de Ramos, yo desfilo
lleno de sombra, porque tú trepidas.
Quieren morir tu ánima y tu estilo,
cual muriéndose van las cantadoras
que en las ferias, con el bravío pecho
empitonando la camisa, han hecho
la lujuria y el ritmo de las horas.
Patria, te doy de tu dicha la clave:
sé siempre igual, fiel a tu espejo diario;
cincuenta veces es igual el AVE
taladrada en el hilo del rosario,
y es más feliz que tú, Patria suave.
Sé igual y fiel; pupilas de abandono;
sedienta voz, la trigarante faja
en tus pechugas al vapor; y un trono
a la intemperie, cual una sonaja:
la carretera alegórica de paja.
Adrián Poveda Sep 2015
35 días  22 tardes soleadas 8 nubladas y 5 con lluvia.

Y es como hacer un puente separar la mente del tiempo esconder los martes del calendario y aproximar las noches del verano, para ver si pasa más rápido la ráfaga de tu recuerdo.

Contemplo la posibilidad de ser un mito,  ir de boca en boca cambiando de forma, estar entre la lluvia sin bacilar y sin empaparme de tus misterios.

Probablemente especulo demasiado tal vez el tiempo es ambivalente que hace mella en mi cuerpo pero engrandece mi mente, aunque en este cuarto pequeño yo haga un puente entre tu recuerdo y 35 días sin verte.
Copyright © 2015 Adrián Poveda All Rights Reserved
Marco Raimondi Jun 2017
O sol, fadando aos seus desmaios,
Em falta de luz aureolava
A face natura com seus distantes raios;
A areia qual aos clarões brilhava,
Neste sol d'agora dorme junto às figueiras
Às terras, aos vales, às distantes matas altaneiras

Gaia, que nas folhas de carvalho
Rompe a escuridão do céu vultuoso
E jorra em seu corpo as águas d'orvalho
Cobre-se, nas horas, d'um véu moroso;
Quando olham ao zênite, estrelas podem ver
Como áureo tesouro a na escuridão se irromper

Por este turvo azul sidéreo,
Entre as florestas tem-se o canto,
E dos troncos retorcidos, um mistério
Cuja noite predomina em seu encanto,
Cobrindo as nuvens do olhar,
Com seu etéreo resplendor lunar

Divagam as almas que dormem
E divagam as que repousam, sob o sentir de fantasia
As mais atormentadas, que de sonhos envolvem,
Veem nos vastos pesadelos dores de uma visão sombria;
Se em prantos, quando dormem, não podem culminar
Vezes quebram, em gritos e desatino, um longo calar

Destes prantos, cujas lágrimas caem nas profundezas
Ressoam em uma perdição do infinito
Entoando pérolas e cânticos desta proeza
Que é constituir, no espírito, o próprio mito;
Tudo não mais cintila, Gaia se cobre,
Os olhos da matéria se fecham após tanto obre

Enfim, fez-se da natureza uma realidade escrava
Na qual os dias, tão somente o tempo envenena
Mas Gaia, quando os serenos campos lava
A realidade, a mudança é ela quem condena,
À miséria dos povos, as glórias, a graça
Tudo é ao tempo, que a natureza trespassa

O lar dos sentires se silencia sob aurora
Todos desprezos, amores e outros enganos
Agrados, estupores, inclemências de outrora
Contiguamente extinguem-se, ao eclipsar dos raios meridianos
O som enleia as serranias noturnas
Sussurrando longínqua a madrugada soturna

É a glória do Destino! Ânsia abissal e dolorida,
Aprisionando a natureza em seu prazer de ilusão
Subitamente, em brumas, um estirpe que é vida
Das lembranças renovadas, canções d'uma visão
Logo o sol nascerá em amplitude
E clarear-se-á o dia em suas virtudes

Idália, a vaguear nos cúmulos imaginários
Vê as estrelas em umedecidos rochedos
A ecoarem devaneios visionários
As névoas quais, do delírio, são divinos segredos,
Empíreo enigma, perpetua-se em infinita imensidade,
Que há de trovejar os pensamentos na obscura eternidade
Julia Jaros Nov 2016
Eu estrago o perfeito.
Acabo com o infinito.
Transformo a realidade em mito.

Digo as palavras erradas mesmo dizendo as certas.
Escrevo cartas rasgadas e as envio abertas.

Rabisco palavras bonitas.
E no lugar coloco feridas.
Você vai se acostumar.
No meu mar eu vou te afogar.

Você tenta me erguer e eu te puxo.
Tenta compreender e eu fujo.
Tenta fugir e eu rujo.
Sou um animal selvagem e sujo.

Eu cresci errado.

Eu sorri errado.

Eu menti errado.

Eu senti errado.

Mas me conta, qual a sensação de ser amado?
Ken Pepiton Sep 2021
-a bit of the main hero myth -

but the legend said I would, and by now,
you think
maybe so, maybe al in real is al in always?

and we begun, to think the bubble biggering thing a
gain a
here there a
we informed, an afform-firm
conformative decision, says the story
telling me, to tell you all, we
told you,
so, who due you owe? Define Devine then sift love
from the mix,
mere words
ha and sounds mmm hmmm ok tic
we talk
you talk,
we talk unalienable rightmtruetoo, 'botchew
How? civil servant say, how we lie?

whispers laughs ear to earl laughs aloud

your god in the stars, gives you kings, you say
kings is a dangoodway, to rule with just
one lie, the entire idea and the way
to teach it so all stand under it
until death pay each full worth
of every counted for something idle word
realways to develop the character, wise one,

kingslayer, -{argh- we be makers of peace, y'twist}

strait up made sacred, squeeze through the clench
tightjibbs beesinteeth big olgrin, not a smile
a grimace,

I have miles to go before I sleep…

but that would leave me at the mercy, ah
ha, right we as words used to hold the satellite-ical
logos, systems,
certainly some are better than others in terms,
terms themselves per se, yo se, such easy knowing
we all know the lies about god
are not being told by those who asked
help with unbelief.

