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The cicadas, sooner than fall, to bring July
to a start

Go; and fetch your ticket, and be swiftly
on time

To the waking of fall with its coinage of leaves, crisp and yellowing

To you all will be given; rejoice
I do not write many poems here. This would be considered more of study of 17thcentury English poets in particular how they create lyricism . This a poem based on a study/ amalgamation of theirs  poems I have been reading.  here is one poem I wrote today while studying and reading.

I wish you all the best wherever it might be you are.
You snuck into a dream of mine. took my whole day from morning to evening. it was you doing the most mundane of things like showering and walking out into the street and conversing about the most unimportant of things
when the morning halted your reign over my subconscious I almost did not notice you were not there. What do I do now
that I wish to turn to you and make
one of those mundane comments
but you’re nowhere near me
I stand on the dirt arena, the matadors are my thoughts and bulls are feelings. Both strong and assertive. I watch them and breathe.
It is about to erupt, my chest over my life
blanketing everything anew
If we wish to be tender then we must accept to be brave.
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