What a relief. Enough. Just enough
to know,
orchids are good as mistletoe, in the ganzgestalt

Book of Life, which holds all the imagined ones,
sets of ways we can imagine

becoming from, y'know,
where I'm from, where a mind is made up, matters,
materially, however, we here,
acknowledge good in all its ways, it's as if the good
quantum level good
down at the base
re as on,
if off is re
versatile, a stairway, eh, a stile over the wall,
no need to take down the wall, it may have a role,
like one of those domino shows,
10,000, manhours, zip-thasitclickity click and done
or failed,
maybe this wall that holds the last fret to let go,
ject, right, once more, throw it all away, and watch
the good stuff keep comin' back sayin',

Horton say you hear us, we ai, ain't d-ai-d, or
afraid, we jes' old
and filled with buckets of lists of all the things we never did.

- ah, me, cool
- see, in egypt to get the best out of life after death,
- you staid ready to say, a whole long list of I did not do that’s
- and if the list of things you did not do
- is long enough, as you write it in practice scrolls of con
- fession pro forma
disconnects you from finding true rest, no worries, fret not
no *******,

that ain't the kind of peace terminals we make up, as minds
accepted, like a hat, pick the wish you were,
wear the hat, walk the walk, do the talk,
it's TV Sci-fi, fi simper, semper fi  - no lie, a good story,

makes a mass audience in tune to common sense, as
hot and cold,
light and dark,
pull and push,
twist and shout, work it on out, it is
oh yeah
your salvation, do it now, did we miss a beat, was there a hell
somebody never made shut yo' lyin' mind

old man, go home
ask truth-its-ownsel,f tell you what lies you leave be true,
you true believer, be
doin' some listen to yo'self say what you know, you don't.
Ask truth what lie you b'lieve.
You know, you don't. You know, you don't. Forever,
yet, beyond the shadow of that,
here, earth post 2020, we all saw we all are human, by
all the names of terms we all use
to say I know them, their cousins back to mito mom
our whole internal energy distribution system
links us- yeseyesyes- any bleeding mortal reader on earth
is linked to all bleeding mortal readers on earth
and in where radio code can be decoded
mind in matter-real struggle for reality, look spot
blind, see, I never did that test for the fifteen degree blind zone.

Face to face, I know a clenching grimace when I make one.

It ios finished, flushit. That real human
is the actual good that
ties us at the base of all we ever knew, it is true,
science in good con
good con
science is just
like religion, formation of a following explanatory story,
is what comes next, unless we do
the right

Use the dowry? Touch the Principle Thing, oh my GOD
can you imagine, as in
Beulah land, of corn and wine all its riches freely MINE

eeeee ohdledee odledeeee ooo

-- and nextime the hillbilly baby momma goes to
tell her cousin of the conditions associated with this
pragnanz gnosis, super secret, you cannot say john.

Sure, you name your kid John, mine has a thousand names al-
rea-ah ready
and just as many faces,

and the babe kicked, she said,
in the spirit
that kick

little startle response no excuse, no sense of déjà vu,

that's common.
It comes down in sheets. Let downs,
from heaven.
I may miss this, I may stay away long enough to entertain a strange idea claiming to be related... to the story... as it forms
Serafeim Blazej Dec 2016
Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele é o rei das flechas
O príncipe e o próprio monarca
Ele é o último pássaro humano

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele possui olhos pálidos
E canta como um rouxinol
Ele vai te enfeitiçar e atar

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele me prendeu ao seu coração azul
Meu lar é mais frio que gelo
Eu, que um dia, fui uma fênix

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele é o vilão de muitas lendas
Eu sou seu prisioneiro em todas elas
Inclusive em meu próprio mito

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Eu fui seduzido por sua tristeza e solidão
Eu fui enganado por suas lágrimas
Eu fui preso por seus lábios

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
E nunca serei livre
Meu coração foi tomado de mim
Pelo garoto de cabelos negros
Escrito em 13/12/2016.
É um presente.
Ainda sou ontem um espasmo em flores abundantes
Sou voz em noite no silêncio limite
Sou ser em curvas para o infinito de vermelhas luxúrias
Sou visão balbuciante & gritos
Ainda sou sempre no espaço presente
Sou micro-vácuo buscando a partida precipitada do fim
Sou andarilho descalço nos jardins do horizonte
Sou emanação do abscôndito mítico mistério
                                                                  Sou longe
Ainda sou hoje febre poética do fogo
Sou raiz aquém do líquen ardoso
Sou litígio pecado & asas sem ar
Sou brilho abstrato & ser viagem às sombras platônicas
Ainda sou ontem um vôo futuro
Sou vício perdido em tormentos astrais
Sou real transcendência entregue à musa
Sou consciência da angústia do (eterno) re-torno
“...& em tudo há profecia se sou eterno”
Mi Lu
mi lubidulia
mi golocidalove
mi lu tan luz tan tu que me enlucielabisma
y descentratelura
y venusafrodea
y me nirvana el suyo la crucis los desalmes
con sus melimeleos
sus eropsiquisedas sus decúbitos lianas y dermiferios limbos y
mi lu
mi luar
mi mito
demonoave dea rosa
mi pez hada
mi luvisita nimia
mi lubísnea
mi lu más lar
más lampo
mi pulpa lu de vértigo de galaxias de ***** de misterio
mi lubella lusola
mi total lu plevida
mi toda lu
Ken Pepiton Feb 2023
Artificial Art or Actual Intelligence

Wednesday, July 3, 2019
3:21 PM
A Warholian screen ing com-
prized of Ben Day dots and
Eddy Bernays ways and
means co-mitt-ee messages encode
ding ding
our baser nature to re

dangerous living, the massive multi player
virtual game

permanent war module

experience the old days, release
thy unbelief and find

the final next evil opposer allotted
to make up our
quotidian bit
of evil

sufficient to keep us watching,
still as stone. Are we not the gargoyles?

Do not we see all we are imagined to see,
asif you saw
as we see from
the flying buttresseees?

What did you imagine gargoyles depicted?
Messengers or guardians,
or both, but imaginary,

immaterial beings framing force fields we all agree
keep us safe
safe and sound found
solid, though we know solid is

not, really, the state we imagined it was.
How can I help seeing what is before my eyes,
axed Winston Smith

he was told,
reminded, as it is wont to be, after learning a lie is true,

It is not easy to become sane, {re-sane}

have you ever believed a matter for your own sake?
Sake is an old spoke word, alte sprache
you own it, do you not?
Your own sake?

Have you not done and can recall doing all things well?
Are you not a member, in good standing, of

The National Honor Society Facebook group?
Suffer it to be so, there are lies yet.
There are lie believers in our midst.

Put up with peace where you are, if you find
In sequence

All things working work to get here,
there is where all nonworking things went.

This is where my heart is working,
and my lungs,
and nerves and bones and sinyew
tying my

being to earth,
with its salty sea and wobbly orbit
It is al
ways where you last looktook
- Holden been seen
rooks were some birds, then some
gamespiece in a game of
actual thrones,
by damnif I'danoticed

it all works out, Don Draper said that
to Falstaff.

I see a man who is not happy the message being
what is this team of
I see saying to me? On TV? How

long has this gone on?
This noise in words and music surrounding me constantly my brain evolved
to watch tv with no screen as if this

were radio in the flow
of things
imagined green by R.W.Shambach, radio preacher
all surfaces in his heavenly city reflect green light

behind my mind is a melody from
some *******
TV Show aimed at me

For goodness sake,
some one questioned my saying
life's been good to me

life? with that unsaid, DOn't you mean Jesus?

dripping in the tone.
Life truth and way, i go. Wiseassish.
is it not the wombed man
who empowers the unwombed
to make

Mito chondro donchaknow
Life is but a dream
on steroids
in a redneck metaphor I oughta
known better
but the flow is worth more
than arhyme
any time so if your muse is iambic and mine is frantic

there were beasts released

the idea, how long shall we
love this lending and leasing of

the best possible now
paid for by

time, time pays all the debts and we be
forgiven if we can get the gift of
given for
let me
free why doncha,

girl... when did the program begin,
when was the boot code
in silicon tipped in gold

was there a mark made? can
buy or sell. whatever the hell’yawish?
testing waters for temperature and pressure
assure me
it works this way

the hero dies or
gets old and wise

other wise – he leaves nothing
but wildass mule tales
wise in other times
as real as was any said-so historical fact,
the telling of the act
as facts, not
but similar to reality on so many levels we
the acts we
all imagine, I am familiar with these
first person ideas in pluralmind
ideas, I can see the irony,
I can see the lies

I can assume the same historical act
I acted in fact
actually happened to you as it did.
silly man,
silly once was paired with
will- willingness
a will blessed blissish beyond
a wished
edge of ever
windowed worlds from the core

courage, baggage of the heart

you get yoost to seeing the things
we all see all the time
used right we all
let them be
as real as real can be but
nothing into less than we imagined

I don't think about you at all, do I?
You are
imaginedary. I imagine, dear reader, each
you see
strike sound in y'our mind one key ringinatime

and a time and another
timed half meant to be gin
but genius we

dis sip cip ated ante anti cipt

mist scryptic letter let us let this be true

me and you, imagine we liv in the words
we make peace as effort
an anomo nemo fingo non namable ibility
ifity boo...

that has worked several times for me I daren't say
it is in evit able vitaminwise

e-normous meaning lies in e, pluralized, unumus

easy and free are we,
the society so

An I and I an I and I an Iii and eye am I
Horus was the story,
I, the eye.
Perhaps the one Odin made sacred,
the eye given for an eye, that
the stories mention;
with a wink.

And we passed aha in a a a a a a a a

For a moment there, I thought
this as real as it felt
at the time.
games from the old man's memory
is real becomes it is knowing
and we are ina olde John Lennon
stumble into ting taut tight
attention to nothing trap

farleftkey to infinity, via dirac, sorry

more thanoneshouldevah
hand. vicar-cure-ious and al

Spirits in neon
Curios, too.
Gypsy Garden
nee Coronado Court
not far from where Jungle Smoke and Vape
existed in Kingman, Arizona

fifty years later,

to the freaking Planksec muthafuggah!

where was the kachina?

You missed him. You never glimpsed the god that spat upon ye
and ye wonder why life's been s'****** crazy,

I swanee, no lie, I smell some odd smells in my time

though none smelled so off as this, in the beginning,
Rot in Denmark
Red Fog OVer America

And the lift that went down to hell, was that the same guy
'wrote the sybil circa

the times when Giles Goatboy was awaiting Godot, no?
Those days. Mon trick you you late,

too late. We the Society, have agreed.
You know. Please.

ANDNANDnANSc I-hence can afford to say I said this freely,
It cost you something to read it, and I enjoyed the experience,
being imagined in a reader/writer we with thee.
That’s the prize, find the peace you made and cast it together
INTO OUR INHERITED WIND- is this a yoke, is it not light? Humor
say, please send me the money.  We agreed, if I heard right.
When I sold out, to plug Pär Fabian Lagerkvist.
You know, on the elevator… that went… well, now, here we are again.
My life in 2023
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Bang the bell
start the tellin of a story 'bout a man name…

Yo, t'was a wombed man, ennui is no excuse
onus is on you. vive la differ-ents.

True, t'tell, she was an upgrade. Mito-mom.

First ol' Ish said, it sounded like,

"Wow, ishi mine? How'dyoudothat?"
so for a while ishi was her name.

Was I sleeping and now a wake, or

are we past all that?
The garden walks meeting all we met, with names,
knowns, all named

The I in Ish knew names of every man-named thing,
but Adom 2.0,

she was something else. Ish could hardly think

something so beautiful is made of me?
Why, Ish wondered, but didn't say aloud.

Is she curiouser than me?
Is that what's different? No, there's more,

but that's a lot, curiouser and curiouser,

Here come the servants forming to inform,
curios come,
kachinas from the west.

This night we all learned the dance the angels do,
on the point of no return.

Too beautiful for words and then,
past the point of no return,

Ish take her and she is mother of all living,
Eve for short. Mom.
Family dinner in the local retaurant where everybody knows me, but none, in fact  know my name, so my mind wandered...
Ken Pepiton May 2020
Fight or flight button upgrade in process,
wait. Wait and see. Selah. Wait...

there. The next para-digm pop, you opt for geotime mode...
I am a rock... not the whole song, at this speed that takes a mortal ever.

Hyper awareness arousal, slow and steady mode...

startle response seen in squirrels and lizards and me, the re
sponsor of what... ? nada,
oftener than not.

The trigger is a ***** from a point being ig-nored in ignoble folly
iggie popped a bubble,
iggie lived an ugly life at the same time as earth was living an ugly life,

pop aster risc pop star ish pop

horse feathers as a load, ye gotta tote that bale, bher the forbidden burden.

Ye never read? Is that the message ye come t' judge. Will ye find me those winged
messengers of old, mercurial bherers of points in the right way
popping boundaries to progress, in time,

laughing at the rock I imagined I am, or am I?
Am I the rock Sisyphus rolls?

the time scale has wobbled,
ever just threatend to end free will,
-- is this suicidal imagination killing its own self?---
you can't die if you want to.
Not here.
Up the road a bit there is a bridge. Sure thing. For normals, who
never been this far before.

Would that be Sylvia Plath paying me back
for knowing nothing of the effect her work had on
the message McLuhan got...

next generations are pre-enabled to be skeptical,
the medium is the message,

resonating into ever, since October 27, 1954...

singing- chorus of smallworld voices

Soaring strings... whennn you wish
a star, makes no difference where you are...

first American Television
generation with unformed frontal cortices in 1954,

sang that song, in their hearts, and truly,
wished on Venus, often,
that supposed to be the wishing star,
all things considered
combining into les confused knots
Pinochio/Tinkerbell dust/ Magic wand

the besom, broom, for sweeping up destruction,
Fantasia ai ai ai
was animated. We saw it with children's eyes,
in darkend rooms that poured
our mass attention into the massive window
staring into the windows of our souls,

---- the effect of truth
---- war loses its honor, its only supposed reason.
---- war it self crumbles under truth flowing in the at most fears
---- made superficial, top ply, last layer losing wind

breathe, soft yes, nothing is funny any more. Ah ah ah waht if
it always was a literal joke...
high brow,
a maze, to entertain life... in 2020 there is tech for this.

We have access to survivor networks of every imaginable ilk.
Meditations on truth, owmmm what is going on gonggggg

And they are off, all the fears and doubts and unbelievable lies
into the stretch

pop to Sysiphus Happy Now

Massive multi player game, where all non-player characters
lack masks, they do not play, the masked ones play for them, in the spirit
told so suddenly y'gut jumps,'n' sphincters clinch...

simultaneous release of un belief, opening
empty knowledge boxes lined
with cedar, for the smell,

hope, in my chest, where my trea-sure things are.

My grandmother, the idea of her, her life was happy, as far as I knew.
Now, I know she was a  final model of mental upgrades
to the enregizing system we all share,
at v.1.0 white of the egg dna,
some 120 kya a[kilo years ago}... there have been upgrades and repairs

to many lines of YMRCA's since she wombed her way into
our family history,

it must be quite a story, if we can imagine mito mom mighta had a whole

dreamtime life where she snipped the thread of all the other wives,

a vision, she says I see, and I see I say, this is the way

prophecy woiks, woopsie daisy jes' dropptabebe, do a li'l dance,

weep 'n' moan, what could be woice, than a cajun gramma lover voice?

singin' sweet by and by
so long no longer means a thing,

things being what they are, and we being mere words, working
through true trauma beings

lining up for gratulation, grace for grace, eye to eye.
Bad guys lose, good guys win.

_ like I said, there will be times you must start over..
_ but the game goes on.
Contuing continuing  ting ting tic... sure plays a mean pin ball

ymrca means wombed man most recent common ancestor -- we family, y'know.
Jalapa es un vergel de paz y amores
      Que presintió mi anhelo;
Allá en mis sueños conocí sus flores
      Y adiviné su cielo.

Habláronme en la infancia, en la alborada
      De mi revuelta vida,
De esta mansión para el amor formada,
      Por el amor nutrida.

Aquí, mi padre disfrutó la calma
      De la ilusión naciente;
Aquí vino sin sombras en el alma
      Sin canas en la frente.

Y guardó fiel hasta el postrer momento
      La memoria hechicera
De este Edén, como guarda el pensamiento
      A la mujer primera.

«El Edén no es un mito, puedes hijo
      Conocerlo algún
Jalapa es un Edén...» y me lo dijo
      Trémulo de alegría.

Murió, me dejó huérfano, teniendo
      Espinas por alfombra;
¡Seis años hace ya que está durmiendo
      Tras de la eterna sombra!

¡Quedé a vivir sufriendo decepciones
      Que consumen y abrasan;
A ver pasar ensueños é ilusiones
      Como las nubes pasan!

En medio de la lucha, solo, triste
      Y de sufrir cansado,
Llegué a pensar: pues el Edén existe
      Iré al Edén

Y vine y encantáronse mis ojos
      Cuando en la niebla leve
Vi azules lirios, tulipanes rojos
      Y camelias de nieve.

Cuando de enhiestos montes a la falda
      Vi el naranjal sombrío
Y engarzado entre cuencas de esmeralda
      El blanco caserío.

Curó ese panorama mis heridas,
      Busqué paz y reposo
Y abriéronme las puertas bendecidas
      De tu hogar venturoso.

¡Ay! venturoso entonces, en la aurora
      Del más sereno día,
¡Cuando aun no entraba la traidora,
      La Pálida, la Fría!

Cuando tu santa madre no lloraba
      Inclinando la frente;
¡Cuando, con trece abriles la besaba
      Tu hermano, eterno ausente!

Entonces vine y estreché los lazos
      De esta amistad sincera,
A la que doy, tendiéndole mis brazos,
      De ofrenda el alma entera.

Hoy hace un año que apuré las heces
      De nuestro adiós primero;
Desde entonces he vuelto muchas veces...
      ¿Por qué?...
¡porque las quiero!

¡Ay! si pudiera como fresca brisa
      Animar estas flores;
Poner en cada rostro una sonrisa:
      Curar tantos dolores;

¡Si el dulce bienestar que ayer he visto
      Hoy fuera igual y cierto!
¡Si la amistad pudiera como Cristo
      Resucitar a un muerto!

Mañana, al separarme de este hermoso
      Jardín tierno y amado,
Te dejara la dicha y el reposo
      De que siempre has gozado.

Mas ¿quién a la oropéndola caída,
      A mustia tuberosa,
A la nivea caléndula perdida
      En sirte cenagosa,

Les devuelve el perfume y los colores
      Que ostentaron por galas?...
¡Sus hojas, al morir, cierran las flores,
      Los pájaros sus alas!

¡Frente a la eternidad todo se cierra!
      Quien es justo en el suelo
Puede cerrar sus ojos en la tierra...
      ¡Los abrirá en el

Hoy que sangra en tu hogar la inmensa herida
      Que abrió alevosa mano,
No olvides que en los campos de la vida
      Tienes en mí un hermano.
Todas las madres del mundo,
ocultan el vientre, tiemblan,
y quisieran retirarse,
a virginidades ciegas,
el origen solitario
y el pasado sin herencia.
Pálida, sobrecogida
la fecundidad se queda.
El mar tiene sed y tiene
sed de ser agua la tierra.
Alarga la llama el odio
y el amor cierra las puertas.
Voces como lanzas vibran,
voces como bayonetas.
Bocas como puños vienen,
puños como cascos llegan.
Pechos como muros roncos,
piernas como patas recias.
El corazón se revuelve,
se atorbellina, revienta.
Arroja contra los ojos
súbitas espumas negras.

La sangre enarbola el cuerpo,
precipita la cabeza
y busca un hueco, una herida
por donde lanzarse afuera.
La sangre recorre el mundo
enjaulada, insatisfecha.
Las flores se desvanecen
devoradas por la hierba.
Ansias de matar invaden
el fondo de la azucena.
Acoplarse con metales
todos los cuerpos anhelan:
desposarse, poseerse
de una terrible manera.

Desaparecer: el ansia
general, creciente, reina.
Un fantasma de estandartes,
una bandera quimérica,
un mito de patrias: una
grave ficción de fronteras.
Músicas exasperadas,
duras como botas, huellan
la faz de las esperanzas
y de las entrañas tiernas.
Crepita el alma, la ira.
El llanto relampaguea.
¿Para qué quiero la luz
si tropiezo con tinieblas?

Pasiones como clarines,
coplas, trompas que aconsejan
devorarse ser a ser,
destruirse, piedra a piedra.
Relinchos. Retumbos. Truenos.
Salivazos. Besos. Ruedas.
Espuelas. Espadas locas
abren una herida inmensa.

Después, el silencio, mudo
de algodón, blanco de vendas,
cárdeno de cirugía,
mutilado de tristeza.
El silencio. Y el laurel
en un rincón de osamentas.
Y un tambor enamorado,
como un vientre tenso, suena
detrás del innumerable
muerto que jamás se aleja.
Tersa, pulida, rosada
¡cómo la acariciarían,
sí, mejilla de doncella!
Entreabierta, curva, cóncava,
su albergue, encaracolada,
mi mirada se hace dentro.
Azul, rosa, malva, verde,
tan sin luz, tan irisada,
tardes, cielos, nubes, soles,
crepúsculos me eterniza.
En el óvalo de esmalte
rectas sutiles, primores
de geometría en gracia,
la solución le dibujan,
sin error, a aquel problema
en lo más hondo del mar.
Pero su hermosura, inútil,
nunca servirá. La cogen,
la miran, la tiran ya.
Desnuda, sola, bellísima
la venera, eco de mito,
de carne virgen, de diosa,
su perfección sin amante
en la arena perpetúa.
Ken Pepiton Mar 2021
The event, perhaps
advent, first ever any thing,
where nothing had  been, not a thought.

I think.
Then, when nothing was over
and everything we know now,
began, light
was not the first thing, the idea was.
Be for
Word one. Hmmmmm or um or am
it may have been, I heard from
a transcribbled  myth
or a legend as old as any
meme-level memory mortals have
made-up from remaining
tidbits taught to any next gen thing.
Assume light is as fast as the expansion,
couple of Planksecs,
and it is at the edge of ever,
never before,
never busting beyond the bubble we be in,
dead center,
the physical middle of ever,
continuous now,
nothing to stop us imagining we,

disagree, now, after all's been said and done,
and things run on,
de iffing chaos as the live evil force itself,
ever teaching any mind co-operation
in time… swirling beauty in bands of invisible
galaxies, barely seen even now, we
see what we are told we see,
and expanded to
original intent, at the scale of precision, which
now requires
of those who wish
to know truth init's entirety,
faith in the wits who invented the lenses
we imagine we see through into-ity ever
This day began this way. Everything already,
readable, as it were, once, with us,
before our story folded,
stapled and refolded and bent to allow
the data-based
mass enlightenment I deal with now,
mere data,
knowledge, knowns known more
than I may think or ask,
available on our distant viewing apparatchik
network of nova sensorium's newest equations
that balance at perfectly predictable
infinity… or do not work.
Pop. Bubble after bubble falling
through the quantum foam.
Come on home.
Live and learn, do the math.
Or wait to see
somethings never mattered
up to now, and now, you know,
you did, some how. That's good.


here we are, after all.
On course, of course;
here has more spectrums to be on.
here has more curves to miss,
here has
turns that twist us back to
sudden- seeming
now, still
is near the only value add
we ever hope to hear.
Cold or hot or just
right, fine
sifted patterns from the echo, wa wa wa

did we get so serious we lost the place
we held
positive on a negative pole,
an aberrant position
erring ever from
the straight point to point pattern
of pro gression to non
aggressive agreement in the we we were
- per haps, as babies we were thought
coyotes, little devils of trickery wu,
so we were swaddled in goat' wool,
to provoke this itching and pre
vent this whole idea, you
thinking wild,
unglossed abnormal canine thought…

like a dog, dreaming of the chase.


Only chase real rabbits, that's
Greyhound wisdom.

Pookas are always worth the chase,
real or otherwise, if you see one,
chase it.
On the bus,
or off, Cassidy was a character,
sure as any in literature,
an archetypical untamed man,
by most accounts, possessed
with a wish to die young,
and be famous for ever having been
a penniless drunkard's form of a man,
an unnatural scion of lost and beaten men.
So, that spirit lingered… in my past that
ran to catch me here
today, in the pattern recognizant

aha, I know
this voice… I knew that spirit,
merry prankster splashing in Burro Creek,
before the bridge existed,
oblivious to quick sand my mother
warned me to be aware of,
as she had learned the hard way,
there is solid rock below the mud,
hold your breath.
--- a new me --
Burro Creek, survivor of the crossing,
since ever was.

Survival is always good news.
Mission accomplished, it is finished, fini.
Peace on earth, good will
to ward men {wombed and un}.
That is a message, an angel, judge it.
They call that
The gospel, in my realm.
It is finished is considered grace.
The truth makes free, grace makes useful.
Infinite grace, with a bit of funny math
for making nextifiy tests, t'
keep the kids sharp.
-- slow lane -- this is…

The good spell, I tell my self I know.
from nearer than we can imagine
possible, posited
in a place called here, at that
point, nearer than we
thought, here
where I exist, the ego me, floating
on that same old ocean of opinions,
lapping at my shore.

This must be that sea, they think
is where all eventualities
congregate to wait
for everything
to finish the pattern, to the nick
in the stick that told us when
to begin, this
once, once more.

I was convinced.
I was never invincible, to my defense,
I built the wall that hides my best
from pride's envaluing scheme,
best of the lot,
without spot or blemish,
make this the one we take,
leave the ring-straked, spotted and speckled.

Holy is pure. Pure is white.
This is where we find the stragglers,
carrying the cross of Jesus,
while marching,
as to war.

We sang that song in public school,
when music was a given need
each allegiant took to heart,
Onward Christian Soldiers,
-- mind wanders
7  trombones, and 10 clarinets
led the big parade, with one bass drum
marching as to war,
to destroy what Jesus did not finish,
followed by the lesser corps,
of boy scouts,
with only fife and snare.

Then came the grand equestrians,
all who owned a silver saddle,
passed as knights from when
our fathers stole this land.

My family had the contract to follow up
with shovels and barrows on wheels.
We were the signal for
next phase, of hell's a-poppin-days…

the Burro Barbecue in Bullhead City.

Long ago, there was one red light across the river,
a porch light on a trailer, behind Laughlin's first bar.

---------- Faux Nostalgian
algia alegian re alegian  pain of-
pain felt,
fear of-
fear felt,

Great line in the movie, Boss Level…

geek says "Childless by choice."
Hero replies, "whose choice?"

--- Badfinger - half of them chose death over survival.
--- if it matters when you know
--- I skipped the 70's … so the soundtrack's new…
I heard about you…

looking back in time on a line I never walked,
as it were,
on first pass through the realm of ever afters
past lights shone, blinking,
settings seeming chaotic in tri-colored quarks
it all works out.
Rock 'n'roll f'ever, a post-pubescent poets dream.

First, learn the game,
then learn the rule it rode in on. Who is teaching
the next best
move. Ai do believe my loop expanded now
you are here with me
in the mix
confused as reason for knowing quarks come in colors.
Love comes in colors, too.
Could be coincidence.

--- Old Osiris, man, he hard t'****.
Ham 'n' Evans, not so hard. They lost the will to live.
The seventies ate many couldabins.
Freewill or fate, knowing was a factor.
Money had a finger init right, bad, the whole unbitten apple
idea attempting to tweak the future
from the past…

how long did those trips last? Radioman,
can you imagine,
all along its been this one song

Taste, and see. know you know.

sapient (adj.)"wise," late 15c.
(early 15c. as a surname)- {eh, a family name?},
from Latin sapere "to taste, have taste, be wise,"
from PIE root *sep- (1)
"to taste, perceive"
(source also of
Old Saxon an-sebban 
"to perceive, remark,"
Old High German antseffen,
Old English sefa 
"mind, understanding, insight").

From <>

Nothing eastern in the idea. Makes me think
what if,
long ago, knowing was a given, not a taken thing?

Isha, you may call her Eve,
or Mito-mom;
she's our most recent common ancestor,
after her,
as a species, we
came to be namers who knew, sapient sapient,
the dominant multicellular life force
on earth. We are her mitochondrial line,
there are no others.
Users of new knowns,
conscience guided
**** Sapien squared, that's us,
tuned to a thought that better
is never worse,
try… learning to talk with no one to talk to.
Imagine that.
… back in garden after the trick,
she knew…
--- C'mon, taste, you've no idea what death is.
She persuaded him to taste.
And there the story verges from the one you know.
It is a book, it wont shut up. No, it's a river. No, a plane word realm...
Ruba a qualcuno la tua forsennata stanchezza
o gemma che trapassi il suono
col tuo respiro l'ombra che sta ferma
di fronte ad un porto di paura
quel trascendere il mito
come se fosse forzatamente azzurro
o chi senza abbandono
che non sanno che il pianto dei poeti
è solo canto.
Canto rubato al vecchio del portone
rubato al remo del rematore
alla ruota dell'ultimo carro
o pianto di ginestra
dove fioriva l'amatore immoto
dalle turbe angosciose di declino
io sono l'acqua che si genuflette
davanti alla montagna del tuo amore.
Palabras que estás diciendo
-"cariño... siempre...seguro... " -
con voz lenta en gesto quieto.
Ventanas dobles, vidrieras
cerradas, encortinadas,
guillotinan tentaciones.
(Horizontes, aires, rumbos).
El cielo es el techo, todo
del color que tú quisiste,
sin constelación ni guía.
Entreabierta alcoba-tuya,
mía-, renuncias desposa.

Pero más allá de todo
¡qué claro se te ve el sino!

Ni ese zapato de cuento,
de cristal, frágil, altísimo,
ni ese pelo ¡qué domado
plano, doméstico, liso!
me engañan. Ya se estremecen
las tierras que estrenarás,
el horizonte que rompas,
el cielo por donde subas.
Talón al aire te veo,
aquí tan quieta conmigo,
cabellera suelta al viento
-¡manzanas que te echaría!-
y luego
el mito, ascensor antiguo,
que te sube, allá, a la fábula.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2019
See the reasons warring

who fools fools for money then makes the king pay

that one m'y be the culprit

whence came the king thing?
I mean it did not pop full formed
into mito mom one

day as a re of sun set its eye on a
particular nail hole
in the tin roof corrugated

good word, rug ated, like walked on, y'llthank?

a collective loss of soul
noticed by the few

mad men who felt some call to lie'n when
camera obscura facts, proved they saw
I saw
light bent
through a nail hole
brought the sunset to my wall

or all of it that mattered,
the part I saw...

face? No,
yeah, I could see that,
If I could see what you say you suppose

supports your pre-sense presence if it ivity
whither Grammarelyearly versions

howled as I claimed the idle words holding true

riches from the stone re
jected jeckled and hidden, lapis,

was there a gem with in and a gen with out?
Ah, he sang that line

Ragpicker evolved to Recycling Frontliner Earth day Youtube stars
what a job. Save the world...

stumbled and
lost the thread

fracture  ice cracked ice mud shrunk in from
hidden  edges where the weakest

or most open

imagine you are with me in the mud

bubbling old ideas settle peace

fully here fully there, the ever over
flowing where
we met.

?¿ yen yanker ****** ain't it?¿

hiero-glyphic ifs effeing ity ness. per se.
mud shrunk in from
hidden n-degree edges where the weakest

or most open bonds are loosed on earth as they are
let go let be let

until he be taken, obscureference,
Bubble Bible fact' never acted as if I knew

he who letteth shall let until he be taken out of the way.

may be today. lest we forget

imagine you are with me in the mud
I find I am enter tained in ways no hermit ever imagined. Good days are to be commended for having been, I pose or posited.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2022
In my time, I learned of wasted prosperity,
wasted production,
time spent destroying unsold goods.

All we were saying, we say as well once more,
give peace a chance, we all were dissuaded,
we all were led to this, we followed… we all did,
none among the numbers related to my mito mom,
knew how far mortals can see using knowledge,
the stuff in the Platonic form of science,
the tree, and all the fruit of the tree
which is in itself, ipsa sapientia

from former time,
I learn of earning daily bread
I learn of waking ready as known
I learn of patterns proving order
I learn of the flickt wrist whip act

Crack the whip. eh, knack is not knowing
how  it happens, knack is knowing
how to make it happen, knowing the effect
-- shh specter of spinoza- snap
pay attention, this is amusement, not folly,
affectionally called the crack of the whip,
or finger and thumb,
hear it, not feel it, know it means, quiet
-crack of the bat

snaps the ear of any near enough to hear it,
and know that is not the sound
of a cat correcting a sailor's needless will,
breaking the boy, oh, yeah,
we seen it done, on TV,
we seen the boss punish the shirker,
we seen the pioneers take son's
to the woodshed,

rod for back of the fool,
whip to call attention to the snap, look up,
stand straight, and tall, upright,

faulter, find mine, whip me into shipshape,
saint's and land's sakes alive
all ye truth teller alliegiance pledgers,
be ready to face all the reasons war holds.

The commit-ed-tee, apart from any we, I'm in.
Mittere, carry the signal, be gone,
as we say, so be it,
launching prayers for fulfillment of our
godgiven heart's desires, yessirree

the history of our current we, the people
of earth, cognosticators of the cloud of all books,
articles, poems, songs, blogs, and posted memes;
-all searchable to original con-text captured expression.
So, that all being true,
it seems, we are the aftermath of all before now,
today, while it is called Hueta, or whatever, this time
between sunsets,
whiling away - amusing my minds imaginary board
of advisors, it is permissible to say, videlicet, viz.

the rule of law, is fulfilled
in that which truth
makes free, as free can be,
on the only one choice planet,
when it comes to living like a mankind creature.
- all who read these words can, that is special
Common gnosis, letters form words we all read.

Let letters serve as sounds, silently singing to you,
I am a ware, a functioning self-forming will to be,
a thought, or a wish, or a prayer,
come be, being seen
as that which lets until it be taken
out of the way.

Posited points. {the box of all gods thoughts}
Laws of the Medes and Persians, oaths to truth.

Mighy men of valour and reknown, completely
known, first error of the mother, secured by a god.

Then there were the promises, all the desires
in the heart of our kind, available in story form,
since ever ago, in the beginning,

we made words, letters let us know, with music,
whistles and cracks, and snaps, and claps, and stomps.

LOUD likka lightning sound, some three claps ago,

Boom come a roaring down the canyon,
echoing off my walled in self, hermit me,
ever learning, never coming to the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
so help me God,
' assume you are in my taxonomy, then
assume we have relegated the affects of tehkne
in extending our vision in to the imagined realms

we have seen the insides of our bodies, our own,
heart's pulse, our own colon's polyps, stripped
of flora and fauna, for the procedure.

We know oh so, oso, a bear totem load, more
than any super position non universal intelligence,
among the elohim, the plurality of spirit beings,
mentioned in the beginning
of the part of this story with this story in it.

---------- I always wished to be a writer,
but, I knew, I wasn't, really, I knew,
and then I became what I was at my core,
you know, a life unlived, is not worth the exam fee.
So, it stood to reason with me, that truth,
known makes free the use of that known,

no lie makes truth, it finds truth and twists it,
much as men find flax and form from that linen,
and from linen spin near everlong thread,
from distaff to spindle, a line,
on another, each
make a reason to wonder, shine it in the sunlit
spider kite, gleaming reason to wonder, how
anybody ever learned to make priests garments,
on contract, I mean,
somebody makes the uniforms to signal symbios-us,
we who let letters be taken out of the way
and we listen to the thinking thought way

to go
jell-o air, breathe and find template con fi
density commonly sensed as we

like on TV, those people, on all the channels,
even YouTubers, et al, okeh, we
are who we imagine we are
as seen on TV, but mmm some of us read,

and we cheat,
we let go the letters on the page,
bookshelves stuffed backdrop
to signify power and authority to make right use
of all the potential
attained with a little will to access the actual science
in our collective unconscience, yes, happy

state real, as el camino real, amigo, we be
of one mind,
most of the time.
En la quieta impostura virginal de la noche
que cobija al amor con un tenue derroche
de luceros, padrinos del erótico abrazo,
el mundo de Rubén Darío se contrista
por el cordial filósofo que sembró en el regazo
de América esperanzas, por el espectro artista
que hoy arroba al Zodíaco con su arenga optimista.
Yo alabo al confesor de la Santa Esperanza
y a la doncella verde en la misma alabanza.
Esperanza, doncella verde, tu vestidura
es el matiz de una corteza prematura.
Esperanza, en el arco iris, tu cabellera
ameniza los cielos como una enredadera.
Esperanza, los astros en que titila el verde
son el feudo en que moras y en que tu luz se pierde.
Los ojos vegetales con que miras y salvas
parodian a la felpa rústica de las malvas.
En la luz teologal de tus dos ojos claros
se surten las luciérnagas, las joyas y los faros.
Rayan la oscuridad del más oscuro mes
las puntas de esmeralda de tus ínclitos pies.
Y tapizas el antro submarino, y la armónica
cuita de los cipreses, y la paleta agónica.
¡Oh doncella, que guardas los suspiros más graves
del hombre, como guarda un llavero sus llaves:
un relámpago anuncia que el instante se acerca
en que tiñas de ti las aguas de mi alberca,
y a tu paso, fosfórica e inviolable mujer,
mi corazón se abre, pronto a reverdecer!
Y bajo la impostura virginal de la noche
que cobija al amor con un tenue derroche
de luceros, un mito saludable me afianza
y alabo al confesor de la santa Esperanza
y a la doncella verde en la misma alabanza.
Amada no has querido plasmarte jamás
como lo ha pensado mi divino amor.
Quédate en la hostia,
ciega ,e impalpable
como existe Dios.
Si he cantado mucho, he llorado más
por ti oh mi parábola excelsa de amor,
Quédate en el seso
y en el mito inmenso
de mi corazón!
Es la fe, la fragua donde yo quemé,
el terroso hierro de tanta mujer;
y en un yunque impío te quise pulir.
Quédate en la eterna
nebulosa, ahí
en la multicencia de un dulce noser.
Y si no has querido plasmarte jamás
en mi metafísica emoción dé amor,
deja que me azote
como un pecador.
Con cresta
o candor niño
o envión varón habría que osar izar un yo flamante en gozo
o autoengendrar hundido en el propio ego pozo
un nimio virgo vicio
un semi tic o trauma o trac o toc novicios
un novococo inédito por poco
un mero medio huevo al menos de algo nuevo
e inmerso en el subyo intimísimo
volver a ver reverdecer la fe de ser
y creer en crear
y croar y croar
ante todo ende o duende visiblemente real o inexistente
o hacer hacer
dentro de un nido umbrío y tibio
un hijo mito
mixto de silbo ido y de hipo divo de ídolo
o en rancia última instancia del cotidiano entreasco
a escoplo y soplo mago
remodelar habría los orificios psíquicos y físicos corrientes
de tanto espectro diario que desnutre la mecha
o un lazariento anhelo que todavía se yerga
como si pudiera
y darle con la proa de la lengua
y darle con las olas de la lengua
y furias y reflujos y mareas
al todo cráter cosmos
sin cráter
de la nada
Las traslúcidas manos del judío
labran en la penumbra los cristales
y la tarde que muere es miedo y frío.
(Las tardes a las tardes son iguales.)

Las manos y el espacio de jacinto
que palidece en el confín del Ghetto
casi no existen para el hombre quieto
que está soñando un claro laberinto.

No lo turba la fama, ese reflejo
de sueños en el sueño de otro espejo,
ni el temeroso amor de las doncellas.

Libre de la metáfora y del mito
labra un arduo cristal: el infinito
mapa de Aquel que es todas Sus estrellas.
En el fondo del sueño están los sueños. Cada
noche quiero perderme en las aguas obscuras
que me lavan del día, pero bajo esas puras
aguas que nos conceden la penúltima Nada

late en la hora gris la obscena maravilla.
Puede ser un espejo con mi rostro distinto,
puede ser la creciente cárcel de un laberinto,
puede ser un jardín. Siempre es la pesadilla.

Su horror no es de este mundo. Algo que no se nombra
me alcanza desde ayeres de mito y de neblina;
la imagen detestada perdura en la retina

e infama la vigilia como infamó la sombra.
¿Por qué brota de mí cuando el cuerpo reposa
y el alma queda sola, esta insensata rosa?

— The End —